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Montastrea cavernosa Great or Large Star
Coral. Colonies as boulder shaped domes. Distinctive
blister/cone-like corallites of larger than other TWA species
(about 9mm in diameter). Cozumel 2011. |

Mycale laevis, the Orange King Sponge.
Bright orange to yellow with white excurrent siphons. Grow under,
about a few species of stony corals, actually protecting them from
bioerosion by other/boring sponge species. Cozumel 2011. |
Siphonodictyon coralliphagum, the Variable
Boring Sponge. Not for reef aquariums. Appears in various physical
forms, fingers to bowls, to encrusting patches. Bores into live
corals. Here into Mycetophyllia danaana in Cozumel
2011. |
Reticulated Seastar (Oreaster
reticulatus), a large starfish common in the Turtle grass beds
of the tropical west Atlantic. Growing to twenty inches in
diameter, it consumes mollusks, even oysters in heavily calcified,
tightly shut shells, methodically and with a voracious appetite.
Cozumel 2011. |