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Forster's or Freckled
Hawkfish, Paracirrhites forsteri (Schneider 1801). With a
body marked by dark spots on the front half and horizontal bands on
the rear. This species can be testy and eat goldfish near their
full length of almost nine inches, so be careful when purchasing a
larger one. Indo-Pacific. Fiji |

Paracanthurus hepatus (Linnaeus 1766), the
(Pacific) Yellow-Tailed Blue, Palette, Regal, or Hepatus Tang.
Indo-Pacific; East Africa to the Line Islands. Found in loose
aggregations near Pocillopora corals in which they dive into to
hide. To a foot long in the wild, rarely more than half that in
captivity. A zooplankton feeder principally, feeding on microalgae
secondarily. One from Noumea |
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia (Bleeker 1857),
the Sixline Wrasse. A feisty, though small (to 4") a reef tank
species. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea in its distribution.
Fiji |
Pomacanthus imperator
(Bloch 1787), the Emperor Angel (1). Widespread in the central and
western Pacific into the Indian Oceans coasts and Red Sea. To
fifteen inches total length. Fiji adult |