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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Hippocampus taeniopterus,
Common Seahorse. Dusky brown and black; females sometimes yellow with dark
spots. Bali 2014 TiffB pic |

Scorpaenopsis possi, Poss's Scorpionfish. Of the genus has a
short snout, fewer pectoral fin rays (17 vs. 19, 20). Small or absent
eye cirri. Red Sea, E. Africa to Polynesia, Australia and ROC. South
Leyte 2013 |
Plectorhinchus vittatus (Linnaeus 1758), the
Indian Ocean Oriental Sweetlips. Indo-West Pacific (this six inch
one in Bunaken/Sulawesi/Indonesia). To only two feet in
length. Bali 2014, TiffB pic |
Epinephelus caeruleopunctatus (Bloch 1790),
the White- or Smallspotted Grouper. Indo-Pacific. Often confused
and sold as/with, E. ongus, E. summana, E. corallicola. To thirty
inches in length in the wild. Bali 2014, TiffB pic |