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Crying Shame, flooded UW photo rig 11/8/2009
Hello Bob,
Hope all is well there. Here, um, well. We went diving Anacapa
yesterday. After the first dive I handed my camera up and it was placed
in the rinse tank. Mike was coming up on the other side and his rig was
placed on top of mine,
whacking one of the port latches loose. So now the camera, 60mm and
Ikelite TTL all look fried.
I of course am going to call Nikon USA tomorrow to see my chances.
Given it was freshwater in the tank, do you think I have a shot at a
reasonable repair or is the camera likely just toast?
<Is likely gone... my experience has been that the electronics cost
about 1/3 of the new body (the lens is gone as well), the labor to
repair another third or so... and the loss in faith in the ongoing
operation of the flooded body... worth more than the other 1/3... IF
you want, you can ask the dive operator for some sort of recompense if
it was their employee who tossed all together... You may recall, on our
only dive/photo trip together, I always told the staff NOT to place my
camera in the communal rinse bucket.>
All our worst fear in UW photog. Had to happen sooner or later, no more
rinse tanks for me!!
Scott V.
<Sorry to read/realize your travails. BobF>
Happy new year! Shark ID, UW photography,
dive adventures Hey dogfish, <Chris> hope the holidays
treated you well and that it was a safe holiday season. things were
enjoyable out east. moist sushi did some diving over in the red sea
while she was over that way for business. sounds pretty nice.
couple things.... 1. can you ID the shark in this picture? I'm
guessing it washed up on the beach but I don't know for sure.
It's a beach on the Outer Banks, NC. My friends who found it,
said it was about 12' in length. They thought it was a great
white but I'm not the expert that you are. <Is almost
certainly a Basking Shark, Cetorhinus maximus> 2. I'm
looking for a second strobe for my camera rig. what kind of Inon
strobe did I borrow from you? <An older model... don't think
they produce it anymore... I would look for a recent in-production
one... on sale!> 3. Meghan may have a business trip out to HI in
Feb/March. Not sure what island her business on and I don't
recall which island your place is on. It would be fun to catch up
out there if schedules work out. I've a got a friend out there
that works in the dive industry and keeps telling me about the
night dives with the mantas. sounds really cool!<Please have her
email or call me there (808 331 XXXX)... I'll be out that way
till 2/19... on the Big Island> 4. scuba cruise 08. I have
several ideas.- found another live aboard company. cost a bit more
than black beards but the ship is 106'; they have cabins vs.
racks; and max pax load is 18. hot showers on the dive deck and
nitrox. my thinking is to see how many folks are interested and
then decided whether a live aboard will work or to do a land based
trip. Bonaire keeps popping into my head since they seem to avoid
most of the 'canes. I know you are not on the scuba cruise
yahoo group, so I wanted to let you know and also hear your
opinion. happy new year and happy diving! Pulls <You as well my
friend. Do you have interest in hauling out to the Far East with
us/groups in 08? If so, I'll email you the particulars...
Cheers, Bob/DF> |

Tahiti trip.... Bob, <Howdy> Greetings, my name
is Chris Rollison and I'm a member of SCMAS here in Orange County.
I was at the Christmas party with the LA club and enjoyed your pictures
from your recent Fiji trip. Since then I've been dreaming about
making my first trip to the South Pacific. After looking around, the
prices to Tahiti right now look killer so that's where the family
is headed in early June. <Sounds good, very> The reason for my
e-mail is several reasons. First, you jokingly (I think...) mentioned
about helping an exporter collect specimens or perhaps that they would
export stuff for you. Well Tahiti's not Fiji but I was wondering if
you know any exporters in Tahiti that I could contact in case there is
a chance I could use them to get coral back to the States. <I
don't... but will cc our msg. here to friends in the trade and ask
if there are any. Unfortunately, though many of the islands that make
up French Polynesia are not that far from U.S. markets, the costs of
operating there are high, limiting> Tahiti could be a marine
preserve for all I know as I've not done my homework yet but
thought I would ask you first. Most likely I'll be on Moorea and
not Tahiti, considering Rangiroa and Manihi also. Your experience with
any "must do" dives in any of these locations would be great
too. <Are you actually going over to Moorea? Have never dived on the
neighboring Tahiti... got to go to the Gauguin house/museum, drink
liquers made from pineapple... dive and snorkel as much as you can, for
sure> Second, and more importantly, I'm in the market to replace
my flooded Nikonos V and also recall your comments about your digital
camera. I wanted to get your recommendation on a digital I should
consider. <I would definitely not replace the Nikonos (Nikon
even stopped making them a few months back!). See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/digitalpixinput.htm re the Olympus 4040 rig
and gear to make it a complete kit> The pictures are just for my own
use, no submissions to National Geographic or anything, but would like
to be able to make an 8 x 10 if something looks good. With my Nikonos
it never fails that when I've got the macro set up on there's a
great 35 mm shot and vice versa. Am I correct to assume that digitals
can be adjusted underwater between the two settings? <Yes... and
this get-up even has the Motomarine Sea & Sea capacity to stick on
external lenses (macro, close-up) "wet" (while
underwater)> What pixel count should I use to maximize the number of
pictures? <I use 2.15 mega... but the camera will do 4 mega
pixels. I store as tiffs...> As I have no laptop, how do I take
enough "digital film" with me to last the whole 7 days?
<They have storage devices... but do encourage you to bring a
laptop... to label, optimize (alter, better) pix topside... borrow one
if need be> I know you can edit out the losers but with my Nikonos
I'm shooting about 36 pictures per dive to be sure I'm getting
something "good". Also, I'm hoping that I can save some
money by not getting the latest generation of camera hardware but
perhaps a previous generation camera that has what I need but not
bleeding edge cost. Obviously the camera requires a housing, what do
you use? Are the housings generic or customer specific? <The 3040
fits in the same housing, uses same batteries, storage media... only
has a couple of features that I use different than the 4040... sells
for a few hundred dollars less.> Sorry for all the questions but
I've got a lot of ground to cover and my June departure is only
weeks away. I know this isn't aquarium specific but I know you have
a lot of good experience in this area and your experience will help me
get up to speed faster. Thanks for your response.... <No worries.
Let's chat up any "loose ends", questions, concerns you
may have. Lots to enjoy here. Bob Fenner> Chris Rollison
Re: Tahiti trip.... (Now Fiji, photography) Bob, What a
difference a week makes! After looking more closely at pricing of food,
lodging, and diving we've shifted our plans from Moorea to
Fiji. <I understand> We've looked at all the options
available and our choice is a small island resort called Treasure
Island in the Ammoniac Islands to the West of Vita Levu, an hour north
of Nadi by ferry. <Have been there... a very small, but nice
island> It looks like a great place for my non-divers to snorkel and
for my freshly certified son to ease into the underwater world. Some of
the strong current and deep water dives I read about in other parts of
the islands seemed a bit too aggressive for a newbie diver. Have you
spent any time in the Mamanuca Islands? <Yes... some friends
have businesses in Latouka (to the north of Nadi), and do stay often
with them, dive and collect by day trips from there. Have visited most
of the islands in the group, on out to the Yasawa chain> I'm
sure the diving there is wonderful, and quite honestly with the new
digital camera I'd need only 30' of water and an abundant
thriving reef and I'll shoot macros all day. Where were the
exporters you mention at the Christmas party located? I thought I
recalled them being in "The North". <Almost all are
on the principal island in the south... to be near Air Pacific for air
transport...> Anything in Nadi we should visit on our first or last
day there? <Yes, "Jack's Souvenirs" in Nadi town, and
"First Landing" (a hotel, restaurant in Latouka... Maybe Walt
Smith's facility there as well...> Our flight leaves Fiji at 10
PM and the ferry drops us off in the morning I'm sure. Turning now
to the digital photography, I'm zeroing in on either the Olympus
3040 or 4040, probably the former, but had a couple questions regarding
these. Batteries, what type do you use and what are your techniques for
keeping them fresh? <Please see:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/uwpixfaqs.htm in an area where this rig is
described. Both cameras and the Ikelite strobe use four AA batteries. I
only utilize NiMH, Nickel Metal Hydrides... at least 1,600AH...
rechargeables... get a "smart" fast recharger...> Meaning,
some rechargeable have a memory and unless they're fully discharged
they don't fully re-charge. <Not modern technology> Obviously
the picture taking is done when batteries run out at 60 feet. Also, the
media cards, you mentioned shooting at 2.15 mega pixels, assuming you
use a 128 meg card, how many shots can you store? <54 per 128 meg
card> I assume the camera tells you in some way how many shots are
left on the memory card right? <Yes... is counted down... you
can preview and erase at depth if you get that far... 54 is a lot of
images per dive> I've also stumbled across the housing from
Olympus that is imported to the USA from Japan by a few sources,
it's half the price of the Ikelite which was half the price of the
Tetra. Heard anything regarding this housing? <Yes, it is the one I
use... the newer "Purple" one is better than the older
"Red"> Finally, in 25 words or less, which non-automatic
features do you find yourself using most on your 4040 to improve the
shots underwater. That's a big question I know but at the heart of
it is my experience with my Nikonos over the years. Seems that whenever
I took the camera out of auto-mode and tried to adjust for something or
another the shot was not what I expected more times than not. Clearly
with the digital image immediately available the feedback loop is
infinitely shorter to help understand what the parameter changes did to
the shot. <Mmm, yes... the zoom (just the 3X optical, not the 7X
digital), the preview to compose the image, the Programmed settings to
check against the Shutter Priority (which is generally what I use)...
am out of my 25 words...> In any case, that's what I'd like
to know from you, do you keep the camera on auto 95% of the time, but
switch it manually when and how for what typically? <Generally
only switch to automatic to check against other options/results...
typically shoot at the equivalent of 125th of a second...> Any tips
on macros? <A book full... for now, just practice, reflect on
what you see...> Know any good underwater photo sites w/ tips for
the new digital photographer? <There are quite a few. Read the
two hundred pages of the CD-ROM Camedia manual... and use your search
engines to read about these cameras, models... For now, initial
experience, familiarity is what you really need... walk, swim, before
you run, dive...> Thanks for your responses, hope I'm not
picking on your brain too much.... <A pleasure to share my friend.
Bob Fenner> Chris
Re: Tahiti trip.... (U/W Photography) Bob, thanks for the quick
reply, Sundays must be a good day to e-mail you. <Mmm, actually, I
treat myself (like eating your Lima Beans before pudding) most anytime
by answering queries amongst other less-enjoyable tasks> I've
checked out the links you gave me and looked around at the sites that
sell the gear....OUCH, I thought Nikonos was expensive!! I'm
considering an Ikelite housing instead as they're half the price of
the Tetra. <Yes... a bit "clunky", but nice, mechanical
controls, easy to see if flooding through the clear Plexi...> I
think that a strobe might be out of the budget initially unless I can
use my Nikonos strobe somehow, ideas? <Can be adapted to other
makes, models... either with a slave or maybe a Nikonos
fitting/adapter. Do check with Ikelite here. I've been a
fan/customer of theirs for decades. They know their stuff> Couple of
things I don't understand, first the filter. Apparently in order to
get true colors underwater a red filter is used? <Mmm, not
with still cameras generally... you lose a part of all of an f-stop...
and can be tricky to "get the pink out"... in white
situations... I don't use red-filters except in video (and the old
days of underwater movie filming... yikes, am ancient> This just
screws onto the front of the housing? And the underwater lens changing
thing is completely baffling, it's a Tetra feature, Olympus
feature, what?? <Should only be offered by/for video... you can
practice and convince yourself> Are these lenses essentially filters
that magnify or curve the view for macro or wide angle shots? do you
know a link where I can read more about the lens changing. thanks again
for your help..... <Which lenses? The filters are selective optical
density plastics. There are some cameras that have underwater
capability to change lenses other than top-side... not the same thing.
Sea and Sea is one of the former and has a site:
http://www.seaandsea.com/ Bob Fenner> Chris
Re: Back to Nudi's.... It's Gymnodoris ceylonica in the
Maldives! Wish we were. Bob, my man...I may have missed the memo,
but are these photos ones that you have taken in your recent exploits?
<Yes, David... am "practicing" (this is an exceedingly
kind term) with trying the new scanner (a fab Nikon 4000 ED) and the
veritable mountain of images "to be filed"... Big, huge
sigh... And hoping to get going on sending one out daily for the new
WWM feature, WWNews... You'll see> BTW.. I have finally made my
list of "goals". Getting certified to dive is high on my
list, not to mention steadily progressing on book. I will go with you
one day...sooner than later I hope. <Yay! Press on my friend. Bob
Fenner> Regards, from David A. Bell
Hello (from Malaysia dive service/master) Hello Bob How are
you? How are the Redang slides? <Many very nice... am wading through
them as my "treat" of the day, after this and that
"business of life" "work"... on to identifying,
scanning best, setting good verticals aside for sending to photo bank,
editors for cover submissions...> I hope you get the shots you want.
<On returning, never seems like it, sigh> I went out checking
many new places. It has been slow since you leave. Diving will be
picking up again next month. Meanwhile I am planning to go to Pulau Weh
again. Now that it is easy for me to get there from Penang. I will send
you some pictures on what is happening there. Cheers, Anuar <Ah,
great. Will share them with friends in the diving interest and if okay
with you on the www.WetWebMedia.com site. See you soon. Bob