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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cinachyra sp. Orange Ball Sponge.
Tropical West Atlantic, to 100 foot depth, under ledges, in protected areas.
To about 1/2 foot diameter orange ball-shapes, with many excurrent siphons
riddling their surface.
Roatan 2016 |

Amphimedon compressa, Erect Rope Sponge. Erect and smooth
appearing. Roatan 2016 |
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Pomatostegus stellatus, the Star Horseshoe Worm, family
Serpulidae. 1-1 1/2". Tropical West Atlantic. U to wing-shaped crowns
whose radioles can be variable, but are covered by an operculum which
lacks spikes and is circular in shape. Typically bored into living coral
as here in
Roatan 2016 |
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Thalassia testudinum, Turtle Grass. Up to 2 ft. tall, 1/2" width.
Found in shallows to 65 foot depths. Tropical West Atlantic in sand, mud
beds in which it firmly anchors itself. A young bed/stand in
Roatan 2016 |