Moray Nutritional Disease FAQs:
FAQs on:
Moray Disease 1,
Moray Disease
2, Moray Disease 3,
Moray Disease 4, Moray Disease
& by Species:
Dragon Moray Health,
Eel Disease/Health,
FW Moray Disease,
Morays and other Eels, Velvet &
FAQs on Moray Disease by Category:
Environmental, Social, Trauma,
Related FAQs: Moray Disease 2, Morays and other Eels &
Crypt, Moray
Eels, Morays
2, Moray
Eels 3, Moray Identification,
Moray Selection, Moray Behavior, Moray Compatibility, Moray Systems, Moray Reproduction, Moray Feeding, Zebra Moray Eels, Snowflake Morays, Ribbon Morays, Freshwater Moray Eels,
Other Marine
Eels ,
Related Articles: Moray
Eels, The Zebra Moray (Gymnomuraena
zebra), The "Freshwater" Moray
Eels, Non-Moray
Marine Eels, Snake & Worm
MANY morays are lost due to poor nutrition, deficiency
syndromes. BEWARE of Thiaminase poisoning brought on by too fatty,
restricted diets. DO NOT feed shrimp, shellfish or silversides alone.
LOOK for a broad mix of fresh, live or frozen/defrosted seafoods.
Golden Dwarf Eel Problems
I have a golden dwarf moray eel that started having some significant behavioral
changes about a month ago. He started breathing harder and faster and started
refusing food when he would normally eat vigorously.
<The two principal issues of environment and nutrition come to mind
immediately... Too little DO, too much organic content and Thiaminase poisoning
in particular>
Now he stays on the floor of the tank and doesn't move much, seeming to have a
bit of difficulty swimming, though he stays upright and is responsive to
stimuli. He moved to a spot where I could get a good look at his body today
and I think his stomach area may be a bit distended and a bit dark. I have had
him for about a year during which he has been thriving, and he lived in someone
else's tank for some time before he was brought to the store I worked at. I
don't know what he was being fed or how often by his previous owner, but I have
been feeding him once a week, primarily feeding squid, shrimp, and
silversides (squid was his favorite).
<Trouble. Vitamin B issue at least a factor here. DO read HERE:
NEED to change this diet, and likely supplement/soak foods to restore balance>
He is in a 12g
<... much too small... the other issues alluded to... likely
insufficient dissolved oxygen... other variable water quality problems. NEEDS a
bigger, more stable world>
with no other fish, just a few snails and hermit crabs, and some rocks from his
original tank with plenty of caves and tunnels. There are a few corals, mostly
and no anemones or other strong stingers. Water parameters are very stable.
Temp: 78 F
Nitrate: <10 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0 ppm
pH: 8.4
Salinity: 1.024
<All these values are good>
The tank is very well-oxygenated, and I think I've gotten him to eat a scrap or
two of garlic-soaked squid and octopus during this time period, though I am
unsure as I had to leave it in front of him and check back a few minutes later
as he won't tong-feed anymore. I used to dose iodine for my corals as I was
unaware that eels needed this, I stopped about six months ago and have recently
taken up dosing once a week again after reading some of your articles. Do you
think the possible stomach swelling could be goiter or constipation?
<Possibly; yes>
Is it too late for him to recover, and if not, about what time frame should I
expect recovery to occur in?
<Not too late>
I have been worried sick over him and really do not want to lose him. Should I
continue to try to offer food? I have not attempted any feeding for about a
week. Any other suggestions?
<The Thiaminase reading and action>
Re: Golden Dwarf Eel Problems
Thank you, the article was very helpful. A few follow-up questions:
I bought some Vitality and fresh predator mix food which I soaked and added
to, but it seems like it won't make a difference if he won't eat. I left a small
piece of clam meat in front of him and he sniffed around for a bit but just
curled around it and did nothing for several minutes until a hermit crab got to
it. Can I add a small amount of Vitality to the water to help a little bit?
<Might help>
I know it's no substitute for soaked food, but I want to try and make some
progress. How often should I try offering food?
<Read on. B>
Thank you,
Natalie M.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Please help.... bring in another victim of env. dis.. No
rdg. 1/25/15
Hi Sir/Madam
<Hi Paul.>
I am seeking some help with my morey lepord erl.
<I guess this should read Leopard moray eel... or maybe Leopard moray
Yes, Earl would be nice name for a Leopard moray eel. Anyway, from your
text I guess you are talking about a Gymnothorax favagineus.>
We have had him for two years he lives in a 800 litre tank with
live rock and a skimmer, biomedia and a sock for filterisation.
About a month ago he wasn't eating as regular as normal he is approx.
just under 5 ft in length
<that's quite a big fish for a 800 litre tank.>
and normally has two squids a night (frozen then defrosted first)
<You should keep the diet more varied. Also feed various fish filets,
mussels, shrimps...>
so we had the water checked and the only issue was the
nitrate was on the second colour down from ok.
<You should get a test, where you get real values. Nitrates
should be smaller than 20 mg/l.>
We did a 200 litre water change and I cleaned all the rock and filled
the tank back up all ok with this, since then this being nearly two
weeks ago he hasn't eaten at all, he is moving around still just has no
appetite even for sardines.
<You should do more of those water changes until the nitrates are below
20 mg/l.>
Tonight I checked him and his eyes had gone white and he had lost the
yellow in his spots so I turned off the lights and left it for five
min.s and when I turned them on again his eyes had gone back to brown
and his colour had started coming back.
<That's normal. Many moray eels have a lighter night coloration that
changes back after disturbances, esp. turning on the light. People are
often upset when they see it the first time.>
I am quite worried now, but don't know what to do as no one seems to
know about these fish.
<I see no problem here so far. It's normal for Leopard moray eels and
many other morays to refuse to eat for weeks from time to time. The
night coloration is also normal. Educate yourself about nitrates und get
a test that can measure ppm or mg/l, then do water changes about twice
per week until they are below 20 mg/l and keep them there. Also check
and pH, and vary the diet once he is eating again. Please
and and .htm for morays eel care.>
Many thanks in advance if you can help
Kind Regards Paul
<Welcome. Marco.> Help please Tesselata Eel swallowed zip-lock sandwich
bag. 6/13/12
Hello my name is Elise, I have a four ft Tesselata Eel. While I was
getting ready to feed him (his name is Scar),
he came up and grabbed the bag of food and swallowed it whole. The bag
is a zip-lock sandwich size and had one piece of baby octopus about four
inches long with a half a cup of Kent's brand Zoe. The bag was open.
This happened
on Sunday, June 10th, 2012 about 8pm pacific time. Scar is swimming
normal, and does not seemed stressed. He burped a little bit of the
octopus and looked as if he was trying to find food directly after the
burp. What should /could I do for him.
<I fear there is not much you can do yourself. It still is possible the
bag will be leaving the eel at the front or rear end if it has not
Eels can vomit undigestible pieces of their food such as fish bones
after days, so there still is a chance the bag will leave the fish.
Personally I would not do anything except searching the tank for the bag
unless unusual behaviour occurs. In this case the fish should be sedated
and the bag removed. You'd need a vet to do that.>
Thank you in advance,
<Good luck. Marco.>
Tesselata Eel, hlth. 12/18/11
My boyfriend and I have a Tesselata Eel. He has had it in a 75
gal tank for almost 6 months.
<You know this species reaches 5-6 feet?>
Recently the eel has not had much of an appetite.
<Can happen.>
We then started to realize that it has what appear to look like black
splotches, it is not its original black spots, these spots are more
lighter than the original spots.
<Can't produce a proper picture in my head. Can you send
She has also started to lose her color.
The stress has gone up as well as there being some ammonia (which has
gone down) and the ph level has risen.
<The environmental problems likely are the cause of your eel's
apparent disease (?). Check your water parameters. Nitrates should be
<25-30 ppm (the smaller, the better), pH preferably between 8.0 and
8.2. Nitrites and ammonia should never be measurable. If this
isn't' the case you likely need to change filtration or water
change schedule. You'll also likely need a much larger tank in the
near future.>
We have done almost a full water change as well as 25% water changes
(quite a few).
We have tried contacting many other people but have not received a
response. If you could help us out that would be greatly
<Aside what is noted above: Provide a varied diet with vitamin
The worst things done with respect to feeding is just feeding silver
sides or large krill. Poorly fed eels are more prone to
Thank you for your time, VT
<Good luck. Marco.>
HELP.. Hungry eel can't eat! --
Hello all.. hope you can help'¦ We have a medium sized
Tesselata eel for about a year now. He has always been an aggressive
eater. For approximately the last two weeks when we go to fed him a
shrimp, he acts very hungry.. trying to find the shrimp. Once he finds
it he grabs it and acts like he wants to eat it, but can't chew it
or swallow it, no matter how small of a piece we try to feed him. His
breathing seems normal, water parameters are normal. We have
approximately 1500 gallons total, same filtration, but separated into 5
tanks. He is in one of the tanks by himself and all of the other fish
are fine. I see lots of article and have experienced fish that loose
their appetite for one reason or another, but he seems to still have
his appetite, just unable to get it down. Any suggestions?
<Sounds like a problem with its pharyngeal jaws/their ligaments or
less likely a swollen throat, maybe due to physical injury or possibly
due to a shrimp only diet related deficiency disease. Did the eel
happen to eat anything sharp, are you missing a fish with sharp spines,
a trigger, filefish etc. that might have jumped into the eel tank?
Options are: sedate the animal and force feed (vitamin enriched food)
and examine it (together with a vet) or try to let it heal naturally
providing perfect water quality. Since moray eels can got without food
for months, I'd use the second option first and if this fails try
force feeding. Good luck. Marco.>
My Tess Thanks 7/26/09
You Hey everyone. I wanted to shoot you a quick note to say thank you
from myself and my Tesselata eel. After a major move of his 300 gallon
home he ate once and then didn't eat again for a couple of weeks.
As soon as I decided it was a problem, I came to WWM and did some
searching on Tess's and lack of feeding. Turns out I didn't
have enough flow in the aquarium to ensure optimal oxygen saturation. I
pointed the returns at the top of the water and added a Koralia 8
Magnum to the aquarium. He ate a big sardine Ryan
<Congratulations on your discovery and rescue. Bob Fenner>
Question for Mr. Fenner, Moray hlth., injury
I have a white eye moray that has been getting a skin disorder on
his head.
It is starting to get worse. Could this be diet related?
<Mmm, no, not directly... Looks much more like a physical
injury, perhaps with a secondary infectious component>
I only feed raw shrimp to him and my Zebra moray. It looks like
his skin has just peeled off. Any suggestions?
<Mmm, yes... I'd expand the diet here... see WWM re
feeding Muraenids>
I have been in the hobby for 5 years and consider my water
quality to be pristine. The Zebra moray is perfect.
Thanks for any help.
<Bill, am going to share your email with Marco Lichtenberger
here... he is
much more up to date re eels, their husbandry. Bob Fenner>
Question for Mr. Fenner, and Marco
White eyed moray; dis. -- 06/17/09
I have a white eye moray that has been getting a skin disorder on
his head. It is starting to get worse. Could this be diet
<Not directly, but indirectly as Bob already noted. A
not-so-varied-diet can easily result in a weak immune system and
consequently even a small scratch can become infected quickly.
This looks like a possible bacterial infection.>
I only feed raw shrimp to him and my Zebra moray. It looks like
his skin has just peeled off. Any suggestions?
<Varied diet and vitamins. If it does not stop or if the eel
stops to eat: antibiotic baths or preferably antibiotic treatment
in a hospital tank. An antibiotic for gram negative bacteria
should be tried.>
I have been in the hobby for 5 years and consider my water
quality to be pristine. The Zebra moray is perfect.
<Should also get a varied diet and vitamin additions.>
Thanks for any help. Bill¤t=DSCF1172.jpg¤t=DSCF1174.jpg
<Good luck. Marco.>
Re: Question for Mr. Fenner
I greatly appreciate your help Bob. Thanks
<I am happy to try helping you and your eel Bill. BobF>
Dragon Eel is slipping away -- 2/21/09 I have
had an 18-20 inch Dragon Eel for 6 years. He's always been
blind as a bat but is otherwise a hearty eater, healthy as a
horse. He is of course beautiful, and they are no longer
exporting this fish from Japan so he's essentially
irreplaceable. Tank is 240 gallons and is kept clean, and is
professionally serviced every month. Water quality has remained
good throughout (I am a big believer in over- filtering a tank).
He has survived a very wide range of tankmates. <And eaten
some likely> About 4 months ago the tank had to be moved from
a location about 7 miles away to its current locale. The only 2
fish that came along with the eel were a porcupine puffer (about
10 inches) and a Harlequin Tusk (5 inches). Not a lot of fish for
a big tank, but hey, the economy. Since the move, the eel lost
its appetite, eating only occasionally. Diet includes prawn,
silversides, and "Variety Supreme" (or as we call them,
"gumdrops"). <Mmm... not what I would use... Do you
supplement, add vitamins, HUFAs?> I chalked his loss of
appetite up to stress related to the move, since he otherwise
exhibited no symptoms. But then about 6 weeks ago one of the 2
heaters in the tank burned out and the tank got a little cool for
a few days (about 8 degrees F below normal). He stopped eating
altogether and started to experience some sort of seizures. Once
the heater was replaced he seemed to improve a bit (he finally
moved back to his hidey-hole for a couple days, for example) but
has demonstrated what I can only call neurological deficiency
ever since, having trouble swimming, not eating at all, and
occasionally hanging out upside down. <Bad> Now, 6 weeks
later, he stall won't eat, he lies upside down in the middle
of the tank. His breathing seems labored. He has lost lots of
weight. But otherwise, he is asymptomatic--no obvious disease, no
sores, no color change apart from being slightly paler --
nothing. Just starving and wasting away. I am contemplating
euthanasia at this point. <Mmm, not quite yet> I don't
have a sick tank or the budget to buy one, really, unless I
believed there was a really great chance of it being successful.
Do you foresee any hope at this point or should I admit the
inevitable and put the fish down? Or is there something obvious I
have missed? Thanks for your consideration, Brian Maffitt
<Look into one of the commercial "appetite
stimulants" sold in the trade... Selcon, Seachem's
"Garlic Guard"... and raise the temperature to 82-84
F.... This and other Muraenids can recover from long bouts of
non-feeding. Bob Fenner>
Re: Dragon Eel is slipping away 2/21/09
Thanks so much for your response. A follow-up--he has a white
curling emission coming from the opening in his midsection, is
could possibly be a worm, or maybe he's just pooping? I could
send a picture if it would be useful. Brian
<Would be. B>
This is fecal material... I would force feed this animal... See
WWM re if you are unfamiliar. BobF. 2/22/09
Re: Dragon Eel is slipping away 2/22/09
Thanks Bob. I see many different recommendations for force
feeding on the site... the only one specific to eels involves
removing him from the tank, holding with a wet towel and using an
eyedropper or baster <Or plastic catheter of size) to
administer minced food. Is this what you would suggest?
<Yes... grind the food fine enough and add sufficient liquid
(and vitamin, HUFA) prep. to make it
"squirt-able"...> I did not see a specific FAQ
related to force-feeding, but I want to make sure I do the right
thing... <Understood. BobF> Re: Dragon Eel is
slipping away -- 03/02/09 Thanks again for the advice.
The force feeding has had no visible positive effect,
<Dang!> in fact it seems to stress the eel even more. It
now lies upside down at the bottom of the tank, curled up, and is
very pale. It's still breathing, but it breaks my wife's
heart to see it so obviously suffering... do you think there is
any chance of recovery at this point? <Brian... I do. Not only
am I "just" philosophically opposed to giving up... But
I have seen unbelievable, remarkable "Resurrections" of
Morays... I do urge you to try and keep up the faith> I'm
willing to keep trying if there is a chance. This is the first
time the eel seems to have lost its coloration... a sign? Brian
<Not really... Fishes, including Anguilliforms do/can change
color for all sorts of "reasons"... Hang in there and
thank you for the update. BobF>
My Golden Dwarf Moray, fdg., hlth. 12/20/2008
Hi, <Hello Matt.> I recently purchased and set up an aquarium for
a Golden Dwarf Moray eel. The tank has been cycled and three days ago I
added the eel. The specimen had been at the store for a month or two
and seemed to be doing great, except I never actually saw him eating.
So now I worry that he will not eat, I have tried feeding him
silverside last night but he is scared of it and hides. Brine shrimp he
seems to have a keen sense of smell for but has not eaten it. what else
would you recommend I try? <#1: Patience. A healthy eel won't
starve, many morays need days to weeks until they have overcome the
stress of capture and changing homes, some larger ones need even
months. #2: Keep it free of stress in the new tank, a stressed eel will
not eat, especially when it feels by you. #3 adequate food: The diet of
G. melatremus mostly consists of crustaceans, and to a smaller
percentage of fish (although they often eat small fishy tank mates in
captivity). Get some raw, frozen shrimps (no freeze dried krill) of
adequate size (or cut them into smaller pieces). What is also eaten are
scallops, clams, mussels and cephalopods like squid. Thaw them prior to
feeding and add some vitamins once a week. #4: See and the linked FAQs for further
information on feeding, a lot is already written there. Also check the
feeding part of this article: .> Also
recently (yesterday) he became very twitchy, scratching / hitting
himself on the live rock in the tank. Now I worry that he may have some
sort of parasite but I cannot get a great look at his body (besides his
head) for more then a few seconds. My water is fine (0 nitrate 0
nitrite 0 ammonia, 8.2ph 1.023 specific gravity). Any idea what may be
causing this "twitching" <Has to adapt to new water
parameters. For disease symptoms look for apathy and elaborated
breathing.> he was formally in a system which had copper (the store)
<Can/likely has damaged the eel, lowered its life expectation. No
copper use for Anguilliformes <<= true eels, includes Morays.
RMF>> in therapeutic doses.> , but the tank I have him in does
not have any copper what so ever. <Good.> Over the last two days
he has seemed active enough at night but now he is scratching /
twitching a lot, and this in the combination with not eating has me
worried... <It can take a while until the moray has adapted to the
tank water. If you are concerned watch water parameters and its
breathing'¦> Thanks for the help, Matt <Welcome.
My Golden Dwarf Moray II, hlth. 12/20/2008
Hey Marco, <Hi Matt.> Thanks a bunch for the info about what this
species eats, had no idea. The eels breathing is fine <Good
sign.> but his scratching from what I saw is making his gill area on
his one side extremely red. <This is a new information. If the gills
turn red, I too would take gill parasites into consideration if the
water parameters nitrite and ammonia are still 0. Monogenes (Trematodes
aka flukes), isopods and copepods are the usual suspects, impossible to
ID when still inside the fish.
will give you an overview and treatment options. Just avoid copper and
use organic chemicals in rather small doses. If the scratching
continues I'd start a treatment beginning with a pH and temperature
adjusted freshwater bath for 30 minutes or shorter if the eel shows
spasms or similar discomfort.> All else that's in the tank is a
feather duster a domino damsel and 2 hermits but they don't seem to
even care that the eel is there. I just hope it stops soon. Now I also
intend to eventually make this a coral tank, seeing at how copper harms
them I was curious if any of the trace elements in slightly to high
amounts will? (magnesium, calcium, iodine etc.), <No, non-toxic in
the usual concentrations found in aquariums. Toxic are copper and
similar heavy metals.> might buy a test kit for those any way.
Thanks again, Matt <Good luck with your eel. Marco.>
Moray Eel with possible Impaction --
06/02/08 Hello WWM Crew, <Hi Kevin.> I am having problems
with my one moray eel, it is a "Freshwater" Moray Eel, he was
living in my marine tank until earlier today. <Very good.> The
other fish in the tank are an another freshwater moray eel, a snowflake
eel, a marine Betta, and a peppermint shrimp. The tank is a 65 gallon
aquarium with a Fluval 404 for filtration. <Skimmer? A fish tank of
this size with 3 morays likely will benefit from a strong skimmer.>
The freshwater morays get fed mainly silversides, as well as pieces of
shrimp (the snowflake gets a different diet). They freshwater morays
get fed once a week till they are full as they are somewhat larger
(approx. 14-16"). I hope this is enough information. <Water
parameters'¦> Today the smaller of my freshwater moray eels
started to act odd. <What did it do?> He was moved to a ten
gallon tank with an AC 20 for filtration, as in addition to two open
sores on his body, he was unable to swim around and his body near his
anus and the anus itself were swollen. My worry is that he has become
impacted. I dropped the salinity of the quarantine tank from 1.022 to
1.014. I did this because the moray was breathing very heavily, and
have heard that saltwater has less dissolved oxygen than freshwater.
What should i do? <Where are those sores from? Can the morays burn
themselves at the heater? Are those bite marks? Find and remove the
cause of the sores. With regard to the swelling, I'd add some Epsom
salt (1-2 tablespoons of Epsomite per 10 gallons water). Check the
water quality (esp. Ammonia, Nitrates, pH, what you describe could also
be symptoms of nitrogenous poisoning) in the quarantine as well as in
the display tank and improve it by water changes if necessary (any
ammonia, nitrates >30-35 ppm). Do you administer vitamin additions?
If not, you should do so, because freezing and thawing of silversides
destroys necessary vitamins, which long turn harms the immune system or
leads to nerve damages (lack of vitamin B). Mussel, clam and scallop
meat as well as cephalopods (Squid, calamares, octopus) are useful food
items in order to widen the variety.> Thank you. Kevin <Good
luck. Marco.>
Moray Eel with possible Impaction II --
06/03/08 Thanks for the reply. <No problem, Kevin.> Things
haven't gotten must better with the moray. <I'm sorry to
hear that.> I have a skimmer for the tank but have not been using it
as it has created some very small bubbles which seemed to affect the
breathing of the fish. Because of this I was doing water changes more
frequently. Water parameters are as follows, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0,
Nitrate 50 mg/L. My test kit said this amount would not harm the fish
but I have since done a 25% water change on the main tank. <Good.
While these parameters are not necessarily dangerous by themselves, it
would be good if you could get the skimmer working long term. The WWM
section 'bubble trouble' might be helpful . But this can be done in a
days or even a few weeks, let's get back to the moray.> The
quarantine tank test the same except for 5mg/L nitrate. <Good.>
It acted odd by being out in the open, not hiding in the tubing and
caves in the tank, it also was not swimming properly and was unable to
move out of a semi curled up position, kind of in the shape of a
"C". <This does not sound good to me.> I believe that
the sores are from the live rock located throughout the tank. <Hard
to believe, only if some rocks would have fallen onto the eel. Is a
clear picture possible?> I do not administer vitamin additions.
<You should, for the long term health of the fishes.> Since
yesterday she has gotten worse, I say she because it appears that it is
a her, as her anus has opened and what appear to be eggs are coming out
of it. <Morays have expelled eggs several times in captivity. Are
these perfect small little slightly colored or clear balls (diameter
about 1-2 mm for this species) or irregular and slimy (faeces)? Do you
have a picture? If it is faeces at least the impaction seems to be
solved, if it is eggs let us hope this does not stress the eel too
much. The sores might be bite marks from mating. On some morays where
mating behaviour was observed the males bit the female, but sometimes
healthy eels might bite weak or sick ones when noticing their weakened
state.> Her skin is peeling in places near to the sores, and in
addition to this she is not breathing very well. She occasionally stops
breathing <To save energy. That is not a good sign.> , during
these times I send water through her mouth and gills using a dropper,
<I would not do that. Too much stress.> I also increased aeration
through the use of an airstone. <Much better. I hope the eel also
has some shelter to feel protected in quarantine.> Would API
Aquarium Salt work in place of Epsom Salt, as this is essentially the
only salt available around here. <No, that's different, but the
possible impaction seems to be solved with something coming out of her
anus.> Thanks for the help. Kevin. <Not too much you can do to
help her, mostly watch and do not stress the animal. Provide enough
oxygen with the air stone and the AC on full power to create a
sufficient surface current. If the sores should significantly grow in
size, you should consider an antibiotic treatment (if you have the
chance in cooperation with a vet). The natural way of healing would be
that a thin layer of whitish skin will develop on the sores (starts
some days after the wound was created), while significant growth of the
wound can indicate a bacterial infection. Identify what was coming out
of the eel or send a picture. I wish you good luck and still hope this
moray will get well again. Marco.>
Malnourished Moray 8/23/05 My snowflake eel is about 3-4
years old. He's about 18 inches long and 2 inches
diameter. He usually eats 1-2 medium frozen shrimp every
other day. <Needs a wider range of nutrification...>
Day before yesterday he only had 3 bites (about 1/2
shrimp). This would not concern me except that tonight he
did the same and he has local swelling around and behind his left
eye. About 1/2 inch diameter and 1/4 to 1/2 inch
raised. I'm not sure if I should try to treat
this. As rapid as it has come on, I'm not sure he'll
survive if it grows much faster/bigger. R. Rodriguez <Please read re
Moray Foods...: I would try
soaking whatever foods this animal will still take in diluted
"aquarium" iodine/ate, Selcon or equivalent... this may be a
simple goiter... or other result of avitaminosis. Bob Fenner>
Re: snowflake eel 9/13/05 He died a few days
later. Water quality was good. Any suggestions as
to what could have come on so quick? <The swelling... may have been
evidence of an internal tumor, perhaps a cumulative nutritional
deficiency... Impossible to say. Bob Fenner>
Bloated Moray? I have a Jewel Moray Eel that is 7-8 years
old. The eel has been in my tank for 2 years now. Within the last 3
weeks the eel has put on a lot of weight in the stomach area, I only
feed once or twice a week and everything has been fine up to now.
I'm wondering if it's pregnant? bloated? The eel still moves
around and eats but it looks like it's going to burst. <Might be
a gut blockage... I would cut way back on feeding it... just some food,
once a week> The eel is 20" and tankmates are triggers,
lionfish, harlequin tusk in a 125g. and all my water is perfect. Thank
you for any advice to save my underwater friend. Tracey <If the
blockage continues, I would add a level teaspoon of Epsom Salt per ten
actual gallons of water to the system. Bob Fenner>
Sick Zebra Moray Eel <Hi, MikeD here> I have a 2 ft eel
that up to very recently was doing well. I found him today breathing
rapidly with his head leaning on a rock (left side) and with only his
right gill pouch protruding out more than I ever noticed
before.<That's not good> My first thought was that he has
something caught in his throat as he usually breathes evenly through
both pouches. When he tried to move positions, I noticed
that his body quivered and like one would with a chill or seizure. I
fed him 4 days ago 3-4 silver slides but not interested in eating
now.<This is part of your problem....I'm surprised it ate them
at all. These are specialized crustacean predators, requiring a diet of
shrimp, lobster, squid and crabs> I had him for about a month or so
and his diet consists of these fish (silver sides).<OK...this is
part of the problem. These are an oily, fatty fish not normally
suggested for these> That was the store told me to feed
him.<Ouch! So much for stores. God only knows how long they were
feeding it these. He lives in a 120 gallon aquarium with 2 angels 1
squirrel fish and a clownfish.<Good combination.> Occasionally
the small black angel fish (about 2-3 inches) has tried to peck at him
but otherwise there is no stress from other tank mates.<Do you have
enough LR so that he can stay completely hidden, with just his head
exposed?> He was well until recently and the only change I made
before his condition changed was to do a water change and I expected
that this would improve the environment not make things
worse.<Likewise> The PH is 7.9-8.0 . Ammonia and nitrites is zero
and nitrates is 5 Could this be due to some bacterial
infection from bad fish food, bad chemistry or diet
issues?<All three is possible and likely. My only suggestion would
be try a good antibiotic regimen in a quarantine tank and make a trip
to the supermarket for a diet change. Raw shrimp ought to be eagerly
welcomed if it can be tempted to eat.> What can I do to help
him?<Keep your fingers crossed too.> I appreciate any help that
you could offer. Linda.
Sick Zebra Moray <Hi, Mike D here> Thanks for your
speedy response. I wish I had received the instructions from the store
on the crustacean diet at the outset.<me too> I tried to give
some raw shrimp to give to the eel but he unfortunately was not
interested in eating.<That's not good> I have a lot of live
rock creating hiding places but nothing enclosed like a cave where
there is only one way in and out.<Many people bury PVC pipe in the
substrate so that the eel can use it like a tunnel with just the head
protruding, the normal position for them.> I did take notice that
the little black angel is very aggressive towards the eel and took
every opportunity to nip at his body. I did not think that this was so
much a problem.<It isn't. Many fish will "mob" a moray
whenever they see them out, much like crows with a hawk.> The eel
still moves around the tank but not swimming as before but rather on
the gravel dragging his body (body appears stiff).<Swimming
wasn't a good sign either, but it sounds to have gotten
worse> I wonder if he has sustained a bunch of
wounds from this fish?<Doubtful...they make wallets from this tough
hide, plus they secrete a very heavy slime coat> I did remove the
aggressive fish from the tank.<put the angel back and remove the eel
for treatment> Can you tell me what kind of antibiotic product I
should obtain for the tank? Should I be adding anything else to the
tank?<I suggest NEVER treat you fish in your main tank. It can
destroy the bacterial balance, causing the whole tank to cycle at
times, create a bacterial bloom that's often fatal, and/or some
products, like copper will actually chemically bond to the LR and
substrate. I suggest keeping a 10 or 20 gal. tank around to press into
service as a hospital tank (do a search under "hospital tank"
and you should find a wealth of information on filters and such. A good
antibiotic is Nitrofurazone and Furazolidone> like that
stress coat product?< Probably not necessary as eels secrete a
copious amount of slime already.> Thanks so very much for your
help!!<The very best of luck to you> Linda
- Sick Snowflake - Can someone please help me? <I can
try.> I have a snowflake eel that is dying. He is about 5
weeks old and was doing fine 2 days ago, but last night I found him
just lying on the bottom of the tank. It looked like he
might have gotten his head stuck under a rock but I don't think so
because when I pulled him out there wasn't any
resistance. He tried to swim but all he did was slide across
the bottom of the tank upside down. It looked like the front
half of him was rigid (unable to move) while the back half of him was
able to move. Now this morning all he does is lay there
gasping for air. Someone please help. I have since changed
20% water and noticed my ph a little low so I added some buffer to help
raise it and added an air stone to my filter to try adding more oxygen.
He has also only been feed frozen shrimp since I have had him. PLEASE
any help would be greatly appreciated. <My friend, it sounds to me
like you've done everything that can be done at this point.
Sometimes it just happens that we [meaning it's happened to me too]
get compromised livestock that appears relatively healthy but quickly
deteriorates in our care. I'm not sure I can do much beyond offer
my sincere hope that this eel pulls through - time will tell.>
Thanks Mark Tank-30gal long Ammonia-.25 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-15
Salinty-1.025 Ph-8.2 Dkh-11 Calcium-400 <Cheers, J -- >
Re: please help quickly!! hey guys-
it appears my Hawaiian dragon moray is dying. i
have him in a 265g tank. he is lying out inj full view upside down,
losing colors, mouth shut and barely any gill movement. ph is about 8.1
and my ammonia alert reads safe and the salinity is .024, temp 81F
there are no obvious signs of disease or parasite. he lost his appetite
about 2 weeks ago and has not eaten since. i don't know what to do
please help, Justin <Yikes. Sorry for the delayed response (have
been out for a few days). First, I would not trust the Ammonia Alert...
do get/use a test kit in addition. I do hope you tried a massive water
change here... there might have been some sort of poisoning involved
here. What is the history of the care of this animal? What have you
been feeding it? What other organisms are being kept with it (gives
clues)? Bob Fenner>
Re: please help quickly!! Moray health bob-
i had bought him 3 months ago. he has
always been healthy, i fed him shrimp w vitamin supplements for the
first month and a half, then switched to squid, a which point he
stopped eating about two weeks ago. the eel has died. Tankmates were 5
asst. damsels, Koran angel, red hermit, blue spiny lobster and a black
long spine urchin. if you have any ideas please let me know, i would
like to know what caused his death so i can learn from this sad
experience. p.s. all other fish and inverts are alive and well.
<Sorry to hear of your loss... this is one of my favorite species of
marine fishes... always exciting to collect in Hawai'i. Don't
know what the cause is, but would vary the diet with all morays. Bob
Gymnothorax favagineus Hi Mr. Fenner, Stumbled onto the Wet
Web Media site this morning in desperation for help in treating my eel.
<Glad for the first... the second...> Tessy, our Gymnothorax
Favagineus has been with us for some nine years, and until recently has
been extremely healthy. We have housed her in a 125 acrylic aquarium
this entire stint with the same filtration, of undergravel filtration
with 850 powerheads, Eheim filtration, with surface extractor. Tessy,
is about 3 and a half feet long, is fed once every other week, to every
third week. Her diet consists of squid only, she has had tank mates in
the past but since eating a beautiful grouper about six months ago
(they were together for years?), has been by herself. I removed a four
inch in diameter by 3+ foot piece of PVC that she liked to be in, but
looked bad in the aquarium. <Okay> That's the long story,
here's the problem. Though she still is eating regularly, but
sparsely, she seems to be choking on the second or third squid piece.
More noticeable, and a huge concern is externally, she possess a bumpy
mucus like membrane, about 12inches towards the middle part of her
body. Also, her head area has shed her outer most layers of skin, and
showed signs of hemorrhage/bleeding. This has been for about six weeks,
and I have had an aquarium business before, so I am somewhat familiar
with marine fish. This one has stumped me, so I'm in dire need of
direction. <Ahh, could be... a resultant infection from...? Getting
stabbed swallowing the grouper?... A resulting condition from a lack of
nutrition?... an exclusive diet of squid can't be all that good for
your Tesselata... A result of some of the above, none of it, stress
from having its home/PVC pipe removed....?> In treatment of Tessy,
since I don't like to medicate, I thought first to add some aloe
Vera based Kordon product, then this past week I gave a go of the
Melafix Treatment for seven days. This seems to have helped some, lets
say it has "stabilized", but not cured the problem. I did a
water change, @ 25% this morning, I use a nitrate reducer, have to do
frequent water changes, bi-monthly due to continued elevated nitrate
levels. PH is good 8.2, temp. @ 80, add buffer to raise PH, salinity @
1.022. <All good things for a large captive aquatic animal in
a small space... might lower the temperature a bit... to among other
things increase gas solubility, lower metabolism...> Seems to also
be looking for additional oxygen, been breathing labored. Any help to
this problem would be appreciated, going to try another week of
Melafix? Thanks, Blake <Do lower the temperature, add a long
airstone at least along one side of the 125... maybe another
powerhead... if you have a canister filter, I'd rig this up with a
couple, three units of Chemipure or equivalent... And I'd do all
this ASAP. Bob Fenner>