FAQs on Parasitic Marine Worm Diseases: Flukes/Digenes & (Monogene)
Trematodes: Treatments That Don't Work
FAQs on:
Flukes/Trematodes 1,
Flukes/Trematodes 2,
Flukes/Trematodes 3,
Flukes/Trematodes 4,
FAQs on Flukes/Trematodes:
Cures That Do Work,
Case Histories
Related Articles:
The Flatworms That Are Flukes
by Bob Fenner, Marine Parasitic Disease,
Parasitic Worms,
Related FAQs:
Fish Worm Diseases 1, Marine Worm Parasites 2,
Marine Worm Parasites 3, & FAQs
on Marine Worm Parasites: Diagnosis/Symptomology, Etiology/Prevention, Cures That Don't Work, Cures That Do Work,
"Other" Worms and Worm-Like Parasites...
Paravortex/Black Spot Disease,
De-worming Medicines, |
Not copper...
Nor Malachite; or Methylene Blue
Neither Antimicrobials, Antibiotics
Nor generally just freshwater dips/baths alone (sans formalin)
Returning afflicted fishes to infested systems serves no purpose
Mela-"fix"? Worse than worthless
Gill worm / flukes /RMF 2/5/19
Dear Bob,
Flukes are back and this time they mean vengeance, we successfully eliminated
them last summer with General cure, however we dont have access to it anymore
and would take 45-60 days to get more. :(
We are struggling with Sera Tremazol (only stock solution available here), their
recommended dose is slightly less than 5mg / l, while you recommended 20mg/l in
one of the articles on WWM.
Additionally, while browsing online I've found one more method: " Another method
that can be used for capsalid Monogeneans is hyposalinity. In one study, 15 g/L
(ppt) salinity or lower for two days eliminated juvenile and adult Neobenedenia
melleni. When 15 g/L was maintained for 5 days, the hatching of N. melleni eggs
was prevented. It is important to note that some fish species may not tolerate
this treatment method. " Will this kill eggs within 5 days, or they will hatch
once salinity is brought up to normal?
<I don't know; but am concerned here. MIGHT it be worth "nuking" the system
(bleach, possibly formalin...) and bathing/dipping all fishes (formalin, pH
adjusted freshwater), to get rid of adult forms?>
This currently looks rather appealing to me, since it's easiest to administer.
Additionally, we would setup a bath for all fish and put them through it, in
order to eliminate adult specimens and relieve fish of pest
while let hypo do the work on the eggs/remaining flukes.
We have already dipped all fish through 5-7mins Freshwater with adjusted pH +
Tremazol + Furan2 dip, we've clearly seen flukes coming off. Fish looked
relieved for short period (24h) but now infestation is blooming again so we need
to deal with eggs in the system which are not controllable using Tremazol.
<Not fun>
In one of our emails, you have mentioned that some fish aren't tolerant to Hypo,
is there a list of those species which I could look at? Currently we have
Wrasse, Clownfish (not ocellaris), butterflies, tangs, angels both dwarf and
large, various watchmen gobies, blennies, Dottybacks, damselfish, file fish...
<Of those you list, Clownfish are the most sensitive. I WOULD watch, be present
while ALL are getting dipped>
If there is no list it would help if you could pin point those that aren't good
candidates for Hypo. Idea is to move fish that can't go into hypo to other
system where we would try to nuke it with high dose of
Tremazol to reach 20mg/l which you recommended.
Kind regards,
<I wish you good fortune. Bob Fenner>
Re: Gill worm / flukes - 02/04/19 /Now Sara
Dear Bob,
<Sara L. here today.>
Flukes are back and this time they mean vengeance, we successfully eliminated
them last summer with General cure, however we dont have access to it anymore
and would take 45-60 days to get more. :(
We are struggling with Sera Tremazol (only stock solution available here), their
recommended dose is slightly less than 5mg / l, while you recommended 20mg/l in
one of the articles on WWM.
<So start with 5mg/l and see what happens. If that doesn't work, raise it to 8
mg/l, then 12 mg/l, etc.>
Additionally, while browsing online I've found one more method: " Another method
that can be used for capsalid Monogeneans is hyposalinity. In one study, 15 g/L
(ppt) salinity or lower for two days eliminated juvenile and adult Neobenedenia
melleni. When 15 g/L was maintained for 5 days, the hatching of N. melleni eggs
was prevented. It is important to note that some fish species may not tolerate
this treatment method. " Will this kill eggs within 5 days, or they will hatch
once salinity is brought up to normal?
<Possibly. I would have to read the study to know what the researcher/writer
meant by saying that the low salinity prevented the hatching of eggs.>
This currently looks rather appealing to me, since it's easiest to administer.
Additionally, we would setup a bath for all fish and put them through it, in
order to eliminate adult specimens and relieve fish of pest
while let hypo do the work on the eggs/remaining flukes.
We have already dipped all fish through 5-7mins Freshwater with adjusted pH +
Tremazol + Furan2 dip, we've clearly seen flukes coming off. Fish looked
relieved for short period (24h) but now infestation is blooming again so we need
to deal with eggs in the system which are not controllable using Tremazol.
<If what you're dealing with here is N. melleni, I wonder why the surviving fish
didn't develop an immunity to the parasite after the first prolonged exposure.>
In one of our emails, you have mentioned that some fish aren't tolerant to Hypo,
is there a list of those species which I could look at? Currently we have
Wrasse, Clownfish (not ocellaris), butterflies, tangs, angels both dwarf and
large, various watchmen gobies, blennies, Dottybacks, damselfish, file fish...
If there is no list it would help if you could pin point those that aren't good
candidates for Hypo.
<Hyposalinity will cause any and all marine fish a degree of stress. How much
stress any given fish can stand is dependent on so many variables.
Whatever you do, make sure you acclimate the fish to the reduced salinity
Idea is to move fish that can't go into hypo to other system where we would try
to nuke it with high dose of Tremazol to reach 20mg/l which you recommended.
<Unfortunately, in these situations, no one can tell you for certain what is
best to do. If I were in your position, I would first treat all the fish with
Tremazol. If you are unsure of the dose, start at 5 mg/l, then go to 8 mg/l,
etc. Unless this is a bare bottom, fish and live rock only system, I would not
apply hyposalinity to the system as a whole.>
Kind regards,
<Cheers, Sara L.>
Re: Gill worm / flukes 2/5/19
Dear Sara,
Tremazol didn't work in suggested nor increased dosage. We applied doses twice
and we are still having issues fish are being eaten alive.
<What else have you tried?>
You will find quote regarding hyposalinity on this link on page 7:
<Wow. Great article. Unfortunately, it does not elaborate much on the use of
hyposalinity for treatment of marine fish. I don't know if hyposalinity kills
the eggs or not. Likely, if I had to guess, it probably damages them to the
point that a significant percentage of them will never hatch. That might be
sufficient to resolve the problem. Fish do have some ability to fight them off,
when not overwhelmed. As far as which of your fish might not tolerate
hyposalinity very well, again, it's hard to say. I would say
that any fish that is not known to be particularly hardy in captivity,
generally, is probably going to tolerate any sub-optimal condition less than the
more hardy species. The problem I see here is that you are going
to have to acclimate the fish to the hyposalinity, which will take at least days
and preferably weeks. If I'm understanding you correctly, it sounds like you
don't have that kind of time.>
I'm not sure which type of monogenean it is, but its killing off some of our
fish rather quickly, from the moment fish changes behavior its dead within 24h
with clear signs of being eaten, both on fins as well as head area, occasionally
there are open sores/wounds on the body as well. While other fish look perfect
and acting normally.
<Can you send in some pictures?>
All fish are in our 3600 liter quarantine system that's divided into boxes, each
box has its own drain which takes water down to central filtration unit, where
biological filtration and mechanical filtration are. Afterwards water is pumped
through the UV back into each box.
Water can't go between boxes, it has to go through drain>filtration>UV>into box.
While dosing Tremazol we did turn off UV and lowered skimmer foam so it doesn't
skim the medicine out.
Fish arrived from Bali, on 25th January, and we are battling flukes since day 2.
That's why we are in need of changing the method, this has proven to be
<The article you provided, from TAMU, mentions a lot of different treatment
options, one of which is copper. Have you tried copper in the quarantine system?
Cheers, Sara L.>
Re: Gill worm / flukes - 02/05/2019
I explained what we tried, Tremazol dosed fully twice, and fw bath with
Nitrofurazone and Tremazol once.
<Yes, I saw. I was wondering if you had tried anything else. I see the answer is
As for the article itself, yes it does explains vaguely and im unsure if it
kills eggs was hoping you guys would know more about it :(
<The more I think about it, the more I think the article must be saying that 5
days of hyposalinity "killed" the eggs. Because if hyposalinity merely prevented
hatching, why would 5 days be required? The statement seems to imply that the
eggs still hatched if exposed to less than 5 days.
Thus, something must change after 5 days. The prolonged hyposalinity must cause
some damage to the eggs after that period of time. I wish we could tell you for
sure. It's not an easy thing to test/find out directly. The best anyone can do
is observe to see if the eggs hatch. I suppose that if they don't hatch, then
you might just as well assume they are "dead.">
As for copper, we do dose it to 0.12-0.14ppm for controlling possible protozoan
infestations, didn't try to raise the dose due to wrasse and Centropyge being in
this system, lastly article says copper can control but not kill flukes so im
keen on applying more efficient method with, preferably less stress to fish than
having 0.2 Cu.
<If all you need is 5 days of hyposalinity, maybe it's worth a shot. Again, my
only worry is that you don't have time to acclimate the fish slowly enough.
Tough choices.>
As for pictures here are couple i have on my phone.
<Yikes! I'm sorry you struggling with this. Do let us know if you use the
hyposalinity and if it works.
Cheers and good luck,
Sara L.>
Re: Gillworm / flukes - 02/05/2019
We did fw + Tremazol double dose + Methylene blue 6-7 min dip on all fish
yesterday, lost only one since. (Already weakened meleagris leopard wrasse).
We started pumping freshwater in the system slowly, sg dropped 1022>1016 within
5 hours, we let it stay at 1016 overnight and are lowering it down to 1010
today. Plan is to do it over the course of 6 - 8 hours.
Fish look fairly better than yesterday, hiding less and overall looking more
<Ah, good. Sometimes fish are pretty tough.>
Your conclusion regarding 5 days seems logical, i hope you are right. It would
make no sense to put fish through hypo if its not efficient, so i guess you are
<::crossing fingers::>
Thanks for your continues effort in helping with this matter.
<I feel for you. I do hope all turns out well.>
Sara L.>
Re: Gillworm / flukes - 02/07/2019
2 days straight no deaths. Dip+hypo definitely helped. I think its under
control now.
Thanks a lot for your help.
<I'm not sure how much I helped, but you're certainly welcome.>
Sara L.>
Coldwater box fish with flukes
I have an Ornate Boxfish that came to me last September in poor shape. He
had a very cloudy eye and what looked like a lump on one fin.
He is still in qt almost 8 months later although he now shares qt with a
few starfish, some snails and some anemones.
His tank is 75 gallons, kept at 61 degrees and he is well fed and cleaned.
The cloudy eye cleared up within a month, but the lump stayed. After 4
months, the lump was gone, but small spots showed up on all his fins.
These turned into the exact same kind of lump as the original blemish on
his pectoral fin, except they were all over all his fins. We treated with
<No!!! An at times toxic scam>
Prazi, formalin (twice), Neoplex, Ruby reef
<.... see WWM Re>
Hydroplex and vitamins. We even did a freshwater dip on the back half of
him, while keeping salt water running over his gills and mouth.
One day, we did a manual inspection on these lumps and I tried to remove
one. It came off with just a bit of effort, and upon inspection under a
microscope, we found it had a leach type mouth and was actively looking for
its host. We removed 15 in total from the fish.
We treated the wounds with polysporin and they appear to be healing. We
also ran a double dose of Prazi after we removed the parasites. However it
is a month later and we notice there are some very fine white dots and a
couple of these dots appear to be growing.
<See (as in actually READ on WWM re other Anthelminthics.... coldwater
settings... don't work as well>
How do we break the cycle and get rid of these pests?
<Reading... don't have the time, desire to re-key>
I would like to get the boy into his permanent home eventually and don't
want to have him continue to suffer with parasites.
Here is an image of the flukes after we removed them. They were about 10mm
diameter, and looked like poplar seeds. They were flat, round and slightly
raised in the middle. They appeared to have a small 'tail', no eyes, and a
round sucker mouth on the underside. I froze them, in case someone could
give me a better ID.
<Neat! Write back later after reading, trying other Vermifuges. READ before
trying misc. "medicines" that are scams. Bob Fenner>
Re: Cupramine leeching 8/8/15
Thanks again. So I did a freshwater dip with Methylene blue (as I was able to
get this at the LFS). Formalin, I was only able to find online and I did order
it, but wanted to get started asap. He jumped around quite a bit. I did get
worried as I have read that trying to jump is a sign of distress, and I know
blennies are generally sensitive, so he was probably in the solution maybe 5
minutes. I am hoping that the Cupramine for just under three weeks and the small
amount of time with the meth blue worked on his Trematodes.
<... The freshwater may, but copper and Methylene Blue neither do really.
See WWM re Trematodes; their treatment with purposeful Anthelminthics>
I'm sure I will let you know!!!! He is back in his DT, peeking around live
rocks. I want to make him fat and happy before I put his frenemy, the Royal
gramma back in too.
The last email we discussed entrenched crypt populations, and the possible
futility of fallow periods. I will observe these two fish, once they are both in
the 55 together and consider a complete tank overhaul should I suspect
undesirable critters lay waiting. I can do this because I have a spare 90 gallon
laying empty about my home. I just don't care for its location as it is in a
room we don't frequent as much as the 55. This is why I started up the 55 and
not the 90. Too many rooms, too much cleaning, tanks and otherwise. Of course, I
always knew having both tanks eventually running would be a matter of time, as
this is quite the addiction.
Thank you, thank you. Alyson R
<W. B>
Please help. Long term copper exposure; fluke trtmt.
I am at a loss as I have had a fish tank with a Blueface Angel,
Majestic Angel, Emperor Angel, two Ocellaris Clownfish and a Regal Tang.
I had been treating for an outbreak of ICH some three months ago which
had gone but left the Cupramine at 0.5 for several months
<Detrimental to have fishes exposed for such a long time to copper>
as I was hoping to add another fish. However the Majestic, BlueFace and
Emperor became blotchy and twitching from side to side. I therefore did
an 80% water change with fresh seawater fearing it might be the long
term exposure to the Cupramine
<Yes; at least>
however the fish are getting worse. The Ocellaris and Regal Tang are
totally unaffected and it cannot be Ich, flukes etc due to the Copper
<Uh, no... Copper does not effectively kill Trematodes. Read here:
I would administer a purposeful Anthelminthic as gone over...>
and I would have thought if it was Ich the Regal Tang would be showing
<Likely so>
I have had the Majestic and Blueface for around 18 months and the
Emperor for 6 months so really do not want them to die.
<... sampling, 'scope use... The only means of effectively ascertaining
what you're dealing with here. Perhaps pay for a download (on Amazon) of
Ed Noga's Fish Treatment book for background and SOPs>
Any ideas please as I am stuck for a reason.
<A bit more reading>
Thank you in advance, Adam.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Marine Monogenea/Trematodes
<Hi there>
I work at a tropical fish store in North San Diego, Ca.
<Oh, Tri?! Am in Mira Mesa, land o' fish head eaters
We frequently have problems with a fluke or Trematode I believe, in our
marine fish only system, but it is not digenetic, nor is it species or
genus specific.
Copper treatments do not kill them,
<Not unusual>
and they are extremely hard to see unless on the eyes of fish.
Freshwater dips cause them to turn translucent/cream white and start to
fall off in about 30 seconds.
<I'd add a bit of formalin, aeration...>
Some fish, especially large angelfish of the genus Pomacanthus
sometimes come in from Indonesian trans-shipments with upwards of
500-1000 of these pests on one large fish, coming from the gills, eyes,
from under scales, and covering pectoral and caudal fins completely in
some cases.
<Have seen such>
Specimens that are infested this badly often die within 48-72 hours
after dip unless hospitalized in a strong solution of
"Bifuran" by Hikari (Nitrofurazone) or sometimes we use
formaldehyde or malachite green. The store is hard to maintain, but I
am fairly adept at recognizing the signs that a fish may need
treatment, and there are several fish which are not affected, but many
which are surprisingly small or fine scaled, are.
<Mmm, I'd avail myself of a workable Anthelminthic... Read
and the linked FAQs files above>
My problem, and the reason I am contacting you, is that I am currently
keeping a 40 gallon mixed/SPS dominant reef tank. Specs: 40 gallon
display, 29 gallon sump, highly overrated protein skimmer, large
cryptic/dark zone with profuse sponge growth, vertex pro bio pellets
running in an Eheim canister, 9.5 Mag return, lighting; 70watt metal
halide, 24 one watt l.e.d.'s and two 24watt T5-HO bulbs. I have a
2" sand bed of fine grain and about 25lbs. live rock. I am housing
several clams and 30+ LPS and SPS. The only "soft" corals are
Palythoa, Dendronephthya, Ricordea florida, and a very nice blue
Clavularia sp. I also keep a healthy colony of Haliclona sp. sponge and
several other cryptic spp. of sponges, ascidians and tunicates that I
have collected from the sumps of the invert system over the years.
What I am getting at is that I don't want to tear apart my poor
reef, but I have an infestation of these Trematodes or whatever they
are, on fish which I didn't think they would normally infect. I am
currently keeping one Opistognathus aurifrons, one Liopropoma swalesi,
one Synchiropus splendidus, one Synchiropus picturatus, several Trimnas
and Eviota gobies, two Nemateleotris magnifica, one N. decora, one
Elacatinus oceanops and two Discordipinna griessingeri. I am also
housing various inverts (obviously), but I do not keep cleaner
So far, the Jawfish, all three Firefish and the neon goby all have
"bugs" and I am positive they are suffering the same
infestation the fish store is. The only one I can easily catch is the
neon goby (they swim into the net or your hand!). I don't see any
possible way for me to catch the Jawfish or Firefish without tearing
down my aquarium in order to administer freshwater dips.
Will "PraziPro" help, and if so, what will it kill in my
reef? Any other suggestions?
<The Prazi might help... but can be toxic... I'd remove the
fishes (yes, even if you have to take the tank apart) and treat
Thanks in advance for any advice or help you can give!
~Patrick R. Laird
Specific Gravity: 1.023
Temp.: 76-78
P.H.: 8.1-8.3
Calcium: maintained at 420-480ppm
Alkalinity: maintained above 7 DKH but never able to bring above
Magnesium: 1280
I change 8 gallons once a week with water made from reef crystals and
R.O. water, mixed and heated to same specific gravity and temp. as
<Mmm, did I meet you at DonW's do a couple years back? Bob
Re: Marine Monogenea/Trematodes 2/8/11
Yes, Tri-City. I did meet you at Don's, about 6 years ago. I was 18
or 19 and had probably been in the marine hobby for less than a year.
Don helped me out a lot back then by pointing me in the direction of
people who understood things well, and he also gave me some great deals
on used equipment for my first
reef tank. He passed away recently, I'm sorry to say.
<Ahh! Don was my (4277 Taylor St.) employer in the late 60's. A
major influence in the trade back then>
Thanks for your help, I am going to hope the critters can hang on until
I move, in about 2 months and treat them all then. In the meantime,
have you observed any benefit of adding a prophylactic? Like Marine
"fishkeeper" or Napthoquinone?
<I have not, nor heard/read consistent reliable accounts of their
Cheers, BobF>
Thanks again,
Sick Lionfish, incl. Monogenetic Trematodes
03/07/06 Dear Bob, <Chris> Lately my lionfish has suffered
from monogenes ( the worms that move around the fish and cause cloudy
eyes....looks like ick) <Yes.... Trematodes... direct lifecycle
types... can be real trouble...> I didn't know what they were
until it was too late because the lionfish was not scratching and it
continued to eat like a pig. <For others, and highly unlikely for
the last time, a/the simple pH-adjusted FW bath/dips that have been
advocated for so dang long, will/would take care of these flatworms...
Dang! Okay.> I attempted to feed it medicated food several occasions
however it didn't seem to cure whatever was growing on the fish.. I
didn't learn what it was until my friend pointed it out and called
em monogenes. That night that he came over my lion had stopped eating..
So I gave him a 4 minute freshwater dip and then placed him into a
50gallon breeder tank with no substrate and medicated water with Copper
Safe and Formalin 2. I did the formalin 2 for 3 days and I didn't
see a whole lot of improvement <Might have been too late by then>
and then I followed up with three days of Tetracycline and 3 days of
half dose of Maracyn. The fishes eyes cleared up and improved 98% and
the monogenes all seemed to fall off. <Oh! Good!> The fish has
been in the quarantine tank for roughly 10days.. The tail that had tail
rot seemed to stopped rotting and it seem to remain the same size. I
saw the same conditions on Saturday. The tail looked like it wasn't
getting worse and the eyes looked pretty clear. However the fish
hasn't ate for 14 days. So I decided maybe if I move the fish back
into the main tank <...? Is this a/the source of the Trematodes?>
it would start to eat and heal up. I noticed that when I caught the
fish he gave me a hard time catching him and when I placed him in the
main tank its tail looked much worse then it looked on Saturday however
prior to catching it the tail seemed to be the same as it looked on
Saturday. Overall the rest of the body is in great shape. Its a 14 inch
lionfish and it has a huge home to live in. The tank he resides in is
240 gallon tank. I know you say the best way to get rid of a bacterial
problem is to have stable water. <Generally, yes... Given the
animal/s are "strong enough" otherwise> My water in my
main tank is testing just fine right now. Was I right for moving him
into back into the main tank? <Doesn't read like you had much
choice> What is the best way to win over a bacterial infection and
to get a fish to start eating again seeing the situation that I am in
now? Sincerely, Christopher Faiola <IF the animal can be made to
eat, eats, to "sneak" a broad-spectrum gram negative
antibiotic into its food would be my choice here. If not, to make a
bath of this, in concentration, and soak the fish in it for ten,
fifteen minutes (with aeration). Bob Fenner>
Flukes? 2/25/03 Hi!<Hey Steve! Phil here!> I think my
fish have flukes.<Oh no.. not good.> They get white things on
them, Head & sides. I give them a fresh water dip & see these
white things stretch out like worms & jump off. I have already lost
most fish. they start hiding & breathing hard & die. I think I
will lose my last few fish. What I'm wondering is how long I should
Leave the tank empty to get rid of them? Will they get on shrimp, crabs
or starfish?<These guys are fine.> Thank you! Steve<Well
Steve.. I'm glad your dipping your fish in fresh water. But you
can't add them back to the main tank right away! Then need to be
placed in a hospital tank for at least 4 weeks. The main tank MUST run
w/o fish for this amount of time so these fluke-like creatures die off.
Remember to place all new livestock/live rock in a hospital tank for at
least 4 weeks also to stop any viruses from entering your main tank!!
Hope this helps and good luck! Phil>
Wholesale fish to UK and fish gill flukes 6/18/03 Dear
Anthony, <cheers, my friend> Just to let you know, I received my
fish yesterday. I acclimatized them as I described and yesterday the
fish were not looking too good. <common for transshipped
specimens... often no worries> This morning however, all the fish
are up and swimming around and most are feeding already, which I am
very pleased about. <excellent to hear> 1 was sent a cream angel,
which was DOA, <a lovely but fragile fish indeed> the 2 convict
tangs were large, one DOA the other was in a bad state but has settled
well. The clown/Pyjama tangs are doing well, a tad aggressive but not
hurting anything. <heehee... typical... bullies> the powder blue
tangs are very good, around 5", very full body and bright in
colour. the other fish I received were Scott's fairy wrasse. these
are doing very well, lovely little fish. <quite challenging to
keep... requires a very high quality diet. And likely a tank with no
tangs, clowns, damsels or active/aggressive feeders> I was wondering
if I could ask your advice again? <always welcome my friend> in
another tank I have an Addis butterfly, gold ring butterfly, Auriga
butterfly and a baby epaulette shark. <interesting> I have
noticed the butterflies have been flicking their heads against the rock
work and shaking a lot. <yes... AKA "glancing". Indicative
of gill irritation. Most often caused by water quality or actual
parasites on the gills as you would expect> I have treated with
various treatments as I am sure that it is a parasite/flukes. <quite
commonly> I have used Myxazin (don't know if you have it over
there-it is a Waterlife product), removed the fish and tried copper,
and now have resulted in MelaFix. <I can assure you that Melafix is
a complete waste of time/money if they are flukes. > can you suggest
any other treatment other than a freshwater dip (as I am not confident
enough to carry this out-I know it is easy and have done it before but
I don't like doing it) the main problem is the shark and I
don't want this to spread as I want to add some of my stock to the
tanks once conditioned. the Addis butterfly (my pride and joy) has
scraped against the decor so hard that it has broken the scales and
they are reddening. <do consider a Formalin treatment... long bath
on the tank or stronger dose in a dip. Methylene blue may be added
cautiously/judiciously> this is my favourite fish and was difficult
to obtain. other than this there are no other external signs on the
fish. Any suggestions would be gratefully received! <the shark
really jams things up here... it is sensitive to metals and organic
dyes as well as lower salinity which all would help your primary
treatment with Formalin. It would be best to remove the shark for a 4
week isolation period... unless this tank is not bare bottomed in which
case it should not be medicated at all. Leave the shark and pull all
others to QT> thanks again, and I hope you can answer, thank you for
giving up your time. Regards, Sam Baker <best of luck, my friend!