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Sphaeramia nematoptera
(Bleeker 1856), the Pajama Cardinalfish. West Pacific. To three
inches in length. A long-standing favorite in the aquarium trade.
Second perhaps only to the Banggai in use. Interzoo
08 |
Sphoeroides testudineus (Linnaeus 1758),
the Checkered Puffer. To a foot in length. Live in shallows, in
seagrass beds. Burrow in sand to hide, ambush prey. Moody's
Water Gardens in TX pix. |
Sphyraena genie Klunzinger 1870, the
Blackfin Barracuda. Indo-Pacific; throughout the tropical Indian
Ocean, Pacific and Red Sea. To 170 cm. Usually solitary or in pairs
by day, aggregating at night to feed. Distinct dark barring and
black caudal. Sipadan 08 |
Spirobranchus giganteus, the Christmas Tree
Worm, family Serpulidae. 1-1 1/2". Two spiral crowned groups
of radioles with a double horned operculum between them that bears
a sharp spine. Tropical West Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Sipadan
08 |