FAQs on Sebae, Heteractis crispa Anemone Health/Disease Diagnosis
FAQs on Sebae Anemone Disease:
Sebae Disease 1,
Sebae Anemone Health 2,
Sebae Anemone Disease 3
FAQs on Sebae Anemone Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Related Articles: Heteractis
crispa/Sebae Anemones, Bubble
Tip Anemones, Anemones,
Cnidarians, Colored/Dyed Anemones, Related FAQs:
Anemones 1, Sebae Anemones 2,
Sebae Anemones 3, Sebae Identification, Sebae Behavior, Sebae Compatibility, Sebae Selection, Sebae Systems, Sebae Feeding, Sebae Reproduction,
Rescuing bleached specimens in the hope of their
recuperation rarely works.
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Sebae Health 2/3/16
Ok have a 220 reef I have had this set up since
10-07-15. 1 Sebae which has thrived up until lately.
<Clown, anemone?>
A couple of months ago I introduced a rose bubble tip which within 30 days
split. The sisters are doing great. So is a large Toadstool
coral a few very small stony's way up in the rock work, some Zoos,
<The Sarcophyton and Zoanthids don't play well w/ other Cnidarian groups. >
IF there is some sort of physical, chemical challenge in the system there could
be real trouble here>
feather dusters and 13 small fish, 300lbs of live rock, 40 gallon sump/refugium
and 3 Kessil 360 W lights. Water parameters are great. Run big Skimmer plenty of
flow with double overflows and Tunze Wave Box.
The Sebae a bout 3 weeks ago started to get smaller at times
<Oh, so, Heteractis crispa>
so I started feeding a couple of times a week with Silversides
>See WWM re feeding this species<
only about the size of the mouth. Fed the bubbles at same time too and they look
great but the Sebae wants to sometimes completely shrink up and go into the sand
briefly which never worried me but it seems to be more inflated in the morning
and evening hours or in darkness. At peak lighting times it's smaller and not
extended as much. It does host an anemone crab
but has for 90 days at least. It is about 22 inches from a bubble tip and maybe
10 inches from the Toadstool coral which is very healthy.
I do water changes about every 3-4 weeks and do 3+ gallons.
<What volume is this?>
Everything looks great except the Sebae not as prolific as it should although
color is very fine so I now it can't be the lights and it is not moving at all
maybe 5 inches on a lateral move over 3 months but never came up out of the sand
just got more focused under the light I think.
<Please, please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/SebAnemDisDiagF.htm and the linked files
I figure maybe not thriving due to chemical warfare or maybe I should back off
the feedings.
<You should READ>
Comments? I know I pushed the envelope on the cycling but took it very easy on
the bio-load with tons of live rock sand seeding and skimming nothing was
stressed. The Sebae and 2 banded corals went in at 30 days after setup and never
showed signs of stress
Thanks in advance
Mike Murphy
<Enjoy the reading. Write back w/ specific questions, concerns (should you have
them), after. Bob Fenner>
RE: Sebae Health 2/3/16
Sorry meant to say 30+ gallons on water change
<Ah; that makes more sense. B>
Bleached Sebae Anemone -
1/20/07 Hi, <Hey Mark, JustinN with you today.> I bought this
Sebae anemone and have since learnt <learned> by reading your
website the colour of it is not so good (bleached). Its mostly whitish
yellow, its foot is a creamy colour. <Mmm, yes, not a good sign.>
I am going to try my best to nurse it back to health. <I sincerely
wish you the best of luck in this. Most are unfortunately not
successful, as these lovely creatures do take quite a beating during
the rigors of shipping,> I was wondering a lot of "white"
Sebae anemones I read about on here have purple or pink tips, my
anemone's tips are white, or should they be a different colour?
<This is simply a sign of how poor the condition of this specimen
is. Bleached anemones which still have some coloration have active
zooxanthellae. It would seem that yours is in a dire state of decline
already.> Also with the correct care how long should it take to
regain its health and zooxanthellae?, and how long does it take for the
yellow colouring to go? Many thanks for your time Mark <If you can
maintain pristine water quality, a comfortable light regimen, and a
steady supply of HUFA vitamin-enriched minced meaty seafood (dosed with
a supplement such as Selcon) every 2 to 3 days, you may begin to see
some recovery within a month or two. Full recovery, all things willing,
could take many several months to potentially a year or more. Once
again, I give you my sincerest hopes and best wishes in the recovery of
this creature. Have a read through here, you may find some helpful
information already posted. -JustinN>
Re: Bleached Sebae Anemone
-- Forgotten links 1/20/07 Hi, I bought this Sebae anemone and have
since learnt by reading your website the colour of it is not so good
(bleached). Its mostly whitish yellow, its foot is a creamy colour. I
am going to try my best to nurse it back to health. I was wondering a
lot of "white" Sebae anemones I read about on here have
purple or pink tips, my anemone's tips are white, or should they be
a different colour? Also with the correct care how long should it take
to regain its health and zooxanthellae?, and how long does it take for
the yellow colouring to go? Many thanks for your time Mark <Sorry
Mark, forgot the links for you there! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sebaedisfaqs.htm
will likely have plenty of other stories, good and bad, relating to
bleached H. crispas, and the linked files in blue above will herald
further information towards general care for you. Good luck once again,
my friend! -JustinN>
Re: Bleached Sebae
anemone 1/21/07 Hi Justin, <Hello again,
Mark.> That does not sound good, however there is some good to this
I hope as the anemone is has firmly attached to the live rock and he is
feeding well so fingers crossed. <Yes, is definitely a dire
situation, though all is not lost yet. I'm very encouraged to hear
that it is feeding well and firmly attached, this is definite good
signs in fighting the good fight.. Good luck once again, my friend!
-JustinN> Thanks Again
Bleached Anemone? Salty's go
9/29/06 http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j293/modagrfx/2.gif
Hello, <Hello Valerie> I purchased my sebae anemone last
week. I am trying to figure out if he is completely bleached or
not. He is a rosy beige color with purple tips (see links). Also,
about how long should it take for him to want to eat? He did show
signs of wanting to eat a few days ago when he (believe ir or not)
ate his clown fish, only to spit him up a few hours later pretty
much intact. (the clown in the picture is a new one, I hope he has
better luck) He hasn't taken anything I have put on his
tentacles since then. One more thing, I have a domino damsel who
keep swimming through the anemone, shouldn't he get stung if he
did that??? <Valerie, the anemone does not appear bleached to
me. The clown that got recycled was probably tank
raised, and not knowing what an anemone is, led to his
doom. It may take a week or two for the anemone to
acclimate and choose his location. I wouldn't try
feeding for another week. Anemones are photosynthetic
and produce much of their own food, so no need to worry about him
starving. <Mmm, RMF disagrees> You did not mention
your lighting set-up, which is very important to their
survival. Generally speaking, about 5 watts or more per
gallon is sufficient if you are using VHO or PC
tubes. The dominoes are often found associating with
anemones in nature, so no need to worry here. Do read
our articles/FAQ's on this subject for much more info.>
Thank you, <You're welcome. James -Valerie |
Anemone check up/out
RMF's try 9/30/06 http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j293/modagrfx/2.gif
Hello, I purchased my sebae anemone last week. I am trying to
figure out if he is completely bleached or not. <Yep> he is a
rosy beige color with purple tips (see links). Also, about how long
should it take for him to want to eat? <Please read here:
and the linked files above> He did show signs of wanting to eat
a few days ago when he (believe ir or not) ate his clown fish,
<Very hungry> only to spit him up a few hours later pretty
much intact. (the clown in the picture is a new one, i hope he has
better luck). but he hasn't taken anything i have put on his
tentacles since then. One more thing, I have a domino damsel who
keep swimming through the anemone, shouldn't he get stung if he
did that??? Thank you -Valerie <Nope... keep reading. Dascyllus
trimaculatus are almost Amphiprionine like in their relationship
with some large Pacific Anemones as well. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Bleached Anemone? Salty's go. A differing
opinion 10/2/06 Good morning Bob, Read your
comments...Did not imply that the anemone doesn't have to
eat, just assuring her that the anemone would not starve to
death. Also wondering why the anemone coughed up the
clown if it were hungry. <Does seem unusual, but... this
animal is likely "highly stressed"... likely killed the
clown from unfamiliarity, not hunger> Bob, are you saying that
if anemones aren't fed by human hands, they will perish?
<... no> Do you agree that photosynthesis has
to take place for anemones to survive, <Mmm, does not> and
that light is more important than food for these
animals? Not being a wise guy, just picking your
brain. Regards,

Re: Anemone ID. Bleached H.
crispa 11/15/06 Hi, thank you for the speedy response. Is
their anything I can do to try and save it? I have 2x 54w 20 000k, 2 x
54 10 000k T5's and 2 x 150w MH 6500K as lighting in a standard 6ft
tank. <Good lighting fixtures> The anemone does take small pieces
of clam fed by the clown. <Ah, good. Only time, patience can/will
tell. Bob Fenner> Regards, Wikus <There is evidence that such
endosymbiotic endosymbiotic algae is reincorporated by way of its
availability from other hosting organisms at times... Perhaps this will
occur here. Bob Fenner>