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Pic of the Day Link,
Madracis pharensis (Heller 1868)
Cozumel 2011. |
Malacoctenus triangulatus
Springer 1959, the Saddled Blenny. Western Atlantic; Bahamas to
Brazil, St. Paul's Rocks. To three inches in length. One
happily eating another fish in Cozumel 2011. |
Mycetophyllia lamarckiana, Ridged Cactus,
Large Cactus, Fungus Coral. Colonies as flat, wavy-edged plates.
Ridges fleshy, don't extend to centers. Wide, shallow valleys,
usually fleshy. Color variable: browns, greens, grays. 6-12 inches
in diameter. Cozumel 2011. |
Paguristes puncticeps,
White Speckled Hermit Crab. Cozumel 2011. |