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Amongst fish families the Wrasses,
Family Labridae has the diversity and breadth of sizes and suitability
to meet most any and all types of marine systems. From the
public-aquarium-only gargantuan Maori Wrasse called the Napoleon,
Cheilinus undulatus at nearly two metres in length to diminutive
Lined, Fairy and Flasher Wrasses for our Reef Systems. Currently the
Labrids possess some seventy genera and five hundred twenty one species;
most of which are appropriate only for large rough and tumble Fish Only
(FO) or Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) systems. Even some of the small
species, like the Flashers (Paracheilinus) and Velvet or Fairy Wrasses
(genus Cirrhilabrus) need psychological room to move about, and interact
with conspecifics to be happy, healthy, and colorful. These fishes,
inclusive of the borderline super-genus Halichoeres members need more
than the forty gallon limit arbitrarily set here as “small” systems. However, there are a few
smaller Labrid species that do rate highly for small reef aquarium
usage, and this is their tale. Genus Pseudocheilinus, Some of
the Lined Wrasses:
Of the more commonly available Wrasse species that stay small, the
Pseudocheilinus appear to have much going for them. But though they're
good-looking, intelligent fishes, they can be too aggressive to other
fish tankmates, and if ever there were poster children/fishes for
shyness, these Labrids would be top contenders. Often quite common in
their natural ranges, with the possible exception of P. ocellatus,
divers miss seeing them about as much as anxious reef aquarists who have
placed them in their systems. Despite their tendency to be little
terrors and propensity for hiding these fishes can make engaging, albeit
fleeting additions to many types of marine systems.
All told there are seven scientifically described species of
Pseudocheilinus (Randall 1999, and Fishbase.org). Of these, two
might work for small systems but they’re rare as hen's teeth in the
trade, hailing from restricted ranges. In fact I have yet to come upon
P. citrinus (from the Pitcairn Islands to Rarotonga), or P.
dispilus (from the Mascarene Islands) in the trade in the U.S. The
three species, listed below however, are often available. Their
collective distribution covers the Mid-Pacific (Hawaii and the
Polynesia, the west Pacific to East Africa's coast and the Red Sea).
These are shallow water reef fishes. They are all found in and amongst
rocky rubble and its associated attached life.
Three commercially available Pseudocheilinus are small enough for
our use/stocking here; the others being too large, requiring more space
for roaming.
Genus Wetmorella; the Possum Wrasses:
The smallest species of Labrids that are regularly caught, sold in the
trade are of this genus. They can do well in systems of as little as ten
gallons. There are three species of Wetmorella; all come in from time to
time; and are similarly useful. If you’re interested in acquiring them,
you should ask your dealer to in turn query their suppliers.
Aren’t There Other Small Wrasses?
Yes; there are other species of Labrids that would fit in small systems;
but these rarely-to-never make their way into the trade. And yes; you
could squeeze small individuals of wrasse species that get big into nano
systems while they’re tiny to small… This is a poor idea; as folks
almost never “upgrade” their system, move the fish to bigger settings,
and the animals suffer for the lack of psychological space. Compatibility: These small wrasses will get along
with most anything that will get along with them... They may well pick
at small molluscs and crustaceans, as well as worms... small enough to
fit in their little mouths. But fishes and larger sessile and motile
invertebrates are not of interest to their palate. Due to resource partitioning and
overt territoriality, it's generally recommended to NOT keep more than
one specimen of any given species together; they WILL fight. Selection: Picking out good specimens of
these Wrasses is easier than with most reef fishes. For small fishes
they ship pretty well, and due to their inherent behavior, few are
damaged in the process of capture (they're captured with low-lying
fence/barrier nets; “goosed” out of hiding with a “chaser pole”),
holding, and shipping (they readily calm down in the dark, and hence
don't suffer as much as other groups of marines in-transit from the wild
to your dealer. 1) Time on hand. I do encourage you to avoid
"just-arrived" specimens... I know the "midnight madness", "buy them
before we let them go" sales are hard to pass up, but these and all
marines really need time to adjust, rest before being moved further...
Most "anomalous" losses occur within a day or two of being shipped...
Wait a few to several days for newcomers to recover from the rigors of
capture/handling. 2) Obvious damage: These small prognathous
("jaws forward") fishes do tend to run into the sides of tanks at first,
and get hung at times in fence nets... So do pay close attention to
signs of physical trauma about their heads, mouths, eyes and fin
origins. A few torn fin membranes are not a problem, and these will knit
in short time given good care, but problems with mouths, eyes... are to
be avoided. Of a certainty, the "acid-test" of feeding may show that
there is something amiss in these regards. 3) Behavioral clues: These species vacillate
from periods of continuous brisk activity to setting on the bottom, at
times, apparently "out of breath"... and of course, often sleeping in
the sand bed. What you want to look for in a prospective buy is the
quality of "brightness"; that the animal is aware of your presence, not
always lying about, but interacting with tankmates, what is going on
about it. 4) Size matters. For the usual reasons of poor
adaptability, likely damage from shipping, you want to avoid too large
and too small specimens. The better sizes to select for are the
mean/average of the maximum values given above, with a range of half an
inch smaller to an inch larger than this measure of central tendency. Foods/Feeding/Nutrition: Some folks believe the word
describing the wrasse family "Labros" from the Greek, meaning "greedy",
refers to their gluttonous feeding habits... such easily describes even
these small species. They are ready feeders on all small meaty foods or
marine-based meaty prepared foods. Just do bear in mind that the
particles must be small enough to suit their tiny jaws or capable of
being torn into such small sized pieces. These are active foraging fishes
by day, and so ideally should be supplied some food to hunt for (that
DSB, hang-on or tied-in refugium) like copious quantities of live
rock... and sand... to provide small crustaceans, worms and molluscs "on
the hoof". Disease: All wrasses are susceptible
to the common protozoan parasites of marines (Cryptocaryon and
Amyloodinium) and have a bit less tolerance for the common toxic
remedies used to treat them. Quinine compounds are suggested for Velvet
and the assiduous use of chelated copper for most other single-celled
parasites... along with requisite daily measure and careful topping off
to physiological dosage on the low end (0.15 to 0.20 ppm of free cupric
ion equivalent). Cloze: The diminutive wrasses of the genera
Pseudocheilinus and Wetmorella have much to recommend them
other than staying small. They are unique, interesting characters that
if you can train them to stay out a bit, make for endless fun and
discussion points. Just do be sure of the likely compatibility issues,
limitations you'll have with your given mix of livestock species in
their system. Bibliography/Further Reading: Michael, Scott W. 1997. Beautiful wrasses. The unique
species of the genus Halichoeres. AFM 3/97. Michael, Scott W. 2006. Halichoeres wrasses.
They can be beautiful, but some are predatory feeders with hearty
appetites. AFM 8/06.
Randall, John E. 1999. Revision of the Indo-Pacific Labrid Fishes
of the Genus Pseudocheilinus, With Descriptions of Three New Species.
Indo-Pacific Fishes. Bernice P. Bishop, Hawai'i.
Scheimer, Gregory. 1997. Wrasses for the reef aquarium, pt.s 1, 2.
FAMA 11, 12/97.
Schultz, Henry C. Four, Six, Eight; Genus Pseudocheilinus. Marine
World Magazine (UK) 6,7/08 |
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