FAQs on Parasitic Marine Worm Diseases: Flukes/Digenes & (Monogene)
Trematodes 2
FAQs on:
Flukes/Trematodes 1,
Flukes/Trematodes 3,
Flukes/Trematodes 4,
FAQs on Flukes/Trematodes:
Treatments That Don't Work,
Cures That Do Work,
Case Histories
Related Articles:
The Flatworms That Are Flukes
by Bob Fenner, Marine Parasitic Disease,
Parasitic Worms,
Related FAQs:
Fish Worm Diseases 1, Marine Worm Parasites 2,
Marine Worm Parasites 3, & FAQs
on Marine Worm Parasites: Diagnosis/Symptomology, Etiology/Prevention, Cures That Don't Work, Cures That Do Work,
"Other" Worms and Worm-Like Parasites...
Paravortex/Black Spot Disease,
De-worming Medicines, |
Fallow tank due to flukes 10/6/13
Hi crew!
I have a question concerning the life span/cycle of marine flukes
without a host. The question of how long to run a main tank
fallow has been asked for years and the answers range from a couple of
weeks to a few months.
<More the former>
I have been reading every article, scientific report and journal I can
find to determine how long Neobenedenia can live without a host.
Based on what I found the adult can live up to 5 days at 25 degrees C.
The eggs hatch within 4-6 days and if the larvae don't find a host
within 36 hrs they die.
I have yet to find any report of an egg remaining dormant (like
Cryptocaryon) at 25 degrees C.
<Sounds about right>
Based on this information if a tank is fallow for 15 days shouldn't the
life cycle be broken?
Do you know of any reports that contradicts this information?
Thank you!
<I do not. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fallow tank due to flukes 10/6/13
Hi Bob! Thank you for the quick response. I'm sorry to bother you with
this but I really wanted someone with knowledge of parasitic life cycles
and not just a guess:) My tank has been fallow for 4 weeks so I think
I'll begin moving the fish from their QTs back to the main. Thank you
again! Jen
<Certainly. B>
Re: Microscopic images
Here's more images.
<Some neat ones; 50, 13, and 12 are flukes... the last for sure; showing the
opisthaptor. 59, 60... some sort of crustacean; maybe an amphipod judging
from the legs... 79 and 81 are skin cells (and a color/chromatophore)... on
a ctenoid scale (you can see the serrated edge downward in this view)
I was wondering if you happen to see any information on the new research
into garlic extract (Allium) being effective in controlling Neobenedenia
<Not in recent times; but I haven't been searching for it/this. I'd take a
look on a large database. See WWM re doing such searches. Bob Fenner>
Jennifer |
Oh yes... Fluke

Crustacean; amphipod?
Scale, skin cells, chromatophore |
Re: Microscopic images, Fluke ID,
treatment input
Thanks Bob for the great feedback! I do have more images but they are
on my microscope. The fluke I identified as Neobenedenia girellae.
<May be>
I could be off base on that. I've been dealing with this
fluke since March mostly using PraziPro to no avail. I came across research
from China stating that Praziquantel is not as effective against this
species of flukes as others.
<Interesting. There are other Anthelminthics... as you likely are aware>
This led me to new research (published in August) stating the
effectiveness of garlic extract and Asaragopsis taxicormis against marine
flukes. They are both very interesting reads. Albeit preliminary perhaps
Thanks again for identifying these images!! Oh and feel free to use them if
the need arises.
<Ah, thank you. Bob Fenner>
Re: Microscopic images 9/2/13
I am aware of other Anthelminthics, however, most are harder on the fish
than PraziPro. Are there any that you would recommend?
<Mmm, best to refer you to what is posted/archived on WWM; and maybe one
Bob Fenner>
Re: Microscopic images 9/3/13
Very interesting article!! Thank you:)
<Welcome! Bob> |
Flame angel scratching; flukes f' 8/19/13
Hi crew! I have a Flame Angel in a QT that sometimes hangs out
under the HOB filter flow and was scratching against the tank
bottom. What could be causing this?
<A few possibilities; something to do w/ "water quality", just an itch,
possible parasitic infestation are the big three likelihoods>
Let me give some info first. We've been fighting flukes
for almost 2 months.
<Mmm, a lean toward the first poss. then>
I've used PraziPro utilizing various protocols which I can give you if
needed but the end result has been the same. I used hypo salinity as
outlined by B.K. Diggles in the abstract of marine monogea. I finally
did a formalin dip last Monday and put into a new tank. I've
watched him all week and no scratching. I began increasing the
salinity <actually spg> to introduce him back into the main tank.
<No more than a 0.001/thousandth per day>
On Sunday I saw him scratching on the tank bottom.
<So? May be nothing>
I prepared a FW dip in a black bucket and dipped him for 5 minutes. No
flukes that I could find utilizing a microscope.
<Likely aren't any>
As for hanging out under the filter he lays on his side like he's trying
to knock something off. Otherwise his color has come back.
<Ah good>
His face was faded for nearly 2 months. He eats like a pig.
Am I just being paranoid or did the formalin dip (20 minutes) not do the
<Already stated>
Please let me know if you need other information. Thank you! Jen
<Cheers, and I'd do nothing further. Bob Fenner>
Re: Flame angel scratching
Hi Bob! Thanks for getting ack so quick! In response to water quality I
have an ammonia badge
<Mmm, I don't trust these...>
on the QT which has registered 0 but he was acting hyper on Friday so I
checked the ammonia and it was at .25. I did 2 50% water changes to get
down to 0. The ammonia started creeping back up Saturday so I did
another water change. Could this cause him to scratch?
<Oh yes>
I've read salinity can be increased as much as .02 in 24 hrs
<No! MUCH easier "going the other direction", but it should not be
raised... as just stated... more than a thousandth a day>
so that is what I was doing. Could that cause scratching?
<... yes>
I am, however, heeding your advice and increasing by .01.
<You're missing a zero... perhaps a short read on significant figures...
I've been dealing with flukes off and on since March and it's getting
Thank again! Jen
<Another welcome. B>
<<RMF is now wondering "if" Jen IS spkg. of salinity, NOT spg...>>
Re: Flame angel scratching
Mmmm, yep I don't trust them either. Ok, good to know that both of these
can cause scratching. What about him lying sideways under the HOB water
flow? No need for reading on significant figures...just was in a
hurry and not paying attention:)
Thank you for answering all these questions! Jen
<Nothing odd re the hiding... due to handling et al... The fish will
soon become more outgoing. B>
Re: Flame angel scratching
Oh, he's outgoing!!:) I can't walk by the room without him flying
out from behind his PVC to beg for food. He's been in a QT since June.
He contracted Brooklynella from an unquarantined sea urchin. We
beat Brook via a series of formalin dips. It's a long story how he got
I will begin raising the salinity per your directions. Thank you kind
<Most welcome Jen. BobF>