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A mix of mostly Ricordea at Coral World, Orlando,
FLA, during MACNA 2010 |

Sarcophyton trocheliophorum Marenzeller
1886, Elephant Ear Soft Coral. A large alcyoniid with symbiotic
zooxanthellae. This and fine plankton, dissolved organics are
nutritive. To two feet across. A popular aquarium species that
loses easily to stinging anemones, large polyp stony corals. Likes
bright light, moderate current. Fiji |
Sarcophyton trocheliophorum Marenzeller
1886, Elephant Ear Soft Coral. A large alcyoniid with symbiotic
zooxanthellae. This and fine plankton, dissolved organics are
nutritive. To two feet across. A popular aquarium species that
loses easily to stinging anemones, large polyp stony corals. Likes
bright light, moderate current. Fiji |
Sarcophyton trocheliophorum Marenzeller
1886, Elephant Ear Soft Coral. A large alcyoniid with symbiotic
zooxanthellae. This and fine plankton, dissolved organics are
nutritive. To two feet across. A popular aquarium species that
loses easily to stinging anemones, large polyp stony corals. Likes
bright light, moderate current. Fiji |