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Dardanus lagopodes
(Forsskal 1775), the Blade-eyed Hermit Crab. Indo-Pacific,
including the Red Sea. To a little over two inches in length. White
eye stalks, body mottled in maroon, brown, covered with
white-tipped bristles. Here climbing over a Hydnophora in
Fiji |

A young Dendrophylliid colony, perhaps a
Turbinaria sp., out in Fiji |
Dendronephthya Kukenthal 1905: Strawberry Corals. Greatly
bunched, bushy colonies. Common in many areas of the tropical
Indo-Pacific. Lack zooxanthellae, dependent of nano-plankton and
dissolved organics for food. Some grow exposed, many others in
caves, sheltered settings, mostly "upside down". Some 250
species are said to exist... not able to be discerned in the
field... must be microscopically examined. Fiji |
Dendronephthya Kukenthal 1905: Strawberry Corals. Greatly
bunched, bushy colonies. Common in many areas of the tropical
Indo-Pacific. Lack zooxanthellae, dependent of nano-plankton and
dissolved organics for food. Some grow exposed, many others in
caves, sheltered settings, mostly "upside down". Some 250
species are said to exist... not able to be discerned in the
field... must be microscopically examined. Fiji |