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Pic of the Day Link,
Lysmata debelius Bruce 1983, the
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, Blood Shrimp. Found in the Indo-Pacific;
Maldives, Japan to the Society Islands. Best kept in pairs.
Peaceful toward most all aquarium species. Accept all types of
foods. Interzoo 08. |
/Lysmata/Lysmata%20wurdemanni%20Moodys%20TX%20(1)MLG.JPG) |
Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes 1850), Peppermint
Shrimp, Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp. Tropical West Atlantic. Lives
singly or in groups. Gets along with all aquarium species.
Commercially produced. A reclusive, sometimes misidentified species
(there are other shrimp from the area that are similar) used in the
fight to limit Aiptasia Anemones in aquariums. |
/Lysmata/Lysmata%20wurdemanni%20Moodys%20TXLG.JPG) |
Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes 1850), Peppermint
Shrimp, Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp. Tropical West Atlantic. Lives
singly or in groups. Gets along with all aquarium species.
Commercially produced. A reclusive, sometimes misidentified species
(there are other shrimp from the area that are similar) used in the
fight to limit Aiptasia Anemones in aquariums. |
The one snapper "species to
avoid" as being too touchy in this assemblage is the black
beauty, Macolor niger. Some friends in the wet pet industry
and other authors give this fish grand marks, but I have yet to see
a juvenile of less than five inches live for any length of time.
Make sure the one you are buying has been around a few weeks and is
feeding. Red Sea 08 mid-juvenile. |