Moray Social Disease
FAQs on:
Moray Disease 1,
Moray Disease 2,
Moray Disease 3,
Moray Disease 4,
Moray Disease 5,
& by Species:
Dragon Moray Health,
Snowflake Eel
FW Moray Disease,
Morays and other Eels, Velvet & Crypt,
FAQs on Moray Disease by Category:
Environmental, Nutritional,
Related FAQs: Moray Disease 2, Morays and other Eels & Crypt,
Moray Eels, Morays
2, Moray Eels 3,
Moray Identification,
Moray Selection, Moray Behavior, Moray Compatibility, Moray Systems, Moray Reproduction, Moray Feeding, Zebra Moray Eels, Snowflake Morays, Ribbon Morays, Freshwater Moray Eels,
Other Marine Eels ,
Related Articles: Moray Eels,
The Zebra Moray (Gymnomuraena zebra), The "Freshwater" Moray Eels,
Non-Moray Marine Eels, Snake & Worm Eels,
Morays; even large, piscivorous species; are often stung
by venomous tankmates; bitten by large puffers, picked on by large
angels, triggers, wrasses
Eel with white coating on tail--what
disease? 7/28/11
I have an eel (moray I guess).
See picture. I reduced the size so it may be hard to see the eel
clearly, but his tail is still there, it's just coated in
white slime? and he also has white dots higher up. The eel is
still breathing
<... what other livestock is in with this fish?>
It's about 2 feet long and has been doing well for about a
year. It is fed Formula 1 and 2 cubes and silversides, typically
eating several cubes/fish every five days or so. It's always
looked well fed.
Suddenly, in the past 24 hours or less, a strange white slime has
started to cover the lower third of the eel. It is very sluggish
sitting out in the open on the sand.
The same thing happened to another eel that was in the tank 6
months ago or so. That eel was dead within a day or so.
None of the other fish seem to be experiencing any problems.
Water change was just done two days ago. Water parameters look
good, my nitrates are generally a little high at 30-40 but this
is FOWLR tank, 400 gallons so not overstocks even with 5 other
big fish in it.
Has anyone heard of a disease that manifests itself with this
white coating.
There are little spots also visible higher up the eel.
Any advice or does it look hopeless and I should get him out
before the other fish starting picking at him. The other fish are
red snapper, grouper, lion fish, blue tang,
raccoon butterfly, Porkfish-all medium to large fish.
<I suspect the bass/grouper has picked on this fish... The
Muraenid is likely doomed from the damage.
Bob Fenner>
Japanese Dragon Eel and clown trigger.
<Hello Kellvin.>
My fish store is bringing in a Japanese Dragon Eel for me. 25-30cm.
Currently I have a show Clown Triggerfish 25cm and a Banded eel and
some grouper. Can the dragon eel be kept together?
<Nothing I would recommend.>
Lastly, can dragon eel tolerate Seachem Cupramine?
<Although it might not die instantly, no moray eel should be brought
into contact with copper containing products of any sort.>
Thank you with God Bless. Kellvin.
<Cheers, Marco.>
Swollen Snowflake Eel -- 12/04/2007 Hi WWMedia Crew!
<Hello Andrew and Laura> We're huge fans! You've
help us a great deal, as we've learned enough to set up our
very first tank. Aside from some predictably difficult moments,
we feel it's been a success. <Glad to hear.> We've
read every FAQ on the site--(using the Google tool as
necessary)--not even those just regarding our problem, but
several others, which have helped us a great deal. (Also huge
fans of the CM and Bob and Anthony's Reef Inverts.)
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find a topic that
corresponds to our situation. (Though it's probably there
somewhere.) Recently, we acquired a young snowflake eel. He
seemed healthy and inquisitive. He had a lot of personality. We
named him Gumboot. Anyway, we quarantined him for 4 weeks
<Very good> , and he seemed fine--quite happy even, eating
frozen foods, like krill, shrimp and scallops. We introduced him
into our main tank, along with a sole tankmate--a young lionfish who also seemed happy and healthy. (The lionfish remains so to
this day.) A few days ago, the eel disappeared into the rock. Old
story, I know, but in this case he reappeared, acting curiously.
Although he had been ravenous, he now retreated from food.
<Not eating can be a sign of stress, disease, injury, not
being hungry.> Soon after, we noticed a peculiar swelling or
growth just above his midsection. Since then, he will not eat. He
continues to hang out in his favourite spots, his breathing seems
OK, but the swollen area has not moved or changed, and he
hasn't eaten since Thanksgiving. <Swollen areas or bumps
on eels can have many reasons: - Parasites below the skin (marble
like appearance), - Internal bacterial infection (many shapes;
usually growing; has to be treated in a hospital tank with
antibiotics), - Various types of tumors (some will go away by
themselves, some can only be treated by a vet), - Constipation
(swelling at the belly, use Epsom salt; don't feed much
krill, but more mussel and crab meat), - Carrying eggs (eel may
increase its diameter more than three times, but yours is
probably too young). - In your case I would not exclude the eel
was stung by the Lionfish, swelling is one of the symptoms.
However, the swelling should become smaller with time unless a
piece of the fin ray of the Lionfish got stuck in there and
caused an inflammation. In that case you should see a tiny
entrance wound.> He is only about 8" long, if that
matters. (Sorry we can't provide pix, but he won't show
enough of himself to be relevant.) <I hope the list above
helps you to get an idea of the possible reason and treatment of
the swelling.> Water parameters: SG-1.023, pH-8.2, temp-77F,
Am 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates <10. The tank is 90G FOWLR, w/ a 20
g sump, 100 lb. live rock, and a TurboFlotor protein skimmer.
<Sounds all okay.> Should we remove the eel to quarantine
and medicate--and if so, medicate with what? <Only if you know
what he has, you will know how to treat.> Or should we just
hang out and hope for the best? <Try to get a better diagnosis
with the list above.> (Is he, say, just constipated?) <Well
possible. Is the swelling mostly at the belly?> Sorry for the
somewhat obvious question, but although he hasn't been with
us for too long, we're very fond of him. <I'm sure you
are and I do hope Gumboot will get well again. Further
recommended readings are ; ;;; >
Thanks immensely... Andrew & Laura in Chicago <Hope that
helps, Marco.>
Re: Swollen Snowflake Eel -- 12/05/2007 Hi Marco!
<Hello Andrew and Laura.> We can't thank you enough for
taking the time to answer our question. We hope you won't
mind if we attach a brief rider: <No problem at all.> As if
things weren't bad enough, we experienced a 5 hour power
outage here in Chicago, during winter. Fortunately the display
tank only lost about 2.5 degrees in that time. <No problem
here for your FOWLR.> Afterwards. Gumboot came out. His
swelling was even more pronounced, and he seems quite apathetic.
He lay dead center, in the front of the tank. His respiration was
normal, <Gills are not affected.> but he was limp and not
inclined to hide. <This looks really bad.> We've
removed him to a 10 gallon QT, so we might better see what is
happening with him. <Understandable choice seeing the
pictures. Offer him some cave to feel more comfortable and keep
the water quality pristine.> He remains sluggish. We've
attached some pictures here <I see one, had no idea the
swelling was that large.> , in hopes that you might be able to
help us more. Do you have any sense of what might be going on
here? We're ready to dose with antibiotics or iodide
supplements, but we're not sure which way (if either) to go.
<Look for a wound from a lionfish sting and check if the
lionfish has intact stinger ends. What we see here is probably an
accumulation of fluids. If there is no wound I'd suspect an
internal bacterial infection hard to diagnose exactly/treat
accordingly without a veterinarian. You can try an antibiotic for
gram negative bacteria like Maracyn Two, but, although some eels
swollen like your moray survive, many die. It is impossible to
know without tests which antibiotics actually work, due to the
apparent use of loads of antibiotics at many collectors and
wholesalers.> Thanks again. We know you're busy, and we
appreciate your help more than we can say. Andrew & Laura in
Chicago. <Sorry I have no better news. Keep us updated, I
still hope Gumball survives. Marco in Heidelberg.>

Urgent help re. moray 4/12/06 Please help! 'Morris'
the moray seems to be on his last legs, as he very lethargic and just
seems to be panting his last breaths. From reading your information it
sounds as though he may have been poisoned by our rather
'stressy' lion fish. <Perhaps> Is there anything we can
do to save him or is it kinder to put him out of his misery? <I
would wait till "the bitter end" here. Morays are remarkably
resilient. May well "pull through"> The other fish seem
okay, perhaps he was the only one close enough to be poisoned? <Not
likely. Either poked, or all will be similarly mal-affected. Something
else may be at fault here. I would at least execute at 25% water change
and add activated carbon to your filter flow path> Please help ASAP,
it's breaking my heart, he is longest member of the family! Thanks
so much, Heidi <Do this NOW! Bob Fenner>