digital Nikons
> So... what you shooting with these days?
<The ten year olde or so d700 (Nikon) and nice, but many buttons
non-functional Aquatica hsg. Am out in Bali at the UWMP, and folks have
INSANE amounts of money in their rigs... swing over diopters (mine kind
of threads onto the outside of the port...>
I've already got my eyes on the 4k gopro...
<Oh! I did finally get one of these... the black something... shot some
minute or so of Jack in Coz earlier this year... there's an old
clip/snap it bead on the Aquatica hsg. to take it along with>
you still able to get good shots with the old 105?
<The lens? Sort of. Am given to understand that there's some sort of
"tuning" one can have done to match lenses to cameras nowayears... but
am fine w/ what I have currently. Like you and I chatted re years
back... there're folks who chase the later/greater computer gear et
al... am still not one of these>
What digital bodies you using these days? I realize it's like chasing a
wild goose.
<I did buy/have a Sony RX 100 (mark II)... and sigh, two new (the olde
220s wouldn't work) 240s, optical syncs to link... and a neat Nauticam
hsg. for it... Tiff is using this; tolerating the rather steep learning
> Cheers,
> J --
<Am enclosing a yellow-ish Hapalochalaena pic from ayer here in
Tulamben... too deep for too long. B>
Underwater Camera poss.
Hi Bob/Crew,
This looks like it may be a nice outfit for those who want something
compact and ready to go diving with. James
<And at a mere $229... also shoots video, and has options for added
flash and external lenses! BobF>
re: Underwater Camera 4/12/11
All a bunch of crap! Please, no emails telling those that have spent
thousands do this stuff that technology has caught up and it can be had
for peanuts!
Scott V.
<Heeee! Plus free travel! B>
Re the SeaLife Camera 04/21/11
Hello WWM,
I noticed, a few days back, Scott V reacting a bit harshly to the
person who recommended the little SeaLife underwater camera.
<Oh, I took it as a (petulant) joke on his part>
Though, I know that in order to take "real" quality photos of
underwater life, you do need to invest a couple grand into equipment.
However, regardless, I did get a lot of fun and joy out of my little
SeaLife camera (not the one linked to, but a predecessor, cheapy
underwater housing/camera set for about $500).
<I consider these units, their products as excellent, and very
reasonable in cost>
It was especially fun to use for in-aquarium pictures (and functioned
quite well for this). The Nikon D90, housing, flashes and all, units
that BobF and ScottV use will hardly even fit inside the average home
aquarium, much less be maneuverable inside. But the little SeaLife
camera could get a shots of the back side of my liverock from inside a
65g tank. It was also decent at taking shots of fellow snorkelers in
shallow, sunny water.
<Good points>
And considering that most marine aquarists don't get out scuba
diving much (few people do), and considering that it's quite likely
that the only underwater photos they will be taking are of the critters
inside their own aquariums or of their kids in the pool, I wouldn't
unilaterally dissuade people from getting one of these little SeaLife
Sara M/L
<Again, I'd thought, and still think, that ScottV was
"having a go", protesting that some of us have spent so much
money on our older rigs... but tech. marches/leaps on! Moore's law
applies to camera tech... I can remember buying RAM by the Kbyte...
Cheers, BobF>
Re the SeaLife Camera 04/21/11
<Oh, I took it as a (petulant) joke on his part>
<Again, I'd thought, and still think, that ScottV was
"having a go", protesting that some of us have spent so much
money on our older rigs... but tech. marches/leaps on! Moore's law
applies to camera tech... I can
remember buying RAM by the Kbyte... Cheers, BobF>
<<Ooohh, yes, I can see that... I do recall ScottV frequently
griping about the outrageous cost of such things. -Sara M/L>>
<Heeeee! Part of "the human condition!" B>
Neat link re Aquatica... UW camera hsg.s -
And Ohhh, all that money sitting there!
<Very nice millings eh?>
Scott V.
<With a glam review to the D700 linked at the bottom.
Unda wata? UW photography: Nikon cameras, Aquatica
Hsg.s 9/18/10
Hello Bob!
Hey, Nikon has started rolling out their new line of cameras the last
few weeks. The D700 replacement is rumored to be out soon
<Ding dang! I've barely used mine!>
and I think I'm going to snatch one. My question to you is are you
happy with the Aquatica housing?
<Mmm, sort of... I would get (if you're using Ikelite's
strobes) the Ikelite adaptors... and their iTTL doesn't really
work... at all. I've learned, am learning still to shoot manual
settings on the strobes. The
rest of the unit is mighty fine... I like the positive setting of the
camera in the housing, the locking mech. of the ports... most all of
the functionality of the buttons et al.>
There of course is always the Ikelite, but I really liked the build
quality on your housing. How about the TTL, what did you end up doing
<... a long story/relating. I talked via the internet with some very
nice folks in Canada re... got two sets of cables,
converter/intermediate... and gave up. The settings just don't
yield TTL period. You can just go w/ one TTL strobe, or do as I most
often do, shoot on manual strobe settings>
Thanks, lets get out together soon and use these beasts! I think our
friend Timko is getting dive cert. soon,
<'Bout dang time!>
won't be hard to push her into UW photog!
Scott V.
<Oh, she's a photo-natural... When can you finally get out
Some time in 2011? Am going to start including you in the
May/Sipadan/Aquarama mails. BobF>
Re: Unda wata?
Ah, yes. Please do include me in those emails.
I would love to make that trip.
<Plan on it>
My only issue is it may collide with my annual trek to Guat, but we
will see. I do not have the dates for that yet.
Scott V.
More Ikelite strobe issues -- 11/03/09
Remember the battery pack tabs breaking off in my strobe the day before
we went to Cozumel? Well, Ikelite repaired that, but now it happened
again. Now they acknowledge the problem and are sending out
free retro kits. So basically if you have bought a strobe or more
specifically a battery pack for/with them in the last 2 years or so you
should check out this:
faq_curstrobes.html 5th question down. Just a heads up, hope all is
well in Bland!
Scott V.
<Thank you for this Scott... I think I'll post on WWM.
May I ask? UW camera lens use
I now have both the 60 and 105 lenses. I have tried the 105 here in
Cali a few times with poor results (I assume to gloomy days, I
couldn't see anything in that light with the lens). Now I am at LAX
waiting for my flight to KOA wondering what standards/criteria make you
swap to the 105 on a particular dive?
Scott V.
<Good question... I REALLY like the 105... for macro on up... to
med. shots at med. distances... I WOULD take this lens with you...
Though, and this is one of my fave comparative statements to make,
it's best to start wider (with shorter focal length lenses), akin
to drinking drier wines ahead of sweeter... so that you end up with
"other", wider view images... Lest you just shoot with
one/the longer (105 mm) lens... Both the 60 and 105 have as their
smallest aperture 2.8 correct? So... they really do have the same
"capacity" for taking up light (provided and not) at about
the same rate... Do try setting your exposure to no more than 100th
second, the film speed to 200, no higher... if your images seem to be
lacking in acuity or color richness. BobF>
Re: May I ask? Camera lenses 7/16/09
Oh yes, they are both F2.8 lenses. The light let in is all in my
perception I do realize. The one day I have had a chance to dive the
lens was in the Channels on an overcast day. Finding that bright gem
among all the dark spots I wanted to photo was next to impossible,
there is just so much more of "the big picture" with the
60mm. Kona is probably a far better place to cut my teeth on the 105mm.
Thanks, Scott V.
<Thank you, BobF>
More stuff, UW Port Choices 4/23/09
Despite the big gov hands in my shallow pockets, I have been procuring
some new lenses. I do have a 60mm and it does appear a 105 is on its
way. The question is which port do you think is best from your
experience. The standard port for this lens:
<Mmm, this just brings up B & H's homepage for me... See
here for Ikelite's ports:
I have "just" used their 5505.45 for both the 60 and 105
mm... and their dome port, 5503.15 or a few wide angle lenses (12-24,
and 20 mm part.)>
Now, I was also looking at the one below. I have had issues focusing of
course in darker spots and with solid colored fish, such as the
Garibaldi (not that this is the best lens to shoot this fish with).
With this port I
can swap to manual focus and just do it myself. Do you see any issues
with this port/idea?
<I do... and I should re-emphasize that I'm not likely a good
source of input... being too ding dang lazy, set in my ways... I very
infrequently will buy, and therefore don't use manual focus-able
ports... I will/DO use
the AE/AF lock button/lever and move the camera about... but don't
have the patience, nor the perceived need to manually focus lenses in
the vast majority of UW scenarios (I will manual focus at times above
Am I missing a better solution?
Thanks as always,
Scott V. Sorry if you end up with this twice. My email makes it into
the Hostmysite Quarantine about 50% of the time, so I just resent it
from the Crewmail.
<Real good... Do call me if we can better communicate over the
phone. BobF, who has been doing quite a bit of photography reading (and
gear purchasing) the last couple weeks.>
<Oh! And I should offer (as all Ikelite ports are interchangeable on
their housings) for you to use any of my ports... for the couple of
extant D70 rigs I have the ones mentioned and an eight inch wide
angle... B>
More stuff, UW Port Choices 4/23/09
Ah, yes. I find myself shooting manual focus above water quite often. I
think I am going to give the focus port a try, the only real downside I
see is another point the thing may possibly leak, but dang, there are
plenty of opportunities for that already!
<Oh yeah!>
And hell yeah man, you told me it was expensive. I thought once I
shelled out several grand for it all I would just go take pics. But
everywhere you turn in the hobby there is something new to buy, the
spotting light is a comin' too.
<Just like taxes (and women...) you just keep paying and paying...
till you die... well then a bit then as well>
You did mention to me in Coz. that it is deceptively easier there with
the clear water and intense sunlight. I did see very quickly what you
were talking about first hand the minute I jumped into the kelp
<Mmm, yes... perceptions can be deceiving... our vision, the 20 some
F-stops we can "see", vs. what is "really going
But hey, California diving is cheap practice. Thank you for the offer
on borrowing the ports. And oh, if you ever want to sell off a D70 rig
do let me know, I have a likely buyer if you do.
<Oh, please do tell... I'd like to sell both camera bodies (no
lenses), the two housings, three ports (no arms, strobes...)>
On another note I wanted to let you know I do leave for Guatemala next
week, on the second, so no net access for me for a few weeks. You do
know how much that troubles me!
<Dang... what will WWM do w/o you!?>
Thanks for your input,
Scott V.
<Glad to co-conspire with you. BobF>
Re: More stuff, UW Port Choices 4/23/09
Well if you do want to sell my brother is a new diver interested in the
setup. I will CC him here. His # if you wish to chat over it is Nick @
Scott V.
<Mmm, we (you and I) should talk re... I really feel ill at ease
encouraging someone new to use "outdated" gear... He (anyone)
would be better off using a simple housed non D-SLR for ten-twenty
dives... with a cheapy but durable housing (likely five hundred dollars
for both or so), with an expensive strobe, tray and sync cord (another
k or so as you know)... and if still interested, graduating up to a
more current DSLR... I will gladly lend him/you the D 70s, but/and even
though they're only a couple years out of date (and production),
it's better to move ahead. Agree? BobF>
Re: More stuff, UW Port Choices 4/23/09
I do agree, good point. It is better for him to see more of what he is
getting into first. I will take him out next month with my rig...I am
sure he will end up with a D3 or something!
Scott V.
<Dang! Maybe he can sell us his old rigs as time goes by! Cheers,
Any advice on using a Nikon Nikonos?
Anthony Calfo forwarded me your email, hopefully you do not mind?
<Not at all>
He said that you may know more about the Nikon Nikonos V than he
<Oh to have back all the time, brain cells devoted to this series of
dedicated (almost) UW point and shoots>
I installed an aquarium system into someone's home theater room
recently and they were so pleased that they also gave me their old
(guessing mid 90's) Nikonos V along with an arsenal of lenses and
speedlight. I am proficient with digital SLR's however, I have 0
experience with film cameras.
<Mmm... okay...>
I would really like to learn how to use this camera before a Bahamas
trip at the end of may because assuming I can capture good quality
material, Anthony has agreed to let me write an article about the
northern Caribbean for C the Journal.
<I see>
Do you have any tips or tricks with this camera?
<A bunch... would encourage you (if they weren't gifted to you
along with all else) to just get/use a set of fixed focal length
framers here... And use a digital else wise for non-macro shots...
Really, the learning curve for Nikonos, point and shoot film cameras
used underwater is so steep, you are not likely to enjoy the results in
the short/er term... setting distances, aperture, perhaps exposure...
per the guide number/s, ISO/s of films you employ...>
What about a recommended film to use?
<Mmm, Velvia (50 ISO, guide number 22 if memory serves, sigh...) and
Provia... Slide films by Fuji...>
What are my post processing options for magazine print quality, or
digital conversion?
<Best to shoot slides, have digitized what you think came
Will airport x-ray ruin the film?
<Can... best to always have hand-checked...>
All I really do know about these cameras is to keep them squeaky clean.
All of the O-rings are brand new and installed by a Nikon facility.
<Mmm, when? If more than a few years old... could still be
And thank you for The Conscientious Marine Aquarist! Its like a bible
in our home.--
Thank you very much for your time!
Sean Hawkins
<And please peruse these files:
and the linked files above... Oh, and feel free to write back if you
have questions, problems or suggestions. Bob Fenner, who STILL has a
huge Nikonos collection>
Re: regarding the site/ improvements/ inputs
etc., now photography 2/27/08 Thanks Bob, also quite
humbling to be called friend, <Indeed you are Forrest>
quite an honor. I am reading up on the digital photography aspect
of underwater now, I think I am putting together a decent plan of
action/ business plan but is not finished yet, the camera I am
considering is the Nikon D70s with 18-70mm lens. <Ahh! I
own/use two of these camera bodies... They are more than
suitable... though, if money is not too dear... the 200, 300...
The lens... Mmmm, do you already own some Nikon lenses? Do you
have any Canon?> Is this a good choice? I see preferred lenses
seem to be the 69 <60) and the 105, would like to be able to
step into this endeavor rather than dive checkbook first :)
<Oh, believe me... I understand> if this set up can/will
allow me to take some good pictures for my article on the Cenotes
then I consider it a good way to go. <I do think this is a
good start...> I will also be doing some purely salty
snorkeling, we are headed to Akumal, my parents have been I think
twice maybe as many as five times, its hard to keep track of them
:). <Have driven past... from Cancun towards out to
Cozumel...> I know the one time they went down to Xcalack but
not sure if we will make the trip this time, I know they were
sort of unimpressed, both big time snorks, but I think they were
bothered by the accommodations enough that they won't return
for now. We'll also be venturing out to some Maya ruins as my
fiancé hasn't been to such yet. <Ahhh!
Worthwhile> Any way to make a long story short(er) :), I would
like to be able to take both land, surface and subsurface
pictures, with a minimum of expense, not being cheap mind you
just a minimum expense necessary. <Mmm, in this case,
let's back-track on the D70... consider a more simple non-SLR
digital, and inexpensive housing for same... w/o ext. strobe...
there are some that take great pix above and below water... and
the total cost can be 4-6 hundred dollars... Whereas the housing
for the D70 will be at least a k... (Ikelite)...> I only wish
I had such equipment about 10 years ago when I certified, just
off the resort was this bog school of fish, sadly my memory is
too bad to try and ID em now but there was a giant, would
estimate 5-6 foot barracuda swimming along with them which would
on occasion snap up a slow moving fish. Or the time in St. kits
when I got inked by a school of squid, or the time.... well you
get the picture. A lifetime of learning and fun indeed. I can
hardly wait but I am an impetuous youth, is my curse and my
blessing. <Yes my friend... keep this knowledge close,
alive> Thank you again for all the help, encouragement,
compliments, and above all considering me a friend. If I can make
it to MACNA this year, I hope to, last year was easier as I am
from Pittsburgh, no longer live there, fiancé still
does, so I am there every other weekend, but the nonissue of
accommodations made things much easier. If I can make it hope to
see you there. Forrest <Indeed. And do please respond to
ClayJ. BobF>
Re: regarding the site/ improvements/ inputs etc.. Now UW
photography 2/28/08 Have responded to Clay with my
contact info, will send him thumbs of what I have, upon his
reply, wanted to get the formalities out of the way first, also
am looking at some of the sidebars now, though waiting to hear
what exactly he wants in it first. Also must learn to do the
thumbnail thing, <Can be done "automatically" in
many programs... including MSN mail...> will look into upon
complete of this email. Money is not too dear , so far my camera
equipment consists of a Nikon Coolpix camera, I have seen some
housings that are not too expensive. <These are good cameras.
What model? Do take a wider look on the Net... Most popular
makes/models have very reasonable secondary market housings... a
few hundred dollars> The SLR won't stretch the budget too
bad, esp., now that being in a magazine is one step closer.
Thanks so much for this. What I may do, is to invest in the SLR
and housing, and potentially get a housing for the point and
shoot, a backup seems a good idea. <Mmm, yes> I suppose
that at this point I am trying to figure out what I need for a
first run with the SLR, will have to wait on the external strobe
and possibly additional lenses, just get the camera and
underwater housing themselves at this point. <Mmm, yes...
though I must tell you (feel self-compelled) that the tele-macro
mentioned, and most all... have "troubles" with short
distance focal length (you can't get close enough to the
subject... VERY important underwater) and akin to combination
(dirt/road) bicycles, these lenses are neither dirt/short or
road/long focal length as sharp as fixed (single) focal length
lenses... So, like life, their use presents a series of
compromises> Only other consideration would be to not get
something that would get outdated too quickly, but it seems the
SLRs have good staying power. <Oh yes... though, not to
confuse you (over much), if you are as young as you seem... and
we were standing next to each other... I'd likely be trying
to convince you to go video... This will happen... but first
steps/things first...> Thanks again, look forward to
discussing this further. Oh and have seen some "cases"
for the Coolpix that are only rated to a few meters, they claim
to be ok for snorkeling, do you have any experience with such
things? would rather spend $100 on something that works than $10
on something that doesn't Thanks Bob, Forrest <Mmm,
don't get/use these... Do send along the model, or go back to
the Net and search... Is the CoolPix very old? BobF>
Re: regarding the site/ improvements/ inputs etc., photo...
2/29/08 In order ok I think I may have figured out the
thumbnail thing, will practice first before sending to Clay, I
emailed him directly, thought this would have more
professionalism about it, not to slight you in anyway. <No, no
worries> Cool Pix L1 not super old but a bit I find it good
for "everyday" type shooting, though have the competing
thoughts running through my head of risking money in investing in
new gear versus risking time in using existing and not getting
good enough shots, ah economics how I loath thee at times.
<Here's Ikelites:>
Your statement of Single focal length lens lit the light bulb in
my head, I was wondering why so often I had seen single numbers
listed versus a range, shame on me for not thinking about it
more, but a you can see I am new to this whole photography thing.
Ikelite has a housing for about $300 give or take depending on
source for a housing for my camera, which is a ten fold increase
over the "snorkeling ones" I kinda figured $35 is not
worth the risk present. <Correct> As fast as am I as young
as I seem to be, well this can go either way huh? haha I either
seem younger or older than I am but to let the cat out of the
bag, I will be 25 this coming Sunday, 3/2. <Ahh, happy bday to
you> Here's to hoping I didn't seem to be 15 :)
<With a fianc?!> (just kidding of course) The video angle
seems a neat idea, but again, one step at a time. I can take vids
with my cool pix, though I would have to see the housing on the
camera to know if I can switch back and forth. I am heavily
considering getting an SLR and a housing for this camera, as this
will be the first time Lonnie, my beloved, will be 1) out of the
country, 2) in the ocean where it is actually BLUE (caps
intentional, you and I know what it looks like, she has only seen
pictures) 3) snorkeling. Also as she is trained in conservation
biology I think having a camera in her hands would be a good
idea, if only for a "My first time snorkeling" type of
thing. Maybe I'll encourage her to write such a piece. So
anyway sorry about the digression just trying to give you a
better perspective on what's going on in my head. :) So ok If
I understand this whole situation, a camera body is basically
everything you need to record images except a lens. <Mmm... a
bit of clarification. For cameras, sometimes ext. lenses, filters
can be fitted onto the housing itself... magnifiers,
polarizers...> The housing will be needed for any water work,
and one or more lenses to make this a "camera" As
previously stated money is not too dear, use of that term brings
back memories, <Certainly not the Beatles line from the song
"When I'm Sixty Four"... you weren't born!
Heeeeeee!> but that is a story in its own right. Though time
to learn is getting more so, as the trip will be in may and it
will be at least March when I have the camera in my hand. So Lets
say I am taking pics only snorkeling, no deep water stuff, do I
need an external strobe? <Mmm, not so much> If not, shoot
with available light or use the in camera flash? <Mmm, yes>
Well Bob my friend I know this is a large number of questions but
you have made friends with a quite inquisitive youngster :) Your
ever grateful friend, Forrest <Your willing accomplice.
Re: regarding the site/ improvements/ inputs etc. 2/29/08 OK
so I have reached a verdict. (also some other info I didn't
include in original discussion). Am gonna get both the housing
for my existing camera, and have that bad boy shipped to me
express, maybe have it in time to get in some pool work playing
with it before I get the SLR. Am going to get the D200, Ikelite
housing and the Nikon 60mm lens and accessory kit, comes with
some filters cleaners etc. Albeit this will all cost more than my
first car haha, and the reason I have decided this is the fact
that I am not paying for the airfare or hotel for this trip. As
these expenses, thanks Mom and Dad, can be so much I have decided
the opportunity cost to be high enough to warrant the additional
expense. Will the 60 be ok for above water also? <Yes... is a
very fine lens for both> maybe non aquatic "nature"
type shots or should I try to get a camera body and lens kit for
above water? <Mmm, not IMO> That being said would like to
maximize my writing/ photography income from this excursion,
again travel paid for don't want to miss out. Planning to do
a travelogue but can also do on site specific caves, the shore
etc. Any recommendations on this is greatly appreciated. <See
what you can, write re what interests you> Oh and do people
use tripods underwater? <Mmm, very few... the exposure
(usually 100-125th of a second) is sufficient to "stop"
most motion, and there is precious little time to futz about...
the subject leaving, your drifting by...> Neutral buoyancy is
not a huge problem using a BCD but snorkeling has got me
concerned. Thanks again, Forrest <Enjoy. B>
Re: regarding the site/ improvements/ inputs etc. photo and
content prov. Thanks again, also I believe I figured out the
thumbnail thing, using a Gmail account with it made it pretty
simple, thank goodness. OK then the 60mm it will be whoo, this
stuff is expensive but as this is the last family trip I
won't have to pay for got to take advantage. Am ordering the
housing for the Cool pix now, literally, do hope this all pays
off in both enjoyment and financially. Learning is always good in
and of itself of course but when put to use I feel is even
better. OK so no big deal on motion that's a relief, am
anything but steady even on land. I can't thank you enough,
probably good on questions for the time being, still wrapping it
up in my head. Be chatting in other regards though. Can't
thank you enough. Your friend, Forrest Oh one other thing should
I mention this to Clay? Or should I wait until I have it written
up and the Cardinal thing all hammered out first? Thanks <?...
You should proof your email before sending... Mention what? B>
Re: regarding the site/ improvements/ inputs etc., photog.
3/1/08 Bob, Thank you again for the advice and clarification.
As I am new to this, having a mentor/friend is invaluable. The
camera is coming in this weekend or early next week, so I will be
out shooting on land, I figure deer and birds are good
terrestrial analogs of fish. Housing to arrive later, I will be
getting the Ikelite housing, and it is my understanding I need a
port. Which would you suggest. It is a Nikon Lens. <... As you
will see by looking on Ikelite's site, there are many. I
happen to use (because I am cheap, and it works w/o much in the
way of discernible vignetting) the same one either for the 105 or
the 28-85 tele> I have mentioned the trip and plans to Clay,
though that was late yesterday so I imagine/hope for his sake, he
has the weekend off, but will take your advice of writing it up
no matter what and going from there. On a related note, when I
sent him the thumbnails of your images he said they were dark and
blurry. Following the same procedure I had mailed them to myself
and had no such issues. This suggests to me I have either, 1) a
different perspective on dark and blurry, or 2) have erred in
same way in sending the pictures. Since you know what the images
look like in full versions would it be possible to send you the
thumbnails, using the same procedure I used to myself and Clay?
if so to crew or to you personally? Thanks again. Your ever
grateful and always learning friend, Forrest <Mmm, can be sent
to me at There are a few
possibilities re the change... B>
Re: I blame you... "You've only just
begun"... Karen Carpenter... Blecccchhhhh! PhilS' continuing
saga, sinking into the black-hole of UW photography...
2-14-08 Hi there, Last month I bought my Canon 40D, a 60mm macro
and a 10-17 wide > angle. Yesterday, I put a deposit down on a Subal
housing, two ports and two Ikelite strobes. Just what I need - a
frustrating and ridiculously expensive hobby! I blame you... Phil
<Heeeee! What? Trade in those cheapy Ikelite arms for some expensivo
Ultra lites! And how about some extra battery, storage media... and of
course, the fancy faster reader... You really need that 100, 0r 105 mm
lens (maybe you already had...) and... now to pay for the travel, the
time to id, edit... some fun now! B> Gonna wait on that 100mm until
the credit card quits smoking! Actually thinking of trying these new
"Stix" arms I've been reading about on wetpixel. Check
'em out and let me know what you think. <Mmm,
nah! For the most part you'll want to not move your strobes more
than "here or there"... As you'll see... for macro or
further out... Some folks use just one strobe even (Roger Steene
usually, mounted just atop the housing)... and don't move at all,
unless shooting macro... and then, with a fixed focal length lens...
this/these are rarely moved also... best to situate your arms where
they're about always exactly where you'll want them (if at all)
rotated in a plane... to point in the direction/intersection of the
apparent subject... Am looking fwd. to showing you this underwater.
Underwater housings.... pix, video gear
4/4/07 Hey Bob, <Pullz/Chris> Several questions regarding UW
stuff. <Hotay> First: - I'm trying to put together a kit for
work (FBI, for recollections). The HazMat team has asked to
put something together that can be taken down range into unknown
contaminations. My belief is that video would suit their
need the best and keep things simple for the guys using the setup.
<Mmm... if cost, size/weight of this rig is an issue... there are
some acceptable MP3 possibilities as part of some nice small digital
cameras/housings...> I also was thinking that one of the
"baggies" for the camera would work well as well as being
easy to decon. <Mmm, nah... And I mean NAH! These are of no real
use... easily torn, easy to damage the camera inside... no real
advantage over a hard case... many of which nowadays have a small
profile... not much dead space around the gear within>
Do you have any recommendations as to video cameras that
work well in a housing/baggie? Any web site or retailer that
you'd recommend. <Mmm... let's see... well... am a big fan
of Sony's products... Are what I use... Something small, Hi-8 will
do (no need likely for high-def)... and an Ikelite housing... no need
for lighting...> Secondly... on a personal side... - I'm looking
at putting together an UW digital still kit. I'm most
familiar with Nikon equipment and have not heard anything negative
regarding the D200 but unsure how it would respond in an UW
situation. Again, what housings would you recommend? <I
am an almost life-time user of Nikon... and have a couple of D70
rigs... but am a HUGE fan of the D200... is a wonderful piece of
equipment... And... if... you have Nikon lenses already... Score!>
Hope all is well with you and your diving. Work is sending
me to Prodive in Lauderdale this week to get certified as an
instructor. <Nice> Back in '04, my office put together an
underwater search and evidence recovery team and I'm one of the
senior guys on the team. It's nice that work is finally
picking up some of the tab for my expensive hobbies... cheers, C <Do
stay in touch... the HHH... coming out to HI, going out elsewhere with
us/friends for dive/travel adventures... I find this is the absolute
best way to learn pix work, editing... Cheers,
Need your advice on macro lens 11/25/06
Dear Bob, <Abhijit!> How is it
going ? <Fine my friend. Am out in HI diving...> I was able to
find your DVD on the red sea and enjoyed it again. I have a
question which I wanted to ask you. I am planning to buy a lens for
digital camera (Nikon D80) <A very nice camera... we use the
D70's currently> and wanted your advice. I want this lens to
work for both underwater and aquarium photography. I basically want to
use this lens for photographing small fish like one inch in size
close-up both underwater (during scuba) as well as in aquariums. A lot
of people are advising me to go for a 60 mm fixed focus Nikon macro
lens <An excellent "tack sharp" lens... I use this quite
often> whereas a lot of others are telling to go for 105 mm fixed
focus Nikon macro lens. Which one do you think I should go for. <If
only one, for the purpose you state... the 105... What I was using
today!> Which camera and lens do you use for this kind of objects ?
<The longer focal length/s for smaller subjects a bit further away
possibly> Also I have an SB800 Nikon Flash but friends are telling
me to buy a cord SC-29 so that the flash can be off-body and the
reflection can be avoided. <This is a very good suggestion... hard
to avoid parallax problems with hot-shoe mounted flashes as well>
What is your advice in this area. Thanks and happy
thanksgiving, Abhijit Mitra <And to
you and yours. Bob Fenner>
Nikon Camera Question 10/26/05 Hi Bob, I hope all is
well. What model was the new Nikon body and lens you got? <My
analog rigs are N90's... no longer in production... my digital is a
D70... and I use the Micro-Nikkor 60, 105 and tele-macro 20-35mm lenses
mostly underwater... though I have a poop-load of other Nikon
lenses> Are you so far happy with that setup? <Mmm, mostly... am
almost afraid to start this dialogue... as there are a bunch of things
(important) I'd like to state... Is this for above water use?> I
am an old Nikon film guy and have several old lenses for their
SLR's. I assume these can also be used on the new digital bodies
but without AF function of course. Tapio <The few new digital SLR
lenses are really worthwhile. I only have the 18-70 mm... would like to
have the 10-20... but a good camera (this of the Canon D20) for above
water... BobF>
Re: Nikon Question - Let Me Take Your Picture! 10/27/05 This will
not be for diving. My question was prompted by problems I have
producing good quality underwater photos of aquarium specimens, coral
mostly through the glass. My Canon G2 is simply too automatic and it
has problems both focusing and reproducing good colors in water. I miss
the old manual focusing and a good lens. I have looked at the D50. It
has pretty much the same stuff as the D70 and is newer and slightly
"cheaper". <Yes... a lady had one on the boat today...
liked it very much> Was that the 18-70 you brought to LA? <Was
through the Net...> Or is there a tele-macro you would recommend for
my purposes? I have the non AF Micro Nikkor 60 mm too and like
it. <Would get/use the 105... for a year or two with the 60...
unless you tell me you have a need/use for a wide angle...> Could I
get the digital body and rely on this lens to start with or is a AF
lens worth it? <Is worth it... the "D" designated Nikon
lenses are all I use> Thanks for your time again. I wish I could
help YOU with something;-). <You do my friend. BobF>
Re: Nikon - Cameras, Lenses, Photogs Get it On 10/28/05 One more
round of questions. Then I am done:-) My sights are set for the
D50, but the lens.... You wrote: <Would get/use the 105... for a
year or two with the 60... unless you tell me you have a need/use for a
wide angle...> We must have confused something here. What 105? I
don't have a 105 lens. I have the 60 macro. <Yes...
understood... I would get/use a 105 mm as well...> How close are you
able to take pictures with that 18-70? Like when you took pictures of
that hybrid tang in LA. Did the tang almost fill the viewfinder and how
did the pictures turn out? <The minimum focus distance is about a
foot and a half...> The max repro for that lens is 1:6.2 and min
focus 0.38 meter, so you must have been close to the min focus range
there, right? <Or the pic was cropped...> <<Shoot wide,
crop tight?>> There appear not to be a true macro lens in the
DX series yet, so I guess the best option then is your 18-70 or a new
18-55 with min max repro 1:3.2. <Or one of the other more macro
lenses... or (in the case of underwater, you can use a diopter...
suggested is a 4X... but lose about a whole f-stop, some acuity and
color depth...> Your thoughts? <Mmm, where to go, end?
Nikonos Extension Tube ?s 4/6/04 Hi folks!
<Hi, Pufferpunk here> After reading the Church's
information on using the extension tubes with my Nikonos, I'm left
feeling somewhat fuzzy. <Jim Church is great. Learned most of
what I know from his books. Even got a photo critique from him, when he
was teaching a photo workshop, here in Chicago, at Our World
Underwater!> One, is it ok to use the 28mm lens rather than
the 35mm, and will this this increase my depth of field? <Yes,
you can use the 28mm, but there are different framers for that lens
& the 35mm.> Two, should I really set the f-stop in the 11
range or max it out at 22 for a greater depth of field? Did I mention
I'd really like a lot of depth of field... <With extension
tubes & framers I always start at 22 & bracket at 16 & 11.
You can also experiment with 1/2 or 1/3 f-stops between the 3, if you
have plenty of time, film & a cooperative subject. Try it out in a
pool & see what works for you.> Any help is greatly
appreciated, thanks! Woody Veach <Have fun shooting! I
get to use mine in about a month in the Red Sea!!! ~PP>
Nikonos Extension Tubes ? 4/7/04PP, Thanks for the helpful
info! I'm off to Dominica in 2 weeks... Have a wonderful time in
the Red Sea, YES, I am jealous!!!!!!!!! <You bet I will! I
forgot to answer one of your Qs about adding depth of field using a
28mm rather than a 35mm lens with the tubes. Yes, DoF will increase,
but only very slightly. ~PP>
Motomarine parts/service for Sri Lanka 7/15/03 I'm
battling to find any places that sell parts for the Motomarine
Sea&Sea II camera. Can you help? Thanks, Derek <I did a keyword
search for this company on and found their main website
and many others to consult. Let me suggest that you contact the
manufacturer directly and ask them to direct you to the closest dealer
to help you in Sri Lanka. Best of luck, Anthony>
Motomarine parts/service 7/16/03 Thanks Anthony, Please pass along
the info as I couldn't find it (and I just tried again now!)
<Derek... simply go to and type in
"Motomarine". There you will get websites like the main: On Google,
however, there is a feature to translate the Italian for you. There may
be other sites more appealing though or closer to you (Australian
distributors perhaps). Best regards, Anthony>
Vamos a Fiji, Tonga (U/W Photography) Bob, Paul Witt
here from the SDMAS. We spoke extensively on the phone about
media acquisition. I have decided to take the plunge and am
going to go to Tonga and then on to Fiji on my friends
boat.. I have quite a few questions. I am
wondering if you could allow me to give you a call sometime to ask
questions when I have a more complete list. I prefer
person to person. I am a lousy typist and my two fingers
cramp often. A preliminary list is as follows. <Okay.
858-549-XXXX> What is the best slide film to capture UW images in
your opinion. <I use Velvia and Provia (Fuji... 50, 100 ISO), but do
also use and have many friends who prefer Kodak...> I
have a Nikonos III and will be buying a V soon and was wondering what
you think I should get as far as a strobe set up and cords, sync,
Slave, TTL, lenses. In your opinion. Thanks, <Oh...
let's talk on the phone. Much to say. We do use Nikonos cameras for
macro (fixed frame)... but would rather discuss housed SLR's...
even digital over Nikonos point and shoot technology. Bob Fenner>
So now that I've got it... (Nikonos questions) Did I mention
that this OEM Nikonos bag makes it all worth it? I could be sachet-ing
down the avenue with this bag back in the 60s and I'd be in high
style. <If you were in Haight Ashbury perhaps, Mr. Sashay> My big
question is this - the camera came with two sets of extra o-rings.
Which ones are the key ones - or say more important or like to fail,
and are there any, more than others that wear quickly or should be
replaced often. <All four of the user friendly O-rings are
key/crucially important... and... Oh boy! There are 19 (nineteen)
non-user-friendly ones, like Intel, inside... if you don't have
absolute confidence that the camera has been serviced in the last
couple years... it's time to spend a couple hundred dollars more
and send it in! Southern Nikonos (TX) my choice if there's no one
about there> Everything on the camera is in good shape, and I'll
give it some good luvin' before I take it in the water. I just want
to make sure I don't wreck it on the first outing. <Been there,
destroyed that. Bob> Cheers, J --
16mm lens - Equipment Vendor Problems - Alert! Hey,
Wanted to ask you guys for some advice. My 16mm lens developed
some dirt inside of it and I sent it for repairs to the authorized
dealer in Singapore. He had it repaired by 19dec and supposedly
sent it to me by speed post on 21dec.after waiting for 10days (it
should usually just take 4) I contacted him and he gave me the receipt
number and I tracked it in Mumbai, but a package by that number had
never reached here. When I got back to him he said he checked too
and it's left Singapore. I feel he's giving me the run around
coz I asked him to fax me a copy of the receipt and he's not doing
that, I had already paid him for the repairs and cost of mailing it by
credit card. Now I'm wondering what to do coz he's giving
me the run around by saying he's trying to follow it up. What
do I do in this situation, any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks. Parvin <I do know what to do: Contact your credit card
company... very good that you paid this way... call AND write them with
all specifics, THEY will contact the vendor and either straighten this
mess out, or at least deny them payment. If you do not receive
satisfaction from this agent in Singapore, I would further post the
circumstances on BB's having to do with photography, rating
services on the Internet... Bob Fenner>
Camera preference Crew members, Looking for help with a
camera question... Would you rather have an underwater camera housing
for your nice SLR 35mm film camera, or would you rather have an
underwater camera housing for your small digital camera? Adam <This
is a tough question... I have cameras and housings of/for both... Not
to be disingenuous, I would say "neither"... and encourage
you as I have done others the last several years to "jump
ahead" and get into video, digital, three chip/CCD if you can. The
costs for outfitting are more, but "nominal" as the saying
goes when you factor in the much higher expense of trips... Bob F, who
travels with at least one analog and one digital rig every dive trip...
and will chat with you interminably re while we're in
UW Camera rig input Hey Bob, <Hello Tim!> Tim
here from Fiji... I'm guessing you are at Interzoo at the moment?
If so- have a cold wheat one for me. Walt is around, however the rest
of us remained in the mines this year. Too bad- but will be in St.
Louis in a couple of weeks which will be a blast. <Ah, yes... we
have been at Interzoo, then Egypt and back to Germany to pick up some
Knop product for Di... back in S. Cal. now> I want to purchase a
decent camera I can put a housing around and attach strobes at a later
date. <Okay> I also want to be able to fit lenses. <Externally
I'll assume... as in as thread on's underwater. Only point and
shoot cameras in the Motomarine/Sea N' Sea line can do this for
analogs... many good digital rigs have this capability. I have an
Olympus set-up (a 4040) with Inon close-up and macro lenses that can be
mounted externally, and a friend had his new 5060 get-up with us in the
Red Sea this last week with the same lenses... very nice.> Can you
recommend something please. I'm guessing I will spend around US$800
for the camera. <Look on the net for reviews on the Olympus 5050 or
5060... Sony is "dumping" their "10" camera and it
has a housing available... but the ext. lens addn. is problematical.
Ikelite's strobes (the 50 is fine) are highly recommended... am
cc'ing Dave.S here re info. on who he bought his gear from (on the
Net... good deals). Cheers, Bob Fenner> Much appreciated All the
best Tim <Will hope to dive with you possibly later this year in
D-rated lens? Was that the magic code word?
<Maybe... the letter "D" as in designation on Nikon lenses
for infra-red autofocus capacity?> I'm looking at the lens I
have which I do believe now must have come from the bargain bin. It was
wishful thinking that the f-stop was 1.4 - try 4... oh well. <Oh...
yes> It's a 35-80mm something-something [don't think it
would qualify as a tele-macro] and has another set of numbers on it -
1:4-5.6 D - Is that the D I'm looking for. <Yep!> If not...
what's a good second lens to get for this body that will work for
the UW auto-focus. <The workhorse lenses I have, can share (at least
on trips we're on together!), 60, 105... I have a 24 (and the port
for it, yay) wide-angle... and the 70-180mm with the rest of the gear
to go with it coming together... and a few other above water lenses.
B> Cheers, J --
Repair Order # R 13337 Repair of 1 - 4046 Ai, Ser No
5607 Replacing water damaged as needed Cost $ 150.00 Please forward
check, money order or Phone 317-923-4523 with a credit card number.
Visa & Master Card accepted. Fax # 317-924-7988 PO Box 88100,
Indianapolis, IN 46208 <Will do, thanks. Bob Fenner> Thank You
Ikelite Repair Dept.
4040... first digital Bob, I'm getting the hang of
the U/W housing and the 4040 camera and I noticed the lens on the
housing has a couple of scratches on it. Is there any way to get those
out? I can't wait to take pictures with this camera. <Think
probably not... it's glass... does the port look like it's
removable? Perhaps look over Olympus' website, or contact Marine
Camera Distributors (.com) w/ this question. Bob Fenner>
Tahiti trip.... Bob, <Howdy> Greetings, my
name is Chris Rollison and I'm a member of SCMAS here in Orange
County. I was at the Christmas party with the LA club and enjoyed your
pictures from your recent Fiji trip. Since then I've been dreaming
about making my first trip to the South Pacific. After looking around,
the prices to Tahiti right now look killer so that's where the
family is headed in early June. <Sounds good, very> The reason
for my e-mail is several reasons. First, you jokingly (I think...)
mentioned about helping an exporter collect specimens or perhaps that
they would export stuff for you. Well Tahiti's not Fiji but I was
wondering if you know any exporters in Tahiti that I could contact in
case there is a chance I could use them to get coral back to the
States. <I don't... but will cc our msg. here to friends
in the trade and ask if there are any. Unfortunately, though many of
the islands that make up French Polynesia are not that far from U.S.
markets, the costs of operating there are high, limiting> Tahiti
could be a marine preserve for all I know as I've not done my
homework yet but thought I would ask you first. Most likely I'll be
on Moorea and not Tahiti, considering Rangiroa and Manihi also. Your
experience with any "must do" dives in any of these locations
would be great too. <Are you actually going over to Moorea? Have
never dived on the neighboring Tahiti... got to go to the Gauguin
house/museum, drink liquers made from pineapple... dive and snorkel as
much as you can, for sure> Second, and more importantly, I'm in
the market to replace my flooded Nikonos V and also recall your
comments about your digital camera. I wanted to get your recommendation
on a digital I should consider. <I would definitely not
replace the Nikonos (Nikon even stopped making them a few months
back!). See here: re the
Olympus 4040 rig and gear to make it a complete kit> The pictures
are just for my own use, no submissions to National Geographic or
anything, but would like to be able to make an 8 x 10 if something
looks good. With my Nikonos it never fails that when I've got the
macro set up on there's a great 35 mm shot and vice versa. Am I
correct to assume that digitals can be adjusted underwater between the
two settings? <Yes... and this get-up even has the Motomarine Sea
& Sea capacity to stick on external lenses (macro, close-up)
"wet" (while underwater)> What pixel count should I use to
maximize the number of pictures? <I use 2.15 mega... but the
camera will do 4 mega pixels. I store as tiffs...> As I have no
laptop, how do I take enough "digital film" with me to last
the whole 7 days? <They have storage devices... but do encourage you
to bring a laptop... to label, optimize (alter, better) pix topside...
borrow one if need be> I know you can edit out the losers but with
my Nikonos I'm shooting about 36 pictures per dive to be sure
I'm getting something "good". Also, I'm hoping that I
can save some money by not getting the latest generation of camera
hardware but perhaps a previous generation camera that has what I need
but not bleeding edge cost. Obviously the camera requires a housing,
what do you use? Are the housings generic or customer specific? <The
3040 fits in the same housing, uses same batteries, storage media...
only has a couple of features that I use different than the 4040...
sells for a few hundred dollars less.> Sorry for all the questions
but I've got a lot of ground to cover and my June departure is only
weeks away. I know this isn't aquarium specific but I know you have
a lot of good experience in this area and your experience will help me
get up to speed faster. Thanks for your response.... <No worries.
Let's chat up any "loose ends", questions, concerns you
may have. Lots to enjoy here. Bob Fenner> Chris Rollison
Re: Tahiti trip.... (Now Fiji, photography) Bob, What a
difference a week makes! After looking more closely at pricing of food,
lodging, and diving we've shifted our plans from Moorea to
Fiji. <I understand> We've looked at all the options
available and our choice is a small island resort called Treasure
Island in the Ammoniac Islands to the West of Vita Levu, an hour north
of Nadi by ferry. <Have been there... a very small, but nice
island> It looks like a great place for my non-divers to snorkel and
for my freshly certified son to ease into the underwater world. Some of
the strong current and deep water dives I read about in other parts of
the islands seemed a bit too aggressive for a newbie diver. Have you
spent any time in the Mamanuca Islands? <Yes... some friends
have businesses in Latouka (to the north of Nadi), and do stay often
with them, dive and collect by day trips from there. Have visited most
of the islands in the group, on out to the Yasawa chain> I'm
sure the diving there is wonderful, and quite honestly with the new
digital camera I'd need only 30' of water and an abundant
thriving reef and I'll shoot macros all day. Where were the
exporters you mention at the Christmas party located? I thought I
recalled them being in "The North". <Almost all are
on the principal island in the south... to be near Air Pacific for air
transport...> Anything in Nadi we should visit on our first or last
day there? <Yes, "Jack's Souvenirs" in Nadi town, and
"First Landing" (a hotel, restaurant in Latouka... Maybe Walt
Smith's facility there as well...> Our flight leaves Fiji at 10
PM and the ferry drops us off in the morning I'm sure. Turning now
to the digital photography, I'm zeroing in on either the Olympus
3040 or 4040, probably the former, but had a couple questions regarding
these. Batteries, what type do you use and what are your techniques for
keeping them fresh? <Please see: in an area where this rig is
described. Both cameras and the Ikelite strobe use four AA batteries. I
only utilize NiMH, Nickel Metal Hydrides... at least 1,600AH...
rechargeables... get a "smart" fast recharger...> Meaning,
some rechargeable have a memory and unless they're fully discharged
they don't fully re-charge. <Not modern technology> Obviously
the picture taking is done when batteries run out at 60 feet. Also, the
media cards, you mentioned shooting at 2.15 mega pixels, assuming you
use a 128 meg card, how many shots can you store? <54 per 128 meg
card> I assume the camera tells you in some way how many shots are
left on the memory card right? <Yes... is counted down... you
can preview and erase at depth if you get that far... 54 is a lot of
images per dive> I've also stumbled across the housing from
Olympus that is imported to the USA from Japan by a few sources,
it's half the price of the Ikelite which was half the price of the
Tetra. Heard anything regarding this housing? <Yes, it is the one I
use... the newer "Purple" one is better than the older
"Red"> Finally, in 25 words or less, which non-automatic
features do you find yourself using most on your 4040 to improve the
shots underwater. That's a big question I know but at the heart of
it is my experience with my Nikonos over the years. Seems that whenever
I took the camera out of auto-mode and tried to adjust for something or
another the shot was not what I expected more times than not. Clearly
with the digital image immediately available the feedback loop is
infinitely shorter to help understand what the parameter changes did to
the shot. <Mmm, yes... the zoom (just the 3X optical, not the 7X
digital), the preview to compose the image, the Programmed settings to
check against the Shutter Priority (which is generally what I use)...
am out of my 25 words...> In any case, that's what I'd like
to know from you, do you keep the camera on auto 95% of the time, but
switch it manually when and how for what typically? <Generally
only switch to automatic to check against other options/results...
typically shoot at the equivalent of 125th of a second...> Any tips
on macros? <A book full... for now, just practice, reflect on
what you see...> Know any good underwater photo sites w/ tips for
the new digital photographer? <There are quite a few. Read the
two hundred pages of the CD-ROM Camedia manual... and use your search
engines to read about these cameras, models... For now, initial
experience, familiarity is what you really need... walk, swim, before
you run, dive...> Thanks for your responses, hope I'm not
picking on your brain too much.... <A pleasure to share my friend.
Bob Fenner> Chris
Re: Tahiti trip.... (U/W Photography) Bob, thanks for the quick
reply, Sundays must be a good day to e-mail you. <Mmm, actually, I
treat myself (like eating your Lima Beans before pudding) most anytime
by answering queries amongst other less-enjoyable tasks> I've
checked out the links you gave me and looked around at the sites that
sell the gear....OUCH, I thought Nikonos was expensive!! I'm
considering an Ikelite housing instead as they're half the price of
the Tetra. <Yes... a bit "clunky", but nice, mechanical
controls, easy to see if flooding through the clear Plexi...> I
think that a strobe might be out of the budget initially unless I can
use my Nikonos strobe somehow, ideas? <Can be adapted to other
makes, models... either with a slave or maybe a Nikonos
fitting/adapter. Do check with Ikelite here. I've been a
fan/customer of theirs for decades. They know their stuff> Couple of
things I don't understand, first the filter. Apparently in order to
get true colors underwater a red filter is used? <Mmm, not
with still cameras generally... you lose a part of all of an f-stop...
and can be tricky to "get the pink out"... in white
situations... I don't use red-filters except in video (and the old
days of underwater movie filming... yikes, am ancient> This just
screws onto the front of the housing? And the underwater lens changing
thing is completely baffling, it's a Tetra feature, Olympus
feature, what?? <Should only be offered by/for video... you can
practice and convince yourself> Are these lenses essentially filters
that magnify or curve the view for macro or wide angle shots? do you
know a link where I can read more about the lens changing. thanks again
for your help..... <Which lenses? The filters are selective optical
density plastics. There are some cameras that have underwater
capability to change lenses other than top-side... not the same thing.
Sea and Sea is one of the former and has a site: Bob Fenner> Chris
Camera information Dogfish, SpinalTap here. I' like
to pick your brain, or at least the half of it that you use on a
regular basis, instead of on Hashing. <It's about pickled this
AM, but go ahead> After experimenting with a cheap ($50) housing
that uses disposable cameras, I've decided that my diving
'skills' are adequate for doing some photography under the
water. I.e., I can sort of control my buoyancy and hold a position, and
other stuff you need to do to take pictures. <Great! More and more
choices are now available... have recently invested in a new
"cheap" digital rig... an Olympus 4040 and housing, Ikelite
strobe/arm set... very nice pix, no film cost...> Unfortunately, I
think I've outgrown the starter outfit I now have, plus it
doesn't work all that well, i.e., shutter button doesn't line
up, film advances sometimes (but not always), inadequate flash, etc.
<Le boot... no one needs that frustration. Trips are costly
enough> I want to move up a little, maybe up to a $150-200 unit. I
realize that I'm still not going to be able to get a very fancy
outfit for that kind of money, but maybe you could give me a hint or
two. I'd like a reloadable camera, that has a decent flash and
viewfinder. And being able to add a more powerful light (and possibly
other goodies) at some time in the future would be nice. Can you give
me any hints about what brand(s) I should consider? <Likely
either a pretty used Motomarine Sea and Sea unit (with as much still
working on it (strobe, other lenses...) or Nikon (II, III rather than a
IV... maybe a V if someone is giving away... for point and shoot
types... But to heck with this. Go in for a digital set-up... for you
and Suze's above and below water use... there are a few... You can
get an Olympus (last model, but about the same features, functionality)
as the 4040... for about five hundred dollars... and save up the big
$250-300 or so for their housing (still need batteries... rechargeable
NiMHs, memory (Costco)... but this is about it... Oh, this is about the
same rig as the young fellow on last Black Beard cruise had... You can
add the slave-activated strobe later. Here's a place on our sites
that lists the gear: and where
you might get it (where I got mine)> Or what brand(s) to stay away
from? And maybe the best source for information and/or purchasing?
<Best source are actual users, hobbyists and pros... so the
listservs, their posted input is golden... Prices vary, the etailers
are sometimes my first choice for comestibles like batteries, film,
used analog gear (Adorama, KEH, Helix...), but Marine Camera
Distributors really has the stock on hand... Do check around your
vicinity geographically for a "relationship" with a good
dealer as well> I've done some research on the Internet, but so
far it's been mostly promotional information, as opposed to
Consumer Reports type evaluations. Got any used stuff lying around that
you've been waiting to dump on to some unsuspecting Hasher? <My
two cycles back video... Sony TR 700 and their housing... and even
lights... the whole thing weighs about thirty some pounds... No, I
can't dump that on anyone... Get new gear if you can, otherwise do
have factory inspection, fixing before using any purchased used... Skip
all this and get new... believe me> No rush on this, since we
don't have any trips planned for the next few months, but any info
you could pass along will be appreciated. Oh - please use XXXX for the
reply. <Done my friend. Be seeing, hopefully diving with you soon.
Bob Fenner> Thanks, Spinal Tap
More Q's (batteries on the run, copper-electrical
removal) Reminded by recent queries: What do you use to recharge
your American electronics (rechargeable pc, camera batteries, travel
iron, etc) when overseas? <Almost always (nowadays), rechargeable
Nickel Metal Hydrides (NiMH), and adaptors to the electrical outlets to
fit with step-down transformers (for 220 v, 50 hz)... with small,
light-weight "smart" rechargers that condition the batteries,
shut themselves off... I rarely use gear with any "throw
away" type, size batteries these days. Mainly AAs (all my Nikon
gear), D's for u/w lights, strobes...> And do you recall the
chemical cocktail (years since I can remember) for breaking the bond of
copper with calcareous media? I'm thinking I read it in a Spotte
book somewhere. I'll dig for it unless it is fresh in your memory.
<Mmm, danger here, Will Robinson... I would not do this, definitely
not relate same over the Net. Such cupric ions can be easily scavenged
by commercial products like PolyFilter... Bob Fenner>
Cameras HI - I came across your web page & was
wondering if you can tell me where I can get a throw away underwater
camera that goes to 20-25 ft? Thanks <Check on the net under
underwater cameras... or a local dive shop of size. Bob Fenner>
Re: cameras thanks for the suggestion, but I didn't find
anything! only 17 ft for the throw-aways. <Really? Mmm, you can use
even these down a good twenty five feet... at some point the lens
actuator won't fire... but will when you get more shallow. Bob
Re: cameras Well if I can use it to 25 ft. then great. Good to know
& once again thanks for the advice! <Hope to hear of, see some
of your photographic efforts! Bob Fenner>
Repair Order # R 11565 Repair of 1 - 4104.5 General
maintenance, broken wire. Cost $ 18.75 Please forward check, money
order or Phone 317-923-4523 with a credit card number. Visa &
Master Card accepted. Fax # 317-924-7988 PO Box 88100, Indianapolis, IN
46208 <Will call today with info. Bob Fenner> Thank You Ikelite
Repair Dept.
Olympus 4040 Digital U/W Photo Rig Jack et al. This is
a list of components, options, prices... for the underwater photo rig
Laura used in Fiji. Camera: Olympus 4040. I got from Camera Zone
(.com) over the net for $759 plus shipping. Can be had from elsewhere
on the web, maybe Fry's... Do make sure and get US Warranty model
(not gray market import)... and I did not buy bait/switch other gear
ploy... Ask if camera only is really in stock, will ship... Housing
(Olympus PT-010), Strobe, slave switch, arm (Ikelite 50 DS Kit),
tray Base Tray)... I got from Marine Camera Distributors: Tom and Lee are friends. Call to
make sure have in stock, have put together for pick up... check with
them to make sure someone will be there (Sorrento Vly) for p/u. They
also have the ext. thread-on lenses... I'm going to get the
close-up... About $800 for all but the ext. lenses. Storage
Media (Smart): Get from Costco (or try Fry's)... 128 megs for
about $60... get two or have Tom at MCD show you their spiffy small
storage device... or both knowing you. Batteries: Time to get
out all of the battery-operated gear you have, send away for NiMH
rechargeables and a fast charger (or two). I get mine from on the net... shoot for the larger milliamperehour rated
AA's... at least 1,600 rated... Laptop computer... I'm a
big fan of Sony's Vaio line as you know... Whatever model you get,
do have at least 128 megs of RAM (I have 256), an extra battery (about
$275 ouch!), and 20 gigs of HD... for editing video, manipulating all
your stills... viewing DVD's when you want to... even playing
music. Questions, problems, suggestions, call, write/email me.
Or, we'll go shopping as I said I would. Bob F
Re: Olympus 4040 Digital U/W Photo Rig Thanks for the info. That
sounds like a trick set-up. I will definitely have to get the good
housing and light, thanks again and have a wonderful Christmas. <You
as well my friend. Bob Fenner> Thank you, Todd Gabriel
The test is positive Bob, Got it. Nice shot. Can't
wait to start taking some more underwater shots. <The thing is...
amazing. Laura.L was able... though she says she's not a great
diver... to make some very nice images... she says she has a strong
backgd. in terrestrial SLR photography... I believe it> Would it be
possible to borrow the digital underwater camera for some local
dives? <Absolutely. I'll gladly walk you through what
little I know (quick before I forget) about "all those
buttons"... according to the Net reviews, there is little diff.
twixt the 3040 you have and the 4040 Olympus. The housing accesses
almost all features.> I plan to start going out local again after
the new year. I want to do some lobster hunting and picture taking on
clear (not to many of those around here) visibility days. Time to break
out the 7MM wetsuits and get diving. See you soon. <A very good
idea... and I/we badly need MANY local images. Am making a turkey
enchilada pie... are you up to Croce/Croaky/Karee/Scariokee this eve?
Or just eating, chatting and drinking? Bob> Mike
Re: The test is positive Bob, I am going to do the Harriettes run
tonight, probably my last one for another week because they are all so
far away. This run is in PB and Dork and Strap on tools promise us some
good food and beer. Come on out (but wear your wooly knickers) brrrrrr.
The trail should be dog friendly too. <Hmm, will consider it
for sure> I know how to use the camera, it's just a matter of
memorizing the functions since they didn't put the icons on the
case. <And you can't hope to see them underwater in any case>
I look forward to talking with you some more on which particular
organisms we need pictures of and I'll hunt them down and shoot
them with a camera. <'Bout time! See you soon. Bob F>
Re: Daily Email image from WWM (U/W photography) Hey
Bob, Thanks for sending me all the images - they're great. I just
paid $90.00 for what my wife calls a Ziploc bag to put my Kodak DC280
digital camera in when I go to Maui - its an EwaMarine
"baggie" style housing. <I've used their products.
They work> It's advertised for depths of up to 30 feet so
I'll have to stay shallow, but I'll probably be doing mostly
shore diving anyways. Leaving on the 19th, back on the 1st. Oh, and if
I suddenly have enough cash for Bali, count me in if you think there
will be scuba diving involved. -Dave <Will do so. Bob Fenner>
And by the way I hope you saw this: <Ah!>
Nikon housing I noticed you mentioned you have an N-90
in a housing you use as a standby rig. I also have an N-90... curious
to know more about the underwater ramifications of that. <I REALLY
like this Nikon model (have an -X foreign body as well, as a back up,
dual rig... the same camera, but a different designation). Where to
continue here... Unlike the F-5 (had a "F"... yes, no
number... great action finder, autowinder... in a bicep-building Ocean
Eye housing set-up for years...), which is a great camera body as well,
the N-90 S/X fits in a carry-on case with a Nexus housing
( under ones seat, in the
overhead bin on most aircraft... I prefer to keep my lenses, bodies,
housings, strobes, cords, arms, batteries, chargers... altogether as
such and within my reach (unfortunately, have had gear stolen while in
process/enroute on planes...). Possibly more to your point, the
N-90 has almost all the features (wish the "night light"
would just stay on till "turned off" purposely... and a few
other requests sent to Nikon) I need/want/am looking for... Do shoot
autofocus (and use "D" designated lenses, though the IR does
not work u/w of course)... TTL very often (most of the time)... really
use the change of exposure, auto-focus lock buttons a great deal and
these are very "ergonomically placed... I don't use the
"program modes" underwater at all... As with all Nikon analog
cameras the interchangeability of lenses, strobes et al. is a
tremendous asset. The fact that the cameras run on regular AA batteries
(do get/use the rechargeable NiMH's) is a real plus... If you'd
like we can chat re cameras.> Still looking for a
learn-to-dive-somewhere-warm special. J -- <If you're not quite
sure if you'll like diving... do consider a "resort
course", perhaps somewhere in the Caribbean. Only a day or two,
not much expense. If you're pretty sure you'll become a diver,
do so, even come with us, learn while out for a week or so. Some trips
very reasonable. Jack and I (Pete and Di et al. can't make it) are
off to Taveuni (Fiji) 11/27-12/6, about 2k US total (air,
accommodation, meals, seven days shore-based diving) from the west
coast if you'd like to join us. Do "keep your health up",
maybe have a physician give you a check-up for anything that might
interfere with your being a scuba-type, and dreaming of warm, clear
water. Ahh. Bob Fenner>
Batteries? For Cameras, various types, degrees of users
Very worthwhile comparison of battery types, models and their utility
for loads, including flash units on cameras. Bob
Re: Question re Aquatica Aqualens for the Nikonos? Have
you heard about any issues with the Aquatica Aqualens for
the Nikonos? <Gosh, is this product still about? A bunch of
years back there was the usual "scuttlebutt" (as with
the RS-1) that they "flooded easily"... I never
encountered one that had. Aquatica is one of those companies that
has had very consistent good engineering/products. Now, my real
statement re Nikonos, et al. point and shoot cameras. Mike, do
check out the newer digital rigs. So much better than what has
"come before". Have recently upgraded my Olympus kit to their
4040 model (4.1 megapixels if you want), 7.5X zoom, WSIWYG screen
viewing of the images, instant downloads via very simple USB
connection... and the use of some new "digital strobes"
by Ikelite... and a very nice (even fashionable if that's
important), relatively inexpensive plastic housing... There's
more... and yes, am such an old fossil, am keeping my Nexus rigs,
Nikon N90 rigs with analog film... But the digital... no twelve
dollars a roll for film/processing... many, many
"keeper" shots per dive... good for macro... even, like
Motomarine, interchangeable lenses underwater... Marine Camera
Distributors (.com) have most all the u/w part of these for
sale... the rest is easy to shop about (Costco has 128 meg
smartmedia for under sixty dollars U.S.)... NiMH batteries are
about two dollars for 1600-1800 mA varieties... For the cost
of trips, film, making worthwhile images, it is past time to
relegate your Nikonos gear to "a BC pocket with ISO400 film,
a 15 up to 28 mm lens" or "close-up kit" for your dive
buddies to make great macro shots", or "for the dive
guide to tool around with for alls benefit while you're diving
together"... this is what I've done. Be chatting. Bob
Fenner> Regards. Mike Kirda
Re: Question Thanks for the reply, Bob. While I'd love to go
digital, I cannot afford it at this point. I can, however, afford the
Aqualens (new) with all the parts for $200... Already have the 20mm
Nikon lens... <A tough, costly decision to switch whole rigs...
don't I know... and you do have the most expensive component (the
lens...). Do keep in mind, time going forward, the "cost of the
trips" to make pix, the film/processing savings (I spend a few
thousand dollars a year here), and the opportunity costs of not having
more, better images... Though the Nikonos lenses are excellent,
it's too "chancy" getting sharp images with them... just
a matter of point and shoot limitations. Bob Fenner.> Regards. Mike
Re: Question Bob, I remember seeing before a couple of my questions
posted to your web site. If you happen to post these, please remove
this e-mail address from it. So far (knock on wood) it is unknown to
spammers. <Yikes. Rest assured I take out all such addresses when
moving contents to elsewhere... Am very concerned about these
matters... and never give out others' (though will bcc notes to
people trying to find people. Have added your addie to send you along
pix that I think you might enjoy though. Let me know if these become
bothersome. Bob Fenner>> Thanks. Mike Kirda
Question (UW photography) Bob, Have you heard about any issues with
the Aquatica Aqualens for the Nikonos? <Gosh, is this product still
about? A bunch of years back there was the usual
"scuttlebutt" (as with the RS-1) that they "flooded
easily"... I never encountered one that had. Aquatica is one of
those companies that has had very consistent good
engineering/products. Now, my real statement re Nikonos, et al.
point and shoot cameras. Mike, do check out the newer digital rigs. So
much better than what has "come before". Have recently
upgraded my Olympus kit to their 4040 model (4.1 megapixels if you
want), 7.5X zoom, WSIWYG screen viewing of the images, instant
downloads via very simple USB connection... and the use of some new
"digital strobes" by Ikelite... and a very nice (even
fashionable if that's important), relatively inexpensive plastic
housing... There's more... and yes, am such an old fossil, am
keeping my Nexus rigs, Nikon N90 rigs with analog film... But the
digital... no twelve dollars a roll for film/processing... many, many
"keeper" shots per dive... good for macro... even, like
Motomarine, interchangeable lenses underwater... Marine Camera
Distributors (.com) have most all the u/w part of these for sale... the
rest is easy to shop about (Costco has 128 meg smartmedia for under
sixty dollars U.S.)... NiMH batteries are about two dollars for
1600-1800 mA varieties... For the cost of trips, film, making
worthwhile images, it is past time to relegate your Nikonos gear to
"a BC pocket with ISO400 film, a 15 up to 28 mm lens" or
"close-up kit" for your dive buddies to make great macro
shots", or "for the dive guide to tool around with for alls
benefit while you're diving together"... this is what I've
done. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Regards. Mike
Underwater photography I just found
the Sea & Sea MX-10 with strobe ( reviewed at <"">
> ) for $450 at Leisure Pro online, with the strobe.
Something to consider? <Yes, an even better camera rig than the
"Yellow" one...> The article also mentioned that while you
can get a Nikonos V for $700 or so, <This is "just" the
body... w/o even the 35mm lens... You will need, want astrobe, a tray,
arm, sync cord....> costs a whole bunch more for the lenses and
accessories. Maybe that's out of the question....... Again, look
forward to hearing your response. Aaron <Much more to discuss
and enjoy my friend. Bob Fenner>
More photo questions... Hi Bob, Thanks for the photo
tips... believe it or not I actually went to your site and checked out
the photo section before I asked all those questions and you suggested
I go there! <Yes, and I must need hustle and write up a
presentation/article on above water image making for pet-fish types...
to give at the upcoming WMC in Monterey... Yikes, and will post on
WWM> Now I'm thinking digital... maybe. I have an Olympus D-340R
(1.3 megapixels) that takes great pictures of aquariums. If I buy one
of those "Ewa-marine $100 zip-lock bags with a window" it
seems to me it would work pretty good for very shallow snorkeling in
bright sunlit water. <Yes... with a few personal impressions here...
Thus far, with my limited (have a Sony PC-100 and Mako Video Housing)
and second hand experience, I haven't been impressed with digital
u/w stills at all... the mechanisms used for capturing light require
too much anticipation of when to "depress the shutter" and
the image quality (resolution, color-richness) has not "been
there" compared with analog picture making> Wouldn't it be
the same as taking a picture of a reef tank from the inside looking
out? <Ideally, yes> Do you know anybody that has tried one of
those Ewa-marine bag things as an enclosure? <Yes, have used them
myself even... do work for shallow water use... and the price can't
be beat> Now for part 2... What do you know about doing a
presentation (like for our club) with one of those overhead type
projectors and a PC? <Wish I did know about such... we're about
in the "same boat" here... Need to get into this millennium
with Power Point presentations myself... Am determined to give my talks
via this tool this year (tired of friends snickering about "ole
Bob" and his slide projector...> Can you rent one somewhere?
<Yes, most everywhere... and worth asking about at various groups,
businesses to see if folks have one to borrow... lots of them about>
Oh yeah... and one more thing... do you know if you need to shoot in
the highest resolution (meaning larger file size and much fewer shots
per memory card)... or would the lower res work fine as the pictures
look great on my monitor. <The lower, less fine resolution works...
Have 64meg card... can shoot on 1.3 meg but generally do 100kb... and
most images on our site, 4,5 kb... But scans of 35mm slides I have
default at 300dpi, 2.3 megs each, TIFF format... for sale, use to the
print world> Thanks a bunch... Doug Nadasdy PS... I would love to
tag along on one of your trips sometime! <Do so.> How far
in advance do you plan those excursions? <Most a few months...
some a few weeks... will add you to the local party/adventure
travel/underwater/photography list if you'd like. We get together
informally about once a month, show slides, video, chat up upcoming
trips... Here in San Diego.> Or do you just wake up one morning and
say "Hey... it feels like a good day for the Red Sea" or
something like that?? <There are occasional deals that work out like
that... some local and not friends have dive, travel services with
cancellations/fill-ins for cheap, people in the trade want/need my help
schnell... but generally planned out in advance. Bob Fenner>
Re: More photo questions... OK... only one more day and I'm
outta here! Only one more question too. Is there any danger of the film
(exposed or fresh) getting wrecked by going through airport x-ray
machines? Thanks again, Doug Nadasdy <I am on the side of "some
fogging" by x-rays of any ISO rather than the absolute stance of
airlines, security that there is NONE by x-rays... so I use the
following means: 1) Lead lined bags to move my film (mine hold about
forty rolls in their canisters each... and fit in back-packs, luggage
well... other sizes are available) 2) Put in one, two gallon zip-loc
bags (genius who invented these... should get Nobel if not Heaven) on
my person (large, light weight jackets). 3) Both the above and happily
hand over to personnel, asking for hand inspection... generally no
problem... Bob Fenner
U/W Photography, Photo Gear Hi Bob, I
wanted to thank you for taking the time to come to our club meeting
last night. <A pleasure> I really enjoyed your slides
and all your stories! You are a really funny guy. My wife, Jenny
always brings a magazine to the meeting when we have a speaker but
she never even opened it up last night. If that's not a true
compliment, I don't know what is! <Agreed> I wanted to
talk a little more about cameras but didn't get the chance.
I'm so confused. I suppose I will take slides when we're in
Tahiti to share with the club when we get back. Here's a
list of questions: <Yes, this is best... transparencies can be
easily made into prints (the transfer is almost the same as from a
print-negative in terms of quality)... and much better for scanning,
sharing...> 1. How difficult / expensive is it to make prints from
slides to put in a photo album later? <Oh, here's
that question... easy. Your service/processor can do this for you>
2. What slide film do you recommend? We'll be in 2' to 20'
water depth. <Hmm, please take a look at the
"photographing underwater" piece posted on the site: ... these issues
are surveyed there> 3. Is there a decent low price (200-300 clams)
camera I should consider? <Again, see the piece mentioned
above... Really, some decent point and shoots, and housings for
"throwaway cameras" do dip down into this range... and well
worth it... Humans are visually oriented... having pix from travel...
priceless...> Already have a 10yr old Minolta Weathermatic and
the picture quality is not too swell. <Optics haven't
changed that much... these are okay cameras> 4. Should I rent a good
setup before we go? <This is a tough question... if you're
going to use such gear ten or more times in the next few years, better
to purchase (renting is expensive and nerve-wracking)...> 5. Can I
rent a housing and strobe for my Canon A1? <Pretty sure, yes.
Take a look on Light and Motion's site> 6. What did you use for
those slides of the Cooks? <A Nikon N-90 body, their lenses...
mainly 60 and 100mm micro-Nikkor lenses... a Nexus housing, two Ikelite
strobes with their cord/connectors... Chet Tussey's arms (he's
here in San Diego), mainly Velvia 50 and Provia 100 film... Have a
bunch of digital, but we had no projector...> 7. Do you have
anything you could rent to me? <Not really... use my camera,
lenses about every week... Calling, visiting Maurice Bullock tomorrow
and making images at his house for instance... But very willing to have
you go on a trip with, accompany us (a host of friends, pet fish,
diving, just travel adventurer types) on under and above water photo
trips... go about every month... so let me know if, where you're
interested... And we cart along enough total gear for you to have a go
at u/w video, stills, macro... the whole gamut> Any suggestions you
may have will be very much appreciated! Thanks again, Doug
Nadasdy <Where to start? Also please see the two reviews of photo
books by Norbert Wu on the WWM site, and order these works and read
them if you have time ahead of this, next trip. Bob