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Chaetodon citrinellus
Cuvier 1831, the Speckled Butterflyfish. Aggressive in the wild,
this is another broad feeder of invertebrates, including corals.
Widely distributed and common, though never plentiful in the
mid-Pacific all the way over to Africa. To five inches overall.
Fiji. |

Cirrhilabrus punctatus Randall & Kuiter
1989, the Dotted Wrasse. Western Pacific, Australia to Fiji. To
five and a half inches length. A subadult to female in Fiji. |
Cirrhilabrus punctatus Randall & Kuiter
1989, the Dotted Wrasse. Western Pacific, Australia to Fiji. To
five and a half inches length. A male in Fiji. |
tominiensis Randall 1955, the Tomini Bristletooth , is
occasionally brought in from the Philippines. Of the four regularly
available species of Ctenochaetus, the Tomini Bristletooth, is the
most difficult to keep. Only Ctenochaetus with angular dorsal and
anal fin ends. Here in Fiji |