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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Titanoderma sp.
The pinkish crust and filaments on many bubble algae is a combination of
two Red Algae. The pinkish grey filamentous bit is Fosliella farinosa
which is found growing epiphytically on many macrophytes in shallow waters.
Titanoderma appears as thin crusts up to 5 mm in diam. Roatan 2016 |

Porolithon pachydermum, Reef Cement. The actual credit for
holding reefs together, cementing sand and living bits together... and
holding them there through storms and eons should go to this species.
Holes here caused by the Chiton Acanthochitona lata Pillsbury. |
Coelothrix irregularis (Harvey) Boergesen. Bright
iridescent blue wiry turf, 2-3 cm. tall. Irregularly branched, upright.
To 10 m. Turks and Caicos 2007.
.JPG) |
Bodianus rufus (Linnaeus 1758), the Spanish Hogfish. Western
Atlantic; Bermuda to Brazil. To sixteen inches maximum length. In the
wild eats mollusks, urchins, Brittlestars, crustaceans, and juveniles
act as facultative cleaners. Hardy aquarium species. Roatan 2017 |