FAQs about Lionfish Health/Disease:
Related Articles: Lionfish & Their Relatives,
Lionfishes and their Scorpaeniform Kin Part 1, Part 2, by
Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner, Dwarf
Related FAQs: Lionfish Disease 2, Lion Disease 3, Lion Disease 4, Lion Disease 5, Lion Disease 6, Lion Disease 7, Lion
Disease 8, Lion Disease 9,
Lion Disease 10,
FAQs on:
Lionfish Disease by Category: Diagnosis, Environmental, Nutritional, Parasitic, Social, Trauma, Treatments, &
Lionfishes & their Relatives,
Lions 2, Lions 3, Lions
4, Dwarf Lionfishes,
Lionfish Behavior, Lionfish Selection, Lionfish Compatibility, Lionfish Feeding,
I've never encountered a strictly
"infectious" disease in these fishes. Always there have
been pre-disposing circumstances; in particular issues of poor
environment, nutrition, social issues. RMF
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
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New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Black Volitans Infection 12/23/16
<Why can't we set our too small allotment of email storage to reject
too-large files? Hundreds of Kbytes is what we request. You've sent more
than 8 megs.>
Good Morning Crew, Attached is a photo of my black volitans and the affected
area. I was wondering if you could tell me if it looks infected to you and
if I should treat or not.
<Looks like an infection from a mechanical injury... poked by another
organism, decor? Sucked up against a pump, overflow?>
The spot was a little smaller yesterday and this morning is a little bigger.
The tank is a 75g dedicated lionfish/Scorpionfish tank that currently houses
this black lion and a Rhinopias. I believe that a small crab on the live
rock is responsible for the original damage to it. It is still eating and
swims as normal as a lionfish swims.
<Pteroines have ENORMOUS "powers of recuperation"... And treatment/s are too
risky; likely to do more harm than good... Poss. kill off both the Lion and
Rhinopias. I'd simply do my best to maintain good water quality and
nutrition here... READ on WWM re the poss. use of Epsom Salt, consider
moving one fish or the other... IF you have another adequate space/system>
I have additional tanks I could use as a hospital tank if necessary. Thanks
for taking the time during the holidays to help and have a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year. Jason
<And to/for you and yours Jas. Bob Fenner>
Black Volitans Infection
Good Morning, I forgot to attach the photo so here it is. Sorry for the size
but not sure how to shrink from the phone.
<Me neither... likely have to download to a desktop, laptop device and do
there. B>
Re: Black Volitans Infection
<..... The eight megs... Again?>
Thanks Bob for quick reply. As long as he is acting normal and eating I
won't treat him and let him heal on his own. As far as moving one of the
fish, I could set up a tank but it was my understanding from reading on WWM
that different lions and scorpions could be housed together as long as they
are of similar sizes so as not to get eaten.
<Though there is always the chance of them poking each other>
There are no running powerheads, the one that is in there the lion likes to
hide under so I never turn it on. I will read up on the use of Epsom salt
and thanks for your valuable, and much appreciated input.
<Cheers, BobF>
Sick (dead) Lionfish Dear crew, livestock is online. Our
client brought us a very sick lionfish. Despite our efforts it dead
in two days after the first signs appeared. The rot has been spread
along both the bones of head and the bases of dorsal & tail
fins. In the latter one cast of rays was observed, whereas the
former one still complete, but the muscles of its base were
paralyzed. In the advanced stage of disease antibiotic injections
gave no results. The feeding consisted on frozen oceanic prawn
soaked in fishtamin. The similar signs we observed earlier within
Coris gaimard & Genicanthus lamarck. We assume Pseudomonas or
Vibrio injection. Could you help us in identification? The photos
are attached in this and the others two messages. Sincerely,
Interzoo, Odessa, Ukraine. <Did you attempt culture of bacteria
from the erosive surface sites or the kidneys, blood...? If so,
what staining and physical characteristics did these cultures show?
I do agree with your bacteria-caused guesses... likely a
hyperinfective Pseudomonad at blame here. Bob Fenner> |

Volitans lionfish with mouth infection Hi There!!
<Hello Derik> My lion hasn't been eating since last
Wednesday...almost a week. I noticed that his lower lip is kind of
like deteriorating like an infection or something. All my
parameters are 0...ph 8.3.I have 150 gallons and there is a
juvenile French angel. a yellow tang and a juvenile panther
grouper. Right now I took my fish and put him in a hospital tank
and treating him with Maracyn 2. As I was writing this email my
lion was on the side and white as a ghost. I had to put him back in
the main tank. Now he got his colour back in 2 minutes. All the
parameters was fine in the hospital. What should I do? He is not
eating but he swims everywhere and very active in the main tank.
<I would CAREFULLY, net this Lionfish out and topically daub a
"Q-tip" with a child's med. like Merthiolate or
Merbromin on the lower jaw area and place it back in the main
tank... it is very likely the sore area will heal (and very likely
it was injury caused) and that the animal will heal
faster, be happier in the larger system, and NOT cause/spread
disease there. Do take care (of course) when handling the Lionfish
(In a net, with a wet towel around it, with another person
helping). Bob Fenner> |

Re: Volitans lionfish with mouth infection Do I get those
meds at the pharmacy anywhere? DO you think it is why he is not
eating? Thanks <Can get these tinctures most anywhere...
non-prescription. And could very well be the primary cause for
your Lion not feeding, along with the stress of being in
quarantine. Bob Fenner>
Re: Volitans lionfish with mouth infection How many
times should I do that...the Qtip treatment? Now he is in his 150
gallons and very lively and colourful....but just doesn't eat
<Mmm, just once... daub the bad mouth area and place the fish
in the main tank... offer food daily. Bob Fenner>
Re: Volitans lionfish mouth infection No pharmacist
knew what it was Merthiolate. <Slow down my young friend...
the spelling is Merthiolate... put this in your search tools...
see? Bob Fenner> But I did a research and could it be iodine?
If not is it a type ointment, Polysporin. This morning I woke up
and he's got white spot all over him and his eyes. Could he
be stressed because he hasn't eaten and because of his mouth
infections. Here is a picture of him as of today. I gave him a 5
min. freshwater bath.
Popeye in Mombasa lionfish Hi Bob, I work at a fish store in
Virginia and was lucky enough to find a rare Pterois mombassae
mis-labeled as a miles lionfish. He has been at the store for several
months now and I have been setting up a 30 long for him at my
house. <wow... a small and rather temporary housing for this
rare find> He had the most spectacular huge green eyes, the giveaway
that he was a Mombasa and not a antennata. He is housed in a FO
centralized system of about 1000 gallons made up of about twelve 75
gallon tanks. We have a large wet dry filter, large skimmer, numerous
UV sterilizers and a large sand filter. His tankmates are a clown
trigger, a large lunar wrasse and up until recently a show size Rock
Beauty angel. The angel died of a combination of Popeye and some other
skin disorder (white film on skin). Now the lion's beautiful green
eyes are cloudy and swollen-- one more so than the other. Is Popeye
contagious? <exophthalmia (Popeye) is rarely contagious but
rather an expression of degraded water quality and/or a bacterial
infection. Do consider treatment in isolation with Epsom salt (1 TBN
per 5 gallons) and a broad spectrum antibiotic (no Maracyn products
please for this)> Immediately after the angels death we did a
massive water change on the system. After consulting with my boss, who
has been in saltwater for over 10 years, I have been bucket treating
the lion with Kanamycin. I fill up a 5 gallon bucket with system water,
then add an airstone and pump, dose one whole teaspoon of Kanamycin and
add the lionfish. I do this during the time I work, usually 6-12 hours
almost every day. I have restricted the feeding of the lion so that
only I do it-- last thing he needs is to be overfed. We feed nutrient
soaked krill, shrimp and big silversides. What is your opinion of this
treatment? Any changes? Suggestions? <as above, my friend.
Perhaps Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone for antibiotics used
together> I really do not want to lose this lion, he is a gem and is
my favorite fish. Thanks for your help, Andrew <best regards,
EMERGENCY! with Dwarf Lion Hi Robert! <Hello
Jason> Please don't refer me to FAQ , because I found
nothing under the Links to my problem. Although I will go over
them as again as soon as I send you this! <Okay> I need
experience help with a problem that has been diagnosed as
internal bacterial infection in my almost full grown Fuzzy Dwarf
Lion. This morning I noticed him swimming around with what
appeared to be two grape size pink balls of fleshy stuff
protruding out the anal area. I thought he was trying to pass
some krill that I feed all my fish. By the late noon it was
obvious this was not the case. He seems agitated as he swam about
the tank looking for a place to get comfortable. He usually stays
in one spot most the day and feeds every day except today.
<Mmm, you likely "know" that such infections are
largely environmental and nutritional in cause... hopefully you
will give clues in both departments... that is, what sort of
set-up, history, water-quality tests you have... and the types,
frequency of feeding.> I made some calls to a LFS and they
made calls to find info for problem. They contacted this pro fish
guy. and before they could finish describing the problem, he says
it was an internal intestinal infection possibly by feeding live
foods. I do feed live guppies and ghost shrimp mixed in with a
very varied nutritious diet to all my fish. Some times a few dead
guys are in the net with the living. <This should be
okay...> Water conditions are perfect, I have 10 other fish
with no problems! <Mmm, "perfect"... is a subjective
evaluation... what "are" the readings? You
understand... what may be "perfect" to some is flawed
to others> This guy said the fish has a 50% chance of making
it and don't feed him anything for 3 weeks. He also said the
swelling should go down and the protruding intestine will shrink
back. If it is an intestine? <Not feeding may be a sound
approach here. There are folks who would advise dipping/bathing
in Furacyn compound laden water... isolating in a darkened
quarantine/treatment tank> I'm not 100% sure. The LFS said
to add Melafix to the water to help. so I did. I hope someone has
dealt with this problem before. I feel I need to give him some
type of internal medication in a food, and try to get him to eat
it some how. Any ideas????? I don't want to lose this guy!
I've had him for more than a year and bought him when he was
about the size of pen cap. <No problem on waiting on the
feeding for several days to see if the reddening lessens. Do
consider the separate tank and fifteen minute baths in 250 mg. to
a gallon or so of Nitrofurazone as well. These are sturdy species
once adjusted to captive conditions, with remarkable "powers
of regeneration/self-curing". I hope that yours rallies. Bob
Fenner> Thanks for any info. Jason Toemmes
I will post a pic if this will help!
Dwarf Lion I would agree with you on the
fact that a fuzzy dwarf is a sturdy species. Unfortunately he did
not make it. He passed on today and I'm very upset. I never had
a fish go so quickly. I figured it would have been less stressful
NOT to move him into a q-tank. I figured wrong because all the
other little vampires in my tank decided to nip away at his fins
all night. I moved him into the q tank this morning where he later
died. <Sorry to read of, realize your loss> My water quality
is to my knowledge in the norm. PH is 8.2, Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is
0 Nitrate is 30 ppm the salinity is at 1.017 <Mmm, the nitrate
is a bit high... and I strongly suggest moving your spg nearer to
near seawater conditions... 1.025 or so... Can't state to what
degree these two variables were detrimental here, but do know that
Lionfishes of all species are sensitive to ongoing low specific
gravity, nitrates> in a 125 gallon setup with 40 watt UV and
protein skimmer. I use carbon in the sump. I change the water
monthly depending on nitrate readings. <Good regimen... I would
look to other methods of nitrate removal and make the changes
biweekly. Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm> I top with RO water
only. I feed frozen krill and Mysis with Angel formula and Prime
Reef, every day, once a day with Selcon, and I add calcium and
trace minerals about 2 times a week. I feed 4 - 6 live guppies or
ghost at a feeding with other stuff already mentioned about 3 times
a week. Some times a sprinkle spectrum pellets for a change. The
lion didn't touch that. Maybe this pic will tell you some
thing! http://www.logos-and-graphics.com/lion.jpg <A prolapsed
G.I.... the specimen bloated... a good image, but nothing to denote
root cause of death. There may well have been some sort of internal
complaint largely at play here... and nothing anyone could much do
to forestall this animals death.> Thanks for response, Jason
<And your involvement. Bob Fenner>
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |