FAQs on Parrot, Jelly-Bean... Cichlids, Infectious Disease
FAQs on Parrot Disease:
Cichlid Health 1, Parrot
Cichlid Disease 2,
Parrot Cichlid Disease
3, Parrot Cichlid
Disease 4,
FAQs on Parrot Cichlid Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Blood Parrots & Flowerhorn
Cichlids: maintenance and healthcare of two popular hybrid
cichlids by Neale Monks,
Neotropical Cichlids,
African Cichlids,
Dwarf South American Cichlids,
Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs:
Parrot Cichlids 1, Parrot Cichlids 2,
Cichlid Identification,
Parrot Cichlid
Behavior, Parrot Cichlid
Compatibility, Parrot Cichlid
Selection, Parrot Cichlid
Systems, Parrot Cichlid
Feeding, Parrot Cichlid
Sick blood parrot 1/12/11
Blood Parrot With Internal Infection
Hello Crew, I have a 35 gallon tank in which I had four fish. I did not
populate the tank
until it had cycled and the water tested 0 for ammonia and
Once I thought that the tank could handle fish, I put in a blood
parrot, a blue Acara and two Tiger Barbs. They all were tank mates in
one of my brother's tanks and never had any real problems.
All the fish were fine until the heater failed over a weekend and in
Maine it is very cold and the water got down to 50 degrees. The two
smaller fish died and the two bigger fish seemed to come through it all
right. I have tested the water regularly and am maintaining Ammonia =
0, Nitrites = 0, Nitrates = 10-15, Chlorine = 0, pH = 7.6.
This morning I came into the room and the Blood Parrot was not swimming
as usual. I picked up the decoration that he was hiding under and he
floated to the top and stayed there, upside down and with no energy to
He also developed big white "splotches" that don't look
like Ich has been described. Please see attached photo for what the
fish looks like today.
I thought maybe Swim Bladder but I am really not sure. My brother has
had this fish for quite a while and it never did this, even when in a
tank with half a dozen other fish. Is it stress? Any advice will be
greatly appreciated.
thank you.
< The stress of the low temperatures has weakened your fishes immune
system and may have caused your parrot cichlid to come down with both
external and internal infections. Keep the water clean and try treating
with a combination of Nitrofuranace and Metronidazole.-Chuck>
Sick Blood Parrot Cichlid -- 03/02/09 Help! I
have a large Blood Red Parrot Cichlid in a 55 gal tank with 4
other mixed cichlids, 2 Plecos and one Synodontis Catfish. All of
my other fish are fine, but the Parrot has awful, gelatinous
bubbles all over her face and her scales are lifting. This
started with some black discoloration around her mouth and head
several weeks ago. A few weeks ago it started getting worse with
the scales lifting. I consulted with people at my local fish
stores and they all thought it sounded bacterial or fungal even
though they hadn't seen anything like it and suggested trying
different medications. I tried treating with Kanaplex. Then when
that didn't work, I tried Maracyn two and Maroxy. Those
didn't work either and it's gotten progressively worse. I
am now on my fourth and last dose of trying Erythromycin. The
water quality is good and I have been doing water changes between
treatments and as specified with each treatment. Still she is
declining. I don't know when she last ate. She is still
upright and defends her "cave" in an ornament, not
allowing any fish in except the catfish or Plecos. She
doesn't come out. She used to hide in there a lot, but would
come out to eat and swim around. My other cichlids did pick on
her some and she's missing scales on her sides. I thought
that might be what started some sort of infection, but really
have no clue. I've never seen anything like this. I'm
attaching a photo. Sorry about the quality, but my digital camera
isn't the greatest and I didn't want to stress the fish
out by trying to get her out of her ornament. Can you advise,
please? Thanks, Robin < Thanks for the photos. Your fish
really has a very nasty bacterial infection. I would recommend a
hospital tank with clean warm water around 82 F. Treat with a
double dose of Nitrofuranace. Do a 50% water change and next day
and then repeat for another day. Look for improvement on the
third day to see if the antibiotics are having any effect. If it
looks like things are getting better then continue treating as
per the dosage on the package. If not then write back and ask for
To Chuck - Re: Blood Red Cichlid Parrot sick Finding
Nitrofuranace to treat Sick Parrot Cichlid 3/3/2009
Thanks for the quick response Chuck. So far I haven't been
able to find Nitrofuranace at my local stores. I'm going to
check more today. I was wondering if I could treat with a product
call Furan2 ? < That is just a different form but should work
as well.> It has a little bit different active ingredient, but
the closest I could find in stock so far. I'm going to have
them order what you suggested, but was wondering if I should try
this while I'm waiting for that to come in. Unfortunately, I
have to work today, but as soon as I get back I'm going to
move her and start treatment. Robin < Start with the Furan -2
as per my recommendation.-Chuck>
Re: To Chuck - Re: Blood Red Cichlid
Parrot sick- Treating Red Parrot Cichlid 03/07/09
Hi again Chuck, So far I've treated with Furan-2 for 2 double
doses and one single dose per your instructions. Tonight I'm
planning on a 25% water change and another single dose. The
"bubbles" look like they may have gone down a little
bit, but she now has pimple like growths in a few places on her
body. I don't know if this is a sign of getting better or
worse. She does come out and swim around some, but I figure that
could just be that there's no one to pick on her now. I'm
sending two pictures. Should I continue treatment as per label?
Thanks a bunch! Robin < Continue as per the label and continue
with the water changes. This takes time so give it a few days to
play out.-Chuck>
Parrot Fish, hlth. 9/28/08
Hello, <Hello,> I have had a parrot fish for about a year
now, in a 55 gallon tank with a Tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey,
another parrot, a Firemouth and Green Terror. We have a Dracula
Pleco as well. <Not enough space for all these fish; they will
fight, likely also have problems maintaining low nitrate
concentration for long term success. If you have more than 20
mg/l nitrate in this tank, you're running a real risk of a
Hexamita outbreak.> About 7 days ago, his face on one side
started to swell and look puss-filled, then white bumps formed
like pimples. (See pics). <Bacterial infection, like Finrot
and/or Columnaris. Will need to be treated appropriately. Do
understand that these infections are almost always related to
environmental issues, so do review water chemistry and quality.
Treatment without correcting the environmental issues that caused
the disease in the first place won't deliver long-term
results for obvious reasons.> We went to the aquarium shop and
they said he might have bumped into something and it got
infected, so they gave us KanaPlex antibiotics. We have dosed the
tank for 4 days and have not seen much improvement. He is acting
normal, but didn't eat for a few days. He's eating again
now. <Would recommend Maracyn first, and if no improvement
after one full course, switch to Maracyn 2.> Thanks for any
help. We check our water regularly, vacuum every 2 weeks, change
our filters every 4-6 weeks and feed pellets twice a day. <Too
many fish with too different requirements in terms of water
chemistry... this aquarium has the potential to go wrong in lots
of ways. Do research the needs of each species, and then
concentrate on providing those conditions for a subset of the
fish you have, and get rid of the others. Cheers, Neale.>