FAQs about Above and Below Water Photography: Selling,
Sales... and Free Use
Related Articles: Underwater
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Photography 2,
FAQs on: Gear
(will split up to cameras, housings, batteries, lenses... later),
Technique/s, Photo Sites, Trips, UW
Photography References,
& Above-water Photography, Digital
Photography, Aquatic

Have you seen this? Call for nano pix for books
> Hello Rick,
> Hadn't seen this; thanks for passing it along. Whether I have anything
suitable is debatable, but I'll take a look through my iPhoto albums.>
> Bob, you might care to have a look at this link as well.
Did see this Neale... don't know what the editor/friend James Lawrence
is thinking re... likely just promotion of the works. B
> Cheers, Neale
> On 7 Jun 2013, at 02:38, Rick Novy wrote:>
> > Neale,
> > I don't know whether you've seen this, but you always seem to
come up with good photos.
> >
Please help identify
I have been searching all over trying to identify this fish I found in the
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
Can you help me?
<Wonderful picture of a Bodianus diplotaenia aka Mexican Hogfish--
http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Bodianus-diplotaenia.html >
Thank you,
<Quite welcome>

Re: Please help identify 4/3012 5/3/12
> Bob, could you take a look at the second half of the query concerning
> Thanks,
> Jordan
> Wow! Thanks...
> <Not a problem. I apologize for the slow response.>
> I originally thought it was a Wrasse. It looks so
> different than the other picture I took of a Mexican Hogfish (also in
> Galapagos). Should I assume that the one you identified for me was a
> juvenile female?
> <You are correct. Juveniles, sub-adults, females, and males are all
> different in appearance. The newest picture is of a dominant male.
> great photo.>
> Thanks again for your time,
> <Quite welcome>
> Diana
> BTW I am not familiar with your website - I just came across it when I
> trying to identify the fish. Do you collect pictures of fish from all
> or are they your personal collections? I have no personal copyright
> issues... do you want any of mine? You are welcome to them. I actually
> have some other much better photos and some unusual shots or species.
> <This would be an area to discuss with Bob. I've sent him a copy of
your query.>
> <Jordan>
<<Those on WWM are mostly efforts by me... w/ some like yours as write
ins. I suggest you consider becoming a collaborator on fishbase.org if
you have the time/interest, and have your images offered to the public
there. IF you have the leaning, I will gladly help you to write against
your image work and submit to the pulp and e-zines in the dive, travel
and petfish interests. Bob Fenner>
ARKive, pix request 11/11/10
Dear Wet Web Media,
I hope you do not mind me contacting you but in searching the internet
for images of Agaricia tenuifolia, Pseudosiderastrea tayami, and Favia
maxima I found fantastic images of yours on wetwebmedia.com which I
would be interested in using for ARKive, if you would like to become
ARKive - www.arkive.org<http://www.arkive.org/> - is a unique
conservation initiative.
<Ah, yes. I have had some dealing w/ your project. You are welcome
to utilize my image work gratis, per our stated Content Use Policy:
Please make it known which images you are looking for if you need them
full-size, larger than posted.
Thank you for your efforts. Robert (Bob) Fenner>
Dear Robert,
Thanks for the reply. It would be great if you could send me the
original, high resolution images as before, if you can. We really
appreciate your help, as they are wonderful images.
Thanks very much,
Real good Becca... would/could you either send along the whole pic/file
name or the location/URL and locus for them?
Re: PIX/ RMF 2/2 11/15/10
Thanks very much, I will let you know when the images are put onto the
Best wishes,
<Thanks. BobF>
ARKive - your images are now online 6/7/10
Dear Bob,
Your images are now live on ARKive:
It's great to see them on the website. Thank you again for your
support of the ARKive project.
Best wishes,
<Glad to have assisted your efforts. BobF>
Use of photos for underwater fish survey project
Hello crew!
<Hello... is this THE Elizabeth Wood?>
Congratulations on your website - its a great source of
<Thank you Dr. Wood>
I note that the photos are for personal use and not public domain, but
wonder if by chance it would be possible to use one or two of them for
a scheme we are running called Fishwatch Maldives. In a nutshell we are
working with local divers to record species of fishery value so that we
can learn more about their status in the wild. We are using small
thumbnails printed onto underwater record sheets so that we can be use
the divers make the correct ID when they are in the water. Its a
conservation project and not in any way commercial - the ID survey
sheets are being lent to divers who agree to help with the surveys.
<My content is free for use to non-commercial concerns, outfits per
We are particularly interested in the groupers which are popular food
fish, and you have got pictures of Epinephelus fuscoguttatus that would
be perfect. Would it be possible to use this and possibly other images
from your website - of course with acknowledgement.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Liz Wood
Dr Elizabeth Wood,
Coral Reef Conservation Officer,
Marine Conservation Society,
<Ah, yes. I do grant you free use of any of my content. Please make
it known if you'd like other images, larger sizes. Thank you for
your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Re: use of photos for underwater fish survey project -
Dear Bob,
Hello, yes I guess I must be THE Elizabeth Wood of the Corals of the
World and Responsible Marine Aquarist etc (honestly didn't intend
for such a similar title as your excellent book - which of course I
have on my shelf - ours was in the system for years before we
eventually went to print!).
Anyway, good to be in touch directly at last!
That's great to be able to use your pics - thanks so much.
<You're certainly welcome>
We are still looking for a few more spp that you might or might not be
able to help with as they are really more food than aquarium spp. Jack
Randall has said we can use his Fishbase ones but quite a few are dead
specimens so
although technically OK are not so ideal for divers!
<Good to have access to both>
There are some pics of some on your website but if you happen to have
slightly larger files (100kb + would be ideal) then the increased
etc would help.
The ones I'm still struggling to find are:
African pompano Alectis ciliaris
Blue trevally Carangoides ferdau
Island trevally Carangoides orthogramnmus
Giant trevally Caranx ignobilis
Golden trevally Gnathodon speciosus juv & adult
Double-spotted queenfish Scomberoides lysan
Green jobfish Aprion virescens
Small tooth jobfish Aphareus furca
Smalltooth emperor Lethrinus microdon
Longnose emperor Lethrinus olivaceous
Spotcheek emperor Lethrinus rubrioperculatus
Yellowlip emperor Lethrinus xanthochilus
Leopard rock cod Cephalopholis leoparda
Squaretail grouper Epinephelus areolatus
Yellow-fin grouper Epinephelus flavocaeruleus
Flower grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
Giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus
Snubnose grouper Epinephelus macrospilus
Sorry its a bit of a long list but even a few would help if you happen
to have them. Thanks!
<I will look tomorrow and send these along if I have them... Via...
this webmail program? Can send much larger file sizes or DVDs if
you'd like>
Could I ask your opinion about Pterois volitans/miles in the Indian
The exporters in the Maldives list both spp yet Fishbase etc report
volitans as Pacific and miles as Indian Ocean. And where does P
muricata fit in?!
<I do not know... But would start by asking JackR, or in turn for
his referral>
I'm off to Maldives the week after next and will be meeting up with
the aquarium
exporters but it would be interesting to hear your thoughts before I
ask them.
Thanks again for your interest and help.
Best regards,
<A pleasure to assist your efforts. BobF>
Re: use of photos for underwater fish survey project -
Dear Bob,
Thanks very much!
<Certainly welcome>
If you spread the small/medium file-size photos over a few separate
messages they should come through fine on this e-mail. Then maybe if we
need a large one of a particular species I can let you know and you
could send a DVD (thanks for that kind offer).
<Real good. Will be checking my files later this day for you>
I will contact Jack Randall about Pterois spp and let you know the
<Thank you. BobF>
Cheers for now,
Photo for HI's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
8/18/05 Hi Bob, I am the assistant planner working on
Hawaii's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy for the
Division of Aquatic Resources, which will be turned into the US Fish
and Wildlife Service. You may have heard of this initiative- all 50
states are developing one- and if not I would be happy to tell you more
about it. Please feel free to check it out on line at
www.dofaw.net/cwcs. I am emailing because we are including the Aplidium
crateriferum in our Strategy and I was looking online for a photo of it
and came across one you have on http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ascidians.htm. I am emailing to see
if you would be willing to let us use your photo in our Strategy where
we discuss the Aplidium crateriferum. Thank you very much for your
help. Best, Austin <I do grant you free use of this, and all
content, per our policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Thank you for
your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Re: photo for HI's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
8/19/05 Hi Bob, Thank you for letting us use the photos on your
website. I reviewed your use policy and the policy mentions photos
taken by others besides yourself and I want to be sure that the
Aplidium crateriferum photos on the http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ascidians.htm webpage are taken by
you so that I give the correct credit. Thanks again, Austin
<Yes, and thank you for mentioning... Please make it known if you
need/want different format/s, resolution... Bob Fenner> Hi Bob, We
have inserted the photo of Aplidium crateriferum to our document and it
is a bit fuzzy. If it would be possible to get the photo of
the Aplidium (the one where it is a whiter color) in a higher
resolution, that would be great. Thanks again. Austin
<Here is a tiff scan of 5 MB. Cheers, BobF>
Possible Ocean Hunting Photos? 4/22/03 Dear Mr. Fenner, Alan
Dyke suggested that you may be able to help me... I work with the
African Conservancy, a Vista, CA based organization that focuses our
efforts on promoting wildlife protection/rehabilitation and native
cultural preservation in Zambia, Africa. We will be having a large
exhibit at this year's Earth Fair in San Diego, in which we'll
be partnering with the Bushmeat Crisis Task Force. Our exhibit will
focus largely on Bushmeat, and we'd like to show its connection to
ocean wildlife. To help demonstrate this connection, we will
need one or two high resolution photos of the hunting of ocean
wildlife, particularly of endangered species. We hoped you might be
able to aid us in supplying one or two of these photographs? <Wish I
could help you. My focus is on individual and grouped images of species
utilized as ornament (pet-fish), as in aquariums. Don't have pix of
spearfishing, netting, line fishing at all. Will post your request on
our website: WetWebMedia.com in hopes that others can help you. Bob
Fenner> Sincere Thanks, Tudor Goldsmith African Conservancy 2590 San
Clemente Ave. Vista, CA 92084 Ph. (760) 945-7571 Fax (760) 754-0879
Fish Photos Hello Bob, Can you direct me on where I can
purchase fish photos? I've tried doing a search on
the web but didn't find anything. Thank you, Melissa <The big
agencies like Corbis.com sell them via the Net... we (WWM) also offer
image work for sale. What are you looking for specifically and for what
application/s? Have you seen WetWebFotos? Bob Fenner>
Fish Photos Bob, Thanks for the reply. Yes I did see WWF
photos but didn't see a Copperband butterfly. Which was
the pic I was looking for. It will be used for a business
card and needs to be at least 300dpi. Thank you Melissa <Mmm, do
take a look again, www.WetWebFotos.com and the name Copperband or
Chelmon rostratus... do you see an image on WetWebMedia.com of this
species you like alternatively? Bob Fenner, with lots of Chelmon
Photo Request The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (CMA) is a
small regional aquarium located in Los Angeles. <I do
know this facility. Years back our business bid to fabricate the
tanks for it> The aquarium is managed by the City of Los
Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks. We have recently
undergone an expansion and are adding new interactive and
educational exhibits. The purpose of this e-mail is to request
permission to utilize a photograph that is displayed on your
website. The picture we are requesting to make use of would
become part of one of these new exhibits. CMA is a non-profit
city government managed institution. If you grant us rights to
use this image, would it be possible to obtain an higher
resolution file (300dpi, 8x10). If you have any questions please
contact Ed Mastro, Exhibit Curator. <Is possible,
however I am presently in Hawai'i for the month... and the
original is in San Diego... you can wait or use the one you can
get from WetWebFotos (larger size... resolution?)> CMA
would greatly appreciate being able to use this image and we
would credit your donation. Thanks for taking the time to
go through the e-mails, Marcela Fernandez <I grant
you use of this image, and any other content of mine for
non-profit educational use. Bob Fenner>

Your Underwater Pictures Dear Mr. Fenner, <Howdy>
I found your photographs on wetwebfotos.com and was very
impressed. I just got a new Canon 10D SLR Digital Camera and have
begun taking more and more photos from my aquariums. I have
snorkeled several times, once in Florida, but have never been
scuba diving. <Your time is coming up... and soon!> It has
been my dream, for the past several years, to scuba dive in the
South Pacific. Unfortunately, I don't yet have the time or
money to scuba dive. Ever since I snorkeled in the Florida Keys,
when I was only 13, I have been interested in coral reefs, and
the diverse EcoSystem that thrives within them. Six years ago I
began maintaining a saltwater reef aquarium. Now I am starting an
internet business to cater to the saltwater reef aquarium
hobbyist. I will be selling well acclimated fish and corals as
well as all of the aquarium supplies that they need to keep
everything alive and growing well. <Do hope/trust you have
"something that gives you an edge" (a better website
perhaps) over/to distinguish you from your competitors> Unlike
many fish stores I want to promote education about the coral
reefs, develop awareness of the problems facing the coral reef
EcoSystems, and help my customers create thriving natural reef
habitats in their own homes. <Good> I believe that educated
hobbyists can raise awareness and help more people take a genuine
interest in protecting the coral reefs. As a retailer of live
reef fish I only deal with well recognized collectors, and will
not deal with collectors that over-fish, or use cyanide. <How
will you tell them from each other?> I also grow corals in my
aquariums and purchase captive bred clams and fish whenever
possible. I believe that the future of the aquarium hobby will be
in captive-bred specimens. <It is to a large extent> I am
still missing about one-hundred fish pictures for use on my
website. I am trying to provide my customers with a high-quality
picture of each fish I offer on my website so they can get a
clear view of what they are buying. I have attached a list of the
fish I still need pictures of. I you have good pictures of any of
these fish I would be interested in talking with you about the
right to use them on my website. If you have a saltwater
aquarium, or want one I would be glad to help you out in any way
I can. Please reply and let me know if you would be willing to
help me out. <We do provide image work (for a fee for
commercial uses). I am asking Jason.C here to respond to you
further> Attached is a picture I took that ended up giving me
the idea for the name of my new company- Vivid Aquariums. I hope
you enjoy it. I look forward to your reply. My e-mail address is
hotmail.com, my phone XXXX. I live in Los Angeles, CA. Thank You,
Dave Burr
<Be chatting, perhaps diving together. Bob Fenner>

Re: Your Underwater Pictures I appreciate your response
however I cannot afford $20 a picture. I still need about 100
pictures and at $20 each that would be $2000.00. <Mmm,
well, the "Net" use of a number of our pix is ten
dollars per... Jas had thought you intended to make a printed
catalog as well...> For that price I would be better off
buying the fish at the wholesaler and photographing them
myself. <Perhaps a better idea> I thought you might
be able to help me out and give me a better price, or allow me to
use some of your pictures and give you the appropriate credit on
my website. <Uh, no... this is "what we do for a
living"... and you will find (check with the "photo
banks", other resources... this is indeed cheap. Many of the
pix involve quite a bit of effort: travel, hotel, dive costs, not
to mention photo gear, processing...> I have one friend who
has already supplied me with over 100 photographs for my website
at no charge. In return I am supplying him with everything he
needs for his aquarium, including livestock, at wholesale prices.
If you would be interested in some kind of trade I would be
willing to make it worth your while. Unfortunately money is tight
right now as I have been unemployed for the past seven months. I
took a chance and decided to chase a dream of opening a new type
of fish store that would provide hobbyists with better
information and help them become more educated about the hobby
and about the purchases they make. My website is not officially
launched yet, however you can view it at
www.vividaquariums.com/shop. <Very nice. Clean
appearance, good spiels...> Your will see the pictures my
friend and I have already taken. I am a photographer as well and
I know the time it takes to get that one good shot- especially of
a little fish who is continuously darting around. I have been
using a Cannon 10D with a 100mm macro for the majority of my
shots. Anyhow, I know you don't know me, but I am just a 28
year old guy getting started on his first business and I would
appreciate any help you could provide. I would be glad to return
the favor in the future. <My help is in the form of
"printed statements" about what I would/not do...
mainly posted on WWM. In your case, I WOULD NOT get involved in
our trade if you are undercapitalized (or sense you lack good
management, the two principal sources of all small business
failures)> Attached is another shot I took of my Wartskin
Angler. Sincerely, Dave Burr <What do you intend to buy your
livestock, drygoods with for your business? Let's keep
chatting if you'd like... as I may be able to help you define
your "business model"... What drygoods lines do you
intend to offer? How will you finance their purchase? That is, do
you intend to back-stock much (is necessary), expediently
order/re-ship. Where do you intend to "select/pick"
your livestock and how will you finance this? How much money do
you figure you will have "in-play" in the first months
of your business venture? Bob Fenner>

Re: Your Underwater Pictures Dear Robert, <David>
I thought you might be a fellow hobbyist who loved taking
pictures like me and my friend do. <Mmm, among other things, I
am> I didn't realize you sold your pictures for a living
or I would not have asked for any donations. <I see.
Well, if you look/ed through the sites (WWM and our image selling
WetWebFotos) you'd actually see a bunch of evidence of this
activity> Actually my friend and I were able to get 70 out of
the 100 remaining pictures I needed today at a local wholesaler.
We setup a "studio" tank and had fun for about four
hours. <Great! A related note: this is how Pablo Tepoot took
all the pix for his marine book, SE Asian Companion... at
Millie's All Seas in Miami...> In terms of the financing
of my business the papers are signed and in 10 days I will be set
to fully stock my system and all of the various drygoods I will
sell. If I don't make a single sale for a year I will still
be OK. I did graduate from UNC with a BS in Business Management.
I have made sure to cover all the bases. <Am very glad to read
this. You can well-imagine my concern in both wanting to
help/encourage people in our trade, and forewarning them of its
downsides, difficulties> You can check out the completed
website on Jan 1st 2004 at www.vividaquariums.com Thanks, Dave
Burr <Hope to "run into" you in future at livestock
wholesalers, industry trade shows. Bob Fenner>
Your photos on FishBase Dear Mr. Fenner, <Hi there> I
am contacting you as a user of FishBase, where I have seen part of the
fantastic collection of fish photos you contributed to that resource.
<Much more available. We have an image site (WetWebFotos.com) and a
capacity for scanning, sending along (FTP or USPS) many other, larger
photo work> By way of introduction, I work in marketing for
ProAquatix, a Sebastian, FL-based company which breeds and sells
tank-raised marine ornamental fish to the hobbyist market and to
commercial aquaria. Our scientists have mastered the larval rearing,
life support systems, and culture technology necessary to produce a
current inventory of 28 species. <Wish I had been aware of
your co. I recently penned a section for a book on captive culture of
marines for my German publisher, Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag (the chapter
on breeding and rearing fishes)... and would have included mention of
your business in the historical area> Our goal is to reduce some of
the pressure that wild-capture collection methods impose on the
world's reef ecosystems by offering an alternative source of
healthy, beautiful, and long lasting aquarium fish. <All in
confluence with our philosophy (please see WetWebMedia.com, our root
web> I would like ask you if you would give permission to use some
of your photographs from the Fishbase website on our own website,
www.proaquatix.com <http://www.proaquatix.com> , and
possibly on electronic newsletters and printed media, and, if yes, if
we would have to cite your name as a photo credit or if we could leave
that off. I feel that your pictures could really help give our
customers a good sense of what our species look like. <Mmm, no, as
in not for free. We/I make my living in part from supplying image work
to magazines, other media. Please see our "Use Policy":
We make our content available to non-commercial users (like fishbase)
gratis, but not "for-profits". If you'd like to purchase
photographs (for internet, print, trade-show use?), please make known
what you are looking for and we'll send along a list of costs,
thumbnails of what we have available. Bob Fenner> I look forward to
hearing back from you regarding our request to use your photos. Whit
Hazelton ProAquatix 6020 99th Street Sebastian, FL 32958 772.581.5510
772.581.2693 fax
Underwater Photography Dot, Bob Fenner is the underwater
photographer I was referring to. He has an awesome site
information and images site at http://www.wetwebmedia.com . Bob, I met Dot
traveling. She is an extremely nice lady with a son whom
considered pursuing underwater photography at one point. It
would be great if you can be a point of contact for him in case he
wants to explore this career choice or hobby choice further. <Glad
to share... Not (currently) a highly remunerative pursuit, but over
time, stills and kinetic imagery can be a "real" career. Dot,
please have your son write me here. Bob Fenner>
Negotiating a contract with a gallery manager
Hello. My name is Illaya Stephens. Currently,
I'm doing a project for my business of show
business class (yes that's the name of the
class). Currently, I'm supposed to do a
presentation for my professor. Now here's the
deal: I'm supposed to be a photographer and
one of my classmates is supposed to be the gallery
manager. now I don't know who is going to
be the gallery manager but I'm supposed to negotiate a
contract with him/her. Now my
Prof. gave me a list within the presentation
topics: 1) How many days do you want your show in the
gallery, <Usually a weekend (long) to a week or more if you are/were
well-known> 2) Merchandising rights % (don't really
know what he means by that question), <Basically who will
pay for promotion... especially in the event there are little to no
sales... that is a draw (money from you) should there not be sufficient
revenue to pay for marketing the gig> 3) the percentage split.
<Most of the time about half, 50:50, minus costs for 2) above... If
you were well-known, maybe more like 60:40... all negotiable>
Now my question for u guys is how do I negotiate a contract
with a gallery manager using these following questions
above? Please help me!!! I know
this sounds desperate here, but the presentation start this
Thursday, and I need all the help I can get mind you, I
missed the mid-term exam and I'm trying to get @ least a
C or a D in this class). PLEASE HELP
ME!?!?!? Thank you for your time and patience for
reading this. YOURS TRULY,
Illaya Stephens <Practice writing a brief note/letter
trying to convince this imagined gallery in showing your work, or if
you're an agent, in your clients work... Bob Fenner>
Re: PLEASE READ!! negotiating a contract with a gallery
manager I'm so sorry about that. I was asking you
what can I write to the imaginary gallery manager. you
see, you suggested that I should write a note or a letter to
the gallery manager but I have no experience in
photography or negotiating a contract
whatsoever. I know it sounds crazy, but
I'm really slow when it comes to technical stuff like
this. If you can, maybe figuratively speaking,
you can hold my hand with this
presentation. One thing I did learn is that
I'm not taking this class unless I truly know what
I'm getting into (unfortunately, I was being too hasty
taking this class). anyway, please help
me. thank you.
<I will not help you beyond the notes previously discussed... what
is it that you are hesitant about here? It seems all you are being
asked is to write a proposal/query to a manager, propositioning them re
a showing... perhaps pretend you're at a party and just asking to
use their space... what would you ask, what might they say? See the
previous email. Bob Fenner>
Diploria et al. pix on WWM There is a picture of a Diploria
strigosa on your site, and I was wondering if I could include it in an
essay I am currently writing, and also who to reference it to. Many
thanks, Josh <You are welcome to use my content for any
non-commercial purpose. All otherwise unlabeled images, writing are of
my origin. Bob Fenner>
South Pacific images Hi Robert, I found your information on
the internet and am hoping you might be able to assist me. I
work for the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF), a
non-profit conservation organization that coordinates volunteer fish
monitoring. We are currently in the process of expanding our
fish survey program to the South Pacific (specifically American Samoa,
in partnership with the local National Marine Sanctuary there). We are
in need of a few images for our training and survey
materials. I am wondering if you have any of these and if
so, if you would be willing to donate them to us. Any images
that are donated to REEF maintain the original photographers name and
copyright information and are only used in REEF's training and
educational materials. Because REEF is a non-profit
501(c)(3), we would also be able to offer you a one-time donation
credit of $50 per image if you are a US citizen. The images that we
need are: Chlorurus japanensis (Initial Phase) Chlorurus japanensis
(Terminal Phase) Epinephelus merra Scarus oviceps (Initial Phase)
Thalassoma hardwicke (Terminal Phase) Digital files of any of these
would be greatly appreciated. tiffs would be ideal,
preferably 800x500 pixels, 72 dpi. You could email them to
me. Please let me know. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Christy Semmens
In case you are not familiar with REEF-- The Fish Survey Project is an
ongoing citizen science project coordinated by the Reef Environmental
Education Foundation (REEF). Divers and snorkelers who
participate in the Fish Survey Project document marine life populations
throughout the tropical western Atlantic, coastal North America,
tropical eastern Pacific and Hawaii. Standardized training
materials and data collection methodology enable volunteers to gather
valid information over a large spatial scale. The data
undergo rigorous quality control measures and are categorized according
to volunteer experience level. Data summaries are publicly
displayed on the REEF website (www.reef.org) to encourage use by
volunteers and the general public. Data sets are also
available to the scientific community upon request. To date,
REEF volunteers have generated more than 75,000 marine life surveys
from more than 5,300 sites. Traditionally, divers and snorkelers have
not received much more than a cursory introduction to underwater
ecology or marine life identification. Even after years of
experience in the water, most divers are able to identify only a small
handful of the marine life that is seen during their
dives. REEF introduces marine enthusiasts to the incredible
diversity of fishes found in local waters as well as the identification
resources and survey methods needed to help document these
species. This greater awareness leads to a sense of
stewardship and support of effective management among key user
groups. REEF has developed introductory slide-based training
curricula for each of its project regions, which are the basis for
entry-level training in the Fish Survey Project. These
slide-based modules include training in fish identification of common
fish species and survey methodology. -- Christy Pattengill-Semmens,
Ph.D. Scientific Coordinator Reef Environmental Education Foundation
(REEF) www.reef.org <Am familiar with REEF. You (and all
non-profits) are welcome to my content (writing, images) free of
charge. Please take a look on our photo website: www.WetWebFotos.com
for these pix, and I'll ask JasonC here to assist you with a
password for downloading. Bob Fenner>
Photos of the Red Sea fishes Hello Sir, <Hello Ihab!>
My name is IHAB, and when I went trough the internet I explored your
site which contained few lovely photos taken underwater about the red
sea fishes. And I would like to have some of them for a commercial
reason. <Okay> I would like to use them to produce post cards to
be sold in the Egyptian market only. <Neat!> So, please find
below a few questions: 1- Do you accept
that??? <Yes> 2- If yes! , how can
you send me the original photos (may be by mail, or by sending a C.D
with a high resolutions for offset printing reasons.
3- Will it be for free or I should pay for
the copyright of these photos ? <Will forward your message to Jason
Chodakowski who handles such sales. They are available as scans for a
reasonable fee> Thank you in advance for taking time to read my mail
and hoping to hear from you as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, IHAB
<Thank you for your interest. Bob Fenner>
Your photo of juvenile grouper Hello Bob, <Ashley> My
name is Ashley Frisch and I am a Marine Biologist from James Cook
University, Townsville, Australia. I am writing to seek your permission
to use your photo of a juvenile Plectropomus laevis in a scientific
publication about the evolution of color patterns in fish. The
publication is strictly for scientific purposes, and will not be for
sale. You would (of course) receive acknowledgement if the photo was
used. Please let me know if there are any photos I can give you in
exchange. I look forward to hearing from you. Ashley <I gladly grant
you permission to use any of my content for educational, scientific
purposes. Please make it known if the size, resolution, format is
useful (on WWM or WetWebFotos), or if you'd like to see other pix
of this or other species. Bob Fenner>
Re: Your photo of juvenile grouper Hello Bob, <Greetings
Ashley> Thanks for granting permission to use your photo. To improve
the quality of my publication, could you send a higher resolution image
of this photo? (my computer will handle any size or format). <Will
ask JasonC to refer you to such on WWF. Jas?> I will send you a copy
of any works that include your photo, although be aware that science is
slow, and it may take up to a year. Thanks again, Ashley. <As I well
know. There is time. Bob Fenner>
Any help would be greatly appreciated, looking for pix for new
online LFS Mr. Fenner, <Hello> I was directed to you by Eric
from Sea Dwelling Creatures, and his father Bob Stearn, who will be
selling us our dry goods. <Ahh, both fine friends, associates in the
trade> We are currently opening an online Tropical Fish site. We
plan to be the complete stop, with customer service being number one.
We have encountered a small hurdle... photos of the fish, inverts,
corals... etc.. We thought of copying other photos off the internet and
manipulating the photo; but do not want to violate any copyright laws.
<Mmm, yes... tis thievery> Bob Stearn said that you may be able
to help us out in that department. Can you guide us to where we can
obtain photos? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, George Winters <Oh yes... I sell
"content" of this nature in our interest. A good deal of my
pix can be seen on WetWebMedia.com, WetWebFotos.com... the price for
same in quantity is ten dollars per. Please send along a list of what
you have in mind. Cheers, and congratulations on your new venture! Bob
Photo Contest, good cause, big moolah Bob do you take part in
Photo contests? <Almost never... my sense is that it is unfair
to "crowd" others that might benefit more from such
exposure> there is one organized by the Singapore Environmental
Council to "generate public awareness about environmental issues
and encourage the public to develop a sense of beauty and appreciation
for our natural environment. <A worthy goal, expression> The
prize money for the professional category <Oh! A separate category,
classification> is not that great. 1St US$2000 2nd US$1000 3rd
US$500 <Not that much? This is considerably more than all the
magazines in our fields pay for covers, articles...> Closing date
-20th October. It was supposed to be 30 Sept but I guess they were
unable to attract enough participants. Let me know if you are
interested and I will send u more info. <Please do. Will post to WWM
and send you/them a few images for their consideration/perusal. Bob
Fenner> Perry
Re: Photo Contest/SG Bob I hope I sent u the correct address to
download your application form. www.aboutwe.com <Got it, thank you. Bob
Fenner> good luck Perry
Re: Photo Contest/SG Bob You can download the form at this website.
www.aboutwe.com .As an international participant u are only allowed in
the Pro category. I will try to submit some shots in the amateur
category. Hope you win some money and get to fly down to Singapore for
the prize money. We have to do it fast. only 11 days left. <Will do
so. Bob Fenner> Perry
Re: STI News: Getting a bang for a buck Bob We might be doing
a small project with the Nature Society of Singapore. I lost your
address. So if you can give it to me again I will mail you some info on
what exactly we are going to do if current negotiations are a success.
Perry <Ah, and we have just moved: 8586 Menkar Road, San Diego, CA
Selling Pix, Travel/Adventure Stories hi , have sold my story
to a travel magazine here along with some pix. <Ah! Congratulations!
Can't wait for Pete to get going on his writing career... Of all
folks, he has many great stories, a good mind for relating them...>
what's jack's last name? <Melroy> and I remember you had
once offered to try to sell some slides for me. how do we go about
that? <Can send along your annotated "portfolio"
electronically with my other work, post some of it as small
representations on our sites...> and thanks for the endless stream
of pictures, I've been loving them. You'll be getting my second
lot of pictures soon. <Ah good. Hope to be diving, photographing
with you soon... some place where the water is warm and clear. Bob
Fenner> ciao Parvin
Re: A Euphyllia in Redang, glabrescens (daily image/wallpaper
email outs) Bob, Where are you getting these pics? <Umm, from
traveling and Nikon and Fuji... and moving my shutter-release finger...
Are you making a funny Rob? Bob F> Rob. ERI International
Re: looking for photo > Dear Robert Fenner, > Thanks
for your reply. We have checked the photos. They were nice but the >
thing is that they are not in pair. Well, so if you have a chance
(while > diving) see a pair of them, take some photo of them ok?
> Thanks a lot anyway for your support. > <Will do so. Thank
you for your interest. Have you contacted Scott Michael > for this
pic? Bob Fenner> > Best regards, > Sarayut Klang.
Re: looking for photo Dear Robert, Thanks for your reply. How can
we contact Scott Michael? Best regards, Sarayut Klang. <Will send
you to our publisher for his acting as a go-between. Good luck my
friends. Bob Fenner>
Selling images, stories to the Dive Mags hey bob, I had
written to sport diving magazine asking them whether they were
interested in my pictures and an article. they replied in the
affirmative and gave me an address to send the pix and article to but
they wanted to see some examples of my work first. <Yes, typical>
I'll send them some copies in a lower resolution once I get them
back]. <Mmm, and examples of your writing against them...>
but if they like them and ask me to mail the actual prints <The
industry doesn't work with prints... hopefully you have
slides/transparencies... Maybe the negatives of your prints if
they're very sharp.> then should I expect to be paid for them
and if so should I negotiate before sending the material of course].
<Always up front. Ask for their "Editorial Policy", this
will likely include information on compensation> around how much
should I expect for pics and an article? <As a "one shot"?
A couple of hundred dollars (US)... do a few of these, keep shooting,
and try selling "features" and covers...> or do diving
magazines not pay at all? <They pay... though some unscrupulous
types at times will try to slide... don't allow this. Bob
Fenner> thanks Parvin
More U/W photo questions... Hello again, Bob. Have a
couple more questions, these more related to business than
technique. <Okay> I have an opportunity to sell some
of my photos for a book. Having never really owned a business
before, it is all new to me. I have done some computer consulting
work where I got paid and had to deal with a 1099, but this would
be somewhat different... <I understand... do this all the
time> So if I were to set up a photo business part-time and
sell a few photos, any idea what the images would sell for?
<Hmm, not to seem or be too cagey here... but "about what you
can get for them". Some folks pay little (or nothing) if
it/this is just a few images... all the way to paying handsomely,
including ongoing royalties for use... Rarely the latter in the
pet-fish interest... Some real numbers: TFH pays a grand sum of
ten dollars (! wow!) per image for "all time" though
not universal rights use... They consider that they can (and do)
run others work fee free for once having paid for it... this is of
course absurd and not the copyright law... but they've gotten
away with it for decades... Other people go by a few of the
photo-biz groups guidelines and pay accordingly... you can find
these (and join these associations) by way of the Net, photo mag.s...
I currently am not a member anywhere... At any length, cutting to
a chase here, I would openly negotiate with the
"producer" of this/these works and simply ask them what
they consider reasonable, fair and consistent to pay for your (and
others) work... > Next, I am assuming that I could purchase
equipment and be able to write off the expenses. Do you end up
doing the same thing for dive trips/film/processing as well?
<Absolutely! I sense a Schedule C in your ongoing
future...> Suddenly I'm thinking that, if I could write
off a portion of this, I'd be a lot better off...
<Yes, my friend... I write off one of my vehicles even as part
of "writing/photography: "content provision" as an
occupation> Thanks in advance for your reply. Mike Kirda
<Be chatting, Bob Fenner>
Re: a More U/W photo questions... ><Hmm, not to seem or
be too cagey here... but "about what you can get
for them". {snip} At any length, cutting to a chase
here, I would openly negotiate with the "producer" of
this/these works and simply ask them what they consider
reasonable, fair and consistent to pay for your (and others)
work... > Fair enough of an answer. I sort of figured that
there was no set 'hard and fast' answer... <Yes,
you are right> >><Absolutely! I sense a Schedule C in
your ongoing future...> LOL. Me too, suddenly... Have to talk
to my tax guy/accountant... <Ah, good. Great to have
intelligent, sensitive competition!> Thanks for your candor,
Bob. I do appreciate it. <Ahh, about all I do have
FLOL> Regards. Mike Kirda
<Bob Fenner>