Related FAQs: Chaetodon Butterflyfishes,
FAQs 2, Chaetodon
Identification, Chaetodon
Behavior, Chaetodon
Compatibility, Chaetodon
Selection, Chaetodon Systems,
Chaetodon Feeding, Chaetodon Disease, Chaetodon Reproduction, Threadfins (C. auriga), Raccoons (C. lunula & C. fasciatus),
Double Saddleback (C.
ulietensis), Butterflyfish
Identification, Butterflyfish
Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Butterflyfish Compatibility, Butterflyfish Behavior, Butterflyfish Systems, Butterflyfish Selection, Butterflyfish Disease,
Butterflyfish Reproduction,
Related Articles:
Best/Worst Butterflyfishes
Good Butterflyfishes of the Genus
Chaetodon, part II
To: Good Chaetodons part I,
part III,
Poor &
Bob Fenner
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Chaetodon flavocoronatus
Myers 1860, the Yellow-Crowned Butterflyfish. Only recorded from
Guam in the western Pacific. A great beauty and with a high price
to match its rareness and deepwater where it is
Shown: A juvenile specimen at House of Fins, 2012. |

Chaetodon guentheri Ahl
1913, Gunther's Butterflyfish. Found along the Wallace Line,
from southern Japan to eastern Australia. To five inches
long. Aquarium image. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Chaetodon hoefleri
Steindachner 1883, Hoefler's Butterflyfish. Found on
Africa's tropical western coast. To eight inches. |
Never been there, wanta go along?
Chaetodon kleinii Bloch
1790, Klein's Butterflyfish. Widespread from Hawai'i over
to Africa's east coast. To five inches overall. A hardy, but
shy species that often perishes due to too much commotion and
competition in captivity. Below: A juvenile and adult in
Hawai'i, an adult one Redang, Malaysia.
lunula (Lacepede 1803), the Raccoon Butterflyfish.
Though not as attractive as its namesake in the Red Sea (C.
fasciatus), the Indo-Pacific Raccoon is just as hardy, and
a very good choice for eating pest Aiptasia anemones in reef
tanks, though it will consume coral polyps in some cases. Click
on name for more information, images. This one in the Cook
Islands, South Pacific.

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Chaetodon marleyi Regan
1921, the South African Butterflyfish. Rare in the trade in the
west, this species wraps around the cape of South Africa in its
distribution, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (only one). Subtropical in
thermal range. Juvenile (by Michael Engelbrecht)
pix. |
Chaetodon madagaskariensis Ahl 1923. Pearly or
Chevron Butterflyfish. To five inches. Feeds on invertebrates and algae.
Western Indian Ocean. Here a juvenile and adult in Mauritius in 2016. |
%20MD.JPG) |
melannotus Bloch & Schneider 1801, the
Black-Backed Butterflyfish. To six inches, mainly 3-4.
Widespread distribution from Africa's east coast and Red Sea
(pictured here) over to the mid-Pacific. Hardy, though it does
eat soft and hard coral polyps. Red Sea images, 2 and 4"
specimens. bsp;

Chaetodon mertensii Cuvier
1831, the Chevron or Merten's Butterflyfish. A common, but
hardy and good-looking species. You may find the Indian Ocean
variety of this species listed/sold as C. madagaskariensis...
it's the same species. Tropical central Pacific to east
African coast. To five inches long. Pictured: one in the GBR, off
of Heron Island and one in the Cooks, South Pacific by RMF
and an aquarium pic.
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Chaetodon mesoleucos
Forsskal 1775, the White-Face Butterflyfish. Only found in the
Red Sea and adjoining Gulf of Aden. To six inches total length.
Can be aggressive toward other B/Fs. Aquarium image.

mitratus Gunther 1860, the Indian Butterflyfish. Found in
many areas of the central Indian Ocean. Deepwater. In same complex
as C. tinkeri, C. burgessi, C. declivis, C. flavocoronatus. Also
about five inches in length maximum. Aquarium photos of a juvenile
and adult by RMF. |
.jpg) |
To: Good Chaetodons part
I, part III,
Poor &
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |