FAQs about Lionfish Health/Disease:
Social Related Articles: Lionfish & Their Relatives,
Lionfishes and their Scorpaeniform Kin Part 1, Part 2, by
Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner, Dwarf
Related FAQs: Lionfish Disease 2, Lion Disease 3, Lion Disease 4, Lion Disease 5, Lion Disease 6, Lion Disease 7, Lion
Disease 8, Lion Disease 9,
Lion Disease 10,
FAQs on:
Lionfish Disease by Category: Diagnosis, Environmental, Nutritional, Infectious, Parasitic, Trauma, Treatments, &
Lionfishes & their Relatives,
Lions 2, Lions 3, Lions
4, Dwarf Lionfishes,
Lionfish Behavior, Lionfish Selection, Lionfish Compatibility, Lionfish Feeding, |
Lionfishes are easily bullied by triggers,
large puffers, angels... and can't compete with them or any
fast moving fish or invertebrates for food.
Scorpionfishes: Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Lionfish Trouble; soc. dis.
Ok so about a week ago I purchased a lion fish. as the days
went by I noticed that one of its find <fins> were damaged and I just thought
that it just got injured from being netted at my LFS.
<Quite common; yes>
I Googled around and found that lion fish can regrow their pectoral fins
<All fin elements if not broken back, missing too far back>
so I just didn't worry about it. I wake up Saturday morning to check on
it and not only are both of her pectoral fins are practically gone,
<In a day or days? Something in the tank chewed them off... Slow
degeneration most often due to environmental issues>
there is a huge chunk of flesh missing from her side!
<Back to the first cause... social trauma>
I narrowed it down to four suspects in my tank: three blue crabs
<Oh yes; these will do it>
and a freshwater moray eel (Gymnothorax tile).
<Much less likely... It's the Decapods>
I'm really confused as to who it was because the crabs are about the size of a
one dollar coin, but they can be a little nippy at times.
<Yes; will eat the Eel in time as well>
The eel usually just keeps to himself and doesn't normally attack anyone.
I will add that the crabs were added at the same time as the lion fish. I would
just like to know what is going on so I can be better prepared for the future
because the lion fish was suppose to be the centerpiece for my aquarium. If this
helps any, the tank is a 125 brackish that also has two Columbian Sharks, eight
monos (four sebae and four argenteus), a red scat, and a green spotted
<Mmm; well the GSP might be a partial nipper as well. I'd remove the crabs.
Bob Fenner>
Lionfish has red bulbous growths
Hi I have this lionfish who I have had for a few weeks. He is about 4.5
inches and is currently housed in a 125 with a porcupine puffer,
<... not compatible>
a sailfin tang, a kleini butterfly and a blue hippo tang.
They are all on the larger side. The tank has been
established about a year and I test it and water change weekly and it
generally has minimal ammonia about .25ppm,
<... NO. Not minimal... 0.0 IS minimal and what is necessary; your fish
are being poisoned by their own wastes, inadequate filtration, perhaps
0ppm nitrite, and roughly 20ppm nitrate prior to water changes. The DKH
hovers around 7-8 because of the salt mix I use and the calcium is
usually 480-500.
<Too high; see WWM re>
The fish are all generally healthy but the lionfish has developed two
bulbous red growths ( I attached a picture). I have never seen these
before and cannot find any information about them. He is otherwise
healthy(eating, reasonably active, etc...). It would be extremely
helpful if someone could help me identify this. Thanks, Duke.
<Can only guess... see WWM re Lionfish disease/s.... Likely got poked by
either the Diodontid or Surgeons.
Bob Fenner> |
Urgent help required. My lion is
dying. 8/29/08 Sir, <Hello> I am in a deep
trouble. I have a small aquarium and I keep a small lion and 1 carpet
anemone. <Not compatible, especially in a small tank.> This is a
new fish. It was apparently healthy but within 2 days my lion is having
some fungus type of thing on his left side while the right side is
clear. Can you tell me what the disease is and how to treat it. <I
do not believe this is a disease, I think it got stung by the
anemone.> Please see the picture for correct understanding of the
problem. Please do something he is not eating and staying in one place
and breathing. <Looks like an anemone sting to be, good water
quality and the removal of one or the other from the tank.> I have
posted more pictures here please see it and then respond and help me.
The anemone stung it once. <More than once I would guess.> I have
seen it , the lion went near the anemone then suddenly shot away.
<And this is the result.>
http://petsconcern.blogspot.com/2008/08/please-help-sos.html Regards
Babu Banik. <Chris>
Re: Urgent help required. My lion is dying. 9/2/08 Dear Chris,
Thanks a ton. <Welcome> I would keep the water and as I have
removed the anemone. I will wait few days and then keep compatible
fishes. Thanks for your help. Warm regards, Babu Banik. <Good
Luck> <Chris>
Lionfish Fins 7/5/07 Hello, i am
writing today to ask questions about 2 of my current tank
inhabitants. The first question is in regards to my Volitans
lionfish whom we have had for roughly 6 months. He is in a 90Gal
tank and the other inhabitants are as follows (one of each) dog
face puffer, <Misplaced with the Lion> pearl tang, <What
is this? Scientific name-wise> yellow tang, white faced
scorpionfish, Foxface and 1 hermit crab. The lionfish has recently
been developing holes in his fins which grow so large that the hole
in the fin actually creates a separation from the rest of the fin
and on his other fin it appears that the fin itself has just been
deteriorating. Will these heal up or stay separated like this?
<If conditions... crowdedness, stress, nutrition aren't
improved, the latter or worse> We have tested the waters and all
of the levels are in a ok range although our salt level is a bit
low at 26PPT but we have been slowly adding salt each day to get
the levels back up into the ok range (we were told anywhere between
28 and 34PPT was good) My other question is in regards to our
Foxface who seems to have either been nipped good by another tank
mate or cruised full bore into the live rock, honestly not sure
which it was but the skin on his nose is pretty torn up and since
we're just getting our quarantine tank up again am just
wondering if i should move the Foxface to QT or since he
doesn't seem to be bothered by any of his tank mates should we
just let him heal on his own? <Better to move this fish to
another setting... likely was nipped by the Puffer or poked by one
of the Scorpaenids> P.S i regret that the Foxface's pictures
aren't that clear but he was a very hard fellow to photograph
unlike our very photographic lionfish who loves to be looked at and
will even try to spit water at anyone who opens the lids for any
reason! <Neat!> RedFox187 <Please read re the
"Compatibility" and "Systems" of the species
you have here... on WWM. Bob Fenner> |

Radiata Health... using WWM
10/2/07 Hi WWM, not sure who's replying today but thanks
for helping out all us aquarists with our 1000,s of questions each
day, so I thought I would give you about 10 more (literally).
<In line... one at a time, please> I have a 200 UK gallon
tank (plus 50 gallon sump) that's been running for a couple of
years now. Spec (just before my weekly water change so parameters
should be at their worst): Nitrate 10ppm Nitrite 0.2 <...
dangerous. MUST be zero, zip, nada> SG 20ppm <Mmm, no... not
what you think you're measuring/stating. Likely Nitrate...
Specific gravity is usually stated in relative density or ppt>
Ph 8 Ammonia 0ppm I am going to re test these with my new kits as
the ones I am using are almost a year old. skimmer Aqua Medic Turbo
2 taller version 25w sterilizer pumps Eheim 1262 x 3 for sterilizer
and circulation Eheim 1262 for skimmer water feed Ocean runner 3000
for skimmer air water mix Eheim canister filter with some activated
carbon 80w 5' T5 lights x 2 inhabitants: Snowflake Moray
1.5' Fox face rabbit fish 5" <I see this fish/specimen.
Too skinny> Radiata Lionfish 4" <And this one... some
sort of mucus involvement... might be Crypt> Odon us Niger
Trigger 5" Humbug damsels 1" ax 2 Wimple fish 3"
Emperor Angelfish 6" Yellow Tang 3.5" Monos 1" to
3" x4 Yellow Tail Damsel 1" x2 Bird nose Blue Wrasse
5" starfish x 2 The tank at capacity now or will be when
they've grown. <Yes> It has been quite stable and there
is no outright aggression between "inmates". First
problem the Radiata has one slightly cloudy eye and some white
specs on its body just behind the head. <Oh yes... trouble>
At first I though it was white spot but they seem to be in/on the
mucus layer of the fish and slightly move with the current. The
fish was looking extremely pale in the mornings - this was not
usual as I have had him for almost a year from when he was smaller
than the humbug damsels. Although his colouring mostly returned
when he moved I didn't like the look of it so I gave him some
vitamins in his main diet of table shrimp and mussel. His
colouration is much better and his eye a little, but these white
marks wont go. They seem to be one or two mm in length as apposed
to the round dot of white spot. Some of the other fish have a
cloudy eye also that comes and goes: Wimple fish and the Fox face.
What do you think it is?? I have enclosed a pic <Don't
know... but is problematical. Lions/Pteroines do produce, shed a
good deal of mucus... compared with most all other fish groups...
but this is too much. Am worried, as I see you have the
Starfishes... and most causative conditions for the Lion would more
greatly mal-affect them...> Question2 I had a devastating case
of White spot a year ago and it wiped out all my fish except the
Fox face and the Yellowtail damsels. The Fox face miraculously
survived but ever since then he has been extremely underweight -
see pic. He doesn't seem as aggressive in his eating and
doesn't really graze on the algae as much as he used to. but he
does eat and seem to get his share. Any advice? oh and I do add
garlic to their food once a day and give seaweed in evenings.
<This fish needs more/better nutrition. Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/rbtfshfdgfaqs.htm and the linked files,
particularly the article above> Question3 I found this ball of
gel with white specs in it this morning looks like an egg sack. Any
ideas as to what its from and is it safe? See pic. <Please see
WWM re invert. ID...> Question 4 I've had this starfish for
almost a year and still cant identify him any ideas? <Please
learn to/use the search tool, indices... This appears to be a
Protoreastor linckii...> He eats just like the African starfish
but is able to move much faster when he is ready and is more
aggressive. see pic thanks for all your time and help Lex of London
<BobF of San Diego... who entreats you to move this Lion... to
see if a less-aggressive setting alone will "cure it"...
Could be that the presence of the Trigger, Damsels... the less-than
ideal water quality... are causing it woe here> |
.JPG) |
Unhappy Volitans... soc. env. 6/30/07
Hello Crew! <Ali, Darren> Firstly may we say what a fab site you
have - very interesting & informative. It is our first stop when in
doubt of anything aquatic! We have as yet been unable to find an
explanation for our Volitan's problem though, so hence the query:
Bought the lionfish about a month ago, and he took a few days to settle
in but soon came round. At the same time bought a porcupine puffer,
trigger, grouper and leopard filefish - all small/young enough to
settle together but big enough not to eat each other! <Still... high
stress... and likely problems down the line here with this mix... the
Puffer and Trigger may well work the Lion woe... and good luck to it
and the Filefish getting food...> The only other inhabitants were 2
hermit crabs, <These too will disappear> and all were introduced
into the tank on the same afternoon, <Too much too soon my
friend> having come from the same shop and some had been sharing
tanks there. We lost trigger recently - think it was scared to death by
grouper as he had been harassing it. <Yes...> Last week or so we
have not seen Lionfish eat - he has previously had defrosted
silversides, krill & Mysis with the odd piece of squid, although
not brave enough yet to feed from us directly, but we have witnessed
him picking up pieces. He seemed to be acting a little strangely in
that he was resting on the coral-sand, and making himself a shallow
'hole' by fanning the sand away with his fins. <A bad
sign> Now though, his once prominently dark stripes have become
patchy. <This too... stress markings...> In the past couple of
days, he has developed a small luminescent lime-green patch on one side
just in front of the fin, and his proud display of healthy looking
'fans' have drooped completely. In general, quite listless,
breathing seems slightly more rapid and this morning he had
'wedged' himself under the edge of a piece of live rock.
Checked parameters, salinity etc - all within recommended ranges. We
have tried water changes with RO and done all we can think of in
respect of water quality without adding any extra chemicals/treatments.
Understand hair algae should not affect him, <Au contraire... this
life can mal-affect all... and/or the conditions that pre-dispose its
proliferation> but put half dozen turbo's in to help reduce that
anyway. LFS have limited range of frozen foods available, so will try
to get something online - any recommendations/additives we should be on
the lookout for? <Moving this fish... to another system really.
Ghost shrimp (live) would be best then to entice it to feed> Can you
give us an indication of what might be wrong & what we can do for
the poor little guy? Would hate to lose him for obvious reasons. Hope
you can help Thanks - Ali & Darren <Could be a few things
amiss... but the most glaring trouble is the placement with the other
life here. Unless this tank is a few hundred gallons... I'd be
moving the Lion, stat! Bob Fenner>
Re: Unhappy Volitans 6/30/07 Thanks Bob <Welcome>
We went to LFS yesterday & were given eSHa OODINEX (wide range
marine treatment, invert friendly) <...> to treat the tank, but
Lion gave up the ghost about half hour later - went into spasm &
that was that unfortunately. A real shame as he had appeared to be
doing so well until last week. <...> The tank is 240 litres
<Too small...> with substantial amount of live Fijian rock, and
had previously been thriving community of regal & yellow tangs,
clowns, blood shrimps etc, but as a result of house move etc, we gave
them away & started afresh once we moved the tank. Hence new stock
of a different nature. We're running undergravel filter with
powerhead, protein skimmer, canister filter with pump output 1300
litres/hour, active carbon filter media, ceramic rings for pre-filters
plus internal filter with powerhead using carbon sponges &
poly-pads. Also, ultra-violet water sterilizer and all water used is
RO. Anything else we should have? <Perhaps a book or two> Were
advised what we were purchasing was max for the tank size <Way past
this> and have been scrupulous with checking parameters &
frequent water changes (20% once a week-ish) Re: Hair algae - how can
we get rid other than pulling it off the rock? <Read... on WWM
re...> Thought a yellow tang might help keep it down? Bearing in
mind we now only have puffer (3 inch) grouper (4 inch) and leopard file
(3 inch or so) who all appear to be feeding & growing well, what
would your recommendations be re: any additional stock? Thought occurs
we should maybe dump the rock (it was wet-stored for a week or so
during house move) & replace with some fresh to eliminate the algae
growth. Would really appreciate your advice in preference to that of
LFS as I'm sure they'd probably sell us anything we asked
for... Thanks again, Ali & Darren <Please learn to/use the
indices, search tool on WWM. BobF>
Re: Unhappy Volitans 7/2/07 Thanks Bob & sorry to
be a pain in the butt <No worries> We have some excellent books -
inconclusive. Have searched WWM site as per your suggestion re: hair
algae, and we now have an additional problem for which we can find no
advice already posted: Grouper not eaten for 2 days and has lost a
great deal of colour. Was bright pink, now very pale & hiding under
rock in self-made cave in the sand - very listless & shallow
breathing. File fish has not been seen for 24 hours plus. Puffer
thriving & eating well. <... the Lion dying... Likely released a
few materials in the water... I would do some massive water changes,
use a good bit of activated carbon in your filter flow path...
Quick!> Tested water again & again - can find nothing wrong.
Can't see any alternative but to move all fish in HT whilst we
empty, clean & totally start afresh with main tank - any
alternative suggestions would be most welcome. <This might be the
best route to go here> Thanks again & sorry if we appear naive,
but conflicting advice from variety of sources leads to confusion over
best course of action. Guess us Brits are not so clued up with these
things! Ali & Darren <On the contrary... the UK has many
excellent aquarists and no less than three excellent all marine
periodicals... "We", the U.S. have none, unless you count the
largely recycled Coral/Koralle 'zine... BobF>
Volitans lionfish Greetings, and thanks for the
informative site. The reason I'm writing is that
my volitans lion (approx. 7-8 inch body) has recently began
refusing to eat for about the last five days. This
would not be so strange in itself, however he also is exhibiting
signs of fin "twitching/jerking" with his
"walking" fins. The others are moving
normally. He moves around as normal and is still
territorial towards the other fish. Background
information: I have a 125gal with about 30lbs of live
rock (established for about 10 months). I have a
Fluval 404 pump, maxi-jet 230g/h powerhead for water flow and a
CPR backpack skimmer (no U.V). My water tests are 0
nitrites/ammonia, just about 40ppm nitrates, alkalinity is normal
and ph is slightly low (about 8.1 - but has always been for the
duration that I have had the lion - about 5 months), oh and temp
is about a constant 79F. In the time that I've had
him, he's increased in size by about two
inches. His diet consists of frozen sand eels, frozen
brine shrimp (both soaked with Selcon), Ocean Nutrition's
"brine shrimp plus" and "formula one" (the
last two are for the other fish, but he'll get jealous when
they're eating and swallow the pieces that I cut up [just for
this reason, otherwise he'd swallow the cubes whole and the
other's would receive squat]). He is normally fed
about every other to every third day. The other tank
inhabitants are as follows: Yellow Tang - approx. 4 inches Niger
Trigger - 5 inches Rectangulatus Trigger - 4.5 inches Picasso
Trigger - 4 inches All other fish seem to be doing well, no
twitching, spots, voracious appetites (as usual). I see no
outward signs of illness with him (no white spots, bulges,
clouded eyes), just the mentioned fin
jerking. There's been no stress inducing events
that have occurred during the time that I've had him, and
don't know what the problem may be... it's mainly the fin
action that's worrying me. Any advice or
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've
also sent some photographs for visual
inspection. Thank you. <Mmm, this is a bit of a
guess... and Lionfishes do "twitch" quite a bit in the
wild... but the reasons they do this (and "yawning"
behavior) are keyed to stressful situations (like a photographer
bugging them)... I suspect your Lion is "bugged" by the
many triggers in this tank... If you have another system to move
it to I would. Otherwise your system sounds fine, good feeding,
care, water quality. Bob Fenner>
Scorpionfishes: Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |