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Zoas and regal angel dislodging but not eating them
12/24/19 Regal angel... more non-reading
1/12/11 Regal Angelfish Help
2/8/10 Re: compatibility (RMF, second opinion on
Zebrasoma xanthurum/Pygoplites diacanthus compat.)
7/6/09 Regal Angelfish/Feeding 3/3/09 Hi,
<Hello Peter> I am a seasoned aquarists with over 20 years of
marine fish keeping experience. My latest encounter is with a Regal
Angel (4 inches) from Indonesia. She has been with me for over 3 weeks
but refused to eat anything I feed including dry pellets, flake, live
frozen seafood and live brine shrimp. However, she looks very healthy
and remains brightly colored in my 50g refugium tank. <This tank is
too small for keeping a 4 inch Regal, somewhere near 100 gallons or
more with plenty of live rock would increase your chances for long term
success with this fish.> She currently feeds on only Caulerpa and
paid no interests in any food that I tried. Curiously, she continues to
thrive and show no signs of disease judging by its appearance and
behaviour. My questions are do you think she can survive with only
vegetarian foods and what can I do to make her try something else?
<Well Peter, you did pick one of the most difficult angelfish to
keep and acclimate to prepared foods. You are on the right path by
offering a variety of foods as the Regal Angelfish is an omnivore. As
for surviving eating only greens, I will ask Bob for his input here. Do
read here and related articles/FAQ's to include
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/ James
(Salty Dog)> Regards, Peter Help, Pygoplites... eating, stopped Dear WWM crew, I am Bernard from Malaysia and I really need your assistance. I have just acquired a 5-inch regal angel a month ago. It has been absolutely healthy and eating well, even accepting pellet flake food. But since 4 days ago, the urge to eat declined. It stopped eating completely 2 days ago. Although it still investigates curiously around the food offered, it never eats apart from a few peckings. I have tried offering sea lettuce, boiled green peas, brine shrimps, Mysis shrimps, prawn flesh, vitamin-enriched flake food and have also tried pressing prawn flesh onto dead coral skeletons, to induce eating, but no, he never eats, although it does peck a few times, gaze curiously at it for long enough, before swimming away. He is still healthy looking, except thinner in the belly. So I am worried. Thank you in advance for the assistance rendered. Bernard <I do hope your specimen resumes feeding. Pygoplites (less from the Red Sea for who knows what reason/s) do often show these sorts of feeding strikes... I do hope, trust you have this animal in a very large setting (hundreds of gallons), that there is a good deal of fresh live rock present. I would add more here... with obvious sponge material on it. You have perused the FAQs file on this species here?: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/faqs.htm and the linked article above I take it. Bob Fenner> Marine Ich? Regal Angel 12/25/08 First of all, Merry Christmas. <Happy Holidays to you and yours, John. Minh at your service.> Anyway, I got Regal Angel a few days ago and he seems to have a few white specks on his pectoral fins. How can I tell if this is an Ich outbreak, and if so, what should I then do? <Please review this link for identification, life cycle details and treatment on "Marine Ich" or Cryptocaryoniasis: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm. Furthermore, if you have not yet seen this guide, here is an excellent page with information on issues that you may encounter while caring for your beautiful but challenging Regal Angel: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/faqs.htm.> Thanks <You're welcome, and good luck. Minh Huynh> Re: Compatibility between the Rock Beauty and a Regal 4/24/08 Good morning Mr. Fenner, Thanks for answering my questions; one more, if you have a moment (though I suspect I know what the answer will be): what do you think of compatibility between the Rock Beauty and a Regal? <Mmm, "not very"... unless the system is very large... hundreds of gallons, I'd pass> Neither fish are in the system yet; the RB is ~3? and the Regal is on the order of 4?. Fish currently in the system are Acanthurids, a single Sixline Wrasse, and a small school of Lyretail Anthias and Yellow Coris. Rockwork is quite loose with numerous caves. Kindest regards, Chris Brightwell <For the 220 mentioned earlier? This might well work. BobF> Pygoplites diacanthus... sel. -01/30/2008 Hey, guys -- back again with another question. I was just at one of my LFSs and they have had a gorgeous blue-bellied Regal Angel (Pygoplites diacanthus) for about a week or so now. I saw it when I first came in and avoided it like the plague since it was a fresh delivery. Well, upon my return, the fish looks plump, aware of it's surroundings and even ate frozen food in my presence. It didn't eat a TON of it since it had been fed in the morning, but it ate a fairly large piece and picked at some off the bottom. Well, I took the angel in. The price was right, the fish was eating, and they said it was a Solomon Islands catch. <sounds good> What's the odds of a Regal that's eating to live a good long life? I'd assume pretty high odds. <If well cared for, yes. Please see: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/Pygoplites/> I must say that I'm very happy to acquire it as I was the guy who emailed you about the Blue-face that ended up being a juvenile Six-Banded angel. This fish, if it lives, will be a much nicer centerpiece to my 180G display. <congrats on the find, good luck> Jonathan P. Sara M.>
Regal Angel HLLE 3/19/07 Hello Wet Web Crew. I hope all is well. <Quite well, thanks.> I wanted to provide some input (maybe beneficial to some reader out there is the same boat) about a recent experience I had with a Regal Angel and IMO a 'miracle product'. <I usually hate that term but I cheated and read ahead, and am in agreement.> About 6 weeks ago, I obtained a regal angel from a tank at a restaurant that I frequent. The little guy was not looking healthy and had the beginning signs of HLLE. I spoke to the owner of the establishment and provided my observations. I told him that these fish are difficult at best to care for. He explained to me that they have a company come in every two weeks to service that tanks and he would let them know. I went back a week later and the situation was the same. I spoke to the owner and asked if I could take the fish. He agreed and I went the next day (before opening) and got the fish. <Good for you and the owner.> I brought him home and placed him in QT for 3 weeks. <Good to hear.> Initially, I could not get him to eat anything (I believe this also to be the problem at the restaurant). I tried Mysis, frozen angel formula, Nori, flakes, Formula products, fresh shrimp, clams, and squid. He would not eat anything. He would pick at LR, but that is about it. I was out of options, until I was cleaning out a cabinet where I store my dry products and came across some New Life Spectrum Marine Formula pellets. I think that these were about a year old, as I had not been feeding them to any of my tanks at the time. I had nothing to lose at this point and dropped a few in the QT tank. I watched them sink to the bottom and the regal was uninterested. I came back a while later, and noticed that they were gone. I dropped a few more in the tank and the regal went nuts. I started feeding him 3 times a day with the pellets. He was doing so well on the pellets, that I started feeding all of my tanks the pellets. He has now been in my 210 gal main display tank for 3 weeks now and is doing awesome. His color has returned, no signs of HLLE, and he is now eating Cyclop-eeze along with his pellets. Aside form that, all of my fish never looked so good. IMO, the New Life Spectrum line is absolutely amazing stuff. This food should be a staple for anyone who owns a marine tank period. I have also started feeding my sun polyps the small fish formula and they seem to love it also. This stuff is truly incredible. I hope that someone from the New Life Company reads this. They should be proud of this product. Best Regards, Dean Oliver <I agree, I really love this food. All our tanks, both fresh and salt water get this line. Makes a great staple food, some even claim to feed it exclusively, although I still won't go quite that far. But don't minimize your work either, the QTing allowed the fish a chance to start eating which would not have happened if competing with tankmates. Congratulations on your success with this difficult fish and thanks for sharing your story.> <Chris> Pygoplites diacanthus article question... sel.
3/1/07 http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/
The Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus I just read this article and
was wondering if it was written long time ago and if things have maybe
changed since then? I was looking for some dwarf angels and bought this
fish from DrsFosterSmith's LiveAquaria.com
actually. After reading your article I'm thinking about
cancelling the purchase now. I have time too since they are
snowed-in they won't deliver for a week. <Mmm, just looked at my
files... First wrote in 7/95, last updated 8/04... The ones from
further into the Indian Ocean/Red Sea are okay hardy-wise... the grey
chested ones from the western Pacific... Dismal in historical
survivability. Bob Fenner> Pygoplites diacanthus - 10/28/06 Crew, <Dan> Good evening. I have been researching Pygoplites diacanthus and I have a few questions about them. I would like to add one to my 200g tank. The tank is lightly stocked with plenty of live rock. I understand that these fish usually have a poor survival rate, but I have heard of success stories. <Yes... more so with specimens of "about the right size", from further into the Indian Ocean...> My tank has been up and running with no prob.s for over two years now. I also understand that they will fare much better with plenty of live rock and hiding spaces. My question is; how to quarantine this fish in a 20g QTank with no live rock? <No reason why such a specimen can't be placed in isolation with LR...> Should I purchase and cure live rock just to put in the Qtank? <Could/can use from your main/display tank> I always used aged water from the tank for the Qtank, but will this fish survive for a month in the small barren Qtank? <Can move... dip along the way if "things" go sideways> Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you for your help in this matter and all the other thousands of questions that you answer. Keep up the good work. <We're trying. Bob Fenner> Thanks again, Dan Solomon Island Regal Angel ... sel. 6/29/06 Hello crew, <Eric> I found this fish on the internet, a Solomon Island Regal Angel. The seller of this fish claims: "A simply gorgeous and hardy Angelfish that does well in most reef tanks. They eat all types of food and are exceptionally beautiful---a great fish to keep!!!" http://www.pacificeastaquaculture.com/Detail.aspx?ID=2913 <The ole Doc Mac co.> I am not total sure on this fish, but I was under the impression that they were hard to keep and didn't accept most fish foods. <... depends> Is this Solomon Island Regal Angel different than the one discussed on your webpage at http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/index.htm Thanks for your help. Your site has really helped me and my tank. Eric V <I am much more inclined to encourage you to buy such species "close to home" where you can be self-assured of health, behavior, particularly that the animals are feeding on foods you intend to offer. And I stand by my general statement that Pygoplites are much hardier coming from further west... in the Indian Ocean, best from the Red Sea. Bob Fenner> Pygoplites diacanthus/Feeding 1/31/06 Hi y'all. Steve Campbell here from Manchester England. <James here from a similar weather pattern.> Just been following the thread on Regal Angels. I've had one in a 120g for around a year (yellow belly if that's relevant!) I was really pleased he's growing and plump and eating whatever I feed him/her?). That's pellets, krill, Mysis, clam, cockle, angelfish frost foods etc etc, soaked in Kent Zoe & garlic extract. I've just read on WWM that this is actually an illusion, and that really, he's going to die within the next 4 years of a nutritional deficiency!? Please, other than feeding him goldfish food(!?) or taking him back to the Red Sea, what are the chances of him seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Whitehouse??? Gulp! <Getting a regal from the Red Sea is the first plus and I congratulate you on your success. Most don't survive a month. Keep records on feeding/etc and keep us posted as you go.> Great site chaps, keep it up! <Thank you and good luck with your regal. James (Salty Dog)> Regal Angel Feeding Strike 11/30/05 Hi Bob, <Actually Adam J with you this evening.> I have recently bought a 3 inch , Red Sea regal angel. <Beautiful but notoriously short-lived fish.> It looked very healthy, active, full belly, however, it hasn't started feeding yet. I see him picking at the live rock, I had him for about 4 days. <Pretty normal thus far, specimen is likely still adjusting.> I know it is not an easy fish to keep but do you have any suggestions on how to temptate him to eat??? <<No such word as "temptate", let's try "tempt". Marina>> <Fresh market clam and scallop meat (freeze first to prevent paraotes/bacteria) <<To prevent what..??>> and then soak in nutritional supplement such as Selcon.> My tank is a 150 gal reef tank and up till now, he has been a good citizen and he hasn't touched any of my SPS corals neither the clams. <No quarantine?> I hope this behavior won't last. <I would not panic just yet.> Thank you . Ramy Ontario, Canada <Welcome, Adam J.> Regal Angel, Reef Safe? 8/7/05 In your opinion, is the Regal Angel a reef safe fish ??? I have 2 different opinions. one says it is reef safe provided that it is well fed and the other is that it is not safe in a reef setting. I have 150 gal, SPS tank with a few clams. Thank you, Ramy Banoub. <Hi Ramy - Ali here. As with any angel, the chance of finding a totally "reef safe" specimen is always hit and miss. It is impossible to say for sure whether your angel will go around systematically picking at your treasured "reef" animals or if he will act as a perfect 'angel'. From personal experience, I have had two Red Sea specimens: one which never looked twice at a coral and another which continuously picked at fleshy LPS corals and decimated the snail population. It is also not uncommon for them to suddenly change their behavior and acquire a taste for corals seemingly out of the blue. Additionally, this is also NOT an easy fish to keep. During the past year, from what I have seen at the wholesalers and retailers alike here in Southern California, is that not only is this fish is arriving with more frequency, but fortunately they appear to be more vibrant, alert and with full bellies. Perhaps better collection and shipping methods. Even with this said, I would only recommend this fish if you are an experienced reef/fishkeeper with a large aquarium with plenty of established live rock, who is able to locate a Red Sea/Indian Ocean specimen, under 3" that is eating prepared foods in advance. - Ali> Mixing 2 juvenile regal angelfish Dear Mr. Bob Fenner Hi my name is Ignatio from Indonesia. I have 2 juvenile (2.5 inches each) regal angelfish in separate tank (@ 100 gallon) and would like to mix it in 1 tank and I have done it with no success. The bigger one is always chasing the other one. <Yes... very common> So I still want to try it and need your suggestion if it is possible because I often saw in many LFS in here can mix it into one tank. <Can sometimes be done... larger tanks are better... by either adding both simultaneously... or adding a larger one later... or sometimes by using a separator for a week or so...> Should I take out these 2 fish for the temporary moment and after several while put it again together in one tank?? <Yes, one approach> Note: all my regal has been living in my tank for over 2 months now and accept the food already. Again, I have also a Sea Lilies (the green one) and has been living in my tank also for 3 weeks. I heard this species is difficult to maintain so what do you suggest for this one (the food, how many times for feeding it etc) <This is posted here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/crinoids.htm and the Related FAQs, linked above> Note: Recently I cultured the phytoplankton (Iso) by myself and feed it with this plus the Liquifry Marine from Interpet. Is this enough? <Might be... along with live rock, sand use. Bob Fenner> Best regards Ignatio Regal Angel input - Another "Do My Work For Me!" My daughter is doing a project on the regal angelfish and she needs to find out where she can get information on where? <On WWM, the Net... fishbase.org... Pygoplites diacanthus... put the names (common and scientific) in your computer search tools...> and when do they sleep? and what it eats? and who it's enemies are? also if you could tell her why? the regal angle fish is important to it's ecosystem? and why should it be protected? so please could you help us find the research answers we need ASAP today if possible <Answers? This isn't research... search... Bob Fenner> Regal Angel Hey WWM Crew, I'm the guy who used to ask you guys questions on my little 25G like every week but now I've upgraded to a 100G coral tank with hard corals e.g. Acros, Montis, frogspawn, Hammers and a couple of softies from my old tank. Now I have no fish and one hell of a copepod collection. My tanks been set up for about 8 months and I've had no ammonia for a VERY LONG TIME!!! I've decided that my tank's a little empty so I want to get a Regal Angel to add a bit of life...I've been doing my research and I've read that RA are notoriously difficult to keep... but I really want ONE big show fish for my tank and all the people that I have spoken to recommend one of these fish. I've grown up quite a lot in terms of experience and I feel that I can keep one of these fish alive. The RA that I've been looking at getting is eating pellets and is doing really well and if I do get one of these fish I'll be sure to give it a VERY varied diet as to provide the correct nutrition. Now if I where to get one of these fish and its eating and I put it into my tank with all my corals, would it eat my corals if I feed it a lot of the correct stuff and if it where to eat my corals what corals would it eat? <Steven, I suggest you read the info on the link that I will give you. It will help you better understand the needs of these fish. If you are new in the hobby, the regal wouldn't be my first choice. So please read here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/ James (Salty Dog)> Killing another Regal Angel I purchased a Regal angel about a
week ago, when I bought it, it was eating but not really attacking the
food. I took him home cause for the first time I had seen one as small
as him about 4 inches. Now he will not eat and is scratching all the
other fish look great. the tank is a 75 gallon with live rock. I talked
to a local wholesaler he said I could bring him in to put in one of his
large holding tanks would this be the best move at this
point. Reef safe angel Hi Crew, <Hi Greg, MacL here with you today.> Hopefully you can clear-up an angel fish question for me? I have always read that angel fish (except for some Centropyge) are notorious coral nippers but I have recently noticed what appears to be a Regal Angel (Pygoplites diacanthus) in reef aquariums in Eric Borneman's book on aquarium corals. <Nice fish aren't they? BUT sadly I wouldn't call a regal reef safe, the reality is that angel fish are all over the reef because that is where they feed.> Is Pygoplites diacanthus generally considered reef-safe? <Nope.> Do you have an recommendations for attractive reef-safe angels, not of the Centropyge genus? I had to remove my Centropyge argi due to it nipping my Lobophyllia. <I have heard that swallowtails are relatively reef safe, please note the word relatively. I currently have a Maculosus angel in my reef but let me stress this, as he has aged he has become less and less reef safe. It truly depends on what you keep in your reef and your individual fish. As a general rule the Genicanthus Angelfishes as a whole are considered fairly reef safe but they are also considered fairly delicate.> I would also like to keep a copper banded butterfly in my reef tank but, from reading the many postings on WetWebMedia, I still cannot draw a conclusion regarding whether or not these are reef-safe. The answer always seems to be ?That depends upon your definition of reef-safe?. <That is because some fish work just great and others are just terrors in the tank.>By ?reef-safe?. I mean is a copper banded butterfly likely to cause stress or shorten the life of soft, SPS or LPS corals or of a bubble tip anemone (and possibly snails and cleaner shrimp). <They might very well eat the anemone. Its been known to happen.> What is you opinion or experience? One other problem could be the several tangs and the maroon clown pair in my tank. Is a copper band butterfly likely to co-exist well with such fish in a 180g aquarium? <Usually that isn't a problem.> Lastly, I would like to add a few Heniochus if I could just locate any that are reef-safe <I loved my Heniochus.>(if I cannot add a copper band B/F). I can only locate Heniochus acuminatus but I have read that only Heniochus diphreutes is reef-safe. Could you suggest where I might find Heniochus diphreutes (unless you disagree that H. acuminatus is not reef-safe)? <You can try www.themarinecenter.com, but I have never had any problems with any Heniochus. Once again though, its really individual fish.> Thank you, in advance, for the ?butterfly brush-up?! <You might take a look at Scott Michaels latest book on angel fish for more detail and please let me know what you decide. I could talk angel fish for days and days, they are truly amazing and gorgeous, glorious fish. Good luck Greg, MacL> --Greg Re: Regal tank Thanks You Rock! Thank you for all of your answers! << We provide very few answers, and very many guesses. I hope we helped. >> Aloha from Hawaii, Dawn << Blundell, jealous wishing he was in Hawaii >> Regal Angel Enquiry Hi Wet Webbers... <Hi Brett, MacL here with you today.> Just a simple enquiry. Are Pygoplites (Regal) angels reef safe? <NO they aren't, no way no how> Can I trust one in my soft coral/coralline algae tank? <NOPE> I understand their natural diet is supposed to be tunicates and sponges. Sadly, here in Thailand fish sellers (I use this term as most know little or nothing about the creatures they sell and are just out for a quick turn over of stock with little care for the animals in the time they are in the shop/market) feed their reef fish brine shrimp and nothing else. I am not sure if this is due to the belief they are nutritious or just that fish seem to relish them. As long as it is eating, will a regal eat other more beneficial foods with ease when I get it home or is it likely to be a struggle to get one onto them after prolonged feeding with brine shrimp. <Regals are very difficult to get to eat so if you have found one eating that's a good thing. It needs more nutritious foods and it does need the tunicates and sponges in order to stay healthy and live a long and fulfilled life without dietary deficiencies. You can however get these in some types of angel formula foods. Regals are one of the toughest of the large angels Brett but very pretty fish for sure.> Brett Moloney Bangkok Regal Angel Hi, love the sight!<Thank you, so do
I!> I have a 5in Moorish idol that I had for over 1 1/2 yrs. I
want to get a juv. regal angel . It has been at the LFS for 7 weeks and
is eating well so (I don't see that to often) I want him! tank is
135 gal. my question is : will regal pick on idols filament? have a
cleaner that picks all the time with no affects! have another
question Feeding a Regal Angel If I could get the angel to eat a polyp would it be more apt to eat other stuff once it was eating something in captivity? I'm willing to try if it could work.<With a Regal Angelfish I would be tempted to try just about anything in order to keep it alive. I do not know if this will work or not but its worth a shot. Good luck, IanB> Regal Angels Bob I have been keeping marine fish for over 30 years I have had my own store. I have always wanted to keep or try to keep regal angels and Platax pinnatus. I just moved my collection of angels to a 210 gal and everybody is happy and doing fine except my regal angel. I have lost three trying to get them to eat. The other angels don't really bother them. I would see them take a little frozen brine but not enough to keep them alive (any ideas?) <Try one from further (west) into the Indian Ocean, if you can from the Red Sea... much more likely to accept foods, live> I am converting their old 80 gal bow front to a reef tank and am wondering if a pinnatus all by its self would survive. <Doubtful... most all refuse food... some positive correlation with starting small (less than hand-size) and force-feeding initially... see articles by Jay Hemdal re> If you have any advise on getting it to eat that would be great! Also after the bat is comfortable and secure and eating could I introduce a regal to that tank (I wouldn't care if eats some coral or picks at my live rock) Its so docile could it mix with the pinnatus? <Not in this small system> Thanks Kirt <Bob Fenner> Regal Angels eating Goldfish pellets?!?... and someone hasn't
been taking their meds 6/21/03 Could someone please kindly advise
Mr. Anthony that his flippant attitude really does your website no
good: <I realize that this is your perspective. Duly noted... will
post on the dailies for peer review/consideration in the absence yet
again (!) of a question from your harassing e-mails> Anthony wrote:
"But do keep all in perspective. After 4
messages and your claims of having the secret (feeding and stocking...
your message 3) to keeping obligate coral feeding regal angels... you
still have not shared your wisdom/secrets with us. I really haven't
the foggiest clue why you wrote in or what/if any your question was.
The link you clicked to reach us said "ask the WWM crew a
question..." <yes... and I'm still wondering what your
question is. I'm long since convinced that you simply lack a dog to
kick... very glad for the Canids of the world> The ***secret*** was
shared back in 2002 with Mr. JasonC: <and this was not mentioned
once in your last tirade of correspondences to us here at WWM... did
you expect me/us to have the entire 300 meg of text on the site
committed to memory?!?!?> How many eggs do regal angelfish lay at once? <Please see fishbase.org under Pygoplites diacanthus, and further from there re this species reproduction. Bob Fenner> Marine fish Enquiries <Hi Edwin, PF here this evening> I have recently acquired a Regal Angel (Adult 4 ") and I have noticed that it has not been eating. Instead, it swims vigorously from 1 end of my 5 ft tank to the other end. What can I do to encourage it to show more interest in eating? I feed an assortment of brine shrimp <brine shrimp are pretty much shrimp flavored water, and of little, if any value as food>, lettuce <this is a poor choice of greenery, you want something that comes from the ocean>, pellet food from tetra <a better choice> and Mysis shrimp <a much better choice>. <Well, you've acquired a challenging specimen to keep. Here's the FAQ on these guys, please read and follow the advice. As for veggies, remember "ocean greens" from the LFS are the same thing as sushi Nori from the grocery, only a lot pricier. Here's the link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/ > Secondly, I have 2 Firefish <These are Planktivores, make sure your food is small enough to be easily eaten. Sweetwater zooplankton, a commercially available marine fortified daphnia mix, is very good, if you can get it.>, a coral banded shrimp and a red sea crab that have been hiding for the past few days <I rarely see any crabs, and the only reason I know my coral banded is around is the occasional glimpse of antennae, have you tried viewing them at night?>. They have not been eating and I have not seen them at all <Well, not seeing and not eating are two different things. I wouldn't be surprised if they were eating after lights off, actually I'm 95% sure they are>. How do I know if they are still alive ( especially for the crab whom I have no idea where he has disappeared to. )? How can I lure them out to feed? <I think your best bet would be to feed shortly before lights out, and then come back in 1/2 an hour or so. Using a flashlight with a red cover over the lens can help too.> I am worried that they may starve to death as they do not come out to eat during feeding. Is their behaviour normal? <Unfortunately, yes.> All the other fishes are extremely excited during feeding with the exception of the Regal Angel and the Firefish. Appreciate your assistance. Regards Edwin <Well, I hoped that helps. Please right back if you have any more questions, PF> Look Out, Sponge Bob! Could I buy live sponge and cut it up and freeze it then thaw little pieces for feeding for my Regal Angel? <Yikes! I sure wouldn't! First, it would be a shame to slice up a living sponge that basically went through hell just to get to the LFS! Second, some sponges may be toxic, so you'd have a hard time knowing which one to chose. Finally, I think it would just be cost-prohibitive. Much better idea to purchase a supply of a frozen food containing sponge, like Ocean Nutrition's "Angel Formula". It's readily available at most aquarium shops, or can be ordered on line from some of our WWM advertisers> I was thinking of taking the little pieces and placing them in a veggie clip mounted on the side of the tank. Do you think he would feed off it? Would I gain success? Please respond back soon. <Well, I really think that your fish would be better served (no pun intended!) with one of the prepared frozen foods, as mentioned above...You certainly could place it in a clip, but it may be easier just to chop up the cube of food and feed it carefully with a toothpick...> P.S. I am the guy with the Philippine Regal which is already starting to feed on frozen food. Sincerely, Chris Faiola <Ahh, yes- I remember! If this guy is eating frozen food already- then you're almost home free...Definitely, try the "Angel Formula"-I think it's a great food! Bon Apetit! Regards, Scott F> Getting It Right With A Regal Thank you from your last response on the clown trigger. I really appreciate this. <Glad that we were helpful to you!> I absolutely love your web page because all the details that you put into your articles. <We love writing 'em and sharing /learning with our readers!> So I didn't buy the clown trigger, but as my last fish, I purchased a small regal from my buddy Brenda at Greenwoods Pets and Plants. She had quarantined it for several weeks when she got it and then she put it in her display tank with a light copper mix solution. She had it doing very well, it feeds great and is quite active. I found out its from the Philippines. I bought it today and I placed it in my display tank and it looks great it acts the same as it did at her store. It had even started to feed just a couple of hours after I put it in. <That's great to hear! Half the battle is getting a specimen that was properly collected, and begins to feed in captivity. Surprisingly, this Philippine specimen seems to be making it! Now, I still think that you should have quarantined it in your home for a few weeks, but at least your dealer sounds pretty conscientious...Watch the fish carefully> The only thing that worries me is I saw a very small red dot on its tail (close to the body in between the ridges). It is barely noticeable. What do you think that is? <Well, it could possibly be parasitic in nature...Keep observing it carefully. You may want to try a rather simple series of freshwater dips to see if this has any positive effects...> What food would you recommend I feed it so it doesn't develop any deficiencies and instead becomes a long lived fish? <A varied diet, with lots of fresh seafood, algae, and sponge. Ocean Nutrition's "Angel Formula" contains sponge, and would be an ideal food to form the basis of his captive diet. Good diet, excellent water conditions, and low stress will keep this fish in great shape.> Also one other question: My porcupine puffer is occasionally grabbed by mouth of my lion fish and then is released. <Wow- not too nice of him> I have notice on one of his fins some patches that look like scabs like as if he injured himself. I've seen it before and it seems like it goes away on its own. What do you think that might be? <Again, hard to say without seeing the fish, but it may just be some "bumps and bruises", so to speak, from his encounters with the lionfish...Keep a close eye on him to make sure that they do not become infected, or cause some other discomfort for the fish. Take action if it becomes necessary> Thanks so much for all your help. Sincerely, Christopher Faiola <Glad to be of service! Good luck with your Regal! Scott F> Regal Angel- Seeking source for Maldives or Red sea? - 2/17/03 Where does a company called ERI obtain most of their Regal Angelfish? Please respond back soon. Thank you. <Like most wholesalers, they have sources all over the world and can literally get them from 4-6 locales and perhaps three times as many collectors. Availability changes from week to week. If you are pursuing a specific race as we recommended before, you will need to consult your dealer who can see and choose the locale of the fish ordered from their stock list. As a warning, it is not uncommon in the industry from fishes not listed by locale to come fro the Philippines (and now Indo too). These are often the cheapest of the choices... and are not listed because of their reputations for weakness or drug-caught symptoms. Ask your pet store to simply order a Maldives or Red sea listed specimen. Please also spend several more weeks or longer researching the captive care of this very challenging fish. Anthony> Regal Angel... picking the right kind 2/16/03 IM REALLY INTERESTED IN BUYING A REGAL ANGEL, HOWEVER I DO UNDERSTAND HOW HARD THEY ARE TO TAKE CARE OF. <Actually... the problem with them is a matter of dietary deficiency... most are obligate coral polyp feeders> I HAVE A FRIEND WITH A PET SHOP THAT CAN ALMOST GUARANTEE GET THIS FISH TO EAT. <This is a common misconception about Regal angels and other challenging fishes. The problem is not getting them to eat. Many or most will eat in captivity with a skilled aquarist acclimating them. The problem is that they do not survive (!) on captive foods. They hang on for a few months... even a year or two for some before dying of a dietary deficiency. We do not/will not recommend this fish for captivity for casual aquarium keeping> FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS OF MY FRIENDSHIP SHE HAS PURCHASED SEVERAL OF THESE FISH AND HAS NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS GETTING THIS TYPE OF ANGEL TO FEED. <Agreed... and if he's had one live 3 or more years then that's the man to talk too... seriously <G>.> IF I HAVE IT FEEDING WELL ON SEVERAL KINDS OF FOOD WHAT ARE ITS CHANCES FOR SURVIVING? <Actually... if you really admire the fish and are willing to set up a species tank... with a good bit of live rock... and let it mature for at least 6 months without any fishes in it to develop sponge and algae growth... then I can recommend that you specifically get a Maldives Orange-throat Regal... or... a Red Sea Regal angel. From these locales, they have been demonstrated to eat more algae and non-coral matter and actually survive long-term in good hands. If you get a cheap-o common Regal angel (Philippines, Indo, unspecified... essentially: without the citron/orange throat/breast)... then you have my assurance that it will die within a year, if not weeks> HAVE YOU EVER OWNED ONE? <yes... on good advice from a friend to get the Maldives variety> PLEASE RESPOND BACK SOON. THANK YOU. <best of luck. Anthony> * note: please be sure to avoid typing in SOLID CAPS when posting a message to anyone via e-mail (hard to read, courtesy, etc) Thanks. Red Sea Regal Dear Mr. Fenner (or whomever is answering this): <<Hi Charles, Craig here>> Love your web site. I check it almost every day. <<We love that!!>> I'm very interested in this beauty (the regal angel). I've successfully kept (>8 yrs) an emperor in the past, but since had to move, ran out of time and energy, and just now I am getting a FOWLR up and running. The tank is quite mature now, but fishless. There are several cleaner shrimp, and an assortment of snails, hermits and what not in the tank. Water parameters are spotless. I was contemplating ordering and waiting for (since I don't think that they have one now) a red sea regal angel from the marine center. They claim to quarantine their fish prior to shipping, and seem to have a good reputation. I've been underwhelmed with my LFS (Los Angeles area). Anyway, I wanted your thoughts on what is needed to be successful with this fish. My current tank is a 4x2x2 foot tank (?120?) with about 120 of LR all on one side of the tank. The other half is open for swimming. There is about a 4 inch sand bed on the open side, with a variable height on the rock side. Tons of circulation, EV-180 skimmer. Macroalgae in the tank, seems to be doing OK, but probably needs more feeding to the tank. I am adding a refugium to the system as well. So I think that I've got the environmental issues down ok. I'm curious as to what sort of tankmates and food and whatever else is important for long term success with this beauty. Future tankmates that are contemplated are a semilarvatus butterfly, four line wrasse (quadrilineatus), MAYBE a purple tang, and some green Chromis vs. some squamipinnis Anthias for a shoaling effect. Thanks in advance, Chuck Moon <<Please check out this excellent link, should provide all of your answers. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/Pygoplites/index.htm Avoid similar body shapes with tank mates and perhaps introduce the smaller/less aggressive first. If your angel shows aggression to tankmates or vice-versa do remove them before it's too late. Check out this link http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stocking1.htm and those at the top of the page for more info on stocking. You can also search WWM for any of your stocking options and find all you need. Sounds like a nice system. Make sure your angel is eating at the dealer before you purchase. Enjoy, Craig>> My Gray bellied Regal Angel... Greetings Mr. Fenner!
<<Greetings, Bob's away diving - JasonC here in his
stead.>> It's been a while since I sent my last email. Just
FYI my gray bellied Pygoplites diacanthus is still alive and kicking
and is getting fatter than ever. <<Glad to hear.>> It has
totally weaned itself off of live stuff and now it's staple diet
consists of dried brine shrimp plus flakes, freeze-dried brine shrimp
sometimes soaked with Selcon, krill (must be hand fed or it won't
eat!), and large goldfish pellets. <<Interesting. I'd love to
see you move away from the brine shrimp, even with the Selcon and what
not, they still aren't worth much more than potato chips. Think
Mysis shrimp!>> I truly think that the key to keeping a regal is
to make sure it recovers from the shipping trauma and that it is not
harassed by any fast-moving tankmates during the first 3-4 weeks. Once
it shows some interest in food it should survive. <<Not really
much different from what we tell anyone who asks. Thanks for
sharing.>> Cheers, -Johnson <<And cheers to you, J --
>> Regal Angelfish Anthony, <cheers> My other half is nuts
about the new tank, thanks for your input to make it possible. Now the
dilemma, we have a hand feed Imperator that ready to change but since
he love to eat corals ($$$$$) we are forced to find something to
replace him with. <unfortunate... a beauty> I have been
reading up on Regals and it seems that of all the large angles they are
least likely to eat all the replacement corals <I strongly
disagree... even with Maldives orange throats or Red Sea races>
($$$$ this get expensive). I know that Red Sea specimens are the best
but any new and improved foods or care recommendation. I've read
Bobs take on them in CMA, please give me any updated information on
these guys. <I seriously doubt that you will be happy with this
fish... they are categorically quirky and challenging... with little
guarantee of being reef safe. A beautiful fish... but not reef safe. Is
your goal here to have a big angel or just a well behaved angel? Most
of the Pomacanthids are a clear risk once any of them gets over
4-6". If your tank is at least 100gallons and/or 6' long, do
consider Genicanthus species of Angels. Best of all worlds: med/lg,
beautiful, peaceful, reef safe Planktivores. Two disadvantages are
shyness/ sensitivity (although no worse than the Regal) and need for
large aquariums> Thanks Mark Johnson <best regards,
Anthony> Frayed Fins and Regal Angel Hey Guys, Hope all is well?
<Cheers, Gillian... wishing you the same in kind. Anthony
Calfo> I have a question about my regal angel, which I have
had for over a year now. I noticed about two weeks ago that the regal
fins (pectoral, dorsal and tail) has began to fray. Kind of like
something has been taking little bites out of it. I have been watching
to observe aggression form other tank mates, but has seen none. I am
wondering if its a disease and anything to cause concern. It not very
bad, but just unusual for this beautiful fish. He eats ok, any I have
observed no other problems at this time. All foods are soaked with Zo?
Zoecon and garlic extreme. Please offer any advise. <I have
several things in mind. The first is that the symptoms are a secondary
infection expressed by a compromised immune system from a limited diet.
It is so very common with this fish. Problems with Regals like many
other challenging species in captivity is not that they don't eat,
but that they don't survive on what they eat. The ones that survive
initial import will live for 6-12 months on prepared food before dying
of complications from a dietary deficiency. This would be a very likely
problem in your case especially if you do not have a Red Sea or
Maldivian species (the Orange-throat Regal). It is wonderful that you
soak the fishes' food in vitamins, but if the fish is only eating
one or two foods (guaranteed the case if one is brine shrimp) then the
fish is dying like most. The captive diet just cannot replace the wild
one thus far with this species and we are looking at the culmination of
attrition from a net daily deficit in appropriate nutritive sustenance.
Now if this is not the case and your fish is eating 4-6 or more foods
(most anything you put in like a clown or tang) then we should look at
a curable pathogenic organism. Regardless, I would advise you to remove
the fish to a quiet QT tank and be prepared to use antibiotics (but no
copper). Even "Quick Cure" or Formalin would be therapeutic
> Thanks, hope you all are having a good weekend. <best
regards with this beautiful fish. Anthony> Check out my Gray-bellied Regal Hi Robert, If you get a moment please check out my regal angel flick: http://www.snoopy.org/fish3/fishfeed.mpg Last November I had a wipeout when I was on a business trip. (Eheim 2229 died and 1 powerhead went out). It killed my old Maldivian regal angel and I was very sad. Took me a while to stock the tank back up and I found a gray bellied regal @ the LFS. Took a chance and I must say it's a miracle. Just want to share my delight with you. -Johnson Wu <There are always the few that make it through the collection and shipping, but they are the extreme minority. Do keep us posted on your fish and how it does long-term. -Steven Pro> Quarantine Tank Hello, Hope all is well? I have a question, a couple of weeks ago I emailed you all and Anthony responded to my inquiry. I had to do with treating my Red Sea Regal Angel for frayed fins. Well Anthony suggested that a quarantine tank and formalin treated might do the trick and he thought it was due to a secondary infection. Well my question is how long can a 20gallon quarantine tank run with aqua Clear 802 power head. The primary purpose of treatment is to dose with formalin to rid the fish of any parasites, which might be causing the fins and tail to fray. Also to try to improve the fish's diet, by offering a variety of foods soaked with vitamins. The set up of the tank is water from the display tank, some small pieces of live rock which I know will die from treatment, but I am trying to keep the fish happy, as it doesn't eat if not around live rock. Some substrate (Crushed coral & live sand mix from display tank). Will the power head be enough for these conditions, for about a month or do I actually need a filter. Considering I will be feeding frequently and the fact that ammonia may increase from the live rock and sand dying eventually. <Really not the best/most appropriate setup for a quarantine tank. Please read through this page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/quaranti.htm and some of the linked FAQ files.> Also any ideas as to what foods to offer this species, it eats just about any frozen foods, but doesn't care for pellets. <A mix of many different foods is best. You can read Bob's tips on these fish here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pygoplit.htm> thanks Gillian <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> Regal in Reef, gelatin in foods Bob, I have a 180 gallon reef that is about 4 1/2 years old. I have had a Red Sea Regal Angel in it for almost 8 months. It is outgoing, has not bothered any corals, clams or other inverts and is absolutely beautiful. <The best source for the most beautiful, hardy Pygoplites> Just a couple of questions. I feed it an assortment of frozen foods. These are mostly Ocean Nutrition Formula Foods (One, Two, Angel, VHP) and Prime Reef/Brine Shrimp Plus. My regal absolutely loves all of them. I feed a mixture of chopped cubes and Prime Reef at each feeding and the regal will actually pick the gelatin foods first and then the un-bound foods later. Since the regal and my other fish (Tangs, Pseudochromis, 6 line Wrasse, Hawkfish, Foxface) are in such good health I am reluctant to change anything. What is your opinion? Why does your article recommend foods without gelatin and why are they much better for angels? <The gelatin binder/s can be problematical with maintenance of captive systems, but are not really a major concern in/with systems that ARE maintained "properly"... Regular water changes, vacuuming of substrates, periodic use of chemical filtrants, "good" skimming... and good initial set-up, livestock selection... Taken altogether, gelatin, even the "sugar-based" supplements sold for vital this and that purposes are of minor consequence in such systems. One avenue for major improvement in systems such as yours is the periodic (every six months to a year) addition , supplanting of new live rock and calcareous substrate. I would do these in addition to what you already are doing with such success, and not worry re gelatin. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Dave Lishness Flukes (and success with a Sweetlips!) Hi Bob, Happy new
year, sorry to bother you so early, but I have a question. My Red Sea
regal angel, for some time now I have noticed that every now and then
gets some, splinter like white things from it's body, Sometimes
from the head, or body. They stay on for about two days or sometimes as
the day progresses they disappear. I didn't worry about it because
the fish continues to be the beauty of the display. Normal behavior and
eating as usual. Is there a cure for this, how can I treat it and will
it eventually kill the fish. <Mmm, perhaps this is a
trematode... I would try a facultative cleaner here... first a Lysmata
species of shrimp... not likely to kill the fish outright (the flukes),
but debilitating, perhaps disfiguring just the same...> I was on the
WWM last night and that how I kind of determined the fish as flukes.
Please offer advice this is my most prized fish. Also, can adding
copper to a system cause a fish to stop eating or not as much as
before. <Absolutely... copper cancels much of "smell,
taste" sensations> I added copper to my quarantine tank, which
has a Sweetlips and Kole tang for Ick. The Kole tang still eats, but
the Sweetlips has stopped. <Yikes... Sweetlips aren't
easily kept... as you know from looking over WWM no doubt... not good
that yours has ceased feeding... would move it ASAP to a non-coppered,
less-stressful setting> He will put food in his mouth but not
swallow. The Ick has cleared it's been about 7 days now, do you
think I should add carbon back to the system or do a water change. I
think the copper has curbed his appetite. Thanks for the advice, Bob
and hope all is well. Gillian <Much to "judge" in the way
of presumed benefits/risks in our hobbies... Bob Fenner> Regals Hi! Bob, As I go about planning for my tank I have some more questions for you. But first I hope none of your immediate family or friends were hurt yesterday. I believe most of us are still in shock and don't know what to make of all this yet. <I am still... very perturbed... "if a clod be washed from "your country here" shore, it is the less, if a "person" is murdered thus, their death diminishes me for I am part of all humanity. Therefore send not to know for who the bell tolls, it tolls for thee". With apologies to John Donne's memory and misappropriation> On to the fish question. I have been reading some good things about regal angels from the red sea. Can you keep a regal with a majestic in a 240, what about a regal, majestic and a Blueface in a 240 gal?. <Better just two of these in such a size, type system. Can be done> Other fish with them would be a Copperband, a Betta, a pair of clowns, a snowflake moray and maybe a tusker. Let me know what you think. <A beautiful collection> This tank is going to be connected to a 1000 gal tank that will have an emperor, Mac and Annularis in it. I am also planning on putting between 7-10 tangs in it. One of them will be a Sohal. I already have him and he is 8". Will he kill the other tangs or in a tank that size the rest of the fish should be safe? <In such a size system, I give you good odds of mixing> The tank is 15 feet long and four feet wide. I am going to try and set both the tanks up as reef tanks. I know the angels will eat some of the corals but that is o.k. I would like to keep them in as natural an environment as I can. <I understand, and agree> Once again I appreciate all your help. <Thank you my friend. Bob Fenner> Pygoplites/Reef Question Thanks for your reply. I'm now
comfortable with my Coralife 10,000K NO. Will try to consider CF but it
is hard to obtain 5500 or 6500K. After thinking through your reply and
going through your FAQs, I've come to the conclusion that the
problem with my larger tank is either coral competition, (soft coral
chemical warfare) or the bio-balls in my wet dry filtration producing
nitrates. Will keep you posted after thorough investigation. Regal angel Ok, maybe I'm nuts but you say in at least two places on your web site that the regal angels from the red sea are "easy to medium" while else where you wouldn't even try them. I too have heard this. If this really is true, I would like to know a red sea Regal's requirements in a home aquarium. Specifically, would a 4-5" one do well my 125 tank, it has been established for exactly 6 months and currently has a Maculosus angel, black durgeon (both at 5-6" w/the angel being larger than the trigger) and a panther grouper at about the same size who will in all probability be given to a friend. I've got an A-miracle filter and Venturi skimmer. Other tank mates would be a Sohal and purple tang added over the next 6 months. It has no live rock but the rock and fake coral that is in it has a nice layer of algae. I currently feed frozen prawns, angel formula, frozen shrimp, dried seaweed, frozen silver sides, and formula two. I feed twice a day on a rotation of different meaty foods but always angel formula and seaweed. I do 15 gallon water changes every 2 weeks with aged mixed water and baking soda. Tank temp- 80F, pH at 8-8.3, ammonia and nitrite- 0, nitrate at 12.5ppm (sometimes a little more), salinity is at 1.025 for the Maculosus angel. Would a red sea regal do well in this set up? I've have not had disease problems in this tank and I believe it is mostly due to the fact that I have chosen hardy fish and administer fresh water dips before putting a fish in. Would the regal and Maculosus get along? <no> Should I do more frequent water changes for the regal, I could step it up to weekly water changes? How aggressive is the regal? My current fish are moderately aggressive. Should I consider any new foods for the regal? I currently feed twice a day, once at 5:30PM and then again at 9PM, should I feed more often? Should I just not bother with this fish? Once again, I defer to your priceless knowledge and wish to share (your book is perhaps the real reason as to why I haven't had problems - Yaron Aronowicz >> Let's not get too carried away in the discussion of the Regal (Pygoplites)... as you should definitely just stick with the Maculosus in this system as a/the one large marine angel. The Regals from the Red Sea would do okay in all likelihood in the setting described... and they are not aggressive. Bob Fenner Regal angel fish I was wondering why the regal angel fish is
included in the restricted list? Is it that this fish has trouble
eating etc.? Thanks >> Hmmm, I don't compile the list, but do
have some idea of why this marine angel (Pygoplites diacanthus) may
well be there: Historically the vast majority don't live in
captivity... the ones from the Philippines in particular have dismal
survival records... more than 90% dead in a month of collection... Why?
Who knows. Most die mysteriously... from stress? Many refuse to eat...
However, seemingly contradictory experiences can be found with the same
species collected further into the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea... some
of these are GREAT feeders, hardy and more beautiful than their Indo
Pacific conspecifics.... At any length, I would only suggest the Regal
for advanced hobbyists with large, established reef systems, starting
with small specimens (4-5" overall length)... and coming from the
I.O. or Red Sea. Bob Fenner
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