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Pic of the Day Link,
quadricolor (Ruppell & Leuckart 1828), the Bubble-Tip
or Bulb-Tentacle Sea Anemone. Family Actiniidae. This is
historically the hardiest of large, naturally symbiotic Clownfish
anemones for aquarium use... many more specimens are collected and
received in tact, in reasonably good health from the wild to
distributors. And more and more folks are offering very hardy
"fragged" individuals that are asexual cloned
aquacultured specimens. Here in the Red Sea. |
quadricolor (Ruppell & Leuckart 1828), the Bubble-Tip
or Bulb-Tentacle Sea Anemone. Family Actiniidae. This is
historically the hardiest of large, naturally symbiotic Clownfish
anemones for aquarium use... many more specimens are collected and
received in tact, in reasonably good health from the wild to
distributors. And more and more folks are offering very hardy
"fragged" individuals that are asexual cloned
aquacultured specimens. Here in the Red Sea. |
quadricolor (Ruppell & Leuckart 1828), the Bubble-Tip
or Bulb-Tentacle Sea Anemone. Family Actiniidae. This is
historically the hardiest of large, naturally symbiotic Clownfish
anemones for aquarium use... many more specimens are collected and
received in tact, in reasonably good health from the wild to
distributors. And more and more folks are offering very hardy
"fragged" individuals that are asexual cloned
aquacultured specimens. Here in the Red Sea. |
quadricolor (Ruppell & Leuckart 1828), the Bubble-Tip
or Bulb-Tentacle Sea Anemone. Family Actiniidae. This is
historically the hardiest of large, naturally symbiotic Clownfish
anemones for aquarium use... many more specimens are collected and
received in tact, in reasonably good health from the wild to
distributors. And more and more folks are offering very hardy
"fragged" individuals that are asexual cloned
aquacultured specimens. Here in the Red Sea. |