FAQs about Fungiid Coral Disease Treatments
FAQs on Fungiid Disease:
Fungiid Disease 1, Fungiid Disease 2, Fungiid Disease 3, Fungiid Disease 4, Fungiid Health 5,
Fungiid Health 6, Fungiid Health 7, Fungiid Health
FAQs on Fungiid Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning,
Lighting...), Nutritional,
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Related Articles: Coral Pests and Disease; pests, predators,
diseases and conditions by Sara Mavinkurve, Fungiid Corals,
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease: Stony Coral Disease 1, Stony Coral Disease 2, Stony Coral Disease 3, Stony Coral Disease 4, Stony Coral Disease 5, Stony Coral Disease 6, Stony Coral Disease 7, Stony Coral Disease 8, Stony Coral Disease 9, Stony Coral Disease 10, Stony Coral Disease 11, Stony Coral Disease
12, Stony Coral Disease 13,
Stony Coral Disease 14,
Stony Coral Disease 15, Stony Coral
Disease ,
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Category: Diagnosing:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Family: Acroporid Disease, Acroporid Disease 2, Acroporid Disease 3, Acroporid Disease 4..., Caryophyllid Disease, Caryophyllid Disease 2..., Elegance Coral Disease/Pests, Dendrophylliid Disease, Faviid Disease, Faviid Disease 2,
Mussid Disease, Mussid Health 2, Poritid Health, Trachyphylliid Disease, Trachyphyllia Disease 2,
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Type: Brown Jelly Disease, RTN,
Iodide-ate dips in slightly reduced spg water can be
remarkably efficacious.
Re: Plate coral not listed in FAQ
Thank you for your fast response. I read all the Fungiid
diseases and came up with tissue recession.
<Okay; so what are you going to do?>
Would you say this much is severe? Would dipping the coral in coral
rx help bring him back or hurt more than help.
<I'd just use iodide-ate>
On you website a response to a orange plate similar to mine y'all said it
was tissue recessing, but didn't give any advice on how to help him out
other than removing a peppermint in that situation and I do not own a
peppermint shrimp. Thank you, and I appreciate your specific id on
my coral. Your website is awesome.
<Agreed. BobF>
Cycloseris algae removal -- 03/03/09 hey
gang, I recently bought an orange Cycloseris online, when it came
in I opened the box and to my dismay it had two spots covered in
algae. <It's about dead if not there already... Write,
call, ask for credit, replacement> A little slice of dead
tissue for lack of better wording was covered in algae and a spot
by the corals mouth was also covered in algae...looks like a hair
algae to me but im no expert. After searching through your great
site looking for ways to remove algae on the corals dead tissue I
found no answers so I used my great man instinct...and didn't
ask for help. I took a toothbrush and cut down a lot of the
bristles so it would be more course. <Mmm, no... not a valid
course of action here...> I scrubbed the spots plagued with
the green nuisance and did the best I could while doing my best
not to harm this little creature. I got most of it off but today
I looked at it and it appears as if most of it grew back. It is
feeding (frozen Mysis shrimp) and its tentacles are present all
day, by the looks of it I would say that it is doing alright. My
only questions are is there a better way to remove it? <Not
really a useful question...> and if so how? any other
suggestions as always are greatly appreciated!! thanks, -Alex
<If anything Alex, I'd fragment this Fungiid... see WWM
re... outside the system... and toss the algae-present pieces...
they're shot. Bob Fenner>
Fungia recovering? 2/5/09 Dear Crew,
<Carolyn> Sorry to pester you twice in one week! I rehomed a
green Fungia coral last August which lived in the tank seemingly
happily until December when I noticed that it wasn't expanding its
polyps. It went from being quite a fleshy, mobile animal one week to
what looked like a coral skeleton that you sometimes see on sale,
although it retained its green colouration. Sad at its apparent loss, I
couldn't bring myself to remove it from the tank so there it
stayed... last night I was feeding the tank as normal and noticed that
the Fungia had opened its mouth and appeared to be feeding on the
lobster eggs I'd just added. Sure enough, when I checked again
later the mouth had closed again. Either I'm seeing things or my
coral has exhibited behaviour that I wasn't aware was possible?!
<Is very possible that some life remains, Fungiids can look
"about all gone" and make comebacks> The water parameters
are: ammonia/nitrite/nitrate 0 phosphate 0 calcium 420ppm magnesium
1320ppm pH 8-8.2 dKH 14 salinity 1.025 temperature 25 Celsius (77F)
I'm concerned that the dKH is high and wondered if that might have
affected the Fungia? <Mmm, maybe a factor> I dose with iodine
daily <I would only do this weekly...> and use Salifert all in
one additive weekly as required. Many many thanks for once again
reading my ramblings, Carolyn
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Disintegrating Helio 12/19/07 Hi guys, another
problem has occurred. I have a Helio Fungia that has been doing very
well for over 12 months. <Unusual for this genus/species... a poor
survivor in captivity> 3 or 4 days ago I moved a powerhead (Tunze)
to change the flow around a little. I noticed yesterday that my Helio
was losing flesh and that parts of the skeleton were showing. I thought
maybe that the flow had been too forceful and had torn the poor guy. I
have 4 questions: 1. Would the force of the water be enough to do this?
(the Helio was on the opposite side of a 95 gallon tank to the Tunze
and it was "directly blasting it"). <Not likely... it
would move if so> 2. If this was the cause will the Helio recover?
<Not the cause likely, nor recovery likely> 3. Is there anything
else I can do for it ( I have already moved it to a quieter part of the
tank) and 4th. <Possibly... Perhaps iodine/ide/ate administration...
I don't proscribe fragmentation of Heliofungia> If it is not
going to make it, does it pose health risks for other inhabitants?
<In this size/volume, with good filtration, circulation, not
likely> I am quickly trying to put a hospital tank together to move
it to. Thanks once again (in advance) for your wealth of knowledge.
Olly <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/fungiiddisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Fungiid emergency surgery
8/30/07 Hi, At my LFS today I saw this beautiful tongue coral
with some issues (mainly brown jelly disease). So the guy there
gives me the coral for FREE. I was really excited! free coral!! He
looked at me like I was crazy for wanting it. He doesn't think
I can save it. Ha! Brown jelly is no match for a Dremel saw! ;-) So
check this out, I took some pre-op and post-op photos. What do you
think? Oh, and I was able to ID it to the species Polyphyllia
talpina using the dead piece of skeleton I cut out. Best,
<Well done all the way around. BobF> |
.jpg) |
Sick Fungia Plate Bob, I have a Fungia Plate Coral in my tank
that appears to be on the decline. I have had it for a couple of weeks
and until a few days ago was doing well. Now the membrane is recessed
and pulling away from the skeleton. Where it is pulling away, the
skeleton is turning white. Is there anything I can do for this guy?
<Yes... do you know that your water has sufficient calcium,
alkalinity? Do you utilize iodide supplementation?> I bought a
hammer at the same time and it appears to have a bacterial infection. I
am preparing a malachite dip for it to see if I can heal it. Could this
infection have spread to the plate coral as well?
<Doubtful> I also have an open brain, elegant, mushroom, and some
polyps that are all doing very well. Is it possible to use the
malachite dip on the plate coral too? <Yes> Or should this
be avoided. My calcium levels appear to be acceptable (but just to be
safe I added some more). Thanks for your help. Chad <How much
Calcium? What do/did you add? Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Fungia Plate Parameters are as follows: PH = 8.2
Alkalinity = 3.5 mEq/L Nitrate = 5 mg/l Calcium = +- 500 mg/l I do
utilize Kent Tech-I as my iodine supplement. <And do you test
for same?> I am currently using Coralife Invertebrate Calcium
Supplement for calcium addition, though I will probably start using
Kent Liquid Calcium instead when the Coralife is gone. <Good
idea> One thing that I suspect may be the culprit is that he was
placed in a high flow area in the tank initially. I have moved him to a
position higher in the tank and out of direct flow of the power head.
For now I will wait and see if this helps unless you think the
malachite dip or something else might be better at this point. <Hmm,
and know that these corals do ambulate... that is, they are capable of
moving... if in good health... to conditions they more favor. Bob
Fenner> Thanks.
Re: Sick Fungia Plate I currently do not test for Iodine. I
use the recommended dosage and make sure that it doesn't stress the
coral. The slow drip method seems to help with this. <Yes... much
more valuable than a colorimetric assay> I do know that these corals
can move on their own. Which makes me wonder if this guy didn't get
acclimated as well as the others or he would have moved somewhere else.
We shall see. <Agreed. Good point of view. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Fungia Plate (dip procedure) The malachite dip I
prepared killed the Fungia. As soon as I put it back in the tank it
started completely disintegrating. The skin floated away from it's
skeleton in the current. I am aghast. I followed the instructions in
your faq as follows: 1 gallon of fresh (RO) water <A NOTE: I
mis-read this: Please re-contact me here/WWM... this is NOT freshwater?
But freshly made up and spg adjusted synthetic seawater? Please tell me
the latter...> 1 teaspoon of baking soda 4 drops of Nox-Ich
which is (1% malachite green and sodium chloride) <Very strange...
this amount of malachite, the prepared water should not have
"caused" the observed result... I suspect the animal was
dead, decomposing (to an extent) ahead of the protocol> 10 minutes
in this solution and then back to the tank. What I am afraid of here is
that this same process will hurt the hammer in the same way as the
Fungia. I hate to think that my efforts to save them have ended up
making matters worse and killing them. <I share your concern, but
will assure you that I have used the same procedure on thousands of
specimens and know of companies that do the same. Bob Fenner>
FAQ correction Bob--a question about one of the FAQs today.
(I see mine made it up there--lessons to be learned there. . .) On the
last question, regarding the Heliofungia sp. coral dip. I thought the
proper procedure for a malachite green dip for a coral called for
lowered SG (1.018) for the dip (not freshwater). At least that's
what I remember reading, but I can't remember if I read it in CMA
or WWM or both. Am I remembering incorrectly here? <Curse my lazy
mind James! I "casually" read the message as "freshly
made-up seawater" with RO... You're absolutely correct....
Hope I can find the original sender's e-address or he writes back
after viewing your input here... Yes to using dilute seawater, not
freshwater...> I went home with the Magnum at lunch, and the water
had already cleared up significantly from where it was this morning on
its own. I hung the filter on the sump. (What did I ever do before I
had a sump. . . LOL) Once it's cleared a little more and I can see
what I'm doing in there, I'll do a water change to vacuum all
the "snow" off the LR to get as much of it as I can out of
the tank. <You might try hooking up your gravel vacuum to the
Magnum... sure to need a few cleanings, but a very handy way to more
quickly remove the "dust"> Hopefully no more crises this
week! Chat soon. --jd <Indeed. Bob Fenner> James A. Deets