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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
bispinosa (Gunther 1860),
Two-Spined, Dusky or Coral Beauty Angel (2). Usually hardy from everywhere
but the Philippines. Found widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific to central
Pacific. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
Centropyge heraldi Woods & Schultz 1953,
Herald's or the False Lemonpeel Angel, are overall yellow
with a variable amount of black on their dorsal fins and behind
the eyes (males), but never with the blue outline around the eyes
of the "true" Lemonpeel, Centropyge flavissimus. Central
and western Pacific Ocean. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Centropyge loricula (Gunter
1874), the Flame Angel (1), is a staple in the ornamental marine
trade, with some 5,000 individuals collected and sold worldwide
every week. Western to central Pacific Ocean. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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auriga Forsskal 1775, the Threadfin Butterflyfish. A great beauty and
hardy aquarium specimen, though it will eat coral polyps and anemones.
See other materials on this species by clicking on name. Widespread
Indo-Pacific. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |