FAQs on Freshwater
Popeye, aka Exophthalmia, Other Eye
Related Articles: Environmental Disease, FW Disease Troubleshooting, Freshwater Diseases,
Your Weapon: Freshwater Fish Disease Treatment Options
by Neale Monks,
FAQs on Eye Troubles: Causes/Etiologies: Trauma/Mechanical Injuries, Parasitic Involvements Suspected &
Real, Infectious Disease,
& Treatments/Cures, Case Histories, Related FAQs: Environmental Disease 1, Environmental Disease 2, Popeye/Exophthalmia, Nutritional Disease, Aquarium
Maintenance, Establishing Nutrient
Cycling, African Cichlid Disease
1, Cichlid Disease,

Popeye/Injury 5/4/19
<Hey Sabrina>
I have 3 female praecox rainbows in their second week of quarantine and today
during a water change I discovered one has a damaged eye.
<I see this in your excellent pix>
I'm positive it's trauma-related because the largest female is pretty aggressive
and is constantly nipping the others. My biggest concern is how bloody the eye
looks and the chunk of flesh sticking out. The pictures don't do it justice at
all, it's truly terrible.
<I do agree w/ the trauma-cause... usually one sided (unilateral) popeye
(exophthalmia) is due to such>
I have the fish floating in a container in the quarantine tank (I don't have
anywhere else to put her) and I'll be doing water changes daily, if not twice
daily, to try and help her heal, but is there anything else I can do?
<Perhaps addition of a modicum Epsom Salt... Do please see Neale's piece here:
Is it even possible to save her or the eye or should I euthanize?
<Is possible and no, I would NOT euthanize this fish>
I was thinking of adding a low dose of Epsom salt, something like 1/4 tsp per
gallon, to reduce the swelling. I don't want to risk further damage to the eye
by transferring her to another container for a stronger bath every day. I'll
also be adding Indian almond leaves or alder cones to try to naturally fend off
<Ah yes; I would go w/ your plan. Bob Fenner>
Thank You,
Sabrina H

Re: Popeye/Injury 5/6/19
Thank you for responding so quickly!
The Epsom salt and Indian Almond Leaf weren't able to perform a miracle
overnight, unfortunately. I'm certain there's no saving the eye at this point
and I expect it to fall off. Other than frequent water changes, are there any
medications I should use to prevent infection?
<There are but... I wouldn't use them. Rainbowfishes/Melanotaeniids are
generally "very tough", and most likely rebound from such injuries sans any
medicine addition. My usual statement here re; in particular antibiotics, is
that many more troubles and losses of captive aquatic life are caused by them
than their non-use>
She's not interested in eating (I can't say I blame her), so would it be worth
it to add Vita Chem to her water or would it just increase the chance of
<The Vita Chem add would be fine, though it won't do much directly for the
fish/es... as they don't drink their environment; better to soak foods (when the
animals are eating) with such supplements>
If the fish survives she'll live out her life in a calm community tank separate
from the breeding group.
Thank you,
Sabrina H
<Thank you for this further follow-up Sabrina. BobF>
Guppies with PopEye 1/8/19
Hello there!
<Hi Megan, Earl this morning.>
I have an unusual issue. I have several (ha ha, a million really) guppies that
were born and raised in my home. These little ones range in age but most are
about 5 to 6 months old. They are in 2 separate
tanks, boys in our 55 gallon community tank (once they can be sexed anyway) and
the ladies and babies in the nursery, which is a 29 gallon. The 29 is guppy
only, besides 2 Amano shrimp, 2 bamboo shrimp and a large apple snail, as well
as some Ramshorns. The 55 is mostly white clouds, Danios, and male guppies. Both
are well established planted tanks with sand substrate. Water is almost the same
for both.
The 55 has PH 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrate 10 ppm, nitrite 0, KH 3 and GH 8.
The 29 has the same except slightly higher nitrate at 20 ppm.
<Seems good. I would look into the other possible causes as shown here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/fwdistrbshtart.htm and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/fwpopeyefaqs.htm . My first step
would definitely be to quarantine the fishes in question, then observe all of
the guppies for behavior that could lead to eye trauma. Sit by the tanks and
watch them for at least 30 minutes particularly during feeding when an
aggressive, larger fish would be more likely to "act up". My hunch is that it's
bacterial but don't rush for antibiotics until you have done this much. Only
then is it time to treat them with medications, administered as per WWM's pages
regarding this. Hope this helps (and please do follow up by sending us an update
as to your outcome as this can immeasurably helpful to others down the road).>
About a week ago, I noticed that one of the oldest baby ladies had PopEye.
It was just one eye and after reading up on it I assumed it was from trauma and
started watching her more carefully. Since I had a bunch of them in there along
with babies I was concerned. I had a LOT of females and I decided to give about
10 ladies away to the LFS so there could be more room for babies. While catching
them I found another lady with PopEye.
Strangely it was only one eye, same eye even. These ladies are from the same
batch of babies, they look pretty much identical. And then I found another. So,
that's 3 identical females at the same age with PopEye in one eye, all on the
same side (the right). Really weird. Put them in quarantine.
Meanwhile, in the community 55 there is a young lad, just old enough to know
he's a male, with PopEye only on the right eye. It developed overnight since I
am now carefully watching the remaining guppies for anything unusual. His is
worse than the others.
Anyway, my question is could this be hereditary? Why all the same eye? Why not
both eyes, or any of the other fish? I have scoured this site and the internet
but it seems PopEye is kind of a mystery illness. Is it even possible for it to
be hereditary? I just think its very strange that it's not both eyes on any of
them if it is a water quality issue. Plus they are in separate tanks. The male
(most likely he's inbred) did come from the 29 of course, but he's been in the
55 for over 2 weeks now. My water is consistent and we are diligent with water
changes weekly on all of our tanks, we have 5. Thank you in advance!
Re: Guppies with PopEye 1/9/19
Thanks for the response. I had read through both of the pages you linked for me
before I emailed but nothing there about multiple related animals getting PopEye
only in one eye and all on the same side.
<I wouldn’t put much stock in that detail, if any. 50/50 chance after all.>
When I feed them occasionally I will give Sera O-nip which is a food pellet that
sticks to the glass. Its about 12mm in size. That would be a time when they
could injure each other while feeding. They do love that kind of food!
I love watching them and observe them every time I feed them. They are in our
living room and they are our TV! I never notice them nipping each other while
feeding. Tonight is a fasting night for them so I will have to watch tomorrow.
<Fasting night?>
One of the bamboo shrimp in the 29 died while I was at work today. The baby male
guppy has a white fungus on the PopEye now, and a female guppy that doesn't have
PopEye has fungus on a fin. Its hard to tell but it is white colored and fuzzy.
Looks the same as the stuff on the males eye. All fish in the 55 look good. No
other new issues.
The quarantined fish spent most of the first day up at the surface. No gasping
for air, just lethargic and almost sleeping for hours after i put them in. Now
they are moving about more but the female with fungus is still lethargic.
Parameters are the same for the quarantine tank as the others. A bare bottom 10
gallon, a hob filter with carbon and a small sponge filter.
All of my tanks have a sponge filter as well as a hob.
<This screams “infection”. Sponges present a dilemma in that they can’t be
replaced hastily yet that means they are not quarantined.>
In the 29 gallon the substrate is Carib-sea river of doubt and also Carib-sea
Tahitian moon sand, mixed. We had this in a cichlid tank previously. We had a
mass die off of the young yellow labs that were in
that tank from a mystery illness. Some of them acted as if they had seizures
occasionally. Some had no symptoms, but just died.
<Red alert! I’d ditch this substrate pending the outcome of the 10g tank. Remove
and bleach (“nuke”) decor, rocks, gravel, the works if this illness continues.>
None had PopEye. This sand sat in a bucket for about 2 months before it was
washed and then used in this tank. My boyfriend thinks its the sand.
<I am inclined to agree. Either way it’s not doing you any favors.>
I'm just stumped. I guess it must be coincidence that it is on the same eye for
all of them, but not both. Im not sure what to treat them with.
<WWM has info regarding this. Typical antibacterial medication. It is also worth
considering where you have gotten all these animals. Some have surely cone from
outside sources which may be suspect.>
Re: Guppies with PopEye 1/11/19
As for fasting night, i don't feed them every day. Usually every other
Is this wrong?
<Hi again. Ideally you would want 2 small daily feedings or more simply, once a
day unless you have a special reason.
Certainly better to underfeed than to overfeed as a general rule but I'm not
sure why you'd skip feedings normally.>
I'm not sure what you mean by this statement "Sponges present a dilemma in that
they can’t be replaced hastily yet that means they are not quarantined."
Do you mean I shouldn't have a sponge filter in the quarantine? The one in the
29 has been there a long time. The one in the quarantine is pretty new.
<Simply that sometimes people set up a QT but bring decor or sponges (for
cycling) from another tank,
which defeats the purpose of quarantine, which is to be completely clean and
I'm really surprised about the sand. I am not excited to throw out $60 worth of
sand but I'll just have to if i want healthy fish. We have the same sand in our
5 gallon Betta tank. Guess that's going bye bye too. He says its cursed sand. He
was right!
<Well it's not a 100% surety but you should consider: how long was this stuff
sitting, damp, in a bucket (probably dimly lit), how clean could it really be
and who knows what's gone on in there? It sucks to lose the money and the nice
sand, but ask yourself what $60 is compared to the value of the other gear you
pay for, the electricity, the food, and the animals themselves. A proverbial
drop in the bucket.>
So far they are ok, the small male still has fungus on his PopEye. Will treat as
directed. Thank you so much for the advice! Megan
<Please do let us know how it goes!>
Clown loach eye 11/8/13
Hi guys,
I have two 8" loaches in a 220 gal with a fx5 & an 8 watt
The perimeter of the tank are good.0 ppm of ammonia, nitrite. 20 ppm of
nitrate. Ph are 7.0. Temp at 87°. There are about 13 other
fish including a 16" streams,
6" red spotted Severum, etc...all hi end odd balls. Nothing really
aggressive. I do 100 gal water changes every two weeks with r/o
and adjust the ph as needed.
<... what is the hardness (GH, KH) of the water here?>
I've been in the hobby for 25 years and own an aquarium service Co. I
put it in a qt tank 3 days ago when I noticed the
<It's just the one side, and the other loach unaffected I'll take it>
It was white so I put it in API fungus cure and it went away but now it
has something else on it. I enclosed a pic, plz help. Thanks
<Mmm, don't know that I'd move this fish, keep it out of the main
system; which is likely more stable. My bet if this is unilateral, is
that it's just a mechanical injury... that will heal on its own in time;
given good water quality and nutrition. Bob Fenner>
re: Clown loach eye... injury, env.
Thanks for ur input. I meant arowana after 16" and the hardness is
<... not good. Do read re the needs of the life you're keeping and
adjust your water for all w/in range>
I keep it soft. Did u get the pic? It's no longer white obviously
and it's in a qt 15 gal tank.
<... move this fish>
With heater and air pump of course! Are there any other meds I could
<.... see WWM re. B>
Phil Clown loach eye; Neale's confirming
input 11/9/13
Hi guys,
I have two 8" loaches in a 220 gal with a fx5 & an 8 watt sterilizer. The
perimeter of the tank are good.0 ppm of ammonia, nitrite. 20 ppm of nitrate.
pH are 7.0. Temp at 87°.
<Seems very high... do you really mean this? Few fish appreciate such warm
water. For Clowns, 28 C/82 F is ideal. Do remember that while warmer water
may be tolerated by this species, such water also contains less oxygen, and
that affects not just the fish but also the filter bacteria. Lower than
ideal oxygen levels will persistently stress the physiology of your fish,
and that in turn makes them more likely to become sick. It can also increase
certain behaviours (such as breeding-related or territorial aggression) and
increases appetite, both of which can cause problems.>
There are about 13 other fish including a 16" streams,
<What are "streams"?>
6" red spotted sevrum, etc...all hi end odd balls. Nothing really
<I see. But do be careful... this tank sounds quite generously stocked. Fish
may not be overtly aggressive, but they can still physically harm one
another if cramped or squabbling over hiding places. Catfish and loaches are
notoriously defensive about their caves, for example, but catfish tend to be
better armed and better protected, so frequently come off worse in such
arguments. Once they get scratched, loaches can easily become infected with
ambient bacteria, and these in turn can cause more serious problems.>
I do 100 gal water changes every two weeks with r/o and adjust the pH as
<Okay. Unless there's a good reason to do otherwise, I tend to recommend a
pH level a little above 7, somewhere between 7.2 and 7.5 being ideal for
filter bacteria. Also hardness, often overlooked, should not be
ridiculously low unless there's some darn good reason (i.e., you're keeping
blackwater fish). So something middling is ideal, between 8-12 degrees dH
being best. Again, this favours the filter bacteria, and it also helps to
moderate pH drops between water changes. Remember, the aim is to
keep a stable pH and hardness level between water changes, rather than to
aim for some nominal pH and hardness value you think your fish would like
best (and if you have a community of fishes, chances are there isn't one
"ideal" pH and hardness value for them anyway). With the exception of true
blackwater fish, most soft water fish will thrive in low to medium hard, pH
7-7.5 water, even if they can't breed successfully in it (and even this
generally only applies to the more picky tetras and rasboras). I know I'm
rambling a bit here, but experience has told me that when fish are kept in
soft water, they're often a little bit more difficult to keep healthy, and
opportunistic infections are a little bit more common. My assumption is that
this has something to do with the rate of biological filtration, which has
been comprehensively demonstrated to work better in alkaline rather than
acidic conditions.>
I've been in the hobby for 25 years and own an aquarium service Co.
<Ah, I may be teaching my grandmother to suck eggs then!>
I put it in a qt tank 3 days ago when I noticed the eye. It was white
so I put it in API fungus cure and it went away but now it has something
else on it. I enclosed a pic, plz help. Thanks
<I'm fairly sure this is an opportunistic infection of the eye
following some type of physical damage, e.g., a confrontation between the
Clown Loach and, for example, a Thorny Catfish or Plec. Perhaps even the two
Clowns. The cornea looks to have been damaged, and until it heals,
this Clown will suffer some type of bacterial infection. I'd treat
accordingly, using for example a Maracyn 1 and 2 combination (as you'd do
for Finrot) but I'd also use the Epsom Salt treatment (1-3 teaspoons per 5
gallons/20 litres) as this can often help reduce Popeye and other
fluid-retention problems. I will observe that severe damage to the eye often
never heals and the eye is eventually lost, but Clowns, being adapted to
murky water and largely nocturnal, don't rely on their eyes to any great
degree. Do also try contacting Loaches.com; they have a good forum and
generally offer very helpful, Loach-centric advice. Cheers, Neale.>
Sick injured Green Terror Cichlid.
Sick green Terror
Please help, over the years I have rarely had to deal with aquarium
diseases so unfortunately have very little experience in the diagnosis
or treatment when such problems occur.
I have a very poor fish and basically I really need your help/advice on
what you might suggest my next steps should be if hopefully you think
treatment is still a viable option.
If you think he is too far gone then I will euthanize him immediately.
I have had this guy for 3 years and he is now approx. 6 inches, until
recently he was in a 450 ltr aquarium with a 7 inch Jack Dempsey and 2,
11 inch Oscars.
In the 450 ltr tank he was the bottom of the hierarchy, he was never
seriously hurt ever, sometimes he would be chased about but no damage,
hence me thinking the eye swelling/damage was from bashing himself as he
occasionally got chased away from a certain area of the tank.
So about a week ago I noticed he had this huge eye, I moved him
immediately to his own 180 ltr tank to recover and treat, I upped the
water changes from 50% every week in the 450 ltr up to 30% 4 times a
week, I add salt to each water change and I treated with Myxazin as
directed on the bottle.
He seemed to respond quite well at first, still swimming about and
eating and the eye swelling appeared to subside a little and for 2-3
days I thought it would be simply treated and sorted out.
He then started ignoring his food completely and a lot less active in
the tank, then yesterday it got a whole lot worse, even more swelling,
he has now got a large hole in the front of his face which is full of a
white clumpy substance and the tissue around the eye has gone white and
it looks as if his eye is about to burst, I also noticed blood was
occasionally coming from the hole but not always i.e. its not bleeding
constantly but it was weeping this morning but not this evening.
Now I am thinking, he was stressed in the 450 ltr and bashed his eye,
but with a weakened immune system rather than heal he has succumb to a
secondary infection of some sort, and now I worry I am not remotely
close with the diagnosis so am I even treating it correctly???
Tonight I have been watching him, he remains not interested in his food,
he’s still buoyant and sometimes swimming up and down but spends most of
his time sitting in one place just breathing normally flapping his fins.
Just now I have taken another photo and now notice he has ruptured the
lens on the affected eye, so it’s just going downhill rather than
So here I am, I don’t want to just give up if there’s a chance this
hardly little bugger can heal up, but at the same time need someone
smarter than me to tell me where they think I should go from here.
Please give me something as soon as you can. Yours faithfully roonas
< I would move him to a clean hospital tank and treat him with the
Myxazin. Keep doing the water changes and adding the salt. Offer food
once a day and then siphon any uneaten food out after five minutes. If
available I would recommend treating with Furan-2 since it inhibits
bacteria and fungus growth. Keep treating and record the results. The
other fish may become infected too so you need to be aware of what works
and what doesn't.-Chuck>
.JPG) |
Flowerhorn with cloud eye turning into a puffed up cornea
Evening crew@WetWebMedia.com
my Flowerhorn experienced 0.25 ammonia for about three days (spike).
<Toxic; burning>
Since then water parameters have been fine with no ammonia, no nitrite
Since after the 0.35 ammonia it developed cloud eye on both eyes. Spoke
to few people and concluded it was a bacterial infection.
<... no; at least not primarily; initially. This is a chemical burn>
Treated it with
bacterial medication (two different courses) but cloud eye remained.
Decided that it might be fungus and got some new medication for it.
<Only time going by, good water quality and nutrition will "cure" this
condition. Medications are much more likely to cause troubles... e.g.
disrupt nitrification. I'd remove all>
Fish is healthy eating well, very active, looks happy, no pop eye, stomach
looks normal, fins and scales also look normal etc. However just before
started the fungus treatment the Flowerhorn's eye cornea seemed
enlarged. Today, which is day two of the course and meant to run it for
one more day, the cornea of the eye is almost like a bubble, fish still
behaves as before.
Could you please advise and tell whether you think the fish will loose
<lose> its eye.
Many thanks
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Flowerhorn Popeye 12/10/12
Hello WetWebMedia Crew,
I have a large Flowerhorn cichlid in a 40 gallon aquarium (I know that
this is far too small, and probably the reason that the infection
Yesterday I noticed that he very abruptly developed a severe case of
PopEye. It is bilateral, and both eyes are cloudy. He still responds
when I approach the tank and is still eating, so I have hope that he may
<Me too>
I have begun the treatment with Epsom salts, as has been frequently
suggested, but I have added 1/2 the recommended dose because I didn't
want to overwhelm him with that and with medication. I have also added
"Bifuran +" to the water since it indicates that it can treat
bacterial/protozoan diseases. I am wondering if Bifuran has been shown
to be successful with this disease, and if my method of dealing with the
problem is acceptable.
<I do think it's worthwhile; of use in these cases/circumstances>
I've read that you can mix it with food, but I am not certain how much of
the powder to use. I've also increased the temperature of the tank to 86
Do you have any additional recommendations, critiques?
<Mmm, no; not really. Other than to encourage you to read re others'
experiences; here:
and the linked files above. Other than time going by, what you are
doing... there's naught else to do>
It is obvious that the problem is environmental (to me) and ideally he
would be in a tank that is 70 gallons, not 40.
Thank you,
<Steady on. Bob Fenner>
Swordtail, Epsom Salts and Pop-eye 6/23/12
Hi folks, first of all what a fantastic site. I've found bits of
answers to my question, but not an overall solution, so I'm hoping for
some clarification.
The problem: A female swordtail who has developed pop-eye
in both eyes.
<Mmm, but no other fish/es I take it>
Feeding and swimming as normal. Usually an aggressive little lady,
definitely the alpha in her group.
The tank: 240 litres. Bogwood, heavily planted around the
edges and on the wood, clear space for swimming in the centre. Ph
of 7. Temp 26.5 deg Celsius.
Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia at 0. 10% water changes weekly; gravel
vacuum each week (partial - not the whole tank at once). Fluval
204 canister filtration with carbon, noodles, and balls as media.
No noticeably sharp objects to cause injury, and I'm aware that water
quality is a common cause of this issue - the only thing I can think of
in that regard is that I have insufficient filtration.
Tank running for over 2 years.
Occupants: 8 neon tetras; 4 female swordtails; 1 male
swordtail; 6 rummy nose tetras; 5 female platies; 2 male platies; 2
peppered cats (Corydoras) - I know this is less than
recommended; had a couple of deaths a while back and have not yet added
any more.
Food: Cooked, shelled, crushed peas in the morning. Frozen
brine shrimp or daphnia in the evenings, alternated with frozen
bloodworms about once per week.
A couple of algae wafers after lights out for the cats (who also like
the peas).
The dilemma: How to treat the swordtail. My quarantine tank
(40 litres) is currently doing time as my fry-tank, as the platy I had
recently been given was in quarantine - and helpfully had babies.
Q1: I have read that Epsom salts can be used to treat this problem - as
long as the cause of the problem is identified and remedied - is this
broadly true?
If so, how? e.g. recommended dose, duration of treatment, water
change regime during treatment, addition of further salt at water
<Epsom can/could be used; but I wouldn't here... The small tetras don't
like extra salt/s>
Q2: Ideally I'd isolate her, but I suspect that my psychologist
husband will start looking at me as a prospective client if I set up yet
another tank.
Can I treat her in the main tank? Obviously concerned here about
the effect on the other tank residents. And would I need to remove
the carbon from the filter for the duration?
<Again... I suspect the cause of the pop eye here is mechanical
injury... from the one fish bumping into objects... Will resolve on its
own in time just as well as by treating>
Q3: Actually, I don't think I have another question. I just have
an overwhelming need for some concise, informed, definitive advice :)
Apologies for the length of this - I've tried to give as much pertinent
information as possible but it's turned into a bit of a book. My
grateful thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Kind regards
<Mmm, yes; most cases of bilateral exophthalima are due to bacterial et
al. environmental issues... but your other fishes are non-affected...
I'd just wait here, be patient. Bob Fenner>
Betta channoides with cloudy
eye 3/30/12
I've been treating a Betta channoides with cloudy eye using
Acriflavine and erythromycin. It will not go away completely,
it's been about ten days of treatment.
<Mmm, no more exposure is of worth here>
Will using a uv filter give the fish a chance to fight off the disease,
or should I try another medicine?
<You could... is it just the one eye, unilateral? I'd try Epsom
I thought that it had finally cleared yesterday, but saw that there
were still small white tufts on its eyes today. I know
antibiotics are easily misused, so I don't know if I should keep
using the same dose of erythromycin (three API packets for a tank
slightly under 30 gallons) or increase it, or use a different medicine,
or if I'm in the process of making the bacteria I'm trying to
kill even stronger and harder to treat.
<Can be very persistent>
It was much worse looking before I medicated, but it just won't
clear completely.
All the other fish in the tank have no sign of disease, only the
Thanks for any help.
<Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Betta channoides
The substrate in the tank is either or bare or made up of decaying
There are blackworms living in the plant matter and the water is clean,
but is that liable to get the Betta sick?
<Could be indicative of a contributing cause... I'd vacuum them
The possible bacteria in all the decaying plants?
<Maybe also>
There are Corydoras and Crenuchus spilurus which don't seem to mind
it but I wonder, if the slow moving Betta might be at risk of spending
too much time in close proximity to the rotting plants.
Even with antibiotics could that keep aggravating its eyes?
<... can't say. BobF>
Re: Betta channoides with cloudy eye 3/30/12
It doesn't look like PopEye, it is cloudiness and some tufts of
white on both eyes.
<Yes... one-sided... likely resultant from a physical trauma... a
"bump" into something. Can/will heal with just "good
conditions", nutrition over time (or not)>
I was told it's bacterial, there was a large mass on the eye
and a water change made it temporarily disappear completely- evidence
it's bacteria I was told.
Even if it's cloudy eye and a bacterial infection, not PopEye,
should I use Epsom salt?
<Yes I would>
Epsom salt and not normal aquarium salt?
Sorry to be so redundant, thanks for the advice. I will read the
PopEye entry.
<Real good. BobF>
Oscar fish
My Oscar's eyes are sticking out of his head more than
normal, is this a disease.
<Yes. Pop-eye is a related condition where the eye
has been sufficiently damaged that infection behind the eyeball causes
swelling. Treatment is largely "wait and see" plus the use of
Epsom salt, and optionally,
antibiotics. See here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/fwpopeyefaqs.htm
If one eye is damaged or popping, that's commonly physical damage,
e.g., by clumsy netting or a frightened fish bumping into the walls of
the tank. If both eyes are damaged or popping, that's often to do
with poor water quality. Either way, Pop-eye is extremely common when
Oscars are kept in poor conditions, typically tanks that are too small,
too few water changes, poor filtration. Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Oscar fish 8/21/11
Is popping eye a deadly disease?
<As stated in my last message, in Oscars, it is usually an
indication of chronically poor environmental conditions. Without
knowing anything else about your aquarium, that would be assumption
here. So yes, it's a sign the Oscar is in very poor health, and
without fixing both the environment AND treating the symptoms, the
Oscar could well die. Not from the Popeye, but from other infections
and stresses brought on by the poor environmental conditions. Sadly,
this is all too common with Oscars because people keep
them in tanks that are too small, feed them too much, feed them the
wrong foods (e.g., "feeder fish", thiaminase-rich foods, not
enough green foods), don't supply enough oxygen, don't do
enough water changes. Cheers, Neale.>
Ghost -- 05/30/11
Hi Crew,
<Hello Laura,>
I have another situation that I am not sure what to do. First the
facts; 56 gallon tall tank. 6 dime size angels.
<Do beware of these very small Angels -- they don't travel
well, and the more inbred forms can be delicate.>
5 Glowlight tetras
<Angelfish food in the wild.>
20% water change every week. Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Ph 6.
<A low pH like this is beneficial in some ways, but do
understand its effect on biological filtration. Also, the need to
buffer the pH at low carbonate hardness levels can be a chore,
especially once fish get big and messy.>
Gravel vacuum once a month. When I went to feed this morning, the
gray angel came up to feed as vigorously as the rest but I
noticed that one eye is swollen.
<Likely physical damage -- fighting, usually, but can also be
clumsy netting by the retailer or you (if the popped eye appeared
in the last 24-48 hours) some point between being purchased and
settled into your tank.
Alarm reactions, e.g., bumping into sharp rocks, can also cause
this sort of physical damage.>
No other damage on the fish or any of the other fish. I remember
reading one post in which Bob suggested that the damage could be
from fighting over territory. I watch these fish like a nervous
mother and I do not see any one fish being dominant. What do I do
for this fish? It is now gasping for air, and I noticed little
white spots on its back fin. The angle does stay with the other
fish, but does not forage like the other ones do.
<Does sound like any physical damage is either a result of
stress or causing stress. Sometimes a fish is weakened somehow,
and then the dominant fish attacks it, and then you find damaged
fins or popped eyes. Review water quality, make sure pH is
absolutely stable (I'd be aiming for a steady pH 7 with
generic angels rather than 6, but altering the pH is a whole
other can of worms -- don't be one of those folks who dumps
in "pH down" potions without understanding how
carbonate hardness works and what buffering solutions to use
Thank you for your time and wisdom
<Do read here:
Epsom salt in the water at a dose of up to 3 teaspoons per 5
gallons can be useful, together with optimised water conditions.
Review social behaviour -- Angels school when young, and only
become territorial pair-forming fish once mature. But even as
youngsters dominant members of the school can be aggressive.
Cheers, Neale.>

re: Ghost -- 05/31/11
While waiting for your instructions, I netted the angel and put it
in a breeder box so if there was a dominant angel picking the box
would protect until I could treat. Within a few hours the angel
died. There was no other damage on the fish, so I am not sure what
happened. The other 5 angels are fine and still not showing any
aggression. Thank you for such a wonderful site and for your time
in answering my questions. You all are wonderful and are truly
<Sorry to hear things ended badly, but not altogether surprised.
These very small Angels are not easy to keep, and I don't much
recommend them for beginners. In any case, do expect aggression
among your Angels as they mature. Singletons are usually harmless
to mixed community fish, but a pair will need a 20 gallon tank, and
in anything smaller than, say, 55 gallons, they will often be very
aggressive towards any other Angels. In the wild Angels only school
when [a] young and [b] outside of spawning, and because
aquarium conditions are so favourable, mature fish are in spawning
mood pretty much constantly. Cheers, Neale.> |
Ich, cloudy eyes and poor water quality.
I have a 55 gallon tank in trouble. I have a mild case of ich going on,
cloudy eyes on 2 of my fish and really bad water quality.
<Meaning what precisely? Is the tank newly set up? Or massively
I just changed 50% of the water, am lowering the PH and put in
Nitra-Zorb to help with the ammonia and nitrates.
<Uh, no. Understand this. Randomly changing the pH will severely
stress your fish. Usually a fixed pH is best, and the value itself
doesn't matter much so long as it doesn't vary. Exceptions
exist for those fish such as livebearers that MUST have a specific pH,
in this case a basic pH between 7 and 8.5, and if kept below the pH
range will quickly sicken. Now, there's nothing much you can add to
remove ammonia and nitrite. Nitrate -- with an "a" -- is not
the same thing is as nitrite -- with an "I". Nitrate is not
especially toxic. Nitrite and ammonia are very toxic. Nitrite and
ammonia can be reduced -- diluted -- through water changes but
essentially the only way to remove them is via biological
Do I need to remove the Nitra-Zorb in order to begin treating with
Maracyn and Quick Cure?
<Nitra-Zorb will physically remove ammonia, but in doing so slow
down maturation of a biological filter. It is almost NEVER a solution
to a poor water quality crisis. You'll see it's usually
marketed for use in reef tanks as a chemical filter to remove nitrate,
in other words, to improve already good water quality. It's not a
replacement for biological filtration.>
I can not find any information telling me if that will absorb the
<It shouldn't do, but it isn't relevant here anyway.>
The fish are definitely stressed and a few are not eating.
<I bet.>
I am confident that I can get the water quality back to normal (which I
believe was disrupted from previous ich medications),
<Some medications can, will stress biological filtration, and if
that's the issue here, you need to treat the tank as if it's
cycling. Don't feed the fish at all, do 25-50% water changes daily,
and if your fish are salt-tolerant species like Guppies and Mollies,
add a little salt to the water, 0.5-1 teaspoon per gallon should be
fine. Medicating without
restoring good water quality is pointless. I will point out that
therapeutic doses of salt and Epsom salt can be used to treat Ick and
Pop-eye respectively, and in both cases WILL NOT affect filter bacteria
at all. Do read:
but I do not want to wait to start treatment with the Maracyn as the
cloudy eyes are very concerning to me.
Thank You,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ich, cloudy eyes and poor water quality. 8/3/10
Hi Neale, the tank is not newly set up or overstocked.
It had a spike in PH (it is not normally this high), ammonia and
<Ah, but why? Ammonia shouldn't really rise above zero once an
aquarium is cycled. Whilst all aquaria experience slight pH *drops*
between water changes, pH *rises* are rare, and usually imply the
addition of some sort of calcareous material such as limestone to the
tank. The pH will also go up if ammonia levels rise appreciably,
ammonia being a basic substance when dissolved in water.>
I am doing the daily water changes to try to reduce all 3, but the fish
health and appetite remain poor.
Immediately following water changes, they all seem to be much happier,
but it is if the tank is cycling as suggested and by morning they are
miserable again.
<Sounds as if that's exactly what's happening. Your job is
to figure out what's wrong with this tank. Let's assume
there's nothing calcareous in the tank. Let's also assume your
tap water contains no ammonia, but check that.
So we'll put down the pH rise to non-zero ammonia levels. Now, why
would a mature filter stop working properly. The four factors are
these: [1] the size and number of fish; [2] the amount and types of
food being used; [3] the correct functioning of the filter; and [4] the
health of the filter bacteria on the biological media. So, review
critically how many fish are in the tank and how much they've
grown. Reduce the amount of food you normally give, and don't feed
at all while non-zero ammonia levels persist.
Look to see that the filter is adequate to the task at hand, and
consider adding another filter. Finally, rinse off the biological
media, and if its irredeemably clogged, replace up to 50% of
I've been down this road before and I think it's a combination
of my tap water and an older aquarium.
<I don't see why.>
The ich and cloudy eyes are a new addition to this nightmare
<Both of these could be a result of stress caused by non-zero
ammonia levels.>
I will try to treat both with the aquarium salt versus other
One question for you, what are your feelings about ammo-lock?
<It's a fine WATER CONDITIONER. It is not a cure-all or a magic
bullet. By all means use it on tap water that has non-zero ammonia
levels. But do not for a nanosecond imagine it will help lower ammonia
levels in your
aquarium. It has absolutely nothing to do with the ammonia produced by
your fish.>
Will it help keep the fish less stressed during this
"cycling" phase?
I should also tell you that I am using stress zyme to try and boost the
biological filtration.
<Largely useless. I presume you already have some biological
filtration going on, which implies happy bacteria somewhere in the
tank. These will be infinitely more useful than any bottle of anything
sold in your pet shop.>
Thank You,
<You're welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Popeye / Tumour on Ram Cichlid 7/13/10
Hi Team,
Your website has provided me with a wealth of useful information
and learning resources. However now I must seek your help with my
Ram cichlid.
Following on from the learning of others in WWM, I *was* treating
this ram in a hospital tank before finally deciding to put it
bank in the main tank based on other Googled resources from forum
users indicating Popeye for a single eye is not contagious.
<Almost always this is correct>
While I was treating this ram in quarantine, I initially used
Methylene Blue for 7 days with a 10% water change daily but no
<Not expected on my part>
Maracyn is not sold in Australia so my other option was
Trisulfate and Tetracycline.
<Mmm, also not often efficacious. I would ask a doctor or
veterinarian for the Maracyn/Erythromycin>
Following that 7 days, I allowed ram to have a day rest in
fresher water (50% WC). I then treated it with Trisulfa for a
week and Tetracycline another week. During treatment, the eye
just got bigger and turned out like a whiter. I found a resource
on google search where I followed it by proceeding to try to suck
out the white stuff using a hypodermic sterilised needle which I
purchase from a pharmacy/chemist.
<Mmm, browsers, please don't do this>
I found the white stuff was like a blob and the needle could not
suck it out.
So after this attempt I put it back into quarantine with
Methylene Blue as antiseptic. 5 days later I google searched and
found that one Popeye is not contagious so I thought the fish
would be happier to live in the main tank for as long as it
(the hospital tank was next to main tank so the fish was always
looking into the main tank saying hi to friends maybe??).
Now it's in the main tank for past 10 days and the eye looks
like a tumour.
Only yesterday, the fish breathing has increased while the other
tank inhabitants are breathing normally. Fish continue to eat
well, very active, very curious, and responsive when it sees me.
There are also 3 holes developing on the head (HLLE?).
<Could be Neuromast destruction>
I feel sorry and guilty when the fish rushes to the front of
aquarium to greet me. It looks happy but I know it could be
suffering. What's your suggestion as I do not want to kill
this fish because it has the biggest personality for such a small
<Really to just keep doing what you are. Good care, patience,
Would it be worth taking to a fish vet? But what would a fish vet
do --- remove the eye or *heal* the eye?
<Mmm, I might try Epsom Salt... Please read here:
but a minimal dose. Bob Fenner>
Re: Popeye / Tumour on Ram Cichlid 7/13/10
I just realised I should provide you this information:
pH: 7 to 7.2
<High for this species...>
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5ppm
Eheim Pro2 canister filter with bio-noodles, Substrat pro (bio
balls), white foam media. No charcoal or other chemicals in the
Planted tank with CO2. Lighting is on 5 hours per day as there is
ample light from the windows during the day.
<Oh! Do check re the tolerance of the plant species you have
to salt exposure. BobF>
Oscar with HUGE eye --
Oscar With Popeye
Hello, Can you tell me what is wrong with my Oscar? It has a huge
eye and swelling underneath the eye as well. Went to the LFS. One
said search the web and the other has me currently treating the
tank with Maracyn. Today is the 3rd day of treatment and it's
looking bigger. All the water chemistry is fine. I don't know
what else to do. Charlie
<There is an internal infection behind the eye ball. As the
parasites multiply they displace the eye out of its socket. Place
in a hospital tank with clean water and treat with a combination
of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. The eye may be damaged beyond
3YR old Red Devil with eye bump 7/3/10
Hi I have a eye problem with my red devil named Redd that is 3
years old.
First we noticed that there was a white Flem on his left eye,
then it turned into small bubble we went and had our water
checked everything checked out fine but the pet store suggested
we get something for stress.
We did get the stress relief but the bubble seemed to get worst
and bigger after a week on his eye. Please help me with this
problem I don't wont to lose my Red Devils eye or have him go
blind. Please tell me what I need to do to help him. He eats his
pellets good and he still has all of his spunk he's very
active in the fish tank.
<Hello Tony. Pop-eye like this is down to one of two things,
water quality or physical damage. When just one eye becomes
swollen, the odds nudge towards physical damage: fighting,
running into rocks if the tank is too small, clumsy netting when
the fish was moved about, etc. There's no
"treatment" as such; all you can do is [a] optimise
water quality and diet; and [b] use an antibiotic to minimise any
infections (a combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace
alongside Epsom salt is recommended, but if in doubt, ask a
In all likelihood this chap will lose his eye, but as you've
noticed, this doesn't affect most fish at all seriously.
Since freshwater fish especially live in waters where visibility
is often minimal, they are very good at using their lateral line
and other senses to compensate for partial blindness. Cheers,
Pop-eye in Panda Moor [Bob, any better
ideas?] 5/29/2010
<Hello Jane,>
Please would you be kind enough to advise me further regarding
treatment of my newish Panda Moor.
A couple of days after I purchased him I notice that his left eye was
rather swollen.
<Right. Now, assuming he was fine in the shop, if one eye has become
swollen, it's likely this was physical damage, perhaps while being
netted, or else by bumping into something in a new, unfamiliar, or
There are no signs of any clouding of the lens or any fungus etc. His
other eye is normal.
<This is good.>
He seems to be having difficulty seeing his food to eat it but after
hoovering around on the surface he usually ends up finding it. I have
tried the Tetra Gold sinking pellets that I got but he is unable to see
them and leaves them and I end up having to remove them, so therefore I
have stopped using them. He is currently in a 12 litre quarantine tank
with a filter.
<12 litres/3 US gallons is a trivial amount of water, and confining
him here will only make things worse. Much better to have him in the
main aquarium, which for Moors needs to be upwards of 100 litres/26
I have tried Myaxzin for 5 days but sadly there seems to be no
<Never found this stuff much good myself. Anyway, contains Malachite
Green, Formaldehyde and Acriflavine, which have a mild antibacterial
affect with regard toe external infections.
<<And too likely to interrupt nitrification, an essential element
of biological filtration, by killing off necessary microbe populations.
In this case the problem is internal, the eye "popping"
because of pressure behind the eyeball. Time, good conditions, and the
use of Epsom salt is about the best thing you can do without using
antibiotics. In the UK, antibiotics are prescription-only, so to get
what you need to treat Popeye, for example Nitrofurazone, you need to
speak to a vet. This isn't expensive, but it does require finding a
vet willing to treat fish.>
I have had the water tested by the local Aquarium shop and they said it
was fine.
<May well be.>
Unfortunately, I did not ask for the exact test results, as from
reading other entries you probably need them to help me further.
<Correct. At minimum, you should own a nitrite [with an
"I", not nitrate with an "a"] test kit and a pH
test kit.>
I have read the entries about using Epsom Salts and Metronidazole.
Unfortunately I am still unsure as to the best way forward as there
seems to be a divide over the most appropriate treatment. I don't
really want to delay as I would like my poor fish to have the best
chance of a full recovery.
<Both Nitrofurazone and Metronidazole are antibiotics, and both will
reduce the infection behind the eye, if there is one, and unless
you're a vet, you really can't tell either way.>
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and thank you in
advance if you would be able to help me! It would be most appreciated
by myself and my little panda moor.
<Hope this helps.>
<Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Pop-eye in Panda Moor 6/3/10
Dear Neale,
<Hello again Jane,>
Firstly, may I say a huge thank you for getting back to me so quickly
regarding my poorly panda moor.
<No problem.>
Secondly I forgot to mention in my first e-mail what a great site you
have and the wealth of knowledge is astounding!
<Kind of you to say so.>
Anyway, I have followed your advice and I have managed to get hold of
some Metronidazole and I have administered it to him in a continuous
bath, changing 25% of the water and adding another dose every other
I am very wary of adding it to his food, perhaps you would be so kind
as to advise me further on this.
<Actually, adding via food is the BEST way to administer drugs;
adding to the water is hit-and-miss. When put in the food, it's
much easier to provide the dose required to heal the fish.>
After a few days of treatment he (could well be a female!), seems to
have improved a little, certainly seems a little more lively and seems
to have a better appetite.
His eye has gone down a little bit but it has got a white ring around
its base now, is this just the overextended eye muscle?
<Not sure.>
How long should I expect it to be before the eye returns to normal?
<Oh, some weeks.>
I note your suggestion about putting him in my main tank but I
don't want to cause him further distress by putting him into there
when I think my small Lionhead is picking on and destroying the rear
fins on my black fantail moor
<I see; in that case leave him where he is. He'll be okay on his
own for a few weeks or a couple of months.>
I am rather compromised at the moment with tank space and I am unsure
what to do for the best. I am looking into getting a bigger tank in the
near future, so the current setup is only temporary.
Thank you so very much for all your kind help and advice, it is very
much appreciated.
<Good luck, Neale.>
Balloon Ram and Popeye? 5/23/10
Hi Guys,
Great site!
I'm having some problems with one of my balloon rams - he appears
to have developed Popeye.
<Need to know the conditions. Mass produced Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
are weak fish at the best of times, and this is made worse because many
aquarists are mislead (or don't research) about their requirements.
To wit, they need very warm (28-30 C) water that is very soft (1-3
degrees dH) and very acidic (pH 5.5-6.5). Try to keep them in hard
water and you're essentially taking a gamble. Balloon Rams are
inbred and deformed, so they're obviously even weaker than the
standard sort, and like farmed Rams, they're exposed to bacterial
infections and "juiced" with antibiotics and hormones. I
routinely recommend people don't buy them, and I know lots of pet
store managers who dislike stocking them, but the market for Ram
cichlids is huge.>
As I'm from the UK then I'm kind of limited to the treatments I
can apply. To date I've been treating him with Interpet 9,
<Yet to see/hear this cure anything.>
but his condition hasn't improved!
This includes dosing as advised and also a 3 day 'intensive'
daily dosing in case of a 'hardened' bug!
No change! I'm currently trying a treatment of Epsom salt in an
attempt to 'draw' the infection.
<Doesn't do anything of the sort. "Drawing" infections
is a mediaeval concept, so let's put it to one side. Epsom salt
changes the water chemistry, and draws out fluid from the body of the
fish while relaxing muscles. This can help reduce swelling, though in
and of itself, it isn't a cure or a medicine. It's like taking
a hot bath with Radox salts: makes you feel better if you have
'flu, but isn't actually curing you any.>
I'm getting a little concerned that he may have fish TB!!
<Fish TB is very rare in freshwater fish, but unfortunately more
generic Mycobacterium infections are far from uncommon among specimens
of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. If the careless fishkeeper exposes Ram
cichlids to
water that is too cold, too hard, and not sufficiently acidic, they
often become subject to these types of infections. These is very well
known in the hobby, and much discussed in the cichlid literature; for
example, I have a copy of Baensch's Aquarium Atlas dating from 1989
that mentions this. It eludes me why people still buy this
I am keeping him in a small hospital tank in a darkened quiet room.
<Make sure you're not moving him from bad to worse conditions.
like all cichlids, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is extremely sensitive to
ammonia and nitrite, so you must keep tabs on water quality. And also
like all cichlids, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is very sensitive to
nitrate, and nitrate levels above 20 mg/l can be virtually guaranteed
to cause dropsy and pop-eye, which together can be easily mistaken for
Mycobacterium infections.>
He seems quite perky when I check on him 3/4 times a day, although he
doesn't seem to be eating much (I just put in 1 or 2 single flakes
<OK. But do be careful that the hospital tank stays healthy. If the
filter is not cycled, he'll be perky while ammonia and nitrite
levels are low, but then health deteriorate quickly once conditions
I have read that a treatment containing copper sulphate my help -
however I am a little concerned about treating the little guy with a
barrage of medicines (Melafix next perhaps)!
<Copper isn't the thing here. Almost certainly going to need
which in the UK is something you buy from a vet. Not expensive, but
it's an extra hoop to jump through.>
The other thing that I'm thinking is that as 'balloon' fish
are man-made (so to speak) then perhaps this is his genetic appearance
- however his tankmate doesn't sport the same look.
Else perhaps the Popeye has been treated OK and he shall just be left
like this??
<In dwarf cichlids, poor environmental conditions, especially
non-zero nitrate levels, are strongly associated with type of thing. Do
be sure to read Paul Loiselle's 'The Cichlid Aquarium' for
more on dwarf cichlids.>
I don't want to keep returning/removing him from my main community
tank and stress him further.
I can send a pic if it would help (don't want to load your
<As we state, keep images to 500 KB.>
Grateful for any comments.
Best Regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
discovery...? Popeye, FW... 3/21/10
Hi there folks,
<Hi! Melinda with you here tonight!>
I made a new discovery on my fish that has Popeye and one that has
cloudy eye in different tank, they are flashing and sometimes dart,
like they itch, no white spots but maybe flukes?
<Hmm... can you provide Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate readings for these
Have them tested separately, though, in case only one is having issues
with water quality. You should find Ammonia and Nitrite at 0, and
Nitrate under 20. If you don't, then that's likely the
problem.... if you have any
questions about the results you do get, I'd be happy to answer
I will get new med but worry about the darting, will this hurt them
until I can get them treated?
<If this is a symptoms of Ammonia burn or other issues with water
quality, it's constantly hurting them. Please, before you treat,
test water quality. The Popeye and cloudy eye are also symptoms of the
same problem,
and that problem begins with their water. I'd like to help, but
you've given no really useful information here -- if you'd like
to write back, please do so with tank sizes, filtration specifications,
stocking (types and numbers of fish), and water parameters (mentioned
above). Thanks!
Problems with Goldfish (RMF, does Pop-eye ever get
better?) 3/11/10<<Oh yes, there are
many cases of complete remission. Just try Epsom Salt and better water
quality here>>
HI I have been chatting with you off and on about a goldfish I have
with Popeye, it seems to be getting bigger, he still eats good etc.
Will it burst?
<Yes, and then fall off, leaving a hole in the side of the head.
More often than not, the fish survives (which tells you something about
how tough fish are) but there's the potential for secondary
infections, septicaemia, etc.>
Is there a medicated food I could give him to cure this or any
suggestions on how to help it to improve, He has had it now for about 2
<Pop-eye is exceedingly difficult to cure once established. I have
never seen any fish recover from it without first losing that eye.
I'm asking Bob here if he's seen fish recover; he may well have
done. One difference I should mention is that here in the UK
antibiotics are prescription-only medications, so unless you go to a
vet, you won't be able to (legally) use them in your fish tank.
Trips to the vet are time consuming and expensive, and so when people
here in the UK have fish with Pop-eye, they usually don't use
antibiotics, and the eye has little chance of recovery. If your fish
hasn't shown any signs of recovery even after 2 months of
antibiotic treatment, and with optimised water quality and a good diet,
I'd have to say a trip to the vet is really the only logical way
forward if you want the eye to recover. Antibiotics sold in pet stores
in the US are a bit hit-and-miss, and vets I've spoken with
consider them largely useless because so much depends on the body mass
of the fish when it comes to dosing antibiotics, something aquarists
rarely think about. So aquarists typically provide too little of the
antibiotic for medium to large fish, and unless you add enough
antibiotic, it'll never effect a cure. A vet will be able to weight
the fish (or at least hazard a reasonably guess) and from there draw up
a sensible prescription. You may well carry on using the store-bought
Erythromycin or whatever, but at least you'll be adding just the
right amount to the water. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Problems with Goldfish (RMF, advice on finding fish vets in the US)
3/11/10<<Ask the local veterinarians re... and if
there's a regional/County Veterinary Association or such... Also
inquire at colleges w/ life science departments, fish and game State
civil servants>>
I have never heard of a fish vet around here?
<It's just a regular vet. Here in England at least, many will
have at least one surgeon on the staff who handles goldfish and Koi
carp. Again, I have to ask Bob here what the best listing site or trade
body is in the US for finding a "fish vet" near you. They are
certainly out there; local or national Koi clubs would be one place to
start, since Koi keepers are the prime market for fish vets.>
If there is one it is probably 8 or better hours from me!! Do they
usually die once they get Popeye?
<No, not in my experience. Usually just the eye falls out. I have
one female Ameca splendens with a missing eye following Pop-eye about
six months ago, as well as a Ctenolucius that lost one eye seemingly
from a fight with another of its own kind while bagged and being
carried home from the pet store. In either case, no long term health
problems at all.>
I have tried some Maracyn 2 but certainly not enough I know as I really
didn't want to use it so I just pour a few drops of powder in for a
few days, I have something called triple sulfa and wondered what you
might think of that, I did see online that medicated marigold fish food
containing Kanacyn can be purchased, or another from jungle labs, it
says it is broad spectrum food?
<The broad spectrum stuff is what I'd probably avoid. If this
was me, and I had access to a range of antibiotics, I'd be working
my way down the list of likelihoods, in each case choosing an
effective, if narrow spectrum, antibiotic. The thing with broad
spectrum medications is they tend to be "jack of all trades,
master of none" products that sound good but often turn out to be
unreliable. Instead, try a gram-positive antibiotic first.
If that doesn't work, a gram-negative. Use antibiotic foods if you
can, as these deliver much better dosages than anything added to the
water. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Problems with Goldfish (RMF, advice on finding
fish vets in the US) 3/11/10
Okay, Then Do I just keep water clean and wait till eye falls out>
It sounds more as if your saying not to try to medicate as this is not
fixable until eye falls out? Is this what I do then , just wait? I got
a bit confused as you said one of yours had this problem and it is
okay, what did you do?
<... Please read here re the use of Epsom:
and the linked Related FAQs file above, and here:
re eye complaints of FW fishes. Bob Fenner>
Re: Problems with Goldfish (RMF, advice on finding fish vets in
the US)
Okay, Then Do I just keep water clean and wait till eye falls out>
It sounds more as if your saying not to try to medicate as this is not
fixable until eye falls out? Is this what I do then , just wait? I got
a bit confused as you said one of yours had this problem and it is
okay, what did you do?
<Keep reading. BobF>
Re: Problems with Goldfish
I am sorry I am confused, if this cannot be fixed should I try
antibiotic food or just wait till eye falls out?
<Bob seems to think that optimising water quality (which may
including providing a bigger tank or better filter) and keeping up with
the addition of Epsom salt in the water (at a dose of up to 3 teaspoons
per 5 gallons) should help. I would further recommend an antibiotic
formulated for use against internal and systemic infections (as opposed
to one for external infections like Finrot). Nitrofurazone and
Tetracycline appear to be the antibiotics usually recommended. Provide
the antibiotic via food if at all possible, at the dose suggested on
the packaging or by your vet.>
It just sounds like in most of the replies that in most cases the
Popeye is not fixable once they get it?
<That has certainly been my experience, but thankfully I've only
had two fish in 25 years that have had Pop-eye as a syndrome all by
itself (as opposed to damage to the eyes via fighting, poor handling,
etc). It isn't a common disease when fish are kept properly, which
is why we keep stressing the need for clean water, adequate space,
proper filtration, balanced diet, and so on. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Problems with Goldfish
Would this help along with some Epsom salt, I cant find any
<Try online; mail-order.>
Medi-Gold Ormetoprim, sulfadimethoxine, Kanamycin and oxolinic Acid
AquaMeds USA medicated food
<Haven't come across these as recommendations, so they probably
won't help.
Not all antibiotics are the same, whether you're treating fish or
In situations like this one, it's best to stick with what's
known to work rather than trying to be imaginative! I'm not a vet,
so I can't give you anything more than what I've learned from
others or read in fish health books. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Problems with Goldfish
I am sorry to keep bothering you, However I only see that they have
Maracyn 2 and Binox at my pet store with the two problems I will tell
you will either of these work ,
<Not read/heard anything to suggest these will help against
I will keep trying to find Nitrofuranizole but wondered about these, I
do have some triple sulfa here at home but haven't used any yet,
need more advice before I start anything.
<As I said a day or two ago, there are two antibiotics that seem to
work against Pop-eye, Nitrofurazone and tetracycline.>
I talked about the one fish I have in a tank with 3 others with the
bulging eye, and in another tank I have one larger one with cloudy eye
and now has 2 tiny red slightly raised red sots on the top of body near
fin at top, I did bump him with a net a few days ago, don't know if
that would have done it.
<Sounds like you have multiple fish exhibiting signs of
opportunistic bacterial infection, i.e., Finrot or similar. Treat
accordingly, but also find out why they're sick. Almost always,
it's either poor water quality, the wrong water chemistry, or
physical damage from careless handling.>
I changed water and added stress coat plus,
<Pretty useless stuff, really.>
(have never used the plus before,) could that have caused his red
Thanks again for the help
<Cheers, Neale.>
Cichlids With Cloudy Eyes -- 1/27/10
I have 2 cichlids in a 29 gal tank. We've had them 5 or so years.
(They ate all the other fish that were in there within a week and
anything else we would try.) One of them developed a cloudy film over
its eye. I thought it looked as though his eye had rotted out. Pretty
gross! My husband is the primary care taker of the tank. I let him know
and he put some salt in the tank. I just kept watching the fish. Then I
realized the eye was still there. It was just a film over the eye. The
film had come loose on one side and it looked like it was getting
better until it spread to the other eye.
The first infected eye now has a cotton ball looking stuff on it. The
fish is pitiful. It stays in one spot usually, doesn't act
interested when fed (or doesn't know there is food) and today it
just runs into the walls/plastic plants like its blind (which I'm
sure it is). Now the other fish has the film over its eyes. I dont'
know what to do or where to start.
I have read everything I can get my hands on, but nothing I've read
fits exactly. Is it fungus, pop-eye, TB, bacteria, or what? What do I
do about it? .... and I hate to ask this, but when is it too late to do
And if it's too late, just exactly what do I do? These poor fish
are just getting worse and I can't wait for someone else (who is
supposed to be taking care of the tank) to do something about it.
Please help me to help them. Thanks!
< First thing is check the water quality. The ammonia and nitrites
should be zero and the nitrates should be under 20 ppm. It is probably
bad so do a fifty percent water change and clean the filters. Next week
do a twenty -five percent water change and vacuum the gravel.. If no
improvement is seen then treat with Nitrofurazone. It treats both
bacteria and fungus. When the cloudy eyes clear up you will be able to
determine if your fish is blind or not.-Chuck>
Cichlid help please
Cichlid With Eye Trouble 12/3/09
Hi, Today when I got home I noticed that one of my cichlids had a
bubble in his eye (under the lens). It is perfectly clear and the eye
itself is not bulging. Do you have any idea what is causing this or,
more importantly, how to fix it? Thank you so much for your time.
Sabrina L.
<Almost every circumstance that involves a gas bubble usually is a
symptom of some bacterial activity. The bacteria's metabolism can
be treated with antibiotics, even under the lens. I would recommend
using a Nitrofurazone type antibiotic in a hospital tank. Once the
bacteria have been treated the gas bubble may be reabsorbed by the
fish's system.-Chuck
Miracle Cure or Snake Oil? Mira/Mela-fix... Eye
maladies f' as well, FW 8/13/2009
Good day, I am a 2 month fish owner and I have a specific problem but
also a more general question.
<Fire away.>
I have a 2 inch black moor and 2 inch fantail in a 20 gallon tank, and
the black moor has pop-eye I can't seem to get rid of (good
nitrate, nitrite, ammonia levels, Ph 7.5, 65 degree tank), and a day
after adding a golden apple snail one of its popped eyes got cloudy
(not sure if related to snail intro).
<Unlikely to be related to the snail. Pop-eye is typically
associated with either water quality issues or physical damage, e.g.,
careless handling of the fish, or the use of coarse rather than soft
netting. Do see here:
In terms of water quality, if you don't have 0 ammonia and 0
nitrite, then that's likely the problem right there. Your tank
should be big enough for juvenile Goldfish, but I will make the
observation that adult Goldfish need 30 gallons upwards.>
Being relatively new to this, I consulted several pet stores and online
forums and some recommended salt, and some Mirafix.
<Do you mean Melafix?>
I have tried both, and this has not seemed to do much other than upset
the snail who is now doing poorly, but has not helped the eye on the
moor. I am wondering if the snail is more of an added stress on the
tank than the helper I was led to believe he would be in cleaning the
<Melafix shouldn't harm invertebrates, but then, there's
little testing either way. Apple snails do poorly with Goldfish for a
variety of reasons, and the most common is that the Goldfish peck at
them, thinking their
tentacles are edible. Eventually, the Apple snail is so stressed and
unable to feed normally it dies.>
I am concerned I am not doing the right treatment however, because it
seems that for so many problems the answer I get is to do a salt bath
and or use Mirafix, no matter what the problem is. It is like if I went
to my doctor and he gave me the same pill to treat the 10 different
things I had wrong with me. Are these really good products (especially
for fresh water goldfish), or are these the equivalent of the pet store
placebo that earns them a little money but does no harm (or help).
<We get a lot of messages from people who have used Melafix, but
without any improvements. It is, at best, a mild antiseptic that may
well help prevent secondary infections. But as a cure for established
disease, it's so unreliable as to be worthless compared to the
other products on the market.>
I am also confused, because some prefer sea salt and some prefer Epsom
salt, but can not tell me why or what the difference is, and in any
case it seems like a LOT of salt by dosage for a fresh water fish.
<Now, salt (sodium chloride) and Epsom salt (Magnesium sulphate) are
different things and used for different diseases. Salt is used to
combat certain external parasites, particularly whitespot; at the low
recommended for treatment, it is sufficient saline in the aquarium that
the free-living stages of the parasite cannot survive. Salt can also be
used to treat velvet, flukes and lice. Epsom salt is used sometimes as
a laxative, a muscle relaxant, and to reduce swelling. It's usually
used when fish are bloated or have pop-eye. So, you pick one or the
other depending on the situation.>
Also, I see that the Mirafix is listed by the State of CA as a
Is this just the case if ingested, or if it comes in contact with skin?
I am always bare handing it when it comes to the tank after washing my
hands first, and my young daughter helps, so I don't want to take
<Do you drive? You're more likely to die in a motor accident
than to get cancer from a bottle of Melafix. It's tea-tree oil, and
on the scale of things, pretty harmless. I mention the driving thing
because humans are
just hopeless at measuring risk. People worry about trivial risks while
happily eating meat rather than vegetables, skipping exercise, smoking,
drinking liquor, and any number of things that clearly and obviously
reduce health. We're a funny species.>
In short, are salt and/or Mirafix helpful for cloudy eye,
<Likely not.>
and in general how do you think they are most beneficial (as opposed to
the pet stores who claim the salt will cure my baldness and the Mirafix
will help my liver).
<As ever, for medical advice, consult your doctor. The best I can
offer here is advice about your fish.>
Thank you, Tessy
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Miracle Cure or Snake Oil? 8/13/2009
Thank-you, this is helpful. A couple follow-ups if I may, because I
feel like I am trapped in several catch-22s.
If the Popeye is caused by the water quality or stress, I seemed a
little darned if do and darned if I don't in several cases. For
example, you suggest Epsom salt (not the aquarium salt my pet guy
recommended!) could help with pop eye, but the guy also said that the
salt in general, and the Melafix could also kill the good bacteria in
my filter (which will result in poor water).
<The pet shop guy is clearly ignorant. For a start, bacteria are
obviously fine in marine tanks, so salt in itself clearly doesn't
kill them. Yes, it's true you shouldn't make dramatic changes,
but adding a small amount won't harm the bacteria at all.
There's no such thing as "salt in general".
Potassium cyanide is a salt, but clearly deadly poisonous. Sodium
chloride is another salt, but one we can safely eat each day. A salt is
merely a kind of chemical; what matters is which salt, and how much.
Sodium chloride in small amounts is a useful nutrient and enhances the
taste of food; sodium chloride in massive amounts will kill you very
quickly. Again, as I said, you use different chemicals depending on the
situation. There's no reason at all you should be using sodium
chloride. But magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt), at a dose of around 1
teaspoon per 5 to 10 gallons, will relieve swelling and bloating, and
this may help, in conjunction with antibiotics, the Pop-eye you're
dealing with.>
How do I use these products without having to recycle the tank?
<See above.>
How much will they increase my nitrates, or do I just do a lot of water
changes at the same time, knowing I am getting rid of product I just
paid to put into the tank?
<Why would magnesium sulphate increase nitrate? There's no
nitrate in the chemical. Just do your usual water changes, adding the
right amount of magnesium sulphate per bucket of water to replace what
you've taken out. If you remove a 3 gallon bucket of old water from
the aquarium, then make sure each 3 gallon bucket of new water you draw
from the tap has about half a teaspoon of Epsom salt in it.>
Another one, the same guy who sold me the big filter said the stress of
the Popeye may be caused by the current in the tank being too rapid for
these little guys (2 inchers at most including tail, 20 gallon tank,
mechanical filter is a Stage 3 size Fluval). Even when I have it on the
lowest flow setting, and try to dig out a hollow in the gravel to
settle in, they seem to find a hard time finding a spot to truly
<Use a spray bar to spread out the water current. If necessary,
angle the spray bar at the glass, so water pressure is diffused against
the glass.>
My solution was to turn the filter off at night, to give them a true
rest, but I was told this will kill all the good bacteria in the filter
and send the nitrates through the roof.
<Turning the filter off at night is crazy. Yes, the bacteria will
Nitrate would be the least of your problems! Ammonia and nitrite will
rapidly rise because the filter bacteria aren't getting a constant
flow of water to clean.>
Is this true? I think the constant swimming is probably the most likely
cause of stress for the pop eye.
Will putting the filter on the ground and shoot it straight up, as
opposed to on the side and across the tank, be helpful?
<Can help, but a spray bar is better.>
Or can I just turn it off at night like I have been?
Based on what you wrote, I think maybe my netting caused one of his pop
eyes to 'pop' or get abraded, making it cloudy (for three weeks
now). I thought I had bough the best net they had at the store, but I
could see how pop eyes are fragile things. Is there a specific super
safe most gentle net you can recommend?
<The safest is a plastic carton, like an old ice cream carton. Use
the net or your hands to drive the fish into the carton, and lift out.
Otherwise, if you want a net, look for the finest ones you can buy,
typically white nylon, rather than the coarser ones, often green
One last newbie question, I do seem to have a testing quirk no one can
answer. I sometimes have a situation with 0 ammonia, some nitrites
(very low), but 0 nitrate (I laugh at this, because the strips have
color ranges from say 0 to .125 to .25 to .50, etc., and most readings
are never at exactly the exact color as pictured), but you have
mentioned that ANY nitrite level is bad.
<Correct. My guess would be that the filter "dies back" at
night, so you detect high levels of ammonia and nitrite, and then
"recovers" somewhat during the day, and you detect lower
levels of ammonia and nitrite.>
Well, I have never been able to get to total zero nitrite, it is always
above a little light blue, but never gets truly purplish in any way,
but my nitrates do appear to be true zero.
<Test kits can be faulty, and to be honest, I wouldn't worry
about nitrate anyway. Nitrate is more of an issue with marines and
certain freshwater fish like cichlids. Goldfish are largely indifferent
to it. But ammonia and nitrite are issues.>
Some have said what I am saying is impossible, as you get nitrates from
converting all the nitrites, and that they only convert back to
nitrites when the nitrate level gets super high. Even my worst nitrate
reading is still mostly yellow. So long story short, how can you still
have any nitrite in your tank (long term) when you have no nitrates
(long term).
<Nitrate can be consumed by things like plants, and anaerobic
bacteria in a deep bed of gravel will also use some of it up. But as I
say, I wouldn't worry too much.>
And if that is possible, but any level of nitrite is bad, how do I get
rid of that nitrite if the normal cycling process does not seem to want
to convert that list little bit?
<If you constantly detect trace levels of nitrite, it either means
your filter is overwhelmed by the amount of fish being kept, or the
fish are being overfed, or the filter hasn't cycled completely. All
three could be issues in your case, so be open-minded. Review filter
maintenance. In short, you don't need carbon in your type of tank,
but you do need biological filtration. Make sure your filter contains
lots of biological media (typically sponges and/or ceramic noodles).
Wash the media once every 4-6 weeks in buckets of aquarium water, never
under a hot tap. Never switch the filter off. Don't replace more
than 50% of the biological media at any one time.>
Oh, and if the cloudy eye can not be helped by salt or Mirafix, what is
the next attempt? Patience?
<No, use something like (in the US) Maracyn or (in the UK) eSHa
2000. Some medication designed for Finrot and bacterial infections.
Don't expect a rapid recovery.>
Is cloudy eye painful, or does it really blind them?
<Painful? Difficult to say. Does it blind them? Yes, eventually. But
the problem is that Pop-eye isn't a disease of the eye, but a sign
fluid has built up behind the eyeball. This means there's a
systemic bacterial infection. It's a step away from septicaemia,
and yes, that kills pretty quickly.>
Or is it more a cosmetic thing that bothers us?
Thanks again
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Miracle Cure or Snake Oil?-- 08/14/09
Wow, amazingly helpful. The only comment for what it is worth is that
the pet store guy said the salt would kill the fresh water
"good" bacteria, and replace them with salt water
"good" bacteria,
<This in only true if you raise the salinity above a certain
Freshwater contains 0 grammes/litre marine salt mix, whereas seawater
contains 35 g/l marine salt mix. Freshwater bacteria are fine up to
about 9 g/l. Since I'm suggesting you add much lower doses than
that when treating whitespot (typically less than 3 g/l) and for
Dropsy/Pop-eye you aren't using marine salt mix but Epsom salt,
none of this matters.>
which helped tropical fish but not fresh water fish as much,
particularly when Melafix is getting used at the same time as the
<Melafix may work, but it just isn't reliable. If you have some,
and the disease isn't life-threatening, then feel free to use it.
But if you're shopping for a medication now, or your fish is
clearly in distress (as is the case with Pop-eye) then you want to be
using something much more reliable.>
At this point however I am more likely to trust your judgment on all
this, this seems to be very good advice from your site overall, very
Not having to be anal about monitoring nitrate with goldfish saves me a
lot of money alone!
Changing only one of the sponges in the filter at one time is also
<Likely mentioned this in the instruction booklet that came with the
filter, so can't really claim brilliance on this ones!>
Thanks again.
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Rainbow shark with Popeye 7/25/09
Hi Crew,
8 days ago I noticed my rainbow shark swimming abnormally - hanging in
one place rather than moving about the tank. On closer inspection I
noticed that his left eye was popping, and that he had a small gash
about 1cm behind the eye. I immediately removed him to a hospital tank
in case the injury was caused by another fish, though I don't think
anything in there would be likely to cause the damage.
<Just a physical trauma highly likely... Minnow sharks are very
susceptible to jumping, damaging themselves. That the exophthalmia is
unilateral/one-sided is strong evidence that the cause here is not
I dosed the tank with Wunder Tonic
<... I would not do this... Not likely to help, and too likely to
hurt... cause a check/loss of nitrification>
to prevent any fungal infection until I could get to the LFS the
following day and get some furan 2, then removed the carbon, raised the
temp in the tank, added an airstone, did a partial water change and
dosed the furan 2 and aquarium salt.
<Nor this...>
Next thing I knew, poor Feargal Sharkey was swimming on his side at the
top of the tank. He stayed there for a full day then when I awoke the
next morning he was looking greatly improved. He was swimming normally,
albeit at the bottom of the tank and acting far better, though the eye
is another story.
The eye is obviously dead, and seems to be slowly working its way out
of his body. It seems to be healing up behind itself and I was hoping
it would work its way out and kind of fall off. The wound looks a
little bigger and started to show a little red rather than being the
white patch on his skin it was before.
I finished dosing him a full course of Furan 2 a couple of days ago,
and when I got home tonight I checked him to find he looked different
The eye looks fungused and he seems to have developed a case of
Having cleared the Furan 2 out of the tank already (via water changes
and carbon), I decided to dose him with Wunder Tonic for the
ich/fungus. An hour after I put the treatment in the tank, he was back
to swimming on one side at the top of the tank!
I have no idea what to do now.
<I do... stop "treating" the system... and leave the temp.
at what it usually is>
I did another partial water change have replaced the carbon in the
filter to remove the Wunder tonic as fast as possible, but he's not
looking good.
I am at a loss and would love any suggestions you have.
Thanks, Jenna
<... Where to direct you... Here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
sick Texas cichlid
Old Texas Cichlid With Eye Problems 7/22/09
Hi I'm from Australia an I have a very large 35cm Texas
cichlid who has an eye disease. I have been treating with Flagyl
a very strong human antibiotic [penicillin] for the past 5
< This is actually treats Protozoans and not bacteria.>
<<Mmmm; no... RMF>>
The eye is healing but there is a lot of fungus forming around
the eye. Its a very thick fury fungus. He is still very active an
swimming around but not eating. He is over 10 years old he is
healing except for this thick
white fungus. His other eye is fine. I have sent some pics. Can
you suggest anything that I could do as I don't want to put
him to sleep... Thanks
regards Jess
<I think that your old Texas cichlid may be in trouble. The
lack of appetite makes me think that he may have an internal
infection as well. The Metronidazole will help. I would recommend
a treatment of a combination of Metronidazole (Flagyl) and
Nitrofuranace in a hospital tank. Do a 50% water change, clean
the filters and vacuum the gravel. Use both medications on days
1,3 and 5. Do a 50% water change on days 2 ,4 and 6. Offer food
on the 6th day and see if he will eat. The Nitro is an antibiotic
that works well against fungus too.-Chuck>
Oscar With Eye Problems 7/3/09
I am writing in desperation for my 2 year old Oscar
"Diesel". I awoke last Wednesday to find both his eyes
covered in what appears to be fungus. I tested the water and the
nitrate levels were 200ppm, all others normal, I did a 25% water
change. Thursday, it spread to his fins, tail, and face. I did
another water change, took out activated charcoal, added ammonia
remover insert to filter, and treated with Pimafix, nitrate
levels still 200ppm. By Sunday, fungus was no longer on his body
but still on his eyes, nitrate levels still 200ppm. I did a water
change, switched medication to API fungus cure and by Monday the
majority of the fungus came off his eyes but now appears like his
eyes are rotting. Wednesday did a water change and added
activated charcoal, and still no improvement with eyes. Today,
water is still green from medication, no improvement with eyes,
the nitrate levels are still 200ppm. He hasn't eaten anything
since last Wednesday, even if I try to hand feed him and his eyes
look like their rotting. He doesn't appear blind and has been
more active the last few days but I don't want to lose him.
Please help!
**the first two pictures are from today and the second two are
from last Thursday.
< The bacterial infections have taken their toll on your poor
Oscar. It is difficult to cure infections with nitrate levels
this high. I would recommend a 50% water change vacuum the gravel
and clean the filters. The bacterial infections may have
penetrated the lenses of the eyes and lifted them off. Treat with
Nitrofuranace or Erythromycin as per the directions on the
Oscar With Eye Problems II - 7/6/09
I really appreciate your help. I did as you said although it was
difficult to get the medication, but I have noticed he now has a
brown discolouration all on his underside, should I be treating
for parasites as well?
< For now just go with the antibiotics. If you actually see
parasites then they can be treated later with
Cloudy Eye ... Or? 5/1/09
Hi WWM team,
I have a question for you - I have 'inherited' a 250litre tank
which houses African Cichlids, already in love with their antics,
however straight after I got the tank (tank, filter, gravel etc had
been running at my brother in laws place for a few months before I
brought it off him) one of my Cichlids seemed to have developed
What I can guess at being cloudy eye.
Basically one eye appeared 'flat' and had a solid white
'pucker' mark over his eye, the other eye appeared to be the
normal concave appearance (when viewed from the Front) but just clouded
over - as a result I have been treating the tank with Melafix (which I
have been told is a great idea anyway for when your essentially setting
the tank Up for the first time)
The eye that had the normal appearance cleared up and he is now roaming
the tank mostly happier (still doesn't come up to the top of the
tank to feed though - but will eat if I get Food down to him), however
after almost 2 weeks the 'flat' almost punctured looking eye is
still clouded over (and well still flat).
Then this morning I woke up to find one of my other fish (different
subspecies of Malawi Cichlids) to have the same appearance. Have I
identified it being the wrong issue, is it something else?
I have been trying to take a photo - but both those fish appear
Additionally in terms of aggression the first fish was never involved
in any of the territory grabbing / random chasing that's going on
in the tank.
I hope that its something that can be fixed and both can return to full
<Hello Michael. When fish get Pop-eye on just one side, it's
usually trauma, either fighting, or else damage caused by scratchy
ornaments, careless netting, etc. In the case of Mbuna, fighting is a
probable cause.
Now, I'm not a big fan of Melafix, largely because it doesn't
work as advertised. It's more an antiseptic than a genuinely useful
antibiotic. In any case, I'd be using 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt per
US gallon (3.75 l) to
reduce the swelling, and after a couple of weeks, I'd add Maracyn
as a more relevant antibiotic if things showed no signs of recovery.
The bigger picture though is that 250 l (66 US gal.) is really not a
lot of space for Mbuna, and some of the more aggressive species, such
as Pseudotropheus zebra and Melanochromis auratus will simply own that
tank, should they decide to. Cheers, Neale.>
Red Eye Tetra Swim Bladder / Pop eye Problems...Please
help! 4/27/09
And thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. I have a
strange problem that I just don't know what to do about.
I have had a 55 gallon freshwater tank that has been completely stable
and fine for about one year. It is stocked with tetras, Rasboras, and
I change about 10-15 gallons every 3 weeks.
<You could do bigger/more frequent water changes. The current
recommendation in the hobby is 20-25% weekly. Very small water changes
like the ones you're doing here won't dilute nitrates
particularly quickly, and will allow organic acids to accumulate,
messing up pH stability. Most fish do better the more the water is
changed. An old joke is this: "Aquarium fish live in their toilet,
and it's the fishkeeper who yanks the chain".
'Nuff said.>
Earlier this month, one of my red eye tetras (fish #1) started having
trouble swimming. Eventually, she began resting upside down on the
bottom of the tank, although she would still swim up to eat at feeding
time. I
checked my levels and ammonia, nitrite were at 0, ph was 7.2. I did a
water change anyway. I few days later, another red eye tetra (fish #2)
got pop eye in the right eye, and fish #1 had not eaten in two days. I
moved these two fish into a five gallon quarantine tank I had already
set up. I also moved a third red eye tetra (fish #3) that seemed to be
having trouble swimming as well (she flips up vertical, with her head
facing down, but then quickly rights herself). Meanwhile, fish #1 did
not look good, she had red sores/streaks on her body, she wasn't
eating, and I really didn't think she would last.
<Pop-eye is usually a sign of a bacterial infection, particularly if
both eyes are infected. If accompanied by sores on the fins and body,
then you can be almost sure that's the diagnosis. Now, the problem
is that very
small fish tend to have little resilience, so by the time you see such
symptoms, they're too far gone to treat.>
On the recommendation of the folks at my LFS (who thought my fish were
having swim bladder issues), I treated the quarantine tank with Maracyn
Two (and removed the filter carbon). I have now completed two 5 day
treatments (10 days). I also just did a water change (about 1.5-2
gallons) after the treatment (ammonia/nitrite levels were fine before
this change). Fish #3 still seems to be having some trouble with
swimming, fish #2 still has pop eye in the right eye. Both are eating
normally. Fish #1 still spends
almost all of her time upside down, but she is still alive. She eats
bits of food off the gravel when they come near her, but she really
cannot actually swim after food. Her body sores/streaks have cleared
up, but she
does however, have a bloody area at the base of her dorsal fin (I
think, because she is resting this on the gravel).
<To be honest, I'd be surprised if these fish recover. Beyond
doing what you're doing, there's not much you can do. One issue
with Red Eye Tetras (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) is that they're
"bullies", and if kept in insufficient numbers, sometimes
turn on one another. Or more specifically, they have a very strong
hierarchical instinct, and in the wild would live in groups of
hundreds. In such groups, in-fighting is how each fish determines its
status, and because of the size of the group, dominant fish can't
bully weaker fish seriously. But in small groups, fewer than ten, this
becomes short-circuited, and the dominant fish is able to bully weaker
fish without mercy, to the degree he can damage their fins and eyes,
both common symptoms of such bullying. Wounds become infected, and
infections become Finrot and Pop-eye.>
This is just breaking my heart. I don't know what to do for her.
The LFS folks said to keep treating with another round of Maracyn Two,
and to add aquarium salt. However, I have read that aquarium salt is
bad for tetras, so I am not sure if this is a good idea.
<At very low doses, salt can be used therapeutically, but you
shouldn't add it on a permanent basis, no. That said, I can't
imagine it's going to make a big difference here; salt is normally
used to treat external parasites such as Ick.>
I also don't understand why these fish would be getting swim
bladder issues at all (the others are all fine, and the ammonia/nitrite
levels are fine in both tanks). The only thing that I can think of that
has changed in my
routine is that my municipality is adding a lot of chlorine/chloramine
to the tap water this month. I did not know this when they began (and
these problems appeared shortly after I did a water change). I normally
treat the tap water for water changes with the water conditioner Prime,
and I have doubled the dose of Prime since I learned of this water
treatment by my city.
<In which case you should be fine; you can get chlorine test kits
just to be sure, or else, have your pet shop test some water from a
bucket *after* you've added water conditioner to see if you've
used enough.>
Do you have any idea what I can do for my red eye tetras?
<Difficult to say without some context, e.g., the number of Tetras
in the main aquarium, in case we're looking at bullying rather than
a chlorine issue. As for the sick fish, if you don't see them
recovering, I'd
painlessly destroy them (see WWM re: Euthanasia for suitable
Should I add aquarium salt?
<Won't make any difference.>
Should I continue dosing the quarantine tank with Maracyn Two?
<If you want too. It rather depends on whether these fish are
actually healing. If they are, and their wounds show sign of clearing
up, then by all means continue. But if they're not actually getting
better, then you
might decide further treatment to be pointless.>
Should I continue to double dose Prime in my water changes, or should I
use distilled water instead?
<Don't use distilled water.>
Is there anything else I can/should do? Any help/advice would be most
Thanks so much,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Black clown knife with pop eyes? 2/25/09 Hi!
Hopefully you can help me with a problem..within the last week. my
black clown knife's eyes have been bulging and they are getting
worse. I have done a 50% water change. but the BCK is now swimming by
the top and I want to help him. but don't know what meds to give
him. Can you help? Thanks! Karen <Hello Karen. With Popeye, there
are usually two causes. If there's just one eye popped, it's
likely physical damage or aggression, so you need to look at things
from that angle, checking the tank is big enough for the fish,
doesn't contain aggressive tankmates, and so on. If both eyes show
a similar degree of swelling, it's usually an environmental issue,
in which case you need to review water quality and water chemistry
stability. Clowns are big, messy fish and need extremely generous
filtration to stay in good health. For an adult specimen (at least 60
cm/24 inches in length) you'd be looking at a tank around 750+
litres (200+ gallons) in size and equipped with a filter rated at 8-10
times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour. 50% weekly water
changes would surely be essential. I'm mentioning all this because
unless the environment is fixed, the eyes won't heal. So far as
treatment goes, an antibiotic like Maracyn coupled with Epsom salt in
the water at 1-3 teaspoons per gallon should do the trick.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/popeyefaqs.htm Cheers, Neale.> Thank you
for your help! :0) I do appreciate it! :0) -Karen <Happy to help.
Good luck, Neale.>
Questions re cichlid pop eye and tank KH level Red
Empress With Pop Eye 2/11/09 Dear Bob, < You have Chuck
here this time.> I have read your cichlid disease FAQs through
Google search and found they are very informative. But I could not find
the answer for mine so I am thinking giving it a try by emailing you.
Thank you very much in advance. I am a new cichlid lover. I have a red
empress (female, 5'') whose right eye appears cloudy and
protruding gradually for about one week now, and a red patch on the
lower gill (same side). I checked on the internet and saw pop eyes'
picture, looked very alike. Now I have put the fish in a 5 gal hospital
tank. My questions are: 1) is the tank too small for her? < I
usually recommend at least a 10 gallon hospital tank. Most medications
have dosages in 10 gallon increments.> 2) I have bought
antibacterial (API Melafix) and I also have amoxicillin (for human) at
home. I was wondering which one I should use? I heard antibiotics works
better, if so, what dosage should I use? < Melafix can be used as a
tonic and has been found to be useful in some infections in wild
Anabantoids. I would recommend getting some Metronidazole and
Nitrofuranace. The Metronidazole is effective against Protozoans while
the Nitrofuranace is effective against bacterial infections as well as
an antifungal treatment.> I tested my tank water (120gal), CH=180,
KH=80, pH=7.0, Nitrite=0.2, nitrate=40, ammonia = 0. (My tap water has
similar CH, KH and PH.) I have read from some websites that African
cichlid need Alkaline water such as KH over 200, pH over 8.0. I was
wondering if it is necessary to increase KH level artificially, if so,
what product would your recommend? Can I use baking soda? Thank you
very much Jessica < The nitrates should be under 20 ppm. This may be
part of the problem. Do a 50% water change and treat as recommended.
Your red empress is from Lake Malawi and the pH and hardness
requirements are not as demanding as the Lake Tanganyikan cichlids. I
would recommend a Lake Malawi buffer to slightly increase the pH and
hardness. Make sure that you mix the buffer outside the tank and check
it before placing it in the tank. I usually recommend adding the newly
buffered water when doing small water changes.-Chuck>
Cloudy eye on fish 9/5/08
I have a large a (7 inches) gray/black catfish type thing and it
started out 10 days ago with a cloudy eye. For the last 10 days I have
been treating with Pimafix and now both eyes have gone cloudy and maybe
a tiny tiny patch on his whisker.
<Pimafix/Melafix don't work reliably. That's why we
don't recommend them. So, stop using them, and instead switch to a
reliable combination Finrot/Fungus medication. In Europe I'd
recommend eSHa 2000; in the US Maracyn is the drug of choice.>
Maybe I'm imagining that one. Anyway, both eyes are cloudy after 10
days on Pimafix so I put a dose of cooper safe in because I can't
figure out what it is and nether can anyone else. SSSSSO, the ph is 7.0
and temperatures is around 72-74. What do you think?
<See above.>
<Treat with suitable medication, following instructions carefully,
in particular remembering to remove carbon from the filter. Your fish
should recover. Do also try and figure out the source of the infection.
When both eyes turn cloudy, it's usually a water quality issue, so
review ammonia/nitrite levels and act accordingly. Extremes of pH, or
sudden changes in water chemistry, can cause problems too.
Finrot/Fungus almost never "come out of nowhere". Cheers,
Re: cloudy eye on fish 9/15/08 HI,
I have already done a round (5 days) of the Maracyn and I'm 3 days
into a second round. My fishes eyes are a little better but nowhere
near cleared up.
<Rinse and repeat, as they say in the shampoo manufacturing
industry. Or put it this way, if things are getting better, albeit
slowly, that's the direction you want. Complete a course of
medication, do a big (50%) water change, and then repeat. Keep doing
this until it's better.>
I was the problem to begin with by not cleaning the tank as frequently
as I should.
<Ah, well, now you know.>
Should I try a different medication like tetracycline?
<Can't comment on this; haven't used either antibiotic
myself. So would tend to recommend you stick with what's working.
Fundamentally, eye infections are reactions against physical damage
and/or marginal water quality. As the skin tissues heal, the eye will
"get better". The job of the antibiotic is to prevent the
infection getting deeper into the eye tissues (which would cause
blindness) and to prevent any other infections from becoming
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: cloudy eye on fish 9/16/08 Thanks, Now I need a
valium since I have been a neglectful mother sniff sniff. <Oh?> I
will continue to take care of my fish and thank you for all your help.
One more thing. Food. I have been feeding lately with frozen cubes of
bloodworms, brine shrimp etc.. muti pack. How often do I do this and do
you have a better idea. <It's easier to overfeed than
under-feed. I figure a single cube will be one meal for tanks in the
20-40 gallon range, and would tend to offer small meals this size maybe
two or even three times per day depending on the number of fish and the
size of the aquarium. Frozen food contains a lot of water, and is only
about 5% protein; compare this with 30% or more protein in flake. Since
protein is (ultimately) the stuff that makes ammonia, you're less
likely to cause problems with frozen food than with flake food. In any
event, the idea is to provide enough food the fish are obviously
healthy, i.e., have gently rounded convex bellies. Overfeeding
doesn't kill the fish by fattening them up to have coronary heart
attacks, but by polluting the water; so provided ammonia and nitrite
are zero, you're basically fine. Of course gross overfeeding can
push the nitrates upwards, and that's bad for lots of reasons. But
otherwise don't worry too much, and go by instinct.> I heard
that if I feed with feeder fish, my smaller zebras will go missing and
once they get the taste of live food that's all they will want.
<Pretty much. You should never use live fish as food for any
ornamental fish if at all possible. There are just to many costs/risks
involved. Since catfish will eat just about anything, and in the wild
even predatory catfish will be consuming stuff from fruit through to
baby birds, coming up with a healthy diet for them isn't hard.>
Lisa <Good luck, Neale.>
Cichlid, pop-eye please assist 8/1/08 Hello, I have read
through many of your postings but really feel I need guidance
concerning my yellow cichlid. <Fire away!> I set up a freshwater
55gallon tank on July 4, 2008. I am new to cichlids, but I have been
spending hours researching online about them. (And finding that I have
done SO many things wrong, but 5 out of 6 cichlids are now currently
very happy.) I have Mbuna cichlids. I realize I have done so much to my
cichlids, but please help guide me to what I should do for my little
yellow one. <Ah, the cichlids we call Mbuna run the range from
relatively easy to keep, tolerant fish (such as Yellow Labs,
Labidochromis caeruleus) through to extremely aggressive, potentially
tankmate-killing monsters like Blue Zebras (Pseudotropheus
zebra/Maylandia zebra). Contrary to what you might imagine because of
their similar water chemistry requirements, you can't throw them
all into the one tank and hope they'll get along. They won't.
The aggressive, potentially hyperdominant (read: nasty) fish will
systematically bully and potentially kill anything it doesn't
like.> At first, I bought four 1" to 1 1/2" cichlids, but
one wasn't eating or swimming and died within 72 hours. I took that
cichlid back to the store, replaced it, and bought 4 more (for a total
of 8.) I noticed my tank was starting to smell, so I did a 10 gallon
water change which sadly killed 4. I bought 3 more and an algae eater
(for a total of 7--I should have just left my tank alone and let it
cycle.) <The algae-eating fish is redundant in the Mbuna tank. Mbuna
eat algae, and without it won't do all that well. Mbuna are also
super-sensitive to poor water quality. While not *quite* as sensitive
as, say, marine fish, they aren't far off. You need nitrate levels
20 mg/l or less, and zero ammonia and nitrite. All this recommends
against keeping anything as messy (and big) as Plec.> All of the
fish were happy for a good week and a half. Then I noticed my little
blue one had a white patch on his side, was not eating, and was
isolating himself. I thought maybe his fin was torn off, but the next
day I noticed it had gotten worse. I did not have a spare tank at that
time and was worried that my other fish might have the same infection,
so... <The white patch was very likely Finrot or Fungus, and this
would be caused by either poor water quality and/or physical damage.
Let's recap: clean water has no smell, or if it does, the water
should smell sweet thanks to all the plant life. If the tank smells
offensive in any way, that's a very bad thing. It usually means
there's decay in the tank, e.g., from uneaten food. Mbuna
absolutely must not be overfed, and their diet should be biased towards
green foods rather than anything high protein. Feed sparingly, from a
mixed menu, and not just pellets/flakes. I'd recommend greens
(tinned peas, cooked spinach, Sushi Nori) along with whole (i.e., low
protein, high fibre) invertebrates like bloodworms and brine shrimp.
Now, you also have to have lots of filtration and generous water
changes or the water conditions will be poor. I'd recommend a
filter offering not less than 6 times the volume of the tank in
turnover per hour. So if you have a 55 gallon system (the minimum for
Mbuna in all honesty) you'd get a filter with something over 330
gallons per hour turnover. External canister filters work great for
this, but you can also use a undergravel with powerheads at each end of
the tank. Read any book on Rift Valley cichlids for more on this topic.
Water changes should be 25-50% per week. The more the better. Obviously
the fish need hard, alkaline water, so understand water chemistry and
manage this aspect accordingly. Again, a book on Malawi cichlids will
help.> I treated the whole tank. With Melafix (which seemed to do no
good, as I have seen you do not recommend it either) and Pimafix.
<Both products may have value as preventatives, but aren't
reliable as cures once the infection has set in.> I also treated the
whole tank with Jungle Parasite Buddies because I saw the blue one had
long stringy thin feces. Now my tank is a wreck. The other 6 were fine,
but just stayed on one side of the tank. The blue cichlid got worse by
the day and after 3-4 days(?)the fungus/bacteria (that I thought
Pimafix would help) had eaten him. <At the moment you're wasting
your money. In fish healthcare, just as with humans, you must identify
the disease first, and then buy the treatment. You're randomly
adding stuff here, hoping something will work. Slow down. It's
better to work logically, step by step. So far all these symptoms are
fairly generic, and tend to imply a reaction to poor water quality.
Stringy faeces can be a symptom of poor diet, Hexamita, and many other
things. So let's slow down and try and get to the bottom of
things!> That same day my little yellow one started isolating itself
on the other side of the tank where the blue one had been and would not
eat. <He's being bullied. He has no place in this system.>
Its mouth seemed to have white cottony fungus/bacteria on it. <Quite
possibly Finrot, Mouth Fungus (actually a bacteria), or plain vanilla
Fungus. All three follow on from physical damage. Think of them as the
"gangrene" of the fish world. Easy enough to treat using
products like Maracyn (in the US) or eSHa 2000 (in Europe). But
treating them won't stop them coming back, so if this fish is
bullied -- as it is -- and getting damaged, you'll cure one round
of infection only to have to deal with again a few days or weeks
later.> I quickly bought a 2 gallon tank with a filter, put the
yellow cichlid into it, and treated the hospital tank with Jungle Buddy
Fungus Clear and aquarium salt, and kept the temperature stable at 80.
The next day, I noticed she was getting white cottony growth on her
cheeks. <Needs treatment as stated above. Also note that
"aquarium salt" is harmful to Mbuna, and known to cause
something called Malawi Bloat. Again, any book on Mbuna will explain
this.> By the 3rd day, the cottony growth on her cheeks was gone and
her mouth looked very good. She was still not eating, and on the 4th
day (yesterday) I noticed one of her eyes is bulging a bit (pop-eye, I
assume.) I read that it could be from unclean water, trauma, bacteria,
etc. <Pop-eye tends to work two ways. If only one eye is bulging,
then physical trauma is the likely cause, with bacteria having set in
secondarily. If both eyes are bulging, the infection is more likely to
be systemic and caused by serious problems with water quality. Either
way, treatment with an antibiotic (such as Maracyn) can help, but
recovery is often very slow and depends on the fish otherwise being
maintained in ideal conditions.> While all of this was going on with
my yellow cichlid in her own tank, I have done plenty of water changes
to the main tank, and they are SO happy. Nitrites and Nitrates are 0,
ammonia is minimal, temperature stays at a constant 80F, ph is staying
constant at 7.5 and very slowly raising to the appropriate ph level for
cichlids thanks to Cichlid Salt and crushed coral in my 2 filters, and
my very soft tap water is now hard and in cichlid range. <Understand
this, there is no "minimal ammonia". All ammonia, any
ammonia, is bad. Saying "minimal ammonia" is as meaningless
as saying someone is "almost pregnant". So, here's at
least one fundamental problem -- the ammonia. Mbuna have ZERO tolerance
of ammonia, and long term it WILL cause harm. If you have ammonia in
the aquarium, then one (or two, or three) of the following is true: [a]
the tank is overstocked; [b] the tank is under-filtered; and [c] the
tank is overfed. Pick and choose as seems appropriate, and act
accordingly.> The Jungle Buddies Fungus/Bacteria medicine said to
not retreat until after 4 days. Since it had been the 4th day, and I
noticed the pop-eye and all cottony growth gone, I did a very slow and
gradual water change in her tank (after checking the ph on both and
they were almost identical) using the main tank's water to fill her
tank. She seemed fine with the change and maybe a little happier too
(aside from not eating and the pop-eye and being weak) so I put her
into a small breeder tank inside the main tank while I rinsed her small
tank with hot water, then cool water, and used the main tank water to
refill it. <Cleaning the hospital tank is pointless if you're
killing the filter bacteria as well. Be sure you understand what's
going on here: hot water will kill filter bacteria, and the resulting
ammonia crisis will stress/sicken any fish put in here.> I put the
Jungle Buddies Fungus/Bacteria medicine back into the small tank and
put her back in it last night (it says it treats pop-eye as well as
fungus and bacteria.) <Oh good.> Her eye is still bulging. I do
not see any cottony growth or abnormalities on her anywhere aside from
the eye, no appetite, and weakness. (I can't tell if both eyes are
bulging, but one is definitely larger than the other and I can see the
skin(?) covering over it.) <This does happen with cichlids, and is
usually a very good sign that not all is well in their tank.>
I'm going to leave my main tank alone for good, but keep checking
ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph. My question (after my long novel) is
what should I do about my yellow cichlid? Should I leave her in the
hospital tank with the Fungus Clear (that says it treats pop-eye) for
the full 4 days? <Isolate from other fish, yes. Not sure 2 gallons
of water is safe, but if that's all you have at the moment then so
be it. Long term this fish needs to be re-homed.> Should I leave her
in her own tank with just water from the main tank? Should I add some
Epsom salt to her tank to help the swelling? <If you want.> I
think my main concern is that she has not been eating for at least 5
days and is weak. <I'd be getting worried too. She won't eat
if water quality is bad though, so check you have zero ammonia/nitrite
first before you even think about offering food.> I am glad that all
of the cottony white is gone and her mouth and cheeks look clear.
<Good.> Thank you so much. <Hope this helps, Neale.>
Kribensis with Popeye, hole in the head, a proto
or fluke spike protruding from between two scales & ich.....
2/21/08 Sorry for the length of this submission- But, this is a
complicated matter- I have a Kribensis with Popeye, hole in the
head, a proto or fluke spike protruding from between two scales
& ich..... A crazy combination that I would think all stems
from poor conditions. This however is not the case. He came out of
a healthy 55 gallon community tank with a balanced load of fish
(including other Kribs), under gravel filtration & a more than
sufficient canister filter. The #'s are 0(ish) Ammonia, 0(ish)
Nitrites & 8.2-8.4ph. Water changes are frequent. Diet is
varied and high quality. The other fish did not pick on him. In
all, it is a healthy, stress-free tank.... My first suspicions of
cause(s) were based on the fish being a recent addition: The fish
was only in the tank for 14 days- He came from a planted display
tank at a good LFS, he had been there 6+ months, had always looked
healthy & had recently spawned- (his mate came home with us
too.) After 14 days the Popeye developed. Again, I thought stress
of transport & netting. Other possible causes / stressors may
have been: New (well rinsed) carbon (could have contributed to the
HITH too?)- And / Or, new beads in the filter- Or, a new plastic
spray bar on the filter contributing toxins that the fish is
sensitive too.....? No other fish showed, or have shown (5 days
later now), signs of any illness. I moved the sick fish to a
quarantine tank and began medicating / treating with Maracyn Plus
(replaced % after water changes), adding Aquarium salt at 1tblsp
per 10 gal (replaced % after water changes), 20% daily water
changes and a temperature of 82 degrees F. The fish has now
developed hole in the head (some scarring indicates it might have
been effected before) that also extends to the gill plates, a spike
near the tail that looks like a fluke / proto & ich flecks in 3
areas...... This little guy is a hot zone. The last part of this
whole confusing ordeal is that he is fighting so well- The fish
stays mid tank at the bottom, upright, fins up / out, eyes are
clear, colors are bright as ever, is attentive and eats (though
challenged by impaired vision through 'popped' eyes...)
Aside from all the measures being taken, can you make additional
suggestions as to the cause(s) and / or treatment? I am considering
augmenting the current treatment(s) with copper for the ich as it
is acceptable to use in conjunction with Maracyn. Any insight or
info is appreciated. Thank You- Matt <Hello Matt. Dwarf Cichlids
across the board are sensitive to dissolved metabolites. Your fish
certainly has HITH/HLLE. There are few reliable cures
(Metronidazole is most recommended), so it is one of those things
you try to avoid that fix. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm
In any case, once fish are infected, even if you cure the symptoms,
the disease often comes back again. It is widely believed that
there are a combination of factors involved, but water quality is
the trigger even if there is a specific pathogenic organism that
does the harm. In other words, it's a lot like Finrot. The best
I can recommend is treating the fish with Metronidazole, ideally in
its own aquarium. But I haven't seen small cichlids with this
amount of damage recover, so can't offer much hope in the long
term. Do please remember carbon removes medications from the water,
so if you treat a fish, remove the carbon. The addition of salt is
probably not necessary either; contrary to myth, Kribs aren't
especially associated with brackish water, and long term exposure
to salt can damage freshwater fish. Cheers, Neale.> |
F. Betta with Popeye 11/5/07 Hi
Everyone, <Elizabeth> My female Betta has Popeye and it
seems as though she is now blind. I have her in quarantine and am
treating her with Ampicillin GEL-TEK, following the bottle's
instructions. She isn't eating (I think) and is losing her
color. I know fish have a really good sense if smell but I put in
a pellet and she swims right past it. She lays at the bottom of
the tank, then jets up to get some air then settles back down.
Three times I have seen her swimming like crazy in a circle (her
quarantine bowl is round) then she stops and hangs out at the
top. Are her eyes sensitive to light? <Perhaps> How can I
treat her if she won't eat the gel? <Need to use something
that can be applied to the water> I can't find Ampicillin
in capsule form. <Is about... on the Net> And how is she
still alive after 7 days of this? Her bowl is one gallon, heated
with a heating pad to a perfect 76 degrees. <Is it
filtered?> I have to come clean and say that even though her
main tank (6 gals) is filtered, water changed and vacuumed, while
I was recuperating after an accident, I didn't get to REALLY
clean her tank they way I usually would as I had reconstructive
shoulder surgery. I feel awful. Very awful thinking that I have
caused her sickness. <Is possible> What is your suggestion?
<I would return this fish to the six gallon... the better,
more stable conditions are much more likely to bring about a cure
than those presently. Bob Fenner> Thank you, Elizabeth
Re: F. Betta with Popeye 11/07/07 Hi Bob,
<Elizabeth... would call you Liz if I knew you better...>
Found capsule Ampicillin online, thank you. She will be returned
to her big, heated, filtered tank ASAP. Thank you, Elizabeth
<Ahh! Good. Thank you for this news. Bob Fenner>
Re: F. Betta with Popeye 11/13/07 Hello
Bob, <Liz...> Returning Nigella to her big tank was an
excellent idea. She may be hard of seeing but she seems happier.
Fins finning, blowing bubbles and being back in her home has
already helped. Her Ampicillin just came and the water has been
treated. <Ah, good> It seemed logical to take some tank
water in a small clean jar, add the dose of Ampicillin in that
water and shake it up then add it back to the tank. In any case,
that's what I did. Now we are waiting to see how well she
reacts to her real medicine. <Good> I'll keep you
posted on her recovery. Cheers, Elizabeth, Liz, Betty, Libby, the
list goes on. Feel free to call me Liz:) <Thank you for this
update! BobF>
Fire eel with pop eye and cloudy eye --
10/30/2007 Hello All- <Emily.> I am so glad I have found WWM!
I happened to stumble upon your page while doing research for my sick
Eel. I'll try and keep this short. For the last 3 weeks my fire eel
has had cloudy bulgy eyes. (almost looks like he's wearing goggles)
Is this pop eye? <Yes sounds like a bacterial infection of the
eye.> His appetite is a little decreased but he is still nibbling at
his blood worms each day (not as much so in the last 2 days). He has
also gone pale in color over the last week. I really don't want to
loose him, I'm a novice fish owner! He's in a 75 gallon tank
and I've had him for about 6 months. He has lots of hiding places
and none of the other fish bother him. Last week I started treating him
with Ampicillin <...is for gram negative bacteria.> every other
day for 5 days since Erythromycin <...is for gram positive
bacteria.> and tetracycline <...treats gram negative as well
negative bacteria of some types.> has not helped. I have also done
two 50% water changes within the last week. His color has improved a
little but his eyes are still very cloudy. He just lays on his side
hiding in his cave all day. He has always been a pretty mellow eel. I
had my water tested at a local fish store and everything seemed fine.
<Numbers would help, especially hardness and nitrates.> What
should I be doing for my eel? <Although fire eels most commonly
occur in soft water habitats like some streams, swamps and even flooded
rice fields and only rarely are found near estuaries, they may do much
better in hard to slightly brackish water in captivity. The exact
reasons therefore are unknown and may be related to some interaction of
ions (hardness, salinity, carbonate hardness) and the accumulation of
possibly toxic compounds in the tank water (e.g. nitrates), that, due
to dilution, does not occur in nature to such extent. Although adding
salt to the standard fish tank can well be considered an antique
technique from times when the need for partial water changes was
unknown, I'd suggest to increase the salinity of the water to reach
a specific gravity of 1.002 (roughly 3-4 grams marine salt from the pet
store per litre). That should improve the constitution of the fish and
won't kill your filter bacteria. In addition I'd try to improve
the diet by offering a variety of foods, because if he only ate
bloodworms, he may also suffer from a lack of vitamins. Try earth
worms, little shrimps and also soak the blood worms in vitamins from
time to time prior to feeding. You have already used a lot of
antibiotics, so I'd get a test kit and check if nitrites are 0 all
the time. Nitrates should be below 20 ppm for good healing conditions.
If another antibiotic has to be used (I hope not), try Maracyn.>
Thank you and warm regards! -- Emily <Also have a look at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
and the linked files above. Hope that helps and your eel gets well
again. Marco.>
Betta Popeye Not Responding to Epsom Salt 9/20/07 A week ago
I noticed my male Betta, Chip had Popeye in his left eye. We have had
him for 18 months. He lives in a 3 gallon Marineland Explorer tank with
a filter and BioWheel. (We had gone away for a week and he got overfed
- the nitrates were high, over 50.) I checked WWM and put in Epsom salt
as required and I have been doing a 50% water change everyday,
replacing the Epsom salt. He has been resting a lot, but comes to see
me when I am near. He seems tired and the whole thing looks painful and
it has not improved. When I have tried to feed him brine shrimp or
bloodworms, he can't see them and they sink to the bottom. I have
been giving him flake food instead and tuning off the filter so he can
grab it more easily. The only things in the tank are a small decorative
treasure chest, the filter tube and a silk plant for him to rest on.
Any other suggestions? I am concerned about adding antibiotic to such a
small tank, but I am also reluctant to let this drag on without him
getting better. Asa in DC <Greetings. Pop-eye tends to be caused by
two distinct things: mechanical damage (e.g., rough handling) or poor
water quality. There are other things that can cause it, but not all
that often. So, you need to zero out those two most likely issues. Is
there anything in the aquarium that it could scratch itself on? Some
people stick things like fake corals and plastic plants in tanks, and
these can be fine, but in very small tanks it is so easy for a Betta to
throw itself against one of these objects when alarmed. That's why
I tend to prefer small tanks be decorated only with silk or real
plants, and only very smooth rocks, such as water-worn pebbles. Second
thing, check the water. A Betta needs water with moderate hardness, a
pH around neutral, zero ammonia, and zero nitrite (with an
"i"). The nitrate (with an "a") isn't such a
big deal and I wouldn't worry about it. Temperature is a factor,
but it isn't something I'd expect to cause pop-eye; pop-eye is
really a reaction of the sensitive tissues of the eye to irritating
water. Think of it as a bit like conjunctivitis on a human. Adding an
appropriate antibacterial or antibiotic to the water may help to soothe
the infection, and is certainly worth using. I hope this helps,
Re: Betta Fish Popeye Not Responding to Epsom Salt or Furan --
09/25/07 Hi Crew and thanks for the advice the other day. <Hi
Asa, Andrea with you today. Not sure who you talked to, but you are
very welcome.> It has been ten days since I discovered my Betta had
Popeye. I have him in a 2 gallon Marineland tank with a filter. Since I
found out, I have been doing a 50% water change most every day,
initially adding about 1 1/2 tsp of Epsom salt and, putting in 3/4-1
tsp with the water change (depends - it isn't always exactly 50%).
<This sounds good. I'd keep up with the water changes. Keep the
water quality as stable as possible. Ease up a little on the Epsom
salt. For two gallons, you want to have 1.5 tsp total in the water
overall, including taking into account any evaporation. When the water
evaporates, the salt does not, if that makes sense. So, since you are
changing water every day, ok, adding another 3/4 tsp is probably ok.
I'd say 1/2 tsp would be better.) For 4 days, I treated with Furan
(following those directions) and using the advice found on WWM, took a
packet, diluted it by 10 cups of water and put in 2 cups as the ratio.
<This is fine.> It looked kind of weak to me, but I was afraid to
add more to such a small tank. Chip seems to perk up after the water
changes with the salt. He can't see well, so I have been unplugging
the aquarium to feed him - either flake food or brine shrimp. <You
might try some antibacterial food, such as Jungle antibacterial. Also,
it is far better for the medication to seem too weak than to be too
strong. You will help him heal much more with good water quality than
anything else you can buy, including antibiotics. There is a time and
place for medication, and this is one of them, but he needs good, clean
water to have a fighting chance. You did the directions, and did just
fine. The antibacterial food will help, as it will help him also from
the inside out, especially since he is eating.> Bloodworms are too
small. <Really?? The ones I buy frozen that my Bettas love are way
larger than Brine shrimp.> He is eating, but getting weaker as you
can imagine. <Very good that he is eating. Just keep up the clean,
stable water.> The swelling in his left eye is enormous and not
going down. <Patience. That is about all you can do at this point.
Patience, and clean, stable water.> He's resting a lot, but
hanging in there. Was the Furan too weak? <Most like, it was not too
weak.> Is there anything else I can do? <Time and patience. Water
changes. Epsom Salts. Try the antibacterial food. Other than that, you
are doing great.> Tank readings are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 5
nitrates and pH of 8, which is what it has always been since that's
the local water source. <Are you using a dechlorinator? You might
try something like Prime if you aren't. It is really good
stuff.> Tank temperature is constant 75 degrees, but a usually wait
an hour after the water change before returning him so the water warms
up. <You might try bringing the water up to about 78-80 degrees,
slowly over 24 hours. Bettas like it a bit warmer than 75 degrees, and
it will help him fight the infection.> Thanks, <Anytime. And get
the spacebar on your keyboard looked at ;-). It seems to be
sticking.> Asa <Andrea>
Betta Fish Popeye 3- Ampicillin Dose 10/19/07 Hi
Crew: Neale answered my question last time, suggesting Ampicillin . I
wrote a few weeks back about my Betta with Popeye. Tank is 2 gal,
filtered with BioWheel. Tank tests at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate (
this is the tap water) and 8 pH (also local) I age and dechlorinate the
tap water. Temp is 80 degrees. <All sounds good. Aging water, by the
way, is redundant now if you use a good dechlorinator. Though
there's no harm doing it if you want!> I began treatment with
Epsom salt, moved to Furan and we are now on the second dose of
Ampicillin. <Very good.> Poor Chip (we have had him for 18
months) cannot see, so I have been taking him out during tank changes
(50% every other day since this started 6 weeks ago using a siphon) and
giving brine shrimp, bloodworms initially. But the last 2 weeks, he
misses them completely, even with me using an eye dropper, so I am
using Betta flakes so he can easily grab them. He has not eaten the
last 3 days - he swims around blindly trying to grab them, but misses.
<Be persistent, but don't panic too much... fish can go days
without food.> Jungle antibiotic food did not work - he spit it out
initially since it was so hard and he didn't like it. <Common
problem with small fish. Much medication is formulated for big,
expensive fish like Koi that people are likely to spend effort on
healing. Common attitude with small fish is they're
"disposable". Shame.> He has been sitting on the bottom
completely since I started the second dose, moving every so often and
coming up once in a while to grab some air. (Before he would often sit
on his plant near the heater.) He now won't come up for food. His
breathing is rapid since I started the Ampillicin. I stopped the Epsom
salt and gave 1 1/2 tsps of sea salt to see if it would perk him up. It
has in the past, but not this time. <I'm not a fan of randomly
adding salt to aquaria.> I have 250 mg of Ampillicin dissolved in a
gallon of water. With the help of the math teacher brother-in-law, we
have calculated that it is about 13 oz of water per gallon to dose the
tank safely. I have given him a dose every other day as instructed on
the package, with the water change, I have not used a new Ampicillin
pill each time, but just used the treated water which is sitting in a
plastic milk jug. I am concerned that maybe I should be using a new
pill each time to ensure it is fresh. <Possibly, but I wouldn't
worry too much. Store unused medicated water in a covered jar in the
fridge though. Excess heat and light could certainly alter the
drug.> Should I not change the tank water, but just take out enough
to replace it with the Ampicillin water? This would increase the
dosage. There is no carbon in the filter. <Hmm... in this instance
I'd minimise water changes through the course of treatment. Though
in practise, the medication is probably metabolised by the bacteria in
the filter very soon after you pour it into the tank. But I've not
used Ampicillin, since it isn't freely available in the UK, and my
honest (and by UK standards, legally acceptable) advice has to be to
consult with a vet. Not very helpful to you, I'm afraid. To be
honest, it probably doesn't matter much either way, whether you
change a bit of water or a lot, since I'm fairly sure the drug will
be entirely metabolised by the bacteria within 24 hours.> So, is
there anything else to do? <Pray to the Fish Gods.> I have
thought we were at the end several times already, but he is still
hanging on. To review six weeks of care: Water changes ( I am heating
the water to 80 before returning him to the tank) Meds tried: Epsom
salt, Furan, Ampicillin Feeding in small space to ensure he eats
Thanks, Asa <You're doing everything you can. Stick with it, and
hope for the best. As I say, treating small fish, especially in small
tanks, is difficult and the results variable. The very nature of small
fish that by the time we see a problem, the strain on their internal
organs is often very severe. An adult Koi carp at least has some
reserves of fat to draw on, and so various therapies can be tried out
until you find one that works. But something as small as a Betta may
only have a few days within which you can find the "silver
bullet". Good luck, Neale>
3 spot Gourami w/ pop-eye; not enough useful
information, poor grammar, etc... 7/28/07 Hi crew <Hello
there, Jorie here today.> i <I> ...was looking at my fish
today and i <I> saw my 3 spot Gourami as <with?> ...pop eye
with blood at the bottom of the eye. is <Is> ...there anything i
<I> ...can do? What is happening none of my other fish are all
fine <I assume you mean none of your other fish are affected or ill,
right?> <OK, first off, when you write us, please take a few
additional moments to use proper grammar, capitalization, sentence
case, etc. Since your query was so short, I fixed it to make it
readable (we do publish our responses to queries on the Daily FAQs site
- see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/daily_faqs3.htm
and in order to make the Q&As understandable to all, we do request
that our writers comply with these requests: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/faqstips.htm
More to the point, now: I need a lot more information to be able to
help you here. Facts like how large your tank is, how long it has been
setup, what type of filtration is used, what livestock you have, water
temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings, water change
schedule, etc. are all necessary information. Generally speaking, what
I can tell you is that pop eye is caused by poor water quality, so do
check your water parameters with a quality liquid reagent test kit. I
suggest isolating the sick fish into its own hospital tank (filtered
and cycled; as to the latter, use water from the main tank so as not to
shock the ill fish's system) and treating with Epsom salt (1 tsp.
per 5 gallons of H20) and pristine water conditions. I'm betting
your tank has a harmful, if not lethal buildup of toxins which are
causing your problems. The Gourami may just be the first fish to
exhibit symptoms, but if the water quality's poor, the others will
soon follow suit... I can give you better/more specific suggestions if
you give me the information I've requested above... Best regards,
Jorie> thank you <Thank you!>
Re: 3-spot Gourami w/ pop-eye; still not much useful
info...recommend reading, increasing water changes -
08/05/07 Hi Jorie <Hi again; sorry for the delay in responding,
I've been traveling around a bit and haven't had much time to
check in here...> Ok, my tank is 5ft by 4ft <In order to
calculate the volume, I need the depth measurement as well; it does
sound like this is a good sized aquarium, though.> ...and it has
been set up for 4yrs now. <Great.> I have never had this problem
before. <Sometimes issues are cumulative...> I have one catfish,
4 barbs and the others are all types of tetras. <It would be helpful
to know the species of each here.> And I have fresh weeds in the
tank <Again, species?> The water gets changed every 3 months
<Ideally, once a tank has established its nitrogen cycle, you should
be performing a 10-20% water change every week or two (this depends on
how heavily stocked the tank is, how good the filtration is, how messy
the species of fish you have are, etc.; without more information,
it's impossible for me to make a more specific recommendation.)>
...and the temperature is 82 <A bit high, but so long as it is
stable, should be OK.> ...the pH and ammonia are good <Useless
info. I can't tell you what's an ideal pH for your tank, as I
don't know really what you are keeping. As for ammonia, it should
be at zero, as should nitrite levels.> ...nitrate is a bit low;
could this be the problem and if so how do I change it? <I think you
are confused. As far as nitrates go, the lower the better; as high as
20 ppm is acceptable, but more towards zero is ideal. Do read here for
info. on cycling a tank:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm Also, I
recommend getting a copy of David E. Boruchowitz's "Simple
Guide to the Freshwater Aquarium" - it's a very comprehensive,
clear book geared towards beginners. I know you have had your tank for
several years now, but you don't seem to have a good grasp on
Fishkeeping 101, which you and your fish could very much benefit from.
Also browse here for many helpful articles on freshwater fishkeeping:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsetupindex.htm > Thanks
<I don't know how much I've helped. Again, Popeye is
generally caused by poor environmental conditions. As recommend before,
I would isolate this fish into a cycled, heated, filtered aquarium and
treat with clean water and Epsom salt. Aside from that, the best thing
you can do for your critters is read and learn... Best wishes,
Cory With Popeye - 03/20/07 Please help me, My favorite fish
is my Corydoras catfish. He recently came down with Popeye. I am not
sure what type of treatment I can use for him. I've been reading
online, but most of the advice is for other fish and not Cory's. I
don't know their tolerance to meds. He's 7 years old. I did
about a 30% water change last night. He's in a 150 gallon
freshwater planted aquarium. The water is in good condition and I am
not sure if he poked his eye, or what exactly happened. What would you
suggest I do? I need help ASAP. I'm 25 and love fish. I know some
people must think I'm nuts, but this little guy is my buddy and he
needs to live. Please, can you give me some advice? Thank you. Gina
<Place the sick fish in a clean hospital tank and treat with
Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace.-Chuck.>
Re: Cory Cat With Popeye II 3/21/07 Okay, Where do I get
that? < Local fish store or online.> Is there a certain brand?
< Brand type is unimportant.> My QT tank isn't cycled. Should
I take water from the main tank and place him in it with that? Please,
suggestions. Thank you. < Take 50% of the water from the main tank
and don't worry about the hospital tank being cycled. All you need
is a heater and an airstone. Place the fish in the hospital tank with
50% new treated water. Place the fish in the tank with the medication.
Do a 50% water change every day and replace with new treated water. The
medications would probably kill any biological filtration and that is
why an airstone is needed. After three treatments you should start to
see some results.-Chuck>
Re: Help help help. Corydoras with Popeye....this fish is 7 years
old. Medication Not Recommended 3/22/07 Hi Chuck. This is
concerning my Cory catfish. He has Popeye. You recommended this
treatment Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. I was not able to find this
at my LFS. I asked for a brand name because that is all they carry. I
have PetSmart and Petco here. They do not, at least mine, do not carry
that. I looked. So, I opted out and bought Maracyn. Do you think that
this will help? I hope so. I love my little Cory. Let me know. Thank
you. Gina <Your fish has a real problem. The medications I recommend
are what work best for me. I don't think the medication you have
purchased will be as effective. I believe I said that you may need to
look online for these medications. Drsfostersmith.com has both of these
in stock and can ship out overnight if needed. Typically these large
chain stores don't carry a lot of medications.-Chuck.>
Betta and Popeye... 3/13/07 Hi there, <Hello Megan,
Brandon with you tonight.> I've recently setup a 3 gallon
eclipse system with a Betta and a couple live plants. <This is a
very small volume, easy for things to get quickly out of hand. I would
opt for a larger system sometime in the near future.> It's been
going great for almost 3 weeks now, I've done water changes each
week (1 gallon or so), and when I last tested the water (last week),
there was virtually no ammonia or nitrites/nitrates. <Virtually is
not quite the same as 0. A healthy aquarium has NO ammonia or
nitrites.> I have a heater and keep the tank around 80 degrees
(although the heater I added seems a bit wonky in this little tank, and
it can vary from 75-80). <This is because of the size of the tank.
As I mentioned before, get a bigger tank.> I just went out of town
for 4 days, with the Betta being fed by a friend on day 1 and 2, no
food on day 3, and I fed him when I got home on day 4. When I got home,
I immediately noticed he has what I'm assuming has to be pop eye
(and temp was down to 75). <Likely related.> It's worse in
one eye than the other, but appears to be in both. The eye is
noticeably bulging out, and there are white rings around each eye.
Other than that, he seems fine and is eating. Researching your site, I
see suggestions for Epsom salt, Nitrofurazone, and Metronidazole, and
am not sure which to try. I was going to try the Epsom salts first,
since that seems like the least obtrusive and most natural approach
(and although I think this is pop eye, I'm certainly no expert and
maybe it's just really irritated). My question is, if you recommend
using the Epsom Salt first, how long should I let it try and work
before resorting to something else? <The Epsom Salt should work. I
would get the temp back up to, and CONSTANTLY in the mid eighties, and
use the Epsom Salt. A little less than the half teaspoon. Give it about
three weeks.> Also, according to what I read here, it sounds like
about a 1/2 tbsp would be the right amount to add for a 3 gallon tank?
<A little less than this amount.> And that won't harm my
plants or bio filter, right? <Nope. Might actually help the plants
as they require Manganese.> Then, at what point should I then try
one of the other medications? <You shouldn't need to. Stable
environmental conditions, NO ammonia OR nitrite, and the Epsom
Salt.> And which of the two, between Nitrofurazone or Metronidazole?
<Please see above. These two medications are likely to harm your bio
filter.> I also do not have a quarantine tank, and don't want to
harm my bio filter or plants. How long is the usual treatment with
those medications? <There should be a recommendation on the back of
the bottle. At a guess I would say two weeks.> Would it be ok to put
him in a bowl or jar for 1 or 2 days with the medication, and then move
him back to his regular tank, or would I be better off just adding the
medicine to his main tank? <Honestly, I would wait until the B.
splendens was better, and then go to Wal-Mart, buy a 10 gallon tank
with a florescent hood, and an appropriate power filter, as well as
some water conditioner such as stress coat. I would also ensure that I
had an appropriate heater for this volume. My next step would be to go
home proceed to set up and fill the 10 gallon with conditioned water,
and allow it to heat to an appropriate temperature. The next day, I
would cut a section out of the filter in the old tank, and place it in
the new filter. I would then transfer the three gallon's occupants
to the 10 gallon. This is a rather inexpensive way to keep your fish
happy and disease free.> Thanks for the help! <You are welcome,
and good luck! Brandon.> Megan
Popeye 12/12/06 Hello Crew, <<Hello, Geezer. Tom
here.>> I just noticed my female swordtail's left eye is
almost "popping" out of her head. What could cause this?
<<Bacterial infection, typically, but there are a number of
others'¦>> There are no noticeable sharp edges on any
of the rocks that are in the aquarium... could her male partner have
hurt her? They chase each other quite a bit. <<A possibility but
the 'bulging' is more likely the result of infection than due
to the possible trauma (injury). Though they 'chase' one
another, it's not likely, as it would be in other cases of more
aggressive fish, that the eye was an actual target of attack. Does
happen unfortunately, though.>> What could I do to cure her
problem? Her right eye is fine. <<Isolate her, if possible, and
treat with Furanace or Kanamycin. Please understand that this
'assumes' a bacterial infection. 'Popeye' falls into
one of those very 'gray' areas that's very difficult to
pinpoint in terms of the root problem. In human terms, it's the
equivalent of trying to treat someone because he/she sneezed. We start
with a 'premise' and go from there.>> Thanks!
<<You're welcome and, I hope this helps. Tom>>
Popeye, Goldfish - 07/26/06 Hi. <<Hello,
Angie. Tom here.>> We have a ten gallon tank with a filtration
box and an oxygen pump fitted with two tubes. In this tank we have
three goldfish. Will give you their approx. sizes of their bodies, not
including tails: a potbellied Ryukin 3.2"; black moor 3.2";
and telescope eyed probably Yosakin 2". <<First, the part
you don't want to hear...your tank is far too small for these fish.
The part you won't believe - or, at least, want to believe - is
that they need to be in a tank in the 45+ gallon range. I'll,
hopefully, clarify this as we continue.>> After initial parasitic
treatment for a white cyst on the black moor; the smaller Yosakin fish
named Dean started to lay at the bottom. Tried aqua
salt...nothing...then his eye began to swell. After calling every major
fish store in town, and trying all recommended products and their
subsequent protocols i.e.; Maracyn; t.c. Tetracycline; Melafix - then
Melafix/PimaFix cocktail (currently on day 2 of this treatment).
Dean's eye is bigger than ever. <<Did anyone discuss water
conditions with you? Unless the eye has swollen due to trauma (injury),
the very first culprits I'd suspect are poor water conditions
and/or overcrowding. A 10-gallon tank isn't large enough to support
even one of these fish from either a qualitative or, quantitative,
standpoint. Goldfish produce relatively large amounts of ammonia either
through waste products or breathing. (Yep, breathing!) They excrete
ammonia through their gills in order to rid their bodies of this toxin.
A double whammy, if you will. Tie this in with the fact that they are
particularly sloppy eaters or, at least lousy scavengers, and
you've got a "triple play" on your hands. Might sound
like I'm being glib but I'm deadly serious. So, what to do?
Large living quarters and heavier filtration. Come as close to, if not
right on, the same level of dilution of toxins in their home as they
would enjoy in nature.>> Poor little guy, he eats well and grabs
food like mad during feeding times. I keep promising him we're
going to do whatever we have to get him well. Nothing is working. His
eye has now even sprouted more blood vessels to keep up with the rapid
growth. It also appears the black moor still has parasitic feces. I
really don't want to add anything else to the tank until Dean is
better. Is there any hope of him recovering...how would I know if
he's had enough and whether I should have him euthanized.
<<No way do I give up hope on a fish with a healthy appetite!
Unfortunately, I can only supply you with my best advice which is to
get your pets into an appropriate-sized aquarium with an equally
appropriate filtering system. I won't blow smoke at you and tell
you this will save Dean. I wish I could. I will tell you, however, that
you will have done as much for them (and more) than medicating the
bejeebers out of them has done thus far.>> This has been real
traumatic for us all as we suspect his suffering must be great; has
been going on for almost two months. <<I appreciate the efforts
that you've made here, Angie. Many, sadly, wouldn't have given
a fraction of the care that you've provided.>> Thank you so
much for your time and compassion. Angie S. <<If you wouldn't
mind, I'd like to know how things turn out. My best to you all.
Re: Popeye - 07/26/06 Tom, <<Hi,
again, Angie.>> Thanks so much for your considerate and well
thought out reply. No, nobody seemed concerned with tank size when I
mentioned it. But was starting to suspect it by now. We change the
water at least once a week, due to the murky nature. Finally took the
substrate out for hoping that might help. <<Then you've seen,
firsthand, what I've described. For what it's worth, I'm
glad. No doubt there are many who think we're concocting some type
of hoax where this topic is concerned. I assure you, as you are now
aware, we're in earnest.>> A 45 gallon tank, though???... Oh
boy. I never wanted fish in the first place; however bought this tank
after my daughter bought the orange Ryukin and a little bowl to take to
college! Oh...the fish never stepped foot in the dorm, daughter said it
was too noisy. <<The dorm or, the fish? :)>> Holy Mackerel!
What if I buy this big ole' tank and it breaks?? <<Not trying
to help you spend your money, Angie, but you might research acrylic
aquariums if breakage is truly a concern. Acrylic is not without
disadvantages, cost being one of them, but it does have distinct
advantages over glass that may interest you.>> Seriously, though
- I guess I'll get it. It'll be worth it to see Dean happy.
<<If you have any further questions, we'll be here,
Angie.>> Angie <<Tom>>
Flowerhorn With Stubborn Popeye 7/25/06 Hi.. a
pleasant day once again to you. Its me again, I consulted you before
about the problem of my Flowerhorn. If you still remember, my fish has
an internal infection and pop left eye. Well, I followed your advice. I
apply the proper medication for my fish. But it seems he's not
feeling better. He even got worse because his right eye got infected
too and now his eyes both popping out and both are turning white. I am
really worried because he's also not eating for days already. I
think I've done everything to help him but I still want to know and
try if there is anything else I can do to save him. Aside from giving
him Nitrofuranace and Metronidazole and water changes, is there any
other ways to help him get well or make him eat again. I am afraid to
ask this but .. will my fish die? <This disease can be fatal.>
What do you think is the percent for his survival? < The key to a
complete recovery is early detection and early treatment. Something has
stressed your fish to the point that he is susceptible to this disease.
It could be food, sanitation, temperature and even tankmates. You need
to find out what had changed before he got sick. You could try to add
some rock salt to the tank too. About a teaspoon per 5 gallons would be
worth a try.> I hope he'll gets better,.. because he is my
beloved pet.. hope you help me again. Thanks in advance and for your
time going through my letter. good day. RHEA from Philippines. <
These medications are usually pretty effective if the disease is caught
early. Keep the tank clean by vacuuming the gravel and cleaning the
filter often.-Chuck>
Flowerhorn With Cloudy Popeyes 7/7/06
Hi, A pleasant day to you. Well I need your help once again. I wrote
you about 2 weeks ago about my flower horn with a case of pop eye. My
two year old flower horn has his left eye bulge out before. It really
grew big and his eyes turn whitish outside. Well I followed your advice
to do a water change and put Metronidazole in the water. My concern
now, is that his right eye is now slowly turning whitish just like what
happen to his left eye. I am really worried that his right eye will
suffer like his left eye. What should I do to stop or prevent this from
happening? <When the fishes eyes protrude they seem to get in the
way and bump into everything and get infected. A treatment of Kanamycin
of Nitrofuranace should get rid of the whit cloudy eyes.> Pls help
him. Will my fish will lose his eyes? < If not treated the infection
could render him blind.> I don't want him to lose both his eyes
so please, please help me. What best medicine should I give him?
<The above medications should get rid of the white and may have some
effect on the Popeye too.> Before I forget, his appetite is still
poor. He hardly eats. Again thank you for your time in going through my
letter. I am hoping for your help and response again. Thanks and good
day. Rhea- Manila < When the eyes get better the appetite should bet
better too. Don't over feed when the fish is not feeling well and
hardly eating.-Chuck>
Oscar fish eye split open -
06/22/2006 <<Hi. Tom here.>> I have two Oscar fish in
my tank, but only one developed pop eye disease. <<"Pop
eye" is not really a disease. It's a symptom, generally, of a
bacterial infection that causes fluid to build up behind the eye. It
can be caused by a variety of situations including poor water
conditions or injury. Unfortunately, an internal infection is usually
pretty advanced by the time the outward symptom - the swollen eyes -
are discovered. (If it affects only one eye, I would be suspicious of
an injury. Do your pets get along okay?)>> I went to my local
fish store and was told to buy Melafix and follow the instructions on
the bottle. <<Melafix is moderately effective on open
sores/ulcers. Metronidazole, for example, would be more effective for
bacterial infections as would Oxytetracycline, among others.>> At
first it looked as if it was working, but the last 2-3 days I've
noticed that his eye looks to be split opened. <<Yipes! Sorry to
hear about that!>> I was wondering if that was the medicine
working or, is my fish's eye going to fall off? <<No, that
was a case of the medicine "not" working. Your fish may not
"lose" its eye but will certainly be blind in it.>> And
if so, is it possible for my fish to live with only one eye?
<<Absolutely, your fish can live a long life with sight in only
one eye. Do a Google search on Blind Cave Tetras. These fish are born
with normal eyes but flesh grows over these early on and they spend
their entire lives totally blind. I don't pretend to know what
"Evolution" had in mind but these fish get along very well
this way. Tom>>
Silver Dollar with one cloudy eye 6/6/06
Hello Crew <Jasmine> One of my Silver Dollars (I have 5 in total)
has one cloudy eye. Water seems to be fine (ammonia=0, nitrite=0,
nitrate=10ppm). Being on one eye only, what could be the cause? Is it
bacterial or a result of an injury? Thanks Jasmine <Most likely
originally the latter, possibly secondarily the former... If this is
just "new" I would hold off on actual
"treatment"... In all likelihood it will cure of its own
accord. Bob Fenner>
Community Tank With Bloat/Pop-Eye Issues
5/27/06 Hi there, You guys have been an awesome resource! And,
it's time for another question from me. I have a 35g that's
been set up since February with a Penguin 300 bio filter. I have 1
White Tetra, 2 Pristella Tetras, 10 Harlequin Rasboras, 10 Neon Tetras,
3 Black Mollies (1M,2F), 3 Platies (1M,2F), 1 Pleco and 1 Gold Snail. I
do water changes every 2nd week of about 25-30%, but my last couple
changes have been closer to 50% to try and combat my problem. Ammonia
is 0, Nitrites are 0. I don't know the pH or Nitrates (no test kits
yet...just ordered them). 1 female platy seems to have dropsy or some
type of bacterial infection. Her scales are sticking out a bit on one
side, she doesn't seem to "poop" often, and I can see a
white spot at her vent (constipated?). 1 female molly appears to have
the same condition, but has a much larger belly. 1 Rasbora has a little
(white?) bump on his bottom lip and has been this way since Feb. 1
Rasbora has a slightly bulging right eye. With these different
conditions, I don't know how I should treat the tank. Any
ideas/suggestions are welcome! Please help a novice trying to get this
right. Thanks. Donna < Sounds like bloat on the livebearers and
pop-eye on the Rasboras. The white lower lip thing is probably a benign
growth. Do a 50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter.
As few ways to go here. The bloat/pop-eye may be caused by the same
organism. If it is bacterial then it may respond to a double dose of
Nitrofuranace. This will affect the biological filtration and you may
need to get it restarted. If it is a protozoan infection then either
Clout or Metronidazole may work. The trouble with small fish like this
is you probably only get one guess. If you guess wrong the fish is
rarely around long enough for a second try. If it was me I would place
the infected fish in a hospital tank and treat them with he double dose
of Nitrofurazone and with the Metronidazole. Add a teaspoon of salt per
5 gallons to help get the medication into the fish.-Chuck>
Stubborn Popeye... not the Sailorman, Betta - 03/13/2006 Hi,
I am having a dilemma with my Betta and if you could give me some
advice I would appreciate it greatly. I have a five gallon Eclipse tank
with three African Dwarf frogs and one Betta. My levels all seemed to
be perfect and I did regular gravel vacuuming and partial water
changes. And I use conditioned tap water. Last week I found my Betta
listless and very inactive only to wake up one morning to see that we
was developing Popeye. I immediately went to the pet store and bought
Maracyn-Two because he had also stopped eating. I put him in quarantine
with frequent partial water changes and a heater. <Didn't have
the heater before?> It has been eight days on the medication and
Epsom salt and he still has a white ring around his eye and is
protruding slightly, his right hand side of his face still is swollen
and he just started eating yesterday. Should I do another round of
Maracyn-Two? <Mmm, I would not> And through all this my fros are
fine at least! Thanks for reading my letter and if you have any
suggestions for me I would be grateful. Thanks, Mary Ann <Just time
going by at this point will show whether this fish, eye will heal more
completely. Bob Fenner>
Pop Eye on Tetra 2/18/06 I have a 100 gallon tank with 2
magnum filters going on. One of my tetras has a bubbled eye. What do I
do? I need help. I have put him by himself in a small tank 10 gallon
with half water which is 5 gallon water & did put that tablet
fungus clear tank buddies. Do I have to add Epsom salt with it.?.
Kindly respond. thanks. Godfrey < Treat the tank with the sick tetra
with Metronidazole. The original tank may have elevated nitrate
readings and so check the levels. They should be under 25 ppm although
some fish like them lower.-Chuck>
Ram Now Has Popeye 2/18/06 Thanks for your quick response
last week. I QT'd the fish and followed your advice with the
Furanace. Unfortunately on day 3 of the treatment I noticed that the
expiration date on the medication was 2 YEARS ago... the ram hadn't
really eaten in 4 days and I didn't think he would survive another
4 days with new meds so I put him back in the main tank where he was
eating and happy to be with his mate. His nares got better, I kept up
with water changes and thought all was well. (My ammonia, nitrites are
0, less than 10 nitrates, water is RO with RO Right mixed to keep a
lower pH and softness...) Yesterday he developed Popeye. I QT'd him
again, added StressCoat and Epsom salts to his tank. (His QT tank water
is all at 0 as above). I see no symptoms of anything wrong, just one
eye bulging out. The other eye may be swollen a bit, but not much I can
tell. Is there anything I can do to help this poor fish? I just
can't figure out what is wrong with him... is there an all purpose
antibiotic I should try on him? Thanks again, Cathy G Oh, the expired
meds all came out of a fresh shipment of meds to the store - somebody
needs to get a better supplier me thinks... < The Popeye is an
internal bacterial infection behind the eye socket. Treat with
Metronidazole as per the directions on the package.-Chuck>
Guppy with Popeye 2/1/06 Dear wet web media, <Leslie> I
have a Guppy that has had Popeye for approximately 2 weeks. We had some
aggressive Serpae tetras at the time, and I assumed it was due to the
nipping they were doing. <Maybe> Immediately upon noticing the
condition, I moved him to a fish bowl I have. It was the best I could
do for a QT tank. I treated him with Epsom salts per your instruction
in the FAQ section of your website. The eye has improved some, and he
has started to eat (he wouldn't eat at first). There was a red ring
under his eye for about a week, which has gone away, but I have still
left him in QT because the LFS told me that Popeye is sometimes caused
by a parasite, <Mmm, very rare actually. If one sided, a trauma or
aggression almost always... if bilateral, typically environmental in
cause> which eventually comes out from behind the eye. If it was a
parasite, I did not want that released into my main tank. Basically, it
has been two weeks and his eye is still bulging. The swelling has not
gone down much. Should I treat him with something else, or should I
just let him be. Thanks, Leslie <Mmm, some expense involved, but
antibiotics can be attempted... Covered on WWM... search under Popeye,
Freshwater. Bob Fenner>
Betta With Pop Eye 12/24/05 Hello: A week and a half ago our
Betta showed the first signs of Popeye. At the store I was told to use
Melafix, but the problem just got worse. Now we are trying Maracyn Two
in combination with Aquarium Salt and Cycle. We moved the fish into a
hospital tank and changed the water every other day. The fish seems
friskier and is eating again, but the eye condition didn't improve.
Today is day four of Maracyn treatment; my question is for how long
should I keep it on Maracyn and, eventually, what other medication
would you recommend? Thanks for your help! Roxanne B. < The water
changes are good. Treat with Nitrofurazone or Metronidazole instead.
Both of these will work on anaerobic bacteria that are behind the eye
pushing the eye out.-Chuck>
Kribs And Exophthalmia - 11/25/2005 One week ago, I noticed
my female Kribensis eyes were popped out of her head. She lived for
about 2 weeks and then died. Two days ago, I noticed that my male
Kribensis had the same problem. I need to understand what is happening.
Thank you, -Sherry <Thanks for correcting and re-sending your
question, Sherry. Exophthalmia, or "pop-eye", is usually
caused by poor water conditions. First, you need to test your water for
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate; ammonia and nitrite should be ZERO,
nitrate less than 20ppm. If any of these are higher, you'll need to
do water changes to get them back to normal. Also, please read here for
more information: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwpopeyefaqs.htm .
One to two tablespoons of Epsom salt per ten gallons of water may help
a great deal, once the water quality is back to good. Wishing you well,
Tiger Barbs And Exophthalmia - 11/15/2005 Hey guys, <And
gals - Sabrina with you today.> I have a question about what seems
to be an eye infection in one of my tiger barbs. <Alright.> I
have a lightly stocked 72 gallon planted community tank. My parameters
are all good, pH 6.8-7, nitrites, ammonia all 0. <Great.
Nitrate?> Recently one of tiger barbs developed a cloudy, popped out
eye. Only one eye developed this. I've had them for a couple of
years with no problems, and as no other fish, tigers or others,
displayed this, I decided to watch and see if it was a sign of natural
age related disease. <It actually may be injury-related.> I do
weekly or biweekly water changes and since my parameters are fine I do
not think it is a water quality issue. <Check those nitrate
readings. This can impact exophthalmia/pop-eye.> If it was, then
other fish would display signs of stress as well most likely. I just
noticed that the barb died and a second one developed the same popped
out, clouded eye (though it isn't as developed yet). Otherwise it
also seems fine, as do all of the other fish. Does anyone have
experience with this? How would I definitely diagnose and treat it?
<I would first suspect injury, here.... Fish have a natural tendency
to bite at eyes. Tiger barbs are nippy animals. Try watching them for a
bit and see if you see any aggressive behaviour among them, or if
perhaps one fish specifically is causing the others extraordinary
amounts of stress.> All help is appreciated. At this point I
wouldn't bother quarantining because if it has been transmitted
than most likely it is in the water already, unless the treatments
would kill the plants. <Mm, better to pull the affected fish....
Even if it is a bacterial infection of some sort, it may not have
transmitted to other fish as yet. Furthermore, if the animal HAS been
injured, it will give it time to recover.> Thanks, -Eric <Wishing
you well, -Sabrina>
Tiger Barbs And Exophthalmia - II - 11/16/2005 Thanks for the
advice. I will watch and see if there is an overly aggressive behavior.
<Excellent.> I haven't tested for nitrates because all of the
test kits I have only include nitrite tests so I was under the
impression that I can only infer my nitrates from my nitrites. <The
two are actually quite different. One can be quite low, the other quite
high.... do please try to find a test kit for nitrate and check on
it.> Eric <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Popeye in an Older Betta - 11/14/2005 Good Evening... I have
been reading your chat forum.. Kudos on the GREAT JOB you do answering
all who have questions! <Thank you kindly for the kudos!> I too
have the "Betta" obsession.... 8 at my worksite, and 7 at
home. <Wow.> Two days ago, however, my oldest, has developed a
red spot at the right front lower jaw, and yesterday I noted he is
developing "Popeye" (left side). "Rupert" has been
with me for 22 months now, and has not grown much since I've had
him (leading me to believe he was fairly close to adult at purchase).
<Entirely possible. They don't exactly make 'em like they
used to; a couple of years is about "right",
unfortunately.> All "the boys" have their tanks cleaned
weekly -- their water is "well water" (brought from home). I
have added one of the "Melaleuca" compounds to the tank,
<I generally avoid against such things.... really not of much
use.> along with some "slime coat", but don't seem to
see any change in his afflictions. <I actually might not use this
either; some of these sorts of products actually "work" by
causing the fish irritation.> Am I expecting to see change too
early? Is "Rupert" perhaps too old to help? <Mm, not
necessarily.... I would generally try to see to it that this fish has
optimal water conditions, appropriate temperature....> Since you
haven't found the Melaleuca compounds to be of much use, should I
change his tank again and try Epsom Salt ? <Epsom salt (magnesium
sulfate) may in fact help reduce the swelling of the
"Popeye"/exophthalmia.> I've not tried any of the
"medicated" treatments offered at PetSmart or PetCo (locals
here) as I did not see any mention of Popeye or red spot on the
"usage" labels.... <If anything at all, you could consider
a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but I'm not sure I would in this case;
at least, perhaps not just yet.> If I should be treating with OTC
medications, should I use Epsom Salt as well? <I would start with
this only, and see where that gets you.> Thank you in advance for
your assistance in helping my little buddy.... Best Regards from the
"PhishPharm"..... ....Swim On!!!... <Glad to (hopefully)
be of some service.... Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Treating Popeye Without Olive Oil 11/4/05 Hi, I recently
purchased these two medications. I have had several fish come down with
pop-eye and I was advised from the folks at wetwebmedia.com to use
Metronidazole and that I could combine it with Focus to better target
the fish. I have a couple of questions that deal with the
administration of these medications. 1. The directions on the
Metronidazole say that you can add it to the tank water system to
medicate the fish. I have an 800 gallon system, so it would take quite
a bit to treat the whole system for the time suggested. So if I put the
infected fish in a smaller tank, are they just going to get re-infected
once they are returned to the big system? < Popeye and bloat are
internal bacterial infections caused by stress. It could be dirty
water, water temp too high, a vitamin deficiency, etc... You need to
find out what the problem is and correct it. Everybody keep their tanks
differently so you will have to figure out what the problem is in the
big tank and fix it. No matter how much medication you use on your
fish, they will continue to become reinfected as long as the problem
exists. A separate tank will help cure the fish because it makes it
easier to treat them. But unless you have solved the tank problem you
are right and they will continue to become infected.> 2. How do I
combine the Metronidazole with the Focus and get the fish to eat it? I
currently feed the fish thawed blood worms, brine, and Mysis shrimp.
Thanks Nick < Metronidazole quickly breaks down in the aquarium. The
best way to medicate is to get the medication inside the fish with the
food. I would crush the tablets into as powder and mix them with the
food and Focus. Then feed it right away.-Chuck>
Cichlid With Popeye 9/17/05 Hi, guys, I desperately need help
with a Popeye. My sajica has developed a Popeye within 2-3 hours. I
isolated him in the q-tank that had aquarium/Epsom salt 1 tablespoon/5
gal. with a dose of Maracyn plus. A few days later I don't see any
improvements in his condition. (Water is changed daily) Now his eye got
cloudy as well. He doesn't eat anything so medicated foods are out
of the question. I am not sure what else I can do. Would you have any
suggestions Thank you, < Treat with Nitrofurazone and Metronidazole
in a hospital tank. Change 30% of the water while vacuuming the gravel
in the main tank. Clean the filters too.-Chuck>
Oscars and Exophthalmus - 09/16/2005 Hello, <Hi.> I
have a question I hope someone can help me with. <Okay.> I have a
Tiger Oscar about 5-6 inches long, and it's left eye is pretty
messed up. It started last week with a white mass of some sort
collecting right behind the left eye and ever since then it has gotten
worse. The white mass got larger and began pushing the left eye out.
Now, there is still a large collection of sort behind the eye and it is
also red, like I can see flesh or muscle coming out.
<Exophthalmus.... "pop-eye". Can find more here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/popeyefaqs.htm > I have been
doing water changes, testing the parameter and treating with Melafix, I
thought it may have been Popeye. <Melafix will not help/affect this
ailment.> I used this medicine before when my fish were acting very
sickly and breathing very rapidly and it worked and brought it back
around. He is still pretty active although he is swimming a little on
it's right side. Does this sound like Popeye or could something
else be wrong? What else can be done? Please help me! I cringe every
time I look at him. <Check your water quality. Maintain ammonia and
nitrite at ZERO, nitrate less than 20ppm, and add Epsom salt (magnesium
sulfate) to the water at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. This
should help with the swelling. You can re-dose this in a few days after
a large water change.> Desperate in Texas <Please do take a look
at those FAQs. Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Flowerhorn, Exophthalmus - 09/10/2005 Hi, <Hello.>
I have a Flower Horn called Y6 ( Breed : Red - monkey), about 1.5
years old. It's a beautiful fish and it likes to play with us.
However, I found one of its eye has been expanded. But it is still
red in colour and play with us as usual. What's wrong is it?
<Something has caused a fluid buildup behind the eye; perhaps
physical trauma (very likely) or an infection. This is called
Exophthalmus, or "pop-eye". I bought a medicine called :
Waterlife - OCTOZIN because I asked some people that in the fish
store of Flower Horn. <I would likely not use medicine for this
condition. Instead, add Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) to the tank
at a rate of one tablespoon per five gallons. In a few days, you
can do a water change and add Epsom again. This will help relieve
the fluid buildup.> I want to ask : 1) Will Y6 die easily? <I
doubt the fish will die. He looks to be in excellent condition
aside from this problem. It is possible that he will lose the eye,
and if he does, you might want to use an antibiotic like
Nitrofurazone or Kanamycin to prevent infection - but even then, if
he's in otherwise good shape, he'll probably pull through
okay.> 2) What's the name of the disease? <As above, this
condition is called Exophthalmus. Any major swelling of the eye can
be called this.> 3) How can I save him? <Keep caring for him
very well; keep his water quality perfect. Add the Epsom, and watch
to see if it helps.> P.S : I took 4 photos of Y6, hope you can
reply me as soon as possible cause I love him very much, THANKS A
LOT!! <Thank you for the images, they are VERY well done and
show his condition very well.> Vienne from Hong Kong.
<Wishing Y6 a swift recovery, -Sabrina, from California,
USA> |

Pop Eye on a Silver Dollar 8/3/05 Hi, I am Janet.
I have a 55 gal fresh with 10 white clouds, 4 black tetra, 2 spotted
Cory cats, 2 dwarf gouramis, 1 blue magic dwarf Gourami (the other died
in this heyday I have been having) , one goldfish, one black moor, 2
scissortail Rasbora and 2 six or seven year old Silver Dollars that
were given to me by a friend when his wife died. They were her babies.
Hi Oh Silver came down with Popeye then a god awful case of dropsy. I
put in Melafix for the seven day prescribed and Hi Oh didn't really
improve much. I changed out 25% of the tank, put in Stress Coat and
Stress Zyme and some Methylene Blue. Hi Oh looked bad yet. I went
searching on the internet and found your site with salt treatments for
these diseases. I didn't have Aquarium Salts but another site said
Kosher Salt would do too. So I mixed up the salt (one gal to 4 teasp
Kosher salt) popped Hi in and watched him for distress. After 3 min.s
(of the 5, unless distressed) I thought he looked like he wanted out.
So I put him in the tank. Next morning HE LOST ALL THE POPEYE AND MOST
OF THE SWELLING!! I did a test and found my nitrates were 160 so I did
another water change out of nearly 50%. Put in Stress Coat and Stress
Zyme and Meth blue. My test today shows PH 6.0, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite
0ppm and finally, Nitrate 0ppm. It seems Hi Oh is getting Popeye again
and I think his pal, Long John Silver is too. Oh, I put in new carbon
filters in case of something in the water affected the old new filters
I had in. Hi looks great other then that. A very small swelling on his
cap (above his eyes/face), looks somewhat silver in most places,
eating, swimming all about and with his buddy. My question is should I
start over and put the two in a hospital tank and treat with Melafix
again or just do salt dips again? How many times can I salt dip a fish
and at what frequency.... daily, every other day, ???? Salt seems to
best work to bring down swelling. I have been fighting this for 3 weeks
now and Hi is still here. He does sit stationary a bit crooked but he
swims great. I think he can see yet out of his eyes. So far Long John
is puffy in one eye. This whole mess started with fish from PetSmart
and putting their water in my tank. I didn't know not too since I
read to do it in a dumb book, only to find out NEVER put water in
another tank. I have NEVER tested water before so that is all new to me
too but I desperately want to save the boys. Please help me : ( <
The high nitrates are stressing your silver dollars. Keeping them down
to under 25 ppm will be very beneficial. I have found that salt dose
reduce the swelling and some fish do recover enough to be cured from
this internal bacterial infection but just don't seem to be cured.
I would recommend Metronidazole to treat the infected fish in a
hospital tank so it won't affect the good bacteria needed to break
down the fish waste.-Chuck>
Cricket my platy has Popeye 7/22/05 Hey crew,
<Jennifer> I have a red female platy named Cricket who has
developed Popeye. I am not sure why? <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/popeyefaqs.htm> I test my
water 2x a weeks and all is in the norm. I think she may have ran
into something while I was trying to get my red male out of the
tank. <Possibly> (he is small about 1 inch but very
aggressive and picks relentlessly on my blue sail fin undetermined
sex platy) Anyways deep tank, lots of hornwort and short net stick
working against me in the battle to capture him <A good idea to
have, use two nets...> and put him in his new 5 gallon tank.
After he was out I noticed she was sitting under the bog wood where
she stayed barely coming out for 3 days. I noticed while feeding
her on the second day that her eyes where looking a bit strange. On
the third day I took her out and put her in a 10g naked hospital
tank, I started treating with Maracyn two since both eyes were
swollen then on the third day I realized that the meds said expire
7-05! <Mmm, don't let this throw you> So I changed 80% of
the water and started the meds all over. She is now on her third
day of the new Maracyn two treatments with no improvement it
actually looks worse in one eye now. I don't know what to do?
After I finish the Maracyn treatments should I try Epsom salt?
<I would, yes> Someone told me that they used Jungle Labs
fizz tabs for fungus and Popeye with success, should I try that?
<I would just use the Epsom> She has still been eating but
has not been active since the night I moved the male. I really
don't know what to do since I don't know what the cause is.
I have two other adult Platies in the main tank along with several
(maybe 25) ranging in size from 1 and a half cm.s to a little over
a half cm. All seem healthy including my three deformed fry. Please
help me! I hate having to euthanize my fish. Also after reading
your FAQ section I see that Popeye can last for a very long time?
Why is that? <Latent damage to the eye/s... trapped gas at
times> Is it painful for the fish? <Mmm, I don't know.
Doesn't appear to be> If it was because of a bacteria
wouldn't she be getting better from the antibiotics and not
worse? <Not particularly... just as with human health, there are
bacteria that are susceptible to some antibiotics, but not to
all> Please help, I get very frantic when my fish get ill, I am
starting to be afraid to look at her for fear of seeing her eye
burst or something, I really do not want her to suffer and will not
let it get that far, so I am just trying to help her out as much as
I can now. BTW, today her water tested: Nitrate- about 10 Nitrite -
0 pH - 7.5 Thanks in advance, I really hope she makes it! <Me
too. Bob Fenner> |
Sorry I forgot to add the picture. It was taken with a camera
phone so the quality is not great but it is fairly clear. This
picture is from yesterday 8 days after the male was removed, today
one eye looks a little worse. <Welcome. BobF> |

POPEYE IS NOT JUST A SAILOR Hello, I apologize in advance if
the problems that I am about to describe have been addressed in
previous inquires, and understand if you cannot respond to this email.
I have been experiencing problems with my male Betta for over two
months now. It appears that he has severe Popeye, and a greyish
discoloration near his head. He also developed fin/tail rot, but
luckily I was able to treat it and it is clearing up nicely. I have
searched for Popeye on your site, as well as discolorations and fungal
and bacterial diseases, but could not find any information that seemed
helpful in this situation. Originally he was in a 1/2 gallon tank, with
the temperature at an inconsistent temperature (it would fluctuate
quite often and drastically, and I think the abrupt changes are what
compromised his health.) After discovering that his eyes were blood red
and protruding, along with the patchy spots near his head, I went and
purchased a 2 1/2 gallon tank, have been doing full water changes
weekly, and have been keeping the temperature constant at about 75
degrees. I have been also alternating medications, trying to find
something to treat his eyes, and have tried Maroxy, Maracyn, and
Maracyn 2. Nothing has seemed to work. He appears fine, his appetite is
great, and he is very active, although he has not made any bubble nests
at all since he has been sick. I have not tested his water for pH,
nitrates, etc. and think that may be the next step to see if there is
something wrong with the water. I'm not sure what to try at this
point, but would really like to get my Betta back to normal! I hate
seeing him suffer! Thank you, Jade < The internal bacterial
infection behind the eyes can cause permanent blindness if not treated.
Popeye can be treated early with Metronidazole and consistently clean
warm water. Avoid extremes in temp and water chemistry.-Chuck>
Popeye--differentiating injury from bacteria Hi Bob,
<Hello Angela> You've given people lots of great advice and I
think it's fantastic stuff. I've read through your FAQ's
but am having a problem identifying the cause of my fish's pop-eye.
<Ahh!> I have two fish (unidentified... my dad bought it) in a
new 29 gallon tank. It has only been cycling for 8 days now. Ammonia is
at 0, Nitrite at 0.25 ppm, and Nitrate at 5 ppm. pH is at 7.8 - 8.0 and
temperature at 79 Fahrenheit. <Okay... would have been better to not
have the fish in a cycling system...> One of the fish developed
pop-eye slowly. The pop-eye is only on one eye, not both. I read in the
FAQs that it's most likely injury related then. <Yes>
However, the fish is not eating. Furthermore, it's developed
cottonmouth. My sister says a black spot developed in her abdomen. I am
worrying it is bacteria related, although it is only one eye that
developed pop-eye. Furthermore, her buddy is doing well. He eats all
the time and loves to swim around...so I am hoping it's an isolated
injury. <Me too> I am not medicating right now, but have added
some bio-support to boost the filter's bacteria to improve water
quality. I also added some Aquarium Pharmaceutical's Melafix to the
tank as well. The next day, she was doing much better. But by
nightfall, she resorted to hiding behind a rock again. <I would
discontinue, not use the "Fix"... it may forestall or
eliminate your nitrifying bacteria... perhaps the root cause, but
definitely a contributing factor here (the lack of biological
filtration)... and perhaps add a bit of salt...> Can you please help
me identify if the pop-eye is injury or bacteria related? And what
steps should I take to curing it? <Can't tell the cause here...
very likely environmental primarily, bacterial perhaps secondarily...
to cure? A bit of Epsom is all I would try> I've read that
pop-eye is not contagious, <Depending on its cause/s> but if it
is caused by bacteria infection, then what can I do to improve the
water quality to prevent other fish from becoming sick? Please help as
she hasn't eaten for days! Thanks so much, Angela <You can do
what you can to "speed up" the establishment of
nitrification. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and NOT do things that will cause more trouble... like adding
"medicines", "herbal remedies"... DO feed
sparingly, and NOT add more livestock... Do please learn what types of
fish/es you have... as they have different needs, tolerances... Bob
Oscar with Popeye I Have an Oscar which appears to have
Popeye. By the advice of the first Pet Store I treated the tank with a
partial water change, aquarium salt and tetracycline tabs for six
days....The fish still had Popeye. So by the advise of a second pet
store I again treated the tank with a partial water change 50%,
aquarium salt and penicillin every other day for three treatments.
Still the fish has Popeye. what else can or should I do. I have had
aquariums for 15 years or better and never had a fish with Popeye. I
would be appreciative of any advice. You can e-mail me at
<Thank you for writing. Popeye (fancy name exophthalmia) is a hard
condition to cure... when "one sided" (unilateral) the cause
is typically "mechanical injury" (a bump in the night)...
Treatments per se are not necessary... but does take a good long time
for the bulging to subside (weeks to months). Keep the system clean,
maintenance up and you should see improvement in a few weeks. Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/popeyefaqs.htm
and possibly the "Neotropical Cichlid FAQs" posted on
WetWebMedia.com Bob Fenner> THANK YOU, K. JACKSON
Re: Oscar with Popeye Since I received your information on
the subject of Popeye with my Oscar. I have kept a good watch on the
tank and Oscar for any changes. My Oscar originally had her eye popping
out and another bump on the upper back of the eye. Since I stopped
treating the tank with antibiotics the bump has gone and another one
has appeared her eye is still popping out and there is now blood in the
eye chamber. What should I do if anything? And If there is no treatment
will her eye eventually hemorrhage or will it go down. Any information
you have will be helpful. <Do your best to keep the system optimized
and stable... and the fish fed with nutritious foods... This and
patience is all that is needed, desired. The eye will improve or not
otherwise. Bob Fenner> Kelly