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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Palythoa caesia Dana 1848. Rubbery
appearing common mat, flattened polyps exposed to varying degrees to 3 cm.
diameters. Tentacle ends look like knobs. Dark brown to tan in color.
Western Pacific. Here in Bali on a dead coral that is encrusted w/ a red
sponge, and a worm tube ensconcing a fang blenny. Bali 2014 |
Protopalythoa sp. Polyps as flat
oral discs... 1, 2, 3 cm. in diameter (thought to be species specific).
Tentacles on stalks, knob-like on polyp margins. Western Pacific. Bali 2014 |
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Acropora, with a couple of hundred
species, are what most people picture when they hear the word "coral". Most
are branched tree-like or interwoven, with fast growing and often
differently colored apical corallites (growing tips). These are the mass
spawners, with their axial corallites releasing sex cells seasonally. Due to
their fast growth (sometimes more than an inch a month), mix of available
species and colors, this is a favorite genus of advanced reef aquarists.
Bali 2014 |
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Acropora, with a couple of hundred species, are what most people
picture when they hear the word "coral". Most are branched tree-like or
interwoven, with fast growing and often differently colored apical
corallites (growing tips). These are the mass spawners, with their axial
corallites releasing sex cells seasonally. Due to their fast growth
(sometimes more than an inch a month), mix of available species and
colors, this is a favorite genus of advanced reef aquarists. Bali 2014 |