FAQs on Red Devil
Cichlids: Disease
Related Articles: Red Devils, Texas
Cichlids, Firemouths, Oscars, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,
Related FAQs: Red Devils 1, Red
Devils 2, & Red Devils
Identification, Red Devils
Behavior, Red Devils
Compatibility, Red Devils
Selection, Red Devils Systems,
Red Devils Feeding, Red Devils Reproduction, & Neotropical Cichlids 1, Cichlids of the World,

Large Red Devil Cichlid with possible internal tumor
<Hello Terri,>
I've been reading your forum for awhile now and doing some research on my own,
but I haven't found anything quite like the issue that is affecting my fish. She
is a Red Devil cichlid and we've had her for about 12 years.
<A fair age, and assuming she's been healthy otherwise until now, yes, a tumour
is certainly possible.>
Over the last few months she has developed a significant bump on her left side.
I first noticed it about 4 months ago. It has always been about the same
diameter (about 1") but has slowly grown so that it protrudes more and more from
her side. The bump does not seem to affect her eating or swimming habits and she
is just as feisty as always! I'm wondering if she might have some type of tumor,
and if so, can anything be done about it?
<Likely not. If benign, as most of these tumours are, there's no immediate
threat. The bump looks like it's on the muscle (flank) of the fish rather than
the abdomen -- check yourself to see if it is behind the vent. If it is behind
the vent, then it's likely a tumour in the skin or muscle, and there's really
not much to be done. Neither is there much risk to the fish, beyond gradual
incapacity if swimming ability diminishes. If the tumour is on the internal
organs, as could be the case if the tumour is within the abdomen (and so in
front of the vent) then things are more serious. Again, no real treatment, but
the issue is that tumours can quickly obstruct the digestive system and other
internal organ systems, and this can cause the
premature death of the fish, even if the tumour itself doesn't spread
We moved and went from city water to well water about 6 months ago. We checked
out the water thoroughly (for the fish and for ourselves!) The well water is of
excellent quality. The tap water does go through a water softener with salt that
has an iron-reducing additive in it.
<You should never use water from a domestic water softener in an aquarium, and
indeed, it's generally not recommend you drink water from domestic water
softeners either. RO water is fine, but anything that uses, for example, salt to
soften water isn't going to produce "soft" water as
aquarists think of it.>
I don't know what the iron-reducer is composed of. I've looked on the bag of
salt and online and can't find an answer. The city water that we used in the
past was also softened water, but did not have the iron-reducing additive. The
city water had chorine, and we used chorine remover before adding water to the
<I don't actually think the water softener is the problem here, but rather age
and inbreeding, which make tumours more likely. That said, the extra sodium ions
in water from domestic water softeners is a stress factor.>
Other than the water change, she is in the same 75 gallon tank (alone) with the
same filter, gravel and decorations that have been in her tank for years. The
tumor might be something that cannot be treated, but I'd like to know if anyone
has seen something similar that could be treatable.
<These tumours aren't treatable as such, but if slowly developing, the fish may
well live a normal life.>
<Sorry this can't be more hopeful. Cheers, Neale.>

Re: Large Red Devil Cichlid with possible internal tumor
Thank you so much for your quick response.
<Most welcome.>
I kind of figured that if it is a tumor, there's not much to be done about
But I thought there might be a chance that the bump could be caused by
something else, so why not ask?
<Understood, but I'm struggling to imagine it's anything other than some
sort of cyst or tumour.>
The tumor is behind the vent, so hopefully it will be slow-growing.
My husband reminded me that when we do a water change every 2 weeks we use
water from the outside spigot which comes straight from the well and does
not go through the softener.
However, when I top-up the aquarium with 2-3 gallons of water to offset
evaporation (about once a week), I have been using indoor tap water so I
will stop doing that.
<Ideally, evaporation is topped off with pure (RO, rain or deionised water)
because otherwise you're adding minerals. While I don't believe the softened
water is the problem here, the use of domestic water softener water is risky
because such water contains sodium ions, and the more you use, the more
sodium gets into the water. It's the same reason people instructed to avoid
sodium in their diet are told not to drink softened water. For sure the
amount is very low, and for most people not a problem, but it's one extra
factor getting in the way of a balanced aquarium, so best avoided.>
Please let me know if you have a blog or other source of information that I
can tap into and learn more about freshwater fish and aquarium care, and
thanks again for the help!
Best Regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
My fish has white spots on his skin and a white spot on his eye
<Umm; is this the totality of your msg.? Need data... like water quality tests,
set up, feeding, tankmates.... Useful information. This appears to be one of the
few Red Devil Cichlids... can make out a whitish dot mid-center on one eye... is
this bilateral? On both sides? Could be due to a trauma... a physical injury, a
bump into something... But more likely environmental... Too low pH, hardness...
too high metabolites... ammonia, nitrate.
Send data... And not large files. Bob Fenner>
Red Devil not doing well
I have a red devil, "Spot", who is over 8 years old. About two
weeks ago he developed two lumps on his side, one in the middle on his
left side and one below it on the same side just above his stomach area.
They started pretty
small but have become much larger over time (probably about the size of
a grape).
<Yikes... you mean, "developed" as in just in this short period of
Spot is in a 125 gallon tank with a vast assortment of African cichlids
(best estimate is 80). I know that's not typical but he will not
tolerate any other species as he grew up with them since he was small. I
did a massive water change about a week ago (60-70%) because I thought
it could be nitrate/nitrate related. Well at this point he doesn't seem
to be doing any better.
<Perhaps the NO2, NO3 exposure is at fault/play here>
For the last week spot has just lied in his cave on his side. The lumps
seem painful as he can only turn in one direction on the rare occasion
when he does come out. I haven't been able to get him to eat the last
few days.
<... what do you feed this fish, these fishes? Am wondering if something
pathogenic has been introduced>
Do you have any idea of what this could be?
<Only guesses with the info. provided... "tumors" are "caused" in fishes
by the same mechanisms as in dogs, cats, humans... various parasites,
infectious agents, chemical exposure, water quality insults; nutritional
Any suggestions that may help him? I've brought him back from the brink
a couple of times, he's a tough fish. I would hate to lose him now.
Thank you,
<I'd focus on improving water quality, move this Red Devil elsewhere if
you have another stable environment of size.
Bob Fenner> Red devil 11/17/14
I have a red devil fish and her stomach has slowly gotten bigger
over a 2 month period. If she was pregnant wouldn't she have
laid eggs by now? I have two male fish in the same tank and they are
fine. One side of her belly is bigger than the other. Any ideas on what
is wrong with her?
<No specific answers here, but no, this isn't normal, and egg-binding
isn't likely. Do review aquarium conditions (nitrate, in particular, is
a suspected cause of many problems with large cichlids such as Hexamita
infections and you should to keep it below 20 mg/l and certainly never
allow it to go above 40 mg/l). As with any Central American cichlid,
alkaline water is critical to long term health, so check the pH and
hardness are where they should be. Finally, constipation is very common
with large cichlids that we often forget consume a large quantity of
"fibre" in the wild. Review diet, increase the amount of greens and
unprocessed (ideally, shelly) invertebrates, and use Epsom Salt as a
laxative. As a general rule, the old Metronidazole + Nitrofurantoin
combination is a good one-two punch for a wide range of ailments, with
relatively little risk to the fish (though watch the filter bacteria).
Have cc'ed Chuck, our cichlid expert, in case there's something I've
Cheers, Neale.>
Worried about my Red Devil.
Thank you in advance for your much needed help! I have a Red Devil in a
tank that we assume is a 80 gallon tank. He is about 12 inches long, 6
inches high and about 1 and a half inches thick. When we moved into our
new house about 3 years ago, he was left behind for us so we do not have
the slightest clue on how old he is. He is fed by an automatic feeder
twice a day. We like to average his feeding to about 10 pellets a day
but because it is a automatic feeder he sometimes get more or less than
10 a day. We started noticing about 3 weeks ago that he had a lose of
appetite and is eating less and less as the days go by. About 3 days
ago, we noticed that he has a blister like lesion (white puss
looking inside a red ring) on the tip of his nose. I have
attached so,e pictures for you to see what we mean.
What can we do to help him and make him feel better?
<It looks like physical damage of some sort, likely bumping into
something in the tank, perhaps even the glass. Medicate as per Finrot,
and I'd recommend against using tea-tree oil type medications (Melafix
and the like) in favour of antibiotics or at the very least
antibacterials of known, established reliability. Don't forget to remove
carbon (if used) while medication, keep up with water changes, and keep
an eye on how things go. Cheers, Neale.>
Two small growths on Red Devils head
Hi I have a red devil that's about 9 yrs old. He has been fine all of
these years but now there is two growth on its head and they are getting
Does anyone have an idea as to what they are ?
<These are growths of some sort out of the nares... some folks have
attributed to viral causes mediated by water quality issues, lack of
nutrition (deficiency syndrome)... other parasites as intermediates.
There is no real "cure", but they don't seem to be too debilitating. Bob
can you help with my red devil... hlth.
hi i have a red devil that is about 5yrs of age, for the past 2 days he
has been nose up in the corner of the tank and has white stuff on his
body, his has also gone off his food and is lacking energy..he will have
burst of energy but he then goes back to being nose up. i didn't by his
food where i usually do and I'm wondering if maybe this has caused
it..could you please tell me what it might be…
<Hello Natalie. Need some information here. How big is the aquarium?
Presumably at least 75 gallons (anything smaller isn't viable for
Amphilophus spp.) but if there are other fish in there, you'd need more
than 75 gallons. So are there any other fish in there? What about water
chemistry and water quality? How often do you do water changes? The
bigger the cichlid, the more waste it creates, and the higher the
nitrates go between water changes. Nitrates are the "silent killer" in
cichlid tanks, and in my experience, high nitrate levels coupled with
"old" aquarium water is a major source of mortality among cichlids,
particularly mature specimens. Food is unlikely to be a problem --
healthy cichlids have huge appetites -- but all bets are off if you use
feeder fish or known dirty foods (Tubifex for sure, though possibly
bloodworms as well). But if you're feeding sensible foods appropriate to
this species -- good quality pellets plus occasional greens like spinach
or peas -- then he should have a hearty appetite once his healthy and/or
living conditions improve. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: can you help with my red devil... 5/31/12
hi Neale,
i am not sure how many gallons my tank is but its about 200 litres its
not a big tank,
<Indeed not, and one reason for your troubles.>
we were given the red devil a few months ago off a friend cause it kept
eating all his fish...i didn't do a water change for a while because i
lost my chlorine neutralizer
so it was about 1 months before his water got changed…
<Oh dear.>
i give him feeder fish or feeder goldfish.
i also buy him yabbies or shrimp and buy bloodworms as well...i also
have pellets for him..at the moment he has one little goldfish that was
meant to be food but he hasn't ate it,
<Feeder Goldfish are parasite bombs.>
there are also 3 or 4 yabbies left that he hasn't eaten...i was gunna do
50 percent water changes every 2 weeks but the pet store where i buy my
food usually said do only do 25 percent water changes every month..is
that right?
<No. Change 25% at least once a week for a normal, sensibly stocked
aquarium. But your tank is probably overstocked, so I'd change 25% twice
a week. I bet your nitrate levels aren't that good -- cichlids quickly
become stressed when exposed to nitrate levels above 20 mg/l.>
his water is at 27 degrees Celsius..and when i got up this morning he
has more of the white stuff over his body…
<Fungus or Finrot perhaps? Your aquarium is overstocked, the livestock
fed the wrong things, and your water changes are insufficient. All sorts
of reasons why things aren't working out. Do read, learn from what's
here at WWM. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: can you help with my red devil... 5/31/12
thanks for letting me know i have never owned a red devil before and
that's the food i was recommended to feed him
<Oh dear. In the wild, Amphilophus species (including Red Devils and
Midas Cichlids) sift the substrate for things like insect larvae and
snails. They do eat some very small fish, fish fry really, as well as
algae, but "feeder fish" aren't a natural or safe thing for them to eat.
A good quality flake or pellet food is the best way to keep cichlids,
with some greens like spinach or cooked peas to avoid constipation.>
so they obviously know nothing about the fish themselves :(
unfortunately he died early this morning which i didn't expect cause
last night he actually had a bit more life about him he started swimming
around again and looked better...but i will be making sure if i ever get
another red devil i have taken everything you have told me into account…
<Real good. They're lovely fish, and the one I kept at university was my
pride and joy. He shared a 200-gallon tank with a Jaguar Cichlid, some
Convicts, a couple of Gibbiceps Plecs and a Channel Catfish, and they
made a fantastic display in the foyer of the zoology department. Red
Devils have loads of personality, and this was the fish that would swim
to front and interact with anyone standing or sitting nearby. Like
Oscars, these are fish that really can be pets, not just dumb animals
swimming about the tank.>
i actually feel really bad now cause everything i had been told was
wrong...and i have 3 kids i kept the chlorine neutralizer on top of
fridge and i think that one of them slammed the door causing the fridge
to shake a bit which caused it to land in our recycling and we did
realise before emptying it....but the next pay day i went and brought
more just not the same brand...i really do appreciate you taking the
time out to help me thanks heaps :)
<Always happy to help.>
i have learnt a lot of you which will help me next time around..thanks
Neale from Natalie…
<Best of luck, Neale.>
Sick Red Devil Cichlid; perhaps from Ich "medicine", no rdg. 4/16/12
My red devil has had ick for a few days. We gave her medicine, and she appeared
to be getting better.
<No medicine necessary. Can be cured w/ temperature elevation; some would add
salt... See WWM re
and the linked files above>
This evening we found her laying on her side at the bottom of the tank.
<Likely effect/s of the "medicine"; many are quite toxic/dangerous... you may
have killed off your nitrifying filter... I'd be checking (measuring)
nitrogenous waste accumulation>
Her gills are inflamed, she only swims sideways and bent to one side, and her
anus is not visible. We did a 75% water change
and put in more ick medicine,
but are very worried. What could be causing this and is there anything more we
should do?
<As stated... and READ re the contents/make up of the Ich medicine, READ re
these components on WWM... You may benefit from the use/addition of carbon in
your filter flow path. Bob Fenner>
I need some advise Bob <Is this a product?> or whoever
possibly has the time......... Bloated Red Devil
I need some advise if anybody has the time. I have a female
Red Devil she's 2 yrs old. She lives alone in a 75
gallon tank. I am not new to this hobby and have always
kept her water pristine. She always laid her eggs in her
clay pot and I know when her belly gets rounded and her
ovipositor protrudes it's time for the eggs to come.....This
time around NO dice, she is still rounded and no eggs are being
laid at all.
<Perhaps egg-bound>
I thought at first it was constipation and treated the
tank with Epsom but this isn't bloat, I do believe she is egg bound
from all the years alone with no male to fertilize perhaps?
<May be>
Is there anything......anything at all I can do to get her
to lay these eggs?
<Laxative type foods, more Epsom>
I rescued this fish and she is like my pal. My
water parameters are in great shape,
<Values please>
I over filter this tank, she eats very little protein and
NO feeder fish have ever hit her lips. Please Bob or
anybody, can you suggest anything at all. I do water
changes twice a week and just did another for safe measure, what
else to do! Thanks, Julia
<Mmm, and perhaps a read here:
Bob Fenner>
Re Red Devil, follow up to post 3/11/13
Please post this for me can you Rick?
I have no idea where to go Rick/Neale/Bob Fenner
<Will add Julia; thank you. BobF>
I am writing to you because you were the one who responded to me when
this first came up with my Red Devil. I do see my entire
conversation was posted at the page below, and I am happy that was
done for me. I have a follow up story to say and I have NO
idea how to get that to show up under my original situation so I
am coming to you directly and perhaps you can post it for me in
the proper place. Again thanks for the help when this came
down with my Devil. Here is the ending of that
story Rick/Neale/Bob it's below, please post for all to see it and
hopefully one day it might help somebody. Thanks,
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/anchorwrmfaqs.htm <~~
Thanks again to my first responders on this problem, Rick/Neale/Bob.
Below is a follow up to my predicament with my Red Devil Bubba B back in
December 2012.
Bubba B video showing his sore _http://youtu.be/dOd5jmjETyo_
Bubba B sort of mending _http://youtu.be/n-HNLfjSHLA_
Bubba B finally healed
_http://youtu.be/4TyWSA26j1c_ (http://youtu.be/4TyWSA26j1c)
As you can see from the above vids this sore was ugly and I could not
get rid of it. I would dose him with meds for a few days and run
the course as directed on the package but nothing was touching it,
I switched back and forth between Furan 2/Maracyn
Plus/Melafix/PimaFix and Parasite Guard which did the trick
FINALLY ( never mix them together though and large water changes in
between) or course NO Charcoal in filters. I had to do two more
additional surgeries on him. I do believe my fish somehow got a
anchor worm in his lower gill or a parasitic worm of some kind,
that is all I know for sure now but didn't know at the time
exactly what it was or how on earth he got it. Anchor worms are in ponds
not aquariums.
First I want to tell you that if you ever need to get your fish
out of water and into anything to work on it do NOT even fiddle around
with stupid buckets, I learned the hard way, what I did was I went
to KMart and got a WHITE shallow dishpan container, it works the
best. Fill it with tank water and just enough to cover the fish so
he doesn't splash or struggle. I used eyebrow tweezers and I
lowered my fingers down into the water and slowly pulled out the
parasite that was hanging out of the sore, he was oblivious to
what I was doing......remember this, if you lift the fish out of the
water the parasite will immediately go back into the sore and your up
the creek so never lift him out unless your done and you want to
put meds on it, hydrogen peroxide could be used as well but I used
the A&D. After I pulled out the necrotic tissue/worm whatever,
anything that I could see hanging out etc, I lifted the fish up
and had a Qtip prepared with A&D ointment on it, I swabbed him good
and put him back into the fish tank. I did this procedure 4 times over
the course of many months. I pulled it out slowly but surely, I do
think the last time I got the head of this parasite out. Also I
want to mention this big time, had that sore been closer up into
the actual gill area, I never would have pulled tissue out, that
would have been extremely dangerous to my fish. I would have just
done the medication and that alone would have taken me a year to
mend a sore this size fcs.
I also want to mention that I am not big on keeping salt into a
fish tank over long periods of time but I did with my RD, 1
tablespoon per 10 gallons of water. I feel that it helped him in
the long run to heal and mend and perhaps helped with any other
infections he might have picked up, remember worms or parasites can
thrive in the tank, they drop off and thrive like mad and the fish
can become re-infested until you know that the parasites are gone
for sure. Anchor Worms are crustaceans not like a worm you would
imagine being rubbery, they are hard to the touch. Pics of anchor
worms are below so you can see them and read up on them.
The biggest mistake I made was this.....I didn't continue on with
the treatment of medication. I just did what was recommended on the
package, that was a HUGE mistake, especially when you are trying
to save a fish with this type of sore. No sooner did I stop
medication, a few days later that sore became worse. So I knew at
that time that I had to keep his tank medicated until this damn
thing was gone. It took 6+ rounds of Parasite Guard to mend and
clean up this sore, once I realized PG was the best medication I was
home free. It took months and months of twice a week water changes
@60% each change to save my fish. He is in a 110 gallon fish tank
so do the math on that. Thank GOD Parasite Guard isn't that
horribly expensive, I went thru tons of salt as well. The Salt is
stopped now though, no more salt is needed for him.......unless
something else would pop up. I also kept his tank water at 80 degrees
during all this.
In spite of his sore he did continue to eat but he was off in a
very big way, he was sullen and hiding and no tank banging was going on
at all. Red Devils are famous for ripping up decor and banging the
tank around with their tails, I imagine all big fish are tank
bangers. He was just not right at all. In closing this war and
peace I will say this again....CHECK YOUR FISH
DAILY, this sore popped up in a matter of two days but I had NO idea
that this parasite was inside his gill area working it's way to
the surface.
I also will mention that you might be scared to keep your fish
medicated as heavily as I did, you have to remember here, I had no
choice, it was trying to save my fish or watch him die. I did what
I had to do, either he was going to die from being over medicated
or he was going to die due to a severe parasitic infection. It was
a no brainer and water changes, that saved my fish and also
ABSOLUTELY no substrate at all, it helped keep debris visible to my eye
for good suctioning.
Below is my Bubba B, he's back to his old self now. After many
months of care my fish is back to his tank banging ways, unfortunately
my dog Bogie runs and hides when that fish bangs around and the
water goes flying, at night he's a demon fish but still lives
alone with one lone buffalo head cichlid from one of the first
batches I ever raised, he was one that hid and never got sold and
after so long I don't have the heart to ditch the damn thing, I love
them so these odd little fish. It's funny because Bubba B knows I need
to see both sides of his face now on a daily basis, so it's like
this fish does a no no no back and forth so I can check him out
Enjoy the vid, you can see the sore area is now gone, the only
marks left on my fish are two areas that his cartilage is broken a
bit on his fin and tail......vids don't do him justice, he looks
so small in the vids. I hope somebody can use any information I
have posted here perhaps to save a fish one day, I can't say it
will work for you but it did for me, and it seems that bigger fish like
Red Devils always pop up with some thing on their skin, actually I
hate to say this but I will, big fish like these should not be
stuck in fish tanks in a home, many times I look at him and wish I
never dabbled with a fish this size but he's a member of my family
now in ways you can't imagine, he looks for me constantly to rub
his hump lol, my fish demands my attention morning/noon and night, he's
worse than a kid! When and if I ever lose this fish I will never ever go
back into a larger fish again, nothing could ever replace him with
his personality and crazy swimming upside down antics. I love my
RD!!!!!!!!!!!! PS. Yup I can still clean his tank with my bare
hands ;-) The End
Re: red devil issues
Growth On Red Devil 10/11/11
Here's the picture of my Red devil's growth......any
idea's as to what it might be?
< If appears to a prolapsed colon coming out of the anus of
the fish..
This is caused from pressure in the gut. Could be from
overeating, parasites or bloat.-Chuck>

Re: red devil issues
Red Devil Prolapsed Colon Treatments -- 10/12/11
Hi Crew, So with that said about the prolapsed colon, I'm
feeding him veggies (though he's not happy bout that) and the
meds I'm using are Metronidazole and Furan-2.
Would it be wrong to use Epsom salt in his tank also? Is the
anything else I can do for him? Thank you for your time, Tim
< Find something that he will eat and then feed him in small
meals many times a day. This will reduce the sudden trauma to the
digestive tract and allow the colon to recede back into the body
cavity. The Epsom salts may help prevent the extruded tissues
from becoming infected.-Chuck>
Re: red devil issues
Red Devil Prolapsed Colon Follow Up 14/10/11
Hi Crew, I really want to thank all of you for your help, wish I
found this site sooner. I have another question though, I put
Epsom salt in Red's tank and it seems to have helped a lot.
Red is up now and seeming to be doing better.
With all the meds and other things we put in his tank we need to
clean it?
My question is do we add more Epsom salt after we clean his tank?
Again you
guys rock and helped my Red Devil a bunch. What do you think?
Thank You again for your help, Me and my wife are grateful
Tim Kittle
< Thank you very much for your kind words. I would not go wild
and crazy with the cleaning. I would recommend a 50% water change
and add some good quality carbon to the filters. This should
reduce the level of medication in the tank to almost zero.
Don't add any more salt. Watch for ammonia spikes. The
medication may have affected the biological
Red devil issues 10/6/11
Hi Crew,
I have looked through many pages but think my Red Devil just might be
<Could be! Lifespan is between 5-10 years for this medium-sized
cichlids, though older specimens can be found, 12 years or
He eats fine by hand (Tetra Cichlid Jumbo Sticks) I do not feed him
live food.
Red is in a 125 gallon tank by himself. PH is 7.5, temperature is 80
degrees F and nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are all good.
<I.e., zero ammonia/nitrite; nitrate below 20 mg/l.>
He is approximately 15 to 16 yrs old. His symptoms are that he lies on
his side at the bottom of the tank. When he does move he seems to have
trouble staying upright and will stay vertical, head up. This has been
going on for over a month. During this time I dispensed, Lifeguard (2
treatments), General Cure (2 treatments) - my local petstore suggested
Kanaplex (7 treatments.) The Kanaplex seemed to help but not for long
as he is back to the bottom of the tank. Also, I am not sure how well
he is defecating - rarely see it happen.
<Do try the peas/Epsom salt treatment described elsewhere on this
He does have this small fuzzy like growth on his belly near where he
would defecate which has been there for a very long time.
<Doesn't sound good. Prolapsed anus is not uncommon among
cichlids. Again, Epsom salt and peas, plus antibiotics, can
It never seemed to bother him and up until a month ago he was acting
fine. He is great pet. Any clues or suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you for your time. Tim
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Red Devil After Tank
Change 7/27/11
Hi Crew,
I have a 3 yr old Red Devil, he has been very active, however, about a
month ago we went on vacation and our neighbor overfed him and I came
back to a very cloudy tank coupled with an explosion of Algae. I've
done weekly 20% water changes, used water clear and algae clear meds,
nothing has worked to bring the tank back to its clear clean crispness,
however he has remained in great condition, eating his pellets, and
playing. Now here's my dilemma, I tried a 30% water change, but I
used the hose to fill the tank, it created a lot of bubbles and now for
two days, my fish has been on his side with labored breathing. I used
the necessary water conditioners and added some Nutrafin Cycle to help
re-establish the tank. that hasn't worked either and my water is
still cloudy, he still wont eat and falls to his side. Please
<This isn't uncommon when a "bad" tank is suddenly put
right. Among other things, the pH can rise dramatically, because old
water tends to become acidic thanks to the accumulation of metabolic
wastes and decaying organic material. So you do a big water change,
returning the water chemistry to the hard, alkaline conditions your
Central American cichlid requires (i.e., 10+ degrees dH, pH 7.5-8.5).
What you don't realise is that fish can adjust to "bad"
conditions over time, and even though prolonged exposure to such
conditions can stress or kill them, suddenly returning them to
"good" conditions can be stressful too. On top of this, deep
cleaning a dirty tank can release muck from the gravel into the water
column, as well as, potentially, gases produced through anaerobic
decay. Furthermore, replacing more than 50% of the biological media, or
incorrectly washing biological media, will set back filtration in the
tank so that the tank is effectively not properly cycled any more. All
these things will eventually settle down, but in the meantime, do
10-20% water changes each day to flush out any ammonia or nitrite if
the filter has been upset (use an ammonia or nitrite test kit to
check!) and don't feed or otherwise disturb the fish. More than
likely everything will settle down within a week, and you can go back
to normal. Finally, do remember that a big fish can go 2-3 weeks
without food, and if you throw in a good-sized clump of pondweed to
eat, you can leave your fish pretty much unattended for a month.
That'll be less risky than having a neighbour feed your fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
Red Devil Fish Possibly
Dying... env.... 6/23/11
I have a Red Devil fish who is about 8-9 years old. About a month ago
he started laying on one side at the bottom of the tank. Now he is
floating at the top of the tank on his side, curled over, under the
filter spill. I have been doing water changes, added an oxygen stone,
and an extra power filter to no avail. Last time he was laying at the
bottom of the tank a water change and opening the top of the tank did
the trick, but not this time. He also has oxygen bubbles stuck to him
and his fins are looking a little ragged.
<Environmental... Change out a good part of the water again...
measure for nitrate/s...>
This started while I was on vacation and a friend was taking care of
him for two weeks and may have overfed him. I am lost as to what to do
next. I'm worried he could have the bloat because one of his sides
is sticking out further than the other significantly.
Thank you for any help!
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwtoxicenvdisfaqs.htm
and on WWM re this fish's system needs... Act now. Bob
Please please somebody help me-
I have a female red devil, she is only a year old. She lives alone in a
72 gallon tank. She has been in perfect health for almost a year. Her
water param.s are Zero Nitrites, 10 Nitrates. No ammonia present it
tests all yellow from the kit. I do not feed her feeder fish, she eats
a varied diet, Hikari pellets, flake, shrimp pellets, she loves algae
About four days ago, I noticed under her chin area, a small mark it
almost looked like a poppyseed embedded in her skin. In two days it
turned into a blood blister, it is the only way I can best describe
<A physical injury. Not to worry>
I immediately put salt into her tank and started her on Maracyn
<I wouldn't do this... start some water changes to remove
I am into day two only. I made a YouTube video of her and tried to get
it to show as best as I can.
Can somebody please look at my YouTube and tell me what you think this
It almost looks like a pimple and its watery inside. Please somebody
can you pls take a moment and look at my video. Can this be squeezed
possibly? I am besides myself. Thanks very much. Julia
_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RQuvZTdPfQ_
<A very nice piece of video... Again, your fish will be fine in time
w/ simple good care. Bob Fenner>
Re: Please please somebody help me
Hello again,
I got a message back and your response to my email was. Simple Good
Please please somebody help me- 2/16/11
I don't understand this. Am I missing the help response back to
What do you mean simple good care? What care, I didn't get any help
but three words. I am missing something, I need help please. Thanks,
<Re-read the response and please read here:
the linked files above... Patience. B
Asking for help please in regards to my Red Devil 2/17/11
* I am sending this again, I did get a response from a Bob Fenner and
he left me three words "some simple care"
Now I am not sure exactly if this is a joke or what here.
<More like brevity rather than humour.>
I came to you all for some help, am I missing something?
<Well, it isn't for me to second guess Bob, but I think his
point is that your fish isn't in a life-threatening situation, and
give good water quality, the right temperature, the right diet, and the
right water chemistry, it should get better without any further fuss.
Medications like an antibiotic or anti-Fungus/Finrot could be used, but
even without them this fish should heal just fine. Ulcers are typically
a sign of [a] physical damage and [b] some slight secondary infection
by opportunistic bacteria. So start by removing anything sharp in the
tank, and do make sure the fish doesn't slam into the glass walls
or the hood when the lights come
on. The bacterial infection is similar to Finrot, so Finrot medications
can clear them up, and if it doesn't start to heal in, say, a week,
or you see some sign its getting worse, then medicate as per Finrot,
remembering to remove carbon (if used) from the filter.>
Do I look elsewhere for the answer to my question below at the website?
I woke up today dreading to look at my fish, and I was looking forward
to hearing a response back from somebody at WetWebMedia. All I got was
"simple good care" I find this hurtful.
<I'm rephrasing in longer sentences what Bob was saying: provide
simple good care, and your fish should heal.>
Can somebody other than Bob Fenner please respond possibly with some
help for me and my fish Tootsie. Sincerely, Julia
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Asking for help please in regards to my Red Devil
Neale thank you dearly for responding with some words of wisdom and
comfort to me as a fish keeper.
I am going to continue the Maracyn tho as I am in day three
I will say she is a voracious digger, I am wondering if she came upon
something that picked her mouth area and it got infected.
<Could be. Amphilophus species are "earth eaters" in the
wild, sifting mud and silt for decaying plant material, worms, insect
larvae, and the occasional fish egg or fry. It's in their nature to
dig. Sharp gravel or sand can cause harm. While I doubt that's the
issue here -- you'd expect such damage to be on the chin or lips
rather than the cheeks -- it's a factor to consider. Do also look
at the rockwork in the tank, exposed heaters (these should be fitted
with plastic heater guards to prevent burns) and so on.>
I will take your advise about the Finrot in a weeks time if she has not
improved. I do have a rock in her tank that will come out tho, it does
have sharp edges.
<Ah! Loud noises and sudden lights can, do alarm cichlids like these
that normally inhabit deep or murky water. Check for banging doors,
noisy hi-fis, and that sort of thing.>
I feel much better hearing this information that you have provided me
in detail thank GOD. Sometimes we need a little hand holding, and you
provided that to me with assurance that my fish will be alright, and
you also offered me a second course of action if my current course
doesn't work.
<Glad to help.>
Cheers Neale and many many thanks for responding, I am very attached to
this fish because I rescued her as a baby from a dirty very overcrowded
tank at a pet store that is long closed, she was ripped to shreds and
bruised and torn lip and fins from the fights in the tank. Now I am
rambling, ty sincerely. Julia
<Good luck to you both! Cheers, Neale.>
Red Devil Egg laying tube problem
Old Red Devil Female Possibly Egg Bound 1/4/11
Hi. I Have a 11 year old female red devil named Angel. She is in a
90-gal tank alone. For the last few years she has laid eggs every other
month. I noticed that her egg laying tube was out about a month ago and
she hadn't been eating. She still won't eat, and the tube is
still out and appears slightly larger in size. I had my water tested at
the local fish store and they told me it was "dirty". All
other levels were "normal". They recommended I change 25%
water and wait 48hours to change the another 25% water. Also, I was
told to replace the filters since I hadn't done so in around 9
months. Tonight I replaced the filters and also did a gravel vac with a
25% water change. Many debris polluted the water when I switched the
old filter for a new one. My red devil is now swimming more
She rubbed sideways on a piece of wood in her tank. I fear I may have
just made it worse. She is still aggressive when I approach the tank
and flares her gills; this is what she usually does during egg laying
She hasn't moved any of her rocks around in at least a month
though. Her orange is fading. I was feeding her Cichlid pellets a few
times a day. I have an emperor filter, a fan, and an air wand. The temp
is at 78-80 degrees F. What can I do for her? We all love her very much
and want her to live.
< Do a 50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filters.
Check the water quality for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. The ammonia
and nitrites should be zero. The nitrates should be under 20 ppm but
the lower the better. The term "dirty" means nothing. I would
recommend that you get these test kits and learn to test the water
yourself. Once the water is clean try feeding a medicated food with
Metronidazole in it. It can usually be found online if your local store
does not carry it. If your fish is not eating then treat the water with
Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace for internal infections. Your fish is
old and the key to a complete recovery is an early
Red Devil Cichlid, HLLE 7/25/10
Hello there. Thanks for the help you guys have given me before, and
thanks for all the help you give everyone on a daily basis. What you
have going on is a great service to the aquarium hobby. I have had a
red devil cichlid for about 7 years now, and he is about 11 inches. I
am embarrassed to admit it, but up until a year and a half ago, he had
been seriously neglected and in a 29 gallon tank. Because of this, he
started to get HITH. As soon as I noticed this, I did everything I
could to stop the damage (including Metro+)
<Not helpful in cases caused by poor environment>
that was being caused by my laziness. I got him a 55 gallon (of course
for only him...no other fish) which is the largest I am able to afford
and keep in my house.
Anyway, in the year and a half he has been in this 55 the HITH has not
progressed...however the holes have not healed either. Is this to be
<The damage may not heal>
Water parameters are: 78 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 ammonia and nitrites and
I try to keep the nitrates under 20, but by water change time it is
usually around 30. The nitrates have me concerned, I am doing 50
percent weekly water changes, sometimes 70 percent. He eats two of new
life spectrum 7mm floating pellets daily. Should I be
feeding him more than that?
<Yes... I'd think he'd eat a few times as much>
Should I increase the water changes?
<I would increase the amount of filtration, not change more than a
third of the water at one go>
I realize that the tank is small for him and will make controlling
nitrates more difficult, but it is the best I can do for the time being
and I am willing to change water as needed. The other question I have
is about my water hardness, I just found out that it is 330ppm.
I am finding conflicting information as far as if they need hard or
soft water, and saw one thing that said hard water may lead to
Is this true?
<Not as far as I'm aware, no>
I would appreciate any advice you could give me, and thank you again
for the service you provide.
<You may gain by reading others reports on FW HITH:
and the linked Related files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Red Devil Cichlid 7/26/10
Thank you very much for you quick response.
<Welcome Kel>
Sorry I forgot to mention the filtration, his water is turned over 10
times per hour (550 GPH) between a Fluval 404 (which does the bulk of
the work) and a Whisper HOB (I figured it is better used as a
supplement than not at all).
<Good to have such back-up, alternative filtration>
I have increased his feeding to six of those pellets daily, and done
some more reading on your site, including the link you referred me
As far as nitrate control goes, it sounds like I need to vacuum the
gravel better as well as service the filters much more frequently.
Even with the large frequent water changes I was doing, not doing this
often could still give me high amounts of nitrates, right?
<Yes... do see WWM re other means of NO3 control:
and the linked files above>
Previously I was thinking if you have x amount of waste, it releases y
amount of ammonia (which is turned into nitrites than nitrates) than
<Mmm, no... more dynamic, other factors at play here>
But if I understand correctly, ammonia (eventually nitrites than
nitrates) is being released into the tank constantly by the waste that
accumulates in the filter and gravel, not just the most recent
(week's worth) of waste, but all of it in the system?
<Yes, w/ the exception of some that is converted into other
materials that stay in the system and some that leaves as gasses
Regarding the my large frequent water changes, in your article on the
red devil cichlid profile, you recommend 35%-50% water changes for that
specific fish. So should I be shooting for the 35% range, with only
occasional 50% changes? Or because he is in a 55 gallon, should I just
do 50%?
<IF you can "trust" your source water, half changes should
be (note the qualifier) okay... I would at least store the change-out
water for the week in advance...>
So anyway, here is my plan...I would really appreciate it if you could
let me know your thoughts on it and if you think that the nitrates
should then be under control.
-Feeding 6 of the 7mm floating New Life Spectrum pellets daily.
-Vacuuming gravel every other week.
<I'd do half, one side per week... i.e., alternate
-Rinsing filter media in tank water on the weeks I am not vacuuming
gravel -Water changes as you recommend
Thanks for all your time, and I hope I am not a bother. I cannot
express to you enough how valuable your site is to fish keepers.
Thanks again,
<Thank you for seeking clarification, and sharing. Bob
3YR old Red Devil with eye bump 7/3/10
Hi I have a eye problem with my red devil named Redd that is 3
years old.
First we noticed that there was a white Flem on his left eye,
then it turned into small bubble we went and had our water
checked everything checked out fine but the pet store suggested
we get something for stress.
We did get the stress relief but the bubble seemed to get worst
and bigger after a week on his eye. Please help me with this
problem I don't wont to lose my Red Devils eye or have him go
blind. Please tell me what I need to do to help him. He eats his
pellets good and he still has all of his spunk he's very
active in the fish tank.
<Hello Tony. Pop-eye like this is down to one of two things,
water quality or physical damage. When just one eye becomes
swollen, the odds nudge towards physical damage: fighting,
running into rocks if the tank is too small, clumsy netting when
the fish was moved about, etc. There's no
"treatment" as such; all you can do is [a] optimise
water quality and diet; and [b] use an antibiotic to minimise any
infections (a combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace
alongside Epsom salt is recommended, but if in doubt, ask a
In all likelihood this chap will lose his eye, but as you've
noticed, this doesn't affect most fish at all seriously.
Since freshwater fish especially live in waters where visibility
is often minimal, they are very good at using their lateral line
and other senses to compensate for partial blindness. Cheers,
Red Devil sick 5/10/10
Good Evening,
<Hello Karen,>
My Red Devil is 8 inches long, and we purchased her that size 3 years
ago-Would you know an approx. age?
<Eight inches/20 cm is about adult size for a captive-bred specimen,
so that specimen would have to be at least a year old. Lifespan for
these medium-large cichlids is around 10-15 years.>
She is alone in a 75 gallon and has always done well until
She has slowed her eating, is not aggressive in trying to get her
pellets and has tiny white-like cotton pieces over her body.
<Now, white specks on the body can be one of two things, Finrot or
Both are caused by water quality issues, so that's the first thing
to check. Some medications treat Fungus and Finrot together, for
example eSHa 2000 and Seachem KanaPlex, so you might choose to use such
Fungus looks like cotton wool, while Finrot is more patches or flakes
of dead white skin, typically associated with red or sore-looking areas
of skin. Finrot commonly affects the fins first, making them look
raggedy, hence its name. Whichever medication you use, remember to
remove carbon from the filter, if used. If water quality is poor,
there's a good chance the fish will heal itself given good
conditions, but the addition of salt to the water can help
Tea-tree oil medications like Melafix and its close relative Pimafix
are sometimes used in situations like this, but their reliability as
treatments is, at best, mixed:
There seems to be a snot-like (please excuse the example) whitish goo
throughout her tank. I have cleaned the tank today.
<The white gunk could be bacteria or fungus, not disease-causing
ones, but simply ones the feed on organic matter in the aquarium. In
all likelihood the tank isn't adequately filtered, and you may be
making things worse by providing too much food and not enough water
changes. For a medium-large cichlid, you want a filter with a turnover
rate 8 times the volume of the tank, i.e., for a 75 gallon tank, your
filter should be rated 8 x 75 = 600 gallons per hour. The gravel bed
should be very thin and regularly stirred so any detritus can be
siphoned out during water changes.>
I started to notice these changes in her behavior yesterday and then
noticed the whitish cloudy material. Thank you and appreciate your
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Amphilophus labiatus
Sick Red Devil 4/21/10
Hello, I have a Amphilophus labiatus - I believe he is a true Red
Turbo is approximately 8 years old (I have had him over 7), and the
very coolest fish ever. I am worried about him, as he appears sick and
I am not able to find any info online that matches what is happening
with him.
He lives in our office in a 100 gallon tank. I change out the water and
have it tested regularly - the only problem we've ever run into it
a slight dip in the pH. Last Monday, I came into work to discover that
he was RED - an color and intensity I had never seen before. His normal
coloring is a light pumpkin color. This resolved in one day; his
behavior did not change, and I didn't worry.
This past Monday (yesterday) I came in to find that the intense red
color returned. His face is a very deep red, and his body a deep
orange. It also appeared he did not eat his food over the weekend, and
certainly did not eat yesterday or today. He has also developed a large
bump between his eyes, that has a yellow spot on it (as though
pus or something is under the surface). I can tell the lump is soft as
it retracts when pushed against the glass. In addition, he is not
active (extremely uncommon for him), his dorsal fin is lowered, and he
is hiding (he is generally very social). He will come to the glass when
I approach, but slowly.
Yesterday I performed a 30% water change, and added Melafix. However,
now I am concerned that this was not a good idea since I don't
actually know what is wrong.
There have been no changes at all to his environment or food, nor
anything else I can think of. Turbo truly is part of our family, and I
am just so upset over this. Any advice you may be able to offer would
be so appreciated.
Thank you in advance, Sarah
<The spot on the head could be caused by some trauma that has now
gotten infected. The bump sounds like a bacterial infection. Keeping
the water clean with water changes is a good idea. Usually that would
take care of
most infections. In this case it sounds like some antibiotics are
needed. I would recommend using Nitrofuranace. Follow the directions on
the package.-Chuck>
Re: Sick Amphilophus labiatus -- 04/22/10
Finding Medication
Hi Chuck, Thank you so very much for your response!
A google search for Nitrofuranace came up empty, and my LFS didn't
know of it either. Any recommendations on how to obtain some? Also,
what about his coloring? I'm concerned I did not emphasize it
enough - it is a profound change, to the point that people who see him
regularly think he is a different fish! Would an infection cause
Thank you again! Sarah
< When cichlids don't feel well they have a tendency to change
colors to express their mood. Many medications these day call
themselves "cures".
Look at the ingredients for Nitrofuranace. If you cannot find it then
it can be purchased online at Drsfostersmith.com.-Chuck>
Red Devil with Pimple?
Red Devil Getting Hole-In-The-Head -- 02/02/10
Hi. I have a 14in. 1and1/2 year old Male Red Devil. He has always been
in perfect health until recently. He seems to have a white pimple-like
thing on the side of his head just above his eye. It is not swollen out
like a pimple but rather has a white "head" that looks like a
clogged pore (I know fish don't have pores in the traditional sense
but that's what it looks like). This thing has been there for about
4 or 5 days and tonight I noticed there is another one developing above
his eye (same side as the other one). He is behaving normally (for
him). Still aggressive and
fighting with me through the glass, eating some but less than normal. I
thought it might be the beginning of hole in the head but then he has
no other symptoms of that (lethargic, refusing to eat, white poop) none
of that. Just these "clogged pores". Any suggestions? It
looks like the first one has gotten bigger. I appreciate your help.
< You are correct to be concerned with the beginning stages of
Hole-In-The-Head. Usually we get these questions months after it has
started. It is good to catch this early. First check the water
Ammonia and nitrites should be zero The nitrates should be under 20
Change the diet. Your fish is already an adult and high protein foods
may not be needed. Try to feed a high quality food that is about 30%
These white pimples may pop leaving a hole or a cottony growth. Treat
in hospital tank with a combination of Metronidazole and
Gizmo our Red Devil... health... env., nutr.
I have a 8 Year old red devil that has not had no trouble at all during
his life in the last couple of months we have noticed him slightly
losing appetite and sinking to the bottom of the tank and laying
<May be getting old, though this species should live a little longer
without problems.>
PH is 7 Tank temp is 30 degrees Celsius, tank size is 270 Litres.
<The pH is too low, and the temperature a bit too high. Indeed, if
it's been at 30 C all its life, it may well be "old"
before its time. These fish do need hard, basic water -- you're
aiming for 10+ degrees dH, and pH 7.5. I mention these specifically
because tanks that rely on coral sand and Tufa rock for hardness may be
fine for a long time, but eventually algae and bacteria so encrust the
sand and rock that the buffering ability drops to zero. Replacing
some/all of this material will help. Otherwise, simply add something
like a Rift Valley salt mix at 50-100% dosage to provide the conditions
We had our filter not running efficiently by the time we realised the
water quality wasn't very good over the last 2 weeks
<Well, that's one possible cause of problems.>
I have done a 2 x 50% water changes, cleaned the filters re leveled out
his Ph level and put some live fish in their for him.
<Why have you added live fish? Let's be clear here: one of the
silliest things any aquarist can do is use cheap, store-bought feeder
fish. Goldfish and minnows contain too much thiaminase and fat, and
over time will cause chronic vitamin deficiency and degeneration of the
internal organs.
Cheap feeder fish can also internal parasites, some of which can infect
predators that eat them. The information about thiaminase is
increasingly widely known now, but the problems with fat and parasites
have been known for years, which is why no aquarium book advises
aquarists to use live feeder fish.>
We went away for 4 days came back and he had no colour at all but he
would come out and say hello then go hide in his log again. When he
swims it sometimes is sidewards then when he stops he hits the bottom
fairly hard.
What can I do to help him?
<See above. Optimise water chemistry, check water quality, use a
proper diet. Amphilophus labiatus evolved to eat small invertebrates
from the mud; that's what its thick lips are all about. It also
eats things like algae and organic detritus. I mention these because
aquarists often assume feeding their cichlids feeder fish is good for
them. Almost all cichlids are omnivores that feed primarily on algae,
organic detritus, invertebrates, and plants. Very few are
"predators" in the sense of eating smaller fish, though to be
fair, Amphilophus labiatus does occasionally eat small fish. So once
you have water chemistry and quality optimised, concentrate on things
like cooked peas, earthworms, wet-frozen krill, insect larvae, etc.
Good quality cichlid pellets are extremely useful, perhaps augmented
with things like Spirulina flake and Sushi Nori. Small portions of
thiaminase-free fish fillet (e.g., tilapia) can be added, perhaps once
a week.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Very sick Red Devil
Red Devil Won't Eat 7/13/09
Dear Friends, We have a four year old Red Devil, " Nema ".
She's a good 12 inches long and about 3 inches thick. Quite the
hardy fish. The unusual behavior started a little over a week ago when
we noticed she wasn't swimming right. Specifically, she was going
around in a straight up vertical position, nose just above the gravel
and when I gave her a "mini crawler", she would back up,
while also rolling on her side. This uncharacteristic behavior led to
another unusual behavior of which she would stay in one spot ( hovering
above her sunken shipwreck home) a few inches below the surface. Now
for the details.....She's the only inhabitant in a 55 gal tank.
There's 2 - 3 inches of gravel covering the bottom of the tank ( no
under gravel filter ) A couple of small volcanic like rocks, and her
shipwreck home which isn't much bigger than she is but she loves
it. No plants at all. She ripped them all out. We have two filters. A
Penguin 350
BioWheel, and a Whisper hang on the back type filter that takes two
cartridges. There's a new heater which is sufficient for the size
of the tank, and two thermometers. I have always kept the tank at 80
degrees F.,
but have been gradually lowering it to a more popular range of 74 to
78. The current water parameters are as follows....( Using 5 in 1 test
strips by Mardel) Nitrates: Under 40 ppm Nitrites: 0 Total hardness:
250 ppm Total alkalinity: 80 ppm PH:7.4 The food that we have been
feeding her pretty consistently is, New Life Spectrum, Ex. Lg. Fish
Formula, 7.5 mm floating pellets, and mini or large crawlers that we
buy at pet stores or bait shops. She loves those worms and she gets
them daily and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. We also
give her an occasional raw shrimp. My first thought when this behavior
began, was that it was caused by overfeeding and, as I discovered when
I was doing a partial water change, the Penguin 350 was unexplainably
unplugged. Unfortunately, at the time, I was out of test strips so I
did a 20 gal. water change, and a couple of days later I got the test
strips and about the only thing out of the ordinary was a slightly high
nitrate reading.. ( 50 - 60 ppm ) At this time, I noticed that there
was no trace of any fish wastes so I'm starting to think;
definitely constipated. I've read different opinions regarding
this. What would you suggest?
< Get the nitrates under 20 pm it water changes.>
Up until 2 days ago she would still eat a worm if I dangled it in front
of her lips, but now she is in her house, kind of in the straight up
vertical position, totally listless, and her tail seems to be curling
around. Every time we look in there, she appears dead but then we can
see her gills moving and she twitches a little when she sees us. Last
night I put some Maracyn T C in the tank.( About a half dose. I only
had three packets) and
took the carbon out of the filters. No improvement today so I did
another 15 gal. water change and added Epsom Salts at 1 tablespoon per
10 gals.
I should point out that I also vacuum the gravel when I do the water
changes. Immediately prior to this event, I had been doing 20 gal.
water changes every two weeks along with a steady regimen of aquarium
salt of 1 tblspn. per 10 gals. of new water. I have searched your
FAQ's but haven't been able to find anything specific to the
problem we're having. I totally trust, and value your advice, and
hope you can put me on the right track to save our beloved
"Nema" I feel like I've been rambling on for a while now
but I think It's important that I tell you that only a couple of
months ago, ( March 09 ) Nema had a similar problem which lasted about
six weeks. In that incidence, she had also stopped eating and pooping,
and when she swam,
it seemed to be very laborious for her and she would end each swimming
attempt with a clunk at the bottom of the tank where she would stay
until she absolutely had to move. During this six week illness we tried
the green pea, and worms laced with an all natural baby laxative, none
of which she would eat. Finally, after about the fourth treatment of
Furazone she began to eat again and seemed to make a complete recovery
with a very ROBUST appetite. I'm convinced that she suffered from a
swim bladder problem along with constipation then, and it appears that
she's suffering from some form of the same disease now.
What do you think? Thank You in advance for any help you can give us..
Sincerely, John & Kathy
<With those high nitrate levels I think you may be overfeeding your
Feed only enough food that your fish will eat in only a couple of
minutes once each day. Your water changes and gravel vacuuming
procedures are fine.
Nitrates should not be a problem but they are. I have never heard of a
problem with Spectrum bloating fish unless they are eating too much.
Get the nitrate levels to under 20 ppm with water changes and get some
medicated fish food with Metronidazole in it. Use it with the
Nitrofurazone. If the fish has stopped eating all together then get
some Metronidazole and add it
to the tank while treating with the Nitro.-Chuck>
Red Devil Won't Eat II 7/14/09
Chuck, Do you recommend a full dose of both medications?
< Yes, use them both at the same time at the recommended
Do I remove the carbon filters?
< As with most medications they work best at full strength and
carbon will usually will remove medications.>
How long should I continue this treatment?
< I would treat on the first, third and fifth day with a 50% water
change in between.>
Are you suggesting an internal infection or internal parasite? Thanks
Again !! J & K ! !
< This treatment will treat both bacteria and Protozoans.>
B.T.W., While reading through some FAQ's , I came upon one that
asked Sabrina if she knew any Fish Vets in the S.F. Bay Area. I would
like to tell her that I know of one. It is Wildwood Veterinary Hospital
at 838 Portola Rd. in Portola Valley 650-851-9453. I didn't end up
using them , but I spoke to them on the phone several times, and they
were very pleasant and concerned about the well being of our "Pet
< Many vets have taken an interest in pet fish because the treatment
of koi in large ponds can be expensive.-Chuck>
Red Devil Acting Strange After Large water Change II
He has also injured himself last night. The skin is pealing of the side
of his face.
< Keep the lights off and cover the tank with paper to calm him
down. Watch for infections in the injured area. Check the water
chemistry. Did you provide any shelter as
Red evil 4/22/09
hello, im very concerned about my red devil.
<Hello Shrhonda, thanks for writing. But please note, we usually
bounce back messages that don't have proper grammar and spelling.
It's the "currency" of the site; you give us well written
messages, and we can
create web pages from them. Web pages turn into advertising, and that
pays for the bandwidth. If you don't send us a clearly written
message, that system is undermined. If you actually are 8 years old and
don't know about grammar and spelling, or English isn't your
first language, then accept my apologies; otherwise, fix your messages
before you send them please! This is all stated up front where you
found our e-mail.>
its about 3-4 years old, he/she is very active, and i have had no real
problems with him except for the eating of other friends.
<If he's eaten his tankmates, that's surely a problem? In
any case, Red Devil cichlids shouldn't be eating fish. They are
"earth-eater" type cichlids, that naturally sift mud and
debris to find food, particularly worms, insect larvae and bits of
plant matter. The worst thing you can do for this type of fish is allow
them to eat fish, either accidentally or deliberately. When animals eat
the food they're not meant to, they get sick. Just look at the
health of most of the humans around you! We should be eating mostly
plants and a bit of meat, but instead we don't do that, and our
health suffers through obesity, constipation, heart disease and all the
rest. So, concentrate on the natural diet of your fish, and it will
always be much healthier.>
anyhow the last two days he/she has been really weird. we did a partial
water change on Monday, he/she has not ate but developed black around
his/her lips and the edges of the fins and some on the body, but also
is staying at the top of the tank on the right side. the a few times
today i have watched and all the sudden he will jump up out of the
<Difficult to say what's the issue here without water chemistry
parameters, specifically nitrite and pH. Usually when fish go loopy
after a water change, it's because they've been exposed to some
sudden change in pH, temperature, or perhaps even poisons such as
detergents that might have been in the bucket. Toxins in the air, such
as paint fumes, can also cause problems. If you cleaned the filter too
aggressively, it's possible you've removed too many bacteria,
and the filter has begun "cycling" again, in which case
ammonia and nitrite levels will go up. Check these.
Discolouration around the mouth can indicate incipient infections,
particularly Finrot and Columnaris, in which case an appropriate
medication such as Maracyn will need to be used.>
his breathing seemed strange so i stuck a air brick in to get more
oxygen but i don't really think that was the problem. im worried
he/she is dying.
all my levels are in range and i adjusted my temp.
<What do you mean by "the range"? For a Red Devil, this
should be 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-20 mg/l nitrate, pH 7.5-8, general
hardness 10-25 degrees dH, carbonate hardness 5-15 degrees KH,
temperature 25 C/77 F. If you're not at these levels, then
something is wrong, and you should fix them.>
he is moving all his/her fins. does not looked harmed. do u think he is
just upset with us.
<No; never make the mistake of assigning human feelings to animals.
Animals don't work the same way as us. Rather, animals prioritise
their basic needs and drives, and the foremost of these is survival. If
they are exposed to lethal conditions, they won't do their other
things such as feeding and engaging in reproductive behaviour such as
he hasn't even done the normal as to rearrange, u no the plants
float at the top and all the gravel to one side. has not done that.
<Review conditions, diet as noted above. For a Red Devil to *not*
want to dig and act belligerently is rather unusual!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Constipated Midas Cichlid -
07/19/08 Hi, <Len> My normally ravenous Midas Cichlid
lost interest in food over two weeks ago. She is about 25cm
(10") long, about 14cm (5.5") "tall", and a
good 7-8cm (2.5-3") thick. <Appears to be a very nice
specimen> I don't know how old she is. Her stomach and the
area surrounding her anus are very swollen. She has some
asymmetrical damage to some scales around her anus that appear (to
me) to be injuries after the fact. Her scales are flat against her
body with no pine-coning even on the few damaged ones. I managed to
get a picture of her despite her wanting to attack the camera
through the glass. One of the cats distracted her for a minute. Her
water quality is good with zero ammonia and nitrite, but nitrate is
around 30-40 ppm at this exact moment. <Much too high... I'd
be addressing means to keep this under at most 20 ppm. See WWM re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm and the linked
files above> I'm just about to do a 30% water change.
Maintaining proper water quality for her has been a challenge
because I adopted her when her previous owners moved to another
province six months ago, but I only had a 33 gallon tank for her.
<Much too small> Needless to say she is alone in the tank.
She would kill any other fish (even my 30cm (12") Pleco). She
even tries to bite my cats through the glass if they get too close
to her tank. It is nice to see the tables turned for a change. They
are scared of her. I have to do a partial water change every four
days or her tank smells up the place and nitrate rises fast. I make
sure her tank is very well aerated and I keep the temperature at 80
Fahrenheit. The pH is a hair above 6.5. I know it is very cruel to
keep her in so small a tank, but I am doing the best I can until I
can get a new and much larger tank when I move in a couple weeks. I
treated her with an anti-bacterial and an anti-parasite since she
stopped eating with no results at least regarding the constipation.
Right now there is a carbon filter in the tank and I'm
concentrating on good water quality. <Good> I've fasted
her several times, and then tried peeled peas, blanched spinach,
and her usual algae wafers. She would only eat the algae wafers.
The three top ingredients in the wafers are Spirulina powder,
dehydrated alfalfa meal, and pea powder. The wafers seemed to help,
and at one point she was eating a few of her favorite Hikari
pellets and defecating a little bit. The poo looked normal for her,
but thinner like her anus was half the diameter it used to be. It
passed through her in the usual amount of time. Since about four
days ago she has been corked up totally and completely uninterested
in any food. Other than eating, she seems to be mostly fine. She is
still interested in redecorating her tank, chasing the cats, and
carefully watching everything that happens in the house. I
can't help but feel like she is trying to tell me something,
but I can't figure it out. I'm worried that she has eaten a
bunch of the aquarium gravel from her tank. She is always moving
gravel around with her mouth, dramatically sucking water from under
large rocks and she was always a big eater. I feed her (sinking)
shrimp pellets now and then for variety and I have wondered how she
sorts the pellets from the gravel. I will get fine sand for her new
tank just in case. I'm thinking 100-125 gallons should be okay
for just her or maybe a pair if I get a male later. She looks like
she has quite the hump on her forehead, but according to her last
owners, she laid eggs every now and then so she must be a female. I
haven't seen her lay any eggs myself. Please help me figure out
how to help her. Despite her anti-social attitude and desire to
bite everything, she is very sweet. She swims up to the top of the
tank and eats algae wafers from my hands and allows me to touch her
ever so gently when I'm trying to clean her tank. Of course she
gets irate when I touch her rocks or rearrange anything, so I do
that part very carefully. <I'll bet!> On a completely
different subject... when I move to my new house I'm carrying
her and my other fish in two large Tupperware-like plastic bins
half full of water. I was concerned about how they would fair after
seven hours in my truck in the August heat with low oxygen, but I
came up with a clever plan. I bought a 12 volt power inverter that
plugs into my car's cigarette lighter and outputs household AC
current. I am going to plug a regular aquarium air bubbler in and
bubble air through tubing (and check valves) into airstones at the
bottom of the bins. I can control the temperature by bubbling air
conditioned or heated air through the bins. My inverter can only
output 75 watts, so if anyone needed to use a heater they would
need a more powerful inverter. I thought somebody else might
appreciate the idea. You can also plug in LED Christmas lights and
string them under your car for a cheap but really cool lighting
effect. <Thank you for this> Thanks in advance, Len. <I
consider that the principal "cause" of this condition is
environmental... the nitrate, too small a world... Solving
these/this is really the solution here. Treating the symptoms,
whether this might be a case of egg-binding, or some sort of gut
blockage... with Epsom Salt, is a possibility, but only by
improving this fish's world will a permanent solution be made.
Bob Fenner> |

Re: Red Devil Has Not Eaten in 1 Week! - 07/13/08 Red Devil
Rolling Over Thanks. Every day it is fish fish fish all day!
Yes the washing machine broke. Yes the teenager is giving me
problems. Yes the house is a mess. Today it was evident that the
goldfish have the ich so I had to learn how to take down the
Magnum 350 and the Fluval without flooding the house and medicate
them. Taking those down was a huge project for us. Now that I
understand it will be easier in the future. But once again I am
really concerned because their tank has not cycled and I do not
know if the RidIch will harm the biological filter or the
Plecostomus. On and on it goes. Hopefully in another 2 weeks we
will be out of the woods. Plus now that I have the heater on the
Red Devil and his water is a bit less cloudy I see that he is
rolling over and flashing (?) and do not know if this is normal
cichlid behavior or if I should look through the murkiness and
try to diagnose a disease. He is moving about more than he has in
days - doing the building, spouting rocks and so he seems a bit
better. No-one really discusses their behaviors enough for me to
determine if I should look for disease. Is rolling over common?
Sad for me that the most tacky piece of decor that he came with -
and that I was planning on replacing - he is most attached to -
and when I move it his nest moves to be by that piece! Funny.
< When fish turn on their sides and seem to dash against
objects it usually means that something is irritating their skin.
Could be parasites or pollution in the water. Some medications
can harm the biological filtration, even when they say they are
Re: Red Devil Has Not Eaten in 1 Week! 7/15/08 Red Devil
Scratching Yes, now that I have to medicate the goldfish I
understand that it will take much longer to for their tank to
cycle properly. Since we had a bit of a cold spell that brought
on the ick I am going to put a heater on their tank and set it so
it kicks in only with temperature changes. Would like to put a
chiller on there too but the cost of that along with the R/O
water is getting crazy for me. The cichlid has been coming out at
night and not rolling or flashing so I do not know if he is
better or not. Are they primarily nocturnal? < No not really.
Chances are the irritation still exists.> We are keeping his
area dark as much as possible and the cloudiness is finally
starting to clear. Again, I have tried to research behaviors and
have read of people wanting their fish to roll over like a dog
but do not know if this might be normal happy behavior or
evidence of his world gone awry with the bad chemistry upsetting
his equilibrium. < I think it is more of the latter.> I
know he is far from well because he is hiding in his corner that
he built for himself and if he were well he would be far more
curious about us and our activities. Even with the heater I see
that the temperature still can fluctuate 3 degrees during the day
and night. He rolled over while visiting with my husband who
loves him and animals love my husband too. They can sense it. So
maybe it was OK? < Central American cichlids can be quite
responsive to people and things outside their aquarium.> I
took his rocks out for examination to see if they were calcifying
and possibly adding to cloudiness of tank but the fish store guy
says no. I put them back in and he is not rubbing against them.
(His gravel is somehow contributing to the cloudiness in
combination with the bacteria I guess. I am told that when he
stabilizes I need to replace it.) < Some substrates are not
suitable for aquariums. Most of the sand/gravel from pet shops
should be ok after it is rinsed.> Honestly I am having a bit
of difficulty with your website because there is so much I
suppose. When I try to follow the advice to read the Dr. on
Marineland's' site I cannot find him. Trying to research
R/O water and buffers brings up a zillion articles for me to read
so I am overwhelmed to say the least. Thanks. Got to go make
dinner now. < Dr. Tim Hovanec is no longer with Marineland and
has taken his articles with him to start his own business. After
I talked to him has agreed to repost his articles on his own
website in the near future.-Chuck>
Red Devil Query I have a red devil in a 55 gallon tank,
and he is about 25 cm long... I just noticed recently he likes going to
the top of the tank and it seems like he's grabbing air, although I
know that's no true cause that's just the way fish work, breath
thru the water.. I was wondering why would it seem that he is always
going up there and doing that?? is he healthy? he also doesn't eat
anything some times. he's really picky... I was thinking of giving
him to the pet store because I don't know if I can handle him not
eating and such. >>>Hello Mike, First thing, please use proper
grammar and spelling when you post a query here. Taking time to correct
these things just means I have less energy to devote to your question.
All of these questions are posted on the site FAQ, so bad spelling and
grammar must be corrected. Now... These fish are large, messy eaters
and will place a tremendous strain on the filtration system. Nitrogen
cycle management is paramount with large cichlids such as these.
Failure to do so can cause a myriad of health issues. I need more info.
What is your setup? How is the water circulation? How often do you
perform water changes? Lack of oxygen in the water can cause the
behavior you describe. The fish is literally gasping for air. Regards
Red Devil Doesn't Move Thanks but now I have
another problem! My red devil is not eating! He just sits in a pit he
made and never really comes out! And I got a new Flowerhorn. It used to
stay under my filter because the red devil was chasing it but then I
read some of the stuff about other people cichlids chasing other fish
from their territory and adding a fast fish to get off each other and
so I put a Danio fish and the Flowerhorn chases it but after that the
red devil just chases the Flowerhorn a little now but then that's
when he just stays in that pit he made so please help. Sean Thanks <
If it is a disease then it needs to be treated, but I don't think
that is you problem. If your red devil is intimidated by the new fish
then try this. Take all the rocks and ornaments out. Do a 30% water
change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Rearrange all the rocks
and ornaments in different areas. This will force the fish to establish
all new territories and should stimulate their appetite as well. Add a
few more Danios too. These are referred to as dither fish in this
case.-Chuck> Re: My fish **red devil*** needs a hug** Hi
there again, I don't know that I could thank you enough. Do you
take donations or how can I support your company?? You are very prompt
and obviously care about the well being of fish. <We try to save
organisms and keep people in the hobby one question at a time.> This
military family salutes you. < On behalf of Bob and the crew we
thank you for your kind words.> I feel like I am making progress
here, but I am still concerned as I narrow down my clues. I have been
in a mad dash for education on my red devil. :o) I am praying and
crossing my fingers that I am learning quick enough. My red devil is
now sitting on the bottom of the tank turning on his side. *sigh** I
can tell he doesn't feel well, and it is all he can do to come
"kiss" at me and the children then he is right back in his
safe spot. I had my water tested at the local pet shop. They had no
testers available for me to purchase. I have to order one or maybe
E-bay, I see you recommend Liquid Reagent test kits. In the meantime, I
have to fix it. The pet store, although I did not get a number, says
the PH is out of site, everything else is fine. Dropper turned my PH
dark blue when it should be light blue. I sure hope I caught this in
time. I changed 50% of the water and added bottled water. I see you
recommend chemicals only as a last resort. I have not added any
chemicals outside of what I have always done in the past. There is
Stress Coat and Ick away in the tank. Should I add something else?
Should I remove him? I know it takes time for the water change to take
affect, but heck it only takes time for him to die too. In general how
long does it take to see improvement on PH?? < The pH may change
quickly or not depending on the minerals in the water. red devils are
pretty tough customers and I don't think that pH is your
problem.> We are on ten days now. He has quit eating, and lethargic.
How are we looking?? Have I learned quick enough? Here is a photo of
our Red Devil. yes he is very similar to the photos on the site you
recommended, only he doesn't feel good. :o) Again thank you for
your help. I think you are providing a prompt and a wonderful service.
Jessica <Do a 30% water change while vacuuming the gravel. This gets
rid of the crud and opens up your undergravel filter. It will reduce
the nitrates too. Keep the water temp up around 80 degrees F. I would
treat with Metronidazole and rid-ich as per the directions on the
packages. Do not feed until he starts moving around. Don't worry
about the pH for now. Look online at DrsFosterSmith.com for medications
that you can't find locally.-Chuck>
More Red Devil Problems Chuck, Hello there, We still
have no sign of difference in attitude. However, in observing him I
have noticed a couple of other things. He does this darting business
about 3-4 times a day. He seems to scrape himself on the rocks. He is
taking short deep breaths and seems to flutter his front fins like
shooing a fly or maybe shaking?? I think I am seeing a spot behind his
right fin that is outlined with a red blotch. I feel inclined to add
some Epsom salt. What is your recommendation?? I am still not feeding
and plan to vacuum the tank today. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Jessica < A red blotch is the sign of an external bacterial
infection. This may have been caused by the dashing against the rocks
and opening a wound or by bacteria eating away at a spot on the skin.
Based on your tank readings your tank is pretty clean so I would treat
with Nitrofurazone to get rid of the external bacteria and
Metronidazole for any internal bacterial problems. I would not feed
until the fish is cured.-Chuck>
Red Devil Doing Better Huuuggsss Chuck, Looks like he
is going to make it! He is up and swimming again. :o) He has also eaten
three times a day for the last two days. < Keep in mind to only feed
him once a day and only enough food so that all of it is gone in two
minutes. Too much food can have him back on his side in no time at
all.> Thank you very much. I did not know of any of the tips you
gave me, and I thank you for making it possible for me to help my
fishy. < That is what we are hear for.> Those spots seem to be
getting bigger. There are two of them now both about an inch behind the
front fins. I don't know if they are bruising or what. Do you have
any suggestions? Should I treat for external problems? I question
further medication since he is doing so well now. Jess < Those red
spots may just be a normal coloration change. Red Devils come in
multiple colors and red is just one of them. Look at the spots closely.
If there is a change in texture between the red spots and the rest of
the body then I would treat with Nitrofuranace. If the texture of the
skin appears similar then it just may be a normal color change. Glad to
hear he is doing better.-Chuck>
Red Devil, Viral Infection - 08/17/2005 Hello,
<Hi.> I just bought a Red Devil, and he seems to have this white
cyst (Like a pimple) on one of his scales. He is bright orange in
colour, and this white cyst stands out. It's not ich, since
it's only one, and bigger than ich. How do I treat it? Does it go
away? The previous owner said that its been there for approximately 1
month now. <Sounds like Lymphocystis.... A viral infection. Though
this is not treatable, it usually does go away if the fish is kept in
optimal water conditions (ammonia, nitrite = ZERO, nitrate = LESS than
20ppm). So be testing, and keep that water clean!> Thank you, Toufic
<Wishing you and your new red devil well, -Sabrina> Red Devil,
Viral Infection - II - 08/17/2005 Optimal eh? :-( <Should be no more
difficult than maintaining the tank properly.... That's the least
we can do for our captive fishes.> How about surgery on the actual
cyst? <This will cause more harm than good, most likely. I would
leave it as is, and let the fish heal on its own time. Proper care,
proper water quality alone will help this to go away.> Extra salts
in the tank? <Nope. Patience, much patience, and proper care.
That's all. This will take time.... but can/should heal up on its
own. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Red Devils Dying We recently
set up a 55 gallon fresh water fish tank (this past Christmas) and
after getting all the appropriate bacteria and everything set up we
bought two red devils and a third longer sword fish type thing. It
turns out one red devil was a male and the other was a female. A month
ago they had 400 babies but a day or two after they were born the mom
died (the dad had been 'abusing' her for a few days). The
babies continued to grow and the dad then began the same abusive
behavior towards the sword looking fish, and he died a few days later.
Now the babies are about a cm big each and the dad himself is beginning
to show signs similar to the other fish before they died. He has not
eaten in these past three days and is sitting on the bottom
occasionally slightly tilted. We have had the water tested after each
fish has died and a few times in between and nothing has been the
problem. The babies seem to be nibbling at something on the dads fins.
It looks like he has small whitish dots near and on the fin joints and
he also has some blackish/greyish spots on his forehead. Is there
anything we can do? Is there a reason why in these past three weeks all
three fish have been dying? Any help would be great! I'd hate to
lose another fish. Thank you. <I would have liked to know the actual
results of the water tests. With the sudden increase in waste caused by
400 fry I would think ammonia or nitrite would spike. You also mention
some white spots. That could be Ick. Either could be the cause. I would
start with large water changes and watch for an increase in those white
spots. Many treatments for Ick. I use salt and heat. Read here:
Treating An Old (and He Means OLD!) red Devil With
Hole-In-The-Head 11/16/05 Hello, I have a 17 year old Red Devil
Cichlid (Fred) who was in the peak of health until I stupidly (over)
adjusted the pH a month ago, and he took quite a roller coaster ride
before I was able to stabilize things. Unfortunately, even after I got
the water back to acceptable levels, he would still not eat (he had
stopped eating when all the water troubles began). It was suggested
that I put feeder fish in with him to stimulate his appetite, but the
feeder goldfish was in there 5 days and nothing happened. I was
thinking that Fred (the Cichlid) might just be going crazy in the
confines of his 40 gallon tank, so I got a 100 gallon tank for him and
started it cycling. The other day I noticed that Fred had a couple
lesions on his head. I'm afraid he has Hole in The Head disease,
especially because he exhibits some of the symptoms associated with
HITH disease: *A tendency to 'hang' in corners. *A tendency to
stare at food but without eating it, or if it does take a sample it
immediately spits it out again. *The decline in food acceptance, is
often accompanied or followed by lethargy, and a reduction in muscle
tissue which gives the fish a 'pinched' appearance behind the
head and the skin 'texture' may take on a roughened appearance
*White, jelly like excreta can often be seen trailing from the anal
vent, on the floor of bare bottom aquaria, or sometimes white, stingy
'rotted plant-like material' is 'adrift' in the
aquarium. *The wasted fish may develop a bloated stomach region. *Skin
lesions may start to appear, especially on the body and the head, in
the region of the lateralis system - these holes may eventually expand
and connect to from considerable size 'craters' The only
symptom here that Fred didn't exhibit was the 'jelly like
excreta'. Thing is, this could also be Head and Lateral Line
Erosion - HLLE, or both together, couldn't it? < They are often
associated with one another.> I took the carbon out of his canister
filter, gradually raised his water temp to 84 degrees F, did a 30%
water change, and added 250mg of Metronidazole for each 10 gallons in
his 40 gallon tank. About 12 hours later I did another 25% water change
and gave him another dose of Metronidazole. I intend to do this for 3
days, based on articles I have read on the subject. Most of the fish
store "Experts" that I have spoken to have rather heartlessly
told me to give up all hope since he's so old. That is a little
defeatist for me, thank you. If it's Fred's time to go, then so
be it. Until then, I intend to give him a fighting chance. Period. As
it is, he seems to be less 'sulky' than before, but on day 2 of
the Metronidazole treatment, he is still not eating. Of most concern to
me other than the not eating is that his stomach is distended only on
the left hand side, and his tail tends to curve around to his left. I
know that the Protozoan Parasites responsible for Hexamita (HITH
disease) naturally occur in the fish's stomach, and just get out of
hand when the fish gets stressed, as Fred was recently. It's just
got me worried that it's only on one side, which he seems to be
favoring, almost like it's a tumor. I know one of the symptoms of
HITH is swelling of the stomach, but just on one side? <It depends
where the infection has manifested itself.> And does it sound like
I'm taking a reasonable course of action here? < Metronidazole
breaks down very easily in dirty water. I would vacuum the gravel and
clean the filter and medicate with Nitrofurazone as well.> I would
hate to make any more big mistakes that might end up doing Fred in at
this point! Speaking of mistakes, I made a big one when I removed the
activated carbon from the canister filter. I squeezed out the sponge
and washed out all the good goop that was in the canister, thereby
destroying the biological filter. The gravel bed in the aquarium is
still undisturbed, so I haven't killed the biological filter
completely, but I know I screwed up. I have been adding AmQuel with the
water changes, so that helps. Would it get in the way of the
Metronidazole treatments to add Bio Spira, in order to get the
biological filter back on track? < The Nitrofuranace will definitely
affect the biological filter. Your fish is not eating anyway so
discontinue to feed until a cure is achieved. When a cure is achieved
then add carbon to remove any medication and then add the Bio-Spira to
the water to get the tank cycled again.> And can I add NovAqua to
ease Fred's stress a little? < Follow the directions on the
bottle.> Oh, and I've read that feeder fish can infect a Cichlid
with HITH. They get it through the feces of the feeder fish. Is this
plausible? < Feeder fish can introduce many parasites but this is
not one of them.> It occurred to me that he may have gotten it from
the feeder fish I put in with him. There are 5 feeder fish in the 100
gallon tank that is now cycled and ready for Freddy when he gets out of
hospital. I was planning on putting the feeder fish into the 40 gallon
tank when I put Fred into the 100 gallon tank, but I would hate for
Fred to get infected all over again when I put him into the 100 gallon
tank that the feeder fish just left (infected from the feeder fish
waste still in the tank). Would you share your thoughts on these
things? < The feeder fish are not the immediate problem right now.
Go to Cichlid-Forum.com and search the data base for a rather lengthy
article on hole in the head. This will give you some insight on how
hard this is to cure.-Chuck> Thank you for your help on this! Chris
Haller pH: 7.8; Nitrite: 0; Ammonia: (I don't know because the
AmQuel messes up the Nessler's reagent); Nitrate: negligible;
General Hardness: 140 ppm; Carbonate Hardness: 5 German
Old Red Devil Cichlid Losing His Eyesight 9/27/05 I am
hoping you can help me. About a year ago I started noticing a white
film on the right eye of my 7.5 year old Red Devil Cichlid. I treated
it with various medications and remedies. These included Melafix and
antibiotics that covered gram positive and gram negative bacteria. I
put in appropriate amounts of aquarium salt. Water changes were done
regularly and tests showed good range for Ph and nitrates.
Unfortunately, none of this worked and my fish eventually lost site in
the eye and the cloud remains to this day. Tonight I noticed what
appears to be the beginning of the same process in his left eye. This
time he also appears to have a bit of a bloody looking discharge in the
eye. I am at a loss as to how to proceed to treat this. Water tests are
fine and I do regular changes. Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks, Eric < Usually these eye problems come from
rough handling in a coarse net. Do a 30% water change , vacuum the
gravel and clean the filter. Treat with erythromycin. If the water is
clean the medication has worked well for me in the past. You devil is
getting up there in age so it may take a couple doses to
Red Devil Swimming On His Side 1/30/06 Have my
son's red devil still here and has been doing well. The last few
days he has been swimming on his side and has lost a bit of condition.
Seems to flop on his side when he is not moving rapidly. There are no
marks on him and he is still eating well (both live and cichlid
pellets). He is now about 10 inches long and son has had he since
really small. Please help as I really don't want to lose him.
Thanks Sue < When I hear of problems like these I think of internal
bacterial infections. Sometimes food gets stuck in the intestines and
the bacteria continue to reproduce causing gas and bloating. This sets
off the equilibrium and causes fish to swim on their side, upside down
etc... Do a 30 % water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter.
Treat with Metronidazole as per the directions on the package. It may
stop the infection but the fish may not completely recover and be back
to his old self.-Chuck>
Sick Old Red Devil 1/21/06 Hi-My 12 yr old red devil
lives in a 120 gallon tank with some gravel, a few rocks and his baked
ceramic plant pot. He gets fed jumbo min and some brine shrimp. For the
past 2 weeks he has been very sick -laying down in his plant pot like a
dog to rest and then getting up to patrol his tank when I come near. He
won't eat. He swims sideways sometimes. I have siphoned the gravel
and changed 25% of the tank water on 4 separate occasions (giving him a
few days between each time). The ammonia level and the nitrite level
test normal. The nitrate level tests high. I keep the pH at 7 although
it keeps tending bluer - higher, which is the opposite of what it
usually does. I keep the temp at 80 degrees. I have put kosher salt in
the water. He is typically somewhat orange, but when he got sick he got
quite pale. Now his color is more orange again. I read in your column
about using Furanace or Metronidazole... is either one appropriate? Do
you have any advice or suggestions? Thank you for your help-Julie <
At 12 years old your red devil may be getting near the end and no
longer can fight off infections. I would do a 50% water change, vacuum
the gravel and clean the filter. If he is not eating then don't
feed him. Sounds like an internal bacterial infection. Treating him in
a big tank will be very expensive, especially if multiple treatments
are needed. If you can, move him to a smaller hospital tank. Treat him
with Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. High nitrate levels over a long
period may have stressed him to the point of becoming
Red Devil, Injury? Disease? - 06/06/2006 Good afternoon,
<Hello!> I have a Red Devil that is approx. 2 ½
years old and approx. 8' long. We recently went on vacation and
had another fish friendly person take care of our tanks. Upon our
return Pete (the fish) had developed a sort of blister on the top
of his hump and on the lower section. He is in a 55 gallon tank
with only a plecostomus with him. I am leaning towards the
possibility of HITH but am not 100% sure. I have attached three
pictures for your reference. <The images are a little small to
tell, but I actually wonder if this might be an injury of some
sort, if perhaps he got spooked and ran into something. For now, I
would keep a VERY close eye on it. Maintain ammonia and nitrite at
ZERO, nitrate at less than 20ppm. If the wound appears to increase
in size or shows any other sign of getting worse, I would suggest
treating with a broad-spectrum antibiotic like Kanamycin or
Nitrofurazone. I would lean more toward this actually being a wound
than HLLE or Hole-In-The-Head, given the speed at which it
developed.> Thank you in advance for your assistance. Regards,
-Rebecca J. DeWitt <All the best to you, -Sabrina> |

Sick Red Devil 8/19/06 Hi. <<Hello,
Alex. Tom here.>> I'm in a bit of a panic right now, I think
my Red Devil is dying. The Problem: red devil's got some fungus
thing (it's semi translucent and white and is mainly around his
gills now) he's having trouble breathing and his swim bladder is
all outta whack, he really struggles to swim and stay balanced, right
now he's at bottom of tank not moving much. <<Not fungus,
Alex. It's Columnaris, which is a bacterial disease. The fact that
it doesn't appear to be contained as an external infection at this
time (re: the swim bladder issue) leads me to believe the disease is
advanced in your Cichlid.>> The Tank: Its a freshwater tank, 90L
I think. Inhabitants are one red devil (about 1yr old), eel-tail
catfish, 2 clown loaches and a bristle-nosed catfish. <<A
90-liter tank is too small for these fish, Alex. Please, do consider
upgrading soon. Could/probably is leading to poor water
conditions.>> Don't know pH, nitrates etc, temp. is about 26
degrees Celsius. <<Secondary point here, Alex, but you've got
to get yourself a test kit for water parameters. Columnaris, for one,
will never stop being a problem until you get the tank's conditions
squared away, i.e. pH stable, ammonia/nitrites 0 and nitrates below
20.>> I've turned light off to keep him out of shock but I
think he's fading away. I'm trying to keep tank warm with
heaters and I did a 25% water change yesterday and cleaned my filters
(one's submerged, the other isn't) and I've treated tank
with anti-fungal stuff and also swabbed the red devil's afflicted
areas with a cotton wool bud dipped in the anti-fungal stuff (to little
avail so far). <<First, warmer temperatures will accelerate the
spread of Columnaris. (One of those situations where it's a
"good idea" in the wrong application.) Better to keep the
tank at around 23-24 degrees C (75-76 F). Second, you need to treat
with a broad-spectrum antibiotic like Kanacyn, Spectrogram,
Tetracycline or Furan 2. Ideally, you'd be able to treat with food
containing Nitrofurazone or Oxytetracycline but I'm suspicious that
your pet is eating little, if anything, at this point making this a
doubtful way to go. Finally, while always best to treat an animal in a
separate hospital tank, Columnaris is highly contagious - as you've
seen - and I would recommend treating the entire display tank in this
case. (Catfish are highly susceptible, by the way.)>> I should
also mention that I've had two catfish die after coming down with
this fungus so I'm really worried. <<Sorry to hear this,
Alex, but, again, not a total surprise given what you're dealing
with.>> Help?! What should I do? <<Immediate action?
Another 25%-30% water change and gravel cleaning. Start treating with
one of the medications recommended. Also, remove any carbon you might
be using in your filters. Keep the water temperature in the range
mentioned above and, by all means, get your hands on a water test kit
so that you can monitor your parameters. You're "flying
blind" without knowing what's going on in your tank. If the
Red Devil succumbs to this, remove it immediately. Less immediate but
no less important, try to upgrade the size of your tank once everything
is settled down. Your Red Devil may not have displayed aggressive
behavior in the past but this fish has been known to wipe out entire
tanks single-handedly. Very best of luck, Alex. Tom>>
Red Devil Cichlid With Internal Infection 1/2/07 Hello I have
a Red devil cichlid that I got that has swim bladder for the purpose of
trying to save him. The pet store gave him to me free because someone
brought him in. He is a nice looking fish and is about 6inches and I
have put him in a hospital tank and then added Epson salt raised the
temp to 84F and treating the water with poly guard as well as trying to
feed the fish with Metronidazole and garlic guard mixed in with some
food as well as some green peas and doing daily 20% water changes and
carefully replacing the salt and poly guard. But the problem is that
the fish stays on the bottom of the tank and cannot swim but only
scoot's around on the bottom of the tank on his belly. He sometimes
will go over to the food that I place in the tank but can't get the
food in his mouth because he can't seem to raise up to pick the
food up from the bottom of the tank. He often lays on his side until he
see's me in the room then he sits back up on his belly. I noticed
as well that yesterday and today that there was some blood in his
stool. I have been treating him for about three day's now. Do you
know anything else that I can do to get this fish better and how long
do you think it will take before he gets better? Thank you for any
help. <Remove any sand or gravel that can be abrasive to the skin of
the fish. The infection has affected the swim bladder. Even if you cure
the disease the swim bladder may not recover and become functional
again. I would add Nitrofuranace to the mix and continue to treat for
another week. These medications are not cheap. You probably could have
purchased a healthy red devil for the money you will spend trying to
save this one.-Chuck>
FH, big red bump, no useful data 6/4/07 Here
is a picture of my Flowerhorn it is aprox 6 years old what is this
red bump? Jim <Maybe a tumorous growth, but looks more like a
trauma injury... Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/flowerhorns.htm and the
linked files above. Bob Fenner> |

Sick Red Devil - Please Help FAST!!! 12/31/07 I
have a Red Devil (roughly 11 inches in size) I have had this fish for
about 5 years - I have grown VERY attached and am very worried about
losing my fish. I have not kept good records/updates on the water
quality - as my fish has tolerated the water without problems. Now
"Syd" is losing color (turning very pale) - has stopped
eating - and both eyes have grown VERY cloudy VERY quickly - <QUICK!
Change some of the water out here, or even better, move this fish to
another system that is established> *There have been many times that
Syd has ignored food and gone a few days or more where the food has
been played with but not eaten. ( I usually feed a veg. pellet mix in
the mornings and an earthworm in the evening...again, has worked until
now). Syd is now lying on the bottom horizontal and not breathing very
good...this began in the corner in somewhat of a vertical position. I
have changed the filters as well as a water change (approx. 40%)
<Good> We have recently had power surges (due to weather) and I
noticed that the tank is very cold (not what Syd thrives in) I am
trying to warm the tank but not too quickly... <Also good> I am
afraid that there is something internal (besides the tank temp. and the
"not eating" etc.) <Not eating is not a big worry. A fish
of this size, age, conditioning can go w/o food for many days> My
question - is where to start? <Monitor water quality, raise
temp.> The fins seem to look fine...Although Syd has had some holes
it doesn't seem to be HITH - but I could be wrong. <Could you
send a picture?> If I should medicate the tank - please suggest a
general beginning point/medication that I should start with to help my
fish... Again, I know I seem to sound like a "slacker" on the
daily maintenance of the fish tank - I do care for my fish and DO NOT
wish to see Syd suffer...or die. Any help/suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you in advance, EN <Need more data, an image...
Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlvstkind2.htm
re the sorts of input we're looking for... the third tray down, on
Cichlids; their Health, Systems. Bob Fenner>
Please help me! Flowerhorn With
Possible Blindness 6/1/08 Hi Crew, I have some problems to
discuss with you. Last week, I got a male Flowerhorn as a present
from my friend including all his accessories. First 2-3days he
didn't eat anything and he didn't go anywhere but I can
accept that as water changes. Then he continuously keeps silent but
sometime he tries to swim. He's timing is not more than 5sec.
then falling freely underneath the water and hit with glass.
Mostly, he hit all the objects on his ways likes he didn't harm
and seems he can't see anything. Last night, I realized that,
it may be his problem, both of his eyes have some black shape, I
attach his photos. His left eye is full with dark and the other is
half. I haven't seen like that before in my experience because
I have others 5 Flower Horns at my home. What should I do? Is he
blinded? Is anything wrong? ? ? ? ? Please reply me as I feel sorry
for him. Best regards, KMMK < After looking at your photos I
don't know if your Flowerhorn is blind or not. I have never
seen that kind of coloration in a fish's eyes before. Generally
it sounds like you Flowerhorn has an internal bacterial infection
that has affected his swim bladder. I would recommend treating the
tank with a combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. I would
also add a teaspoon of salt to the water for every 10 gallons of
tank water. Keep the water temp up at 80 F too.-Chuck> |
sick red devil 4/26/08 my red devil after a water change
started swimming on it's side <How much water changed? How
treated? Best to store... Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/taptrtmnt.htm and the linked files
above> and lay on the bottom then the next day started swimming
upside down now he's hiding in the cave in the tank still swimming
upside down i don't see no fungus or parasites is there anything
you can do he's a ?young fish only about 4 inches long i have been
treating for two days now with tetracycline but have not seen a change
in him thanks ron <Poisoned... Please, fix your English before
sending it (at least to us). Ignorance is not what we're about. Bob
Red Devil Has Not Eaten in 1 Week! 07/07/08 Red Devil On
Hunger Strike Hi! and Help! I recently acquired a Red Devil
(? He has no nuchal hump) in a tank purported to be 75 gallons
but only 48. Charlie is 10 inches long. I placed him by a sliding
glass door by the dining table. He can see people in the kitchen.
He can see people and critters at the dining table. He can see
people and critters in both the front and back living rooms. He
can see out the window when I draw the blinds and he can see out
the back porch onto the back yard a bit also. He did very little
typical behaviors his first 3 weeks here, seemed to smile a lot
and was not shy with us. Then I finally got around to cleaning
his tank. Prior to this I only had a small goldfish tank and
still only have that antiquated siphon method. Charlie's'
tank was quite dirty as I did receive it dirty as well. (Most of
the water was removed for the move and I had to fill it with a
hose while he was in another tank). My way of cleaning the tank
means that I have to wait for the dirty water to settle down and
then pour water from the top of the buckets back into the tank.
(I only just learned that they need a 50% water change every week
so I was doing the 25% goldfish rule.) So the cleaning occurred
all day on Friday the 25th of June. As of Friday July 4th he has
still eaten nothing. Since the cleaning he acts as if he has been
violated. He no longer wants anything to do with us and he
cleaned a spot to the mirrored floor of his tank and spends days
just looking at his own image. He often ignores us when we talk
to him and try to visit. We have tried to feed him and he has let
the food rot. Last night I cooked chicken for the soft-shell
turtles and gave Charlie a piece because I had read that they
like it. This morning I fished it out untouched. Today I tested
his water which was all fine except for slightly high nitrates -
I put some chemical in and gave him a Rosie red minnow. He came a
little alive and the poor tortured thing was eventually murdered
but he did not eat it. The carcass is laying on the floor of the
tank right where we can all see it and Charlie has eaten nothing.
How long can this go on? This fish is starting to torture me
because I feel so guilty for him and I am soon to purchase a more
efficient cleaning machine to avoid this in the future. I have
read that a fish cannot go more than 5 days without food. This
has been 7. If Charlie refuses to eat something how soon should I
remove it from the aquarium? What am I to do to make him happy
again? I am not skilled with cichlid disease. Is there a disease
that I should be looking for? < Start by checking the water
temperature. It should be between 75 and 80 F. Get a thermometer
and get a heater if needed. Next check the water chemistry. The
ammonia and nitrites should be zero. The nitrates should be under
20 ppm. Big cichlids can be pretty messy so you should have a
power filter that turns the water over at least 200 gph. An
outside power filter would be best. Assuming everything else is
fine then offer him a few high quality cichlids pellets once ech
day at the same time. After five minutes remove any uneaten food.
Repeat every day until he eats. If he doesn't eat after a
week then try some washed earthworms. Feeder fish are notorious
for contaminating big cichlid tanks with diseases.-Chuck>
Re: Red Devil Has Not Eaten In A Week II -- 07/08/08 Yes
there is a lot more but I went to a store called "Ocean
Floor" in central Phoenix and got some better bacteria than
these chain stores sell. < Many stores sell bacterial
additives that claim to add the beneficial bacteria to a tank so
you can put fish in right away. The one I recommended for years
was Bio-Spira by Marineland. The item is no longer available. A
new product by Dr Tim called "The One and Only" is
working very well for a friend on mine who has a aquarium
maintenance business and sets up tanks all the time. This product
is available from DrsFosterSmith.com.> I also bought a new
Fluval 450 and a bunch of other stuff. Placing him in the window
was a mistake and the heat is spiking the ammonia and nitrates.
< Heat by itself won't increase the ammonia and nitrates.
Elevated water temperatures may have increased the breakdown of
the fish waste.> Plus all the water changes were misadvised.
We put a huge board outside the window for now because the store
guy thinks he is too fragile to move the tank right now. So both
my tanks are blooming right now with the good bacteria and the
fish are starting to do a bit better. The company that makes
these products is right here in Phoenix. It is called Tropical
Science and the bacteria have to be kept in the fridge. These
chain stores have inferior product and they think they have
bacteria and the products even say so on the label but absolutely
nothing happens. I was stuck in a position that I did not have
time to cycle tanks properly. (What happens when you buy used
tanks with fish in them.) I do need to learn how to do it
properly since I need to get larger tanks for the cichlid and the
spiny softshells. I had a product with live bacteria for many
years. The bottle did not need refrigeration. Whenever my tank
was in trouble I would throw a couple of drops in and get instant
results. I have always kept my goldfish in windows and done
great. When I finished the bottle I remember thinking to myself
that I ought to save the empty bottle so I would know what to ask
for. I threw it out. None of the stores have it anymore. It was
fantastic stuff. I didn't even mention about Charlie being in
the hot window when I first wrote because I did not know it was a
problem. The city tap water is too high in nitrates and ammonia
already. I had read to find another water source but had always
learned that purified drinking water would kill the fish. The guy
at the store said I could use purified drinking water but I am
still leery. We get OPremium water and I don't know if I
could use that or not. I need more feedback on alternate water
sources. I would really appreciate if one of you could look at
this OPremium water site and tell me if the water is safe for the
fish. My first instinct is no - but maybe I am wrong. Please
advise: http://www.owaters.com/10-step-purification.html Or do
you have suggestions for other water sources? Thanks for asking
Bob. <<Welcome. B>> And thanks for your initial
response Chuck. < If your water is too high in nitrates you
could always use R/O or distilled water. This water by itself is
not good for fish because it is too clean and has no buffers in
it. You have to add some buffers to keep the pH from going all
over the place and stressing your fish. The R/o will reduce most
of the nitrates. You could by an r/o unit for a couple hundred
bucks and could filter water up to 50 gallons per day.-Chuck>
Red Devils Have Not Eaten IN One Week III 7/10/08 <
First off. Stop injecting additional questions/comments within
the text of formally answered questions. The crew usually injects
their comments in response to multipart questions to try and not
confuse the readers. When you add the additional comments it
makes it very difficult to sort out if the questions have been
answered or not. In the future please ask questions that you need
help with.> OK. I do not know what R/O is so hopefully can
Google. < Go to the WWM and Google R/O. This has been asked
many times before.> This is getting insanely expensive and I
don't think my husband will go for an R/O unit at this point.
Also I don't know what "buffers" are. < Once
again Google the WWM website for buffers.> I saw some pH
stabilizing product somewhere - not sure if Dr Foster Smith or
Austin's Turtle Page. < DrsFosterSmith definitely have
buffers for R/PO units.> I am super frustrated right now
because these Ocean Floor employees don't really know either
and the guy we bought from is off work till Thursday and there is
a lot of stuff he didn't tell us. < Unfortunately the
retail tropical fish store employee typically doesn't have
much more experience than the customers they are trying to help.
The job usually doesn't pay that well so turn over is very
high.> The Tropical Science product (Aqua Chargers) has no
directions on the label - just lists of other product. So my idea
is that they think they have designed the most fantastic surface
for bacteria but it is the liquid in the container that has the
bacteria? (The employees cannot even answer that - probably
because they do not want to admit that I was stupid enough to pay
$160 for a bottle of plastic doo-dads.) < In the past I have
not been impressed with this brand of products.> Because I saw
other plastic thingies on Dr Smith Foster for a hell of a lot
less money. < Online retail stores are definitely very
competitive with traditional retail stores.> My two tanks are
acting very different with it and I told the employee about the
water change and chemical soup added over the weekend with the AP
products and this Tropical Science has been added on top of it.
It does not seem to me to be very scientific when everything is
so nebulous and proper written directions are not given. I called
back the store and asked why one tank is super cloudy and the
other one is clear. The employee told me to do a 25% water
change. I said "WHAT!?!?! I just spent $160 (plus tax) on
this stuff (never mind the hundreds of dollars of other product I
purchased along with) and 24 hours later you are telling me to
pour it down the drain?!?!?!?!" I called and asked to talk
to the manager and she put a guy on who speaks hardly any English
and he could not tell me anything concrete either or even
speculate with knowledge - he told me not to feed any of my fish
for 3 or 4 days till it clears up. I haven't even tested my
water because I am getting too emotional about this now. All I
can say is my 10 inch Red Devil is miserable in his cloudy tank
and my 10 inch goldfish is miserable in his alternately cloudy
and clear tank. I tried to ask about the life cycle of this
bacteria I have added and of course no-one knows a thing. The
rapid changes of cloudy and clear repeatedly over the course of
the day means something and I would like to know what. But
Charlie's tank is just deathly cloudy. Interesting to me is
that the other fish in the goldfish tank are OK for the most
part. I have small feeder goldfish, Rosie minnows and of course
plecostomus. When the 2nd Fluval started up in their tank it
emitted a huge white cloud - I assume from the aqua chargers that
had been sitting in there while I was doing battle with the
hoses. It was frightening to watch that cloud go into the tank
and the little fish got all jerky for hours afterwards. They
moved a lot but very jerky also. What does that mean? The Ocean
Floor employees cannot tell me. Sorry for this long run-on line -
I am very low-tech and do not know why this happens once in a
blue moon. Thank you for the continued correspondence. I had been
told years ago never to use distilled so I would need to know a
lot more about what buffers are and how to use. Where can I
learn? < Once again buffers and R/O water is well covered on
the website. I would recommend trying to contact the
manufacturers by either email or by trying to call them directly.
Search for a web for a contact info.-Chuck