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Family Labridae, Cook Islands
/The Best Livestock for
Your Marine Aquarium
Maori/Splendour Wrasses, the Genera
Oxycheilinus & (to): Cheilinus
The Maori or Splendour Wrasses of the genus Cheilinus

By Bob Fenner
Oxycheilinus bimaculatus
Genus Oxycheilinus: More Maori/Splendour Wrasses,
Six valid species
Oxycheilinus arenatus (Valenciennes
1840), the Speckled Maori Wrasse. Indo-Pacific including the
Red Sea. To nearly eight inches in length. Sinai 2019.
%20MD.JPG) |
Oxycheilinus bimaculatus (Valenciennes
1840), the Twinspot Wrasse (2) is right about the right size at 6
inches maximum, but this shy beauty really takes a beating in the
process of collection, holding and shipping from the wild.
Indo-Pacific out to the Hawaiian Islands. Formerly placed in the
genus Cheilinus. At right, a male and female in
Hawai'i. Below: a juvenile, intermediate and adult in N.
Sulawesi pictured.
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are
linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
%20MD.JPG) |
Oxycheilinus digramma (Lacepede 1801), the
Cheeklined Wrasse (2) is probably the most commonly offered member
of the genus. Initially healthy specimens do well, but most are
received from the wild in poor condition. Indo-Pacific, including
the Red Sea, out to Samoa. To sixteen inches in length in the wild.
Here are some images taken in (the first at right of a tiny one
inch or so specimen in Pulau Redang, Malaysia, adults below in the
Maldives, the other two in the Red Sea to illustrate how varying
this species appears. |

Oxycheilinus mentalis (Ruppell 1828), the Mental
Wrasse. Western Indian Ocean and Red Sea. To eight inches overall
length. Rare in the western pet-fish trade. Individuals in
the Red Sea's Gulf of Aqaba.

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Oxycheilinus orientalis (Gunther 1862), the
Oriental Maori Wrasse. Western Pacific. To six inches in length.
Replaced by Cheilinus mentalis in the Indian Ocean. A half-size
individual here in Bali, TiffB pic 2014
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Formerly Oxycheilinus rhodochrous (Gunther 1867), NOW
O. orientalis. A two inch
juv. in S. Leyte, P.I. 2013
Oxycheilinus unifasciatus (Streets 1877),
the Ring Tail or One-Banded Wrasse (2) is the widest ranging member
of the genus. Found across the Pacific's Oceania through the
Indian Ocean and Red Sea, and growing to about 18", it
still does poorly in captivity. Formerly placed in the genus
Cheilinus. At right a subadult and adult color phase
individual in Hawai'i, Below juveniles in Hawaii and a bit
older one in Roratonga in the Cooks. |
"Other" Splendour Wrasses: Keep your eyes
peeled for the occasional "odd", otherwise misidentified
Cheilinus and Oxycheilinus species at your dealers, that stay small
enough for home aquarium use. And, beware of the giant ones.
Bibliography/Further Reading:
Stratton, Richard F. 1996. The broomtail wrasse. TFH
Stratton, Richard F. 1997. The Twinspot Maori wrasse. TFH
The Maori or Splendour Wrasses of the genus Cheilinus