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Pic of the Day Link,
%20w%20clnr%20shrimpLG.JPG) |
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides Lacepede
1801, the Clown or Harlequin Sweetlips. Western Pacific. To twenty
nine inches. One of the most commonly used species of the family...
but rarely lives more than a few days in captivity. Red Sea
08 This one at a shrimp cleaning station opening wide |
Plectorhinchus gaterinus (Forsskal 1775),
the Black-Spotted Rubberlips or Gaterin. Western Indian Ocean and
Red Sea. About the hardiest member of the subfamily, but does get
to twenty inches in length. Red Sea 08 |
Genus Plerogyra Mile Edwards and Haime
1848, Bubble, Bladder, Grape Coral. Characterized by their colonies
being covered by oblong bubble-like vesicles by day, tentacles by
night. Interzoo 08 |
Genus Plerogyra Mile Edwards and Haime
1848, Bubble, Bladder, Grape Coral. Characterized by their colonies
being covered by oblong bubble-like vesicles by day, tentacles by
night. Red Sea 08 |