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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Tubastrea micracantha (Dana 1849), Black Sun
Coral. External flesh (coenesteum) green to brown to blackish in
color. Colonies are often tree-like, up to a meter in height. Also
exceptional for the genus, T. micrantha is a poor captive survivor.
Consummate with its feeding habits are good current, filtration to remove
foods, wastes. A small, beginning colony in Bali 2014 |
Euphyllia glabrescens (Chamisso &
Eysenhardt 1821), Torch Coral. Branches 1-1 1/2 inches wide with about one
inch gap between. Skeletons thin and delicate. Tubular tentacles with
rounded tips. Bali 2014 |
.JPG) |
Physogyra lichtensteini Milne Edwards
& Haime 1851. Massive or large plate colonies that are made up of solid
plates. Tentacles open at night. During day, grape-like vesicles evident,
able to be retracted quickly, unlike Plerogyra. Bali 2014 |
.JPG) |
Physogyra lichtensteini Milne Edwards
& Haime 1851. Massive or large plate colonies that are made up of solid
plates. Tentacles open at night. During day, grape-like vesicles
evident, able to be retracted quickly, unlike Plerogyra. Bali 2014 |