FAQs about Scorpionfishes:
Related Articles: Lionfish & Their Relatives, Keeping Lionfishes
and their Scorpaeniform Kin Part 1, Part 2, by
Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner, Dwarf
FAQs on Scorpionfishes: Scorpaeniform Fishes 1,
Scorpaeniform Fishes 2,
Scorpaeniform Fishes 3,
Scorpaeniform Fishes 4,
FAQs on Scorpionfishes by Category:
Behavior, Compatibility,
Systems, Feeding,
Herbal remedies, "fixes" need not apply. And careful w/
Metals, Dyes...
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Erratic Fish behavior, Scorpaeniform cascade event,
losses 3/15/11
Hi there,
I'm relatively new to using WetWebMedia, so forgive me if I do not
follow all of your guidelines. Anyways, here's my question--
I have a used 100 gallon tank, with a 180 gallon on the way. My
inhabitants include a dogface puffer(5-6 inches), niger
trigger(5-6inches), Vlamingii tang(5inches)(I know it gets huge,
it's still pretty small.), and 2 chromis. My tank was overstocked
when this happened, and I have lost many fish because of my ignorance
to the most important rule of having a SW tank. My former sea goblin
was the first one to exhibit these problems. The sea goblin suddenly
swam very erratically, and since it was venomous, I was concerned for
both my fish and myself. When it died, the symptoms moved to my prized
Rhinopias. He died as well.
<Aye yi yi>
I might want to mention that my nitrates were super high 80ppm+, so I
think that this caused the first die offs. The fish that start to act
weird also stop eating. Then, it moved to my Mombasa lionfish, again,
another venomous fish.
He was the only survivor, and is now @ my LFS. When the fish swim
erratically, they bash into the glass, rocks, etc. After the lion, my
blue throat started doing it, and he knocked himself out from bashing
himself against the glass. We removed him, but he did not survive. The
tank's nitrates became very good once most of the fish were gone
After a week or so, my fish began showing the same symptoms again. This
time it was my niger, doing the same bashing, and stuff. Today, he
jumped into my overflow and knocked down one of my heaviest rocks. This
has me concerned, as this only happens to one fish at a time. I'm
worrying that it'll move onto my puffer and tang, who are like my
children (I'm only 14).
I was wondering if it had anything to do with a stray current, but I
feel nothing when I stick my hand into the tank.
<Easy to test/measure w/ a simple multi-tester...>
Here are my parameters--
Ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrite- 0ppm
Nitrate- 20-40 ppm (fluctuating, I don't know why-- I think
it's my test bottles)
Phosphate- 10ppm
<Yikes! Really? This is way too high>
Ph- 8.0
The dimensions of the tank are 45 x 25 x 20
<And this volume way too small for what you had>
So, can you tell me what's wrong or at least give me an idea?
I'm ready to get out of the hobby-- there's a lot of money
involved in this, and it's driving me and my folks crazy. Please
-Nick, Utica, NY.
<I suspect what you hint at... that metabolite accumulation (as
indicated by high NO3) brought about a poisoning by one or more of your
fishes... taking the rest w/ them. Less fish life, more room, increased
filtration are what you need/ed. Bob Fenner>
Blind Lion Fish 9/26/08 Hi Guys, This is
Francis from Brunei Darussalam, a regular visitor of your website for
the past couple of years, writing to you guys for the first time.
<Well met Francis> Well, I have a six feet reef aquarium stable
for the past couple of years, and a four feet with a single lion fish (
he is now more than 18 months old in my tank & around 10 inches in
size), trained to eat frozen shrimp. <Good> The four feet has a
simple blue & white T5 lighting arrangement. The lion was happy
until two weeks back when he suddenly became blind . He is stressed
since then ( colour deep red ). I still manage to feed him with feeder
stick once in two days, but takes almost an hour to feed. I really pity
him , can anything be done, I have no idea of disposing him. Rgds,
Francis. <Mmm, the twin "causes" of most all Lionfish
blindness are over overly bright lighting (with no caves, overhangs to
get out of the light) and avitaminoses. Both are covered on WWM. You
can peruse here: http://wetwebmedia.com/liondisfaqs.htm and the linked
files in the series (above) or use the search tool... "Lionfish
Blindness" here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm Bob
Re: Blind Lion Fish - 09/28/08 Thanks
for the tip Bob, The FAQs & articles provide information on the
causes for lionfish blindness. Has there been any case of a blind
lionfish regaining its eyesight ( too ambitious !!! ). <Yes my
friend> I am sure he will perish if I let him go into the sea,
<Please... never release life to novel habitats> the store will
not take him back, so decided to keep him as long he can go even though
there is no more fun. It has become more a responsibility than
pleasure. I made some alterations to the live rock landscaping &
reduced lighting. Thanks again. Rgds, Francis. <And even if blind,
these fish/es can be trained to accept foods offered by tongs... Bob
Re: Blind Lion Fish...Ribbon Eel
10/6/08 Bob & Crew, <Bob is out of net access, Scott V.
with you.> Sad news Bob, my lion gradually stopped eating. I
couldn't do anything. Knew he was in his last days. Requested
the LFS lady to keep him till he passes away. Couldn't bear to see
him die in my home after 18 months. Finally he died after one
week in the LFS. <Sorry to hear this.> One more blunder again.
Saw a blue ribbon eel ( almost 3 ft long) at the store which had
arrived recently, fell in love & bought it immediately (emptied my
wallet). Later checked your web site , worried now. <...> Made a
nice home with PVC pipes & bends, he has settled down well in
it. But the fellow hasn't eaten for five days, I am trying
all tricks & gimmicks, but no results. When will I ever learn
? Don't know what to do. <I would return him if at all possible.
Do check to see all livestock actually feeds before buying. Even then
these eels are usually better left in the ocean!> Rgds, Francis.
<Scott V.>
Red volitin lionfish... Env. troubles... induced
05/23/08 My husband is deployed and in middle east and we have
a 100gal tank with lionfish, wrasse, angel fish, clowns, tangs, butterlfly fish, live rock, condilastic anemones, and rose anemones.
This tank is really his baby. It's an established tank for over 2
years. The lionfish is over 10 inches (named Triton) and is showing
signs of ich. He's got cloudy eyes and some spots. Started after he
added the rose anemone . I've changed water, tested for ph and
nitrate problems, etc. I do not have a quarantine tank. I know I can
treat for ich with meds but might kill the anemones, rock, and
lionfish. Is there another way. Keep in mind, I'm really learning
as I go. <All of us... the situation here is really one of troubles
due to crowding... you need to remove the anemones... likely some of
the fishes... or get/use a much larger system... Please read re the
needs (systems) of the species listed here on WWM... add up the
gallonage... you're vastly short. Bob Fenner>
Volitans ate a suction cup - Take Extreme Caution When Handling!
10/18/05 Bob, I wanted to share a story with you and your readers.
My 10" Volitans Lionfish, Leo, got himself into quite a
predicament this morning, but luckily he survived it. Leo, you see eats
EVERYTHING. He eats frozen cubes normally but this morning as I was
cleaning the tank a blue suction cup came lose (about 1/2"
diameter) from a tube. I saw it and shooed him away. Before I
could grab it he went in for seconds and ATE it. I was beside myself on
the web trying to find a solution. All I could find is that they do not
regurgitate and basically he would die. I refused to give up and
planned to trap and catching with clean, new rubber kitchen gloves and
pluck it out of his mouth (which was open) with long surgical
tweezers. The ending: as I was chasing him around the tank he
expelled the item and I grabbed it this time quick before he could go
for thirds. He seems no worse for the wear. The suction cup was kind of
slimy though, as if he was trying to digest it. He had it in him for
about an hour. Would my plan have worked? I was desperate to save him.
Chrissi <Mmm, I am very cautious around pteroine fishes, having been
"stung", poked a few times... the spines in question will go
right through gloves... Am very glad yours chose to cough up the
object. Bob Fenner>
Help with Lionfish Please help my poor
lionfish. I've had had him for about six months and he
has grown enormous and done very well. We recently went on
vacation for one week and had a friend care for the fish with our
detailed instructions. The clown dish died while
we were gone and the lionfish is very sick he has a film all over him
and obviously can't breath. We have called all the shops
that we normally frequent and no one has been of any help. I
am an uneducated aquarium owner but I do love my fish please tell me
what to do!!!!!!!!!!!! >>Ok, I'm not going to bother you with
any other details, here's what the rule is when in doubt--DO A
WATER CHANGE. I'd not worry about vacuuming the
substrate, I'd just remove about 50% of the water and replace with
fresh (either seawater purchased at the LFS) and heated to temp, or
mixed at home and aerated/circulated) for 24 hours ASAP, and plan to
have another one the next day. >>In the meantime, you can provide
me the following information: >>1: Size of the system >>2:
Filtration >>3: Occupants, sizes, & how long at home.
>>4: Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test readings (other pertinent
depending may be needed depending on the type of system *Reef &
Type vs. Fish Only/-With Live Rock (FOWLR)* for instance) >>This
along with the other information you've provided really helps us
help you. I suspect the water's become polluted,
probably because of overfeeding. A water change will always
help this. Do that, then if he's still looking really
bad, or need more help, let me know (just include my name in the
response), I'll get back to you ASAP. Best of
luck! Marina
Fish shedding parts I & II 2/8/03 Piggy the
lionfish is starting to change colors and act a little
funny. I read a couple of things about shedding and wondered
if any of you had seen this and could describe it for
me. Like what parts do they shed and how often etc.
<categorically shedding ("sloughing" is not normal or
healthy for most fishes. It is a sign of extreme duress. Usually
comprised of mucus, it is tripped by a virulent parasitic infection, or
more often by severe changes in water quality (ammonia burn, acidosis
from low pH, overmedication, etc)> Also we were looking at a DSB and
I saw a reference somewhere on your site for mixing live sand with some
kind of sand from Home Depot to get the required
amount. Is this all right to do and if so could you tell me
exactly what kind of sand to use. I believe I read that on
one of the FAQs that Anthony answered, but I'm not sure.
<true... most aragonite sand it all the same. Just packaged and
marketed differently. Home Depot sells "South Down" brand
child's play sand that says on the bag "Caribbean beach
sand". It also says not for aquarium use because they have a big
contract with a notable aquarium sand distributor that charges a lot
more fore the same stuff> Thanks for the help Bryan Flanigan **
Piggy the Lionfish Part II Hey guys and gals, Piggy the lion is looking
much worse--much much worse. <have you tested all of your water
chemistry? Please do. And then follow that wish a water change (as
large as can be done safely)> He is currently laying against a rock,
kind of on his side, his gills are working pretty hard. He
won't move when we open the cover (he usually comes right up to the
top). His overall color has kind of went from brown and
cream to brown and pinkish brown. The color change has been gradual
starting about a week ago. There are no spots or anything
unusual that I can see. <has there been an addition of a new fish,
rock, plant or coral without quarantine recently? Perhaps a disease was
introduced> I feed him frozen prawn and squid. He hasn't really
eaten in about 3 days <no worries on the lack of food> I've
rechecked all the water tests salinity 1.022, ammonia 0, nitrite 0,
nitrates around 5, ph 8.2 just like it always is. The temp
is 80. Nothing I have read about shedding remotely resembles this.
<do move this fish to a QT tank then and treat with
Formalin... never copper with scaleless fishes> I fear he will be
bacon in the morning. I know that's not funny Any
suggestions would be appreciated <read through the archives here at
WWM on disease and learn freshwater dip protocol... do that until you
can get Formalin> Bryan Flanigan Piggy the Lionfish <best
regards, Anthony>
Fish Shedding part III (dosing with Formalin) 2/8/03 Hi
Anthony- I just mixed up 20 gallons of new water 5 hours ago for a new
piece of live rock which is in it. Can I put him in there or
is that too soon after mixing. <if it has been aerated
and has turned clear, it is likely OK (albeit quick). Also, the
temperature must be right on and not raised by using hot water (low
dissolved O2). Still... all raw water however well-aged is never
recommended. Too stressful. Steal some away for the tank and swap with
aquarium water. Have no fear of a communicable pathogen... if its
there, we know its coming in with the fish anyway. Plus... few cysts
are in the water... their are on the body or on the substrate pending
hatch. So... take some old water and mix it in please> There has
only been one addition, a piece of rock with a couple of polyps and
feathery things growing on it. <likely not a huge risk
unless it was bough from a tank that had fish in it recently (in which
case it was no different than adding a sick fish without QT). Indeed,
the rule of thumb for safety is that every thing wet (plant, algae,
rock, fish, coral, sand, etc) gets QT for 4 weeks. Only then can you
have piece of mind> It does have a large area that has become
completely covered with a dark thick reddish black covering that is
slowly spreading to cover the whole piece of rock. <not
related... simply a BGA> Also, my wife is a nurse and has access to
10% Formalin. Is that it? <we can use it.
Standard fish solutions are actually 35-40%. With this concentration we
dose 2-4 ml per 10 liters of saltwater in a bucket (heated) for 30
minutes. With your 10% solution, use 10ml per 10 l (say 3 gallons)>
It would be the fastest place to get it. <go for it bub... do this
dip daily for 3-5 days minimum. QT tank should be bare bottomed, unlit
and gets daily water change from the bottom (siphoning parasites as if
they are there)> Thanks for the help Bryan Flanigan <best
regards, Anthony>
Fish Shedding - the end. Hi Anthony- Well Piggy the Lionfish
is dead <Alas... I am truly sorry to hear it my friend> The
freshwater dip I fear came too late. <indeed... and no
worries on procedure- it is likely that the troubles were much bigger
or advanced than the dip could have helped at that point> He was
very unresponsive when I netted him. Didn't struggle at
all. The temp and ph of the freshwater were right
on. He sank to the bottom, twitched slightly every 3-4
seconds about 10-12 times, then extended his fins and spines fully, his
gills puffed out and he froze in that position.
<weakened beyond saving it sounds like> I examined him a little
and he looks normal except for the color and he has a slight bulge in
the anal region. <hmmm...> About a week ago he scooped up a lot
of shells with his squid and I was never sure if he coughed them all
out. I did notice that he hung upside down a lot this last
week. <indeed consistent symptomatically with
impaction> Any way he's dead now and I don't have the
stomach to cut him apart to find out if a shell is in there.
<understood and agreed. We know such risks exist an that it all we
need to know. Still quite sorry to hear it> I want to thank you for
your help. It does make us feel better that we tried to help
our pet even if it still died. I also really appreciate the fact that
you got right back to me. You all are the
greatest Long Live WWM Bryan Flanigan <it is our pleasure
and purpose to help here. Wishing you happier times and knowing there
will be. Kindly, Anthony>
Lion In Trouble? Hi guys. <Scott F. your guy tonight>
I'm having a lionfish problem. Went through FAQ's and they
helped me rule out some diseases lol! <Well, they did their job,
then!> Red Vol. Lion, had 9 months, 5" long, 50gal tank (for
now only of course) tank mates are several smart damsels who hide a lot
and a 2.5" Niger Trigger. Water tests show: Ammonia 0 ph 8.2 temp
0 and salinity 1.027, can't find my dang nitrate and nitrite test
kits. This tank has been running for about 6 months with no problems.
Lion eating mostly silver sides and krill. Trying to get him onto
better variety. <Always a good idea...but it's good to see that
this fish is eating "marine" foods> Yesterday, I noticed
him being more lethargic than usual, sitting on bottom and leaning to
one side. He would then heave himself up and swim a bit only to go back
down. Now he is just laying on right side in one spot. No visible
injuries, parasites or fungus. Not breathing hard and color is still
good. I know about shedding, although some people have been calling me
nuts and say lions do not ever shed. <They do!> Anyway, this
isn't his shedding behavior at all! As I am writing this he has
made an attempt to swim about tank, it looks like he is very tired and
has trouble staying up. I keep hoping he will suddenly start acting
normal, but he just looks pitiful. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Have a wonderful day. <Well, general lethargy is
usually a sign of impending disease, or poor water conditions. It's
very important that you get those nitrate and nitrite test kits. The
results will give you a good "yardstick", as to your water
quality. Re-evaluate your husbandry techniques (water changes, protein
skimming, etc.), and utilize chemical filtration media, such as
activated carbon and Poly Filter. Perhaps there may be some dissolved
organics in the water that are degrading it's quality. Be sure to
ask yourself if there have been any dramatic shifts in water quality in
recent days. Observe this fish extremely carefully for other signs of
disease symptoms. Perhaps a prophylactic freshwater dip might help, if
you suspect a parasitic infestation...Perhaps best to move this guy to
a separate aquarium for this observation and treatment. Sorry I could
not be more precise in recommending a course of action, but without
seeing the fish, and any other symptoms, it's hard to tell from
here. Just trust your judgment on this one...Good luck! Regards, Scott
Lionfish, ich Next question...He's now been set up for
over a week and has ick spots on his fins. What is the best treatment
for ick on lionfish? I always try to match treatment with fish to find
the least stressful, I hope way of treating them. thanks Trisha
<Please see our site, www.WetWebMedia.com re Lionfish Disease, ich,
treatments for marine parasitic disease. Bob Fenner>
Lionfish and Melafix
My Lionfish went a little nutty today. He is a juvenile, about 4" long. I've had
him about a month and a half. He lives in a lovely tank with perfect ammonia,
pH, salinity, temperature, lighting, etc.
For some reason he got scared when my husband walked near his tank and started
swimming around frantically.
I came to look at him about 5 minutes later and he had wedged himself between
the glass and some live rock.
It was a very small space and he couldn't get free. So I moved things about and
he swam out but was obviously in shock.
He is very skittish now, so I turned off lights and he is sitting on his
favorite rock but facing downward.
<The sitting upside down is typical behavior for this fish.>
My concern is that while he was squeezing into that small space he acquired some
scratches on his side.
I put some stress coat in the tank and now I'm trying to decide if he needs
something more. Is Melafix okay to use?
<I would not use anything at this point.>
The tank contains live rock, anemones, crabs, and snails. The scratches are very
minor, no blood or deep gouges, merely flesh wounds.
However this fish is my baby and I want to ensure that he is okay.
<Merely maintain excellent water quality and a good diet and your fish should
heal up on his own.>
Thank you for your time and help.
<You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Volitans lionfish part 2 Hi Bob, I am sending you another
email concerning my volitans lionfish. The lionfish died as I was
writing the email below. In your response to this previous email you
suggested that I get a book on fish disease. Unfortunately, I deleted
your response because the fish had died and I did not think it mattered
at that point. <All matters. Sorry to read of your loss> I
accepted that I was just going to keep the two damsels since they have
not been affected. The problem is that I would like to get another
lionfish. Assuming that the previous fish died of either a bacterial or
protozoan parasite, would you advise getting another lionfish, waiting
a certain period of time? <The latter. Do wait a good few weeks.>
I apologize for deleting your response, it was unfortunate that I did
not email you until it was too late. Should I treat my tank? <No to
treatment. Vacuum your gravel, clean your filter, pumps, wait> I
have included my first email describing the initial problem. Lastly, pH
is 8.3, Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are all 0 using Red Sea
test kit. Thanks, Glenn <Generally very tough fishes. Please read
through http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lions&rels.htm and the many FAQs
beyond. Bob Fenner>
Scorpionfish eyes 2/25/14
Hello there,
I recently purchased an orange Scorpionfish. Getting him to eat was a
bit of an adventure but with some tips on this website and from the lfs
I've managed to get him eating a diet of Selco and garlic
extreme dosed krill.
<Do expand this diet...>
I noticed the other day that his eyes were a bit less reflective than
usual and getting cloudy. I know that some of these fish shed their
outer cuticle so Im not sure if I have a problem or not? His left eye is
the more predominant one with the right showing some cloudiness. I kept
snakes for years and it looks an awful lot like he's "Shedding" to me.
On the right
eye I can visibly see a portion of the cloudiness moving from side to
The left has a full raised "donut" on it and I m not seeing
movement but you can see that the cloudiness itself is raised off of the
eye. He constantly looks like he is in a state of molt anyway
(his camouflage) so its difficult for me to tell if that's what is going
on. Any help would me much appreciated!
Thank you!
<See WWM re eye issues of marine fishes...
Scroll down.
Likely this clouding here is related to being recently moved... perhaps a
net scratching the eyes:
Bob Fenner>
Re: Scorpionfish eyes
Thank you for the fast response! I am quite relieved! Now that you mention
it, I moved him out of the quarantine tank only three days ago so I suspect
your right.
Do you have any tips on diet? I have tried krill, squid, clam, silversides,
Mysis, live Chromis, live drip acclimated mollies, and live ghost shrimp
with him and the only things he will eat are the ghost shrimp and krill, he
won't touch anything else, well… other than my hermit crabs, he does seem
enjoy those. Any other foods I should be looking into?
<...? Read here:
scroll down...>
Here are a few pictures of him. My phone doesn't take the greatest pictures,
I apologize. Is there any chance you could tell me the exact species?
<Not one I've seen>
My best guess is a Scorpaenopsis macrochir, or a Scorpaenodes brasiliensis.
Typically his eyes are very reflective and for lack of a better word
"blank;" there is no visible anything, they're almost like an insect's eyes.
<... badly clouded over... I do hope yours recovers. Bob Fenner> |
Sick Lion Thanks Bob. unfortunately the fish is not going to
make it. Losing color, won't eat and very lethargic. already
removed from main tank. fortunately all other specimens are doing quite
well <<Rats! Well, do us all a favor, and wait till a/the
"bitter end"... have seen these fishes pull through
amazingly, after looking like "no hopesville". Bob
Spinning Lionfish Hello Bob :) My boyfriend bought some
lionfish via the web and when they came -- one of the bags was deflated
and the lionfish that came out looked weak and started floating upside
down when it settled under a rock. To make matters worse, overnight --
it got stuck in the powerhead. We think it suffered from a little gash
to its stomach, but it hasn't been looking too well. It just floats
around now and spins with the water current at the top -- it really
doesn't respond to anything. Looking up close, it IS still
breathing. Basically, we just need to know what you think? Is it
paralyzed? Should we try to feed it? Finally, should we try to put it
out of its misery -- SO SAD!!! :( If so, what should we do. Thanks so
much, Gina <I see from your next email this specimen perished
shortly after... I would have advised euthanizing it by
refrigeration/freezing... Sorry to hear of your loss... please refer
this information back to your supplier to aid them in designing better
shipping practices. Bob Fenner>
Re: No more spinning... Dear Bob, Sad news...after I wrote my
first e-mail, we found out the poor lionfish had died. So sorry to
bother you about this -- but we're now worried about the other
lionfish -- we have tried to feed him with frozen food...but he
doesn't want to eat it -- how do we feed it to him? Thanks again,
GINA <Never a bother. Please see the "Lionfishes", and
"Feeding Feeders" areas and FAQs posted on the
www.WetWebMedia.com site. Bob Fenner>
Lionfish trouble Hey Bob, I've run into some trouble with
one of my new lionfish. It managed to get stuck in a power head some
time during the night. I've moved it to the quarantine tank, it
just floats at the top, upside down, with a visible rip just in front
of its anal fin (if that's the right name). So, is it a goner, or
is there something I can do for the little guy? Thanks for your help,
David <Let's hope this one recovers... Lionfish species are
known for being very tough and good healers. Yours may not feed for a
while (many days), but don't give up hope. Bob Fenner>
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |