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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Wurdemannia miniata Red Filament
Algae. Bunches to a foot in diameter. Deep red tangled masses of fine, hair
like branched filaments. Roatan 2016 |

Epinephelus inermis
(Valenciennes, 1833) , the
Marbled Grouper. Trop. western Atlantic. A larger juvenile here shot by
LeenaH in Key Largo, 2016 |
.JPG) |
Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum 1792), is THE Hogfish in the
tropical western Atlantic. A beauty when small (most offered in the
trade at 6-8 inches) but quickly grows BIG (to thirty-two inches in the
wild!). A shy giant that often comes in too beat to acclimate to
captivity. A juv. in Key Largo, 2016 by LeenaH |
Kyphosus secatrix (Linnaeus 1766), the Bermuda Sea Chub. West and
eastern Atlantic coasts, mid-latitudes to tropics. To 76 cm. Feeds on
algae, mollusks, small crustaceans. Roatan 2016 |