FAQs about Scorpionfishes: Identification
Related Articles: Lionfish & Their Relatives, Keeping Lionfishes
and their Scorpaeniform Kin Part 1, Part 2, by
Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner, Dwarf
FAQs on Scorpionfishes: Scorpaeniform Fishes 1,
Scorpaeniform Fishes 2,
Scorpaeniform Fishes 3,
Scorpaeniform Fishes 4,
FAQs on Scorpionfishes by Category:
Compatibility, Stocking/Selection,
Systems, Feeding,
Scorpionfishes: Lionfishes & Much More
for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
I.d please!!! Scorpaeniform, Scorpaenid... but not a Stone
Good Day!
I picked up this fellow from my Lfs , They said it was a stonefish <Mmm;
no; but related; as you state below>
but I originally thought it was a scorpion of some type (that's why I
bought it..though it doesn't bother me either way)
I have only come across one stonefish and I don't remember it looking
like this .
Please let me know what you think it is.(and no..he's not living in that
container I just put him in for pictures)
Thank you
<Take a look here:
Bob Fenner>
Re: I.d please!!!
Thank you for the speedy response!
I went over the link you put, but can't figure out which one it is as there
are a few similar .
<Likely a small specimen of a Scorpaenopsis sp.>
I am wondering if there is any way of making a positive i.d. On which one it
is so I know how big it will get ect.
<... no such word. Etc. is a contraction for et cetera res>
or if you would happen to know which one it is?
Thanks again,
<Welcome. BobF> |
Lionfish Questions 11/4/08 Good day kind sir
J <Hello there Barry.> 2 questions to make it simple.
<Okay.> Question 1. Pls ref to the images Lionfish1a.jpg
and Lionfish1b.jpg. His name is Elvis. He seems to have a little
bump right between those 2 pointy stubs on his nose, sorta like a
zit we humans have. He's been acting fine and still hovers
around like a policeman everyday. Perhaps it's a little
clearer in lionfish1b.jpg that is a little reddish. My water
conditions are fine with Nitrates hovering around the 5 - 10ppm
range (more in the 5ppm), no nitrites or ammonia. He's not
stressed and he's the king of the tank, 250 gallons and apart
from a grouper and another lionfish (which I will ask about in
the next question), there anything else in the tank except for 3
turbo snails and 1 cushion starfish. Could you say if the bump is
a cause for worry? <Looks like a normal lionfish nose to
me.> Question 2. Pls ref. to image Lionfish2. He's a new
addition after a long and hard consideration. Very healthy after
putting him into the tank and he does his batman thing hanging
upside down and comes out for food. <How fun.> Problem is,
I know he's a lionfish and gets along fine with Elvis but I
can't seem to find precise information on its exact species.
He seems to be a Volitan but he's really red with little
white, and has long fins that makes me wonder if it's a
radiate or antenneta. <I would say Pterois volitans, neat
color.> Can you advise? Barry? <Scott V.>
Lionfish Questions 11/4/08 Thanks Scott V.
<Welcome.> And would Elvis (the 1st lion) also be a
volitan? <Yep, quite the Turkeyfish!>

Scorpionfish ID 6/6/05 Hello, I have found a picture of a
fish on the internet and after seeing it (the fish seem to be
identical) in my local fish store I would like to know more, in the LFS
it has been sold as a scorpion fish. However the picture has
been labeled as a Richardsonichthys leucogaster or white-faced wasp
fish. However after looking at other pictures of white faced
wasp fish I believe that the picture has been
misidentified/mislabeled. I will attach the picture and I
was hoping you could Identify it. <From what I could find, I agree
that this ID is doubtful, although it is some kind of scorpionfish.>
It does display a pair of wrigglers that are not very apparent in the
picture. I would really like to know what kind of fish that
it is. I thought that perhaps it could possibly be a
Parascorpaena aurita or a Bull rout (Notesthes robusta). It
is extremely similar to the picture involved but of a lighter mottled
colour. If you can't identify it, are there certain characteristics
that would clarify the species? I can get further pictures
if required. Thank you very much for your
assistance. Rob. <An exact ID would be
difficult, but is probably not necessary. This fish is an
ambush gulping predator. As a general rule, these fish
require species tanks or tank mates that cannot be eaten, but are also
fairly peaceful (a rare combo!) The inactive habits of these
fish make them uninteresting to most aquarists. Many of the
fishes in this group have venomous spines, and as such must be handled
with great care. If you do have an interest in keeping this
fish, do read up on the general requirements for the group and provide
accordingly. Best Regards. AdamC.>
Fish Identification Follow-up 05/07/2005 Hello, <SUP>
primarily thank you for your quick response to last query that concern
a scorpionfish identification from a mislabeled picture and found in
LFS. I am not sure but I think I found the species by
mistake, the species appears to be a scorpionfish mimic/false
scorpionfish (Centrogenys vaigiens). I just thought you
might want to know. As it took me ages to locate and
identify. <Excellent.. Thanks for the info.. EricS>
Scientists Warn of Poisonous Lionfish Off Florida St.
Petersburg, Fla. (Reuters) - After the "summer of the shark,"
a new danger is lurking in Florida waters -- the exotic yet venomous
lionfish. Scientists at the Florida Marine Research Institute of St.
Petersburg confirmed the presence of the spiny fish, which ranges from
6 to 12 inches, off the Florida coast. Several specimens of the fish
were found off the eastern Florida coast, they said in a statement on
Saturday. The lionfish's needlelike spines pack a painful --
sometimes deadly -- punch for those who get too close. Rumors of
Florida sightings of the lionfish, a native of the south Pacific that
resides from the coast of Australia to Malaysia, have circulated for
years. Scientists now believe lionfish live in a stretch of coast from
southern Florida to the Carolinas. "Dorsal, anal and pelvic spines
of this fish are venomous and may cause severe local pain, numbness,
paralysis, respiratory illness and, in rare cases, death," the
research institute said. Lionfish, which are popular with exotic fish
collectors because of their red and purple colors, aren't
aggressive. Their spines are used for self-defense. Several shark
attacks in Florida waters last year, including one instance of a young
boy whose ripped-off arm was reattached by surgeons, sparked a media
frenzy over frequent brush-ins with sharks off the Florida coast. James
W. Fatherree, M.S. <Unbelievable... where is the integrity in the
sciences? What/which species is/are these? Who would let go exotics off
of Florida? Bob F>
Lionfish Off Of Florida Hello Bob (& Anthony, Steven), I
was reading through the daily Q&A today and noticed an email titled
"Scientists Warn Of Poisonous Lionfish Off Of Florida" St
Petersburg, Fla. (Reuters). I have been doing research on Pterois
volitans recently. Specifically I was looking up their native range
through a search on Google, when I came across an interesting note
documenting nonindigenous occurrences; "Approximately six
individuals escaped a marine aquarium located near a sea wall
overlooking Biscayne Bay, Florida, during Hurricane Andrew in August
1992. They were seen nearby, alive, several days later (Courtenay
1995). The impact of introduction is unknown." <Well, I'll
be danged!> This document states the means of introduction to
Florida is due to aquarium release. Unfortunately the small excerpt
above is the only part of the document that I found of interest and
saved. I thought you might find this interesting in light of the
previous email you received. Miki <Amazing. Thanks Mikster. Bob
Fish ID Morning Bob, <Toni> Thank you so much for
identifying a 'stripey' for me last week. This site is
amazing and you guys/girls are fantastic to spend your timing
helping people such as myself!! Thanks so much. I was hoping you
could help me again in identifying another fish for me that my
friend has in her tank. I have attached a four different angle
shots so you can get a good look at detail. I have searched your
site and fish databases but can't find this one. I can find
similar looking fishies, but thought an expert opinion would be
better. Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas to you
all :) Toni <And to you and yours... is a Scorpaeniform almost
certainly... perhaps a Waspfish (Tetrarogid)... or a Scorpaenid...
Scorpaenodes insularis perhaps. At any length, doesn't get very
large and is venomous... Bob Fenner> |

Scorpionfishes: Lionfishes & Much More
for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |