FAQs on Red Devil Cichlids:
Related Articles: Red
Devils, Texas Cichlids,
Firemouths, Oscars, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,
Related FAQs: Red Devils
1, Red Devils 2, &
Red Devils Identification, Red Devils Compatibility, Red Devils Selection, Red Devils Systems, Red Devils Feeding, Red Devils Health, Red Devils Reproduction, &
Neotropical Cichlids 1, Cichlids of the World,

Red devil cichlid behavior 12/11/12
Hello and thank you for your help in advance. I have a Red Devil Cichlid
that is approximately 8 to 9 years old. I believe it is a male as the
previous owner named him Charlie (I do not know how to check gender)-
Anyways, lately he has been going out of the water and hitting the glass
up, and splashing around. I thought nothing of it. Well today he has
been really aggressive and swimming to every side of the tank splashing
a lot and it seems like he is trying to get out. He gets out of the
water as much as he can. I thought he would stop but he has been doing
it non-stop for over two hours. Is this normal? Why is he doing this now
and what can I do to prevent this?
Thank you so much!
- Misty
<It's absolutely NOT normal. However, it can usually be explained. How
big is the tank? If the tank is too small, he may simply be trying to
get out (it sounds suicidal, but if a fish is stuck in what it perceives
to be a puddle liable to dry up, it may leap around trying to jump into
a bigger pond nearby). Check water quality and chemistry; if ammonia and
nitrite aren't zero, and water hardness isn't above 10 degrees dH, and
pH isn't between 7 and 8, he might be stressed, and his behaviour
reflective of this. What's he with? If there are other nippy,
aggressive, or otherwise annoying tankmates, he might be trying to get
out. Last but not least, is anyone outside the tank riling him? Oh, for
what it's worth, sexing mature Central American cichlids often isn't
difficult -- males have a distinctive long, pointed, slightly angled
spawning "tube" in front of the anal fin that females lack (theirs is
short, blunt, and usually visible only when spawning). Male Midas
Cichlids commonly have a well-defined nuchal hump, but not always.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Red devil cichlid behavior 12/11/12
Thanks Neale!
<Most welcome, Misty.>
The tank is 75 gallon. He is fairly large in size.
<I see. Still, should be workable.>
He has two Pleco tank mates that do not bother him at all.
<Good. But do keep an open mind, especially at night; look for signs of
missing scales or tattered fins suggesting of the Plecs sucking on the
flanks, as they often do with large, slow-moving fish.>
I did a 50% water change thinking that would help, however he still
behaved the same after. It does seem like he is trying to get out very
aggressively. I don't believe it is for attention and I am the only one
here and by no means do I get him worked up. Question, do they like the
same diet all the time?
<In the wild they're very omnivorous: algae, snails, benthic
invertebrates, carrion would all be part of their diet. So mix it up a
I did get a different fish food than normal, could he become this angry
because of that?
<Possibly; use of live foods, especially "feeders", is sometimes a
trigger for behavioural changes for the worse.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Red Devil Hiding 10/5/11
Hi, I got a red devil 2 weeks ago and at first she was very active. We
even put 4 guppies in there and she killed them all and another red
devil but had to take it out because she almost killed him also.
< If you are going to keep a community tank, then it is best to stay
away from fish with names like devil and terror in them.>
We bought her a rock cave and after that she would spend the whole time
in there. She would only come out if you weren't looking at her.
But once you come close to the tank she will dart right back in to the
cave. I noticed she stopped eating anything.
We did a 50% water change and took everything out besides gravel. But
nowall she does is stay under the heater and won't go anywhere else
or a self-made pit. We don't know if she has an infection or its
the water.
What should we do?? We're very worried!
<Cichlids are very aware of their surroundings. Chances are
that it is not an illness but a case of shyness. The guppies
acted as dither fish. They provided some constant movement in the tank.
When those guppies were eaten then there was no movement in the tank so
now any movement is considered a threat and your red devil will
continue to hide. Large, fast moving barbs or tetras would provide the
movement needed to get your red devil to come out.-Chuck.>
Re: HELP!!-- 10/05/11
Red Devil Hiding II
Now I noticed that she has black marks on top of her fins and tail.
<Black marks may be just variations in color.>
Red gills and abrasions on her side. I researched it and it looks like
ammonia poisoning. I've controlled the ammonia and but will those
marks ever disappear and are her gills okay?
<Ammonia problems usually occur when a tank is first set up or when
everything in the tank is cleaned to the point that the bacteria needed
for biological filtration have been washed away. Ammonia burns are very
slow to recover.>
And to help with her shyness, putting barbs or tetras will help?
< Yes>
Will she not try to kill them too?
< Put a group of large tetras or barbs that will not be eaten. The
red devil will spend her time chasing all of them and not just one of
Severum black for weeks? Psychosocial
Greetings All,
I have just been reading your FAQ on your website and hope that I can
get some clarification on what is happening in my tank, in particular
with my Severum. I purchased 2 Green Severum about 3 years ago and both
are now huge (the size of a man's hand). They have spent all their
lives in my 200Litre (ok worked it out to about 52 Gallons) 4 Foot tank
with a canister filtration system. They share their space with a Red
Dragon Discus and some small Tetras (these frequently get eaten but
other than that they get along relatively well).
<Will need more room...>
My ph is fine and there is a long aeration hose that runs the length of
the tank. My only recent qualm has been high nitrate levels (my
assumption - big fish = messy fish).
<How high is high? I'd keep these/this under 10 ppm, esp. w/,
for the Symphysodon>
So I keep the plants fresh and gravel vac every week or fortnight.
One of my Severums is quite active and flouts about the tank as No.1
fish however the other one of late has turned almost completely dark
and spends its time laying in the corners or hiding behind driftwood,
rather inanimate.
<A bad sign>
I thought it was very sick and perhaps on its last legs (so to
<Likely more psychological than physical>
Surprisingly this fish has been in the same condition for over a month
I do not want to over medicate the tank (pet shop advice to use a
nitrate suppressant and multi-cure medicine to treat the whole tank) I
decided not to because all the other fish are fine.
<I agree with your position... Would NOT treat as suggested by the
The other day I noticed the two Severums were fighting?
<Quite likely... and in this small volume of water, no where to get
pecking at each other, mainly #1 pecking at black, then they started
lip locking. I have read so much stuff its confusing me and I am not
sure if the black one is sick or brooding?
<More likely the latter>
If they are brooding how long do they stay like this?
<Perhaps forever, or until the "loser" dies from
cumulative stress, non-feeding... they need to either be separated (put
into two tanks) or placed in a much larger world (a hundred gallons or
Also I put my hand in to see if it was going to move and it swam off
and changed back to its normal colour. This Severum also changes back
to its normal colour when eating before returning to its corner to sulk
and turn black
<Then this is not neurological damage>
again so I'm thinking it cant be a sickness because it can decide
if it wants to be active.
Please help. I don't know if I should be separating or
accommodating brooding.
Regards, Lisa.
<Moving together to a larger world or placed in separate systems.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Severum black for weeks? 9/20/10
Thanks very much for your help. Am now searching for a bigger tank.
<Ah, good. BobF>
Red Devil Hitting the Lid 8/28/10
Hey Crew, I have a Red Devil African Cichlid (for about 6 years
< Red Devils come from Central America.>
Reds is moving normal and has a healthy appetite , but he will jump up
and hit the lid of the tank. At first I thought it was because he is
hungry, but he will do it even after he eats. This has been going on
for about 2 weeks now. Red's live in a 55 gallon tank by himself
because he killed everyone else. What can be the cause of this
< Could be things floating on the water that resemble food items.
Like a fish hitting a lure at the surface of a lake. The other reason
may be because it thinks its escaping a predator. Shadows and traffic
near the tank can spook fish into jumping. I would remove items like
leaves of plastic plants and maybe move the tank where less people may
walk by.-Chuck>
Re: Red Devil Hitting Lid II
Nothing has been added to the tank. The tank has been in the same
position for 6 years, and nothing is floating.
<Then the second reason , that he is being spooked by something
could be the cause. Maybe shadows or reflections of light hitting the
tank. maybe he does it more at certain times of the day than others.
next time it happens look around and see if you can determine a pattern
to determine the cause.-Chuck>
Red Devil Cichlid Hitting Lid 9/3/10
Chuck, First I would like to thank you for assisting us in figuring out
what is wrong with Red's. I am attaching a video so you can see
what he is doing all the time. I am noticing that his color is starting
to fade (he's getting white all over), a bump is forming on his
head near his hump, and is eyes don't look right. He still eats and
will follow us around when you go to the tank.
< Sorry , couldn't get the video to open up. I move the question
to another crew member to see if they have better luck.-Chuck
Re: Red Devil African Cichlid 9/3/10
<Mmm, doesn't seem to be "home"/responding>
First I would like to thank you for assisting us in figuring out what
is wrong with Red's. I am attaching a video so you can see what he
is doing all the time. I am noticing that his color is starting to fade
getting white all over), a bump is forming on his head near his hump,
and is eyes don't look right. He still eats and will follow us
around when you go to the tank.
Mrs. Marlena Duckett
<Mmm, well "something" is wrong here environmentally, but
what? Could there be an electrical short? Some source of poisoning...?
Bob Fenner>
Red evil 4/22/09
hello, im very concerned about my red devil.
<Hello Shrhonda, thanks for writing. But please note, we usually
bounce back messages that don't have proper grammar and spelling.
It's the "currency" of the site; you give us well written
messages, and we can
create web pages from them. Web pages turn into advertising, and that
pays for the bandwidth. If you don't send us a clearly written
message, that system is undermined. If you actually are 8 years old and
don't know about grammar and spelling, or English isn't your
first language, then accept my apologies; otherwise, fix your messages
before you send them please! This is all stated up front where you
found our e-mail.>
its about 3-4 years old, he/she is very active, and i have had no real
problems with him except for the eating of other friends.
<If he's eaten his tankmates, that's surely a problem? In
any case, Red Devil cichlids shouldn't be eating fish. They are
"earth-eater" type cichlids, that naturally sift mud and
debris to find food, particularly worms, insect larvae and bits of
plant matter. The worst thing you can do for this type of fish is allow
them to eat fish, either accidentally or deliberately. When animals eat
the food they're not meant to, they get sick. Just look at the
health of most of the humans around you! We should be eating mostly
plants and a bit of meat, but instead we don't do that, and our
health suffers through obesity, constipation, heart disease and all the
rest. So, concentrate on the natural diet of your fish, and it will
always be much healthier.>
anyhow the last two days he/she has been really weird. we did a partial
water change on Monday, he/she has not ate but developed black around
his/her lips and the edges of the fins and some on the body, but also
is staying at the top of the tank on the right side. the a few times
today i have watched and all the sudden he will jump up out of the
<Difficult to say what's the issue here without water chemistry
parameters, specifically nitrite and pH. Usually when fish go loopy
after a water change, it's because they've been exposed to some
sudden change in pH, temperature, or perhaps even poisons such as
detergents that might have been in the bucket. Toxins in the air, such
as paint fumes, can also cause problems. If you cleaned the filter too
aggressively, it's possible you've removed too many bacteria,
and the filter has begun "cycling" again, in which case
ammonia and nitrite levels will go up. Check these.
Discolouration around the mouth can indicate incipient infections,
particularly Finrot and Columnaris, in which case an appropriate
medication such as Maracyn will need to be used.>
his breathing seemed strange so i stuck a air brick in to get more
oxygen but i don't really think that was the problem. im worried
he/she is dying.
all my levels are in range and i adjusted my temp.
<What do you mean by "the range"? For a Red Devil, this
should be 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-20 mg/l nitrate, pH 7.5-8, general
hardness 10-25 degrees dH, carbonate hardness 5-15 degrees KH,
temperature 25 C/77 F. If you're not at these levels, then
something is wrong, and you should fix them.>
he is moving all his/her fins. does not looked harmed. do u think he is
just upset with us.
<No; never make the mistake of assigning human feelings to animals.
Animals don't work the same way as us. Rather, animals prioritise
their basic needs and drives, and the foremost of these is survival. If
they are exposed to lethal conditions, they won't do their other
things such as feeding and engaging in reproductive behaviour such as
he hasn't even done the normal as to rearrange, u no the plants
float at the top and all the gravel to one side. has not done that.
<Review conditions, diet as noted above. For a Red Devil to *not*
want to dig and act belligerently is rather unusual!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
fish breeding, Red Devil beh....
English 7/15/08 my red devil has dug a big pit,and he
ckeeps chasing my female flowerhorn around,until she hides at the
top,could you tell me why he is doing this,thanks tony? <Amphilophus
spp are highly territorial nest builders, and unless you have a huge
aquarium they assume the entire aquarium is their own domain. So in
short, he/she is being territorial (Amphilophus spp. are difficult to
sex) and doesn't want the Flowerhorn in its tank. Simple as that.
Cheers, Neale.>
Dark Lips on a Red Devil Cichlid
Just received a wild caught 9" red devil (Amphilophus labiatus).
He seems to have settled in reasonably well, but I noticed today his
lips look sooty in color, like he was foraging in black dirt. Just the
front of his lips are colored. I don't think it is a pigment
change. He appears to be about three years old, and would have probably
achieved his final coloration by now. Any ideas? <May be
"bruised". Have seen these mouth color changes in "just
moved" neotropical cichlids before. Generally will recolorize in
time. If the fish is eating (which is almost a given with this species)
I wouldn't be concerned. Bob Fenner>
Red Devil Query I have a red
devil in a 55 gallon tank, and he is about 25 cm long... I just noticed
recently he likes going to the top of the tank and it seems like
he's grabbing air, although I know that's no true cause
that's just the way fish work, breath thru the water.. I was
wondering why would it seem that he is always going up there and doing
that?? is he healthy? he also doesn't eat anything some times.
he's really picky... I was thinking of giving him to the pet store
because I don't know if I can handle him not eating and such.
>>>Hello Mike, First thing, please use proper grammar and
spelling when you post a query here. Taking time to correct these
things just means I have less energy to devote to your question. All of
these questions are posted on the site FAQ, so bad spelling and grammar
must be corrected. Now... These fish are large, messy eaters and will
place a tremendous strain on the filtration system. Nitrogen cycle
management is paramount with large cichlids such as these. Failure to
do so can cause a myriad of health issues. I need more info. What is
your setup? How is the water circulation? How often do you perform
water changes? Lack of oxygen in the water can cause the behavior you
describe. The fish is literally gasping for air. Regards
Dangerous Devil Behavior? Hi- I
have a 6" Red Devil who until recently has acted quite calmly.
I've had him for a year and have always been careful to feed him a
balanced diet. Recently, he has begun to act strangely. Darting,
chasing his tail, and biting at his reflection in the glass, sometimes
ramming it full speed. Everybody said to treat him for parasites, which
I have done twice. Also I have done a 100% water change twice. This has
been going on for about 2 weeks. He does not rub his body on anything
and eats normally. It seems like he's just gone crazy! Any help you
could lend would be appreciated-- Mike <What you describe so well is
not atypical developmental behavior for the few species of neotropical
cichlids called Red Devils... they can become incredibly
"aggressive", so much so that other livestock cannot be kept
with them... Not a disease here, no need to treat, but do take care if
you intend to move, mix this specimen with other fishes... it should be
the last fish added... and kept separated by a transparent partition
for a few weeks... Bob Fenner>
Red devil playing dead? Hello, I
have a Red Devil that is about 6-8 inches long, it lives in a 135gallon
tank with a Dempsey, blue African and a pike. They all get along just
fine since they grew up together from young fry. My question is why
does my fish seem to play dead, I keep thinking that when I wake up in
the morning he will be dead (or she). Next morning he/she is just
swimming happily around, but it will just lay on the floor on its side
or even upside down and it will swim upside down to get behind his rock
in the corner. Is this something that you have heard of before or could
he be sick? <Not likely sick... but a cichlid! That is, these are
intelligent, playful fish...> All the other fish in the take act
normal. I gave you the info on the size and other fish because maybe
they are not meant to be together. I hope you can answer my question, I
just need to know if I should go get new filters or anything else that
may help him if he is sick. Thanks - Ammy <Likely you already
change out water, vacuum the gravel often... and offer a variety of
foods... Your fish are doing fine, and they are a compatible, though
rough and tumble grouping. Bob Fenner>
How Old Can Red Devil Cichlids
Get? Hello, I have had a Male Red Devil Cichlid for almost 17
years. If I'd have known he would live this long I would've
saved for his college tuition! I got him when he was about the size of
a dime, and now he's almost a foot long and still growing. He's
in a 40 gallon tank by himself, though he makes friends with just about
anyone (human, dog, cat etc.) who takes the time to meet him. Loads of
personality! His name is Fred. My question is how old can Red Devil
Cichlids live to be? The only sign I can see that he might be slowing
down is this: We've always had a game where I try to drop his food
pellets directly into his waiting mouth (if I wait too long, he'll
leap out of the water like Shamu and grab it for himself!). Whenever I
miss and the pellet lands in the water, he'll scramble after it. He
always used to get it on the first lunge, but over the last year or so
it seems to take him more tries before he gets the pellet. It seems
that maybe his eyesight is going. I've heard that Cichlids are
known for their keen eyesight, so that might account for his missing
the pellets on the first few tries. Besides that, Fred has never had
any health problems and is a truly beautiful fish in perfect shape.
Nobody has been able to tell me how old Red Devil Cichlids can get.
What is the oldest you've heard of? < The problem with longevity
records with tropical fish is that nobody wants to keep their fish that
long. Many cichlid keepers breed their fish and then move on to the
next one. Your track record with your red devil is truly remarkable and
you are to be highly commended for keeping you pet alive and well for
so long. As a general rule of thumb I personally use a " year per
inch" standard. But many fish such as your have far exceeded that.
I don't know of anyone who has kept track of their red devil for
any length of time. I am sure your fish is getting up there.-Chuck>
Thank you! Chris Haller INSECURE RED DEVIL Hi Bob I have
recently been given a red devil and I think he is terrific - recently
however he seems to be staying for most of the day in his rock cave
that he put together himself ! he used to come out and play and
landscape a lot. I can't see anything wrong with him but he takes
off and hides when ever I approach so I'm finding it hard to check
him out. I feed him appropriate food regularly. I am wondering if he is
a bit lethargic or sick for some reason or just being an eccentric red
devil. Do you have any advice? Thanks in advance - John,
Melbourne Australia < He may feel more comfortable in his
little retreat. If he is eating and looks normal then it is probably a
case where he feels more secure in the cave and does not feel a need to
come out. I would dismantle his cave and force him to face the light
because eventually he will probably become imprinted to his cave and
stay in there permanently. This makes for a poor aquarium fish. Get him
out and keep him active. Move things around in the tank as well as add
a few rocks or take some out.-Chuck>
Red Devil Acting Strange I have a
6" red devil who, aside from killing any other fish I tried to put
with him, has acted quite calm for the year I've had him. Recently
he has been darting unexpectedly, chasing his tail, and biting at his
reflection in the glass. He eats normally ( a balanced diet). He does
not rub his body on anything, has no signs of parasites ( I treated him
twice for them anyway, just to be sure) and I have done a 100% change
of water twice. He is acting as if he has just gone crazy. Is there a
certain time of year when they exhibit strange behavior (like a mammal)
or could there be another explanation? Thanks for your help! - Mike
< Cichlids from Central America are intelligent creatures and often
interact with their exterior surroundings. What you are describing is
normal for a fish that has been kept alone for awhile. This turns out
is part of their charm and why so many people really like their
cichlids for many years. To slow him down you can turn down the water
temp to the mid 70's. If you really want to see him go ballistic
set a mirror next to him. Don't leave it there too long or he might
hurt himself. This is not a disease, just a result of being raised
Devil Getting His Horns My
cichlid (red devil) has a large bump over his left eye, it is about the
size of a nickel, and is bulging out. It also is turning colors as if
it might be bruised, what is this and how can I treat it? Thanks, Gail
<This could be natural growth. An adult male Red Devil will grow
such a hump as a sign of maturity. If this is a bruise then just keep
his water clean and it will heal. Don>
Red Devil Changing Color
9/16/05 Hi WWMC! <Hello there.> I have a 55 gallon tank, as
you may have heard before, and one of its occupants is a
3" red devil named Skeeters. Originally s/he was a pale
orange, but now s/he is changing around her/his lips and tail which
are turning black. Do you know what this might be? Is my red
devil ok or is this something to be worried about?
<Completely normal for Red Devils to gain and/or lose patches of
black, and sometimes white. Nothing to be concerned
about.--Glenn> Red Devils natural diet?
And fat lips? Chuck's Take - 02/11/2007 I have a 7' Red
Devil cichlid, his name is Marmalade. He currently is the only fish in
his 55 gallon aquarium. <And likely to be the only fish
tolerated...> The tank is filtered by two <Good> AquaClear
500s, with weekly 25 to 50 percent water changes. <Also> Water
parameters: pH-8.2, ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-always under 10ppm,
and temperature 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Marmalade's tank will be
upgrading to a 150 gallon in May. He deserves more tank space to
destroy. <Heeeee!> I am wondering if anyone can tell
me what would make up the majority of their natural diet. <Mmm, you
can take a look on fishbase.org: http://fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=4786
here for the most commonly named Red Devil Cichlid (there are a few
other species so-named). See the notes under "Biology"...>
I can find gut analyses for many Amphilophus cichlids citrinellus,
xiloaensis, Amarillo, '¦ but not labiatus. <
I want to raise live foods for treats. I currently raise cherry red
shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis), snails, and swordtails
(Xiphophorus Sp). In the summer I also raise red worm. <All accepted
greedily> I also need to know if anyone has suggestions on fattening
up Marmalade's lips. The only info I can find about their fat lips
says it is callus buildup from their feeding practices in the wild. I
want to replicate Marmalade's natural environment as well as
possible. My plan is decorating the 150 with 100+ pounds of honeycomb
limestone. My hope is that he will excavate the rock for his live
treats and fatten up his lips. Any other suggestions? <Mmm, really
just time going by... May "fatten up" or no...> I guess I
need to mention that I don't know Marmalade is 100% red devil. I
purchased him from a pet store, not an importer. I think he shows
mostly labiatus characteristics. His nuchal hump is relatively small.
When viewed from overhead his jaws come to a point, not rounded like
Amphilophus citrinellus. <Am going to place this note in our
resident Cichlid expert's in box as well... Chuck Rambo will likely
have much more input here. Bob Fenner> <(Chuck's Take). In
the wild these guys feed on all kinds of invertebrates like snails,
crustaceans, insects as well as small fishes. These prey items are
found in between the cracks of the rocks in their natural environment.
The large lips on these cichlids are used like a gasket over the
openings so they can suck out the prey out between the cracks. When
these fish are brought into the aquarium they stop doing this
technique and the lips soon go back to a normal size. There
are many Lake Malawi cichlids that have the same large lips in the
wild. So far there has been no documentation of any captive cichlids
developing these massive lip structures.-Chuck>
Red Devil Going Crazy......... 9/5/07 Hello, I have a
Female Red Devil that is about three years old and is about
8" inches long. I recently moved her from a 55 gallon tank
with one other fish into a 100 gallon tank with about ten smaller
less aggressive fish. She seems to be doing fine with the other
fish, they stay out of her way and occasionally she will dart at
one but nothing to serious. <Red devils are hardly community
fish, so on the scale of things, you're doing well.>
However, lately she has been acting really strange. She has been
doing this really weird shaking with her body around her
"cave" , sometimes she will dig her nose into the
ground and shake I cant tell if she is trying to rub her body on
anything, it doesn't seem like she is cause sometimes she
does it when nothing is around her. <Probably trying to
dig.> She also has been extremely active very excited when I
come up to the tank and she will try and bite at herself which
she used to do prior but this is a little more extreme than
usual. <She's trying to attack you. She views you as a
threat.> I thought that maybe she was going to lay eggs or
something, but I don't think that is possible without a male
is it? <Not usually, though sometimes it happens.> Now the
tank I got had previously had other fish in it, is it possible
that it may have had some diseases in it or parasites and so now
she has it? <Unlikely.> I am pretty new to all of this so I
really don't know what to think. Can you help me figure out
what is wrong? <Do all the usual things: check pH (should be
~7.5), hardness (should be reasonably high), nitrite (should be
zero). Review diet (these are omnivorous cichlids and need a mix
of meaty and green foods). But otherwise, assuming there
aren't obvious signs of infection or skin damage, I'd
tend to leave things be for now.> Thanks, Melissa & Fido
(my fish) <Cheers, Neale>
Re: Red Devil Going Crazy......... -- 09/05/07 Thank
you for your reply! However, I wanted to add that I noticed that
her color as well has gotten very bright (brighter than usual),
and she also has something sticking out of her belly on the
bottom. Also when I was fixing the plants she was trying to
attack my hand and she has never ever done this in the past. I
know there has to be something going on with her, could it
possibly be that she may be a he? She doesn't have a bump on
her head like I have read with most male Red Devils so I just
assumed that she was female. <Hmm... well, red devils destroy
plants, so that checks. Not sure what the "something"
from her belly is, but let's assume it's the genital
pore, in which case you likely have a mature male if its long and
pointed, a female if its round and stubby. Only old males develop
a really big nuchal hump, and some males never develop one.
There's also the problem of which species we're talking
about here: Amphilophus citrinellus or Amphilophus labiatus; both
get called red devils (as ever, Latin names are best!). Colours
can vary with age and mood, so not real informative. If
you're really concerned, send along a picture. But if
she's eating and merely engaging in random acts of violence
and destruction, well, that's par for the genus. Cheers,
Re: Red Devil Going Crazy......... 9/7/07 Here is
a pic. The thing sticking out from her/his belly is actually very
tiny. And she hasn't been eating at all since I have put her
into the new tank. <Hmm... can't really see anything on
that photo. Can you do a close-up of her vent? Sexing this
species is extremely difficult, and a good look at the vent will
help, too. Cheers, Neale.>

2 pictures for you Firemouth Not a Firemouth, Red
devil beh. 4/16/08 I have a Firemouth cichlid that
I have had for a couple of years now. A few months ago, he started
losing his scale color-it almost looked like he was molting. Now,
he is completely orange. He has been completely orange now for
about three months. He eats well, I give him cichlid pellets, blood
worms, etc. he started having the problem when I gave him a bunch
of feeder minnows. Water pH is around 7.8, temp is 80 degrees,
ammonia level is zero. I regularly do water changes once a month,
and he is alone in a 25 gallon tank. He is very large, probably 9
inches long. My question is - what is the matter with him? How can
I get his stripes/coloring back? Why does he now look like a giant
goldfish with teeth? There are no visible parasites on him. His
fins are in perfect shape. Any ideas? I am attaching a couple of
pictures showing him when it first started happening, and what he
looks like now. Can you help? Thanks----------Wayne <Your
Firemouth is really a red devil. Once they change from their grey
color to orange they don't go back.-Chuck> |
