FAQs about Small Marine System
Livestocking 16
Related Articles:
Small Marine System Livestocking
by Bob Fenner, Small Marine Systems,
Tom Walsh's Small
Reefs, Large Marine
Systems, Fish-Only Marine
Set-up, FOWLR/Fish and
Invertebrate Systems, Reef
Systems, Coldwater Systems,
Plumbing Marine
Systems, Refugiums, Marine
Biotope, Marine
Landscaping, Fishwatcher's
Related FAQs: Small Marine System Livestocking 1,
Small Marine System Stocking 2,
Small Marine Stocking 3,
Small Marine Stocking 4, Small Marine Stocking 5, Small Marine Stocking 6, Small Marine Stocking 7, Small Marine Stocking 8, Small Marine Stocking 9, Small Marine Stocking 10, Small Marine Stocking 11, Small Marine Stocking 12, Small Marine
Stocking 13, Small Marine Stocking 14,
Small Marine Stocking
15, Small Marine Stocking 17,
Small Marine
Stocking 18,
& Cnidarians for Small Systems by Bob
Fenner, Small Scorpionfishes:
Lionfishes and More for Small Systems by Bob Fenner, Blennies, -oids for Small Systems by Bob
Damsels, Clownfishes for Small
Systems by Bob Fenner, Dwarf Dwarf
Angels of the Genus Centropyge by Bob Fenner, Jawfishes Suitable for Small Marine
Systems by Bob Fenner, Little
Basses for Small Systems by Bob Fenner,
Biocube Stocking; Coral
Hello WWM,
I'm looking for coral advice on a Biocube 14.
<Alrighty then>
I have a heavily modified Biocube that's been up and running for about a
month. I removed the lid and hung a Radion XR15 gen 3 approx 10" above
the tank.
Stock flow upgraded with Cobalt MJ900 power head. Additionally, I added
a Vortech mp10w.
<Also good, but be careful about having too much flow... You don't want
a coral tornado. Now that I think about it though, a "Coral-Nado" would
be pretty cool>
This is not my first tank, but, it is my first small tank. Approx 10 lbs
of rock, 90% of which was completely dried from an established tank that
was broken down almost a decade ago, and a half pound elite live rock to
seed and start the cycle. Live reef sand from a bag about 3" deep. All 3
chambers have been completely gutted, only a heater resides in chamber 1
and return pump in chamber 3.
<All sound good. I hope you let the dry rock cure really well with the
new, live rock. It may be worth adding more live rock to the tank>
Water quality has been spot on since the cycle completed. Ammonia 0,
Nitrite 0, Nitrate too low to test according to LFS and their cheap test
strips. Water temp 80° SG: 1.024 and slowly trying to bring it up to
1.026 with water changes. 10% biweekly water changes using Instant Ocean
Reef Crystals.
Livestock: CUC has, in my opinion, been introduced very slowly. I
currently have 3 Nassarius snails (breeding like crazy), 1 Banded
Trochus Snail, 1 Turbo snail (unknown specific type), 2 1/8th
inch Blue Leg Hermit crabs (I already regret these).
<Ugh. You beat me to the punch on the crab comment... Watch out for
those little buggers, they will trample and sometimes eat your corals>
Hopefully you haven't seen any issues yet because this is where I
believe I screwed up.
<Seems fine other than the crabs. The turbo snails can get really big
and knock corals off of rocks. They're usually fine when they're small,
but it's something to watch out for>
Coral selection so far: 2 Green Star Polyps frags isolated on small
islands in sand bed. Those are what I bought, everything else was a last
minute toss in at 5$ per frag. Hammer Coral frag, about 1/2 inch
diameter head. Devils Hand Leather, could fit inside a 1 inch ball.
Random Birds Nest frag about 1 inch tall. The leather and GSP look happy
and healthy (unless the hermits crawl on them). The birds nest still
hasn't opened (its been 2 weeks) it's not changing color from when I got
it (still pink) so I'm assuming it's alive. The hammer Coral has very,
very slowly been fading in color and size. There's no skeleton exposed,
but, it's definitely shrunken.
<Seems like a lot of coral to be adding all at once. Be careful with
placement of all of them. Some corals have stinging cells that can reach
pretty far. The GSP grow really fast too, so be ready to frag/trim as
Now, I'm normally an add one thing at a time and wait and see how the
tank stabilizes kind of guy.
<So what happened this time?>
Is it possible to wait this combination out in a Biocube 14?
<Might work but only time will tell. Just keep an eye on the parameters
and make sure everyone is happy, healthy, and feeding>
On a side note the Hermits love walking on the Green Star Polyps causing
them to close. They don't appear to be eating anything. Should I worry?
<Aha! This can cause a problem, and that's what crabs do. Keep an eye
out for the GSP and make sure that they aren't constantly closed. This
will stress them out and limit their ability to eat and could kill them
over time>
I'm also hoping to add 1 fish soon, either a Green Clown Goby, or a
False Percula Clown. Still on the fence there, what do you recommend?
<Depends on what you want to do with the tank. Little fish will be fine,
but pick them wisely. As I'm sure you know, compatibility issues can
arise with any specimen at any time>
Thank you for your time.
<My pleasure, James. Let us know if you have any other questions, but
everything seems fair at the moment. Keep us posted. Cheers, Gabe>
Hi! Need advice on coral ID, pico reef stocking
Hi Bob, guys and gals,
<Hey Ken>
Thanks for maintaining this wonderful website! Over the course of my hobby,
it has proven time and again to be a most valuable resource.
Here in Singapore, my colleagues and I are in the process of setting up a small
8.3 gallon pico reef tank. Purely for boosting morale among our
coworkers you understand :)
Sometime last week, we added a chunk of live rock with four of what we suspect
are colonial anemones of some kind. At the LFS, the rock had been in a tank with
another piece with many more of these anemones.
<Oh yes>
In the two days it has since spent in our tank, the heads of each polyp have
expanded to be about 5cm across. This really varies though over the course of
the day, depending on the light intensity, but 5cm appears about the average.
From what I can tell, the stems of each polyp are completely separate from one
another and are spaced approximately 10cm apart. They seem attached deep within
the crevices of the rock. Seen under blue LEDs, the stems, each about 1/2 cm
thick, bear fluorescent green ovoid spots.
The polyps appear extremely responsive to external stimuli, expanding within 30
seconds of the lights coming on, and reacting immediately to touch or changes in
<Good clues>
*We'd love to hear your input on identifying these critters, as well as any
considerations we might need to take to keep them healthy.*
The polyps do not seem 'sticky' to the touch, which we hope to mean they might
not pose too much threat to livestock we hope to add in the future.
On the subject of future plans, we are debating perhaps a trio of Sexy
Shrimp (*Thor amboinensis*), and perhaps an anemone crab (*Neopetrolisthes
*Would the crab turn aggressive due to competition for host anemones? *
<Not likely, no>
We are also researching the viability of a small Royal Gramma (*Gramma
loreto*) as the sole fish. *Would this be wise, bearing in mind this
need not be a permanent arrangement* (I have a separate 210 gallon system it
be moved into when it outgrows the pico. *Can it also be relied upon not to
inhale the Sexies? *
<This volume is a bit small for Grammas>
Would love to hear your thoughts on the mystery anemones (pics attached) as well
as our future plans for this tank.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work!
<These appear to be Anemonia majano or similar. You can search/read Re them on
WWM, the Net. I really like them... but some folks find they over-reproduce....
Bob Fenner>
Re: Hi! Need advice on coral ID, pico reef stocking
Thanks for the quick reply!
I find the anemones rather pretty, and very fascinating to watch.
We will read regarding the anemones, and reconsider the gramma.
<Real good>
Much obliged to you for your time.
<And you; BobF>
Planning new SW setup, been away for a while.
Good Evening WWM Crew,
Glad to see you guys are still going strong and helping so many people. I had to
give up the hobby in 2009 due to the recession and after talking to a few
co-workers and stopping by a new LFS (might be the only one is this small town),
I think it might be time to dive back in. As much as I would like to get some
huge 125+G setup like I used to have, I am now renting and thinking smaller
might be feasible. I am looking at the Coralife BioCubes (29G) because if I had
to pick it up and move it, etc., it wouldn't be impossible (not saying it would
be easy). Mainly I like that it is all together in 1 box vs. plumbing, etc. I
don't really have any specific questions, but more or less looking for some help
in pointing in the right directions as I am just a bit overwhelmed at the
moment. The biggest I could possibly go would be something like a 36/46G bow
front, but I am not sure it would really have any real benefits over the 29 in
terms of
livestock selection. I can see sand/rock in the cube along with a pair of
Percula/Ocellaris Clownfish. Maybe a piece of coral or two, with a few snails
and crabs for clean-up. Would that be considered a strong bio-load on a system
that size?
<Should be fine. Be careful w/ the crabs though... opportunistic omnivores (like
I see that Aqua C has a nano skimmer, AquaC Nano Remora PS, rated at 25G.
I trust that brand and would like to use it if the bio-load is small enough and
not overload it.
I would even consider a small (1.25"), lone dwarf Angel with A LOT of live rock
(little to no coral) but really not sure on the compatibility of the system
size. If it were a simple fish only setup with a normal 29G tank (with 40 lbs of
rock and sand each), with just the 2 clowns,
<Any size Lion would eat the Angel, Clowns>
crabs, snails, etc., how much filtration would really be necessary? Don't get me
wrong, I am not trying to be cheap, just only want to spend what I have to and
still get it right. I have over killed systems before and wasted hundreds of
dollars... Can't afford to do that anymore. These thoughts are spinning in my
head and could use a little
guidance and direction. I see that Bob has some books out on smaller systems
that I haven't seen before. I see a purchase in the near future.
Thanks for all that you do! Regards, Jeremy
<Glad to see you back in the hobby! Bob Fenner>
Re: Planning new SW setup, been away for a while.
Thank You, Bob, for your time. My replies will be in double carrots.
Subject: Planning new SW setup, been away for a while.
Good Evening WWM Crew,
Glad to see you guys are still going strong and helping so
many people. I had to give up the hobby in 2009 due to the recession and
after talking to a few co-workers and stopping by a new LFS (might be the
only one is this small town), I think it might be time to dive back in.
As much as I would like to get some huge 125+G setup like I used to have, I am
now renting and thinking smaller might be feasible. I am looking at the Coralife
BioCubes (29G) because if I had to pick it up and move it,
etc., it
wouldn't be impossible (not saying it would be easy). Mainly I
like that it is all together in 1 box vs. plumbing, etc. I don't really
have any specific questions, but more or less looking for some help in
pointing in the right directions as I am just a bit overwhelmed at the
moment. The biggest I could possibly go would be something like a 36/46G
bow front,
but I am not sure it would really have any real benefits over the 29 in
terms of livestock selection. I can see sand/rock in the cube along with
a pair of Percula/Ocellaris Clownfish. Maybe a piece of coral or
two, with a few snails and crabs for clean-up. Would that be
considered a strong bio-load on a system that size?
<Should be fine. Be careful w/ the crabs though...opportunistic omnivores
(like me)>
I see that Aqua C has a nano skimmer, AquaC Nano Remora PS,
rated at 25G. I trust that brand and would like to use it if the bio-load
is small enough and not overload it.
<<Yes as in overload, or should be ok if I go that route?>>
>As stated; s/b fine<
I would even consider a small (1.25"), lone dwarf Angel
with A LOT of live rock (little to no coral) but really not sure on the
compatibility of the system size. If it were a simple fish only setup
a normal 29G tank (with 40 lbs of rock and sand each), with just the 2
<Any size Lion would eat the Angel, Clowns>
<<Lion? I think you might have some saltwater in your eyes! :D I am not
loving the idea of a dwarf angel in a small system, but it would be in
there by itself.
Maybe I will see if I can find a tank raised specimen. I really do like
dwarf angels, but
if it isn't the best fit, then no need to force it. Has never ended well
for me or the animal.
While reading up on the FAQs, I have seen one of my emails you responded to
years ago. Was I really that stupid? LOL>>
>D'oh!; thought I'd seen mention of a Pteroine<
crabs, snails, etc., how much filtration would really be necessary? Don't
get me wrong,
I am not trying to be cheap, just only want to spend what I have to and
still get it right.
I have overkilled systems before and wasted hundreds of dollars...
<<Was looking at some very simple set-ups like the one I described and was
if a 29-40G fish only with appropriate rock/sand and water changes would be
enough of a
filter for only 2 clowns. I believe in protein skimmers, but would there be
anything to skim
with just the 2 clowns and clean-up crew? Or, would it over-skim and take
too much out?
If there was an angel in the tank, it would be an obvious yes. The setup
had just that and
a bio-wheel and his parameters were fine.>>
>I'd have a skimmer<
Can't afford to do that anymore. These thoughts are spinning in my head
and could use a
little guidance and direction. I see that Bob has some books out on
smaller systems that
I haven't seen before. I see a purchase in the near future. Thanks for
all that you do!
Regards, Jeremy
<Glad to see you back in the hobby! Bob Fenner>
<<Glad to be back, even in this amount. Just kidding about the saltwater
in the eyes. I am glad thatyou do things that you enjoy! I will continue to read up on smaller reef
setups to see if it is
worth it to me to try. I found an LFS online about 2 hours away that had a
custom 40G cube. Would
definitely feel better about adding another 33% volume for stability.>>
>Another; larger system in time. BobF<
Planning new SW setup, been away for a while.
I sent this in a week ago, not sure if you guys received it or if no one was
available, that's no problem either.
<Had not seen. Thank you for re-sending>
Hey Bob and Crew, I have attached the previous message.
<Ah, good>
I went ahead and bought the Corallife 29 BioCube as it was the
best choice for my limited options. Since our last exchange, I have tried to
read up on the FAQs and articles about an hour per day and have also received
copies of your works on small aquariums, "Reef Invertebrates" by you and Anthony
Calfo as well as another copy of "CMA" (since I do recall letting a
friend borrow it a few years ago and probably won't get it back). Next on my
list are "Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History" by Eric
Borneman and "Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1, Version 1.0: Reef Gardening
for Aquarists" by Anthony Calfo.
<All worthwhile in my estimation>
I am mainly writing to ask if what I have determined thus far is correct.
It is better to keep just one type of coral in a closed system. All LPS, All
SPS, etc.
<Yes; much easier to avoid allelopathy ills>
I really like the LPS varieties the most and coincidentally, they do seem to be
the better choice over SPS in my case. I understand that the tank is extremely
limiting as far as volume, spatial needs and potential allelopathy concerns. Not
to mention stability. My makeshift stocking list as of this moment is
Pearl/Bubble coral (Physogyra sp) (more of the
show piece, I like the bubble tip anemone look, without having an actual anemone
in the tank), Duncanopsammia Coral (Duncanopsammia axifuga), Trumpet Coral
(Caulastrea Currata), Candy Cane (Caulastrea Furcata), Torch Coral (Euphyllia
Glabrescens) and/or Hammer Coral (Euphyllia ancora). It seems that the Euphyllia
are aggressors and the Caulastrea are more on the peaceful side.
<This is so>
If the aggressors are on opposite sides of the tank, with (hopefully) plenty of
rock separating them, do you think it would curb the aggression or would they
just release their toxins from sensing each other thus poisoningmy system?
<Place the Euphyllias last, cultured (vs. wild-collected) specimens if you can,
smallish in size; and DO quarantine/isolate for a few weeks... moving some water
back and forth twixt systems to introduce all>
Would it be best to keep all of one genus or do corals act like fishes of the
same genus and take on the personality of the Terminator?
<To some extent; the latter>
Also, I would get as small specimens as I could find, but I haven't seen or read
much about their growth rates and where the limits on a small bioload as mine
would be.
<Quite variable; given local conditions, nutrition>
It looks like I could use some advice regarding selection of livestock. I am
still reading as much as my time allows also.
<This is best; the reading. Further; specific questions>
What I am going for is a nice looking reef tank with the darker colors of
purple, blue and green from the corals (as well as purple coralline) and
something bright orange/red to swim through them.
Will most likely be a pair of Ocellaris Clownfish; although I can't completely
dismiss the idea of a very small (1-1.25"), solitary Flame Angel as the only
fish. Although I know the tank is a bit small for it and that they're not
exactly reef safe, I really do love this fish and all angels really. I still
remember how my Emperor would follow me around the room, even fighting to
suspend itself in the direct current of the powerhead to stay near me.
I know it's all best guesses until they're in your tank, but strong planning and
forethought goes a long way.
I got a good laugh when I saw a few of my emails posted in the Achilles Tang
FAQs, especially the one with the picture of cyanobacteria covering a storm
outfall when I lived in Houston doing environmental work.
"<More persistent through space and time than civil servants!>" Still cracks me
<Heeeeeee! Can only imagine who wrote this>
Thanks for all you guys do!
Regards, Jeremy
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Saltwater Stocking
Hi! I want to say first that I love your site... So much information!!
I do have a couple of questions that I could not find answers for, if you
don't mind. I have a 20H tank, running for about 6 months. (I had a larger
tank many years ago but had to take it down for a while.) Anyway, while I
am not brand new to this, I am rusty and my heart tends to battle with my
head over stocking. Right now I have a scooter blenny that is fat and happy,
a Tail Spot that is why but healthy and an Ocellaris clown that is a bit
lazy. A few mushrooms, 5 hermits, a turbo snail, a brittle starfish, 1 pom
pom crab, a yellow gorgonian, and a purple sea whip. I am wanting to add 3
green Chromis, and possibly either a Firefish or yellow- headed Jawfish.
Would this work, stocking wise?
<I'd steer away from the Chromis here... need more room; will fight, and if
you're lucky, you'd end up w/ one. And I'd stock only the Firefish OR the
I do a 2-3 gallon water change at least once a week, So I am not concerned
about maintaining water quality. My concern is the fish having enough elbow
room to be comfortable. Thanks so much for all you do!!Stephanie
<There are some other small fishes, non-fishes you might consider. Please
do read through here: http://wetwebmedia.com/SmSWStkF15.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Saltwater Stocking
Wow! What an amazingly fast response! I was hoping, maybe, in a week or so
might hear back. Color me impressed and grateful! :)
<And from Curacao no less!>
Thank you for the help - I now have another question... I originally though
chrom is bc I read that they swim in the water column. Are there any other
particular small fish that do the same that would fit my set up well?
<Again; the reading... I even have a book on stocking small systems (see
Amazon under my name); though much of this is spread out/on WWM>
Thanks so much, again! Your group is awesome.
<Ah, welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Saltwater Stocking
Off to read more.... By the way, just to clarify, is the Firefish or
Jawfish in addition to another fish or in place of?
<Just one of these or t'other. Other fishes are poss.>
Thanks so much! Enjoy your trip - hear it is beautiful there!
<So far... first time here; though have been to Bonaire a bunch. B>
Mandarin; induced stocking troubles in sm. SW sys.
Hello Crew,
<Hi Barbara>
I have a 25 gal. reef tank. Yesterday I bought
a large mandarin that the store showed that he was eating frozen brine
<Mmm; needs more than this. Please read here:
and the linked Mandarin FAQs files above>
He is eating them in my tank. I have a couple of questions. How often
should I feed him?
<The reading; and soon. These fishes (Callionymids) need almost constant
feeding to thrive... large, uncrowded, non-competitive settings>
I work from home and sit right next to the tank. The tank is a
rimless tank that has no lid.
<Fishes jump out of these...>
I had a smaller size diamond goby and this morning it is gone.
I have looked around the tank and the back where the overflow goes and
nothing. I can only assume it jumped but cant find it. The LFS said the
mandarin and goby would be ok together. What are your thoughts on that?
<Not a good mix in such a small volume. The reading>
At the same time I bought the mandian I bought a yellow watchman and he
is still there. My livestock currently is additionally a
lubbock's fairy wrasse
<... see WWM re Cirrhilabrus systems... need more room and are superb
and a gold nugget clown/small anenome
and 2 peppermint and cleaner shrimp. I don't plan to add anything else
but I did enjoy the diamond goby cleaning the sand.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
May I ask you about a compatibility of species in a tank?
<Sure.... depends on what the other species are, the size (and to an extent
shape) of the system mainly>
Adam Smith
re: 7/16/15
Hi Bob,
Thanks I'm setting up a 60 litre tank.
It's a 40 cm cube but 35 cm from wall out is use able the rest is filter bay.
Currently I have corals
<Let's see.... what types?>
a pistol shrimp, green banded coral goby, peppermint shrimp and will have the
clown and mate for her.
<Need more room than this>
And maybe a mandarin trained to eat food.
I was wondering about having cleaner shrimp or coral banded shrimp
<The Stenopid can be real trouble... eater of fishes et al.>
Also thinking of a small star
And urchin.
<Again; the species.... some are suitable, most not>
I like interesting animals.
Any advice on compatibility would be appreciated as I know coral banded can be
There are plenty of caves and overhangs in rock work and behind.
I have around 15 kg or live rock in the display and around another 3 broken up
in the filter
Pic is attached but 4 bottom rocks at front were removed and replaced with sand.
This tank will also have a baby giant clam around 1 1/2 inch
Adam Smith
<The best thing for you to do is read on WWM re the groups of life you list.
Really just too much to state, too many possibilities to key re here. Bob
Compatibility question and introduction?
Hi, I've been reading quite a lot of questions and your answers on your site and
you definitely seem like you can answer my questions!
<Oh! We answer, make that respond to all....>
Ok, so I'm currently cycling a 37 gallon soon to be reef tank,
(by the way this is my first saltwater tank, I've had freshwater my entire life
and I've been doing research for months getting ready but I really want to be
sure I do it right) and my first question is if you can tell me if this would be
over stocked or will these fish work for a 37 gallon: two ocellaris
clownfish, a watchman goby and possibly a pajama cardinal? The pajama
cardinal is just one possibility I'm throwing out there, I'm very open to other
<Place this cardinal last... and keep your eye on it. With growth the species of
the genus Sphaeramia tend to get aggressive>
I know that I need to add fish slowly, so I was wondering if I should add the
goby first or the two clownfish first,
<Ah yes>
I understand that some clownfish can be aggressive so I'm concerned with adding
them in the right order just to be safe.
<Tank bred specimens of this sp. are very easy going>
Also if a pajama cardinal isn't the best choice, is there another smaller fish
you would recommend (obviously only if it will not be over stocked of course)
<Too many choices... let's have you scan (read) the many FAQs files on stocking
such systems.... see the archived FAQs files on WWM... TAKE your time>
Thank you in
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Re: Compatibility question and introduction?
Thanks so much!!! You got back to me crazy fast lol
<Have been called worse! BobF>
Tropical West Atlantic biotope; stkg.
<Oooh, a fave topic>
Greetings Wet Web Crew! I'll commence with the praise, your site is an amazing
wealth of information and I'd like to thank you all for your work in maintaining
it and answering the ceaseless deluge of questions we the unwashed masses
bombard you with. And Bob, thanks to your books (primarily the Conscientious
Marine Aquarist) I have become drastically more
thoughtful about how I approach the hobby.
<Ahh; thank you; though I must and do account myself as part of the unwashed>
I'm planning for either a 29 gallon biocube or a 20-25 gallon drilled
with as large a sump as I can manage. I'm hoping to target a tropical
West Atlantic biotope but I'm suffering a bit of confusion as to the
conservation status and the legal protections for the corals from the region.
<Mmm; well; depends on where you're at... some countries allow use of their own
resources, quite a few don't... >
There seems no shortage of maricultured rock available, and in a decent load of
said rock one could expect to obtain a few assorted coral specimens.
But how do things go after that? Is there a gray area in trading frags grown
from these?
<Have seen quite a few; yes. Dick Perrin's "Tropicorium" among others>
If not, are there any dealers specializing in aquaculturing these organisms?
<Not specifically as far as I'm aware... there's just not enough (perceived)
demand, and many of the species, groups aren't deemed as beautiful as tropical
Indo-Pacific types... Though I always and still consider that Manicina et al.
would def. sell if cultured, small...>
And finally, what coral species are legal to wild collect in these regions?
<In the US? Scleractinians? None>
I'm certainly very interested in moving forward in my biotope plan, I intend to
focus on the pearly Jawfish and develop a system to complement this burrowing
fish as best I can. But I'd also like to grow some photosynthetic organisms as
my lighting budget allows without being an irresponsible consumer of Gulf
/Caribbean life, or ending up on the wrong side of conservation law (I don't
fancy orange jumpsuits)!
<Oh! Well; you could try some of the hardier Gorgonians (Pseudopterygorgia...),
sponges, Corallimorphs...>
I find the availability of maricultured live rock from just a few hundred miles
away compelling, and it doesn't hurt that I could realistically hand collect
specimens on my own. And diving on a live reef features high on my bucket list ,
the Caribbean and Keys seem most accessible for this goal.
<Yes; but again... the legality. Do check w/ Fish and Game, licensed collectors
in the area>
If you could help shed some light on these topics for me I'd greatly appreciate
Charlotte, NC
<We'll be chatting further. Bob Fenner>
Re: Tropical West Atlantic biotope
Hi Bob, thanks for answering so quickly before! I hope I'm not trying your
patience on email length or number of questions this time.
I'm ready to start moving forward on hardware and finalizing the stocking in my
head (did I say finalize? I mean continuous beta).
<Ah yes; "Nothing is decided till it's done"... a fave spiel>
Building management is form on the 20 gallon limit. One issue
with tank selection is that I'm always finding conflicting information regarding
a Jawfish ideal sandbed depth, you guys state 4" as good while Schultz at
reefkeeping.com believes 6" is a bare minimum.
<The deeper the better... here comes another broad stmt: "Life is a series of
compromises"... similarly our systems. One doesn't want to "give up/trade" more
and more depth at the "expense" of water volume at some point>
At the shallower depth, I believe it would be quite presentable in a 20 long,
and reap the benefits of more gas exchange and horizontal swimming area.
<Ahh! Much better stated>
At Schultz's suggested depths I feel I'd have to compromise and choose a tall. I
certainly want my future jaw to display his digging to his wee fish heart's
content, so I'm a bit torn.
<Don't be>
My rough draft of stocking is O. aurifrons, Gobiosoma oceanops (mated pair if
available, else single) and either a Gramma loreto or candy Basslet (need more
research on him still). Am I pushing my limit on bioload?
<Not so much this as needed space for fish-comfort>
And is the recommendation for the Jawfish to still skip full quarantine?
<IF you're pretty sure it's hardy initially; yes... Otherwise, if it IS the
first organism... it IS being quarantined wherever it's going>
Would likely acquire him first and let him settle in for a while before moving
on to the gobies, and then the last.
Could you recommend any sites or sources for good underwater photography of the
Caribbean that might serve my goal of developing better knowledge of the
aesthetic and habitat?
<All sorts... just Google searches... dive service/company sites.... tourist
Would you recommend Albert Thiel's new book on nano reefs?
<Haven't seen it first hand, but his works are worthwhile>
It's difficult to find reviews on, likely because he is publishing and selling
<Ah yes>
My last question is on the issue of stony coral were it to turn up on live rock.
Let's say something like boulder star or Staghorn turned up, is there any legal
issues regarding growing it out and fragging / trading it thereafter?
<There are not as far as I'm aware>
Thanks for all your help as always,
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Fish Addition? 3/21/15
To Whom It May Concern:
First, love your site--you've helped me several times over the years, and I
appreciate it very much. Particularly appreciate Dr. Fenner's book and
comments--most helpful.
<Just Bob; have no doctorate; and/but thank you for your kind words>
So the question--I have a 29 gallon tank Ocean biocube where all
residents are happy--the only fish are one pajama cardinal (had three and this
one drove the others to death)
<Ah yes; as is their nature>
and one yellow watchman goby with a pistol shrimp as well as corals, hermit
crabs, snails, and macroalgae. The tank is
two years and seemingly stable. I'd like to add one more fish--something active
but preferably something that won't unsettle the current residents, though I'm
willing to take the answer that such an addition is unwise, and enjoy what's
there. Wondered if you had any recommendation--someone said a couple of clowns,
but my cardinal is so present now--out in the front of the aquarium, even in the
light, that I'd prefer something that he wouldn't find unsettling and fear the
clown would drive him to hide during the daylight (hope I'm wrong).
<I do like the idea of the couple Clowns... tank bred... Colorful, interesting,
even comical behaviorally, and hardy. First I'd remove and trade in the too-mean
I appreciate your help--as always.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fish Addition? 3/22/15
Thanks so much for your rapid answer...much appreciated.
From your answer, should I gather that you think the pajama fish would attack
anything else that hung out in its part of the water column?
<Yes; way too likely>
I'd hoped its aggression was solely related to its species, as I've never seen
any aggression towards the watchman goby.
<... a bunch going on here... diff. habitat; a bit toxic...>
I have grown fond of the pajama cardinal fish, as I've had him almost two years
and he's a ferocious pod hunter, day and night, and fun to watch, so I'd be
reluctant to trade him in.
<Then... either a new, larger system; or...>
What would you think of adding a yellow striped cardinal fish?
<Not likely>
Aggression from the pajama still likely? If so, I'll give up on fish additions
and satisfy myself with the wonderful world of invertebrates.
Thanks again for your thoughtful and swift reply.
<Welcome. BobF>
Stocking a Nano tank 3/21/15
I have a 16g Innovative Marine Nuvo tank that is now fully cycled. At the moment
the inhabitants are: 1 small Emerald crab
<Ooh, do keep your eye on this Mithraculus... do get bigger, meaner... eating
snails, fishes in time>
and 5 snails. The tank has live aragonite sand and a combination of live rock
and real reef rock. I would like to begin to add a small number of fish, a
cleaner shrimp and eventually some soft corals. What type of fish would you
recommend for this size tank, and how many?
<Mmm; I suggest you read here:
and the linked FAQs files above>
Thank you for any advice and I hope to hear from you soon.
PS. Will you be emailing me directly or will you answer me in the forum?
<Directly. Enjoy the reading. Bob Fenner> AquarioScenario (ASc). SW nano-small sys. stkg. DB
Dear Stakeholder, some news from SAIA:
AquarioScenario – Holistic Small-Tank Planning: Nano tanks help us
aquarists to focus: with limited space, we need to make thoughtful
choices about what we want to display. This is where
AquarioScenario can assist you by suggesting possible combinations of
marine life for each tank size. We have incorporated our work
on the Lists of Unsuitable and Unsustainable Species, and also ensured
the combinations of marine life suggested are suitable and compatible,
considering not only size, but also behavior and needs of the species.
Find more here:
Review of the SAIA Fish Lists for 2015: We are glad to see that our
recommendations on unsuitable as well as on ecologically unsustainable
species have been well received. Each month they are downloaded several
hundred times. However, it is time for review and update. Pls contact us
with your suggestions, who should be moved from the lists, who should be
added. Also report on any new species, which are available in sufficient
quantity nowadays from breeding and thus shouldn’t be sourced from wild
Entertainment: We have updated this menu item with new interesting and
informative video material, mainly around the marine environment… Enjoy!
<Good idea! Bob Fenner>
Christiane Schmidt
Project Coordinator
Re: Wavering Towards Fish 10/28/14
Dear Bob,
I didn't quite understand one of your comments:
3) 1-2 Nemateleotris sp., perhaps N. decora.
Does that "could" mean "yes", or "with reservations"?
<The latter mostly>
I have read that said Firefishes they can be quite the escape artists,
<Indeed they are>
and are semi-aggressive (will not be happy sharing with various Gramma species
,hence, I won't be attempting this), but is there anything else implied in there
that I am missing?
<Nope; this is/was it>
<Welcome and thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Thanks for the rapid reply: 1 hour! I really appreciate it.
[You don't need to publish this bit. I've been browsing WWM for quite some time
now, and with the help you've provided, I think it most definitely deserves the
small donation I've sent over to you. You'll probably also save me many times
that amount in terms of not killing livestock. :) Keep up the dedicated work!]
<Much appreciated Wesley. Cheers, BobF>
New to saltwater, lots of questions. Sm. TWA reef stkg.
Hello All,
I hope this isn't a dumb question. I am just now starting a new nano
“reef” in a 20 gallon long tank.
A skimmer may be added down the line when I have livestock (weeks/months
from now after my rock cures). I am aware of the limitations of such a
small system, but I want to get my feet wet (pun intended) with a
manageable tank. It is going to be a loose Florida biotope stocked with
a few small and reportedly hardy Caribbean/Atlantic fish. Corals wise I
want to stick with gorgonians,
<I'd skip seafans in such a small volume; you being so new. Not easily
Ricordeas, macroalgae with perhaps a few frags of open brains. I am torn
about sponges.
<I'd leave off with these as well>
I am tempted to try to keep one alive but I realize this may not be
<Not practical>
I have done a fair bit of research on general saltwater tank husbandry
and keeping corals, but one thing I cannot seem to find a good answer to
is how one attaches corals to live rock!
<There are a few ways... from (best) just placing securely and allowing
themselves to attach, to the use of "superglue" and epoxies...>
It seems like corals magically go from frag plugs to live rock. I have
seen some just stick the plugs into the rockwork which I suppose would
work too. What is the proper way to get coral on a plug off the plug and
in your tank?
<As you and I state above>
Additionally, I have questions about quarantine. I am getting a lot of
conflicting information. My LFS is reasonably okay but I imagine I will
be getting most of my fish online and having them shipped (which I
understand affects acclimation?).
<Better to do your own quarantine if you have time, can make simple
facility for>
Here is my (tentative) planned stock list. Feel free to critique:
Mated pair of either Rusty Gobies or Neon Gobies (not both)
1 Swissguard Basslet
<Mmm; not with the below>
1 Black-capped Basslet (slightly worried about conspecific aggression
with two Basslets)
<You should be... just the G. melacara or a G. Loreto here>
1 Horseface Blenny
<Just the gobies; not this blenny>
It is to my understanding that Gobies don't do well in quarantine (is
this still the case?).
<They're fine; given a tube/pipe or such to hide in; low light...>
If I don't quarantine, what is the best way to rid them of any unwelcome
<Dips/baths. See WWM re>
I am familiar with the concept of freshwater dips but there is a lot of
conflicting information on how to do it and what to put in with the
fresh water (if anything). I planned on getting the goby pair first in
case of catastrophe so that way they don't kill off the rest of the
fish. Worst case scenario I can move them into quarantine and let the
tank lie fallow. For the rest of the list, are they okay to quarantine?
Should I do any dips before quarantine?
<After, enroute to the main/display if they're looking "rough" on
I have seen a lot of mixed thoughts about prophylactic treatment while
in quarantine, but it seems most are okay with preemptive PraziPro.
Should I wait until I see obvious illness or go ahead and treat?
<I'd wait w/ the fishes you list here>
I mainly don't want to kill off my fish or stress them excessively by
improper dipping and quarantining procedures, especially if they are
already stressed from shipping.
<You are wise here>
Thank you in advance for the help!
<Glad/happy to assist your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Re: New to saltwater, lots of questions. Stkg. 20 gal. reef
I appreciate the fast reply! I figured my stocking list could use major
editing. I know enough about marine fish that they can be nasty towards
the same species but not enough to know who is going to play nice with
relatives and who isn't yet.
<Best to be/stay tentative>
Between the two Basslets, which is preferable?
<More the Loreto... stays a bit smaller, more used to bright light...
Oh, I see below... the Swiss Guard, but not by much>
It's kind of a toss-up to which one I prefer aesthetically. I am
disappointed the blenny won't work, but I'm sure there is a good reason?
<Too mean... esp. toward similar niche-occupiers... and particularly in
smallish vol.s>
I just love that horsey face.
The (Heavily) Revised Stocking List:
* Mated pair of gobies (rusty or neon)
* Either the Swissguard or the Black-capped Basslet
* ?????
I would like to add another fish or two max to liven things up a bit.
Not sure what would go well with that trio. The salty equivalent of
dither fish. With fairly heavy biofiltration and a skimmer I should (of
course will have to be proven by water quality and not guaranteed) be
able to support 4 to 6 small fish, depending on species. I plan on
stocking slowly with appropriate quarantine between fish, so I have some
time to figure out what else I may want. And time to figure out I am at
my max before I crash my tank....
Just for clarification, are you suggesting no corals at all or just not
the ones I have picked as potentials?
<Better to do a bit more reading for now... perhaps introduce small
Cnidarians a few months later>
I definitely want a reef tank (eventually) but need to go slow due to
not wanting to crash my tank killing off $$$$ livestock and also because
I am not made of money! Nothing good happens in a nano tank quickly
<Ah yes>
I may be adding like a frag or two a month when my tank is stable.
<Very good. BobF>
Nano stocking question
Dear Crew,
I have just started setting up a 16 Gallon, Innovative-Marine, all-in
one tank in my office - finally fish where I spend most of my time! I
added an ATO
<Mmm; do keep your eye on this, the spg... very easy to get into trouble
w/ such automated gear on small volumes>
to help keep the salinity stable and have added a generous amount of
Matrix to try to maximize the biological filter. I also intend to use
frequent water changes, Purigen and Chemi-Pure to keep the water quality
high and stable. With the 6 lbs. of live-rock, 10 lbs. of sand, pumps,
etc., its effective water volume is about 12-13 gallons. I intend to
stock it with Zoanthids, Ricordea and maybe a Doughnut (Acanthophyllia).
<The Zoanthids last... a few months after the others>
My question is, would it be appropriate to have a pair of Hi Fin Red
Banded Gobies (Stonogobiops nematodes) and one Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
(Amblyeleotris randalli) in this tank?
<I'd skip the former (don't really go in small volumes though they
themselves are tiny), and not mix the genus w/ Prawn gobies anyway. The
simple/r statement would be just to stock the PG; w/ or sans the
symbiont Alpheid>
I really like the Goby but am having trouble understanding Goby
computability, and I do not want to over-stock. If this is not wise, and
assuming that a pair of Hi Fin is appropriate, can you suggest another
that might work with the Hi Fins?
<All sorts... do the long read on WWM or borrow a copy of my later work
on stocking small marine systems (on Amazon)>
Thanks in advance, and thanks for WWM - the best resource on the
Internet bar none!
<Ahh, thank you for your kind words. Bob Fenner>
New Nano Livestock Advice 5/4/14
In the past I have owned a 125 and 55 gallon reef setup. Job
change and a move forced me out of the hobby but am now jumping back in
this time with a RSM 130D 34 gallon. In the process of cycling with 30
lbs of live rock and 20 lbs of live aragonite sand. Trying to make a
plan for future fish and looking for input from the experts. So my plan
is in order of preference 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 Helfrichi Firefish, 2
Banggai Cardinals,
<I'd stick w/ one in this volume. Too likely to fight otherwise>
2 Neon Gobies. Eventually will have various easy soft corals as well.
Any conflicts? Too many? Order of addition to tank?
Andy Martin
<The Microdesmid first, the Gobiosoma last. Bob Fenner>
Fish dynamics. Easily over and mis-stocking a small marine
sys. Apogonid f' stkg./sel., Chromis as well
Hi Crew, Just sharing. I have a 24 gallon and usually
have six small fish. A year ago I had a Pajama Cardinal about 4 years
old, a Clown Goby about 5 years old, a Firefish about 3 years old and a
Bicolor Blenny about a year old. So I decided to get a pair of Hi Fin
Cardinals and one really dominated the other.
<Yes; not enough room here... but for one Apogonid>
So I sold the dominant one. Then the remaining Hi Fin became bossy and
My Pajama Cardinal would not come out and the Firefish rarely came out
so I sold that Hi Fin. The Firefish came out and stayed in the
middle most of the day. It took The Pajama Cardinal about 4 weeks to
come out and even then it was very skittish. I decided to add an Orange
Striped cardinal
so rather than 2 I decided on 3 and I also went for a Black Axil Chromis.
<Not a good choice here>
I know it is too crowded but I can always fix that. The Chromis is around
the size of the Pajama and is active. The Pajama Cardinal now is out all
day protecting his little corner from the Chromis. Didn't expect that.
The Firefish is hiding. I think the Blenny unnerves him. The Blenny is
moving around much more and doesn't seem to like the fact that there is
more competition for him. The Orange Stripes are very small, maybe 3/4
of an inch. But their mouths are very big. They compete for the food and
can really eat some big pieces. As of now they look yellow rather than
orange. Probably will not be able to keep all three when they are full
grown. They stay together near the bottom and don't seem to mind that
they are smallest in the tank. When food is there they go to the top
besides getting it from the water column. Sam
<Sam; you're a candidate for a much larger system... or systems! I'd be
looking about the place; maybe work as well... for location/s. Bob
Reef Inverts &Vertebrates. Sm. mar. sys. stkg, circ.
Dear Crew,
I have a 10 gal reef tank. Filtration is a MarineLand
hang on the back filter for a 30 gallon system I believe, not sure but
its probably overkill(except I don't believe you can have overkill with
a reef tank).
One Powerhead its 500gph.
<Better to have two smaller>
10 lbs of live sand, 6 lbs of live rock(trying to keep space for corals
to grow in the future) I would like to stock it, but I don't want it
over stocked. I currently have two varieties of Candy Cane Coral, Two
Duncan Frags (I fragged them from a colony in my show tank a while
back), and some Galaxea Polyps I am trying to save, they look pretty
good, but time will tell. Anyway, it is lit with a 30 watt ReefBrite
I plan to add Montipora digitata, and Acan lords. And, the for other
life I was thinking about adding a feather duster, a few Thor
amboinensis, one Nemateleotris decora, and a pair of Gobiodon
strangulatus. Would this be over stocked?
<Mmm; no... as long as the gobies get along; the Oculinids don't grow to
sting other corals>
I am doing frequent water changes, and don't think there would be any
aggression problems to worry about. Are there other species of fish and
shrimp you would suggest instead?
<Not w/o being you; knowing what you like... are trying to do. You've
read through the numerous sm. mar. sys. stocking FAQs files I take it>
I chose the Shrimp because they are likely to hide in my Duncans which I
think would be pretty, and I know the Gobies like branching SPS. Anyway,
take care!
<I will, am. Bob Fenner>
Question about my tank set up, little reef... including
stkg. 10/11/13
Good day!
<And you David>
I thank you for your efforts to help us as well as our marine friends
live a stress free healthy life. Your site continues to be an invaluable
source of help to the hobby.
<We are all pleased>
I am in efforts to double check my tank preparations, as well as solicit
advice or suggestions concerning my planned stocking list. I'm no expert
but hopefully not too much of a novice. I've done and continue to do
research to make sure nothing dies on account of my negligence. I
believe my plans are sound, though again, I am running them by the
WetWebMedia crew as you know far more than I do, and can correct my
plans. I apologize if this is a long tedious e-mail, I figure to give
too much info rather than too little.
<Sounds/reads good>
I have a new 29 gallon biocube. I plan on it being a goby/shrimp
tank, which I have not had previously.
As for the set up, I have a skimmer in the back. I am using the same
skimmer as I have in my established biocube reef so I am confident in
its ability for the new cube (Aquaticlife 115 mini skimmer). I also plan
to set up a fuge in the back. I have the basket and lights ready to go.
I added a Koralia nano pump and removed the elbow from the stock pump
and put in some Eheim tubing to help water flow, replacing the outflow
with a Y and additional loc line to get good water movement. I used some
dry rock from Marco rocks (30 lbs). I bought two bags of "live sand" (20
pounds) and took a lot of established sand from another tank. I
built the rock structure I liked, with an eye for viewability of a
future shrimp/goby burrow, placed it and then added the sand.
<Mmm; an interjection: you may want to add a bit of rubble at the burrow
site, even a small length of 1/2 or 3/4" ID PVC pipe... sand along won't
hold up/sustain a burrow; and your shrimp/goby may well instead look/dig
elsewhere... under rock (which I hope/trust is positioned on the bottom,
not sand)>
I now have a sand bed of about 5 inches. It is mostly fine though it has
some larger grains. (the sand is from a tank that has Jawfish, so the
sand type is designed for Jawfish, don't worry the Jawfish still has 6
plus inches of sand in over a square foot of area around its home, I
took from a section of the tank where the Jawfish has not gone in over a
year) I have also added some extra rubble on top for the planned shrimp
to make use of. I am going with the stock lighting for now, thinking one
day in the future I might upgrade the lights and frag some of my corals.
My plan is for a high fin goby (Stonogobiops nematodes) and a Randall's
pistol shrimp (Alpheus randalli). For tank mates I want more peaceful
than I have in any other tank so a Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
and a cardinal fish, though I'm not sure which one.
<There are a few suitable types... I am going to insert/attach an
article on Apogonids for small systems I've recently penned for sale
into the pulp 'zines and inclusion in a new eBook (v. 2 of stkg. sm.
mar. sys.) that will be out in a few days on Amazon>
With the pistol shrimp I'm not planning to add crabs or snails for it to
munch on. So I'm hoping to keep the algae in check with good water flow
and filtration and water changes.
I set this up last weekend, so it has been about a week. Once the sand
had settled, I added some fish food to get the cycling started. Since I
used established sand I expected a quicker cycle. The "live" sand should
also allow for quicker cycling, though of course neither makes for an
instant cycle as the tank itself as well as the dry rocks are not ready.
I started testing a couple days ago and have not seen any ammonia or
nitrate spike.
Yesterday I saw that nitrates have jumped to around 10, which means I
likely missed any spike.
I know its possible for the sand to be cycled and "ready," since I added
so much established sand, but the tank should take more time I would
think. I know no two tanks take the same amount of time to cycle but
this seems really quick to me, I have not had my algae or diatom bloom
yet so I am leery.
<Not to worry>
Now that that long explanation is over, is it same <sane?> to add
anything next week?
<You could... I'd wait on the shrimp for another few weeks>
I am thinking it is safe to do a water change and add some Chaeto and
amphipods and copepods. but I am very <leery?> of adding fish so early.
I wonder if
it would be better to throw in a bunch more food and keep monitoring to
make sure before adding anything. I didn't want to add the Chaeto early
as I didn't want the diatoms to take it over.
<Again; I would not be concerned>
Am I thinking rightly and safely for the fish and inverts? since it is a
small tank is my stocking plan ok?
<Yes and yes>
if so, any particular cardinal fish that you would recommend it if was
your tank?
<As you'll see/read>
Again, I apologize for the length of this e-mail, and again thank you
for your continued efforts for our hobby.
With gratitude,
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Question about my tank set up 10/12/13
Wow! Thanks for the really quick and as usual helpful response. I sent
the e-mail and went out to grab lunch. By the time I came back to my
desk to much down the food before getting back to work I had the
goldmine of info you sent me.
<Well, all right!>
The article was very helpful and I was glad to see my
understandings/thought reflected in your discussion of the fish. In
setting up my rock (yes it is on the bottom glass) I knew I was
intending a cardinal fish so I created overhangs and set up shelter
spaces as best I could in the small space.
As usual you helped me out a bunch.
<Ah, good>
Have a great day and a great weekend!
<And you>
(sorry for the spelling errors mistakes, and thanks for rightly
understanding my omissions)
<Au contraire! Cheers, BobF>
Beginner corals 9/4/13
Hello wet web crew, I have had my 30 gallon
FOWLR tank set up for over a year now and I just emptied it of
all of its inhabitants to make room for a mantis shrimp. But as
time passes I am having many second thoughts about the mantis. I
was thinking of adding of few corals and possibly an anemone to
my set up?
<Not both>
I know corals and the like are a whole new ball game but I believe I am
up for the challenge. I know my current light will not cut it so I
am purchasing a 36" Coralife light with 192 watts between a 10,000 k
daylight and an actinic bulb, I have around 30 lbs live rock, 30 lbs of
live sand a Marineland BioWheel filter rated at 50 gallons and a Eshopps
PSK-75 H skimmer rated from 10-75 gallons. I might also add a sump
to my setup soon. I have been looking around online and in some
LFS and I was wondering if I could add a Condy anemone and some
pulsing hand zenia?
<Xenia... some downsides. Do see WWM re>
If these are bad choices what other corals are "beginner friendly" and
would thrive in my setup?
<Let's have you read here:
Scroll down to Cnidarians for Small Systems>
I am open to any type of coral I just have no idea which types would be a
good match with a beginner like myself. Thanks a
million, Erik
<Welcome; and when/where in doubt, keep reading. Bob Fenner>
Mandarin Dragonet Tank Mates
Hello, and thanks in advance for any insight you can offer.
Currently, I have a Coralife Biocube 29, which is home
to one Maroon Clown,
<Mmm, this species of Clownfish gets too big for this setting... better
to use a smaller one like Ocellaris, Percula>
and one Mandarin Dragonet (female, I believe). I have approx.
35lbs of live rock, and 20lbs of live sand. I purchased the
Mandarin against my better judgment, because she tilted her head at me -
the whole reason I say “against my better judgment” is because I swore I’d
never get one, due to the fatality rate.
<Actually; not too high; likely middling for marines nowayears>
However, knowing the fatality rate, and knowing I had a surplus of pods in
my existing tank that she would decimate IF she lived, I toted my
Mandarin, and two bottles of Tigger Pods, a bottle of Artic-pods, and a
huge dose of determination home, and began the process of making “fish
soup” with every single type of fish food I had in my house, and started
massively overfeeding my tank, and sitting there, magnifying glass in
hand, with the pumps turned off. Determination has finally paid
off! I have a Mandarin that eats frozen food!
<Ah good>
Her belly is no longer sunken, and is starting to round out nicely.
Her fins have all grown back, her color is beautiful, and I’m hoping
I’ve beaten the odds - I still supplement the tank with pods every 4-6
weeks, and overfeed the tank (twice a day), which leaves me doing 10%
weekly water changes out of sheer paranoia. :D
That said - I’m in the process of also setting up a 55 gallon FOWLR
tank, and would prefer to leave the Mandarin in the Biocube, and turn it
in to a reef tank. What I can’t seem to find, are any fish that
won’t compete with her for food, that aren’t too territorial, and that
are willing to just hang out in the water column.
<Look to the Gasterosteiforms... Seahorses, Pipefishes; Apogonids (some
species)... Cardinals... there are others>
Do you have any suitable tank mate recommendations that won’t stress my
little Mandy, that are also reef safe?
<Oh yes>
Or, does the possibility exist that she may “teach” a male to eat frozen,
if I were to attempt a second one, and just have a pair in this tank?
<Oh; this as well; yes>
Anything you can offer will be greatly appreciated! I bow to your
infinite wisdom. :D
<I wouldn't bow too far. Cheers! Bob Fenner>
What is the cause; sm. vol. allelopathy
Hi Crew,24 gallon AquaPod over 5 years old, pretty stable with
LPS, 3 cardinals, Firefish and clown goby. Last new coral was open brain
about 4 weeks ago. This morning it looked like a tank being
cycled. Very cloudy and it has been getting worse as the day goes on.
Temp has been about 82 daytimes for the past few weeks. But the
last few days it was down to 80.
Don't see any big change in corals or fish. Corals not getting good
light so slightly less full. A couple fish hiding more than usual. A
bloom just like that? Sam
<... Allelopathy... look up on WWM... my number one guess. I'd be
changing a good deal of the water, moving the most recent coral out...
This system is too small to just drop in Cnidarians w/o longer
acclimation/introduction. Bob Fenner>
Domino damsel in distress... Whamba jammeda along w/ an
Aplysiid in a 29 cube 7/7/13
Hi. I purchased a domino damsel about three days ago from the pet store.
My tank is already cycled and its about four months new and its a 29g
<Yikes... this Dascyllus is mis-placed here... Gets too large, too mean
to house w/ other fishes in small volumes>
I have a fire fish that's been living in it for about three
weeks already and he's doing fine and also a scooter dragonette. I also
have a small red leg hermit crab and emerald crab and two snails.
I also purchased a sea hare
<Umm, what species? You should find out ASAPractical. See WWM re... Read
and the linked files above re coldwater, too large specimens mis-sold in
the trade for tropical use>
the same day as the damsel because I have a ton of algae.
<... see WWM re this as well>
This morning I noticed he had some white spots on him..ick I am
sure..and I just wanted to know if he would be hardy enough to shake it
without having to remove him to a quarantine tank because I am not
medicating my tank with my live rock in there. What do you think I
should do?
<Read for now... Add Cryptocaryon to your WWM list>
I know they are pretty hardy and he's still eating like a pig but I am not
sure if it will get worse or this is just a stress related thing from
moving the rocks around..I also added two new pieces of live rock the
same day I got the damsel.
<You've added too much, too soon here... and organisms that don't fit in
such a tiny space>
All the
crabs and fire goby and scooter look fine ..its just the damsel. Thanks
for any advice.
<Keep reading... Write back w/ specific questions after. Bob Fenner>
Re: Domino damsel in distress 7/7/13
I didn't realize I had overstocked it because they seem so small and the
damsel is only but an inch big at the moment.
<... please... search, read re purchases ahead of time. This fish is
almost always a "terror">
I will keep the damsel because I love it even though it will
get big and ugly later
<... sigh. Not ugly ever>
but I will also upgrade when the time comes for him also. After reading a
bit about the sea hare it would seem he was not such a wise choice after
all. I think I will return all and just keep the damsel and the
two crabs and algae snails.
Thank you for the help.
Purple Firefish Compatibility? (is a timid little
fish…conspecifics aside) – 04/25/13
Hi there folks!
I love the forums and read till my eyes cross and words blur!
So much great info.
I was wondering, I have a Biocube 29 gallon with about
20 lbs of live rock. Right now I have two Percula clowns,
<<Mmm…this tank is a bit small for such, in my opinion. Would
prefer to see these in 40g+>>
a small Cardinal and one Blood Fire shrimp. Would adding a purple
Firefish work in this setup?
<<These are quite timid fishes…easily harassed/stressed…with dire
consequences. I think the Clowns would pose a problem re>>
I've had my eye on one for quite some time now and haven't seen much in
the way of compatibility of these little guys. The people at my LFS say
I shouldn't have any problems, but wanted a second opinion from another
source (that doesn't have some sort of stake in this).
<<You have it [grin]>>
If Firefish won't be a good option, do you have a recommendation for
another fish?
<<Hmm… If you must, perhaps a small Dottyback like Pseudochromis
porphyreus. Small and colorful…and just pugnacious enough to
survive/coexist with the established Clowns. Though such behaviors
(on both the Clown’s and Dottyback’s part) are very often exacerbated in
small confines>>
Thanks so much!!!
<<Happy to share… EricR>>
Re: Purple Firefish Compatibility? (is a timid little fish…conspecifics
aside) – 04/26/13
Thanks so much for the info!!
<<Quite welcome>>
I'll be doing my research on the Dottyback.
Now, my last question: I'm finding conflicting information on feeding a
Fire shrimp.
Right now I feed a Spirulina 20 flake to my tank members, and every
couple of days adding some thawed vitamin enriched brine shrimp.
<<I very much suggest expanding this diet to include thawed frozen
Bloodworms and/or Glassworms, Mysis Shrimp…and the very nutritional and
palatable New Life Spectrum pelleted food (I suggest the 1mm pellets
here). You don’t have to feed all every time (though I do suggest
a pinch of the pellets at least once daily)…and several small daily
feedings are better than one big feeding…but your fish, indeed your
whole system, will benefit from a better diet than what you currently
When I feed flake alone my poor shrimp comes out of his cave excited for
food, but seems disappointed when he finds it's only flake and slinks
backward into his home. I feel guilty!!!!! Should his diet be different?
<<It should, as mentioned>>
What should I be feeding him differently?
<<All of your tank inhabitants will enjoy and benefit from the foods I
mentioned…the shrimp will especially enjoy picking the pellets from the
<<Always welcome… Eric Russell>>
R2: Purple Firefish Compatibility? (is a timid little fish…conspecifics
aside) – 04/27/13
Well, I went back to my LFS tonight excited to purchase the New Life
pellets you folks recommended.
<<Yes…a very nutritious and palatable staple food>>
I was also going to buy some bloodworms as a supplement as you suggested
as well. When I asked about them, the rep told me that bloodworms were
only fed to freshwater fish!!!!!! What?!?!? Ugh.
<<I would not feed such to marine fishes solely…but they do have
nutritional value, provide a different presentation/appeal…and these and
Glassworms are excellent for getting problematic feeders to eat in
captivity, in my experience>>
I do believe I will be relying on you good people and your knowledge for
most all my questions from now on!!!
<<Perhaps you also need to find another LFS?>>
Thanks so much again!
<<Welcome again>>
(And my fish LOVE their new pellets!)
<<Knew they would! (and so good for them too!) Cheers…
Re: Key worm eel - better pictures! Now comp./stkg.
Okay guys and gals, as always, thank you so much for your help and your
website! Here's the next set of questions. ;) Mr. Squigglesworth and his
girlfriend (the Key Worm Eels) have a Magnificent Firefish, a Blue-Green
Chromis, and a Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish all living peacefully together
in a 35 gallon hex tank. We have decided that in the
next few months, the eels will be moved to a 55 gallon tank to
have more floor space.
<Sounds good.>
However, I would like to get a sand sifting goby for the 35 hex now that
I can detect growth in the sand. The goby would be living with the eels
temporarily until they move. I am partial to the Yellow Watchman Goby
because of size, behavior, and looks but would like some suggestions.
<A lot to choose from. Start here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gobies.htm >
Also, eventually, I would love a Pygmy Hawkfish and a Cinnamon
Clownfish. So, in the end; 35 gallon hex with: Magnificent Firefish,
Blue-Green Chromis, Pygmy Angel, Pygmy Hawkfish, Cinnamon Clown, and a
<The clown would do best with a partner and maybe an anemone if you have
proper light and filtration. See
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clnfishart2.htm >
After the 35 is set, I'll also have the 55 set up that I'll need to
stock so some of these guys can go in there instead, if it would be
better. Just in case you were wondering, I admit my 'fishy' addiction.
;) but only if they can be completely spoiled rotten. ;)
<The 35 is already full in my opinion and I'd only add the fishes you
want once the eels are removed. Also, I'd plan to take at least the
Cherub angel to the larger tank.>
As always, you all are my go-to resource for knowledge, even if I can't
really have all the fishies :) Sandra in Florida, USA
<Thanks for your kind words! Cheers, Marco.>
29 Biocube... stkg., foods for "corals",
Hi there, First time writer.
<Ahh; you are a stranger here but once. Welcome>
I am new to the hobby and love it! I have a 29gallon biocube. I have
been doing this for about three months now. The tank was set up for two
years before I bought it. I have Ocellaris Clownfish, Yellow Watchman
Goby, Purple Firefish, and Kaudern's Cardinal fish. I have a few
pieces of lps, sps, and one small toadstool leather.
<This last; Sarcophyton, may prove problematical in time... get very
large (much bigger than this tank), and produce/release copious amounts
of five carbon compounds that can be toxic to other life... esp. if
Everything is healthy, but has seemed stressed lately due to Nitrates.
They have been running around 20ppm. I feed new life spectrum pellets
and Mysis. Pellets in the morning and Mysis at night. I feed very light
small pinch of pellets which they consume in about 15seconds. The Mysis
I feed maybe a quarter of a cube a day. Coral feedings. I feed a small
piece of a algae sheet twice a week for my snails at night and remove
what is left in the morning. Normally its all gone in the Morning. I
feed my corals twice a week. Kent marine ZooPlex and marine
<These foods aren't worthwhile... the one is a source of pollution, the
second a placebo. I'd leave both out, count on foods fed to your fishes
alone here>
I target all my corals twice a week. I do five gallon water change the
next day after second feedings of corals. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Calcium
420, Carbonate hardness 10dkh, Ph 8.2, and Magnesium at 1250ppm.There
are three chambers in the back of the biocube. In the first chamber I
have a AquaticLife Internal Mini Skimmer. It seems to do well. Fills the
collection cup with nasty brown stuff every other day. the second
chamber I have rock and charcoal with filter pad over the top of the
rock that comes with the system. Third is my pump, uv and heater.
So I have been reading all over the internet and saw a few post of
people having the same problem.
People told them to remove the rock from the chamber that it was not
needed and that was where all the Nitrates were coming from. I thought
of doing that slowly and vacuuming the chamber, but isn't that where all
my bacteria to keep my sweets alive is at? Hope you can help? Becky
<Leaving out the bunk "coral foods" will highly likely solve the NO3
Bob Fenner>
Re: 29 Biocube 3/22/13
Hi Bob, Thank you for such a fast response. So far the Cardinal fish
seems stressed free and not bullied. I will keep a eye on him for sure
especially as he gets older. So do I target feed the lps corals?
<You can offer them some "extra" Mysis a couple/three times a week if
you'd like>
Do I keep feeding the same amount I have been? I have tried target
feeding some of the lps I have, and the Mysis seems to blow right past
<Mmm, try temporarily turning off the pump/s, using a dedicated turkey
baster (or eq. commercial petfish tool) to blow the meaty items onto
them... after offering some, juice to the tank ahead for a few minutes>
lol The only thing I seen take it well is my Duncan coral. I also do
feed them at night when lights or off and tentacles are out.
<All can/will be trained to accept foods with lights on in time>
Are there any corals food that is good?
<Depends on what one calls/labels as "corals"... There are very few
purposeful foods sold in the ornamental aquatics interest that are
specifically of use for Cnidarians... However, "loose", and used "fish
foods" are often of great use, as are in situ produced single celled
algae for some species, some small animals..., bacteria and more>
Thanks, Becky
<Ah, welcome. BobF>
Re: 29 Biocube 3/22/13
Bob, I will start trying to feed them tonight. Tomorrow is water change
day so tonight will be a good training day. So should I disregard
worrying about removing my rock from the chamber? I will leave you alone
now. I know your busy. Becky
<I would leave it in place. B>
Compatibility in a 29g FOWLR - 12/19/2012
Hello, and happy holidays to all!
I have a 29 gallon FOWLR tank with 3 blue/green Chromis,
and a bicolor Dottyback in my quarantine tank.
<Thank you for practicing proper quarantine.>
I had an Ocellaris Clownfish, but it died.
<I hope you have investigated why, and rectified any troubles....>
I would like to add one more fish to the mix. I'm thinking about setting
up a second quarantine tank which could hold another clown or perhaps a
Dwarf Angel.
<If you do this, don't do a dwarf Angel. Centropyge, for the most
part, are active, inquisitive fish that "take up" a lot more space than
their small size would suggest. They also prefer to not be
crowded, and to be the fifth fish in an already too-small space for the
fish would really be unfortunate.>
I would keep the Dotty in quarantine longer so that could put it in the
display tank last. Does this sound like a good plan?
<To keep the Dottyback in quarantine longer? Yes, I'd say so.
Won't hurt, and could help.>
And which would be better with the Dotty, a Clownfish or an Angel?
<In the small space afforded by your tank, as above, I would absolutely
not do an Angel. The clown would fare much, much better.>
And will the Chromis be safe in a 29 gallon tank with a Bicolor
<Possibly, but tough to say. They can be a bit rough on smaller
tankmates, and that is a pretty small space. Hopefully all will go
well, but you might want to have a "plan B" in case things don't go as
one might hope.>
Thank you!
<You're welcome! Best wishes, -Sabrina>
Stkg. a 29 SW... FO... using WWM - 12/01/2012
Hi, Jackson here. I'm planning on setting up a 29g high saltwater
fish only tank. I know for sure that I'm getting a pearly Jawfish,
but I need help with others. I was thinking 1-2 Ocellaris Clowns,
1 Chalk Bass
<Mmm, no; not enough room... for this genus here>
and a Firefish/Chromis.
<? See WWM re these... >
Too much, or do I still have room?
<Please learn to/use the search tool, indices on WWM. Your answers and
much more that is pertinent are organized there for your
edification/use. Bob Fenner>
question about SPS and softies compatibility, sm. sys.,
Cnid. mix incomp. - 10/15/2012
Greetings and Salutations,
<And to you>
Again thank you for your patience and hard work in helping our
hobby/industry. I am writing to ask about the compatibility of corals
specifically some SPS with some softies. I have maintained a mixed reef
without issues in a 150 gallon system but now am planning on a small
system and so have a question.
My 29 gallon Biocube currently has a small Green Star Polyp
colony (*Pachyclavularia violacea), *a Devil's Finger Leather
(Lobophytum sp.) about 3-4 inches when extended during the day, some
various Zoanthids about 30 polyps, some mushrooms (Actinodiscus sp)
about fifteen or so, a 4 inch hammer coral (*Euphyllia ancora*), three
2-3 inch frogspawn corals (*Euphyllia divisa*), a 4 inch Bubble
(*Plerogyra sinuosa*) and three growing into five stalks of some candy
cane coral (Caulastrea furcata).
<Impressive that all this is getting along in such a small volume>
As for fish I have two Clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris) in the process of
pairing and a Yellowline Goby (Elacatinus figaro), all are ORA tank
bred. All are thriving in current conditions: a 3 inch sand bed, lots of
live rock (the tank has been up and running so long I forget how many
pounds), a cleaning crew of small hermits and snails, and of course the
countless little creatures. I run the stock lights, an AquaticLife
Internal Mini Skimmer 115 (24/7), I upgrade the stock pump to a Rio 6
(500 gph) and added a Hydor Koralia nano powerhead (425 gph), I utilize
activated carbon, and Phosguard along with standard filter floss.
I do biweekly water changes.
As stated above, I am thinking of making some changes and
additions. I am removing the elbow fitting for the bulkhead from the
pump today (learned that this piece restricts the pumps flow rate) and
simply running some Eheim tubing from the pump to the bulkhead.
Depending on how the flow into the system increases I may then add a "Y"
fitting and split the flow into the tank.
<All right>
I am further thinking of upgrading the stock lighting to some LEDs
capable of SPS growth. I'm in Dallas Texas so in the summers the setup
can warm up the water an awful lot, so I am drawn to lowering the heat
from the lights (after I added the skimmer, in the summer the tank temp
gets to 82ish).
<Sounds good>
The ability to add SPS coral
<Mmm, no; not in this size/shape system w/ the other Cnidarians you
list... not likely to work>
to the mix is something I am interested in as well. However, in doing
research before actually doing anything to the system, I have read
various and sometimes conflicting info on SPS with the softies that I
<Mmm, not really the Alcyonaceans, but the other groups>
If I do add some SPS I am interested in Acroporas, particularly perhaps
a Staghorn, as well as the plating type Montipora capricornis. My
concern is with the chemical war that the softies wage, particularly
since it is a small system.
<You are right to be concerned>
I've read some aquarists speak of the green stars as the worst
aggressors while others claim theirs have always played nice in the
aquarium. Some say never mix and others say mixing is fine. As with most
things in this hobby as there are so many variables no simple hard and
fast rules exist.
<Again... not likely to coexist>
The thought is to move the LPS down in the tank keeping them well away
from any other coral so their sweepers don't hit, the SPS would be
placed above and away from the leather which I would keep near the
tank's intake, and the mushrooms, and polyps remain at the bottom. My
question is given the current inhabitants and my theoretical changes to
the system is a mixed reef a real possibility or should I simply not add
the SPS?
<The latter; I wouldn't do this here. Wait till you have another system,
or a much larger one to mix all>
Additionally, if it is possible are there any other thoughts on
placement of corals to keep them from hurting each other?
<Not really, no>
Thank you greatly for your time and consideration!
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Re: question about SPS and softies compatibility - 10/15/2012
Thanks again, your help is greatly appreciated by hobbyists like myself
and our aquarium dwelling friends.
<A tremendous pleasure and honour to help. Bob Fenner>
Stocking Plan, small reef 9/25/12
I have a 40 UK gallon main tank with a 20 UK gallon sump
I have 35 kgs of live rock and the tank has been established for just
under one year now.
I have 1 common Clownfish, 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Flame Angel,
<Mmm, really needs more room than this>
2 Halloween crabs, 1 Red Hermit crab, 2 Conches, 7 Turbo Snails and 1
Cleaner Shrimp plus a few soft corals
I would like to add a Yellow Tang but from research appreciate that the
tank is too small.
<It is>
I am thinking therefore of adding some or all of Foxface,
<Too small for a Siganid as well>
Valentini Puffer, Convict Tang,
<Mmm, not Tangs here period>
Wreckfish, Damsels. I would greatly appreciate any comments on this
stocking plan, especially which species of Damsel would suit best.
Regards Rob
<Mmm, do please peruse the Pomacentrid Selection/Stocking and FAQs files
per genus (some faves in the genera Chrysiptera, Pomacentrus...) Bob
Re: Stocking Plan 9/25/12
Many thanks for the prompt response. I have spent many hours trawling
the pages of WWM, learning some great things along the way but, as a
beginner it is quite daunting and I wondered if there was scope to post
a few sample suggested stocking plans for say 3 sizes of set up as a
guide for those who have no fish at all
- may save the same questions coming up so often and save a few
expensive but well intentioned mistakes - just a thought. Regards Rob
<Thanks, BobF>
Re: Stocking Plan 9/28/12
Many thanks - lots of research later my revised suggested stocking list
to add to 1 x Common Clownfish, 1 x Royal Gramma, 1 x Flame Angel,
<Again, I wouldn't add this fish... maybe one of the really dwarf dwarf
Centropyges instead. See WWM Re>
1 Cleaner Shrimp in my 40 UK Gallon tank + 20 UK gallon sump is: 2 x
peppermint shrimps, 1 x Blenny (Midas or Bicolour) 1 x Banggai Cardinal,
1 x longnose hawkfish,
<Neither this... your tank's too small>
1 x yellow Watchman Goby. Would like 3 yellowtail Damsels (from what I
read should add these last of all?) if these will be too aggressive then
some Blue/Green Chromis (research suggests 5 but too many for my tank -
would 3 be enough?)
<Three maximum. B>
Regards Rob
Re: Stocking Plan 9/29/12
Thanks but getting a little demoralised now - is my tank just too small
for anything of any interest in which case should I just give up until I
have saved enough for say a 125 UK gallon tank or is there something I
can do with what I have?
<There is indeed a bunch that can go well in such a volume...>
Just seems to be a string of "that's too big" "wouldn't add that".
<Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Stocking Plan, small reef 9/25/12
I have a 40 UK gallon main tank with a 20 UK gallon sump
I have 35 kgs of live rock and the tank has been established for just
under one year now.
I have 1 common Clownfish, 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Flame Angel,
<Mmm, really needs more room than this>
2 Halloween crabs, 1 Red Hermit crab, 2 Conches, 7 Turbo Snails and 1
Cleaner Shrimp plus a few soft corals
I would like to add a Yellow Tang but from research appreciate that the
tank is too small.
<It is>
I am thinking therefore of adding some or all of Foxface,
<Too small for a Siganid as well>
Valentini Puffer, Convict Tang,
<Mmm, not Tangs here period>
Wreckfish, Damsels. I would greatly appreciate any comments on this
stocking plan, especially which species of Damsel would suit best.
Regards Rob
<Mmm, do please peruse the Pomacentrid Selection/Stocking and FAQs files
per genus (some faves in the genera Chrysiptera, Pomacentrus...) Bob
Re: Stocking Plan 9/25/12
Many thanks for the prompt response. I have spent many hours trawling
the pages of WWM, learning some great things along the way but, as a
beginner it is quite daunting and I wondered if there was scope to post
a few sample suggested stocking plans for say 3 sizes of set up as a
guide for those who have no fish at all
- may save the same questions coming up so often and save a few
expensive but well intentioned mistakes - just a thought. Regards Rob
<Thanks, BobF>
Blenny & Hermit Crab Compatibility, in sm. SW
Hello WetWeb ,
I have a six gallon tank that is about 4 1/2 years old,
stocked with about 4 pounds of live rock, Xenia, Halimeda, a little hair
alga and some other soft algae growing from the live rock. Not the most
exciting tank so I'd like to spruce it up and add a couple twin
spot blennies (Ecsenius bimaculatus)
<May fight here>
along with one or two hermit crabs (C. diguetti). Would the crabs likely
leave the blennies alone - assuming the fish are healthy?
<Mmm, yes>
(Or maybe I should ask, are these blennies fast enough to get away from
diguetti hermit crabs?)
Also the details written on the blennies from the vendor I plan to get
them from says that its okay to keep the blennies in "numbers" as long
as they are introduced at the same time. What do you think about this?
<A gamble... in the wild members of this species, this genus are found
either solitarily (more so when young, small) or in groups... but one
can see that not just any individuals drift to/fro into others
Do these fish generally do better in groups or by themselves in a nano
<I'd keep singly; or at least have a contingency plan to separate>
Thank you,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Tail Spot Blenny in a 20 long/Fish Selection/Small Aquariums
Hello WWM Crew,
<Hello Collin>
I have a 20long tank with about 15 lbs of LR and 20lbs of LS, an AC70
running carbon and normal floss as well as a DIY protein skimmer.
This will be a small LPS reef for me and I'm at the point where I'm
making my fish selection list. I'm going to stock my tank with
(hopefully) three small species of fish. My main choice being a
Tail Spot Blenny Ecsenius stigmatura. I would
like to add some kind of shrimp goby/ or a clown goby.
Would either of these be a better choice than the other? I know my
options for stocking fish are minimal if that. Can you recommend a
small species that would spend its time in the water column?
<Perhaps one of the colorful Dottybacks. See here.
And here.
Thanks for having such a great resource on the web,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
planning the softy tank, for two week
vacation intervals
Hey all! This is my first time messaging you folks on the salty side as
i look forward to setting up my 20 gallon tall tank as
a soft coral reef tank.
I've been researching for 3 years now but now feel confident to
take the plunge. There is however one problem I'm having difficulty
with sorting out...and that is vacations! As much as i love vacations
i don't love leaving my tanks alone especially when we can
be gone for up to 2 weeks.....
<Not too problematical...>
Any ideas of how to make a 20 gallon tank ready for a 2 week period of
no regular care?
<Timers for lighting... if there's issue w/ steadiness of
electrical power, perhaps an UPS... IF concerned, an automatic feeder
to provide some sustenance; though in almost all cases, offering no
food for this period is better>
For top offs id obviously do and auto top off machine
<You could... again, IF there's not much evaporation, I'd
just leave the system till your return. Bob Fenner>
Re: planning the softy tank, other stkg.
Thanks Mr. Fenner! Just out of curiosity if YOU were to stock a 20
gallon tall tank, what fish would you choose?
I was thinking a pair of Percula clownfish and a shrimp/goby
Any ideas would be fantastic!
<Mmm, please take your time reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/smmarsysstkgfaqs.htm
and the many linked files above. BobF>
Hey crew,
I must thank you all in advance for the massive amounts of useful info
WWM supplies. I am a high school student (lousy speller)
<Use the spell-grammar checker... a good learning tool>
and run my own small aquarium maintenance business.
<Ahh! I did this as well, starting in H.S., for 19 years>
One of the tanks that i maintain is a 29 gallon
biocube that was previously a nano reef and did not do well.
Currently the tank has plenty of live rock, is well cycled with good
water chemistry and no fish. I hope to turn this into a truly unique
fish tank and would love for your input on how this may be
accomplished. I thought it would be interesting if i were to
create a nice display without using any fish, but rather some nice
hardy inverts. I am open to suggestion and have been
thinking of maybe using a few reef lobsters (not sure if
several different species can be kept together and which species would
be best).
<Not compatible>
As this tank will be seen by many children it should be fun to
watch and colorful. Please let me know of any inverts or perhaps a
combo of several inverts that would make a nice display.
Joe B
<Do read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/marsetupindex1.htm
scroll down to the tray: "Small Marine Systems". Bob
Montipora Lighting
Good Afternoon!
I have been hearing mixed reviews on the lighting requirement for
Montipora and the FAQs on SPS lighting aren't really to the point.
Can Montipora be kept successfully in a 29 Biocube with two T5
HO bulbs one blue and one white?
<Mmm, "can". Not easily done, but
I am particularly interested in Purple Undata aquacultured by
ORA. I have heard that plating Montiporas can be kept in Biocubes close
to the top and ORA's site says moderate to high lighting. Can you
please confirm or refute any of this information?
<I do confirm it. In fact, most all (90 plus percent of what they
state) of ORA's information I find to be accurate, useful>
I am also fully prepared to feed it anything it likes since I
have some NPS Gorgonians that enjoy just about everything in the Reef
Nutrition line along with live and frozen copepods and frozen prawn
On another less pleasant note I have some worms eating my coralline
They are strictly nocturnal and look much like peanut worms but longer
and very skinny. There are at least two of them and around the holes
they come out of every night the coralline is vanishing very quickly. I
can happily put one more small fish in my Biocube without crowding or
even maxing my bioload if it will enjoy eating the worms.
<Look into the genus Pseudocheilinus... See WWM re... beware the
sixline tends to be "mean">
Thank you again for ALL the wonderful help.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
New setup for Seahorses
Hello! I have been searching your site and the web for several
weeks and have answered many questions while raising others. (there is
a lot of conflicting information out there!) I have a 46 gal bow front
saltwater tank which I LOVE and recently purchased a second tank with
the specific intention of having seahorses.
My new tank is a 24 gallon Cardiff, I have just set it
up this past weekend with water, live sand, and high quality live rock.
I have a great LFS locally who gets tank raised Seahorses from ORA in
FL. I would have gone larger but cannot fit more in my apartment right
now! I have seen info stating I can have two pairs in my tank,
which I would LOVE, but it seems like that would be too much to me. I
would like an opinion on whether my tentative plan seems a good
<Depending on species; unless you're talking/considering a
definite small/dwarf species, I'd stop at two individuals
I want to have a pair of H. Erectus Seahorses,
<Just two>
based on size suitability and overall hardiness. because I am
limited in space and types of compatible tank mates I want to have a
few very unique and special specimens in addition to the horses. I want
a pair of Harlequin Shrimp,
<You're aware of their feeding restrictions, issues of likely
pollution from? Are also quite reclusive...>
and a Mandarin Dragonet, and possibly a purple fire goby. There
would be snails and Peppermint Shrimp, one Beautiful Blue Maxima Clam
and a few colorful easy corals good for someone just starting out with
keeping corals. (recommendations welcome).
<Posted: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cnidselfaqs.htm
and the linked files above>
I saw a gorgeous Birdsnest coral, and a few I can't recall the
names of that had lovely soft grassy-like movement in the water.
<Do study... and be placing these last, in a systematic fashion...
Small specimens; captive-produced frags best... less aggressive
chemically and physically first...>
I have a Mandarin, tank raised and healthy on hold right now at the
LFS. He is eating well and I will be bringing him home to the 46 gal
until the 24 is ready for him to transfer into. I know I will be
required to do weekly water changes to keep my horses and corals happy,
as a good caretaker I am prepared to do what is needed. I tend to
research A LOT to the point of obsession but would rather do that with
living creatures than not learn enough!
<Good. Read; keep good notes, and we'll be chatting. Bob
Your thoughts on the Harlequins and feeding would be appreciated. My
LFS did not agree that Choc Chip Stars are safe with Horses (as I read
online) so I am wondering if I will need to have a separate hospital
tank just for my feeder sitar fish, OR if you recommend a specific type
for this purpose? I thought about sticking them in the sump but afraid
they might crawl out. I am prepared to either feed one leg at a time or
the entire star as needed.
Thank you in advance for any insight - I have learned a lot from your
P.S. - Because I can't help but share, my 46 gal has a mated pair
of True Clownfish (Hera & Zeus) who swim like drunk epileptics and
I LOVE it, a bonded Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp (Felix & Oscar
respectively) one Blenny (Scooter of course!) one Cleaner Shrimp
(Chester) as in the molester - he is all over everyone including my
hand when I need to get in there....
Frick & Frack the Peppermint Shrimp, Jacques, the Electric
Blue hermit crab with a definitive taste for escargot... And
heretofore un-named Anemone Crab, Sally Lightfoot Crab (Sally!
What else) and Gene Jr, my Horseshoe Crab (my one impulse purchase, who
will be getting a larger tank when I move and get my 150 or
Algae ID question, and a few others. Stkg.
Hello, and thank you so much for providing a true wealth of
knowledge for this fascinating hobby!
I have a 29g reef aquarium that is now several
months old, and doing great!
Lights: 48watts T-5 HO, 1 10k bulb 1 420 actinic bulb.
Filtration: Emperor 350, AquaC remora w/ Maxi-jet1200
(change carbon monthly so far in emperor)
Weekly water changes of 5 gallons.
Two blue-green Chromis
Two Black Ocellaris clownfish (mated)
One Flametail Blenny
One Maxi-Mini carpet anemone (also in picture.. has doubled in
size in just under a month.. now 4" in diameter, I've
heard these can reach 8"!?)
Two colonies of Xenia coral, my first and only coral in the
tank.. doing great so far.
Four blue legged hermits.
Four turbo snails.
One peppermint shrimp. (Bought him to help control an
Aiptasia outbreak I noticed after some rock was added... he did a
fantastic job and keeps the bottom looking grand. I've
heard these do well in groups, is it smart to add more or too
much of a stress on the bio load?)
<I'd leave one as a singleton here>
Untold numbers of Nassarius snails (started with four, but they
seem to be reproducing rapidly, should I be worried? Small
ones keep cropping up, but my sand looks great.)
Water parameters:
8.0 pH
12 degrees dKH
440 calcium
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
0 nitrate (finally at 0 after a few weeks of it still being on
the charts, assuming my water changes are whats helping)
.25ppm Phosphate (from the tap water I use, undoubtedly... but
everything seems fine?)
<Don't panic>
I test water weekly and things seem to be getting really
stable. My question today is regarding the algae in the
photograph. It came on the rock that I purchased along with
my maxi-mini carpet anemone, and while it was originally covered
in several types of algae, this is the only one that my
snails/crabs do not eat. It seems to be growing well with
my lighting, and is growing at about a half inch a week. I
love the way it looks and have read on your website that macro
algaes can serve a great purpose in helping export nitrates
etc. If this looks desirable to you all then I'd love
to keep it, and then have a question as to when I should groom
<I'd cut this (Bryopsis) back weekly, while doing water
changes; vacuum out...>
I have heard algaes can go "sexual" (this seems
to be a common reference with Caulerpa, which it looks like this
is not) and is that something I should worry about?
How frequently should this be trimmed back, and how much
should I trim back?
<Keep it confined...>
According to the visual algae ID chart, and the Algae ID
FAQ's on wwm, I believe it might be Derbesia sp.
<This or more likely Bryopsis>
One last question while I have your ear. Is my current
stock list looking OK? I am thinking of adding a Derasa
Clam (the LFS has one that looks great and has looked great for
several weeks) since I have heard that they are one of the easier
clams to keep. Also, my final fish will perhaps be a Dottyback
(strawberry Pseudochromis? or suggestions on any that would work
well with my current stock) Should I worry about the
Pseudochromis not getting along with my blenny?
<Yes; I would have just one or the other here. A 29 gal.
volume is borderline in terms of stability, stocking
They have similar body shapes. I'm also concerned that
I might be overstocking at this point.
Thank you for any advice you can provide.
<thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>