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Turbinaria mesenterina (Lamarck 1816).
Pagoda Coral to hobbyists, Bowl, Cup, Lettuce, Scroll Coral to the
trade. Indo-Pacific, Red Sea to Polynesia. Colonies laminar, more
convoluted in shallow waters to upright in deeper water (see
below). Corallites crowded, about 2.5 mm across. Fiji |

Valenciennea wardii (Playfair 1867),
Ward's or Tiger Sleeper Goby. Indo-Pacific; Indian Ocean and
western tropical Pacific around reefs to 20 meter depths. To 13 cm.
in length. Aquarium pic. |
A more open ocean species, the Redtail or
Crosshatch Triggerfish, Xanthichthys mento (Jordan &
Gilbert 1882). Entire tropical Pacific. To a foot in length. A
female in captivity |
A more open ocean species, the Redtail or
Crosshatch Triggerfish, Xanthichthys mento (Jordan &
Gilbert 1882). Entire tropical Pacific. To a foot in length. A male
in captivity |