FAQs about the Regal Angel
Related Articles: Marine Angelfishes, Regal
Related FAQs: Regal Angels 1,
Regal Angels 2, & FAQs
on: Regal Angels
Identification, Regal Angels
Behavior, Regal Angels
Compatibility, Regal Angels
Stocking/Selection, Regal Angels
Systems, Regal Angels Feeding,
Regal Angels Reproduction, &
Marine Angelfishes In
General, Angelfish ID,
Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,

Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
bob fenner help me regal angel! please please please!!
/Earl? 5/4/16
hi I'm Italian sorry for my English..
I have a regal angel for 7 years in the reef aquarium, I'm four days
That A big red thing in your mouth and not eats..
I would save it but i don't know the solution.
He will go alone ? I should treat him to another tank ?
And how?
I attach the photos and I really hope you can help me ..
It is like a son to me after all these years
Thank you so much , Arnaldo
<This seems like something that became stuck in its mouth, that he tried to
eat. More pictures would be useful. Bob?>
bob fenner help me regal angel! please please please!!
hi I'm Italian sorry for my English..
<No worries. I understand you>
I have a regal angel for 7 years in the reef aquarium, I'm four days That A
big red thing in your mouth and not eats..
<I agree w/ Earl's statement re this likely being a physical injury. The
fish has tried to consume something that has damaged the mouth/buccal
I would save it but i don't know the solution.
He will go alone ? I should treat him to another tank ?
<I'd leave the fish where it is; far less stress than moving it... and
really, just do your best to provide stable, optimized conditions>
And how?
I attach the photos and I really hope you can help me ..
It is like a son to me after all these years
Thank you so much , Arnaldo
<I do hope this Pygoplites rallies. Bob Fenner>
Re: bob fenner help me regal angel! Please please please!!
unfortunately now the fish is almost always hidden..un few weeks ago it
seemed avese a small filament that came out of his mouth..Now does not eat
anymore, It seems like he putrefaction in the mouth, as something gelatinous
white and red..and it is also impossible to catch..i enclose another pair of
similar pictures , then if I can to make
you the other will send..I'm really too many sorry for my regal angel..
<Mmm; again; it likely bit down on... a Bristleworm? Crustacean? That
perforated the mouth... Only time can tell if this fish will self-heal. Bob
Re: bob fenner help me regal angel! Please please please!!
so I do not treat him advice in another tank with antibiotics ?
<I would not... too likely to do more harm than good>
Whatever the cause ? However as soon as I try to do some better pictures
with the
camera .. Thank you so much, Arnaldo
<Real good. Bob Fenner>
Re: bob fenner help me regal angel! Please please please!!
I think it's just an infection and than yesterday also accelerated breathing
I have recommended iodine triple dose for three days in the tank ... what do
you think ?
<Iodide/ate won't hurt. BobF>
thank you..
I added in the tank even garlic extract..
Re: bob fenner help me regal angel! Please please please!!
unfortunately after seven years my fish died..It took only four days of
infection .. yet he was big and fit .. I'm very sad but it's gone so ..
thanks again
<Ah; sorry for your loss. On examining the fish, was "something" stuck in
the mouth?
Bob Fenner>
R: bob fenner help me regal angel! Please please please!!
The inside of the mouth was all red like the pictures .. I think the
infection is also passed through some organ otherwise would have died after
three days of fasting .. Yesterday seemed like drugged and bumped against
the rocks
<I see. Again, thank you for sharing. BobF>
Re: bob fenner help me regal angel! Please please please!!
Thank you for having responded to me
<A pleasure. BobF>
Mouth Sore on Large Angelfish 3/11/14
Hi Bob,
I very recently purchased a regal angelfish from a local
supplier and while has been in my QT tank for around 2 days now and just
this morning i noticed a lesion/sore on its mouth and a little missing
tissue on both gills.
<Yikes... likely damage from collection, holding, shipping>
The mouth sore seems to be swollen with some tissue missing as well.
There is nothing in that QT except a few pipes to hide in and a sponge
filter along with some air stones. The angelfish, since i recently
acquired, it isn't eating yet and I of course don't want to lose him.
This sore is the reason I am sure that he is not eating.
<Likely so... I would be putting in, rotating in some very healthy live
rock pieces for its eating et al.>
I started treating with quinine sulfate on day 1 when i got him for
preventive maintenance against Ich which is what I always do before i
add any fish into my FOWLR. Aside from that, I have not added anything
else into the tank. I am not sure what else could have caused this. I
was reading on WWM and it seems most consistent with some sort of
bacterial infection. Is this assessment correct and if so, how do I get
him better?
<Just ultra good care, low-stress, and optimized, stable conditions...
and offering a wide mix of foods in small quantities...>
Thank you and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
<I wish you life. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mouth Sore on Large Angelfish
Yeah, I did also think it was from shipping. The strange thing was that
the first day he was there, he was totally fine. All the damage came out
on day 2.
Is that still possibly from shipping?
I contacted the supplier and they said they put copper on all their tanks
even on the angelfish. Could that possibly also be the cause?
<Is a contributor; yes>
Thank you again for the advice!
Ryan Uy
<Mabuhay, BobF>
Re: Fwd: Need a parasite ID/treatment recommendation
I've ordered a microscope online, as I haven't had any luck at local
stores. While we wait for that to arrive (for the mucus analysis), I
have another issue on this fish to address.
When I first got her, I noticed a reddish swollen area on the pelvic
<I see... in your pix... Likely collection damage... thwacked with a
I wrote this off as receding Lympho or a slight injury during the
shipping process. The other day, directly above this on the body of the
fish, a vertical linear area became swollen and the scales were
literally pushing outwards. When the fish was at the right angle, I
could see gaps between rows of scales because they were raised. On the
second day of observing this raised area, it became inflamed and I saw
white "things" coming out from under the scales. Due to some twitching I
have also observed, I decided to perform a FW bath with temp/ph adjusted
water. After 3 minutes or so in the dip, this white material began to
seep out from the infected area (see photos). She handled the dip
well (I went for 10 minutes), and this morning is eating clam on the
half shell. However, she has also developed the same infection on her
other side in almost the same area. I have attached pictures of my
observations, including a few of her eating the clam so you can see the
degree of the swelling from a straight-on angle. I feel that she needs
antibiotics, but would like a second opinion on an appropriate course of
<The usual: just good care (optimized/stable), and nutrition....>
As far as Liveaquaria is concerned, I agree 100% on their quality and
customer service. They have seen these pictures and are handling the
issue internally.
<Ah, good>
Thank you very much
<Welcome. BobF>
Question on Regal Angel. Sm., hlth. rdg. 8/15/13
To whom it may concern,
I have a Philippine Regal Angel for over a month now. He's extremely
active and eats absolutely everything!! He is only 2 inches big but
challenges my 9 inch Dussimieri Tang to food. He's in a 240 gallon tank
with tons of live rock. He even eats right out of my hand.
<Ah good>
For the past two weeks he has had one eye clouded up and popped out. I
have been treating main tank with professional strength MelaFix
<... worthless; worse than worthless. Other than a pine-scent fresh
smell, you may well be subtending nitrification. Throw it away>
and doing about a 70 gallon water change weekly from surface of tank. I
have been dosing it a bit stronger than recommended. His eye hasn't
gotten 100% better as of yet.
Still cloudy but you can start seeing his eye again.
<Will cure (if it will) on its own; with simple good care/conditions.
Highly likely simple damage through collection and handling...>
Any suggestions of what I could do?
<... READ: on WWM, re Pygoplites, eye conditions/damage>
I am afraid if I put him in a quarantine tank that he will quickly die.
<Do search ahead of writing us please. Bob Fenner>
Regal Angel Lips 11/1/11
Hey guys-
Hoping you could possibly offer a visual diagnosis of what is
going on with this regal angel.
<Mmm, looks like it has lost some flesh around the mouth...
chewing or rubbing on? Maybe the net when it was captured, the
cubicle it was kept in prior to shipping a couple
Picture is attached. I've only had him for a couple weeks. He
is in a QT tank with some Chromis.
He ate mysis and pellets the first days, and now has stopped
eating, but he will pick at some clam on the half shell.
I am treating with quinine sulfate for Ich that I believe was
brought in by the Chromis on the same shipment.
He has already been thru PraziPro
<Mmm, well, I'd expedite this fish through quarantine...
get it out of the QS and into the main tank. Hopefully the
apparent mouth damage will heal in time for it to resume feeding,
sustain itself. Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Angel Lips 11/1/11
Thanks for the advise <advice>. I cannot remove it from the
QS until he goes thru the full treatment. I only started QS 3 days
ago and there are still a couple Ich spots.
He looks to have some weight on him and as soon as the QS treatment
is over (a week longer maximum), he will be moved to the display
<Thanks for this further input. BobF> |
Disease Diagnosis
I have a Regal Angel (from Divers Den) in my 40g
QT that I received on 4/28 (Thurs.)...looked fine, and eating
live Tubifex worms.
The tank also housed a Powder Blue Tang with
<Mmm, I would not quarantine Pygoplites, and definitely not
quarantine anything w/ Acanthurus leucosternon>
About 4 days later, I noticed on the left rear dorsal fin what
looks like fungus or bacteria. I treated with Maracyn-2 but not
much change.
Now it is more fluffy but not spreading, and I tried a couple of
days of Furan-2...no apparent change.
<Why would, did you do this?>
I am also now noticing what appears to be the start of a few
spots similar to Lymphocystis on the caudal fin.
So, I am beginning to think what looks like bacteria (also
treated with Quinine Sulfate for three days), is actually
Have you seen anything that looks like this?
<Like what? The pix? Yes... Lymphocystis>
<I would summarily dip/bath the Angel, place it elsewhere; if
you have nowhere else in the main display. Bob Fenner>

Marine Ich? Regal Angel 12/25/08
First of all, Merry Christmas. <Happy Holidays to you and yours,
John. Minh at your service.> Anyway, I got Regal Angel a few days
ago and he seems to have a few white specks on his pectoral fins. How
can I tell if this is an ich outbreak, and if so, what should I then
do? <Please review this link for identification, life cycle details
and treatment on "Marine Ich" or Cryptocaryoniasis:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm. Furthermore, if you have not
yet seen this guide, here is an excellent page with information on
issues that you may encounter while caring for your beautiful but
challenging Regal Angel:
Thanks <You're welcome, and good luck. Minh Huynh>
Regal Angel with pop eye 10/16/07 Hi Crew,
<Kan> Good Evening <And to you> My regal angel, still
under Cupramine QT developed pop eye on one side. It is feeding
OK, although not as vigorous as before he got the pop eye. <To
be expected...> After trawling your website, I discovered that
Epsom salt will help to alleviate the pop eye. Will it have any
adverse effect if I add Epsom salt to the water that has already
been dosed with Cupramine ? <Mmm... not much, no> I already
did a 25% water change yesterday but the pop eye did not improve.
I am planning another 25% water change tomorrow and hope the
situation will improve. The angel is about 7 inches and takes
about 3 to 4 New Life Spectrum 3mm pellets together with 2 to 3
very small pieces of Ocean Nutrition frozen angel formula daily.
Is this enough to keep him going ? <Hopefully so> Thanks
for reading my longish mail Regards, Kan TY <I would move this
Pygoplites back to larger, more stable quarters as soon as
expedient... The Popeye will cure itself in time. Bob
Re: Regal Angel with pop eye 11/07/07
Dear Bob Thanks for your reply below. The pop eye has since
recovered. <Ah, good> Just one week ago, he was infested
with gill flukes and stopped feeding for a few days, a Prazi
based medication was administered and I am happy to say that he
started eating again. <Good> Although he feeds well now on
a diet of NLS 3mm pellets, Ocean Nutrition Angel frozen formula,
Nori sheets and Hikari Marine "A" pellets, he does not
seem to be gaining weight. The area behind the eyes is by no
means "pinched" but it is not as convex when compared
to another 3" regal whom I have in the display tank. Other
than not gaining weight, he is in good shape and inquisitive. Is
there something to worry about or am I just being paranoid?
Thanks <Best to act on being concerned... I would offer more
food, more often... Do you use "mud" in your
filtration... have a sump/refugium? This might well help here.
Bob Fenner>
Regal Angel HLLE 3/19/07 Hello Wet Web Crew. I
hope all is well. <Quite well, thanks.> I wanted to provide some
input (maybe beneficial to some reader out there is the same boat)
about a recent experience I had with a Regal Angel and IMO a
'miracle product'. <I usually hate that term but I cheated
and read ahead, and am in agreement.> About 6 weeks ago, I obtained
a regal angel from a tank at a restaurant that I frequent. The little
guy was not looking healthy and had the beginning signs of HLLE. I
spoke to the owner of the establishment and provided my observations. I
told him that these fish are difficult at best to care for. He
explained to me that they have a company come in every two weeks to
service that tanks and he would let them know. I went back a week later
and the situation was the same. I spoke to the owner and asked if I
could take the fish. He agreed and I went the next day (before opening)
and got the fish. <Good for you and the owner.> I
brought him home and placed him in QT for 3 weeks. <Good to
hear.> Initially, I could not get him to eat anything (I
believe this also to be the problem at the restaurant). I tried Mysis,
frozen angel formula, Nori, flakes, Formula products, fresh shrimp,
clams, and squid. He would not eat anything. He would pick at LR, but
that is about it. I was out of options, until I was cleaning out a
cabinet where I store my dry products and came across some New Life
Spectrum Marine Formula pellets. I think that these were about a year
old, as I had not been feeding them to any of my tanks at the time. I
had nothing to lose at this point and dropped a few in the QT tank. I
watched them sink to the bottom and the regal was uninterested. I came
back a while later, and noticed that they were gone. I dropped a few
more in the tank and the regal went nuts. I started feeding him 3 times
a day with the pellets. He was doing so well on the pellets, that I
started feeding all of my tanks the pellets. He has now been in my 210
gal main display tank for 3 weeks now and is doing awesome. His color
has returned, no signs of HLLE, and he is now eating Cyclop-eeze along
with his pellets. Aside form that, all of my fish never looked so
good. IMO, the New Life Spectrum line is absolutely amazing
stuff. This food should be a staple for anyone who owns a marine tank
period. I have also started feeding my sun polyps the small fish
formula and they seem to love it also. This stuff is truly incredible.
I hope that someone from the New Life Company reads this. They should
be proud of this product. Best Regards, Dean Oliver <I agree, I
really love this food. All our tanks, both fresh and salt
water get this line. Makes a great staple food, some even
claim to feed it exclusively, although I still won't go quite that
far. But don't minimize your work either, the QTing
allowed the fish a chance to start eating which would not have happened
if competing with tankmates. Congratulations on your success
with this difficult fish and thanks for sharing your story.>
Getting It Right With A Regal Thank you from your
last response on the clown trigger. I really appreciate this. <Glad
that we were helpful to you!> I absolutely love your web page
because all the details that you put into your articles. <We love
writing 'em and sharing /learning with our readers!> So I
didn't buy the clown trigger, but as my last fish, I purchased a
small regal from my buddy Brenda at Greenwoods Pets and
Plants. She had quarantined it for several weeks when she
got it and then she put it in her display tank with a light copper mix
solution. She had it doing very well, it feeds great and is
quite active. I found out its from the Philippines. I bought
it today and I placed it in my display tank and it looks great it acts
the same as it did at her store. It had even started to feed just a
couple of hours after I put it in. <That's great to hear! Half
the battle is getting a specimen that was properly collected, and
begins to feed in captivity. Surprisingly, this Philippine specimen
seems to be making it! Now, I still think that you should have
quarantined it in your home for a few weeks, but at least your dealer
sounds pretty conscientious...Watch the fish carefully> The only
thing that worries me is I saw a very small red dot on its tail (close
to the body in between the ridges). It is barely
noticeable. What do you think that is? <Well, it could
possibly be parasitic in nature...Keep observing it carefully. You may
want to try a rather simple series of freshwater dips to see if this
has any positive effects...> What food would you recommend I feed it
so it doesn't develop any deficiencies and instead becomes a long
lived fish? <A varied diet, with lots of fresh seafood,
algae, and sponge. Ocean Nutrition's "Angel Formula"
contains sponge, and would be an ideal food to form the basis of his
captive diet. Good diet, excellent water conditions, and low stress
will keep this fish in great shape.> Also one other question: My
porcupine puffer is occasionally grabbed by mouth of my lion fish and
then is released. <Wow- not too nice of him> I have notice on one
of his fins some patches that look like scabs like as if he injured
himself. I've seen it before and it seems like it goes away on its
own. What do you think that might be? <Again, hard to say
without seeing the fish, but it may just be some "bumps and
bruises", so to speak, from his encounters with the
lionfish...Keep a close eye on him to make sure that they do not become
infected, or cause some other discomfort for the fish. Take action if
it becomes necessary> Thanks so much for all your help. Sincerely,
Christopher Faiola <Glad to be of service! Good luck with your
Regal! Scott F>
Frayed Fins and Regal Angel Hey Guys, Hope all is well?
<Cheers, Gillian... wishing you the same in kind. Anthony
Calfo> I have a question about my regal angel, which I have
had for over a year now. I noticed about two weeks ago that the regal
fins (pectoral, dorsal and tail) has began to fray. Kind of like
something has been taking little bites out of it. I have been watching
to observe aggression form other tank mates, but has seen none. I am
wondering if its a disease and anything to cause concern. It not very
bad, but just unusual for this beautiful fish. He eats ok, any I have
observed no other problems at this time. All foods are soaked with Zo?
Zoecon and garlic extreme. Please offer any advise. <I have
several things in mind. The first is that the symptoms are a secondary
infection expressed by a compromised immune system from a limited diet.
It is so very common with this fish. Problems with Regals like many
other challenging species in captivity is not that they don't eat,
but that they don't survive on what they eat. The ones that survive
initial import will live for 6-12 months on prepared food before dying
of complications from a dietary deficiency. This would be a very likely
problem in your case especially if you do not have a Red Sea or
Maldivian species (the Orange-throat Regal). It is wonderful that you
soak the fishes' food in vitamins, but if the fish is only eating
one or two foods (guaranteed the case if one is brine shrimp) then the
fish is dying like most. The captive diet just cannot replace the wild
one thus far with this species and we are looking at the culmination of
attrition from a net daily deficit in appropriate nutritive sustenance.
Now if this is not the case and your fish is eating 4-6 or more foods
(most anything you put in like a clown or tang) then we should look at
a curable pathogenic organism. Regardless, I would advise you to remove
the fish to a quiet QT tank and be prepared to use antibiotics (but no
copper). Even "Quick Cure" or Formalin would be therapeutic
> Thanks, hope you all are having a good weekend. <best
regards with this beautiful fish. Anthony>
Re: Frayed Fins and Regal Angel Hi Anthony, Thanks for your
reply. Mine is a Red Sea regal angel and a feed the variety pack of
frozen foods. <good to hear it!> Formula I, II, Brine
shrimp, Reef formula etc... you know the rest better than I do.
Occasionally I offer live mussels as a treat. I really think it's
getting a fair mixture of foods, as the frozen variety package offers a
couple, I try to feed different types each feeding, <overall
sounds very good> but in any case is their a specific type of food
you recommend for this species, even a home made formula. <no
definitive recipe out there that I know of... do keep up with the
variety and look over the thread on favorite homemade recipes in the
forum as well as in Bobs book CMA and archives on this site. Homemade
foods can be superior!> Also any specific vitamins besides Zo? And
Zoecon that you recommend. <I do not favor/disfavor either of the
above. I have been very satisfied to use Selcon for many years> The
only other thing I can thing of is about 5 mths ago this fish had
flukes which I treated and have shown no signs in recent times besides
the frayed fins. Since my last email it has not gotten any worst but no
better. Again it's not bad at all, but I pay close attention to any
visible changes and act accordingly. I hoping I can save this fish
without having to catch him out of the 125 gallon reef, to quarantine.
For past experiences, it doesn't eat without having live rocks or
familiar surroundings, so I am trying to avoid this. The fish still
eats very well I feed once per day and it grazes an algae and other
critters from the live rock. <you might try Metronidazole in
the foods then (Seachem sells it in dry powder to add to food)> Some
mornings I offer pellets, Kent has a new brand for herbivores and
carnivores, I mix those two, but he doesn't care for pellets.
<Nor do I for the brand/type> My tank has been set up for about
18mths and I have had this fish for a little over a year. Hope this
better helps analyze my situation. Thanks a bunch. Gillian
<indeed... our very best regards... and do use the Quarantine tank
if you must... really a very direct and appropriate method of
treatment. Anthony>
Quarantine Tank Hello, Hope all is well? I have a question, a
couple of weeks ago I emailed you all and Anthony responded to my
inquiry. I had to do with treating my Red Sea Regal Angel for frayed
fins. Well Anthony suggested that a quarantine tank and formalin
treated might do the trick and he thought it was due to a secondary
infection. Well my question is how long can a 20gallon quarantine tank
run with aqua Clear 802 power head. The primary purpose of treatment is
to dose with formalin to rid the fish of any parasites, which might be
causing the fins and tail to fray. Also to try to improve the
fish's diet, by offering a variety of foods soaked with vitamins.
The set up of the tank is water from the display tank, some small
pieces of live rock which I know will die from treatment, but I am
trying to keep the fish happy, as it doesn't eat if not around live
rock. Some substrate (Crushed coral & live sand mix from display
tank). Will the power head be enough for these conditions, for about a
month or do I actually need a filter. Considering I will be feeding
frequently and the fact that ammonia may increase from the live rock
and sand dying eventually. <Really not the best/most appropriate
setup for a quarantine tank. Please read through this page
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/quaranti.htm and some of the linked FAQ
files.> Also any ideas as to what foods to offer this species, it
eats just about any frozen foods, but doesn't care for pellets.
<A mix of many different foods is best. You can read Bob's tips
on these fish here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pygoplit.htm> thanks
Gillian <You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Flukes (and success with a Sweetlips!) Hi Bob, Happy new
year, sorry to bother you so early, but I have a question. My Red Sea
regal angel, for some time now I have noticed that every now and then
gets some, splinter like white things from it's body, Sometimes
from the head, or body. They stay on for about two days or sometimes as
the day progresses they disappear. I didn't worry about it because
the fish continues to be the beauty of the display. Normal behavior and
eating as usual. Is there a cure for this, how can I treat it and will
it eventually kill the fish. <Mmm, perhaps this is a
trematode... I would try a facultative cleaner here... first a Lysmata
species of shrimp... not likely to kill the fish outright (the flukes),
but debilitating, perhaps disfiguring just the same...> I was on the
WWM last night and that how I kind of determined the fish as flukes.
Please offer advice this is my most prized fish. Also, can adding
copper to a system cause a fish to stop eating or not as much as
before. <Absolutely... copper cancels much of "smell,
taste" sensations> I added copper to my quarantine tank, which
has a Sweetlips and Kole tang for Ick. The Kole tang still eats, but
the Sweetlips has stopped. <Yikes... Sweetlips aren't
easily kept... as you know from looking over WWM no doubt... not good
that yours has ceased feeding... would move it ASAP to a non-coppered,
less-stressful setting> He will put food in his mouth but not
swallow. The Ick has cleared it's been about 7 days now, do you
think I should add carbon back to the system or do a water change. I
think the copper has curbed his appetite. Thanks for the advice, Bob
and hope all is well. Gillian <Much to "judge" in the way
of presumed benefits/risks in our hobbies... Bob Fenner>
Re: Flukes So Bob, you're saying there is a possibility
that the Sweetlips may not eat again. <Unfortunately, this is the
common plight: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/haemulid.htm> I will
remove the copper at once. Is there any way to totally get rid of
flukes on the regal angel. <Hopefully this is a digenetic species,
needing an intermediate host species or two... and will "cycle
out" on its own... otherwise the Cleaner may eradicate it> What
about good water quality. I have some cleaner shrimp, but they are
lazy, they hide when the fish go next to them. I don't think
they'll help. To me the flukes appear to be internal, when they pop
through the skin of the fish. Are there any other treatment options for
flukes. What do you mean when you say the fish will debilitated. I
don't want this Bob, help me Thanks <Not likely "popping
out, through"... there are some chemical treatments, but I would
try another cleaner... maybe a Larabicus wrasse... Bob Fenner>
Re: Flukes Well it was about 3 inches when I got first. A lot
of personality, that's what attracted me to it at first. It had
been in the store for about 2 weeks before I got it and was eating
brine shrimp. I am good friends with the owner of the store and always
ask them to hold fish for at least a week before I take it home. <A
good practice> Anyway I fed mostly frozen formula one and two,
sometimes angel formula for variety. It would eat dried green sea weed.
Sometimes live mussels for a treat. Didn't care for flakes or
krill. <Me neither> Liked a whole cube of frozen food and
not crushed. Would eat from your hand or nip fingers when doing water
changes. This is by far one of the most intelligent fish I have ever
had. I would compare it to Oscars (freshwater) which I had for many
years. This fish is now well over 7 inches, incredible growth rate and
it now has brighter coloration. I really hope I can save this one. I
haven't killed a fish in while. That would be tough. Let me know if
you any more info. Gillian <My fave source location.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pygoplit.htm Bob Fenner>
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |