FAQs on Sebae, Heteractis crispa Anemone
FAQs on Sebae Anemone Disease:
Sebae Disease 1,
Sebae Anemone Health 2,
Sebae Anemone Disease 3
FAQs on Sebae Anemone Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Related Articles: Heteractis
crispa/Sebae Anemones, Bubble
Tip Anemones, Anemones,
Cnidarians, Colored/Dyed Anemones, Related FAQs:
Anemones 1, Sebae Anemones 2,
Sebae Anemones 3, Sebae Identification, Sebae Behavior, Sebae Compatibility, Sebae Selection, Sebae Systems, Sebae Feeding, Sebae Reproduction,
Very common to have torn pedicle, foot... Look for and
avoid buying these specimens. KEEP new purchases in isolation for
weeks... then transfer water back/forth w/ the main display to introduce
all. KEEP your eyes on your other livestock for signs of
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Torn sebae anemone 6/17/15
Dear WWM
I don't hold out much hope but I must try everything before I give up on
anything in my tank!
<Our values are confluent>
I have had a sebae anemone in my 100 gal mixed reef for about 4 months. We
upgraded from a 30 gal, (4 yrs old at time of transfer) transferred everything
over and then about 10 months later added the anemone. Appeared very healthy at
time of purchase and remained so until 2 days ago when it began moving from its
spot. It got torn I believe on a colony of tube worms, sharp little suckers.
Once I saw the tear, I placed it in the PVC hoping to avoid more damage. Can he
recover from this?
<Mmm; yes; IF conditions are optimal and stable>
His mouth also looks kind of like the tear, like guts. Just checked parameters.
PH 8.1, salinity 1.025, temp 80°, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm (
been dosing red sea NO3 PO4to help)
phosphates on API test are more than 0 but not as dark as .25, which is the
first color reading. KH is 13, CA 480, Mag is 1480. We have LED lights, run Aqua
C urchin skimmer, use a PolyFilter. No carbon. Did I forget to mention anything?
<Not of usually discussed parameters; no>
Any recommendations for this poor anemone?
<To keep on as you're doing>
The picture of him healthy was taken only a month ago and he looked like that up
until this incident. My camera isn't great but it was more than it appears.
Sincerely, Melissa
<Patience; and perhaps a little iodide-ate. Bob Fenner>
Sebae Anemone in Very Poor Health, More
Information Needed REFER! 11/16/07 <Hello Bryan, Brenda
here> I recently added a Sebae anemone to my tank, I have had
them before. <What happened that you do not have them
anymore?><<Bingo>> Anyway since adding it, it keeps
flipping over upside down, I have gently replaced it right side up
and it opens nicely and then a few hours later it is upside down
again. When I turn it over the middle is got like a black bubbly
mass. <Yes, I see this, and it is not good news. Based on the
amount of algae you have on the rock, either the system is
relatively new, or your husbandry skills are poor. Either case is
not suitable for an anemone.> I should add that I have a tomato
clown that enjoys this guy and will pick out the black mass bit by
bit and the anemone opens nicely again. <At this time, a
clownfish should not be anywhere near this anemone. It will only
cause more stress. A tomato clown can be quite abusive. Yes the
clownfish loves it, but the anemone does not (at this time). As far
as it opening and closing, it is expelling waste, not a good sign
on a regular basis.> I have never seen this before I have
attached a picture. The water quality and temp. is perfect.
<Perfect means nothing to me. What is perfect for one marine
species is not always perfect for anemones. I need actual numbers
here. I also need to know your tank size, what test kits you are
using, size of tank, live stock list, when and how you received the
anemone, was it shipped, was it at a LFS, where did they get it,
etc.> and the lighting I use is Zoo Med. I have an Ocean sun
10,000k and a Coral Sun Actinic 420. I was hoping you could shed
some light on what is going on with it. <I am not familiar with
this lighting. A quick search on the net brings up many reptile
sites. Please provide a link to your exact lighting system with
your total watts.> Thanks
<You're welcome! Brenda> |
torn foot, bleached...