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longirostris (Bloch & Schneider 1801), the Harlequin
Filefish or Orange Spotted Filefish in the aquarium interest. The
most commonly offered member of the family... and rarely alive for
more than a week in captivity. In the wild almost only eats
Acropora polyps. Fiji |

Pomacentrus bankanensis
Bleeker 1853, the Speckled Damsel. Western Pacific; Christmas
Island to Fiji, North to S. Japan, S. to Noumea. To 9 cm. Lives
amongst bottom rubble, feeds on algae, copepods, isopods, pelagic
tunicates. Adult in Fiji |
Pomacentrus bankanensis
Bleeker 1853, the Speckled Damsel. Western Pacific; Christmas
Island to Fiji, North to S. Japan, S. to Noumea. To 9 cm. Lives
amongst bottom rubble, feeds on algae, copepods, isopods, pelagic
tunicates. Sub adult Fiji |
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides Lacepede
1801, the Clown or Harlequin Sweetlips. Western Pacific. To twenty
nine inches. The most commonly used species of the family... but
rarely lives more than a few days in captivity. An adult in
Fiji |