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Thank you for agreeing to speak to the Sacramento Aquarium
Hi Bob,
<Hey Eric>
I hope all is well with you and that you've had a wonderful July 4th.
<Thanks; out of town>
I wanted to follow up with you on this this. You've sent us a list of
your presentations and a thorough biography (from your website). I will
need to get a specific title (with brief 1-sentence summary) and an
abbreviated biography from you in order to start advertising your
presentation at the Sacramento Aquarium Society in November.
<Mmm; okay... what subject area, topic would you (folks) care to
Really... would like input re. What sorts of presentations have you had,
are having about this time? Apparent interest in the group? Aquaculture,
disease, set up, travelogue?>
Also, as for promoting your talk, you gave your name as " Robert/Bob
(Milton) Fenner." Exactly how do you want it to display on our website?
Just like that?
<Any is fine. Not the "man of Tao" but don't right care (am rereading
Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath") what you call me>
Please send us that information at your earliest convenience.
Cheers, Eric
<There is time (before Nov.) so if there's a desire for an entirely new
talk, will gladly put together. BobF>
Re: Thank you for agreeing to speak to the Sacramento
Aquarium 8/5/19
Hi Bob,
As for lecture topic, you and I have discussed previously a talk about
hobbyists putting together a community tank of coral frags and you (I
think) have a talk on compatibility (and incompatibility) and how some
species do things to inhibit other species from growing. Is that a fair
description of that talk of yours? I'm not a SW person myself, so I may
be using the lingo improperly.
That is the talk we'd like you to give. I looked up the subject on your
website. It's an interesting subject. So what we need from you is exact
title and not just subject/theme description.
<Mmm; do see here:
This is a copy of this talk cell to cell. You might want to lift the
first couple of paragraphs as an explanation of the topic. BobF>
Re: Thank you for agreeing to speak to the Sacramento Aquarium
Society 8/6/19
Hi Bob,
Okay, so I looked at this web page. From what I read, it seems like you'd cover
a general concept like, "if you want to put corals together to build a tank, you
have to know that these corals don't get along with those corals. And here is
how you put them together so they don't create problems. is that a fair summary?
(not for our website, but for me so I can imagine what we're talking about).
<Ah, the gist of it; along w/ some substantive examples of mechanisms (chemical,
physical, behavioral), and practical insight as to how to avoid undesirable
negative interactions>
If you gave this talk, I'm trying to gauge how long it would be. Our meeting
structure allows a presentation of about 45min-1 hr long.
Would your presentation fit that time?
<Ah yes; have given this talk a few times; once at MACNA.>
If so, let's go with it. If not, please give me some guidance. Keep in mind that
what I'm thinking of is a good talk for people who are either just starting a
frag tank or who want to start one.... or for people with some personal
experience but perhaps not a lot of technical knowledge.
Does that sound about right?
<Indeed. Most of my talks are gauged (produced, cloze tested) to appeal to a
wide interest, ability and experience group... I've spoken at MARs a few times
the last decades>
Cheers, Eric
<And you, BobF>
Re: Thank you for agreeing to speak to the Sacramento Aquarium
Hi Bob,
<Ave Eric!>
Okay this is great. I'll put together an event on Facebook to promote
your visit.
Cheers, Eric
<Ah, good. BobF>
Re: Thank you for agreeing to speak to the Sacramento Aquarium Society
Hi Bob,
Not wanting to be a pest, but I want to make sure everything we publish
for your visit has your approval. Here's how I plan to promote your talk
to the SAS. Remember, this is just an exact title and a very brief
summary of what you'll be addressing. It's not supposed to itemize all
points from your talk. If I'm using any vocabulary incorrectly, please
make edits here and send it back to me as you'd like it to appear. If
it's fine as is, just say so.
<Looks great Eric.
Oh, does the club want to purchase the air tix, or shall I look into
(SWA likely)?
Is there a contact person whose cell I might have re pick up or...?
Cheers, BobF>
The Sacramento Aquarium Society is excited to host Robert (Bob) Fenner,
who will give a presentation entitled, "Coral Compatibility: Reducing
Captive Negative Interactions Between Cnidarians," discussing the
problems that can occur between different corals when building a reef
aquarium, the causes of
those problems, and how you can reduce them to create a beautiful
healthy reef tank. This is our first saltwater talk in years, and it's
going to be a good one. Don't miss it!
About the speaker:
The diversity of life has always fascinated Bob Fenner. More than any
other animal group, he was blown away by the expansiveness and mystery
of fishes and aquatic life. Bob was born in Rhode Island, but grew up in
the Orient as his father was career military. There were very few jobs
"on base" for
the "dependents" but Bob was fortunate to secure employment at a fish
store that was associated with a restaurant in downtown Sasebo. Other
vainglorious work overseas included two years working for a Betta
culture business, and collecting/processing marines in Manila. Back to
the U.S. in the late sixties, Bob was a retail clerk and a livestock
wholesale worker (for Pratt's in San Diego), then eventually formed his
own aquarium service business with a school friend. It grew into an
employee-owned corporation with aquaristic retail outlets, fabrication
(principally large acrylic systems), water feature construction,
manufacturing and distribution divisions. Later, Bob also worked as a
consultant and buyer for PetCo, during their bid to upgrade stores by
incorporating livestock.
Bob has been an avid hobbyist since his first memories: Active in the
local SDTFS from the sixties; helped in development of all three
goldfish/koi clubs in San Diego. He sees no difference between what he
does for money and for a living. He writes articles and books for the
diving/underwater natural history and ornamental aquatics interests, and
manages rentals and securities. A/The central thread to everything Bob
does in writing, presentation or action in the interest has been/is "to
enhance people's
love of their own lives through an appreciation of the living world".
Looking forward, Bob sees the hobby/business evolving, with a real
interest in biotopes, the underlying science, understanding the
technologies employed.
Cheers, Eric
Re: Receipt sent from, SAS, MARs (!) visit
Thank you.
I think I got something good worked out with the MARS group. They would
like to have you visit their group too, and the nice thing is (we
expect) both groups will meet at the same place.
<Fantastic Eric!>
Let me run this past you and tell me what you think. It's intended to
have minimum impact on you and provide maximum effect for the two clubs.
Your plane arrives at SMF around 1:15pm. I'll meet you at SMF, check you
into your hotel if it isn't too early, etc., and show you around to any
LFS if you want to see them (or other sites if there's time).
<Ahh, much appreciated. Am already missing Capital Aq., "O"...>
MARS club members (people from MARS? :-D) will arrive at the Round Table
about 3pm and they will start the business aspects of their club
meeting. They will also do a raffle of some kind for their members
interested in (I think) salt water stuff. About 3:30, I will bring you
to Round Table to meet the people of MARS. They would like to have an
open Q&A with you for about an hour if that's okay with you, so that
they can ask you questions. You won't be giving a formal talk to them,
just casual conversation. I imagine some SAS members may attend that
also. The Q&A will end around 4:30pm.
At 4:30pm, you will have a over an hour to relax and get dinner of your
choice (we can get you food at Round Table, or I can take you somewhere
else if you prefer a different dinner menu).
<Ah, no. RT is fine... Heeeee! Have been around so long that I've
thought their pizza was bunk, better, bunk... and now okay again!>
Shortly after 5:30, we need to be back in Round Table to get your
PowerPoint (or whatever file format) presentation on our display system
and tested to make sure it's projecting okay. The MARS people will stick
around and join the SAS people, and we will have a combined audience for
your presentation.
<Good; am sure both groups will enjoy, gain by the experience. The talk
(as all my efforts) is geared to a wide audience... interest and
experience levels.>
For the SAS meeting, we will have about 20-30 minutes of announcements
and news before you talk, which should run from about 6:30-7:30,
depending on when we start. We will take a 10 min break before our
monthly auction and raffle which could last another 2-3 hours depending
on attendance.
<Wow, the SDTFS here in San Diego... have been a member since the late
60's, the pres. for three years... has gotten into a similar "habit",
but does their auction ahead of the presentation (Groan!) and shorter
raffle at the end>
At any time after your presentation (Before, during or after the
auction), I will take you back to your hotel for the evening. Many
speakers will stay till the end of the night, but I think with the MARS
group first, it will be a long afternoon for you, so I can appreciate if
you want to go back to your hotel early. That will be your call.
<Let's "play this by ear"; will likely stay if not too tired; to
socialize, observe/learn>
If this sounds okay to you, the MARS and SAS clubs will advertise your
visit as a jointly sponsored set of meetings, and the clubs split the
expense of bringing you here. The MARS leadership is very excited about
the prospect of a combined meeting and getting to hear you present, and
especially if they can have a Q&A time with you.
<THIS IS exactly what I had hoped for>
How does that sound to you? Please let me know if it's acceptable.
Cheers, Eric
<Thank you for your efforts on all's behalves Eric. BobF>
Your visit is posted on FB; SAS and MARs visit
Re: Please Help identifying this; now MACNA visit, presenting in
Mexico 7/23/19
Thank you Bob
<Welcome Raul>
Hope to see you soon again.
Are you going to MACNA this year?
<Not likely; wasn't asked to present>
Raul Labastida
<Cheers, BobF>
Re: Please Help identifying this 7/23/19
Hope we meet again soon. Would you consider coming to present in Mexico? We are
organizing the first Mexican Marine Society and the first meeting with the
support of many important companies. Best regards, Raul Labastida
<Ah, si. Though my Espanol isn't good enough to present in other than English.
Triton Distribución Latinoamérica
Re: Please Help identifying this 7/23/19
Almost all the speakers that will present don't speak Spanish. We will have
simultaneous translation. Raul Labastida
<Ah! Que bueno! RobertoF>
Re: Please Help identifying this 7/23/19
It will be in México City. I will send you more information when I have dates
and I hope we can have you on the Program. Best regards, Raul Labastida
<Real good Raul. Have a friend I'd like to visit there. BobF>
Re: Please Help identifying this 7/23/19
It will be in México City. I will send you more information when I have dates
and I hope we can have you on the Program. Best regards, Raul Labastida
<Real good Raul. Have a friend I'd like to visit there. BobF>
Aquatic Experience – Chicago reports successful year with 21%
increase in attendance 12/9/17
Images available for download
Fifth annual Aquatic Experience – Chicago reports successful year with
21% increase in attendance
Show with “everything aquatic under one roof” will make its East Coast
debut at Meadowlands Exposition Center outside NYC in 2018
CHICAGO (December 8, 2017)—The World Pet Association (WPA) is thrilled
to announce a 21% increase in reported attendance at its fifth annual
Aquatic Experience – Chicago, held November 3-5 at the Renaissance
Schaumburg Convention Center. Plans are already underway for the sixth
Aquatic Experience set to debut at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in
New Jersey, just outside New York City, from October 19-21, 2018. For
more information, contact the World Pet Association at 626-447-2222.
At Aquatic Experience – Chicago 2017 a total of 139 exhibitors filled
the thriving show floor, showcasing the latest in aquatic trends and
products alongside local and national hobbyist groups, livestock and
equipment experts, and the industry’s best and trend-setting
manufacturers. The Aquascaping Live! Contest participants competed in
two categories (Nano or Large tank) for $3,900 dollars in prize money.
First place winners in the Large tank category were Brady Kerewich, Phil
Kerewich and Jake Zucker; first place in the Nano tank category went to
John Pini. The 2nd International Shrimp Contest Shrimp King Award went
to Silane Dilwyn Tng, and the grand prize of $500 was awarded to Mario
Toromanovic for Best of Show in this year’s American Cichlid Association
Fish Competition. For a complete list of winners please visit<>
“Thank you to all attendees who have continued to exceed our
expectations in Chicago every year,” said WPA President Jacinthe Moreau.
“We’re thrilled to be expanding into the East Coast market next year and
to be moving the show to the Meadowlands Exposition Center just outside
of New York City. We already have a great aquatic presence at our
America’s Family Pet Expo and SuperZoo shows in the Western US; this
move expands our support of the aquatic industry across the entire
This year’s show hosted the return of the only traveling sea lion
experience in the United States, Sea Lion Splash; the educational Fish
from Around the World exhibit; an electric eel display; a jellyfish
touch tank; and a Kid’s Aquarium Contest. Guests also learned from
aquatic experts as they attended seminars featuring high-profile
speakers addressing intermediate level information to advanced aquatic
Aquatic Experience – Chicago 2017 was generously supported by: Platinum
Level – Aqueon, Coralife, Kent Marine; Gold Level - Fluval, Hikari Sales
USA, Inc., Segrest Farms; Silver Level - DrTim's Aquatics, Fritz
Aquatics, Industrial Test Systems, Inc., Rod’s Food, Southwest Cargo,
Tetra, Two Little Fishies, Zetlight. Media Partners include: Aquarium
Hobbyist Magazine/Reef Hobbyist Magazine, BlueZoo TV, Pet Age, Pet
Business, Pet Product News, Reef Builders, Reef to Rainforest Media
(Amazonas/Coral) and Tropical Fish Hobbyist.
The World Pet Association (WPA) is the oldest industry organization
promoting responsible growth and development of the companion pet and
related products and services. WPA works to inform and educate the
general public in order to ensure safe and healthy lifestyles for our
animal friends. WPA is the host of America’s Family Pet Expo, the
world’s largest consumer pet and pet products expo, held annually in
Costa Mesa, California. The organization also produces SuperZoo, an
annual pet industry trade show that showcases a comprehensive collection
of exhibits and offers a variety of informative educational seminars,
and Atlanta Pet Fair, the Southeast’s largest competition and trade show
for the professional pet stylist. For more information, please visit<>.
<Outstanding. Will post/share on Bob Fenner>
Thank you so much!
MASNA Speaks engagement 1/3/17
Mr. Fenner,
<Hey Daniel>
My name is Daniel Walden and I am the education chair for the
Indianapolis Marine Aquarium Society. We have our annual frag swap
scheduled for March 17, 2018 and have planned to host a speaker the
morning of the swap to
kick things off.
<Rats... am out dive adventure traveling then... No croc tears for me...
in Fr. Polynesia>
I would like to check your availability and interest in travelling to
Indianapolis to be featured as our Educational Speaker.
When reviewing the MASNA Speaks database I saw your name and thought you
would be a perfect person for our swap presentation. A bit about our
swap - we have a history of over 500 attendees and continuing to grow.
We will be hosting the swap at a new location with a large footprint and
separate classroom available for the presentation. Coupled with a
speaker before the swap, we will have 2 foods trucks available and a
raffle that
typically exceeds $12k in value. We expect to have a great turnout again
this year with people from multiple states coming to spend a day trading
and learning about our hobby. Regarding the topic, I thought something
more general
to the hobby like discussion of the supply chain for fish and corals
would be a good education topic for everyone but we would be open to
something you think would apply well or of specific interest to you.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to your
<Thank you and the Indianapolis Marine Aquarium Society for thinking of
Perhaps another date.
Bob Fenner>Mailing Address 10/24/17
Hello Bob,
Thank you for speaking at REEF A PALOOZA California. We hope that
everyone enjoyed your presentation and that you enjoyed everything as
well. Could I please have your mailing address? We would like to send
you some important information.
Thank you,
Brock Goines
<Hey Brock! Was amongst the best-received presentations I've given! And
the Hilton!!!
8586 Menkar Rd.
San Diego, CA 92126
Bob Fenner>
Re: Mailing Address 10/24/17
That’s absolutely awesome Bob!!! I’m stoked bud!
<Cheers Brock!>
Volunteer Opening @ Sakaerat , Thailand
Dear Volunteer,
At Sakaerat I am running a project on “Avian Diversity” hence seeking to recruit
several short (6 months) and/or long term volunteer on a rolling basis for
ongoing diversity and behavioural research on the Avifauna.
The project involves point count surveys at multiple locations in and around the
Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve in Thailand.
This rewarding (yet physically challenging) position provides valuable field
research experience in the field of animal behaviour.
The accommodation and food will be provided at the field station however
applicants must cover their own airfare and travel/health insurance.
If you are ready to catch this opportunity, please contact me at
> for me to contact you with more information on the project.
Thanks and Regards
Archana Naithani, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied ecology and Genetics Research Unit
School of Biology, Institute of Science
Suranaree University of Technology
Nakon Ratchasima, Thailand 30000
Email :
<Will post/share on our site. Bob Fenner>
Re: Volunteer Opening @ Sakaerat , Thailand
Thanks , Do let me know once you post the same.
<Should be on the morrow. BobF>
Thanks and Regards
Archana Naithani, Ph.D.
Important RAP California info needed
Mr. Fenner,
<Hey Brock>
My name is Brock Goines and I am gathering information for the upcoming event.
<Is this the Oct., 7, 8 one in Cali? What day for speaking (Sat., and/or Sun.?).
Are you folks supplying an overnight hotel? >
We need a high resolution picture of you and the topic for your presentation.
<Mmm; the best is likely "Anemones for Aquariums: Use, Husbandry">
The picture I saved from the web is low resolution. Please contact me as soon as
you can because it is time sensitive to get banners etc printed for the event
<Couldn't find the one you have posted in a larger size, but sent along another
(attached here). Will this work? BobF>
Thank you,
Brock Goines
Re: Important RAP California info needed
Hi Bob,
yes we will book you a room as part of your Speaker deal. What name do you want
me to book it under?
<Mine please. B>
Re: Important RAP California info needed
i have you scheduled for Saturday at 2:30. I sent the photo to my graphics
designer. Hope it works.. fingers crossed.:)
<Real good Brock. B>
Re: Important RAP California info needed
Do you want a room for Saturday and Sunday? Or just Saturday night?
The picture works fine!
<Just Sat. Brock. Thank you, B>

Hilton Anaheim Reservation Confirmation
Hi Bob,
See below for your room reservation confirmation. See you soon!
Thank you,
<Thank you yet again Brock. B>
URGENT: MACNA 2017 Presentation Topic Needed
Hey Bob!
The Program Book is in it's final content stages and I'm in need of your
topic for the MACNA talk that you are giving in New Orleans. If you've
already provided that to the New Orleans team, they've misplaced the
<D'oh! Tis: "Anemones for Aquariums". Oh! The entire title: Anemones for
Aquariums, use, husbandry>
I need your information this week, today would be great! If I don't get
your info this week, the topic of your talk will not be in the program
book, which will greatly effect turnout at your presentation. Oh wait..
who am I kidding... they'll show up for you anyway... but we really do
need your topic!!
Appreciate your quick response......
<Cheers mate. BobF>
Rob Mougey
Vice President of the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA
MASNA Speaks helps provide Speakers for your club
< >
Join us at MACNA 2017, August 25-27 in New Orleans, LA.
Re: Difficult Keepers in New System
So you're saying there's a chance! Good enough for me. :-)
Game plan:
1) Continue frequent small water changes while system stabilizes (was plan of
course anyway given other life in tank). Am hoping as DSB (4"+) matures over
next weeks/months frequency can decrease but until then as needed.
It's painless in this size system. 2) Buffer pH up. Haven't needed to do this in
previous tanks--off to research methods/products (my favorite pastime right
now--the boyfriend is unamused).
<See WWM re Alkalinity and look into my fave line... SeaChem Products, here>
3) Make a slurry of food stuff--Coral Frenzy, pellets, maybe some Mysis,
Reef One, cocktail shrimp... Blend (then soak blender in vinegar, blecchhh).
Pipette upstream of relevant critters AM/PM. Wonder how mixture will keep in the
<Yes it will for a few days (3-5)>
May experiment/use a sniff test before adding.
I'm not overly sensitive about a little algae and grunge here and there if it
means the critters are happy. Am not someone who will ever have a bare bottom
tank with frags on plastic racks--I like more "stuff." I also like
kibbitzing--let me know if you ever do a conference or anything out this way.
<Oh... where? Aurora... in Riverside, CA? My only for sure scheduled
pitches/presentations are MACNA (New Orleans) and Aquatic Experience (Chicago)
thus far this year>
Oh, hermits are teeny tiny now, maybe 5mm. Will watch and reduce numbers as
needed. All of the white ones came in my sand.
I'll let you know how we're doing in a few weeks/a month. I know this is a fun
project because it'll probably be 2018 before I could call it a "success" with
potential for failure sooner. But I like projects. :-)
Have a fantastic evening!
<Thank you Laura... Had a dream or two re your set up, livestock last eve... Do
want to state more: Would be GREAT if this little cube tank was tied in w/
another bigger system; and/or a large sump/refugium... w/
another DSB, RDP lighting arrangement, macro algae culture... and more.
Would make all that much more stable, easier to keep clean. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Difficult Keepers in New System 3/25/17
Wish I could go to MACNA but that's one of our biggest weekends of the year at
Would be fun road trip from Savannah. Maybe someone will be kind enough to
record some of the presentations.
<This is done at least some years... are they available through MASNA? Oh
yeah... here's a link to the 2016 ones... including mine: >
After water change this morning water values have improved. Nitrates are closer
to 10ppm (may have overestimated color a little yesterday at 20ppm).
Ammo/nitrite holding at 0ppm and pH remains low at around 7.8. Tested my mix
water and it's at 8.2 so the drop is definitely organics in the tank.
After your email and more reading last night I ordered Chemi-Pure Blue,
Phosgard, and Seachem's pH buffer and that should be here tomorrow. Red tree
sponge had some film on it this AM--I removed the film gently (air
hose suction) and turned the sponge a little since I haven't seen it opening up
(orange one is covered in pores/openings). I see a few pores now and no new
debris. Little orange ones are completely inert so far.
We are aligned re: wishing this tank could be plumbed to a larger system.
It does rather feel like a refugium looking for a display tank at this point.
Unfortunately we're in a third floor apartment so we're limited both by space
and weight restrictions.
<Another ahh!>
On that note, I ordered a couple of live colonies of copepods and phytoplankton
along with some Chaeto. Figure little critters will help with incidental
feedings at earlier life stages and Chaeto will help house the pods as well as
export excess nutrients. I don't think this system will have much to eat them
directly at this point so hopefully they'll
Happy reefing!
<And you. BobF>
Re: Update 2/24/17
Thanks for understanding. My life is currently a mess. At school for 18
hours today, possibly more :) Luckily it will all be finished on Monday.
I'll keep you posted. By the way, we confirmed our vacation to Belize.
Spending a day at the Blue Hole, two tank dive. Hopefully a four tank
dive the following day. What did you say lived in the Blue Hole?
<Not much of anything really. Better to visit live reefs than a scarp
fault in the ocean.>
I'll send pictures if I get any.
Gabe Walsh, WWM Crew
<And you, B>
MACNA 2017 Speaker 9/3/16
<Hey Adam!>
Adam Clayton with Bayou Reefkeeping here. We are hosting MACNA 2017 in
New Orleans. I was hoping to get in touch with Bob Fenner in regards to
speaking at MACNA. If you could please have him reach out to me, I'd
greatly appreciate it.
<Can be contacted here, or, and 858 397 3XXX. Hope to see you in
a week! Am out diving in a bit (scuba); so email is the route to go till
Thanks and best regards,
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Adam Clayton
Ah, real good. Will add the link, post to WWM and refer folks to it who are
looking for my speaking. Thank you, BobF
Speaker Page for WWM --Draft 2/10/15
As promised here is the draft text to use for future speaking engagements- can
we put a button by the donate now, to say book Bob F now, and it links to this
page? Dear Clubs, friends, and enthusiasts: First, thanks for being a fan of
WWM, I started this site as a way to educate and share the love of fishes, and
underwater natural history and love to share my experiences with groups,
friends, and the general public.
As you know I've been on all sides of the business and trade and site WWM is a
forum for the joy of all of you. We get many request here for speaking at local
events and we've developed this FAQ and for to help you booking us for your next
special event.
Who is this guy Bob Fenner anyway?
Bio link
I am happy come join you at your event but ask for the following agreement
before accepting speaking engagements.
1. Donate $200 to wet web media (via PayPal) and in return You will get a 70x70
ad placed on WWM promoting your in advance (as soon as you send the donation and
as soon as you send the ad artwork )
2. Place a hyperlink to WWM on you email invite to the event AND event webpage
3. Fill out the information below in your email
How can I ask him to speak at our frag fest, club meet, Rotary or other special
Cut and pasted the questions with your answers into an email and send them to me
INFORMATION needed via email:
Event date
Is the event Domestic or International
Date and time of the event, and Exact time of the talk during your event i.e.
Saturday at 2:30
Closest airport to event
Tech specs for the room- will you be providing a handheld microphone, is there a
projector, laptop, Screen, Laptop, microphone (ok if none) I usually bring my
own laptop, but need other AV equipment provided
Room Capacity or anticipated attendance
Other fish stores in the area (name and addresses)
Other stipend information: meals, transportation, loading
Is there a club member assigned to assist/transportation? Their contact info.
Is there a chance to have dinner with club members before and/or after the
Is there is a opportunity drawing with the event, would your club like to use
dinner with me as a fundraising opportunity to offset the cost?
We understand that the donation may be difficult for small clubs, but do ask
that you support our work at WWM. One idea would be to sell a opportunity
drawing to have dinner with me while I am in town.
MASNA Speaks Update - New Slide and Program Rules
<Got it Rob; amended profile. All good. BobF>
Excellent! Thanks for all you do to help promote the hobby!!
Looking forward to chatting with you at Reefstock......
<Oh yes! See you there, then (2/27,28. BobF>
Conference Leads.... MACNA talks
Hi Bob,
Further to my note on Facebook, I would really like to attend MACNA this year –
are you going?
<Mmm; I still don't know... haven't attended the last two; and haven't been
asked to present at the upcoming>
In particular, I would like to offer up a talk and was wonder who would be the
best person to contact.
<I gave a talk there about a year back, and some times into the more distant
past... don't know the folks there other than John Coppolino. Am cc'ing here re
whom you should pitch>
If possible I would like to this for a room and registration. Although I would
also accept airfare – but that may be stretch for an unknown guy like me. Could
provide a talk on the use of fish meds, parasites or immunology. Any suggestions
(or plugs you could put in for me) would be greatly appreciated.
<Will gladly do so. I know what you have to say is valuable to the attendees...
similar to our do's at the UNE Fish Hlth. Conferences>
I also see that you are on the program for this year’s CAOAC convention in
<Ah yes; nice folks. Spoke at their 50th in Ont., w/ Gary Lange, Heiko Bleher>
Great bunch. I gave a couple of talks at their convention in 2011 in Brantford.
Doubt I will make the meeting in Burlington – as I want to save pennies for
Washington. I grew up in Oakville which is the next town and so have lots of
friends there. Timing is also a little tight given my work schedule at that time
of the year (see below).
Lastly, I was seriously considering Aquarama as a friend who is a local koi
breeder was thinking of going (a la, “hey lets go on a road trip to Singapore”).
<YES! Am planning as usual in being there. DO keep chatting... are you on the FB
Scuba Diving Friends page? Will check and add you. DO save toward and set the
time aside for a week or so ahead and/or after for some dive/travel adventure.
Oh, and their Sunday farm tour is worthwhile>
Alas, I have a conflict as the Aquaculture Canada conference is in Nanaimo this
year and starts on May 31st. Since I’m on the Board and the Program Chair for
the conference I kinda need to be there! So, you’ll have to take a rain cheque
as I really want to see the Aquarama show.
<Well... if I understand you... do you have time ahead of Aquarama for a dive
resort go?>
Happy New Year and Best Fishes for 2015!
<And you my friend. BobF>
Mars Aquarium Group Sacramento. Pres.
My name is Anthony Wong and I am the Vp of the Marine Aquarist of
Roundtable Sacramento.
<Ah yes; have spoken there a few times>
Since i am building the calendar for 2015 I figured i would contact you
to see if you are available. Our meetings are held on the 3rd Fridays of
every month from 7pm to 10pm and we have close to 75 paid members.
Please send back a estimate on your fees, travel needs and if you would
be interested in speaking at the club. Also with a list of topics you
could speak on.
<Only travel costs (though don't turn down honorariums, 'ifics); most
any time, topics. You can see my background on the Net... WWM,>
I look forward to hearing from you
Anthony Wong
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Copper removal.
Actually where is Waldo/BobF?
Hi Bob,
Are you going any where else in Asia it would be good to meet?
<Only Bali this go... was going to be transiting through Australia (Brisbane),
but now Narita, Japan... Do hope to meet up with you
possibly... in Sri Lanka is it? BobF>
Kind regards,
Re: Copper removal.
Hi Bob,
Sadly not this time then.
<Ahh; should be back next May (2015) for the Aquarama Show in Sing... and diving
before and/or after. Are we friends on Facebook? Can/will add you to our page
"Scuba diving friends" if so. BobF>
Kind regards,
MASNA Speaker list update
<Salud Roger>
I am writing on behalf of Marine Aquarium Societies of North America
(MASNA) to update our speaker list as we prepare to unveil our updated
website. Please respond within 7 days if you wish to remain on the
speaker list, failure to respond will be considered as a request to be
removed from the speaker list, however we can always add your info back
at a later time.
You are also welcome to make any updates to your contact info in the
fields below.
Speaker contact information
Most enjoyed presentation titles
<Some new pitches...>
Biography and photograph
<On WWM still>
Comments and indication of special needs such as the amount of any
required honorarium
<Still zip>
In closing, if you wish to continue being listed in our database a
simple reply is all that is needed, if you have any updates, please
submit them as well. You can view your current speaker directory listing
Thank you for your time and continued support of MASNA! If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Roger Vitko
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: MASNA Speaker list update
Thank you, I confirmed your listing.
<Tres bien. B>
Brooklyn Aquarium Society
This is for Bob Fenner, we at BAS would love to set up a date for bob to
speak at our club. If you are interested let me know.
Steven Matassa
<Ah yes; been a while. What months and meeting days do you have Steven.
Any particular topics? BobF>
Inaugural Fancy Guppy Competition to make a
splash at Aquatic Experience - Chicago November 7-9,
2014 5/29/14
Press Contact: Elizabeth Neukirch/Liza Massingberd
The Silverman Group, Inc.
Images available for download here
$1,500 dollars in prize money and certificates available
CHICAGO (May 12, 2014)-The World Pet Association
<> 's (WPA) second annual Aquatic
Experience - Chicago, Nov. 7-9, 2014, will host the inaugural Aquatic
Experience Fancy Guppy Competition presented by the International Fancy
Guppy Association (IFGA). More than 100 entries will compete over seven
categories including fish type, color and gender for $1,500 dollars in
prize money and certificates. All contestants will receive a wristband
for free admission to the show floor at Aquatic Experience, experiencing
"everything aquatic under one roof" at the Renaissance Schaumburg
Convention Center.
In addition to a thriving show floor of exhibitors showcasing the latest
in aquatic trends and products, Aquatic Experience - Chicago 2014 will
host educational seminars on hobbyist and retail topics featuring
aquatic experts Bob Fenner, Brandon McLane, Charles Delbeek, Chris
Lukhaup, Eric Bodrock, Francis Yupangco, Heiko Bleher, Jake Adams, Jen
Reynolds, Joe Olenik, Jonathan Dooley, Julian Sprung, Karen Randall,
Kevin Kohen, Oliver Knott, Oliver Lucanus, Patrick Dontson, Rusty
Wessel, Sandy Moore, Sanjay Joshi, Steve Lundblad and Ted Judy. Seminar
topics include: aquarium and water garden plants; fish breeding; changes
in the aquatic world; specialty stores in niche markets; hiring and
training strategies; designing a successful fish room; and aquatic
explorations of Thailand and Lake Tanganyika. Show attendees will also
have the chance to experience the only travelling shark show in the
country, Haai Inc's Live Shark Encounter, and see displays of fish from
around the world.
For more information on this year's show and the Aquatic Experience
Fancy Guppy Competition please visit
<> or contact Bob Lewis (Chairman IFGA)
at <> . The competition
and judging will take place on the exhibit show floor at 3 p.m. on
Saturday, Nov. 8. All competitors must be members of the IFGA or an IFGA
affiliated club. To view the complete competition rules/regulations and
learn how you can become an IFGA or affiliated club member please visit <> for details. No entry fees are
The World Pet Association (WPA) is the oldest industry organization
promoting responsible growth and development of the companion pet and
related products and services. WPA works to inform and educate the
general public in order to ensure safe and healthy lifestyles for our
animal friends. WPA is the host of America's Family Pet Expo, the
world's largest consumer pet and pet products expo, held annually in
Costa Mesa, California. The organization also produces SuperZoo, an
annual pet industry trade show that showcases a comprehensive collection
of exhibits and offers a variety of informative educational seminars.
For more information, please visit
Re: For Bob Fenner - <not> visit<ing> Chesapeake Marine
Aquaria Society? 2/13/14
Hi Bob! I hope all is well! Our 'board' decided the other day that for
our spring event, that instead of the usual speaker venue that we just
'roll' our February frag fest into the March 'spring event'. So, no
speakers this time around (was hoping it was going to be you!!) This was
decided since we were afraid of a low turnout and that would be
embarrassing! We had Mike Paletta join us in the fall and only ~ 20
people made it.
But, the board also said to please keep connected with you - perhaps
another chance for visiting our club (and maybe even a joint venture
with the other club in the area.). Sorry about the 'last' minute change
of plans but the board just couldn't all meet earlier to really discuss
all the options.
We got ~16 inches of snow last night and this morning.
<Tis about 80 F. here in San Diego currently...>
I am going out now to start the snow blower. be in the Caribbean
sailing or some exotic place diving right now!! I may have mentioned I
had a chance to go to Cozumel last fall. I enjoyed it!
Take care and let me know if you get this message!
Talk to you later.
-Carl Huntley - CMAS
<Real good Carl. Thank you for this notice (figured about the same). Oh!
Am taking my sis Donna back down to Cozumel for a bit of
dive/adventuring late March. BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Hi Bob, Thank you for your understanding! The last time you were here
was with Nedermeyer.
That was a fun time!!I
<Oh yeah! Ken's gone on to celebrity-hood>
'll keep you posted on the schedule for this coming year. Wow - 80
degrees there. Nice! Our totals for the two storms ended up being 22
inches of snow! Yuck!-Carl
<I like to visit the snow... but only for a while! Cheers, BobF>
SWFMAS Reef Conference
<Jeff... is there a theme? Are the other speakers just picking out what
they'd like to present? I'll gladly fill in with whatever topic makes
sense... The new collecting station in Fiji,
disease/quarantine/acclimation are recent topics... What are the dates
(again?)... I don't see this anywhere on the Net, your site. B>
We need to get our new website updated ( and
start getting our posters made to put in the LFS. We also need to
start figuring out travel arrangements. If you want to make them
and have us reimburse you, that is fine. Please let us know your
travel schedule so we can make hotel arrangements. If you want us
to make the travel arrangements, we need to know your preferred airport
for departure.
For the website, we need the following information:
Jake - Pic, Topic Synopsis and Bio
Murray - Pic, Topic Synopsis and Bio
Bob - Topic Synopsis
Also, this is our first year to have the stand alone website dedicated
to the conference. If you get a chance, take a look and give us
some feedback.
<Not working. B>
re: SWFMAS Reef Conference 12/21/13
No theme. We try to mix up topics so we have a mix of fish,
inverts, equipment, etc. Nobody has ever done a disease/quarantine
So that would be good. Ditto with the Fiji collecting station.
Dates are April 11 (Banquet and set up) and April 12 (Conference)
<And return on the 13th I take it. Will bring both talks... perhaps have
a hat w/ your board re which they'd prefer. B>
Re: SWFMAS Reef Conference 1/27/14
Can you send me a synopsis of your disease/quarantine topic.
<The outline/ppt. is archived on WWM here:
Also, I need
a good number and time to call you so we can get your travel
arrangements nailed down.
<Most any PST reasonable time... 858 397 XXXX>
We'd like to do that in the next week or two.
<Sure; BobF>
Re: Availability & Honorarium for Speaking Feb 22 in Houston
Good afternoon Bob,
<Hey Shar!>
For the MARSH speaking engagement this February, could you send us the
1. Your flight details,
<Will get on to...>
2. Headshot picture,
3. Bio
<These can be found here:
4. Contemplated speaking topic(s)
<Mmm, what are the other speakers topics? Is there a theme to the get
tog. this time? I have a few dozen presentations... and can make up new>
Please send whatever info you have available ASAP, and we can post that
on our website launch this Sunday.
Also, once we have your flight details, we can get you reimbursed for
that expense and we'll feel better that
you are booked :) The member managing reimbursements is carbon
copied above and is
'John DeVeaux' <>
Thanks in advance,
Sharath Ravula
<Cheers, BobF>
Re: Availability & Honorarium for Speaking Feb 22 in Houston
Thanks Bob,
For the quick response. I passed the info along regarding your pic and
Regarding the topics, besides yourself, we have John Coppolino and
probably Matt Pedersen. We don't have a theme for the event, but
our club does have the following mandate:
<Ahh; know both of these fellows... can only guess as to John... talking
re Angels and folks he's met... and MattP, perhaps Banggais or such>
* To exchange information within the group, share cumulative
experiences and to ensure successful husbandry of our members' aquaria.
* To provide education to the community through speakers, workshops,
outreach, newsletters, Internet presence, and interactions with the
* To promote captive propagation and breeding; and
* To promote conservation both within and outside of the hobby.
<Ah yes>
I think Matt Pedersen is a captive propagation and breeder expert.
John Coppolino wants to speak about small polyped stony corals, and
hopefully his forte - angels and other risky fish in reefs.
Maybe, you could speak about conscientious reef-keeping in the sense of
selecting reef suitable organisms or suggestions of how to prepare or
try more risky choices.
<Ah yes; easily done>
I've heard something along this topic from you before. Really, we
would defer to what you wish to speak about that you feel would draw a
good crowd.
Let us know what you are contemplating.
<This then>
Happy Thanksgiving,
<And you, B>
just making sure you got home OK?
Hi Bob,
It was great to see you at the FRAG event in Simi Valley, heck its
always great to see you! I enjoyed our diner and conversation. Thank you
for spending the time to film the interview. It was great information.
My first
hard edit has it down to 42 min and 32 sec. once I add in some graphics,
some color shots and some talk about the FRAG event it will push an hour
long episode.
<Wow! Longer than any UW video I've made by far. Most are about 10
Lets see, what shall we name this episode?
<Petfish boy meets Johimbo (a take off on a fave Zatoichi title,
I hope your rise home was smooth, uneventful and safe?
<Yes; just long; too>
Attached are the two banners we spoke of. The link should be to >> <<. I will also place your banner ( I plucked
from your site ) into the future Home and Episode pages on my site. I am
also trying to think of some 30 second video promo I could create for
you. maybe you have some thoughts?
<Not this AM... am slow to more-fully awaken>
I will give you some advanced notice of when I finish your LA Fishguys
episode. Thank you J
Jim Stime, jr
<Cheers! B>
Availability & Honorarium for Speaking Feb 22 in Houston
Hello Mr. Bob Fenner,
I am writing to you as a representative of the Marine Aquarium Reef
Society of Houston (MARSH).
MASNA has been slow to send us their speaker list, so I and other
committee members are contacting potential speakers via their websites,
<I see>
We are organizing an event like DFWMAS' NextWave called Reef Currents.
Are you available on Saturday February 22nd to speak, what is your
honorarium, and what airport do you fly out of?
<I am; will accept whatever the club extends, and Lindbergh here in San
Our organizing committee is deciding amongst the available speakers, and
I hope to add you into the pool of available speakers. I have seen
you speak a few times :)
<Ah yes>
The event is call Reef Currents and takes place at the Sheraton North
Houston next to the International Airport. The website with all
the details should be launched this week.
<Will look for, and anticipate your later re-contacting re topics et al.
Sharath Ravula
Re: Availability & Honorarium for Speaking Feb 22 in Houston
<Ave Sharath!>
Thanks for the quick reply. I have told our organizing committee
your info and availability.
We have only asked 6 or 7 people for a potential 4 speaker slots, so I
am hopeful the committee will choose you. I will let you know our
decision either way and if there is any delay. It may take a few
<Real good>
Just to be clear, we will pay your airfare, lodging, and meals,
expenses, and whatever honorarium
we settle on for our speakers.
<Ah yes. Cheers, BobF>
Sharath Ravula
Re: Availability & Honorarium for Speaking Feb 22 in Houston
>>Yes; Sharath... as in the other times I've spoken there, can/will fly
in Fri., out Sunday. B<<
Mr. Bob Fenner,
Good afternoon. Are you still available to speak on February 22,
Our group has met and decided to go ahead and book you if available.
You can book your flight and have us reimburse you. Please send
your flight details and cost to me and John Deveaux
( who will reimburse you.
You would speak sometime between 9 and 4 Saturday, so you may want to
fly in Friday night,
and fly out at your preference either Saturday or Sunday. We
would prefer if you stick around,
socialize, and chat with us, but of course it is your preference.
<Am out speaking at the new Aquatic Experience show currently... Will
contact you on my return home>
I hope you can make it,
Warmest regards,
Sharath Ravula
SWFMAS Reef Conference, April 2014 9/15/13
Bob, Murray and Rich,
We are ready to launch a new website for our annual reef conference. For
the speaker section of the website, we need a bio, topic synopsis and
any photos you wish to share for the website. Some of this info
will be used as we get closer to the conference for posters to put in
the LFS.
Please provide this info ASAP as we are ready almost ready to launch.
FYI, the website is
<Mmm, not now/yet, okay. Mine is here:
Once we complete our Fall Frag Auction in October, we will open up a new
forums section on the clubs website dedicated to the conference.
That website is
We are having a banquet on Friday night this year. Please let me
know if you want us to make the travel arrangements
<Up to you; I can if you'd rather>
or if you plan on doing so yourself with reimbursement. Banquet will
be around 6 pm on Friday (exact schedule is still TBD) so plan
<Cheers, BobF>
Reef-A-Palooza Banner 8/22/13
Hello Bob,
Marc Trimble from SCMAS asked me to forward our Reef-A-Palooza Banner
for the WetWebMedia site. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Thank you,
Brock L. Goines
re: Reef-A-Palooza Banner 8/22/13
Ah yes; up, linked, checked. Cheers, BobF
Re: Reef-A-Palooza Banner 8/22/13
The check is on the way.
Thank you mucho
<A pleasure Marc. BobF>
Re: WWM Forum (+ Bob visiting Sacramento)
Hmmmm. I have heard the history of and do not like the
idea of joining them. Apparently, their founders hacked
which I am a member of and kinda wrecked the site, banning the mods and
admins. I have liked wetwebmediaforum because it is not one of those
places where the admins and mods don't let people insult and flame. I
haven't seen any flamers at all. Not true on other forums. I do feel sad
about it as the layout is nice, the forum is nice, the members are nice,
and it's nice all around. Chat works and everything unlike :/
<Yes, was aware of the changes at, but have to repeat
that my experiences there were almost entirely positive, and when I was
a regular, I really enjoyed that forum. But as I spent more "fish time"
at WWM, I spent less time at FishForums, and I tried to stay completely
out of the politicking that went on in the background of the forum. I
believe what happened was that the owner sold the forum to a company
that manages a bunch of different forums, for the purposes of profit
making. Nothing wrong in that (WWM exists to make money, at least enough
to pay the bills and subsidise a few scuba diving get-togethers) but it
sounded as if this company was not interested in the forum as such, or
the family-friendly approach it had taken in the past with regard to
things like advertising.
To be honest I have very little to do with any more, and
your experiences may be much more recent. was sent
up by some of the exiled moderators from and my (limited)
experiences of that forum are entirely positive. That said, I do wonder
if there's a natural life cycle for online forums: they start off small
and friendly, they get bigger and attract a more diverse readership, the
hosting costs go up at the same time as moderating effectively becomes
harder, and eventually the forum either becomes unmanageable or else
gets sold to some third party with little/no interest in the forum
beyond advertising.>
I honestly think that your best option would be to get all your crew
over to the forum. It'll be a lot easier than responding to every email.
<I'm fairly certain this will never happen; Bob doesn't like forums, and
the Daily FAQ page is crucial to the way WetWebMedia generates content
for the website, and in turn advertising revenue. It may not be pretty,
but the Daily FAQ is, by definition, moderated by every crew member who
writes, ensuring standards are maintained.>
<<Yes. B>>
I am more than happy to step up as admin. I've made several websites
before and I am of the younger generation (so I'm not technologically
I also received an email from the current admin. Here is what he wrote:
All, I am unable to continue with the forum at this time. Feel
free to move my admin to someone who is able to support it better.
Hope we can keep the forum up!!!
<That's for Bob to decide, but I don't think he's keen. Cheers, Neale.>
<<Mmm, am not... B>>
P.S. Bob, it looks hopeful that you'll be able to come back and speak at
the Sacramento Aquarium Society. I asked the coordinator for speakers
and he seemed positive about you coming back. I really enjoyed your
speak as it covered Bettas which I keep, and most fw fish.
<<Ahh, real good. Perhaps they can/will arrange for two meetings... w/
the MARs group. BobF>>
Re: WWM Forum (+ Bob visiting Sacramento) 8/17/13
Subject: Re: WWM Forum (+ Bob visiting Sacramento) I am an ex-fish
forums mod. People started talking politics, I told my views, and got
demoted due to "Deleting someone's private messages" which isn't even
possible. I think it's cuz of my views anyways, but that doesn't matter.
2 Bob, What's the mars group???
<Ahh, the "saltwater club", "Marine Aquarium Roundtable Sacramento". B>
Re: WWM Forum (+ Bob visiting Sacramento) 8/17/13
Oh, so that's what the SW part is. I have never been there as I'm fw and
brackish as some species of Betta are brackish.
UPDATED - 2013 MASNA Aquarist of the Year Nominations -
response requested by 8/8/13
Hello judging panel -
I realized that I made a mistake when I sent out the nominee list on
Wednesday. Initially when I asked the panel to participate, I
indicated that each panel member would be able to select TWO people from
the attached
nominee list, however when I sent the email out on Wednesday I asked
that you select only one. I apologize for this error.
*If you have already submitted one selection for winner, please email me
with your second selection by 8/8/13.*
<Ahh, my second choice is Tal Sweet; for his tireless work in promoting
marine breeding endeavours; involvement in promoting the hobby.>
Also, based on feedback received from Sanjay and Kevin, I will send the
narrowed list of nominees back out the selection committee for
discussion and selection of the final winner.
<Ah good. Bob Fenner>
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for your assistance,
Re: Re: Re: Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine
Aquaria Society? 7/29/13
Dear Bob, It's me again and I'd thought I'd drop a line...I hope you are
having a great summer!
<And you Carl>
I cut off some of the e-mail trail..getting long! I wanted to touch base
to ask if you wouldn't mind checking your schedule! CMAS is having their
first meeting September 15th (Sunday), from 5-7 PM. We'd like to invite
you as a speaker and then we were planning on having some water testing
fro members.
<Mmm, no to this date. Am hoping to take my sis to FLA for a
much-deserved dive holiday about this time>
We will also have our Spring Event on March 15, 2014 (Saturday).So,
matey - could you take a look at your schedule and let me know if one of
these are possible? Thanks so much!-Carl Huntley CMAS
<Ahh! Have penned in this time frame for your club. BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Hi Bob,
Whew, busy week at work and now just getting back to the e-mails. Okay -
so I'll also pen in the March 15th date! Yeah!!! Is there a specific
topic that you are thinking about; something that has been a passionate
issue for you?
<In recent times? My pitch for the UNE Fish Health Conference, actually
both: Three Sets of Factors That Determine Health/Disease", and
It'll be such a pleasure to meet up again! We can talk details at a
later time or whenever you wish.
<Anytime is fine>
Thanks so much. Oh, I went to the ENT doc today and I don't have any
restrictions with diving. Very good news, indeed.
<Ah yes. Great to read/realize. Excelsior! BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Perfect - great topics. Always good to have topics that invoke further
thought and discussion.
<Ah yes. Cheers! B>
2013 MASNA Aquarist of the Year Judging Panel
Hello past MASNA Aquarist of the Year Winners!
I hope your summer is off to a great start. It is time to choose
the winner of the MASNA Aquarist of the Year to be awarded at this
year's MACNA in Ft. Lauderdale/Miami. Below is a summary of how
the nomination and judging process will work, please confirm back to me
if you are willing to participate in this year's process by June 12,
Online nominations will be available to MASNA individual members, clubs,
and corporate sponsors until July 6, 2013 using the following online
Each member will be able to nominate 3 people for this award.
Nominations and detailed bios of each nominee will be emailed to the
judging panel on July 8th, 2013. Each member of the judging panel
will select their top 2 nominees based on their significant contribution
to the marine aquarium industry or hobby over the past 2 years and email
the selection to be by July 20, 2013. The winner will be
determined by the person who received the most votes from the judging
The winner will be announced during the Saturday evening banquet at this
year's MACNA.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments and let me know
if you are willing to be a member of the judging panel by June 12, 2013.
All past winners are bcc'd on this message in order to maintain privacy.
Amanda Cox
MASNA Membership Director
<Ah yes Amanda. BobF>
SWFMAS Reef Conference
We just wrapped up our 2013 conference and are planning our 2014
conference. We have already picked the location and set the date
and I was wondering what your availability and fees would be for next
Conference will be in Fort Myers, Florida on April 12, 2014.
<Am open on the date (the MAX event is the week prior in OC); fee,
whatever stipend/honorarium the club offers>
Please let me know as soon as you can. To see more about this
years conference, please visit:
<Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner>
SWFMAS Reef Conference
I am just following up on an email I sent last month (see below).
Have you had a chance to consider?
<Ah yes, April 12th is penned in. BobF>
[Fwd: SWFMAS Reef Conference]
Penned as you are coming to Fort Myers (SWFMAS) or penned have
a prior commitment?
<Ah, the former. B>
re: [Fwd: SWFMAS Reef Conference] 6/4/13
Excellent, thanks. We'll get back with you in a couple months when
we start working on posters.
thanks again,
<Thank you for your efforts Jeff. BobF>
For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Hi Bob! Okay - it's been a while, but hey - aren't we all busy!!Was
wondering if you could check your busy calendar to see if you were
available for a visit to the Mid Atlantic part of the world on April
14th (later in the day)?
<As in next month? The week after the MAX event in OC? Or 2014?>
I hope all is well! Cheers! Carl Huntley - of the Chesapeake Marine
Aquaria Society (CMAS). PS: How was your diving aboard the liveaboard?
S. Leyte I think?
<Ah yes, two months back now (too long!) Very nice. BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Yea, as in next month! I know- real soon and not much notice but
sometimes the paradigm of scheduling works out better this way (well, at
my work, anyway!
<Not in this case/instance mate. Maybe next year. B>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
OK! Yes- let's keep in touch! Would love to get together next year.
Cheers and Happy St. Patty's day!
<And you Carl... BTW, do you have any scuba-dive-adventure travels
planned this year, next? BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria
Society? 3/16/13
Yea, as in next month! I know- real soon and not much notice but
sometimes the paradigm of scheduling works out better this way (well, at
my work, anyway!
<Not in this case/instance mate. Maybe next year. B>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
OK! Yes- let's keep in touch! Would love to get together next year.
Cheers and Happy St. Patty's day!
<And you Carl... BTW, do you have any scuba-dive-adventure travels
planned this year, next? BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Hi Bob!
<BTW, do you have any scuba-dive-adventure travels planned this year,
Well - on the wish list if Roatan (CoCo View). Hopefully it will happen!
<Ahh, when you know of the dates, please make this known. I may join
your group. Cheers, BobF>
Re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
<Ahh, when you know of the dates, please make this known. I may join
your group. Cheers, BobF>
Of course - that would be great!! No laughing underwater though.
Actually, I've sneezedunderwater a few times. Pretty funny. Not sure
what DAN would recommend though! -Carl
DFW Next Wave do Mar 9 2/23/13
Crew, for folks hauling out:
Am hoping to get tog. on Fri. eve, the eighth for a meal, drinks,
Who's going to be there?
Re: DFW Next Wave do Mar 9
I might be back stateside in March, and if so I'll be there.
Living in aussie has spoiled my view of coral in the US though ;)
Take care all/Bob,
<Thanks Mike. BobF>
Re: Red Ear Sliders are not feeding and are having swollen
eyes, RMF visit/UNE 2013
Welcome, Bob; Happy New Year!!
<Cheers dear; and hope to see you out in Maine in 2013. The Fish Health
Conference is going again at UNE. BobF>
Joshua Solomon at UCF needs your support.
Hey Bob,
Your <You're> a lucky guy today, I'm writing you representing the
Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference (SEEC) that will be hosted
at the University of Central Florida (UCF) on March 1-3, 2013. I
have attached a letter requesting your support for our student-run,
student-attended conference. Please contact me if you have any
<Would $200 interest you? How, where to send, made out to the SEEC I
take it. Can your group accept PayPal? BobF>
Joshua Solomon
Graduate Student
Coastal and Estuarine Ecology Lab
Department of Biology
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817
WWM Crewmember Sabrina (Sharp) is visiting
BobF down in San Diego; we went out to visit the new/er SIO Aquarium, but
unfortunately she was eaten by a shark.
- 11/30/2012 |
A huge thank you to the Trippicks
Simon, thank you and Kim so much for your kind efforts at hauling us
about there in Bristol and Cheddar, arranging the talks at Southwest
Marines, and housing us for the night and the fab roast dinner. Much
appreciated. BobF, finally back from Europe
Re: A huge thank you 11/16/12
Dear Bob and Co.
The whole weekend was a great success and it was an absolute pleasure
meeting you all! I would be more than happy to do it all over again
<Ah, do come on out to S. Cal. in future... or let's plan on having you
join up w/ some of us next year enroute to/from the May Interzoo show in
Germany... to do a bit of dive-adventuring in the Red Sea, Maldives,
perhaps the Seychelles>
Speak soon, Simon, out on the great barrier reef about to go on a dive
<Oh yes! Cheers! BobF>
Re: Non feeding Lionfish
- 10/28/2012
If your in Liverpool Bob I will put you in touch with Paul at the
<Ahh! We'll be traveling up tomorrow from Bristol to York, but plan on
coming back the hour drive or so to visit... don't know which day yet.
Will contact you re>
Not the best as he's still sorting it out after a real mess by the last
guy. Bought a shoal of regals and purple tangs
<Mmm, these species have to be kept separately or in a VERY large
that are now slowly killing each other. Not good. He can't get them out
due to the way tanks are built but is hatching a plan.
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Gary, we WILL be in Liverpool tomorrow, late afternoon... Will some time
then work out? B
Re: Non feeding Lionfish, Visiting Liverpool, the World Museum
Hi Bob
Paul said contact him via his email address and he`ll let you know how
he`s fixed tomorrow.
He wont know till he gets to work in the morning and checks his schedule
with school trips etc...
<I thank you. Paul, am traveling w/ two friends up, through Chorleywood
this AM to a meeting w/ further (industry) friends/associates at TMC at
1:00 PM... then up to Liverpool for the rest of the day and evening,
hence next AM to York; perhaps back to your town another day next week.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Non feeding Lionfish
Hi Bob
Just had a text from Paul. He has no school trips or meetings today.
Says if your in Liverpool contact him on XXXX6 259168 and he d be happy
to show you round.
<Thanks Gar... don't know what else we're doing on the morrow, but will
contact Paul if there's time. Cheers, BobF, not able to sleep>
Liverpool Visit - 10/29.2012
Hi Bob,
<Hey Paul>
Paul here, manager of World Museum Aquarium in Liverpool. I believe Gary
has been in touch with you regarding your visit up to Liverpool this
week. Not sure when and if you will be able to pick this up but you are
more than welcome to visit the museum aquarium. My number is XXXX6259168
so if you need to call to arrange anything please feel free.
it would be lovely to meet you.
Kind Regards
<Thank you for your note. Am up, unable to sleep, and hoping to be
better rested... Will contact you on Tues. if there's time. Cheers, Bob
Paul Tyson
Education Manager (Living Centres)
National Museums Liverpool
Re: Visit to Liverpool Aquarium 10/30/12
Sorry to state, we ran right out of time... and now up in York... I
appreciate your efforts, kind offer to show me/us about. Perhaps another
time. Cheers, BobF
Re: Non feeding Lionfish
No problem Bob. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
<Thank you Gary... Yeeikes it's cold here! Cheers, BobF>
Re: Liverpool Visit
Not to worry, if you are ever in the area again the offer still stands
Kind Regards
<Ahh, thank you kindly Paul. BobF>
Antique fish tank? Aquarama pre/post dive trip
<Hey Per!>
I was going to have lunch in a Thai restaurant in downtown Rangoon and this
fish tank caught my eye. Its got wooden braces in case the thing breaks
<I think this is just a frame of sorts, but neat! Oh, are you keen to haul
about w/ us on a dive excursion before, and or after Aquarama in May there?
Aquarama pre/post dive trip
Where are you going to dive?
<Mmm, well, likely back to somewhere in Indo. or Malaysia; though Rob has
mentioned an interest in hauling all the way over to the Maldives. How 'bout
There will be lots of things to do in Singapore. The world's largest
oceanarium will be opened by then.
<Ah yes... on Sentosa... that project's been going on for years>
We also have a new river safari that will exhibit fishes from 5 major river
systems on the planet.
<And you, BobF>
Re: Aquarama pre/post dive trip 10/24/12
How about Redang island? It is not too far from Singapore.
<Ah yes; I do recall you, I and Pete's trip up to Pulau Redang years
back... would we all take the bus ride up and back? BobF>
Re: Aquarama pre/post dive trip 10/24/12
We can fly there on budget airlines. Air Asia or Firefly Air .
<To show my memory is still intact... I recall the bus trip taking you
some upper teens of hours from Sing... Let's fly! B>
Perry |
Re: Aquarama pre/post dive trip
Re: Bay of Bengal pics Bob
I would have love to do some diving on the Myanmar side of the Bay of
<Me too... the furthest I've been up the coast in Thailand is Richelieu
rocks... Can we get permits, or are these even required nowadays?>
Was there last December helping to arrange a Xmas party for the orphans of
Cyclone Nargis. I am not sure if there are any diving outfits there. It was
a side trip from Parthein which was where the orphanage was. We brought
some of the care givers there so that they can see the sea and feel the
sand in their feet. Can you imagine there are still folks in this time and
age who have never seen the sea before?
<Unfortunately... yes. B>
Re: Bay of Bengal pics 10/24/12
Its a 7 hour ride from the capital Yangon thanks to the bumpy roads. The
country has just opened up so no permits needed to travel to the Bay of
Bengal. This beach is called Ngew Saung beach or Silver Beach. You can
Google the name and lots of travel info is available. Its is the
quietest beach I have been to in my entire life. I guess its like Bali or
Phuket 50 years ago.
<Ahh, very nice indeed. B>
Aquarium in Yangon
Bob I have been flying quite often into Myanmar helping some Catholic
nuns raise money for their boarding house for orphans and women from
disadvantaged backgrounds. One thing I have noticed is the number of
little aquarium shops all over the city. Perry
<Interesting. I've never been to Myanmar, but do follow the occasional
stories that come up on the Net, in the papers, 'zines re. Would like to
dive their part of the Andaman Sea. BobF> |
Re: Aquariums in Yangon
The tour companies do arrange tours to the southern part of the country.
They tell you its a diving tour but I suspect its just snorkeling trips.
<Could you check re?>
Even if its just snorkeling there is still lots of stuff to see. I
will need to find out how I can get a compressor into the country on my
next trip. There are lots of dive sites to name and identify.
<I'd definitely go. B>
Re: Aquariums in Yangon
Ok. Will do a check with the tour agencies
<Thanks Per. B> |
MACNA WWM appreciation dinner... Friday eve
Howdy, am of the understanding that Bobby, Jordan, Felicia, Sabrina,
(Michelle and ScottF?), and myself will be in DFW at the MACNA do... I'd
like to have us all get tog.... for a meal and drinks... Where? At about
what time Fri. eve? Am up for chatting as well after Thurs. MACNA
speaker do... My cell 858 397 XXXX; please do call me if/when you're on
site in TX
re where we'll all meet, and when! And if you know a good place, do
advocate for it! B
Re: MACNA WWM appreciation dinner... Friday eve
Damn!!! Been a long time since so many wetwebbers got
together...wish I were going...maybe next year.
<I do hope so. B>
For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Dear Bob, I hope all is well! I wanted to touch base with you and invite
you (yes- once again!) to come talk to our club. The last time you spoke
with Nedimyer.
<Ah, yes; a very nice time. And since then Ken has gone "really big
time" w/ his Acropora palmata, A. cervicornis culture and transplant
This club meeting will take place on January 13, 2013 (wow- the time just
flies by!)
<Mmm, can't make this date. Am out too close to then on a liveaboard in
S. Leyte then>
That is a Sunday and we would have our meeting later in the day, like 6
I know you are a busy, busy guy and travel a bit, but I hope that this
is far enough out that this date is open! It would be the same
thing,,,fly you to BWI
<British West Indies?>
and meet up with our club. What more fun could you ask for? I don't know
of a special topic yet, but know that you have much to talk about on
various subjects. I hope to hear from you! I'm laughing already. Be
well-Carl Huntley CMAS
<Thank you Carl. Let's chat later in the year re a further date. Bob
Re: re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria
Society? 9/27/12
Dear Bob,
Thank you for getting back! Ah, the Philippines. The closest I've been to
that area was to Sulawesi.
<Ahh, another great fave. Have mostly been to the N.E. corner, Manado/Bunaken
and Bitung/Lembeh>
I must say I was getting tired of the long flight! But spent two in Tasik Ria
<Have stayed there... a nice resort, though quite a daily boat ride to
Bunaken... and have had nightmares where I'm one of the fellows that has
to roll/deliver mat.s and luggage over their rough pathways!>
and the other at KBR (Lembeh Strait).
<Ah yes. Mark and his mum are old acquaintances... Nowayears there are
about a dozen resorts thereabouts; the one across on Lembeh is also very
Those little blue rings octopus are so cute! It's been way too long
since I've been diving..had an ear operation....okay now. BWI =
Baltimore Washington Airport...ugh - how boring that sounds now! Yes, I
will keep in touch!! Happy endeavours to you!!-Carl
<Ahh! Are you attending MACNA? Am in SD airport waiting to board to DFW.
Cheers, BobF>
Re: Re: re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society?
Hi Bob,
No, unfortunately; couldn't go to MACNA this year. I almost signed up
this past Spring. The work schedule didn't work out so well (coverage
and all). Plus, I'm burning up some days when I go to my next sailing
class this fall (advanced coastal cruising) in St. Thomas and don't have
a lot of spare vacation days. Have a great time-wish I was going too!-Carl
<Am here, and it IS fab... the Dallas World Aquarium tonight for an
intro. for the club, vendors and speakers... Delicious food, a few
bars... Wowzah! B>
Re: Re: Re: re: For Bob Fenner - visit Chesapeake Marine Aquaria
Society? 9/30/12
Ah yes - Dallas, been there but a it was a while ago. I remember going
to a bunch of bars but that's all I can remember! Have FUN!-Carl
<Oh, am doing so. B>
Re: RMF out camping 9/20/12
Don't get eaten by any land sharks!
<Hey Rick! Of all things the site is Leo Carillo in Malibu, where MANY
shows/commercials have been shot... such as the terrific "Attack of the
Crab Monster!". B>
Re: RMF out camping
That's a haul from San Diego. Enjoy!
<S'posedly some three hours from San Diego sans traffic. Thanks! B>
Re: RMF out camping 9/20/12
Woohoo - have fun!
<Lynn, have you and hubster moved back to TX yet? Are you attending
A bunch of WWM's Crew is... including Sabrina (!?), though she's
bonified freshwater. Cheers, B>
Re: RMF out camping
Nope, unfortunately, we're still here and I won't be going to MACNA
either - darn it.
<Oh... I'd like to commission you to produce something for me...
Do you have time/interest?>
I wanted to go to MACNA so badly too, but there will be other
opportunities down the road, I'm sure. Please tell everyone hi for
me, especially Sabrina. She's a terrific gal!
<Ah yes. I will>
Take care and have fun this weekend!
<Life to you my friend. B>
Re: RMF out camping 9/20/12
Thanks, Bob! Regarding the stained glass, is this regarding a
circular panel containing two grasped hands/wrists, with "You<'re> <are>
a stranger here but once" (?).
<Ah yes>
I know you mentioned it several years back and I've been thinking about it
off and on ever since. What keeps tripping me up is the
necessary size of it in order to fit all the letters (and be legible).
The grasped wrists are no problem, but lettering in a leaded or copper
foil panel can be a real bear. Typically, you'll see no more than
a word or two at most in a panel because of the size/legibility issue
and because of all the necessary seams you need in the surrounding glass
to allow for the shapes of those letters. It starts getting way
too busy/cluttered-looking.
Most times, if you want more lettering in a project, you go the painted
or etched route. You see that a lot in signs and/or church
windows. Etching can be neat if you use something called "flash
glass". That's a piece of glass with a thin surface coating
of one color on top of a different color (usually clear).
The idea is to etch through the surface color to let the bottom color
show through. You can go with a positive or negative image, and it
can be done (by someone who knows what they're doing) with various neat
effects to appear almost airbrushed, with soft or hard edges. I've
seen panels like this that were part of a larger project, surrounded
with regular stained glass pieces, that was very attractive indeed.
Unfortunately, I don't have the set-up for etching, or glass painting
for that matter. I don't know a lot about stained glass painting,
but from what I've heard it requires firing in order to make it
permanent - and I don't have that sort of kiln.
I think you mentioned that you wanted the panel for a gate?
<Yes, a moon gate>
If so, that's great because that will help with the size issue.
All in all, I think your best bet is to try to find someone local.
That way, the person can swing by, see the gate, take measurements, get
a visual and talk to you one on one regarding what would work best,
proportion and color-wise (show you choices of glass - color/texture,
One other thing that I think would be really neat, as an alternative,
would be to have the same idea carved in wood. It could be
anything from a rustic and roughly hewn panel to one that's richly
carved and possibly inlaid with various materials. I could see
that in a heartbeat, but it might not fit in with the style of your
house - I just don't know.
<I do think this could work as well>
Anyway, as much as I'd love to help with your panel, I think that it's
something that should definitely be handled by someone right there to
get all the details - including how the panel should be securely
mounted/affixed - so someone can't just walk off with it! At any
rate, if/when you do get this done, let me know. Also, if you have
any other questions, same goes - just holler.
<I am ready when you are Lynn. Thank you, BobF>
Take care,
Re: RMF out camping 9/20/12
Have a great time, Bob! Will do my best.
<As you always do. Cheers, B>
Speaking to Columbia, South Carolina
I understand you will be speaking next weekend to the South Carolina club.
MASNA and the MASNA Speaks program (along with our sponsors) are helping to
make this possible. We will be reimbursing the club part of the
expense to bring you in. We ask that you include the
attached slide in your presentation.
MASNA Treasurer
<Hotay. BobF>
Going to MACNA? 8/15/12
A roll call if you will. Sabrina (mostly gone in recent years, but still
active in the field, working w/ Killies at Stanford) is going (!)... Am
wanting to take y'all (it IS Texas) out to dinner and drinks... Friday
night? Thursday? BobF
Re: Going to MACNA? /Felicia
I'm going for sure! Can't wait to see you all. I'm up for dinner/drinks
any time :)
<Ah, good! B>
Re: Going to MACNA? /James
Sounds great Bob but I'm not going to be able to make it.
<A shame. Would like to see you about. Do you have time, interest? B>
Re: Going to MACNA? /Ron Shimek
Not me, can't make it.
<Aye ya... I remember both of us chatting last time it was in DFW... a
shame the folks there aren't sponsoring you as a speaker Ron. BobF>
Re: Going to MACNA? /Martin Moe
Hi Bob, As much as I would like to break bread with you
and everyone else, I won't be there. The Iffyness of the hurricane
season to us Keys denizens leads us to stay close to home during
September, at least not make plans for such trips many months ahead.
<Yikes! Do hope Barb and you can/will be able to keep the couch out of
the trees. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Going to MACNA? /Sanjay Joshi
I’ll be there. Get there Thursday around 5:30 PM
Re: Going to MACNA? /SabrinaF - 8/17/12
I'm definitely in. Not sure what time I'll be arriving Thursday,
but will let you know. Am really looking forward to this...!!
I assure you, you will have a very good (entertaining and educational)
series of experiences. B
MACNA 2012 DFW WWM dinner et al. get tog. poss.s
Crew, am hoping all attending this years MACNA can get tog. for a group
dinner (Fri? and poss. Sat. at the show itself), or poss. lunch on Sat.,
Sun.? to chat, renew friendships, make new ones. What say you? BobF
Re: MACNA 2012 DFW WWM dinner et al. get tog. poss.s
Thanks for the offer Bob. Unfortunately, I won't be able to
<Rats! B>
Re: MACNA 2012 DFW WWM dinner et al. get tog. poss.s
Morning all!
Great idea and I'm in! On top of that, I'll buy the first round!
Look forward to seeing all of you.
<Ah, good. Thank you Bobby. BobF>
Re: MACNA 2012 DFW WWM dinner et al. get tog. poss.s
From: felicialmccaulley
I'll be there! Would love to get together for dinner with everyone.
Whenever is convenient for the rest of the crew.
Ah, good. B
Re: In tank filtration/Bob Fenner 5/19/12
Thank you Bob,
<Welcome Marcelo>
What took you so long to respond, lol.
When Felicia McCauley told me you were coming I asked a friend if he had
any questions since I had a chance to meet an expert at the frag swap.
He had 1- "Ask him how to get my wife off my back when I want to buy an
$80 coral". Thought I would share as it was funny.
Thanks for the help and hope to run into you again one day.
<Me too! BobF>
Bob Fenner Speaking
Availability 4/12/12
Hey guys! Trying to get in touch with Bob Fenner to see if he is
willing and able to speak at Delaware Valley Reef Club's next frag
swap and expo.
Previous speakers have included Ken Nedimyer, Marc Levenson, and Joe
Yaiullo. We'd love to add Bob to that distinguished list. Please
let me know if Bob is available and what his normal speaking
arrangements are. The swap is scheduled for Oct 7th in Conshohocken,
<Mmm, possibly. There may be a trip conflict thenabouts. Could we
revisit the date/poss. say in July or August? BobF>
Re: Bob Fenner Speaking Availability 4/24/12
Thanks for getting back to me. I'll touch base with you later and we'll see how
it goes.
<Real good. BobF>
Bob, MACNA 2/28/12
Hey Bob just wanted to shoot you a quick note about Dfwmas NEXTWAVE
this weekend. On
another note saw a billboard advertising a new shiner ale, and
made me think to send you this quick note to put up. Will
be plenty of shiner <A TX beer brand/manufacturer> ready to go at
macna this year!
<Thank goodness! And thank you Andrew. BobF>
MASNA speaks availability
Mr. Fenner,
<Hey Gasper>
I am contacting you as the representative for Bayou Reefkeeping
( <>
). We are a new member of MASNA and a relatively new reef club. We
serve primarily Louisiana as well as surrounding Gulf Coast
communities. Our membership is growing quickly and we are approaching
our 1-year anniversary. We've been having near-monthly gatherings
for the group covering basic things like frag swaps and socials but
also have been doing specific topic workshops (recently held acrylic
handling and fabrication workshop as my house). We are planning to do a
large gathering for our anniversary event and are targeting March 3,
2012 in Gonzales, Louisiana (about an hour from New Orleans).
<I see>
Currently we are looking into speakers through the MASNA speaks program
and you are one of our first selections. I assume that you are far more
familiar with this process than we are so I am wondering what we need
to do from here. I guess the first detail to determine is whether or
not you are available for the above date. I look forward to speaking
with you about this.
<Well, have looked at my calendar, and have little going on in 2012
period! What topics do you folks have in mind for presentations? Mmm,
perhaps easier to ask who else is to speak and on which subject/s?
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 11/18/11
Mr. Fenner,
<Just Bob please Gasper, if you don't feel uncomfortable w/
common appellations>
As I see it, you will be the only real speaker for this event. We may
have some of our more knowledgeable members give a small presentation
but I am not sure that will happen.
<I do encourage it>
This will likely be more of a social event (lots of good food and
<Oh! Very good>
a couple of vendors or hobbyists with frags for sale, and yourself
being the key portion of the evening. We envision something of a
general reefkeeping presentation that would be a benefit to new reefers
as well as
old salts.
<I see; and I do have several such presentations/pitches in my
repertoire... Livestock Selection (reef oriented or general), Disease
Avoidance, Foods/Feeding...>
Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?
<Sure; but are you sure, have you folks looked about to see if there
is someone a bit closer distance-wise? Am out in S. Cal. most of the
We are very much looking forward to putting on this event as we have
big plans for this club and this is the first real step into bringing
together a slightly larger scale event.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<BobF, pet-fish ichthyologist>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 11/18/11
Very good! We will look into recruiting a couple of our members to put
on some presentations. Livestock selection would be a great
presentation, especially if it provides a level of detail that is
interesting to all
skill levels.
<Indeed it does>
We have one member who is particularly adept at quarantine
methodologies and he could likely speak on that subject.
<A good tie-in>
I'm sure we can find a couple more as well. I'll run your
short-list of topics below by our club owners (myself and two other
guys) to see if they have a differing opinion but I believe that they
will be in agreement with me.
<Ah good. I have... many others>
How long is a typical presentation for you? I anticipate that
approximately 40-50 people will be in attendance.
<An hour or so, with questions>
We have been in contact with yourself and Julian Sprung. Mr. Sprung has
not responded yet and we are comfortable enough pursuing having you as
our MASNA speaker despite the travel distance. If you're
comfortable with it, we would love to have you. Air fare, hotel
arrangements, etc. should be easy enough to make once we decide that we
are going to move forward.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<Real good. Cheers, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 12/2/11
We have secured the location for the event and the date is now set as
Saturday March 3, 2011 <2012 I take it>.
Time is TBD but the festivities will likely begin around noon. I
believe that we are ready to move forward with formally booking you as
the main attraction/presenter for the event. Are you still
available and willing to commit to us for this event? If so, I
will go ahead with contacting MASNA and get the event put on their
Once I get approval from you, we can look into all of the travel
arrangements and requirements, preferred accommodations,
fee/honorarium, etc. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to ask.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<And you, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/27/12
<Hey Gasp>
I wanted to drop you a line quickly and let you know that we've
gotten confirmation from MASNA and are ready to begin booking
everything for your trip to our event. How do you typically
handle this? I assume that either you can book the flight and we
can reimburse you or we can take care of booking everything (flight and
hotel) and give you the itinerary
<Have been traveling so little, am about out of all FF mile
Better for you, the group to just schedule all... In the day ahead and
out the last day of is fine. I live in San Diego; Lindbergh Field is
the airport>
I am looking at flight information and it seems to be a bit of a mess
for the times that are available. Please let me know if you have
any travel preferences or restrictions.
<Nope and nah; oh wait! Do prefer the first ten rows, window>
Also, since the event is on a Saturday afternoon, would you like
to fly in on Friday or Saturday?
<Oh... Mmm, either is fine. Is there much to see, do? Anyone to take
around to fish stores for pix for instance?>
I assume that you would leave on Sunday regardless. If you
would like to look into flight information yourself, please use New
Orleans (MSY) airport as your destination. We are located about
45 minutes away from there.
Myself and possibly more of the club administrators will arrange for
meeting you at the airport whenever you arrive.
In the event that you would like to discuss this over the phone, please
feel free to call my cell. My number is 225-772-XXXX.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<Mine is 858 397 XXXX; Cheers, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/27/12
<Big G>
Thank you for the reply. I'll look into getting flights
booked for you then. My plan is to have you fly in on Friday and
return on Sunday. Are you available to begin traveling at any
time on Friday?
<Yes; earlier is better...>
I am looking at a flight out of San Diego at 3:05PM that would land in
New Orleans at 10:33 PM (damn time difference!) on United. There
is also another that leaves SD at 5:10PM and arrives in New Orleans at
12:12 AM.
This is likely to work better than you traveling all day on Saturday
then having to present immediately afterwards.
<Ah yes>
Return travel looks to be interesting. There seems to be limited
options for leaving New Orleans and they all seem to be around 7AM
landing in SD at 10:50AM (not a problem for me if it's okay with
<Is fine... though later getting up and returning is
There is also a flight option to leave at 5PM and land in SD at
9:50PM. Do you have any preferences?
<The latter>
Regardless of which you choose we will certainly be accommodating
in getting you around. We are all very excited to have you here
for our event.
<Ah good>
There is plenty to see and do and I will take you personally to any
fish stores in the area. We can see a couple in New Orleans and
in Baton Rouge.
I'm sure that some of our members would be willing to open
their homes for a visit as well although I do not want to overwhelm you
with excessive travel. There is also a great variety of quality
food to enjoy here in the South and again, I can assure you, several of
our members will likely want to share a meal with you.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<And you, B>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/27/12
<Hey Gasp>
I wanted to drop you a line quickly and let you know that we've
gotten confirmation from MASNA and are ready to begin booking
everything for your trip to our event. How do you typically
handle this? I assume that either you can book the flight and we
can reimburse you or we can take care of booking everything (flight and
hotel) and give you the itinerary
<Have been traveling so little, am about out of all FF mile
Better for you, the group to just schedule all... In the day ahead and
out the last day of is fine. I live in San Diego; Lindbergh Field is
the airport>
I am looking at flight information and it seems to be a bit of a mess
for the times that are available. Please let me know if you have
any travel preferences or restrictions.
<Nope and nah; oh wait! Do prefer the first ten rows, window>
Also, since the event is on a Saturday afternoon, would you like
to fly in on Friday or Saturday?
<Oh... Mmm, either is fine. Is there much to see, do? Anyone to take
around to fish stores for pix for instance?>
I assume that you would leave on Sunday regardless. If you
would like to look into flight information yourself, please use New
Orleans (MSY) airport as your destination. We are located about
45 minutes away from there.
Myself and possibly more of the club administrators will arrange for
meeting you at the airport whenever you arrive.
In the event that you would like to discuss this over the phone, please
feel free to call my cell. My number is 225-772-XXXX.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<Mine is 858 397 XXXX; Cheers, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/27/12
<Big G>
Thank you for the reply. I'll look into getting flights
booked for you then. My plan is to have you fly in on Friday and
return on Sunday. Are you available to begin traveling at any
time on Friday?
<Yes; earlier is better...>
I am looking at a flight out of San Diego at 3:05PM that would land in
New Orleans at 10:33 PM (damn time difference!) on United. There
is also another that leaves SD at 5:10PM and arrives in New Orleans at
12:12 AM.
This is likely to work better than you traveling all day on Saturday
then having to present immediately afterwards.
<Ah yes>
Return travel looks to be interesting. There seems to be limited
options for leaving New Orleans and they all seem to be around 7AM
landing in SD at 10:50AM (not a problem for me if it's okay with
<Is fine... though later getting up and returning is
There is also a flight option to leave at 5PM and land in SD at
9:50PM. Do you have any preferences?
<The latter>
Regardless of which you choose we will certainly be accommodating
in getting you around. We are all very excited to have you here
for our event.
<Ah good>
There is plenty to see and do and I will take you personally to any
fish stores in the area. We can see a couple in New Orleans and
in Baton Rouge.
I'm sure that some of our members would be willing to open
their homes for a visit as well although I do not want to overwhelm you
with excessive travel. There is also a great variety of quality
food to enjoy here in the South and again, I can assure you, several of
our members will likely want to share a meal with you.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<And you, B>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/30/12
I'm prepared to book your flight now. I will need your name
that is on your official photo ID and your date of birth.
<Robert Milton Fenner, 8/23/52>
As far as the flight arrangements, I'm looking to book flights that
leave SD on 3/2 (Friday) at 3:05PM and lands in NOLA at 10:33PM.
The departure flight will leave NOLA on Sunday (3/4) at 7:34PM and land
in SD at 11:53PM.
Please let me know if these arrangements are acceptable.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<And you, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/27/12
<Hey Gasp>
I wanted to drop you a line quickly and let you know that we've
gotten confirmation from MASNA and are ready to begin booking
everything for your trip to our event. How do you typically
handle this? I assume that either you can book the flight and we
can reimburse you or we can take care of booking everything (flight and
hotel) and give you the itinerary
<Have been traveling so little, am about out of all FF mile
Better for you, the group to just schedule all... In the day ahead and
out the last day of is fine. I live in San Diego; Lindbergh Field is
the airport>
I am looking at flight information and it seems to be a bit of a mess
for the times that are available. Please let me know if you have
any travel preferences or restrictions.
<Nope and nah; oh wait! Do prefer the first ten rows, window>
Also, since the event is on a Saturday afternoon, would you like
to fly in on Friday or Saturday?
<Oh... Mmm, either is fine. Is there much to see, do? Anyone to take
around to fish stores for pix for instance?>
I assume that you would leave on Sunday regardless. If you
would like to look into flight information yourself, please use New
Orleans (MSY) airport as your destination. We are located about
45 minutes away from there.
Myself and possibly more of the club administrators will arrange for
meeting you at the airport whenever you arrive.
In the event that you would like to discuss this over the phone, please
feel free to call my cell. My number is 225-772-XXXX.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<Mine is 858 397 XXXX; Cheers, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/27/12
<Big G>
Thank you for the reply. I'll look into getting flights
booked for you then. My plan is to have you fly in on Friday and
return on Sunday. Are you available to begin traveling at any
time on Friday?
<Yes; earlier is better...>
I am looking at a flight out of San Diego at 3:05PM that would land in
New Orleans at 10:33 PM (damn time difference!) on United. There
is also another that leaves SD at 5:10PM and arrives in New Orleans at
12:12 AM.
This is likely to work better than you traveling all day on Saturday
then having to present immediately afterwards.
<Ah yes>
Return travel looks to be interesting. There seems to be limited
options for leaving New Orleans and they all seem to be around 7AM
landing in SD at 10:50AM (not a problem for me if it's okay with
<Is fine... though later getting up and returning is
There is also a flight option to leave at 5PM and land in SD at
9:50PM. Do you have any preferences?
<The latter>
Regardless of which you choose we will certainly be accommodating
in getting you around. We are all very excited to have you here
for our event.
<Ah good>
There is plenty to see and do and I will take you personally to any
fish stores in the area. We can see a couple in New Orleans and
in Baton Rouge.
I'm sure that some of our members would be willing to open
their homes for a visit as well although I do not want to overwhelm you
with excessive travel. There is also a great variety of quality
food to enjoy here in the South and again, I can assure you, several of
our members will likely want to share a meal with you.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<And you, B>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/30/12
I'm prepared to book your flight now. I will need your name
that is on your official photo ID and your date of birth.
<Robert Milton Fenner, 8/23/52>
As far as the flight arrangements, I'm looking to book flights that
leave SD on 3/2 (Friday) at 3:05PM and lands in NOLA at 10:33PM.
The departure flight will leave NOLA on Sunday (3/4) at 7:34PM and land
in SD at 11:53PM.
Please let me know if these arrangements are acceptable.
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
<And you, BobF>
Re: MASNA speaks availability 1/30/12
Please see below for your flight itinerary.
<Looks fine>
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
We will have you set up in a hotel near the event and centrally located
to our three site administrators (aka club owners). I am
arranging some in-home visits with a few of our members as well (1 for
sure, 3 max), kind of a meet-and-greet with some quality tanks for you
to take pictures and enjoy.
Additionally, I would like to take you to the LFS in the Baton
Rouge area (2 likely, 3 max). They really aren't anything
special but each one is unique and worth the trip if you would like and
have the time.
<I thank you>
If there is anything in particular that you'd like to do,
please let me know. I don't want to overload you with lots of
activity but I don't want you to be bored either.
<Have never been bored>
Our cuisine down here is quite varied and there are some amazing places
to eat. Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences?
<Like most decapods am an opportunistic omnivore. Will eat most
anything; and do like domestically produced biers>
If there's something in particular that you like or would
like to try, please don't hesitate to ask. I will be your
personal guide for your trip and want to make sure that you go away
<Again, I thank you. BobF>
Gasper "JT" Migliore III, E.I.
Speaking to Bayou Reefkeeping
I understand you are talking to the Bayou Reefkeeping in Baton Rouge on
March 3rd. The MASNA Speaks program is helping bring the
them event.
MASNA is paying the 1st $300 of the travel & lodging.
Would you please add this slide to your program?
<Will do, BobF>
RMF off to Fiji
8/25-10/25 8/22/11
Am out as previously mentioned to help put up the Smith's new
collecting station in Labasa... Will be in Lautoka the first week or
so, where I know the internet to be reliable. The work will be
exhausting and
time-consuming, but am hopeful to be able to keep apace w/ WWM. I do
appreciate your extra help in responding. DO consider coming out to
visit during this time frame, diving, traveling about in Vanua.
Re: RMF off to Fiji 8/25-10/25
Have a good trip, Bob! Wish I could be with you, but alas, teacher
training will be filling up my autumn.
Cheers, Neale
<Am hopeful your time is coming up... and soon! B>
Re: RMF off to Fiji 8/25-10/25
Indeed. Am off to TMC tomorrow for a look-see. Should be fun. Would be
nicer if you or James were with me to explain what I'm looking
Cheers, Neale
<Ahh, you will understand and appreciate most all. My olde review
Hello to Paul West. B>
Re: Neale's visit to TMC 8/23/11
Had quite a few chats with Mike Barrett and I believe you will enjoy
your visit.
<Yes, just got back in fact. Fascinating place,
and I can see why Bob F. thinks so highly of this company. Very
impressed! Got to see some of the new LED products, including an
amazingly inexpensive unit for freshwater tanks that only costs maybe
50% more than the equivalent fluorescent unit.
Can see these being sold by the bucketful! Cheers,
Re: RMF off to Fiji
Is not exhausting drinking with Walt.
<... Hopefully you'll one day know!>
Have a good time,
<Cheers, B>
Re: RMF off to Fiji 8/25-10/25
Just out of curiosity, how long is the flight to Fiji from LA?
<Usually 10-11 hours... the tickets for this go state 10:40... 5525
Re: RMF off to Fiji
Wow, that's a long haul!
<Mmm, most all/everything is relative. To me this is a rather small
planet, and getting smaller. B>
MAX Meeting with Bob
Hi all;
<Hey Paul>
I hope you don't mind me using this address for a personal email to
<Not at all>
Bob -- My wife and I really enjoyed meeting and chatting with you and
Tiffany on Saturday after your talk (re. Kona diving and
Please do let us know if there are any hashing, beer, scuba or
aquarium-related events in your neck of the woods. Also, if you're
ever in south Orange County and need a beer or want to dive, let me
Paul Sardis
<I thank you for your kind words and offer. BobF>
Aquarist of the Year
Mr. Bob Fenner,
<Hey Norm!>
On behalf of the MASNA Board of Directors, I would
like to extend an invitation to you to be on the judging panel for this
year's MASNA Aquarist of the Year selection.
<Sounds good>
This year we would like the panel to consist of all past winners of
this prestigious award. We will be taking nominations form the
membership until 5-31-2011. (Please feel free to nominate any person
you feel deserving). I will forward the top 5 nominees to you for your
consideration from 6-1-2011 through 6-30-2011. The winner will be
announced at the Saturday night banquet at this year's MACNA in Des
Moines. Please consider this invitation and let me know if you can
participate. I would appreciate your decision for planning purposes by
<Am glad to help out>
Also, would you please indicate if you will be attending MACNA this
<Mmm, not signed up for... I generally only attend the hobbyist
venues that I'm giving presentations at.>
Thank you Sir,
Norman Davis
<Cheers! BobF>
MASNA Membership Director
Re: Question for Bob Fenner,
visit 3/14/11
<Hey Juan>
Hello sir! I wanted to give you another update on the science fair
The final 3 presentations will be seen by the public at our April
The cool thing about this meeting though is that, for the first time in
Colorado club HISTORY all three clubs will be joining forces to make
one AWESOME meeting!!!
<Ahh, good>
It will have speakers, demos, raffles, etc!! Here is the link -
Thank you for helping us by being an awesome special judge!!
Second thing. As I said above, we will be having speakers at this
event. We are just sending our "feelers" but we want to know
if you might be available on April 16th??
<Unfortunately, no. I have a commitment to speak in LA the day
If so, I see through MASNA speaks that you don't require a fee.
Would you be willing to stay at a fellow MASC members home? Also, would
there be anything else that we could do for you if we could bring you
Juan Muro
Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
<Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Cozumel... 2/28-3/7 -
2/9/11 -- 02/10/11
Howsit? Are you available, open to dive/adventuring to Coz on, w/in the
above dates? Am hauling down with four others, but have room to share
(travel partner crapped out). BobF
Re: Cozumel... 2/28-3/7
Wow Bob, I can't tell you how much I'd love to be there with
y'all. Unfortunately, I think the various doc's are counting on
my presence to pay for their assorted vacations and cars this year!
<Heeeee! I say "charge it"! It's the American
Maybe later on this year, we can all get together and have some
<I'd really like that>
In the meantime, take care and thanks for the offer,
<Thank you Lynn. B>
Re: Cozumel... 2/28-3/7
Sorry Bob, I will working on bringing the good people of San Diego
clean renewable power, and will not be able to take time off. Thank you
for the invite.
<What re the burning tires from Mexico? Cheers, B>
Re: Cozumel... 2/28-3/7
As long as the wind blows towards the south it looks clean to us.
<Ah, I see... I really do>
Re: Discus problems w/ breeding, & UNE
Fish Hlth Conf. 2011 1/12/11
Hi Guys,
<And gals Deb>
Thank you so much for your response to my original Discus breeding
questions. I took your suggestions and gave my mated pair their own
tank, more frequent water changes of about 40%, bringing the nitrates
to around 10ppm or so, keeping the pH more stable at around 6.8.
This pair has continued to spawn over and over again, with the babies
getting to the point of being free swimming and trying to get on to the
parents to feed.
It seems the parents ignore the babies and actually swim around too
fast for the babies to latch on to the parents to feed. I have even
tried to supplement the feedings for the fry by putting in newly
hatched brine shrimp or rotifers.
But the fry do not survive. I have thought of taking the fry right out
of the tank and just raise them like my angelfish, but I read that
there is an important element in what the parents produce in the slime
coat that is vital to the development of the babies. Is this true?
<Mmm, no; or shall I state, "not really". There are cases,
folks who commercially raise the young apart from their parents>
If not I'll just separate them from the parents. In the mean time I
have another that has paired off in the original tank. And they act the
same way as the pair I've been having problems with.
I'm beginning to wonder if the guy I bought the fish from
genetically designed them to not be able to successfully reproduce for
his benefit.
<I doubt this>
I don't dare call him and ask!!
<? I would>
Oh well, any further suggestions will be much appreciated.
Deb Cheney
P.S. Bob if you happen to be the one to get this email, just wanted to
let you know that my company N.E. Aquarium Services and University of
New England will be doing another fish health conference in August
<Ah yes. RickO has been in contact w/ me re>
We are starting to get a list of speakers lined up and would love to
have you again. Let me know what you think.
<Mmm, I'd like to help in determining topics, maybe suggesting
some other presenters of worth. Thank you for your efforts.
Bob Fenner>
IMAC West? 1/5/11
This FishChannel link lists it as going on this year, although the
place is TBD. Have you heard anything about this?
Scott V.
<I do not... I've tried to contact the head-honcho, number-one,
ichiban Frank Burr via phone, email... and in person at the MAX, MACNA
et al hobbyist shows... have heard from reliable sources that it's
his hope to resume the event this year (2011), having skipped 2010... I
do hope he's okay and the show will go on. Am cc'ing Frank
here. BobF
IMAC West?
Hi Bob,
Happy New Year! Hope you had a great holiday. Sorry haven't been on
WWM for a while; have had a lot going on the last few months (still do,
but have had a few more available moments here and there lately to
squeeze in some other things - like checking WWM!) I just happened to
be checking WWM and saw the message below that Scott sent you. I
actually have been periodically checking the IMAC website and have seen
the same message as Scott. I know that same message has been up there
since the summer. Based on everyone's reply last year, IMAC seems
like the most logical/popular event/location/time of year for a WWM
crew get-together. So if you do happen to hear back from Frank that
IMAC West IS going on in 2011, can you please let me and the rest of
the crew know? Thanks Bob!
<Will do so Sue. Good to hear from you and happy new year. BobF>
Re: IMAC West? 1/5/11
I'm almost positive that IMAC west is not going to be happening
again. There is always Reef-a-palooza in October.
<Thank you for this Jess. BobF>
I'm in San Diego for the
weekend - 10/22/10
Hi there Bob,
<Hey Rich>
We met last year at the CT (CMAC) conference. I'm the treasurer for
the CT Area Reef Society.
<Ah, I recall>
I have a wedding at Balboa Park on Saturday and free time on
<I see>
Can you recommend a few LFSs in the San Diego area that I could visit
<Yes... I'd make a bee-line for Aquatic Warehouse and
Octopus's Garden in the Kearny Mesa area... and if you have
time/interest, haul on down to the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla... or to
Fountain's Aquarium in La Mesa...>
Thanks in advance!!
-Rich Bouvier
<Wish I had more time, I'd take you myself. Do send along your
phone number if my time gets freed up I will. BobF>
Re: I'm in San Diego for the weekend
Thanks again for the suggestions.
I had about 2 hours to kill on Saturday and I was able to get to both
Octopus' Garden as well as Aquatic Warehouse - both were great
<Good staff at both for sure>
I'm always amazed and the prices in California being ever so
slightly lower than CT. I suppose it's one less plane ride for the
<Yes... and competition. The cost of doing business here is likely
higher than most places in CT>
Also, we were able to get to the Birch Aquarium as a family on Sunday -
very cool place - very kid friendly too.
<Yes; thank you for this input>
Thanks again and enjoy San Diego - it was a nice place to visit.
-Rich Bouvier
<I do hope our paths cross... above or underwater, soon!
Re: Question for Bob Fenner -
I greatly appreciate you helping MASC on this project!!! I will shoot
you another email once we figure out dates and details and such!!!
<Real good. Thank you for your efforts. BobF>
Vice President
Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 9/7/2010
I really would LOVE to come over and meet with you all, but I am
seriously restricted probably for the next year, money-wise as my wife
and I have just bought a new house and there are many projects to do
within (including a new reef system), and time-wise I have to
prioritise a trip to NZ to see my mother, as I have not seen her for
more than two years now :( Maybe this time next year I might be able to
plan something...
<Ah, understood>
On another note, if any of you find yourselves at a loose end in
Somerset feel free to drop me a line.. I live next to a couple of
nature reserves, there is plenty to do
, my wife cooks the best roast dinner in the world, and the local cider
is strong indeed!
<Thank you Simon. BobF>
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew get-together?
Thanks, Simon,
Sounds yummy!! I don't know about the rest of the crew, but I'm
Not sure what we're going to land up (ocean under?) doing just yet,
but hope you'll be able to join us in the future if this becomes an
annual tradition!
Hi everyone!
Just a follow-up on plans for a crew get-together -
First, thanks to all of you for your great ideas and feedback! I think
just about everyone on the crew has responded back at this point. In
looking over where everyone is from and all your responses, it seems
like most of the crew lives on the West Coast/California. Simon, Neale
and Marco are the farthest *east* (or, the *other* direction!), but
most likely won't be able to join us. Also, several people
mentioned combining a crew get-together with one of the larger fish
conferences, and also potentially with a diving trip. SueG
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 9/8/10
First of all, thanks Sue, for your efforts in getting all of us
Although I'd love to make it to Singapore, that's out of the
question. Meeting at one of the California conferences next year
is doable, however, and would actually be ideal for
Take care,
You're welcome, Lynn. I hope we get the chance to meet next spring!
I agree that tying a get-together around one of the CA conferences
seems to make the most amount of sense for the majority of the
Re Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 9/11/10
Thanks, Simon,
<It's a pleasure Sue>
Sounds yummy!! I don't know about the rest of the crew, but I'm
<The roasted potatoes are particularly marvelous>
Not sure what we're going to land up (ocean under?) doing just yet,
but hope you'll be able to join us in the future if this becomes an
annual tradition!
<Oh yes! for sure! And my wife has always wanted to go to
Sounds good, Simon. I hope I get the chance to meet you in the future -
and go to Singapore, too! -Sue
MACNA 9/7/2010
Hi Bob,
Hope you got home with all your clothes on. :-). Was wondering if you
got to chat with Ike Eigenbrode/Ecoxotic at MACNA.
<The three times I walked past the booth, the folks were so busy
already I didn't even stop to read their name tags. B>
Great to see you in M.E. --
Hello Bob.
<Hey William!>
It was a great pleasure to meet you at the symposium. I loved hearing
all the stories you have to tell and the knowledge you shared about the
industry, including the history of some companies as well as what
happened to some of my favorites. I am trying to get out to C.A. for
the coral farmers market in Sept. I appreciate your offer to stay at
your house and use a
car. I would enjoy seeing you in your element and picking your
Thanks again,
William Seddon
<Do keep me up to date re your plans, and do stay here, use one of
my vehicles if you'd like. I live in about middle San Diego (in
Mira Mesa)... can/will pick you up/return you to the airport if I'm
about! Cheers, BobF>
Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 8/21/10
Greetings Crew!
Bob and I just missed each other last weekend up in Maine, but the
subject of an 'annual crew get-together' came up. Bob asked if
I could follow up on this idea with all of you.
So, below is a little 'mini-poll' for each of you --
Would you like to do this, assuming we can decide on a good time of
year and place??
Do you have a preferred month or months/time of year that would be best
for you to travel?
Where would you like to have it? This is probably the toughest one,
since we're scattered all around. Possibly a couple of ideas might
be to combine a get together with either --
'¦ a dive trip (Bob mentioned Cozumel as a possibility);
'¦ one of the larger, more popular fish conferences (Bob
mentioned some of you in the past have gone to a couple of the ones in
CA such as IMAC West, MAX and Reefapalooza), or;
'¦ just a popular travel destination period!
Can each of you give this some thought/share your feedback with the
rest of the crew? With all the great benefits that this age of
technology has to offer, it still can't replace meeting in person
face to face! The only challenge is figuring out a way to pull it
Mmmm, I'm on a rocky ship right now and likely going nowhere in the
next year, but do thank you for the email, Sue.
Hi, Sue! This sounds like a great idea, and something I'd love to
do! As for when, any time that works for anyone else works for me,
especially after January. I'd rather do a conference than a dive
trip, since I don't dive, but understand that many of the crew
members are half-fish, so I am in the minority on that one. In any
case, I think this would be fun, and I hope we can come up with
something that's possible for everyone.
Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 8/22/10
Greetings Crew!
Bob and I just missed each other last weekend up in Maine, but the
subject of an "annual crew get-together" came up. Bob asked
if I could follow up on this idea with all of you.
So, below is a little "mini-poll" for each of you -
Would you like to do this, assuming we can decide on a good time of
year and place??
Do you have a preferred month or months/time of year that would be best
for you to travel?
Where would you like to have it? This is probably the toughest one,
since we're scattered all around. Possibly a couple of ideas might
be to combine a get together with either -
. a dive trip (Bob mentioned Cozumel as a possibility);
. one of the larger, more popular fish conferences (Bob mentioned some
of you in the past have gone to a couple of the ones in CA such as IMAC
West, MAX and Reefapalooza), or; . just a popular travel destination
Can each of you give this some thought/share your feedback with the
rest of the crew? With all the great benefits that this age of
technology has to offer, it still can't replace meeting in person
face to face! The only challenge is figuring out a way to pull it
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew get-together?
Hello Sue!
I personally love the idea, but do not envy you for taking on the
challenge of coordinating. For myself personally time of the year does
not really matter. Cozumel would be a great place to meet up,
reasonably priced and great diving. Crewmembers that don't dive
should consider jumping in!
Scott V.
Hi Scott, Thanks for your feedback! Will pass along to Bob. Actually,
though, no real coordination on my part - all I'm doing is just
*collecting* and passing along crew feedback to Bob right now!
We'll have to pass along our condolences to him if/when the time
comes! But I'll be happy to assist wherever I can. Hopefully, there
will be something we can do that will work out for everyone! Thanks
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew get-together?
Hiya Sue,
Sounds like fun to me... If we are only getting together for a few
days, a "conference" might make more sense. If it's a
longer get-together then maybe someplace where you don't need a
passport, as not all may want to go to the added expense/trouble for
one. My vote for location would be the Big Island of Hawai'i. You
wouldn't have to be a "diver" to have some fun; my wife
doesn't dive and has always found plenty to occupy her time there,
but the opportunity would be there for those who are--and it is an
excellent place to "learn to dive" (personal experience--and
can be done in three
days) if one is so inclined. Bob could likely say what the best time of
year for such would be, but in my limited experience Oct-Nov has proven
to provide excellent weather/diving conditions around the Kona
Depending on the number of folks going, we might even be able to pool
resources and rent a large condo or the like.
Hi Eric,
I agree with you about different plans for shorter vs. longer. I like
your idea about the *longer* option! I've been to Hawaii a couple
of times including the Big Island and loved it. Let's see what Bob,
everyone else has to say about this option.
Bob - your thoughts on the Big Island if it's a longer trip? And,
how about I collect some of the ideas we've gotten so far and send
out another email to the crew in a few days?
<I think it/this is fine... And Eric knows I greatly enjoy the Big
Island. I still have a property there... and need to get on over to do
some work on it... I may well move there for the "winter"
time here in San Diego>
Crew get-together
Thanks for replying, James. Sorry to hear you wouldn't be able to
join us this year. If it is something that lands up becoming an annual
tradition, though, hopefully you'll be able to make a future
Will look forward to it as long as I'm still above ground.
Crew get-together
Hi, Sue! This sounds like a great idea, and something I'd love to
do! As for when, any time that works for anyone else works for me,
especially after January. I'd rather do a conference than a dive
trip, since I don't dive, but understand that many of the crew
members are half-fish, so I am in the minority on that one. In any
case, I think this would be fun, and I hope we can come up with
something that's possible for everyone.
Hi Melinda!
Thanks for passing along your thoughts; will keep you posted!
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
It must be nice to have a property to *fix up* in Hawaii during the
*winter* out at San Diego!!
<Is better by far... to get away; have projects elsewhere>
BTW, Happy Birthday tomorrow! I trust you are/will be celebrating it
*in style* with the HHH?!
<Yes... my hash name
is Dogfish>
Hope you have a fun day!
<Ahh Sue! Thank you for brightening my day! It is indeed a pleasure
to meet/associate with someone positive, caring as yourself. I hope to
meet you... or some other women as yourself! someday. Cheers, Olde
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 8/24/10
> Greetings Crew!
<Hi Sue!>
> Bob and I just missed each other last weekend up in Maine, but the
subject of an 'annual crew get-together' came up. Bob asked if
I could follow up on this idea with all of you. So, below is a little
'mini-poll' for each of you --
> Would you like to do this, assuming we can decide on a good time
of year and place??
<Yes, of course>
Do you have a preferred month or months/time of year that would be best
> you to travel?
<No real preference for dates.. It is difficult for me to come to
the states... I have a mother in NZ and this takes up much of my
holiday allocation>
> Where would you like to have it?
<England! Although I know this is pretty unlikely>
> This is probably the toughest one, since we're scattered all
around. Possibly a couple of ideas might be to combine a get together
with either -- '¦ a dive trip (Bob mentioned Cozumel as a
<Yes! This I might be able to sell to my wife.. but I would like to
go to Indonesia, or the Red Sea>
'¦ one of the larger, more popular fish conferences (Bob
mentioned some of you in the past have gone to a couple of the ones in
CA such as IMAC West, MAX and Reefapalooza),
<I would love this... but the chances of getting it past bomber
command are practically zero>
or; '¦ just a popular travel destination period!
<The Red Sea IS good value for money from England.. I don't know
about elsewhere>
> Can each of you give this some thought/share your feedback with
the rest of the crew? With all the great benefits that this age of
technology has to offer, it still can't replace meeting in person
face to face!
<I agree>
> The only challenge is figuring out a way to pull it off!
<I find it difficult to persuade my friends who live in the same
town to go
on a camping trip, so if you manage this it will be an achievement
> -Sue
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
Hi Simon!
Well, I for one like England!! Very, very cool. I love the British
Museum. And Dorset is one of the nicest *ocean* spots I've ever
visited - or I guess also known as part of the English Riviera. Would
have no problem meeting up there! Will also pass your comments along to
Bob about Indonesia or the Red Sea.
And yes, the complexities of where we all live does certainly add
another dimension to the idea of getting us all together! We'll
have to see how/if we can accommodate everyone, or mostly everyone!
Thanks, Simon!
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? 8/24/10
Hi Bob,
<Hey Sue>
Some good feedback, ideas so far from everyone. Hope this isn't
going to make it too confusing for you to pick a spot! BTW - reading
all the replies, I noticed I forgot to put in the question asking
everyone where they live. Ooops - sorry, I guess they say memory is the
1st thing to go!
From everyone who's replied so far, it's mostly obvious. Maybe
I can send out a follow-up email asking everyone who hasn't replied
yet to also mention where they're from.
Cheers! Hope you're out having fun!
<Sort of. B>
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? -- 8/24/10
Hi Sue,
I just saw the postings today in the dailies about getting together and
realized that I hadn't responded to your email yet. Sorry about
that! I'd love to get together at one of the conferences next year
if that works for everyone else. Oh, and I'm located just north of
Seattle. Thanks for your efforts in getting the crew together!
Take care,
Hi Lynn/Crew,
No problem, Lynn, still waiting to hear back from a few others as
Anyone else want to offer his/her thoughts that hasn't already?
i.e., If, When, Where (see some ideas in 1st email below) for a crew
Oh, and I forgot to add this to my 1st email - Bob asked if all of you
could let us know approx. where you live (state or country)? This would
also help to try and figure out a spot that is (*relatively*?! - to
what, though, I don't know, hee hee!!) *centrally located*!
Dear Crew,
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
This sounds good at first glance. Most of you seem pretty nice ... from
a distance, at least. The problem is that, statistically, with a group
THIS large, there's bound to be at least one person who doesn't
agree with me on politics, religion or the need to quarantine new
arrivals for a full 6 weeks. Or worse ... an Amway sales person.
That said, Santa Barbara is nice this time of year. None of us live
there, so everyone would have to commute, the zoo has low admission and
a nice picnic area, too. On the other hand, it would be easy to bribe
the cops in Tijuana to forget about anything they witnessed when a
group of mutants this large all converged on a single place -- that may
come in hand for those of you with professional reputations to protect.
(Why am I the only one to think of these details until it's too
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
<Hello Darrel, or as I've come to think of you, "Lord of
the Turtles". :) >
This sounds good at first glance. Most of you seem pretty nice ... from
a distance, at least. The problem is that, statistically, with a group
THIS large, there's bound to be at least one person who doesn't
agree with me on politics, religion or the need to quarantine new
arrivals for a full 6 weeks. Or worse ... an Amway
sales person.
<I solemnly swear that I do not sell Amway, Avon, or Mary Kay.
I'm sure they're fine companies, but I do not work for them.
Oh, and I promise not to broach above said "hot" topics.
I've had my hair singed a few times in those discussions so I tend
to avoid them in favor of a nice beer or margarita
That said, Santa Barbara is nice this time of year. None of us
live there, so everyone would have to commute, the zoo has low
admission and a nice picnic area, too.
<Sounds nice. Too bad there aren't any fish conferences in
Bermuda. We could meet our friends midway across the pond (sort
On the other hand, it would be easy to bribe the cops in Tijuana to
forget about anything they witnessed when a group of mutants this large
all converged on a single place
<Hahaaaa! A scary thought indeed! They'd probably end
up paying *us* to leave!>
-- that may come in hand for those of you with professional
reputations to protect. (Why am I the only one to think of these
details until it's too late?)
<Probably because someone brought up religion, politics,
or quarantine procedures! :) Take care, Lynn>
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew get-together? --
I may be partial to my home state but I vote New Orleans. Its not as
reputation safe as Tijuana but the jails are much nicer!! Lots of
things to do including visiting the aquarium. Adam
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
Hello everybody,
I'm quite busy this year, so for me it would be good if you just
let me know when and where on this planet (England, Caribbean, Hawaii,
Atlantis...) you meet, and I'll try my best to come. Heck, I even
missed Bob at the Interzoo due to my project schedule. I have no
preferred times or locations, it's my various projects, often
construction sites for geothermal heating systems, which keep me from
planning ahead a lot. When there is free time, I'll get someone to
feed the morays and come, but don't count on me in this specific
point. As a side note, I'm not selling Amway nor do I follow any
religion. My political view is green where appropriate, although I
dislike the green party (and any other party) and I have a 85 gallon
quarantine tank, which is about 28 years old.
Hi Marco,
Thank you for your input. As you mention, the challenge is not only
where, but when! I was joking myself below when I said I was ready to
pack up and leave. As much as I'd like to, in truth for me
personally, like you, I likely won't be able to go anywhere until
after the 1st of the year. It's not that I couldn't at all at
anytime; just that in general, I tend to have
more conflicts between September and the end of the year. But,
hopefully in the end, there will be a time that will work for at least
mostly everyone!
As far as planning ahead, we're probably going to have to have at
least some of that, though (i.e. making whatever reservations are
needed, getting a group discount on a block of rooms) for anyone (or
all!) who will have to travel in from longer distances out of state,
country, etc.
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
get-together? -- 08/25/10
Bob -- or anyone else: Do you know of any major 'draw' on the
East Coast, Caribbean in terms of popular fish conferences or dives?
<<There are annual Cichlid, Livebearer et al. hobby conferences
that mainly take place on the east coast... and all sorts of diving
opportunities... Mainly down Florida and further south ways... Some can
be very exclusive activity wise (e.g. Blackbeard Cruises)...
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
Sounds like this might be an interesting option to consider/pursue
further, Bob. I often seen lots of very good deals (price-wise)
advertised down there; another plus.
Do you have any personal favorite places, dive sites in Florida/the
Keys/Eastern Caribbean islands that might also offer a range of
activities, be fun for our general group?
Neale, Simon - any input you'd like to provide on this option?
Would the Eastern Caribbean be more doable for you than something
further west, make it more likely you'd join us?
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
I'm likely to be Calif. the first week of January, speaking at
COAST. If there are folks around, I'd love to see them then.
Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to include me out of any
plans for WWM get-togethers.
Cheers, Neale
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew
I'm similarly restricted, though not so
much geographically as by the fact that I have a job that's not so
easy to take time off from and the fact that I'll have a human
infant in tow after October. But if at all possible, I'd love to
try to get out to a WWM get together (or any pet fish event/activity
for that matter).
Head Count: Diving in FL, post MACNA...
come out w/ us 6/28/10
Hi Bob,
<Hey Mike>
Do we have a good head count for the dive trip after MACNA?
<I do not... will cc Jess here... we need to get this finalized...
to figure out dates, transport, stay... changing my air tkts!>
I know for certain:
Scott V
<Really? Great!>
Myself (Perhaps +1 or +2)
<Who else? Come forward!>
Looking at packages in Boynton and Key Largo.
<Thanks much Mike. BobF>
Michael Van Bibber
Re: Thoughts, ideas for an annual crew get-together? FLA/MACNA --
Scott and I generally go to most of the big conferences and are always
interested in a dive trip. Who's going to MACNA and who's
diving afterwards? Let's get out and have some fun!!!!
<Mich, looks like this is a non-starter this year. I do think I
should have done as previous... just made the van, stay and dive svc.
reservations and seen if anyone else would just join in/on.
Bob Fenner about IMAC West
Hi Bob,
<Hey C.J.!>
I've been trying to reach Frank Burr without any success. I see the
IMAC West website has not been updated much about the 2010 conference.
Not wanting to cause any alarm, I just wonder if the show will go on
and would like to hear from him if I'm doing the a/v this year like
Frank and I discussed after the 2009 conference.
Know anything?
<I do know that I too have been concerned... On not seeing Frank
about, particularly at the last MAX event, and asking people there re
him and IMAC West, I emailed Frank, got no resp... then phoned him and
also... nada!
This is very strange behavior... I contacted Jake Adams, who is one of
the other three folks in the "four reef" group... He also was
dubious re whether the show will go on... This being stated, the ads
for it continue to show (witness the last ish of TFH mag.)... Am
cc'ing Frank here re. I do hope to see you about... maybe MACNA?
Thanks very much,
C.J. Scheppers
re: for Bob Fenner about IMAC West 6/13/10
Hi Bob,
I spoke to someone at IMAC West who was from the MACNA Orlando group
but he dropped out of sight, emails bounced, etc. I sent emails to the
Orlando club throughout the year but no response. I tried again lately
and they responded they have already booked another company.
But they did pass my contact info to the Iowa group who will do MACNA
in 2011. Iowa is just up the road from me. There was a sea in Iowa but
that was a long time ago.
<Ah, good to be around now>
Thirty-two presenters for MACNA Orlando, that's a lot! Three
presentation rooms and a separate banquet room, too. I've done
three rooms but not four yet. 'Sorry to miss all of the regulars
they are hosting.
<And sorry to miss you>
I've been busy throughout the winter and spring so I just got
around to (attempting to) contact Frank. I hope everyone is well.
Several other shows have cancelled on me this year so it's getting
to be a trend!
<The economy is shot... too many civil servants/too much gov't,
too many invaded countries... B>
MACNA, diving... after I guess
Crew, howsit? Am wondering if you'd like to haul out/stay S. of
Orlando after MACNA (unless JoshuaS isn't, can't come w/ us, in
which case we can plan on going before if folks would like) doing a bit
of dive/travel/adventuring... akin to what a few of us did last year in
adv. of the ORCA conf.... WWM is willing, able to underwrite half the
cost of staying and diving, likely transport to/from... We can try out
the Boynton Beach area/thereabouts or get back on down to E. of
Pennekamp in the Keys, or...? If you know of other folk/s that'd
like to come on out w/ us, please
do send this note along.
And if you're not currently scuba-certified, do please consider
stepping up to the plate...
Sept. 3-5 there... a day ahead (Thurs.) for speakers...
What say you?
Roatan Trip, Diving... interested?
<Hey Joshua>
I am going to be in Roatan from May 9th to 16th for a class. I am
planning to stay from 16th to the 23rd for more diving by myself. Would
anyone like to meet me out there for some diving. I found hotel rooms
across from the beach on the west side of the Island for $60 a night
since it is off season, and would love a dive buddy or two. Please let
me know as soon as you can if you are available and how definite you
are so I can book my return flight.
Joshua Solomon
<A bargain and a good time for sure. Unfortunately I'll be at
Interzoo and back in San Diego helping with the annual Red Dress Run
during this time.
Will send to others in the Crew. BobF>
Re: WWM.Info site upcoming features, And
MACNA co-travel dive et al. adventure planning --
I've added a couple of pretty neat features to Including
a who's on that shows a world map of all the visitors location and
a page peal that showcases CA MAG.
I may have a podcast lined up as well.
I'm also starting my open water dive course May 1st so let me know
what the schedule is for MACNA.
<Great news>
Just need to know what days to take of from work.
<Am asking the WWM Crew and others to chime in here... who's
interested? What days do they want to commit? Before/after MACNA...
Dizzyworld et al. possibly as well. BobF>
Re: MACNA co-travel dive et al. adventure
Very Interested.
<Ah, good>
Since I live real close, I am open for whatever works best for those
coming from out of state.
<Let's see who comes forward Mike... do keep your gear ready.
To our Valued MAX Speakers, upcoming hobby
conference and retail show in OC, CA
Hi Guys,
Well, the MAX event is coming up in just a couple weeks (yeeesh, I
know!) so I just wanted to throw out a quick e-mail to thank all six of
you for your support and participation in the Marine Aquarium Expo and
to make sure you are all taken good care of in regards to anything you
need for your lecture.
We will of course have a podium, PA, screen, projector, etc. all
installed in the speaker's room ready for you. Please indicate if
you are bringing your own laptop to use or if you wish to use ours with
your flashdrive / PowerPoint presentation.
You are each allocated 1-1/2 hours for your lecture, so most cases the
lecture is about an hour long and the last half hour dedicated to a
Q&A session. you may of course tailor this according to what works
for you.
I wanted to let you all know that (thanks to a suggestion by Mr. Bob
Fenner) we now have a 20'x10' booth immediately adjacent to the
entrance to the speaker's room dedicated for YOU. It is a
"Speaker's Lounge" of sorts where you may meet/greet
attendees before and after your lecture and anything else you wish to
do with it. Please feel free to use this space for whatever you wish,
such as displaying pamphlets, supplying books/CD for sale, signing
autographs, or just plain "shooting the breeze" with people
before your talk.
The Speakers Lounge will be fully pipe-and-draped, carpeted, and with
two large round tables/tablecloths and a dozen or so chairs. You can
see this on our floor plan at the MAX website if curious.
Please let me know if you have any questions or requests of us and
I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. If not, we'll
see you in a couple of weeks!
Kevin T. Adams, MBA
President and CEO
Thanks Kev. See you soon! BobF, sans the "Mr."
Bob Fenner contact for Tahiti conference
Ia orana (hello) ,
I would like to contact Bob in order to be able to invite him as a
speaker to Tahiti Aquaculture conference which will take place at the
end of this year.
He can contact me directly by my private address.
Maururu (thanks)
Benoit T
<Hey Benoit! My personal email addy is
Is there a website/URL, set of topics, subjects the group/you're
looking for?
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Vai Consulting
Tahiti Eco Clams
SDAPF President
BP 14265 ARUE
98701 TAHITI
French Polynesia
Gsm : +689 777677
Bath Half Marathon. SimonT hoofs it for the
Marine Conservation Society 2/16/10
Hello all! I'm running the Bath half marathon on Sunday March the
7th and raising money for the Marine Conservation Society. I would
*really*appreciate your support. It's easy to donate online by
credit or debit card
- just go to my JustGiving page:
JustGiving sends your donation straight to Marine Conservation Society
and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you're a UK taxpayer, so
your donation is worth even more. I hope you'll join me in
supporting the Marine Conservation Society.
Ok that's the spammed message over with! If anyone is able to help
me with this it would me quite marvelous!
Thank you everyone,
<Will post, share. BobF>
Come to MACNA 2010 and Win SeaWorld
Tickets! 2/4/2010
September 3 - 5, 2010
Register before February 15, 2010 and be entered to WIN TWO TICKETS TO
Register at
Event Highlights
Open Bar and Dinner Buffet Reception
Orlando World Center Marriott
ONLY $99/night
Rate good from August 28th to September 11, 2010....
Make it a family vacation! More....
MACNA (Marine Aquarium Conference of North America) is the Largest
Marine Aquarium Conference in the USA and Canada.
Enjoy three days browsing over more than 100 industry vendors,
listening to seminars by your favorite authors in the saltwater hobby,
in multiple hands-on demonstrations and enjoy two special dinner
Seminars * Workshops * Manufacturers* Distributors* Authors and Much
More More....
Plea to Aquarium Clubs in Warmer States,
SaraM pitches offer 2/2/2010
I'd like to put out this cry for help to any and all aquarium clubs
in warmer states. I need to get out of Cleveland, OH before I freeze my
fins off. So if anyone is looking for a presenter/speaker, etc. please
do consider inviting me out. I'm a good presenter, I swear. And
I'll talk about anything you want to hear about! Anything from DSBs
to coral pests to aquarium product name it. Shoot,
I'll even offer a demonstration on how to retrieve an o-ring from
the bottom of a protein skimmer using just a Lifesaver and a pair of
chopsticks... or the trick to using an angled MH fixture and an outlet
timer to get your kids up for school in the morning... or 101 great
uses for airline tubing you never thought of? 10 reasons not to
hatch brine shrimp in the bathroom sink? I'm quite flexible here,
Sara M.
<Will post... You're welcome to sojourn out to S. Cal.
anytime... But sooner would def. be best! BobF>
Re: Kordon Breather Bags
Thanks Bob,
Will you be a reef-a-pa-looza this year coming up? If so, I would love
to meet you. Let me know.
<Mmm, yes, I believe so. Have presented at all to date. See you
Re: Kordon Breather Bags, Coll.
One last question I promise...
What do you recommended as a holding tank/bag when these fish are
<A floating bait receiver, as pictured where you were previously
As I said, I will be diving. A Bait bag or some kind of trap?
Interzoo/Egypt May 2010, come out with
us? 1/17/10
Hey Bob!
<Hello Robert!>
Last we touched base by email (which I cannot find now!), you sounded a
little down....I hope things are working out for you!
<Not quite yet, sad to report... But am doing my best, and hope to
have at least resolution for some major sources of trouble soon>
<<Good to hear Bob, if there is any way I can help, let me
<Your earnest friendship is what I really need, thank you
<<That you have!!>>
I was wondering if you had set any dates for traveling to/from the
Interzoo and if the Egypt trip is still likely to happen......
<I have not, but am VERY glad you are bringing this up now. We
should set time frames, find out who is going, make reservations et al.
Are you wanting to go ahead of IZOO? This is our usual practice... for
a week? What specific days do you have in mind...
<< I can make whatever dates are best, but afterwards would be
better for me. My wife and I chair a big event on May 1st and 2nd,
which means I am off most of the week before, and Monday May 3rd. To
leave that week would mean that I would essentially be gone 3 weeks
straight....not impossible (thanks to a great staff!), but I would
prefer the week after Interzoo. If the previous week is the norm, and
others are already counting on that, I can certainly make it happen- I
have been looking forward to it for a long time!!>>
<The plans are definitely not "laid in stone"... and we
have "gone after" IZOO at times... is still a blast. Can be
arranged this go around>
<<OK. In the meantime I will book the Nurnberg hotel....the event
is the 13th through the 16th....Shall I book the room for the 2 of us
coming in the 12th, and leaving the 17th?>>
<Yes. And... do see if there's room "at the inn" for
others, should they surface... Or even, if you don't mind, a charge
for a roll-a-bed if just one more person pops up>
and do you know of other folks who'd like to go?>
<<The only people I talked to about it were Michelle and Linda,
knowing they went last year, don't know if they might like to go
<I am cc'ing them here, and will ask the broader WWM Crew if
they have interest>
<<Great, would be fun to have a group!>>
<Much more so>
and if so, the dates for that..... Airfares have been crazy lately, so
I would like to plan before too long. I haven't looked at hotels in
Nurnberg for a while, but they didn't seem too bad around Xmas.
<There's not much to be had as far as I've been able to
find... Do you want to share a suite?>
<<I will look, and sure we can share at these prices!>>
<Thank goodness... Was the most expensive stay I've ever had two
years back. Thanks to Pablo Tepoot for paying for most of the hotel
<<Seems not too bad compared to what I have heard in the past on for the nights above ($200-250). I was with the Sera crew
the entire time, so never saw much of Nurnberg last trip- If I book any
hotel there, is it fairly safe we will be close to the event? I do plan
on renting a car>>
<There is much to see and do thereabouts... If you'd like,
let's plan on a day away from the show... to view the Big L
castles, take in the Bodenzee area, maybe hoof it up to the Wilhelma
Aq. and Stuttgart castle, univ.... BobF>
All the best,
<And you my friend, BobF>
<And again, BobF>
Robert A. Bray
House of Fins
99 & 209 Bruce Park Avenue
Greenwich, Ct 06830
Re: Interzoo/Egypt
Wow, this would be a great trip. Please keep me in the loop and
I'll start saving money.
<Will do Miguel. Would be great to have you out on this run again.
CTARS Conference -- 01/17/10
<Hello Ann>
I have been asked to help you out with any travel or accommodation
needs you may have for your upcoming speaking engagement at the CTARS
conference. Your accommodations for Saturday night have already been
made, let me know if you wish to stay any additional nights.
<The conf. is still on the 25th I take it. I'd like to stay that
night, return the 26th in the afternoon if there is a possibility of
getting out to see stores, perhaps some of the clubs members systems,
other sites of interest (botanical, zoological...) with someone, others
Also, please feel free to make your own air travel arrangements or if
you prefer I am happy to assist with this.
<I will take a look/see>
Please let me know how I make your travels smooth and comfortable. I am
looking forward to working with you.
<Thank you; much appreciated. Bob Fenner>
Warm regards,
Ann Heath
Conference In Connecticut
It was good to see you at House of Fins a while back.
<A hoot and a good time, as usual>
I am following up on this, you had asked to check back toward the end
of the year. We had to move the conference back a week - to April 25,
Do you think you can make this? I want to get the word out.
<I can and will. Is there a theme Jeff? What are the presentations
(note, I'm changing from the possibly derogatory
"pitches" label) of others going to be? What subject would
you like to have me talk re?
Bob Fenner>
Conference In Connecticut
We have a couple of new speakers. Chris Clough (AquaIllumination) is
talking on LED lighting. Vince Rado is a Marine Biologist and he will
be talking about his 40 yrs of experience of propagating fish and
Sanjay Joshi is doing lighting talk.
What talks haven't you done in a while?
<Mmm, variations on "Sources of Mortality on the Worlds
I have been trying to drive the members to being conscious of the
environment. We hold recycling days - where members bring us their
halide bulbs, T5's, VHO's, PC and even their compact
fluorescents. I get them recycled.
Also, I have asked Ann to help out. We ended up with 20 vendors
and I want everyone to have a good time so she will be coordinating all
the travel, dinners, etc for the speakers. We don't want to have
what happened to the speakers at Reef-A-Palooza.
<Mmm, was a good time. BobF>
Diving the Red Sea + Interzoo 2010
Hi Team,
I'm trying to gauge interest in a trip to Egypt and Germany for
diving/Interzoo in May 2010. I'll be interested in seeing some of
the sites in Egypt before heading over to the dive site (Sharm
El-Sheikh I assume) and onto Interzoo from there. After Interzoo
I'll probably be taking some time to travel around Germany via
train shooting photography, if anyone would like to join in that
you're more than welcome to tag along. So speak up and lets get an
itn formed.
Re: Diving the Red Sea + Interzoo
2010 10/29/09
If business allows I'd like to join the crew at the Interzoo.
Travelling through Germany by train, however, is not my cup of tea.
Cheers, Marco.
<I will start a folder for our IZOO corr for 2010... Of course you
can fly from Stuttgart to Nurnberg/Nuremberg... Am hoping we can get
my/our old accommodations back at the Romantik in "Olde
Town"... would you be able, willing to chat im Deutschen with the
folks there for this period? BobF>
Re: Diving the Red Sea + Interzoo 2010,
Walt... Romantik space? 10/29/09
I sure wish Todd and I could go, but we'll be visiting friends and
family in Texas at that time. I've never traveled more than about
an hour on a train in Germany (in and out of Munich), but it wasn't
bad at all. It's
nice to be able to see the countryside, albeit at a pretty fast
<Ah yes. FYI, JessicaT intends to stay a while and tour Germany...
hopefully she will get out and about on foot quite a bit... there are
many gorgeous areas>
One thing you can always be sure of is that the German trains run on
time! If the schedule says your train arrives at 12:32, you don't
want to get on the one that arrives at 12:28! I have to admit that
I've been on
some several-hour train trips here in the states that weren't
exactly comfortable (or on time). I always felt like I should have lost
an inch in height afterwards from having my bones rattled around so
much. Hey, maybe that's why I'm only 5'4"! No more
domestic train travel for me!
Y'all take care,
<See you, BobF>
Re: Diving the Red Sea + Interzoo 2010,
Walt... Romantik space? 10/29/09
Do wish I could come as well. Quite ironic, really...I'll be in
Hamburg this December...just a tad late. Maybe next year. I do hope it
will be a fantastic trip.
-Will N.
<The Interzoo is every other year, intermittent with the Aquarama
show in Singapore (also in May)... Are you scuba certified Will?
Re: Diving the Red Sea + Interzoo 2010,
Walt... Romantik space? 11/6/09
I'm hoping to share space/room costs with whomever travels.
Hopefully someone else is looking to be efficient with costs as well
<Marco is looking about. WWM will subsidize all to a degree...
Depending on how many, costs... B>
MACNA XXI, dinner get tog.
Howdy, am wondering how many WWM types will be at the upcoming conf..
If interested, I'd like to get tog. for dinner, drinks, Mmmm,
Friday eve likely. What say you? BobF
I "was" planning to be there, but circumstances have changed
and I now won't be able to attend. Do enjoy! I'll miss seeing
you all... Oh, and Bob...Happy (belated) Birthday!
<Ahh, will miss you. Thank you Eric (and Karen!).
Heya Bob!
<Hi Brian>
Hope all is well with you. This summer has been quite busy here at
Ocean Gallery. Our business has been up consistently over last
<Great news>
Looking forward to seeing you at MACNA this year. Make sure you stop by
our booth.
An old acquaintance will be there. If you haven't heard, I've
invited the gang at C-Quest, Bill Addison and his daughter Katy, to
display their farm raised marine fish. As you know Bill has been
raising marine fish for
some 30 years.
<Ah yes>
C-Quest was severely damaged several years ago by a hurricane,
<More than once...>
but they are still up and running. I thought it would be good to have
them display their fish at MACNA to people know that they are alive and
well and still very much in business.
Bill hasn't been to a MACNA since Louisville and he's rather
excited about being there this year. Over the last 4 years they have
been working on breeding an all white ocellaris that was released for
sale this year. It's called the "Wyoming White" and is a
spectacular looking fish. Here's a link to a picture that you are
more than welcome to post,
I'll see you at MACNA. Take care!!
Brian K. Griffin
Ocean Gallery II
<See you then, there. BobF>
Re: MACNA XXI, dinner get tog.
As much as I appreciate the invitation, MACNA is simply on the wrong
After spending much of the last 24 years in the travel business, where
rooms and flights were usually comp'd it literally was cheaper to
travel to Boston to have a meeting than to conference call ..... so in
my retirement,
my idea of fun is to sit at home behind closed gates and throw rocks at
anyone who comes up my driveway. I have a few clients left, including
one on Kalakaua Blvd in Waikiki and it's funny that you get
absolutely no
commiseration when you complain to someone that you can't get your
pond cleaned this week because you have to go to Hawaii.
Anyway .... Santa Monica to the north, Long Beach to the south and
I'm there.
MAYBE San Diego if it's a nice day for a motorcycle ride and
there's a couple beers involved.
The rest of you -- have fun
<Hawaii is most often a possibility. Do you dive, as in SCUBA?
Howdy, howsit, how're ya?
Crew, the connection here (Bon) is so slow it's painful... and
what's worse? Having to write and re-read my own terse replies...
Could you find it in your hearts ("that's my love and my life,
but that's not my truck..." twang) to answer a few?
Danke, BobF
Re: Howdy, howsit, how're ya?
Workin it.
How is Bon?
<Very bon! No wetsuit it's so warm, water not as clear as other
times, but still 60-80' at least, too much Cyan-oh! But not
crowded; though more expensive, many anti-American ideology European
types (don't blame them)...>
Greetings from Indiana....
Yes.... Indiana....
<Man, you get around... to some places... yeah... Indiana. D'oh!
Thanks Bob for Making MCMAC so much fun.
I just wanted to thank Mister California for making MCMAC 2009 so much
fun. You are still my Idol. I hope you enjoyed your stay and hope to
see you again in Washington State soon. You are a great Leader and a
inspiration to many in this Hobby and Industry.
God Bless Ya Bob!
I hope you never Change!
Ed and Stacie Hahn
<Thanks much Ed and Stacie. See you about! BobF>
For Bob
Drew here. Just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know I am
looking forward to some cold beverages on the beach and some great
weather down here in Texas this weekend and a great Talk by yourself.
See you Friday!
Drew Lawing
<Thanks Drew. Me too! BobF, up in WA visiting with other petfish
Conference In Connecticut
We are putting together our 2010 Conference. Many people lately have
said they found your book "Conscientious Marine Aquarist"
very useful
I figured I would check to see if you are interested and available to
come out.
The first year we help this, we sold out (120 people). This year we
went with a bigger venue (we had Anthony Calfo & Steven Pro) and we
had close to 275 reef keepers there (not including the 25 or so no
shows). Next year, we probably will be a bit bigger.
The date is April 18, 2010 and it is held at The Mohegan Sun
<Not the last I trust>
We usually have the speakers come in the day before and we show them
around and have a nice dinner (this year was warm enough we had a
<I'll sing for good BBQ!>
We get people from all over New England to come. From Maine, to New
Hampshire, Boston, Manhattan and Linda Close comes down with many of
her members from Hudson Valley.
I look forward to hearing back and hope you can make it out.
Jeff Myjak
Connecticut Area Reef Society (
<Let's revisit toward the end of the year; but I'll gladly
give a pitch in CT. Bob Fenner>
California Visit -- 06/12/09
Natalie and I are heading out to LA in July/August for our first
We are going to be arriving July 23rd, and staying until August 3rd.
Other than the IMAC is there anything hobby related going on during
that time?
<Mmm, not as far as I'm aware... however, it might be of high
interest for you to visit some of the "LA wholesalers" when
in town... head on down to San Diego for a day or three... to see/visit
the Birch Aquarium at SIO, Pt. Loma tidepools, perhaps the three better
LFS down here. Please consider
staying at the house here (have a spare bedroom)... I'm out to
visit with fishy friends in TX 7/24-26, but will gladly show/go about
with you any other time>
We are trying to make plans with family and figure out our schedule as
best we can before we head out there.
<Sounds good>
I'll be looking forward to running into you all Californians again
during the trip.
Josh Solomon
<And am sure you'll meet ScottV and F, SaraM... and others
during... Bob Fenner>
Re: Cycloseris Acanthocauli
"culture" 05/24/09
Thanks, as always, for what I am certain is excellent advice.
I have recently been elected Program Chair for Cleveland Saltwater
Enthusiasts Association (C-SEA).? You gave a talk to our club a number
of years age, and I was wondering if you still are willing to come and
give a talk in the cultural center of the universe, CLEVELAND,
<Oh! There are some five folks from your fine State here visiting in
Sulawesi... diving at KBR right now>
If you are willing, can you let me know approximate costs (travel,
honorarium, etc.)? Sorry to have to ask, but like most clubs we have a
limited budget and I do not want to insult you but wish to make this a
good experience both for the club and our speakers.
<I don't charge a stipend, but ask that clubs cover my hard
expenses/travel, parking... Do send along what dates you have
available... am done with 09... but 10 is around the corner. Bob
Thanks Bob for your willingness to consider us.
Marine Aquarium Conference (MACNA XXI)
September 25-27 5/15/09
Having trouble viewing this email?
Click here
<Mmm, nope! Bob Fenner>
The Saltwater Aquarium
Conference for the Hobbyist
May 2009
Hi Bob from Walt, Fiji
Hi Bob,
<Walt! How are things!? Have been following the dictatorship news re
FJ and wondering how you're getting on>
I was wondering if you had a chance to decide on a trip down here
(Fiji) while Deb and I are still here. Deb is here till June and myself
maybe September. I know we talked about this last time we spoke.
<Is there time... do you want to "do" a live aboard"
Also, (what really brought me to this email) I have been looking all
over the web for a site that list bad debtors or deadbeats in this
business. I do recall a few years ago seeing such a site but my Google
searches only keep bringing me to different conversations you have had
on WMM.
<I only have some disjointed anecdotes... I DO wish there was such a
site though>
I have some pretty bad boys out there who have just ripped me off and
my good nature allowed this to happen so I have nobody to blame but
myself. However, if I can find such a site then I can add their name
and perhaps stop this from happening to anyone else.
<You know... please send along such emails to me... and I will
accumulate them on WWM>
It might also work as a pretty good threat to least get some portion of
my payments.
If you can help please let me know.
But more importantly come on down for some fabulous dive. Chris has
discovered some reefs that have got excited all over again after all
these years.
All the best to you,
<And you my friend. BobF>
Re: Hi Bob from Walt 4/20/2009
Hi Bob,
We are getting along great. The news is not as bad as the rest of the
world makes it sound.
<Ahh! Very good>
I was on the fence about our new leader wishing and hoping he had the
right agenda and I really believe that his heart is in the right place
trying to get rid of corruption and make things equal for all. He
believes that if he holds off elections till 2014 then some of the old
boys will finally loose their grip and we can only then start a true
democracy ... hope he is right.
<Me too>
I am forwarding an article that was written by a native Fijian living
in Australia and I think his slant is the best explanation I have seen
so far ... have a read.
<Will do>
A live aboard sounds great to us but Deb leaves first week of June ...
can you make.
<Can I make? As in what time frame?>
What vessel do you have in mind or know about.
<I have never been on one there, but have heard good things re the
Nai'a and Aggressor... What about you?>
We have never done a live aboard and would love our first one to be
with you, what a hoot!
<I do agree wholeheartedly... and think the experience would be
eye-opening for you there... A bit pricey, but a great experience.
Please make it known which outfit/s might fit, and I'll try to put
my side of the trip together here. BobF>
tell me more,
Re: Hi Bob from Walt, Deb now
Hey bob
We are the way to Tonga now....who would all come to Fiji??
<Don't know as yet Deb... Hi there. Di is out... looking for a
job... I'd like to bring another dive buddy/partner just in case
Walt's too busy to make it on out to the water, or under it.
Cheers, BobF>
Re: Interest in a trip out to Fiji?
These may be of interest to you.
Sounds like a dream to me, but the cost is a little too rich for my
blood. I'd probably never want to go back home. Now,
when am I going to win the lotto....when pigs fly.
<<Mmm, maybe not... James, are you scuba certified?
Re: Interest in a trip out to Fiji?
No, I do not even have a pair of water wings. Closest I came to scuba
diving was going down to the bottom of my swimming pool to clean a jet.
No longer have that home and the pool.
<So... why an interest in traveling to dive destinations?
<<I guess it's like folks collecting postage stamps. Most
couldn't afford to visit countries they collect stamps from, but
still enjoy looking at the stamps.>>
What would it take to get you dive certified? B>
<<Well, first off, I'm not so sure I'm a good enough
swimmer to take on diving. When I had my pool, I was good for about
four laps before I ran out of gas. J>>
<Scuba has very little to do with swimming... other than an
indication of overall fitness (which is important). IF you'd like
to become certified, haul out to Fiji and elsewhere, let's discuss
this. Are you willing to counter/engage your phobia re flying as well?
Diving, co-trip w/ SERC Orlando go...
7/11/09 4-6-09
Hi Bob,
Just signed up for diving lessons.
<Yay! Just what you need... let's add UW photography... another
expensive, frustrating hobby!!!>
Are you hanging around in FL after the Southeastern Reef
<Yes! In fact, ScottF (at the MAX event ayer) and MichL (via phone)
and I were just chatting re putting tog. a dive trip around the Orlando
go... Am going to cc all the Crew re... Am hoping that other folks have
an interest in getting out... maybe just locally, but perhaps a bit
further S and/or W. Be chatting, BobF>
All, I'm only able to go ahead of the actual
date of the FLA conf (starts 7/11, some of us to be there the day
ahead)... so anytime a week, two or more ahead of this time (have a
commitment the following wknd)... Will this work? I've looked at
Bruce's prop.s for adults and families... Sandals,
Beaches... they're about all full up, and only two dives per
Bahamas? Just in FLA? Not in N. I think though... The Keys? Back to
Does anyone want to head down to Bonaire (or A or C?)... Elsewhere?
Re: Have done a bit of looking for the
dive/Orlando trip... some input 4-6-09
From what I've been told, based upon my vast experience of having
signed up for a diving class, the best diving on the east coast is
either in W Palm Beach, the Keys, or a few reefs about 20 miles off
shore, between Melbourne and Daytona. (Supposedly the habitat for the
Atlantic P. Volitans)
<Ding dang things are about everywhere there>
That said, here in Melbourne, there are 2 - 3 flights a week from the
local airport to Nassau.
Outer Bahamas are about 60-75 miles SE.
Orlando is about 1 hour from Melbourne/Port Canaveral, 1.5 hours from
the west coast,(Gulf) and about 4-5 hours from Palm Beach, and 8+ hours
from Key West.
<Thanks Mike... Gang, what say you? BobF>
Re: Poor Man's Collecting Trip,,
Chuck's cichlid odyssey... combo. with SW WWM Crew Orlando go?
Dear Fearless Leader,
<Humble Acolyte... sheesh!>
A few months ago I was talking to a fellow cichlidiot and we were
taking about a way to spice up the cichlid hobby. There were few new
fish and people could no longer afford to go on an international
collecting trip. So we thought about a collecting trip in which we
could still collect cichlids but not spend much money. We thought about
collecting in Florida. So I contacted a couple of fish farms and
transhippers in Florida and arranged a collecting trip on the farms and
in the Everglades. The farms will hold on to whatever we catch and then
send it back to us. We can also buy fish at the farms too at farm
<Dang! What an adventure!>
We have about a dozen members from Calif going on the trip. Ad Konings
is going with us too.
<Wowzah... the two of you together? Gang busters>
That is how the Poor Man's Collecting Trip was born. We are going
the last week of April. Carol and I are going a few days earlier to get
some dives in before everyone arrives. The trip is very cheap.
Air/hotel and rental car are < $1200 for two people for ten days for
Carol and I. So I was looking for dive recommendations and thought of
<Might I ask Chuck... where are you going, staying, diving? With
whom did you make the reservations? You've likely seen that some of
the Crew are headed down to FLA about this time... We'd like to get
in some diving... Are you going to be in/about N. FL? Or further
BTW, Great job on the Blue Zoo shows.
<Thank you. Am not a "high tech" person... and really do
not find such "talking" to be my cup of tea... Too transient
in impact, too easy to not state myself clearly, completely... But/and
as the saying goes: "The medium is (or can be) the
Humble Crew Member
<Cheers! BobF>
Re: Have done a bit of looking for the
dive/Orlando trip... some input 4/7/09
I think it may be worthwhile talking to the divers in ORCA, they may
have some recommendations as well.
<Would you take charge of doing this checking please?>
Scott and I have dove off of Pompano Beach and Ft. Lauderdale by the
Sea, but the vis was HORRIBLE the last two times I was there, but this
was likely due to the time of year. I snorkeled in Pennekamp before I
was certified... Was beautiful but EVERYONE on the boat was seasick
(which I have a tendency for). The Captain said it was due to the high
levels of Magnesium in the water,
<Mmmm, no>
which seemed plausible but who knows (I do know in a hospital setting,
patients receiving Mag are often very sick to their stomachs.) While
there I stayed at a resort on Key Largo called Amy Slates Amoray Inn.
Was very nice and we got a very reasonable rate because we made friends
with someone in the dive shop who used to work there. Life is better in
the Bahamas... Was there on a Blackbeard's cruise.
<Ah yes>
A great bang for the buck, but if Scott and I go on this trip we do not
want the communal camping type bunks.
<Unfortunately, this is all Black Beard's has to offer>
I've never been to Cozumel or the ABC islands. So any of those
would be great as well.
<Is a bit pricey, but WWM will help subsidize>
Bonaire sounds amazing and the last time I looked the lodgings were
quite reasonable but flights were a bit limited and could be a
<Would you do a bit of look/seeing here as well? I'll do the
same... Again, I need to go ahead of the ORCA do... and the folks who
are giving pitches need to be in Orlando by 7/11. BobF>
I would like to get the most diving in and get the best bang for the
buck. Not sure what else to say.
p.s. Mike, loved the vast experience comment... very funny.
Re: Diving Costs\Equipment Rental - Florida
-- 04/22/09
Have written:
asking for help with hotel/stay info... W. Palm Beach does appear to be
about the best area nearby...
Re: Diving Costs\Equipment Rental - Florida
-- 04/22/09
Don't forget the fine folks at Splashdown Divers... just south of
WPB in Boynton...
J --
<Oh yeah! B><<JasonC lived there a couple years... he, RMF
dived with these folks, there... excellent>>
From: --
Re: Possibly hauling on down for a few days to dive with you... Looking
for stay accommodations input
Hi Bob,
Here is a list of some hotels in the area. Hope this helps and please
let me know if you have any other questions.
On Singer Island/Palm Beach Shores (on the beach) 5-10 minutes
· The Palm Beach Shores Resort 561-863-4000
· The Crown Plaza 561-842-6171
· The Hilton 561-848-3888
On the mainland, within 10 minutes:
· The Super 8 North Palm Beach 561-848-1424
Jim Abernethy's Scuba Adventures
216 N Federal Hwy, Lake Park, FL 33403 USA
Thank you Nicki... will share w/ our group and be getting back with
you. BobF
<Please see below... The Super 8 is mostly my speed... What say you?
And Abernathy's and Splashdown Divers to choose from... And renting
a van, driving down/back from Orlando? BobF>
The Good Life 3/25/2009
"Note: BobF and ScottV will be down diving/making pix in Cozumel
3/24-3/31.... thus some answering and posting will lag."
Must be nice.....
<<Yeah... especially when they have me to leave behind to post
the dailies... :-P - Sara M.>>
Detroit Visit 3-5-09 Hi Bob,
<James> Do not know if you've ever been in Detroit before,
but have you ever visited Dick Perrin's Tropicorium. <I have...
over many years time. Dick and I are old... will you accept
middle-aged?... friends> Is a dream land for reefers. Romulus is
where DTW is located. James <I won't have a car... but do try to
get out to stores, hobbyists tanks to make pix and visit. You're
welcome to haul around with if someone is kind enough, has time to get
us about. BobF> Tropicorium 20080 Inkster Road
Romulus, MI 48174 734-782-2622 Retail & Wholesale Walk-In Hours
MONDAY - SATURDAY - 11a.m. - 5p.m. SUNDAY - 12p.m. - 5p.m. If we are
middle age at our age, when do the "Golden Years" come into
play? Not many people live to be a 100.:) James <Bingo...
unfortunately. B>
Re: Detroit Visit 3-5-09 Bob, Do
you plan on spending Saturday night in Detroit? James <Mmm, wherever
the folks put up the speakers... it's likely the same place as
they're renting for the pitches. See here:
OK, so you are staying Saturday night. <Oh yes... 13-15th> Just
thinking I might spend Saturday night there, not firm yet. I'm
guessing they are going to put you up at the Marriot down the road.
<Yes, think so> Thought if I stay, we could have a few brews and
chat. Nothing firm yet on my part. James <Let's do pal around if
you have time, interest.. I do my presentation/s, visit with friends in
the trade, try to get about and chat with all in attendance, meals et
al.... and... work on WWM... BobF>
Re: Updated Bio/Pic
02/27/09 Hello Bob, "Looking forward to seeing you in
Detroit..and Denver!" What's going on in Detroit? I'm only
100 miles north. James <A petfish pitch... Midwest Conf...
3/14,15> Thanks, a club event I presume. J <Look it up... Midwest
mar. conf... 09> Re: Updated Bio/Pic Bob,
<James> Looks interesting. I may attend on Saturday, would like
to meet you and Scott in person. I see Rick Preuss (Preuss Pets,
Lansing, MI. will be there,
haven't saw him in a few years. <A very fine fellow, family...
and very nice store> Well, you will be in a decent part of Detroit,
no Uzi's required. To be on the safe side, do not wear Air Jordan
tennis shoes. Regards, J <And practice my gang signs... and forget
wearing my "All subsidies are ultimately evil" shirt for
pro-bail out types. BobF>
Re: Ick, Garlic, experiment....
Shiner 2/16/09 Well, to discuss most important subjects,
Shiner, IMO, is not good unless it is ICE cold. The Black is VERY good,
if ICE cold again... the light you refer to.. is that Shiner Blonde,
perhaps? I do like Shiner Blonde. Please let me know when you are
coming to Houston so I can be sure and attend. <Do keep an eye out
for the MARSH April 3-5 do... Reef Ed... I'll be there.
Bob's Next Wave itinerary
01/19/09 Hi Bob, <Misty> I've attached your
itinerary for Next Wave this weekend (if it doesn't open, let me
know and I'll send it another way). And here is the schedule for
the event: 8:00am Doors open for sign-in 9:00am - 10:15am Dr. Bruce
Carlson 15 min. break 10:30am - 11:45pm Jake Adams 2 hr. lunch break
1:45pm - 3:00pm Eric Borneman 15 min. break 3:15pm - 4:30pm Bob Fenner
<Man! And they say never to follow children or animal acts!>
Raffle starts following speaker 4 We're working on dinner plans for
Thursday night, and then Matt and I have planned to take you and Jake
around on Friday. So if there is something specific you'd like to
do or see, please let me know. <Jake and I really like to get out to
the LFS to make pix... if poss.> We're also hosting a dinner on
Friday evening, lunch at the event and then of course dinner on
Saturday night. So you'll be well-fed J. <And watered I
hope!> Looking forward to having you as our guest. Cheers, Misty
<Thank you Misty. Is there someone who is ferrying the speakers
to/from the hotel? Do they have a shuttle? BobF>
Re: Bob's Next Wave itinerary
01/19/09 There is a shuttle to the hotel from the airport (and
back). The hotel is about a mile from the airport. Then we'll be
taking care of transportations to/from dinners, on Friday, the event,
etc. The hotel also provides a full breakfast. <Ah, thank you>
We've have several new LFS's since your last visit. <Wow!
Great news! BobF>
Attn: Bob??? Help Needed For A
"Wet" Vacation In California 1/8/09 Hello Bob, (I
hope), or other crew member: <Howdy Jake> I surely hope I'm
not out of line, sending in this type of question, and trying to direct
it to Bob's attention. I don't mean to take W.W.M. for granted,
and I am very respectful toward what you do there, and for all of the
effort that must go into this most wonderful website. I didn't know
who else could help me, so I'm hoping that Bob will be willing and
available. Here is my situation: We have 11 aquariums at our home, and
are pretty much "crazy" about fish and critters. After
overcoming a number of large obstacles, it appears as though we will be
traveling to California between 07-11-09 and 07-24-09, on a family
vacation. This is TRULY a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, due to
disabilities, income challenges, etc. Hence, I hope to make this trip
as successful as possible, as this is our big chance. We are very
grateful for the opportunity to go on this vacation. We won't be
taking any fishing gear along, (my other passion), so instead, we are
trying to find other ways of being "involved" with water and
marine life. We plan to stay near Lakewood, because I have some
relatives who live there. (They are NOT much interested in marine
life.) Lakewood is in Los Angeles County. We are willing to travel a
few hours, to see something worthwhile. I am also interested in the San
Diego area. I HAVE DONE SOME WEB-BASED HOMEWORK, to try to find
interesting things to see/opportunities to learn about marine life, but
my searches generally lead me to the typical places, such as SeaWorld,
for example. I have absolutely nothing against SeaWorld, (and we plan
to visit there), but IN ADDITION TO THAT TYPE OF PLACE, I am trying to
find some things to see/do that are a bit out of the ordinary, or
perhaps "off the beaten path", but that still involve some
element of fish, critters, marine life, etc. For example, is there a
place where we would be welcome to see a marine
wholesale/import/culturing facility? <There are quite a few in the
LA(X) area... none in SD... but all are closed to the public in
general... If I'm in SD about this time, I'll gladly plan on
meeting up with your group and go about with you. Many folks in the
trade are friends> Are there any places where some nifty
"project" or research is being done, that can be viewed?
<All sorts... In SD the Cabrillo Monument is worthwhile... and they
have not only some live demo.s, but also the tidepools down below of
Point Loma that are very much worth perusing... do bring beat up shoes,
and do check the tides for low/negative conditions... There is also an
aquarium and interpretive center of sorts down in Chula Vista... AND if
given the choice twixt Sea World and SIO's Birch Aquarium, I'd
opt for the latter... and a walk at the sandy beach in La Jolla... and
there are a few retailers worth visiting here in town... Most notably
Aquatic Warehouse and Fountain's Aquarium (do bring, use a GPS)...
In LA there are quite a few retail shops worth visiting... again,
I'd peruse the Net, the Yellow Pages, make an itinerary and use the
GPS... many interesting places to eat along the way as well...
depending on you, your families preferences> Are there any
particularly nice aquariums around, that I might not locate while doing
the typical web searches? <Mmm, not as far as I'm aware... most
all are listed, prominent> Perhaps there is a fish-biz expo going
on? <In July... about this time? Not that I know of... perhaps the
first week in August the new IMAC...> Maybe someone could use some
volunteer labor from me/my family, that involves contact with marine
life? <You might want to contact the Aquarium of the Pacific, Long
Beach here... they do have some programs available...> Might there
possibly be some cool aquatic things to see, that I would not know
about, or that I am not likely to think of? By now, I imagine
you've gotten the idea of what I'm asking. Our daughters are
home-schooled, so they will also be writing papers regarding some of
what they've learned, once we get back home. And of course, I would
love the opportunity to advance my own aquatic knowledge. I also have
the components in my home, and will be setting up my first [120 gal]
marine aquarium, upon our return to Southeastern Wisconsin, (the land
of much ice and snow). THANK YOU, thank you, for taking the time to
read and consider this, and for all that you've done for aquatic
hobbyists everywhere. I would need another 2 or 3 pages to begin to
tell you what W.W.M. has done with regard to my aquatic knowledge,
approach to this hobby, assistance to others, and so on. I can say,
without exaggeration or fear that I'm overstating the case, that
the world is a better place, as a result of the attitude and approach
that you have taken. Sincerely, Jake D'Amico (frozen WI resident)
<Brrrrr! Hopefully the anticipation of this adventure will keep the
icicles from forming! Cheers, Bob Fenner, out of San Diego to HI
Reply to Bob's response: Help Needed
For A "Wet" Vacation In California 1/8/09
Hello Bob, <Jake> And THANK YOU, again, for all of these great
ideas. Based upon reading much of your previous responses, I knew that
you would understand what types of things I was seeking. I will
diligently do my homework, to line up as many of these as possible. My
family would LOVE to see and meet with you, would consider it to be a
great privilege, and would surely love the chance to eat some good food
with you, if it is possible. (Our treat, of course.) <Tommy
(ptomaine)'s here I come!> I think you would get a kick out of
my daughters, as they are somewhat entertaining. As we get close to
that time, could you tell me how to find out if you'll be in
town/available? <Mmm, only way to tell is by our communicating as
the days draw closer... I do sojourn up to visit when I can... and am
in town a good bit of the year> Should I simply write to you, here,
at W.W.M.? <Yes, please> I wish to be properly respectful. I see
that you are headed out to HI. Good for you! (I have a few Alaskan
nephews who have gotten smart, and have moved to HI.) Have a great
time. <Thank you my friend. Am going to fix up a few "loose
ends" with properties, see a good time getting my sis Donna
dive-certified, visit with friends et al.> Cheers, Jake D'Amico,
(whose frozen WI body is warming, at the thought of being in CA.)
<It's so cold here I'm having to wear long sleeve tees!!!
IMAC Chicago, no mo',
but... 1/6/09 Hello Bob, seen you in
Chicago at the 2007 IMAC. <A blast as usual!> I haven't seen
anything on the 2009 conference, do you know anything? Will there be a
2009 IMAC in Chicago this year? Thanks for your reply. Jim Jesko <Do
know just a bit... There are to be no more IMACs in Chicago... Dennis
Gallagher has allowed the "blue sky" of the name, legacy to
be carried on by four fellows out here in the west... and I've
heard a few of them talking re starting up the new IMAC here in Calif.
perhaps in May of 09... They have some very good ideas on how to
improve on the venue... and a great starting location. Do stay tuned.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Speaking in March 2009 at the Midwest
Marine Conference 1/5/09 Hey It's Chad from MASM.
Just touching base with regard to the conference in March in Michigan.
I wanted to make sure everything is still OK and to see if you had a
chance to get your plane ticket yet? <Mmm, do still have the dates
penciled in: Got to get to
the tickets though. Thank you for this reminder. BobF> OK. Just let
me know once you get them <Will do Chad. B>
Re: Mr. Bob Fenner Re: Speaking
Availability Bob Fenner <Joshua> Joshua again. Dates are
set in stone now. I am contacting you to try to lock you in as a
speaker for our event and begin discussing topics. <Okay> We are
putting each speaker up for two nights July 10th and July 11th. The
actual conference will be an all day event on July 11th, extended well
past 5 o'clock as stated in an email several months ago. <I
see> Once again, what would you be requesting for your honorarium?
<None... Stipendium peccati mors est... or summat like this> You
expressed interest in staying an extra day to have time to visit all
the local shops and we can certainly accommodate you in that request.
<Ah, good> Additionally we welcome you to bring books to sell at
the event, our only is if you do bring books to sell that you donate
one book to our raffle. Please let me know if you can confirm a trip to
Orlando to present for us. <Mmm, don't have books to sell... but
Di might have some to sell the club for wholesale... I might be able to
carry/haul a case (18 pc.s of Reef Invertebrates, V. 1). Will cc her
here> Joshua Solomon <BobF>
Re: Presentation Request from Chesapeake
Marine Aquaria Society -12/11/08 Hello Bob, I am doing
some budget research on hotels and airfare for your stay. I just want
to verify details and answer any questions you may have. Also, as the
meeting nears, do you prefer to book your own flight or would you like
me to email you with some potential flights that work best for you. I
just want to confirm the date of our meeting as well. We are scheduled
for Saturday April 18, 2009. We look forward to having you!! Jessica
Farace CMAS Public Relations <I will ask Diana to
look into flights if you'd like... I'm glad you mentioned the
date... I had it down as the 10th... What is the topic or field of
presentation you are interested in? Am I to come in a day earlier,
leave a day later? Are their shops to visit? A tank tour perhaps? Will
someone meet me at the airport? My cell number is ... Cheers, Bob
Fenner> Re: Presentation Request from Chesapeake Marine
Aquaria Society That would be great if she would look into
some flights. No rush, i am just getting a rough idea of how things
will pan out. Topic of discussion, gosh, you know so much, name a few
that you enjoy! <Mmm... have a new one that I've never given on
the use of Ozone/RedOx... and there's always faves like Disease,
Nutrition, Livestock Selection... Travelogues...> I will let the
club choose from them. You are more than welcome to come a day early
and stay a day later if you choose. I will be picking you up at the
airport and dropping you off. <I thank you> The meeting is
Saturday from 9am to 4:00 or so. We serve lunch and hold a nice raffle.
Fish stores, plenty of them! Tank tours, lots of those too. We can
accommodate whatever it is that you would like to do while in the area.
You name it. My cell number is just incase! :) Thanks Bob,
Jessica <Be seeing you, BobF>
Re: Speaking for the Midwest Marine
Conference, March 2009 11/14/08 Hey Bob..Time to check
in. I wanted to make sure that we are still on track for Speaking on
March 14th in Michigan. If everything is still a go have you decided on
a topic for your presentation? <The date/s are still open... who
else is speaking? Is there a general theme of presentations? Is there a
plan to get out to stores, a tank tour... BobF>
Re: Speaking for the Midwest Marine
Conference, March 2009 11/14/08 I guess if there was a
theme it would be Doing it Yourself! Our other speakers are Marc
Levenson who is speaking on Sump design and Acrylic work, Scott Fellman
who is speaking on aquascaping and tank layout, and Matt Pederson
who's speaking on the basics of fish breeding at home. <Ahh! All
very good folk, speakers. Perhaps I can speak on general to reef
livestock selection?> No tank tour is planned but there is usually a
group that goes to some of the cooler local stores either on Friday or
Saturday evening. Since you are the great and powerful Bob Fenner
<Heeee! More like a rep. of the Lollipop Guild than the mighty
Oz...> I'm sure there are more than a few people that would be
more than happy to drive you around. I know that you know John Dawe and
Marie Dempsey and they are always up for that stuff. <Also mighty
fine people... Do sign me up. BobF>
MARS Speaking Event -This is for Bob
11/11/08 Hey Bob We missed you this year. Any chance we can
book you for sometime next year? Brian <Howdy Bri! Don't see why
not. Cheers, BobF>
Hey Bob-Lady Clown -10/26/08 Hello
Bob, <Hi Donna!> Hope all is well with you since Greenwich, Ct.
We had a great time and look forward to future conversations. Are you
ready for our birthday bash weekend August 23/24? We need to start
planning don't you think? LOL <I do agree> Well anyway, in
doing research, I came across this sight that I thought may interest
you. I do not know if you are involved with NOAA, <Only as a
taxpayer> but I am sure they would be inspired by you. I am
particularly interested in the research that is foregoing around the
globe for anti-cancer properties that the marine life is offering, but
find it quite disturbing of how corals and inverts are being collected
by robotic arms. I truly feel you and/or your associates could offer
some education in that department. Thank you, Bob, for all your
efforts, social graciousness, and personalized touch. Happy Reading: Donna Hackert aka Lady Clown
1075 Birch Road Warminster, PA 18974 <Thank you... Am out for a few
weeks... currently delayed at Changi Airport in Sing... Will have to
take a look/see when am in a better Net setting. Cheers, Bob
Mr. Bob Fenner Re: Speaking
Availability 10/22/08 Hello Bob, <Joshua> I am
writing you back a little bit early but the time in question has become
sooner as well. <Ok> Every other year the Orlando Reef Caretakers
Association ( hosts the one-day South Eastern Reef
Conference in Orlando. In 2009 we will be holding the conference on
July 11th, I am writing you to inquire as to your availability as a
speaker on that date. We would of course be more than happy to cover
travel, accommodations and even an honorarium although your MASNA
listing says that you do not require one. Looking forward to hearing
back from you, and thank you for you time, Joshua Solomon ORCA
Secretary 2008 <This time is currently open... What topic/s, theme?
Who are the other speakers, their talk titles? Bob
Re: Mr. Bob Fenner Re: Speaking
Availability... Note: addend RMF bio. 10/22/08 Bob Fenner,
<Joshua> I'm glad to hear that the date is still open for
you. You are the first sponsor that we have contacted for this year. In
2007, our speakers were: Rich Harker, Julian Sprung, Sanjay Joshi, Eric
Borneman and Kim Lowe, that year we had an attendance of around 175
hobbyists. <A good-sized crowd> As far as topics for other
speakers this year, I would most likely be planning other speakers
topics around your own. I had heard wonderful things about your
presentations in the past, and I thoroughly enjoyed your MACNA
presentation this year. But we did have a large percentage of locals
visit MACNA this year so we would prefer a different presentation since
a lot of our members have already seen it. <I have a few such
spiels... and am always working on new> I am open to any of your
favorite presentations. Unfortunately your MASNA bio does not list any
particular presentations you prefer. I find that most speakers favorite
presentations are usually the most enjoyable to listen too . We are
hoping for a presentation for about 60-75 minutes. <I see... and
will amend my bio. re poss. topics/subjects for presentation> As far
as travel and lodging, would be interested in doing 2 nights or 1 night
in Orlando? <Two... hopefully getting about to shops, hobbyist
set-ups to chat, make pix> We will most likely be starting
registration at 7a.m. on the day of the event, and running until 5p.m.
We would be happy to have you have a guest for the entire event, if you
would like to stay for the full day. <Good> Additionally I know
you are an avid scuba diver. And it certainly isn't a reef, but I
would be more than happy to take you and any other diving speakers as
my guest to the Living Seas at EPCOT for a dive while you are in town.
<Mmm, visited EPCOT a few years back... disappointing. Will stick to
wild habitats, but thank you. BobF> Looking forward to hearing back
from you again, Joshua Solomon
DFWMAS Next Wave travel 10/16/08
Hi Bob, <Misty> I'd like to find out your preferred travel
dates and times for our Next Wave conference on January 24th. Also, if
there is an airline that you prefer to fly, let me know and I'll
see what I can do based on fares, etc. <Continental pref. The
times/days... a day ahead if my talk is early/ier the next day...
return the day later... Can/will come in/stay two nights if folks have
desire to chat, go about visit fish stores, other folks in the trade,
if the club has a tank tour or such> Please let me know the day and
approximate time you would like to fly in/fly out of Dallas - and your
preferred airport from the LA area. <Am in San Diego, the
"intl." airport here is Lindbergh... would prefer to transit
to/from t/here> Cheers, Misty Johnson <And you, Bob
Blue Moon... corals that is, WWM Crew
visits f' 9/24/08 Dear Bob and
Sara.. <Will share w/ her> <<Thank you Bob, Sara here in
the double carrots.>> Ken and I enjoyed meeting you so much in
person near the back entrance of the Westin at MACNA in Atlanta a
couple weeks ago. We could have talked to you for hours about the
business and hobby and reminiscing about the old Petco days. Even with
all of the people we met there, that was one of the highlights of our
trip. <<Me too>> If you do post this on WWM, I have to let
your readers know that neither one of you is unapproachable and
absolutely two of the most personable people we have ever met. Bob is
absolutely HILARIOUS <<Hilarious, and brilliant... a gentleman
and a scholar.. our fearless leader.>> and carries his own
luggage, too. And I know if you spent a day with him you wouldn't
have 2 seconds of silence. And I don't know if she's single or
not guys, <<Ha! Well, largely single now, yes, I suppose.>>
but Sara is both brilliant and drop dead gorgeous. The picture on the
WWM site does not do her justice. <<Oh geez, am blushing!>>
Swear. We wish we had been able to spend more time with you both. Now
you can't write WWM without one question. We wanted to find out if
Wet Web Media has a banner ad. <Mmm, yes... can be found here:>
We have a favorite links page that we are in the process of putting
together on our site and since we turn to WWM for the best information
there is on all things aquatic, we would like to post a banner to
replace the plain link that is already there. We will also be posting
Sara's coral care sheets on the site in the next few weeks.
<Ahh, these are excellent> <<Awesome! ...and thank
you!>> We are still a few months out from opening because a
company in Westminster, California, that we ordered our tanks from
decided to steal our money and not give us our tanks, so we had to pay
for all new tanks from another company which we won't have for
another couple weeks. <Yeeikes! No fun> It was such an honor and
pleasure meeting you both. We hope that one day we'll get to meet
you again and maybe have a little more time next time. <Am very sure
we shall> <<I hope so too.>> Thank you.. Sandra &
Ken Blue Moon Corals Vacaville, CA Where What You "Sea" Is Really What
You Get!!! <Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner> Re:
Presentation Request from Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society
9/11/08 Hello, Mr. Fenner. Just touching base with you in
regards to a presentation in April. I am wondering if you were able to
check you schedule and verify whether or not you are available for a
presentation in Baltimore. Please let me know when you have a moment.
Thanks in advance! Kindly, Jessica <Still have this
month, much of next year open. BobF>
Re: Presentation Request from Chesapeake
Marine Aquaria Society 9/11/08 Hello, Bob. May I book
you to come speak in Baltimore for April 12, 2009? It is a Sunday
evening, and of course, we would gladly take care of your travel &
food expenses. Kindly, Jessica <Done. BobF>
WWM MACNA get together? Are you
going? 8/18/08 Howsit? Am wondering if the
extant and latter-day WWM Crew members would like to go out for a
bite and/or drinks during the Atlanta do in a few weeks. What say
you? Thurs... aft., even? Friday? BobF.
What are the dates? <Sept. 5/7:>
J -- I need to send your scanner back to you. Have a few photos
to share... <Make it so! BobF>
I am going to try so hard to go, seeing as Atlanta is only 4
hours away. If I can make it, I would love to join in the mix.
-Eileen Ridgeway <Do hope to meet, see you there! BobF>
Due to the distance, unfortunately, I'll be sitting this
one out......again.....he he he...I hope you all have a wonderful
time there.. Andrew <Someday soon. Thank you Andrew.
Next Wave 2009 - Jan 24th
8/16/08 Hi Bob, Ryan, our club's vice president, has been
trying to reach you to see if you might be available for our Next
Wave all day conference. The venue will be quite nice, I went there in
person and took a bunch of pictures.
If you think you might be available, we'd love to have you come
out. We'd cover travel expenses and even put some cash in
your hand to keep the pizza & beer fund happy. Even if you
can't, just let us know. :) Marc <Hello Marc! Don't know re
this date (Jan. 24, 09)... have been out away from my desk/analog-date
calendar for more than a month... back next week... Can we chat past
this time? Bop Fenner>
Mr. Fenner - CMAS Speaking
Engagement 8/14/08 Hi, Bob. <Jessica>
My name is Jessica. I am the Public Relations Officer of Chesapeake
Marine Aquaria Society in Baltimore. I regret to inform you that the
gentleman who was in contact with you before is no longer with us. I am
also writing to ask if you still have us scheduled for April. If so, I
just wanted to concrete some details with you and swap contact
information, incase of any last minute changes. Your contact
information is kept private and for emergency use only regarding the
meeting. I want to thank you very much for your time! Kindly, Jessica
Farace CMAS Public Relations <Mmm, don't recall if I have made
any such commitments for 09, but am out, away from my analog date book.
Please make a note and write me a few weeks hence. Thank you, Bob
Speaking for the Midwest Marine Conference, March 2009
7/15/08 Hello Bob, <Chad> Chad Penney from the
MarineLife Aquarium Society of Michigan. I know the last couple
years haven't worked out so well in getting you up here to
speak for us but I'd like to try again for our 2009 event.
It's been several years since you've been able to come
visit us so the trip is long overdue! <I'll say!> The
conference next year will be held on Saturday March 14th , 2009
in Bloomfield, MI. The club would of course cover all your travel
expenses and any required speaking fees. <Mmm, none of the
latter> You can see the details of the event at <Mmm, not much
info. as of yet... is there a theme, central topic?> Thank you
for your time, Chad Penney. <Do pencil me in tentatively to
sure... let's firm up near new years. Bob Fenner>
Re: Speaking for the Midwest Marine Conference, March
2009 7/15/08 Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
<Welcome!> We aren't much for a doing a theme. Since
the conference is smaller we like to have topics that cover
several bases so we have something for everyone. Try to keep the
coral people, fish people, and hardware people happy! <I
see> Since we are still planning we haven't nailed down
all the details and we have changed venues after 10 years so we
have some new opportunities to explore. That's why the page
is a little sparse on details right now. Once we get a few fine
folks such as yourself accept the invitation to speak we'll
update the site with the speakers and the expected topics. As
well as some details on breakout sessions, etc. <Okay> As
for the speaking topic. I'll leave that up to you. We do try
to start promoting at the Stores in the state in about November
so I'd like to get an idea for you about your chosen topic by
then. I understand that you may have to cancel between that time
and Jan 1 so I won't hold you to speaking ( at least at this
point! ). <Real good> I'll be back in touch around
November to get a topic from you and pencil you into the
schedule. Thanks again, Chad <Look forward to meeting you,
getting back out and about there. BobF>
T-shirt & Honorary Membership - 07/02/08
Hey Bob, <Hey John!> I hope all is well with you, wherever you
may be! <In San Dee ego for now... Off to HI in a couple weeks...
can't wait!> A PNWMAS T-shirt should be on it's way to you
soon. <Great!> It seems every year after our elections, the
transfer of funds, then access to them for the new club President
always becomes a hassle. Don't you miss all the fun of
aquarium club politics? (please just shoot me now...) <Oh no you
don't... you'll be back up for re-election soon!> We also
have you as an Honorary PNWMAS Member. If you could let us know what
username you would be using at the PNWMAS Forum, we already have all
the other necessary info. <Bob Fenner likely...> Have a great
Summer. John Manrow Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium Society Board of
Directors Trustee <You as well my friend. BobF>
Thanks So Much Bob Fenner! - 7/2/08
Bob, <Kris> My name is Kris Waters, and I briefly met you at the
presentation you recently gave in Portland, Oregon for the PNWMAS.
<Ah yes> I am the new Vice President and Vendor Relations officer
(as of today) of the club and wanted to take a moment to thank you
sincerely for your time. Your presentation was awesome! It was
informative, well organized and by far, incredibly entertaining! My 15
year old daughter attended with me, and even she was kept entertained!
I know for a fact that a few of our sponsors were truly affected and
plan on making changes in their business regarding the sale of reef
livestock. <Ahh!> This is monumental, as it will only benefit
those trying to maintain conservation in their own reefs! Equally, our
members that attended had new insight on healthy livestock choices. I
wanted to let you know that we at PNWMAS value your experience and
dedication to reef keeping. We would love to continue our current
relationship, and also look for ways to allow our club members more
access to you and your knowledge in the future. As myself, and Kevin
McCarthy (President) have just taken over the club, we look towards the
future expansion of this club and know that Pacific North West Marine
Aquarium Society has great potential in meeting the needs of all the
reef keepers in our greater North West area! <Outstanding> Again,
thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to working with you
in the future. Feel free to contact me at anytime! Sincerely, Kris
Waters, Vice President/Vendor Relations PNWMAS PS. You may remember
that I was the female of the group next to you in our photo session!
<Oh yes. I look forward to getting back together with PNWMAS,
chatting further. Do make it known if there are ways I may assist your
efforts. Bob Fenner>
Re: Internet Radio Show 6/27/08 Hi Bob and
Abigail -- Please accept my apology -- I made things confusing in my
earlier attempt to arrange a good time for Bob to come on Blue Zoo
Radio -- our Internet talk show about fish. The show is live every
Monday night, starting at 10:00 PM EASTERN time. All you have to do is
call the toll free number. We would be honored, Bob, if you would come
on the show -- to talk about the second edition of CMA, and anything
else you would like to chat with Frank Reece, the host, about. To get
an idea of the show, you can go to to listen to
any of the previous shows, which are archived there. Just click on
whatever show you would like to hear. If either date is convenient for
you, how about coming on July 21st or 28th. <These dates should
work... though I'll be in HI at the times> If you, Abigail,
would like to donate two subscriptions to TFH that would be great; if
you would like to also have us give away a copy of CMA that would be
terrific. If either of those dates work for you, Bob, please let me
know. If not, we can do any other Monday. We would like to promote your
appearance on our website, and hope that you would also promote it on When we have confirmed the date of your appearance,
Frank will be in touch with both of you to arrange things. I am just
the "resident fishhead", and know nothing about the radio
side of things. Thanks again for being willing to come on the show. You
will have a great time, and your appearance will add immensely to
things. Take care, David <Do please have Frank contact me... again,
I need the number to call. Bob Fenner>
Mr. Bob Fenner Re: Speaking Availability.
6/25/08 Mr. Bob Fenner, <Joshua> My name is Joshua Solomon, I
am writing you on behalf of Orlando Reef Caretakers Association to
inquire as to your availability as a speaker in Orlando, FL on the 29th
August 2009. <Mmm... is a good long way away time wise...> We are
happy to pay travel expenses to bring you out. More information can be
found about our association at . Please let me know if
you will consider the trip. Thank you for your time, Joshua Solomon
<Will leave the time semi-open (is near my bday)... But let's
chat in about half a year re. BobF>
Re: Mr. Bob Fenner Re: Speaking Availability.
6/25/08 Bob Thanks for the timely reply, I'll get back in touch
around January of the coming year. Joshua Solomon <Thank you Joshua.
HI and you? . 6/25/08 Am going back out to the Big
Island 7/15-8/19... there's room for visitors cept
7/26-8/5... Would you like to come visit? BobF.
Re: HI and you?. 6/25/08 I'm in and ready to dive!
Any particular time in August work? <GREAT! Anytime on or past
the 5th! If you're bringing someone, pls do look into getting
a rental car... if not, you're welcome to drive/share my
Toyota truck there. Do send along your itinerary and I'll
pick you up/meet you at the airport, or if you'd prefer,
I'll fax along the addy, drive instructions. Looking forward
to chatting, diving with you, BobF>
Re: HI and you?. 6/25/08 Great, I will find a flight
tonight and let you know. I will have my wife ( non-diver) with
me, we will rent a car. My business partner and his wife (both
divers) would like to come along. If this would be ok let me
know. If not, they can take it :) I do appreciate this very much,
this will be a blast. Thank you, Scott V. <They are welcome...
but, there is only the master bedroom upstairs (which I encourage
you and your wife to share) and the front room left (with a very
nice fold out couch-bed... IF they don't feel uncomfortable
re, I say "come on down!" (or over as the case may be).
Re: HI and you? -- 06/26/08 Bob!! We are going to do
the August 5th through the 13th in Kona, probably traveling
around a bit I'm sure. My partner is planning on staying at
the Kona Bali Kai. <Ahh, a very nice place... right in dntn.
Kailua> I am very much looking forward to finally meeting you
in person, not to mention diving Kona! <I do think you will be
very happy> Just a few uneducated questions. First, I assume
renting weights and tanks are no issue <Correct. I do have
some gear at the house, including some BCs, weights, tanks... we
can sort all out when there, otherwise the dive svc. is GREAT in
Kona... very competent, honest, friendly... sort of like...
WWM!> (I know the answer, just OCD about having details
planned)? Next, a what exposure protection do you recommend? I am
reading anything from a .5 mm shorty to a full 3 mm wetsuit, ah
the wonderful world of forums. Thanks, Scott V. <I wear a
cover-all body 3 mil almost year round... really more for
preventing lava cuts more than anything. If you don't
"get cold easily" you may find a rash guard or even
just a longsleeve tee will be fine. I would bring whatever you
have that is light to choose through (up to your luggage
allowance!). Oh, the truck is a white Toyota four door... with a
pinkish lei (sigh) hanging on the rear view mirror. Please send
along flight info. as you have it. BobF>
Re: HI and you? -- 06/28/08 OK, have the flights
booked. HawaiianAir HA148 in at 1:28 pm on Aug 5th and flight
HA119 departing 9:47 am on the 14th. <Ahh! I'll likely
meet you at baggage claim. Are your friends/partner on the same
flight in?> We will have a car (or two), so all I need is a
final destination to show up beer in hand (I have heard rumors
you drink the stuff occasionally, I am curious what it tastes
like :) <Deelish!> Very much looking forward, Scott V.
<Just in case, the addy to the house here: and the house phone
808 331-XXXX, my cell, 858 397 XXXX... The house has wifi... a
land computer... do bring DVDs of movies if you'd like. We
have cable TV... but it's limited there. Cheers! BobF>
Re: HI and you? They are not on the same flight. I will
bring some DVD's, perhaps our common fave. Deuce Bigalow!!
Scott V. <Is great! Cept' for the stinky sequel... We
bought two copies!!! B>
Re: HI and you? Hmmm, I never did see the sequel, it
looked as though I may live a bit longer for it! ScottV. <One
of the worst of the genre/ilk... like Bluez Bros 2k, or...
terrible. B>
WWM Crew get tog. at IMAC
05/20/08 Hi everyone! It's your long-lost pal
Jorie. Sorry to have been MIA for so long now, but I'm in the home
stretch...finished law school Friday, graduated officially on Sunday,
and now get to study for the bar exam which is July 29 and 30. I'll
be back answering queries in August...I can't wait...I miss you
all. Anyways, Chris P., my fiance, and I live in Aurora, a 'burb of
Chicago. We coordinated the dinner for WWM and would be most happy to
do it again (honestly, I'll probably put Chris mostly in charge of
it, but help where necessary). Last year we had a blast- if I recall,
we went to a place not far from the hotel called RAM (just typical
American food but good if I remember). If someone could let me know
what the date is (Fri. before the banquet, right? But I don't have
the date handy...) Also, I could be wrong, but it doesn't look like
everyone was on this distribution list...if someone could forward to
all parties, that would be great. Please e-mail Chris
( or me ( by the Wednesday
before if you want to attend, and we'd be glad to work out the
logistics. Brenda, thanks for following up on this...can't wait to
catch up! Best ,Jorie ------ Brenda asked me if there was going to be a
"WWM crew dinner" at IMAC? And if so, she's asking when
and where. I figure this is something you> would be planning, right?
Thanks, Sara <I will gladly go... WWM sponsor... but don't know
where we might do. Will you, others collect names... possible venues?
Bob at MAX -04/11/08 Just wanted to tell Mr.
Fenner that it was a pleasure finally meeting him at MAX! His talk
was very good (I enjoyed the nerdy science of it....some of my
club-mates got a little glossy eyed J ). And a big thanks for
sporting our club shirt!!! Kind regards, Peter Martis <What a
hoot! Wow, the new San Diego club IS pumped! A great pleasure to
meet all of you... And sorry for being such a zombie (too much
flying right ahead of this venue)... BobF, trying to recover now
from the usual Thursday dinner party last eve... Do plan on having
the club meeting at our place!> |

It s me again from Caracas
4/6/08 Hi Bob <Claudio> We spoke about a year ago
regarding a possible visit to CARACAS... Finally thing are better
suited to start again planning the possibility of a Seminar,
visit in site classes or whatever we want to call it <At least
a couple of presentations to make the trip worth it for all> I
am working more closely with an aquarist association here in
Caracas and the possibility of planning such a visit is much more
clear and economically feasible now I wonder if I still can count
on you or you may suggest somebody willing to give us some help.
<Sure> As I explained to you last time, we need Experience,
there are some fine tanks in Caracas and we will arrange for you
to meet some of them and have sort of
³evaluation², TIPS, guidelines etc Hope to
hear from you Claudio <Make it known more specifically what
you're looking for... and the times/dates available. Bob
FW: It s me again from Caracas 4/7/08
Hi Bob <Claudio> Thanks for your reply <Thank you mi
amigo!> The Idea is more or less the following: You fly in
Caracas about a Wednesday, Wed afternoon - night we have a get
together with all of US Thurs and Friday we have "HOUSE
CALLS" we visit 6 max 8 tanks you make suggestions,
observations and understand what is going on HERE <Would
REALLY like this!> Saturday we have a Big Workshop to all
association member where you Lecture us about what should be
improved of what you saw, what concept are missing, some frag
techniques an suggestions.. Etc <I see... can do> Sunday we
try to arrange some scuba diving for you :) ;)... Sunday night
You fly home... That is about it... What do think??? <Mmm,
would like to move the scuba diving up front... at the beginning
if possible... To allow for time to decompress before flying...
And maybe we can save the club some money by linking this time
frame to a trip down there that we're already scheduled... to
Curacao... Sept. 12-20... Sometime after the 20th? Bob
Re: It is me again from Caracas
4/7/08 Great, September is fine <Ah good> Let
me start working with my friends to start moving things down
here. We will cover your trip from Curacao- Caracas- Curacao And
your hotel expenses and meals and your scuba trip This should be
affordable because are expenses in local currency (bolivars)
<We'll see... the way the U.S. is being so poorly
"run"...> If there is any thing more please do not
hesitate to tell me Please I will contact you as soon as I have
more news <I'll mention... no puedo hablar espanol muy
bien... Am hopeful my part of all can be presented in English.
Re: It is me again from Caracas
4/7/08 Bob some of us speak English and we will be
willing to translate... <Ahh! Muy bueno!> I mention local
currency because there is now a currency control, so whatever
payment we can make in 'bolivares' is
"manageable' <Good...> If you need something else
I will try to work it out... Regards Claudio <A computer type
projector... maybe some other props depending on the pitches...
But we'll work all out in advance. Salud! RobertoF>
Re: It is me again from Caracas -
04/14/08 A little UPDATE Our plan is going very good, I have
already signed 5 out of 8 sponsors I need and I think by this
week end I should have the confirmation on all <Ah,
good/bueno> I have already set in place a little budget and if
I stick with 8 sponsors is going to be comfortable to handle by
all of us... <Okay> Please I need to confirm dates with
you, September 20 is it from CURACAO (We're scheduled to be
in Curacao the 13 through 20... and need to be back in Curacao
for the return flight on the 26th... My wife, Diana has been
checking and does not see any Continental flights out of there
but once a week> Please come back to me with the precise dates
and availability so I can start making reservations and try to
save some money by early booking... Regards Claudio <Am hoping
we can route some Venezuela/Curacao flights in-between. Bob
Re: It is me again from Caracas
4/17/08 Hi Bob Plans are coming along pretty well... I need
two things from you if possible 1) A "resume" in order
to make a presentation to our association and to 2 possible
sponsors... <Ah, can be found here:> 2) IF
you have your flight back to USA on Sept 26, I need the flight
time in order to figure out if you can depart early the 26 from
Caracas, Curacao USA or you have to flight to Curacao on the 25
in order to take your plane back home on the 26 <Will ask
Diana to send along> Regards Claudio <Nos vemos, Bob
Re: It is me again from Caracas, Di, flight info.
please 04/22/08 Claudio: This is Bob's wife
Diana. I can help with some of the info needed. Bob and I are
planning to arrive in Curacao on Sep 13, dive for a week, then
come to Caracas. We are planning to fly back to USA on Sep 27 at
2:40 pm. from Curacao. Let me know if you need more help. Diana
Mmm, on the road again... 3/7 to 3/11
Friends, am out to the sort of Midwest giving a pitch, and some travel
(visiting with Morgan Lidster/Inland Aquatics)... Please do just keep
answering what you can/will... and I'll try to catch up as I can
whenever... BobF.
Presentation request from Chesapeake Marine
Aquaria Society 2/29/08 Bob <Ken> My name is Ken
Miller. I am the event Coordinator for CMAS in Baltimore. I am
putting together my schedule for next seasons meetings. They run
from September thru April. When i asked the club for suggestions
for presenters many people mentioned your name. So if you are
available some time from Sept08-april09 could you some and talk
to us ? Meetings are usually the first Sunday of the month except
for in April when its on Saturday. Thanks in advance Ken Miller
<Perhaps in October or November or beyond. What topics are you
folks interested in having a presentation? Bob Fenner>
Re: Presentation request from Chesapeake Marine Aquaria
Society 2/29/08 Any month that is good for you would be fine.
I know its far off but in April we have an all day spring event
rather then the 2 hours meeting we usually have. Maybe you could
come out for that. I haven't booked anyone yet so all are
open. As far as topics pretty much anything reef related would
work. We usually just leave it up to the presenter as to what
talk they give. <Ahh, what are the dates in April?
Re: Presentation request from Chesapeake Marine
Aquaria Society 3/5/08 So we can st it up for
4/11/09? <Yes. Bob Fenner> That's great! Thank you very
much. I will touch base with you a few times between now and then
to keep things going. Thanks again Ken <Real good. Please make
it known if I can be of other assistance... BobF>
Re: Looking for new Editor/s for WWM's
Conscientious Aquarist e-zine 2/21/08 Hello again Bob, from
the looks of things it will end up being a co-editor situation, many
coming forward. I would like to be involved in any capacity that gets
it done and going, it will be very worthwhile. Thanks, Scott V. <I
must thank you yet again Scott, for graciously coming forward. I do
think that NealeM (on the FW) and Andrew (on the SW) are going to
co-opt this... and I'm hoping to help guide and goose you to
further content generation... and if/when the time is propitious for
you... to further involve you in WWM's activities... though I am
hesitant... at this point, given what little I know of your time
constraints/activities... BobF> <<Great to hear, Neale and
Andrew will undoubtedly to a great job. As far as content generation, I
am currently building my dream reef system from the ground up, taking
pictures and plan to write all up. I will send along in time to see
what may be of use for WWM. I just need to shake the flu for the time
being. I am game for any other WWM activities, my participation in
becomes my R&R time (a good thing, winds me down). By the way, my
partner and I plan to attend the upcoming event in Orange County in
April, a chance to finally meet face to face. Thank you again, Scott
V.>> >Ah, yes! I look forward to meeting you both.
Guest Speaker for PNWMAS 2/13/08
Bob, I am writing to you in regarding the possibility of you
being a guest speaker at our club, the Pacific Northwest Marine
Aquarium Society. Our members would really enjoy having you give a
presentation! Ideally, it would be great if the talk were to be
scheduled in close time and proximity to another engagement. We
have discussed having speaking engagements piggybacked with Puget Sound
Aquarium Society in the past as a way to save money on expenses for
both clubs. Please let us know if you have any scheduled plans for
being on the West coast in June 2008. We are hoping to have a
speaker for our PNWMAS Meeting on June 20th. Thanks! We are all looking
forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, John Manrow Pacific Northwest
Marine Aquarium Society Vice President and interim Vendor Relations
Officer <Hello John... the June date may
work... though am about all scheduled out for 08 otherwise. Am out in
HI till 2/19, and my "calendar" is back home in San Diego...
May I contact you re this commitment about then? Bob
Mr. Fenner <Mike> My name is Mike Liesman and I am on the Board
of Directors for our local reef club here in south Texas. MAAST (Marine
Aquarist Association of South Texas, ) is one of the
largest and fastest growing reef clubs in Texas with over 2500 web
members and over 200 active paying members, and as such, we are looking
for larger venues and speakers to educate our members.. <Big group,
and worthy ambition> We have had Mike Paletta come and speak and
most recently Randy Reed from Reef Nutrition. <Both very nice
fellows> Randy gave me your contact and suggested that, with your
new book out, you might be willing to come speak at one of our club
meetings. This would be a great Honor for us and we are very flexible
with our schedule. <Will gladly come out... was "just
there" with the MARSH group a couple months back> I am
unfamiliar with etiquette on this subject so please forgive me if I
have overstepped here. I look forward to hearing from you soon <No
worries Mike. Am out in HI till near month's end... away from my
calendar (am an old-analog type... thus far), so please do write back
toward then so we can see what time will work out best. Cheers, Bob
Fenner> Thanks Again Mike Liesman
Species list update, and IMAC/WWM
Attendance 1/8/08 HI Bob, Just wanted to give you
an update regarding the list I've been working on. I'm
about 3/4 of the way through, and have ~ 500 species so far.
I'm hoping to have everything completed by the end of the
week and sent to you on/by next Monday. Today, I'm finishing
the list of Prosobranchs and moving on to Opisthobranchia! Lots
of learning going on! Take care and have a great week. -Lynn
<Great! Thanks for leading us off Lynn. B> <<My
pleasure! By the way, just wanted to add that I'm planning on
coming out to the IMAC in May/June. Looking forward to
meeting/seeing everyone there! -Lynn>> Oh! thanks for the
reminder. Who all is intending on attending IMAC/Chicago this
go-round? I will ask DennisG to comp. as many of the Crew as he
will... Otherwise, please make it known if you need financial
assistance. BobF. You can always count me in! I live less than 5
minutes away. ~Jeni <Real good... Am sure ChrisP, Jorie...P by
this time? Myself... others will be there as well. BobF> I
will be there! Brenda <Yay! Thus far we have you, I, Lynn,
Chris and Jorie, Jeni... BobF>
Re: IMAC 2008 1/9/08 > Hi Bob; > BTW;
we still don't have your abstract for IMAC 2008. Will I get
it soon? > Cheers, > Dennis <Oh... have done a couple in
recent weeks... If you'd like, please choose twixt the below:
Cnidarian Compatibility: On Reducing Negative Cnidarian
Interactions Too many people envision the reefs of the world
to be some aquatic equivalent of "Bambi crossing a
meadow" with some sort of miraculous "balance"
amongst the life that occurs there. This is a dangerous precept
for aquarists, as these areas are veritable battle zones with the
life competing for space, food, mates... at a "tooth and
claw" level. Most all benthic life we keep continues with
this behavior in captivity. Overgrowing, shading, poisoning,
stinging, eating its neighbors... Sometimes at great distances.
Herein will be my statements re approaches to alleviate the major
thrusts of this issue with stinging-celled life... All out
competition is an omnipresent situation in captive reefs. Proper
set-up... Starting with smaller specimens, placing the less
noxious to more in order, careful maintenance... and observation
are all useful tools here. Foods/Feeding/Nutrition A Key
Element to Successful Aquatic Life Keeping "We are what
we eat"... and so are our aquatic charges. Along with
genetic heritage, developmental history, other aspects of
suitability of their environments and presence and degrees of
pathogenicity of disease-causing organisms, nutrition... getting
the "right" mix of foods to the intended livestock...
and not making a big mess of it in the process... is THE
principal determinant of health. Herein is my spiel/presentation
on what basic aquarium feeding constitutes, and hand hints re how
to go about nutrifying your stock with the greatest of ease. Den,
what's on offer for getting WWM Crew folks into this shebang?
Want to trade for some spiffy advertising on WWM? Cheers,
Visiting out in AZ, the Desert Marine Aquarium
Society 1/5/08 Hey again! Happy New Year! Hope
your holidays were fantastic!! I have a favor/question for ya! I
was recently kinda elected to run FRAG here in AZ. <Heeee...
to the slower runner goes the spoils!> If you remember DMS
well this is about 10 times as big. <Was always a nice size
group...> We don't have dues, and we meet at a fantastic
local bar with GREAT food, ice cold beers, a GREAT mix of people
and a nice large selection of quality frags. Its about 50 people
probably more and I was wanting to bug to see when/if you would
be anywhere near AZ. <Is just a drive or flight from San
Diego...> I would LOVE to have you speak about anything hobby
related, maybe one of your slide shows? <Wowzah! Have you been
in a time warp machine? It's death by PowerPoint
nowadays!> I know your probably a busy man, lol but I wanted
to ask. I would be able to arrange accommodations and
transportation for you as well. Frank with Tropical Oasis also
said your more than welcome to drive from California with him, as
he attends most meetings. <Ahh, hello to him. Will gladly
drive with> I know the group would LOVE to visit with you as I
personally had a blast when you came to DMS. Plus hey its free
beer, I say we split it! :D Again hope your holidays were great
and let me know if you will have time in your schedule. THANKS!
Adrian <Thank you Adrian... what dates do you have open? Bob
Re: Hey again! Happy New Year! DMS visit
1/6/2008 That's GREAT news! I know the gang will
be really excited to have you come speak. Here are all of the
dates for FRAG. Feb. 16th Apr. 12th June 14th <This will/would
be the earliest...> Aug. 16th Oct. 11th Dec. 13th We also have
a usually LARGE auction, but it usually takes up the whole 3
hours lol. Over 150 frags at each one! We have such a great group
here and some really nice LE corals! If you ever got bored and
wanted to come for one of these just to hang out your more than
welcome as well. <Ahh! Thank you> Jan. 19th Mar. 15th May
17th July 12th Sept. 13th Nov. 15th Any of the top dates would
work for us. April would be good as well as June. This would give
me time to get some funds together. I will let Frank know that
your talking about riding down with him, I am sure he would enjoy
the company. <Very good> He is such a trooper, he drives to
almost every meeting! Anyways, I will wait to hear when will be
good for you and then I will let the group know. Again THANK YOU,
and will see you soon. Adrian <Be seeing you, BobF>
Re: Hey again! Happy New Year! DMS visit
Thanks for the speedy replies! June would be great of you can
make it. I will post in the club forum that you will be coming in
June once I get an 100% ok from you. <Okay! Better even a few
months ahead... have penned in the time frame in my
calendar...> This will give me plenty of time to get funds
from the group and make arrangements for you. Do you have a
specific place you like to stay while down here? <Mmm,
no...> Do you need a rent-a-car? <Better to have a fellow
fish friend just drive around with...> I will be sure to have
a few days off so we can cruise the LFS if you like.
<Great!> My cell is 602-475-XXXX and if you want to call
and chat about the arrangements feel free to do so. Now I
don't know how it usually goes, what did DMS do when you came
to speak? <Let's see... Met/went to a spiffy Mexican food
restaurant and bar ahead of the pitch... Can't/don't
recall much after that...> What do you need in terms of
compensation for your time? <Nada> Hope that's not
offending lol I just haven't ever organized a guest speaker
before. Were all excited and will be chatting again soon. :D
Adrian <Looking forward to it. BobF>
Re: Hey again! Happy New Year! DMS visit in
June 1/16/08 Hey again! Well the club is underway with
a "Fenner Fund" for expenses and I am getting a
FANTASTIC reaction from the group! I am beyond excited, and
managed to get the bar we have the meetings at to pretty much let
us have run of the place. Just wanted to touch base, I have you
scheduled for the month of June but if anything changes no
problems. Very excited to have you come speak, whats your game
plan as far as a "power point" presentation, or maybe
just a low down on running a LFS? Anyways looking forward to it!
Thanks again! Adrian <Have a couple of new pitches... Here: and: but there are a few dozen
others posted on WWM, and can/will generate something new if
there's an interest. Cheers, BobF>
MACNA XX - Video 11/19/07 Bob - Just wanted
to run this by you before putting it our the website. You
hopefully have heard about our Mystery Contest (see our website
at for the first video) - Thanks, Margi <Hey
Marg... Yeah, WaltS had told me about this... saw the first
installment and now this one... Looks well thought out... Too
sophisticated for me to be the perpetrator for sure. Jerry
"Bob Fenner" Bruckheimer> YouTube Broadcast
Yourself"¢ sharpo wants to share a video with you watch
video Video Description Detective Sharp from
discusses the mystery of "Who Poisoned Walt Smith" with
MACNA XX contest Players. This is a work of fiction. Personal
Message Take 2! To accept my friend request, click here. To
respond to sharpo, click here. Thanks, sharpo
Re: MACNA XX -- 1/2/08 Dear Bob
Fenner; We are pleased that you have agreed to become a speaker
for the 20th annual MACNA -- to be held in Atlanta, Georgia,
September 5, 6 & 7, 2008. I would like to go over a few
things to insure a pleasant and well organized experience for
your stay -- and ask that you respond with the requested
information (I have listed at the bottom of this email the
information I have for you thus far. THANK YOU). <Okay>
Honorarium: You will be receiving an Honorarium of $250 per talk
or workshop that you do (except the roundtable at the end of the
show). <Stipendium peccati mors est... For EricR et al> Per
Diem: You will be receiving a per diem of $50 per day. <Put it
toward the bier> Travel -- by car: A reimbursement of .50 per
mile (round trip) will be given; up to the cost of a discount
airline ticket from your origination point (common sense will be
used of course). <I'll walk> Travel -- by airline: We
will work with you regarding your airline ticket -- we may have
the opportunity to have donated Business Class tickets, which
will be our first option. Otherwise, we defer to your preference
of you booking yourself (and being reimbursed) or our booking
your travel for you. If you decide to book for yourself we will
need to look at the airfare and pre-approve any ticket purchase.
<I'd encourage folks to go economy> Hotel: We will
provide a room at the Westin- Peachtree Plaza for your stay.
<Okay, thanks> We are having a party on Thursday night for
the speakers, sponsors and volunteers. We would very much like as
many speakers as possible to attend, as this is a nice way to
meet and greet the people involved in a low key, low stress
atmosphere. The event ends on Sunday afternoon -- so if possible
we would ask you to stay through the end of the
conference.<Have been there. Thanks> Things we need from
you: Please provide a recent photo that we can include on our
website and in the program Please provide a recent bio that we
can include on our website and in the program <Both on WWM:> Please
provide your choice of topics -- we should have already told you
our preference, but would like to look at all the options. Once
we work these detail out we would like a title and a brief
description of the topic <Hotay:> Please provide your
contact information -- including Title; Name; Address; Phone
Number-- Cell Phone Number (very important in case we get lost!);
preferred email address. <858 397 XXXX, 8586 Menkar Rd., San
Diego, CA 92126> Please let us know if you are bringing anyone
that is staying in your room so we can plan accordingly <Two
beds please> Please let us know if you have any food
allergies, requests or requirements <I'm an opportunistic
omnivore...> Please review the below list for any missing or
incorrect items. <Looks good Margi. Thank you for your
efforts. BobF> Again -- thank you for agreeing to be a part of
MACNA XX -- we are very excited to see you in September! Warm
regards; Margi Shindell MACNA XX co-chair
MAX Event -- 12/8/07 This is a larger
version for quality reasons. If you need me to resize on my end I
can. Our URL is: <I have
skewed/re-sized and will place presently. Still need/want a 77 by
what have you graphic for the static right shared border... Do
you have, will you send along?> I'm processing payment as
we speak Yes, that "ghetto invoice" (LOL) will do for
now : ) just please send me a real copy some time when you are
back in the office. <Okay> I'll send the check out in
today's mail so it'll likely be in your mail box Monday.
<I'll be there some days later...> thanks PS I've
also attached our announcement flyer via PDF in case you happen
to have an "announcements" section/forum/thread
anywhere. I'd appreciate any help you can offer in getting
the word out. : ) MAX is truly a National will
certainly justify some attention. Kevin <I will gladly post.
This may well become a very large annual event... Cheers,
BobF> Kevin T. Adams, MBA, President, CEOSunset Promotional
Services, Inc. "Marine Aquarium Expo 2008"8072
Central Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92844(714) 530-1094
office(714) 260-6660 cell
Orange County Fair & Exposition
88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
TWO FULL DAYS! April 5-6 2008!
Saturday, April 5th: 12:00 Noon to 8:00
Sunday, April 6th: 10:00 AM to 6:00
MAX is being held in
building #12; a 22,000 sq. ft. fully-enclosed, climate-controlled
exhibit hall and adjoining 7,000 sq ft. covered
Admission: Adults - $10.00 / Seniors - $5.00 /
Children 12 & under are Free!
- '¢ Over 100
Exhibitors' Booths!
- '¢ Manufacturers,
Wholesalers, Retailers, Hobbyists
- '¢ Live
goods/Drygoods/Displays/Exhibits/Frags and
- '¢ Major Speakers:
Paletta, Fenner, Blundell, Eigenbrode,
- '¢ Children's
"Touch Tank" and Marine Educational
- '¢ Multiple Workshops
& Demonstrations (6 local clubs
- '¢ HUGE RAFFLES with Incredible Prizes! (tickets only $2 each)
(Special Note: 50% of ALL
Raffle Proceeds to go to preselected public
MAX is a
family-oriented event, so bring everyone for a spectacular
weekend of exhibits, displays, workshops, food, entertainment,
and more. Come join over 3,000 of your fellow hobbyists, vendors,
and speakers who travel from all over the United States to
Marine Aquarium
Expo is the largest show of its kind in North America, right here
in beautiful Southern California! This is certainly not an event
you will want to miss!
For more
information, visit us at:
Re: Updates on websites - 11/21/07
Hello Mr. Fenner, My name is Jessica Timko and I am contacting you on
behalf of SDMAS. I know you have been in contact with Maurice Bullock
and Victor Travis (SDMAS President) about the restarting of SDMAS.
<Am glad to see/realize this resurrection> I assume you are aware
that Victor restarted SDMAS this year, but you might not know that I
have been helping him along the way with covering all the little
details as the new Treasurer of SDMAS. <Necessary> My purpose for
contacting you is two-fold. First, I would like to know if you can find
time in your schedule to speak at our Christmas Party on December 18,
2007 at 7:00pm. <Ahh, thank you for this invite, but I'll be
visiting in FLA during this time. Perhaps another date in 2008> I
know that you are extremely busy, <Heeee! Is this the
perception?> but you are definitely our first choice as guest
speaker for this special event. Secondly, I am organizing a raffle for
our party-goers and I was wondering if you¹d be able to
donate a couple copies of your book for us to give as prizes at this
event¹s raffle, and the 2008 SDMAS events. <I actually
only have one copy... and it is very written in... a new edition is
coming out sometime in 08... perhaps the folks at Microcosm/TFH will
send me a few copies...> Please respond at your earliest convenience
so I may begin preparations. Kindest Regards, Jessica Timko, Treasurer
SDMAS <Nice to make your acquaintance. Bob Fenner> Interzoo
and Mid-East Dive Trip in May... possibilities
11/1/07 All, have been cogitating furiously re the May
itineraries... and considering the devastating slide of the U.S. dollar
(something about ruining our economy, not to mention whatever
reputation... by invading sovereign nations, bleeding ourselves
period... spending more money than we have... The tide has turned...
with foreigner net sales of our debt as of August... crude is going
past the century mark...) am concerned with issues of cost and
safety... The last time we went, most could "get by" on the
funds WWM had to allot... Will take a few thousand more per this go.
So, am proposing, offering to have any/all haul out to HI (the Big
Island, plus?) on the west side... to hike, do a bit of diving... R and
R. You can stay and use my truck for free... I am thinking of being
there for the months of January and March... Is anyone interested in
some time slot during? Several of the Crew have been out... EricR,
MichelleM, ChuckR... so, chat amongst yourselves... and make your
thoughts/feelings known. Thank you, BobF. Latest news
11/1/07 Please regale me with your latest adventures so that I may
live vicariously through your exploits as I am still in remodel hell
and only have the occasional camping-dirt bike trips..........This
weekend as a matter of fact. Cheers, john Zunich <Heee! John... look
forward and backward to such travels... so that you can retain
perspective, happiness... Keep your eyes on the prizes so to speak...
Remember all the good reasons you're going to and through remodel
Hades... Di's off to Romania, then Paris... I've been to the
Bahamas and both of us to/back from Grand Turks w/in the last month...
Do you want to haul out with us to HI in January? March? BobF>
What about Bob? -- 10/20/07 Hey y'all! <Sean> I'm
wondering if Bob ever has any speaking engagements in the Toronto area?
<Mmm, yes. I was just out there earlier this year!> I have a
great fold-out couch that has an awesome mattress that he's welcome
to, if he is! How do I know its an awesome mattress? I slept on it last
night, right after I presented my wife with my budget for my new tank,
sump, and refugium. Its quiet in my house right now, but I feel well
rested! <Heeeee! Thanks for the invite! BobF>
Re: What about Bob? -- 10/21/07 Cool. How
can I make sure I don't miss the next opportunity to hear you? Do
you publish a schedule? Don't let the currency exchange frighten
you off. The beer is still better up here, even though it costs a bit
more now. I'll buy! <Bier!? Oh, got overly excited. Yes to
posting news of WWM Crew, including myself, visits. Here:
Cheers, Bob Fenner> Bob Speaking at MARSH 10/04/2007 Hi Bob,
<Hi Kim> I wanted to follow up with you because we would like to
get your scheduled for a talk here in Houston if possible. Here is a
list of scheduled dates. Let me know if any of them you would like to
do. Jan 12th MARSH Club Meeting Mar 8th MARSH Club Meeting Apr 5th
MARSH Club Meeting May 3rd or 10th MARSH Club Meeting Jun 7th MARSH
Club Meeting Jul 12th MARSH Club Meeting Aug 2nd or 9th MARSH Club
Meeting Regards, Kim Lowe <Jan. would likely work best... I'd
like to start a pitch on avoiding allelopathy/stocking cnidarians.
BobF, Speaking at MARSH - 10/07/2007 Hi
Bob, <Kim> That would be perfect if you can come in January. I
would love to start the year off with a bang! <Ah, good> The talk
sounds perfect. <Yes... have been thinking for quite a while re...
digestive and chemical dominance, overgrowing, Acontian fibers et al.
mechanisms... means that hobbyists should be aware of, poss. employ to
reduce the effects of...> If you want, please pick your itinerary
and airline so we can get your ticket purchased. Otherwise, we can
reimburse you if you want to do that route. Also, can you please
indicate your fees and such so we can have that ready for your as well?
We can mail you your fees and airline reimbursement ahead of time if
needed. <Would be San Diego out and back... a day or two there if
folks have patience, time to show me about... to see their tanks,
stores...> When you have a chance, please send us a summary or
abstract so we can start promoting it on the website and calendar.
<Mmm, okay... how about: Allelopathy and the "Garden
Reef"... Avoiding stinging, poisoning, promoting harmony in
aggressive, untenable settings...? RMF will present, discuss methods,
means of appropriate stocking, set-up, maintenance... to optimize the
mixing of cnidarians and more in captive reefs...> If you have any
other questions, please feel free to email me or call. Regards, Kim
Lowe <Be chatting! BobF out in the Bahamas>
BobF Speaking at MARSH - 10/07/2007 Hi Bob,
<Kim> That topic and summary sounds great. If you would
like to come up on a Friday and leave on a Sunday, that would be
perfect for us. Of course if you need to leave on a Monday, that could
be arranged too. We can do a meeting on Saturday followed by some tank
tours or store visits. The members always enjoy showing off their
tanks. <Ah, good> Do you want to pick out the itinerary and we
can purchase it? Or would you rather buy the ticket and we reimburse
you? Also is there any other fees or requirements you have of the host
club? <No stipend... and the tickets can be worked either way. Do
make it known how you'd like to proceed. Cheers, B> Regards,
Re: Such audacity!!! Bier? 10/16/07 So then,
did I read correctly that you will make an appearance in Houston???
Beer??? <Of a certainty, yes! BobF> Thomas Roach Maldives Dive
Trip in Jan... Are you interested? -- 09/25/07 Di got
a notice from Peter Hughes... their new ship in the Maldives had a
sudden complete cancellation for a week... Am thinking some folks might
want to do another week resort-based there... I think we will... And am
going to ask PeterH for a further discount; split all out evenly as
usual. Please contact Di at if you want to be
further contacted re. Cheers, Bob Fenner. Bob: See if there is enough
interest to fill a boat of 16 people? The base rate without taxes
$2300pp. The trip is Jan 20-27. I need to let them know by Oct. 6 to
hold the boat. Diana Fenner
So, Bob, now that I'm certified out my ears, when
do I get to go diving with you and/or the crew in CA? :-) --
08/26/07 -Sara <Absolutely. I rarely sojourn off the coast...
there are 72 coastal miles... but the water is rather dirty (polluted,
not very clear most days)... The occasional off shore boat trips to our
southerly Channel Islands (Catalina, Mexico's...) are okay... and
have spent a couple of years in total time in the Mar de Cortez just
south... but much more likely/akin to haul out to where the water is
warm/er and clear/er... as in HI... You are welcome to come on out with
us, the Crew to/on all trips... will add your email addy to the list
for mail out re... Pete and I are chatting re when we'll haul out
to HI in October if you'd like to come out then (do ask if you have
friends that want to come along as well)... I don't know what is
going to happen re Sept... looks like neither the Bahama/Blackbeard
cruise nor the Curacao trip are going to happen (note: am reworking a
new ed. of CMA)... the combined HHH outing and diving in Vietnam in
late October... there is the CIPS show in China in mid Nov... so will
have to leave or transit from there by then... Later on in the year
(Feb?) there's going to be a hash and dive friends outing to the
Maldives... expensive, but fab... Then the May trip to Interzoo/Germany
followed by the Red Sea... am thinking somewhere safe like Sharm
again... but Jack (friend, fellow traveler and hasher and our Mid-East
guide par excellence) is talking Abu Dhabi, Dubai... ? And Di had
mentioned Jordan after Egypt... but there is time to wiggle about
here... Are there places in particular you'd like to go/see?
So, are all/many of the WWM crew going to Hawaii in
October? 8/14/07 Sara <Mmm, doubtful to the extreme. Will
ask here who's interested... Pete and I will be out to hare the
KCHHH Oct. run, volunteer for the Ironman... Others are certainly
welcome! BobF>
MACNA, WWM Crew 8/8/07 Do you know who
will be representing WWM from the crew yet? You do have a booth and two
free passes. -Steven Pro <Mmm, do not... will ask here. BobF>
Re: NJ Visit 8/3/07 Bob, <Phyllis> How
have you been? Hopefully all is well with you and yours! I can't
believe how fast the summer is flying by us. <Ah yes... tempus
fugit... esp. more so with age> Last time we talked, we said
we'd touch base again in late July (where did that go?!), so I
thought I'd check in with you and see if you'd firmed up your
end of summer plans? <I have and am thinking of skipping a/the visit
this year to see my mum in law there> We were hoping you'd be
planning to head out this way at the end of the month and would be able
to visit with us, if your schedule allows! Cheers, Phyllis <Thank
you for this offer. Perhaps next year. Cheers, BobF>
Re: NJ Visit 8/4/07 Sorry to hear you
won't be out this way. We were looking forward to another round of
beer and pizza! Hopefully we'll have a chance to get together next
summer then. Cheers! Phyllis <I look forward to this Phyllis.
BobF> Re: IMAC LV Status, spkr. issues period --
07/26/07 Hi Bob; I've been going over the Speakers List for
next year's IMAC Chicago and it again looks like we have many of
the same people. <Yes... you and I have touched on this
subject/issue before> But I feel you guys are sort of "must
haves" in order to bring in the attendees. <I am not so sure
here... Methinks it's imperative to at least bring in new blood,
topics, ideas... every time... to circulate the old toads like me
in/out> IMAC has always been a testing ground for speakers new to
the circuit and I want us to continue to do so. If you know of any
people who have not spoken at a major conference and who you think
would be good for IMAC, please send me their names and emails along
with any references to their on-line publications. <I will do so...
Am thinking Dr. John Randall should come out and tell stories (perhaps
the Banquet Speaker...), perhaps some of the folks in the industry
itself... Like Eric Cohen of Sea Dwelling Creatures, Morgan Lidster of
Inland Aquatics, Sven Fossa of the MCRA series and more, Terry Siegel
re his many years in our interest... I personally think the science and
industry parts/people of our interest are sorely underrepresented at
such functions. Many fine folks, with much pertinent to share. Bob
Fenner> Thanks, Dennis
NJ Frag Swap and Symposium 7/26/07 B
Anyplace appropriate to put this banner on WWM? Or any other ideas?
Scott Fellman, Jake Adams and Richard Harker will be speaking at the NJ
Frag Swap and Symposium. Scott called today, he also said he will be
doing a pitch in Baltimore in Jan. perhaps this page need to get up and
running... M <Yes... the
.png file won't open, but can/will place the Banner... the link?
Announcing IMAC 2008 7/22/07 Hi Everybody;
Well, we had a fantastic IMAC this year, all booths were sold out
months in advance for the first time and everyone seemed to have a
great time. It is unfortunate that we had to cancel IMAC Las Vegas due
to lack of interest (or probably it was the thought of temperatures in
Vegas in August). But we are trying to reschedule it for later in the
winter and we will see what happens. But we are well on our way in
planning for the International Marine Aquarium Conference 2008 to be
held in Chicago on May 30, 31 and June 1 of 2008. We already have Dr.
Ron Shimek (2 presentations), Frank Burr, Dr. Sanjay Joshi, Bob Fenner
and Anthony Calfo lined up with lots more to come. We will again have
our popular "behind-the-scenes" tour of Shedd Aquarium on May
29th, and we will have a tour of LFS on Monday June 2. We hope we will
again sell out the booths early so we will once again have a Great
Trade Show. So get over to to sign up for IMAC and take
advantage of Early Bird Registration Rates now in effect.. Happy
Reefkeeping, Dennis
Re: SEASL invitation follow up -- 07/19/07 Bob,
<Wittes!> Been a hectic week around here...three little ones to
keep out of trouble :) I took a look at flights & want to present
you with some options. American Airlines has the only non stop flights
between San Diego & St. Louis. Afternoon flight here & morning
flight return. This would mean flying into St. Louis on Friday
afternoon & back home Sunday morning. Non stop will be less than
four hours air time & most convenient for you. <Appreciate
this> There are several options if you have another preferred
airline &/or can make a connection. Travel time would be 2-3 hours
more than a non-stop flight. Southwest connects in Phoenix, Frontier
connects in Denver and there are several other options. I just need to
know your preferences on air & hotel arrangements. <Prefer to
stay at someone's home... if poss. to not impractical... There are
too few pet-fish people at hotels> Rates are similar for all three
weekends in September. We will provide you with ground transportation
while here or maybe Morgan can even be your "chauffeur" !
<Wot a deal! Unfortunately there is a recent development...
Wife/Diana is wanting to sojourn down to Curacao for her b'day trip
mid to late Sept... and there is a/the HHH dive/booze cruise in the
Bahamas Oct. 6th on..., and back out to HI after that. Could we look at
later dates/months?> I will be most happy to make reservations for
you, reimburse you for your own arrangements or any combination
thereof. Let me know how you wish to proceed & I will try to make
this visit most convenient & hassle free for you. Thanks. Brad
Witte SEASL <Be chatting, see you and MorganL! BobF>
Speaking Engagement 7/11/07 This message is
for Bob Fenner :)I am the president of a reef club in middle Tennessee
(the Middle Tennessee Reef Club -- Each year for
the past 3 years we have had a Frag Swap in January, and each year it
has grown a little. The club had been a little stagnant for the past
few years, but has been slowly growing since I took over and started to
have things a little more organized and a little more tangible benefit
to reefers. Since the first few months of my being the president we
have attracted 8 new members who are new to reefing, and have been
steadily building on the foundation set before to encourage others in
the hobby and grow awareness of responsible reefkeeping. To that end, I
would love to further grow the swap this year, and interest in the
hobby and would LOVE to have you come and speak. We can pay for your
airfare and lodging, etc. I got your contact information from the MASNA
speaker database. The Frag Swap date has not been set in stone, but
likely will be January 19 (a Saturday). So on behalf of our Frag Swap
organizing committee (a first for us :)) I would like to invite you to
come and speak. Thanks for your consideration, and also for your
excellent contribution to the hobby! Jack <Mmm, maybe... Could we
chat toward the end of the year? BobF>
Re: Speaking Engagement 7/11/07 Wow! A maybe!
We've not had a speaker at our swap so this would be a great first!
<Mmm, might I suggest that friend Anthony Calfo might be a more
appropriate choice... He lives closer, is redoing his coral prop.
book...> We're in Nashville TN, <Have been to this fabulous
town... Got to see Minnie Pearl at the old Grand Ole Opry, the mock up
Parthenon...> which has a direct from San Diego on Southwest,
<Mmm, peanuts... yes...> I think (makes the travel a bit easier
having a non-stop). Anyway, I can certainly contact you toward the end
of the year, but I'd much prefer to lock things in sooner rather
than later -- that way we can plan ahead and get the word out, etc.
Thanks for considering this! Jack <And thank you for this offer. I
do understand re promotion... but am in the throes of determining
dive/travel adventures for the upcoming year... and am thinking
I'll be out of the country both Jan. and Feb. BobF>
Re: Speaking Engagement 7/11/07 That sounds fine.
You were on the top of the list, but I'll look around at others and
will get back to you later in the year if something doesn't work
out on the off chance that you might be available. Thanks again.
<Real good. Thank you. BobF> Re: Hello, JoeR in El Paso! IMAC
LV -- 7/10/07 Everything is going great and I'm doing fine
thanks. The weather is killing us though, it's very hot right now,
lol. Our tanks with the zebra eels, longnose butterflies, and longnose
hawkfish are doing fine, thanks to your advice. We will be opening a
new reptile house in about 8 months and a new Africa section in about a
year and a half. We are all looking forward to these new exhibits.
I'm really glad that you responded, thanks for taking the time.
I'm also enjoying your new book very much. Well thanks again,
it's been nice hearing from you. P.S. Are you going to the IMAC in
Vegas? Joe Reza> <<Great to hear of the new exhibits... looks
like IMAC LV has been cancelled due to lack of sign-ups... A shame.
Cheers! Bob Fenner>
IMAC Las Vegas to be Cancelled <Likely>
6/29/07 Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:59:55 -0500 I'm afraid so
Bob. So far we have fewer than 50 sign ups. And the same with the hotel
(and the contract guarantees them 250). This is a last ditch effort to
bring in some more. Since my announcement there have been more sign
ups. We'll see if it is enough. I've already seen a lawyer to
find out if I can save my house when the hotel sues me for cancelling
the contract. Just maybe. It's really disappointing. For years,
Western hobbyists have been bugging us to have an IMAC closer to them.
Now we do and nobody is coming. I can see why MASNA doesn't have
MACNAs out West. Best, Dennis <I wonder what can still be done to
drive the numbers up? Have you sent a notice to the "western"
marine aquarium clubs? Asked the speakers to announce to
friends/associates? BobF... who has not bought airline tickets
Re: Wakatobi et al. -- 6/12/07 Hi Bob & Diana,
<Hey Dennis!> We just returned from Sodwana / Aliwal late
yesterday. Sorry you couldn't make it. We are off to the Southern
Red Sea for 10 days on a live aboard. <How nice!> We leave South
Africa 19th July and return on 29th July. We are going back to Wakatobi
for 11 days in October this year. Before Wakatobi we are doing 6 days
at Menjangan and I think a week on the Komodo Dancer. <Have heard
good things re this ship, cruise> In December we will have be going
back to Sodwana for a week or two. Those are our plans for this year.
In August I may try to get to see Bill Eschmeyer in San Francisco. What
do your plans look like? <Am asking Di to chime in here... Am back
out to HI next month for about a month... and we're trying to
arrange an early Sept. go to either Bonaire, Fiji... and late May back
down to Egypt's Red Sea (likely Sharm, maybe Nuweiba), and perhaps
Jordan... for a couple of weeks... Hopefully Di will know more> Next
year I am hoping to get to Lake Malawi to see some Cichlids. We look at
putting a trip together. <Am asking friend Chuck Rambo to chime in
here... as he's been there diving... knows of folks who also have
been> I would also like to get to Fiji and then there are so many
other places we have earmarked on our World map. <Ah yes... tis a
bigger world once you get on out to it a bit...> Best Wishes to you
both Dennis <Cheers to you and your wife. Bob Fenner>
------------------------------------ FishWise cc Dennis Polack Fish
DataBase Manager South Africa
NJ Visit 6/5/07 Hi all! This message
is for Bob Fenner! <Howdy!> Bob, NJRC is having a major Frag Swap
in October (27th) and we were wondering if we could drag you back out
this way to come and speak for us again? We would be most honored to
have you (and your wife) out for another visit. Hope to hear from you
soon, Phyllis <Thank you for this offer... but we'll be out in
China with friend Pablo Tepoot for a big tradeshow and dragging our
feet (and gear) diving to/from at this time. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: NJ Visit 6/6/07 Well certainly if I had to
pick one or the other I'd be there in China diving with the lot of
you! Take lots of great pictures and hopefully we'll find a time to
get you out here again in the not too distant! Cheers! <Thank you
Phyllis... Will do and am hoping to haul out near August end (to
Belmar) again to see my mum-in-law for her bday. BobF>
Re: NJ Visit 6/6/07 Oh I was wondering if you were
going to be out this way again around then. Care to speak at our August
meeting again? We'd LOVE that if you're interested!
<Let's chat as the time draws nearer... perhaps late July... as
I still don't have firm plans. Cheers, BobF>
Thank You from Toronto -- 04/30/07 Hi Bob,
<Hey Bri!> I just wanted to send you a quick email to say
Thank You for taking the time to visit Toronto. <A great
pleasure my friend. Good to finally meet you in person... firm up
future dive-travel, pet-fish plans> I know Linda and I are
looking forward to seeing you again in Las Vegas, and hope that we
will be able to treat you to a dinner while we are there.
<Good> I am defiantly looking forward to doing some diving
with you in the future and hope that we are able to do this sooner
then later. <Very good> If there is anything I could assist
you with, please do not hesitate to ask. Additionally if you are
ever in the Toronto area we would be more willing to show you and
your wife around town. <Again, thank you for this kind offer>
Your company as always is great to have. I will be in touch to let
you know when I will be arriving at LAX on my way to Tahiti, and
hope that Linda and I will be able to make the trip down for a
quick visit. <Yes... Our phone number in San Diego is 858 XXX..
Do keep in touch as the Vegas, Polynesia/LA times draw closer...
Bob Fenner> Thanks again Brian Burgener |
Thank you for speaking at MAST -- 04/30/07
Hi Bob, <Steve!> I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your
talk to MAST this last Saturday I enjoyed getting a chance to speak
to you at Bob James's house. <Twas very enjoyable for
sure> I've attached four pics. Two taken Saturday by Ron
Beleno, the other of my son Danny and his(12 gallon) tank taken
about two years ago, one of mine (recent). Again, it was a pleasure
to meet you. Steve <A pleasure. And hello to your son Daniel.
Bob Fenner> |
At the fab after talk din din party!
Re: SaltwaterU Information 4/19/07 I
would like to personally thank all of you for accepting our invitation
to speak at this year's SaltwaterU coming up in a few
weeks. I wanted to give you some more information about what
the plans are for the weekend. Those of you whom are arriving from out
of town, one of our volunteers will meet you at the airport and
transport you to the Marriott Marquis Hotel in downtown Atlanta.
<Ah, good... please do send along their name, phone number...>
From there, we will be driving to the house of our Treasurer, Sharon
Warning for an evening gathering/reception. <How nice!> The
address for this reception is: Sharon Warning 3140 West Andrews Drive
Atlanta, GA 30305 There will be talks both Saturday and
Sunday. Saturday's events will end around 6 PM, and we
are planning on walking over to the Atlanta Civic Center to view the
Titanic Exhibit (it is the last weekend). If for some reason
you cannot attend Saturday's event, please let me know before I
purchase tickets. Thank you again, if you have any questions, I can be
reached via email or my cell phone at 404-542-2351. -- Kevin Jessop
2007 Atlanta Reef Club Vice President (
SaltwaterU Committee Chair ( a 501(c)3 organization
<Thanks Kev. Bob Fenner>
Speaking at the May NCRMAS meeting -- 4/13/07 Mr.
Bob Fenner, <Mike> My name is Mike Moore and I started a new
Marine Aquarium club located in Northern San Diego County (which I
consider anything north of La Jolla). We have met before at different
events run by SCMAS (club meetings and RAP) and you even sent me a
video of your dive trip to the Red Sea (which I still enjoy watching).
<Ah, good> I'm writing this to invite you to speak at our May
meeting on the 11th (2nd Friday of the month) at 7:00pm. We
are a fairly new club and are always looking for new and interesting
topics so if there is one you are particularly fond of and want to
speak on, please let me know. <Mmm...> Anyway, I moved down to
Oceanside, set up a tank, and started looking for a club to support
once again (SCMAS is a long drive north...and even longer drive home as
was riving south to SDMAS on Tuesdays). None were around me,
so I started one. Our first meeting was in January and I
crammed 25+ people into my house and showed off my 180g that I put
together using used parts acquired from many different people
(frugality is a teacher's motto after all) and ran a demonstration
on how to frag soft corals. February's turn out topped
off at 33 people (again in my house) talking about flow in marine
aquariums. March attendance dropped to about 18 but the
topic once again was beneficial (how to photograph aquariums and their
inhabitants). My April meeting (tonight at 7pm at the IHOP
on Oceanside Blvd. if you are looking for something to do) will focus
on Quarantine Tanks and their purpose. <Sounds good> Thanks again
for your time and all you continue to do for the hobby. If
May doesn't work, please let me know when a good time for you is
and I will adjust to your schedule. Mike Moore NCRMAS president <Thank you for the offer... but am out of time for this
year. Perhaps I can make a meeting, or give a pitch in the future.
BobF> No problem...thanks for getting back to me. The
club is open to anyone that wants to attend so you are welcome anytime.
Mike <Thank you my friend. BobF>
IMAC - 4/6/07 Hey BOB, how have you been?
Its been a while since we last spoke. The last time we were together
was with Walt and Debbie Smith at Fogo de Chou in Chicago. That was a
fun night. <Ah, yes> Are you going to IMAC this year? If so, when
do you arrive and what are your dinner plans when you are here? I would
like to get together if you have the time. Let me know. <Am going...
but don't know re itinerary... Haven't bought air tickets as
yet... may come in Thurs. out Sunday... Usually go out with WWM crowd
first night... Do stay in touch... BobF>
Re: IMAC & Alcyoniid pred. - 4/6/07
Great. If you have time, let me know. I'm trying to change some
things in my schedule in order to attend the show. Look forward to
seeing you there. <Hope to see you there as well> Hey quick
question. In my reef tank one morning, I woke up to find that the base
of my Kenya Tree was half eaten. The only culprit I could think of was
a large Mithrax crab I recently found in the tank. It must have been
introduced a long time ago in some rock and must have been tiny at the
time. The body is about the size of a silver dollar. The only fish I
have are clown fish, anthias and yellow tangs. Any ideas? <Of those
listed the Mithraculus is the more likely candidate. I'd remove
it/this. BobF> Re: SWU pres. abstract... topic of talk
3/28/07 Bob... you said you would talk about Reef Safe Fish and
SCUBA. if you want to talk about your diving experiences and
things you have observed when you have dove, that is fine with me
<Okay... but tying these subjects together? Likely better to discuss
just the issue of the first... or some aspect of SCUBA as it relates to
pet-fishing... e.g. collection... Would this do? BobF. Resp:
That would work awesome! We are trying to HOOK the scuba
geeks into reef keeping <Ahh! Easy to do... Will make the pitch on
Urging Folks to Take Up Scuba... and Modes of Marine Life Collection if
you'd like... Or... Photography? BobF.>
Coming to La Jolla! 2/28/07 Hello Bob, Hope
all is well with you. Tank is doing
great! We are coming to La Jolla March 18-22.
We'd love to meet you over at the
Birch Aquarium. Is there a better day that week
for you? <Mmm, no... all are about the same for me>
Oh by the way I'd love an all you can eat
seafood buffet or someplace that has good crab legs.
<Yikes... crab legs... in San Diego? Almost all are imported...
except for some of the Cancer crabs caught off the shore and points
north...> Any recommendations? <Yes... the "Fish
Market" if it's not too crowded... Whereabouts (which town)
are you staying?> After 6 years I haven't found
a restaurant that I'm crazy
about. Thanks Donielle <Not for crab legs
here... though there are some nice take out (Sea Forth, Islandia...)
sorts of places... and some (too high end for me usually) sit-down
restaurants with good seafood (am perhaps too picky from studying
fisheries for so long)... Do send me an email when you're closer to
town, or your cell number. Bob Fenner>
Re: coming to La Jolla! 2/28/07 Hi Bob, we
are going to stay at the Sea Lodge that is right beside
Kellogg park. <Oh, how nice! Right there in La Jolla... near
the Cove... and Shores... In a previous life I sold the restaurant
there Abalone...> I love that park and the tide pools. I
plan my whole day around low tide!! I'll
email you a day or so before we leave so we can exchange
cell numbers. Thanks again, Donielle <Real good... And do
"pencil in" my fave Pizza places... Carino's (in La Jolla
as well) and Pizza Port... up the 101 a bit... There is a "Fish
Market" Restaurant in Del Mar... not too far away as well...
BobF> NERAC III, Your Last Chance To Join Your Competitors
2/12/07 About a month ago, the Long Island Reef Association (LIRA)
which is hosting the NERAC III Conference sent you an email inviting
your company to join. The email was giving your company the opportunity
to either purchase a booth or if unable to attend, the ability to
donate in order to be listed both on the NERAC website
( and in the program guide. <Mmm,
didn't see before... But, no thanks> Unfortunately
we have not heard from you, either it may have been caught by your spam
filter (hence the duplicate that has been sent via a standard yahoo
email) or that you may have missed reading it. <A
possibility> As an event organizer I
hope to encourage you to further think about joining this great
conference. Last year we had over 100 attendees for the two
day conference and 100 for the dinner. This year the
response has been overwhelming with an anticipation of 150 people for
the conference. The postings on Reef along with
individual clubs' websites indicates that the conference which is
located on Long Island, New York will be far
reaching. Expected fish enthusiasts will be coming from
Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Upstate New York, Connecticut,
Massachusetts and even Toronto.
If a booth is not your choice of advertisement, then think
about donating your product(s). These donations will be used
for the raffle event held on Sunday afternoon. We are
talking about 150 people along with the thousands that pass by that
day, as we display your product with a quick
description. Product discussion did not end after the
conference but was carried into our monthly meetings along with
numerous postings not only on our discussion board but on reef
central's. A few companies responded
in asking about an alternative to a product since they wanted to make
livestock available or the ability to offer an upcoming
product. Well, I suggested that a gift certificate be made
available, which they concurred with excitement. In addition, some of
these companies accompanied their donation along with a discount to all
attendees of the conference between 10-30% off products/livestock found
on their website. Now you may be
thinking, who are my competitors that you make mention
of? Well, if you follow this link you will see who
has signed up in the past week alone. (last year over 20 companies were
listed) Not only do they receive advertisement on the
webpage, they are included on the program guide, and again
<Good spiel> Time is running out
for your company in order to be listed and printed. Please
contact me at with your intentions. I
can then give you further instructions on how best to present your
company at this tremendous event. On
behalf of the event organizers and that of the association, I thank
your for taking the time to read this and of any donations that are
made. Eric Jenkins Public Relations Officer
(516) 236-3615 (Our
organization) (NERAC info) (Host aquarium) <Hello
to all the Atlantis. BobF>
MCMAC Conference
2/7/07 Dear Mr. Bob Fenner, <Rick> The Midcolumbia
Saltwater Aquarium Club is holding our third "Mid Columbia Marine
Aquarium Conference" (MCMAC) this summer and we are looking for
one or two speakers who are experts in the field for our two day summer
event in Kennewick WA. Our past two conferences we were
fortunate to have Anthony Calfo, Terry Bartelme, Steve Tyree and Dr
Adelaide Rhodes along with a few local experts presenting on excellent
topics that entertained a gathering of approximately 100 at each
event. We are able to secure a professional auditorium with
excellent video, sound and lighting equipment. Typically we
draw people from the Seattle, Spokane, Portland OR and Boise ID clubs
to this event. It is well known in the Pacific Northwest as
an excellent event to attend and has been well supported by many
vendors contributing to our silent auction and raffle. We
also have a local tank tour of our club member's tanks and the last
event we had over 30 cars of people caravanning around town on the
tour. This is a thread on about our last MCMAC
We have not yet selected a weekend to hold this event as the date is
dependent on the availability of our speakers. We would like
to hold the conference on a weekend (Fri & Sat) within the
following date ranges. From June 9, 2007 thru August 26,
2007 except for July 28/29 and August 18/19. If you are available
during this time frame and would like to visit the beautiful Pacific
Northwest and hang out with a bunch of people who are crazy about their
reef tanks, we would really enjoy hearing from you. <Maybe...
won't know re any of these general dates likely till the beginning
of summer> Please send a reply to: Rick Berg <I'd ask other
folks. Bob Fenner>
RMF visiting PNWMAS 1/25/07 Hello Mr.
Fenner, I know its not April but I have another
idea. <Okay> Is the month of Feb. 2008
better for your schedule? <Maybe> We still want you to come and
give a speech. Just trying to make sure we have a speaker lined up ASAP
for the August 19th, 2007 date. Since speakers fill up their calendars
so quickly. If the 2008 date works for you, let's put it in the
books and I'll begin looking for someone else to take over the
August date. <"Never put off till tomorrow what you can put off
till the day after tomorrow"... A BenF mis-quote methinks>
Don't mean to sound pushy or come
across that way, just trying to fill in our calendar. Please let me
know what you think of this idea. If it is still better to wait and
check back with you in April, I'll do that. Just thought this might
make things easier. Thanks for your time and patience, Mike Wilson -
PNWMAS Public Relations Officer and member <Let's push this date
back then. RMF>
& SWU 1/25/07 Bob, I need to know where
to book your flight from for SWU May 4-6, 2007. <Mmm, San
Diego's Lindbergh Field> Also, when are you gonna travel back
west... to the lovely rainbow state? <Am coming over just north of
you I believe (S.C.) in a couple of weeks. BobF> -- Kevin Jessop
Event visit, IL in Feb./07 1/24/07
Bob, Just wondering what it takes to get you and the WWM
crew out to an event. The time frame is short, and I apologies on that.
I had no idea that this was going to explode like it has. This is the
1st event a new club is hosting, but already we have major vendor
support, guest speakers, and people talking about making driving over
300 miles to attend. I has hoping for 250 to attend, some are putting
that number closer to 1000. If is isn't possible to get you and or
crew members out is it possible to get a banner for the event up?
Thanks for your time
Rob Topping
Rockford Reef Club <Nice advert... I try to get out
once every couple months to give a free pitch... and strongly encourage
other friends here to do so... Illinois in Feb. 07? Will post your note
in the hope that others will see, chime in... Am all full up for next
year myself. Bob Fenner> MAST - Toronto - April 28-
arrangements 1/19/07 Hi Bob (and
Diana): We have finally been able to sign a contract with the local
college for a good Theatre Room, for Saturday, April 28. Topic: Our
last two or three 'big' presentations have been focused on SPS
corals. We wondered if you could do something a bit more broadly based.
We would be happy with a fairly generic title, along the lines of
'Successful Reef Keeping'. If possible we would like something
on a successful approach to decision making, how to choose equipment
and specimens, attitudes of the aquarist, compatibility issues for
various kinds of reef - a bit more philosophical, rather than a list of
specific equipment and a 'to do' list. Hope you can make sense
of that. Do you have anything along those lines available ? <Yes...
perhaps a pitch on Reef Livestock Selection> We note your policy of
catering to all skill levels, but we had some mild criticism that a
couple of past talks were not challenging enough. It is usually our
more skilled aquarists that attend our special events. <Mmm, if the
word and I can be mentioned in juxtaposition... "pride"
myself on being the "Betty Boop"/Homer Simpson of providing a
broad-enough range of interest to ability levels...> Publicity: For
our publicity posters, we would like a title (not necessarily exactly
as suggested above). Also, do you have a brief bio and a photo you
could send us ? <Mmm, my extant bio. is here:
Will work on placing, linking some more modern pix... do look there for
links to same in the next few days> Books: Not sure what books you
have in print or your usual arrangements for selling them. We have
found quite a few participants like to buy the speaker's latest
book(s), especially if they can get them signed. Is that something we
should talk about ? <Yes... and asking Diana (wife) to chime in
here... She's thinking of accompanying me (unusual! But likes your
town)... and has a bunch of our titles... Otherwise you can ask to buy
them from her, other distributors... and re-sell> Air Tickets: Just
a reminder that you suggested Diana was a hot-shot at booking flights.
Since we don't know your preferred arrangements, we are leaving
that to her. We don't expect you to make inconvenient arrangement
to save a few bucks, but I understand one generally gets a better price
if booking isn't left too close to departure date. As previously
noted, as soon as we know the cost of your flight, we will put money in
the mail. Best regards, Bob. <Di is excellent at these arrangements.
Am leaving this up to her as well. Cheers, Bob Fenner, not quite
warm-enough in HI> Re: IMAC 2007 1/19/07 Hi Bob;
I just got back from Las Vegas where I did a site survey (Boy, the
Riviera is a BIG hotel!). The dates got changed. The Vegas IMAC will be
on August 9 - 12. Can you still make it? <Mmm, I guess
so> There won't be any more changes. I
signed a contract. Best, Dennis <I didn't realize the
IMAC was moving from Chicago... Hey, your website hasn't been
changed to reflect the date, location changes.... Bob Fenner>
Re: 2 IMACs 2007 1/19/07 Hey Bob; IMAC
isn't moving from Chicago. We're still having it in
Chicago June 1, 2 and 3. The Vegas IMAC is a second one for
the West Coast people who have been complaining for years about not
having a major conference out their way for about 9 years. Can you come
up with another topic for Vegas? <Oh, and yes... BobF> Best,
Re: SEASL invitation to St. Louis Graham, <BobF
here> Thanks so much for passing along the reply from
Bob. I was most surprised when the e-mail showed up on RC.
<? Me too...> One of our members found it &
posted it there. I assume it was posted somewhere on
WetWebMedia's site or message board? <Oh! Most likely so> Now
the general membership of SEASL keeps asking, "when's Bob
coming?" I spend little time on the internet so am not
familiar with your protocols. I guess it's good to
generate interest :) Onward!... <Oh yes> We have
historically hosted speakers in the fall. Our regularly
scheduled meeting is the second Saturday of the month. May I
propose the following dates for Bob to visit SEASL? Sept. 8, 2007 Oct.
13, 2007 Nov. 10, 2007 <Mmm... likely the last two might work...
could we re-visit toward summer's end?> Please advise if these
dates are open. We can certainly move the meeting to another
weekend or even a weekday if necessary. Walt Smith
spoke on a weekday evening in 2004. Anthony Calfo spent the
whole weekend with us in 2005 and Eric Borneman came in for one day in
Nov. 2006. We are certainly very flexible on
dates. Thanks again! Brad Witte SEASL Executive
officer <Thank you for your interest. Bob Fenner> SaltwaterU
& HI 1/10/07 Bob, Have you been able to check
your schedule to see if you are available for the following? 1.
SaltwaterU May 4-6, 2007 in Atlanta, GA <Have not, but this should
be fine> 2. A visit to dive sometime in Feb (Kona) <May well be
back out here (am in Kona presently), but have a pitch in SC in the
near mid-Feb., and may haul out to Bonaire later> Thanks in advance,
you are great. Hope your new years was wonderful <And
yours, BobF> -- Kevin Jessop
SaltwaterU & Bonaire 1/10/07
The Atlanta Reef club is looking at doing a trip to Bonaire in late may
or early June.... Kevin <Oh! Which resort/condo group? Is there a
listing, URL that I might see re? Is the public at large able to join
in? BobF>
Where in SC will you be? 1/10/07
<Mmm, here: BobF>
Re: SaltwaterU & Bonaire 1/10/07
The resort that we are looking into is the sand dollar. I
will find the url and email it to you later. <Ahh, I/we've
stayed there... very nice... and the new restaurant to the left side of
the pier is a winner... and free wi-fi outside the coffee shop near the
road...> You are more than welcome to come join us for
this trip. This will be our SaltwaterU Dive trip this year.
Kevin <Oh! Let's do try and get some more folks involved here...
A very nice, calm, warm, clear water place to go... I'll gladly
volunteer to pitch in... with an ID series of presentations, perhaps UW
photography. BobF>
Re: RMF giving a pitch in Portland
1/7/07 Bob, Contacting you to see if the
possibility of you coming out and talking to us in the month of Aug.
2007 is still there? It would be the weekend of the 18th and 19th. This
would be for our BBQ/party. trying to nail down a date before the year
gets to far planned out for you. Please let me know if this works or if
we should try something else. <Mmm, don't know at this point
Mike... might be going east about this time of year... Can we re-visit
toward summer? BobF> Thanks for your time and patience, Mike Wilson
- PNWMAS Public Relations Officer and member
SEASL invitation to St. Louis
1/5/07 Bob, <Brad> I am one of the executive officers of
SEASL (Saltwater Enthusiasts Association of St. Louis). We
would like to invite you to visit us for a speaking engagement later in
2007. We hosted Anthony Calfo in 2005 and Eric Borneman in
Nov 2006. Check us out at ! I think
we showed them a good time & we had nice crowds at their events
here. Drop Anthony & Eric a note, I think they would
agree. We would love to have you visit & speak and learn
from you. Could you check your schedule & let us know if
you are available to come to St. Louis? That would be most
wonderful. Thanks. Brad Witte SEASL Executive officer
<Mmm, thank you for the invite... Please do write me back a few
months closer to the prospective dates. Don't know at all well what
I'll be doing travel-wise during this time frame. Bob
Speaking engagements? 1/5/07
Hello Bob, <Hey Keith!> My name is Keith MacNeil. I am
a member of the Connecticut Area Reef Society ( and we
are hoping you might be free sometime this summer to come speak to our
club. We are looking to have a BBQ type meeting <Whoa,
got my attn.> in August and thought this might be the perfect
meeting time for you. <So far...> I have been told by a source
that you do not like cold weather. <Dat's right> I am in
agreement with you about this and am still wondering why I agreed to
move from Sunny SoCal to Connecticut, LOL. <Am out in HI now... too
cold even in S. Cal.> This source also mentioned that I should let
you know we will have plenty of good pizza, <Whoa times two!> a
good selection of beers <Am getting on the plane right now...>
and a high number of females in attendance. Well, the first
two will be true but I must admit maybe I was spoiled while living in
SoCal, but the women of CT just don't seem to stack up to CA.
<Oooh, watch this... the "bear effect" seems to be
positively correlated with thermal regimes> But we will also
advertise the meeting to other nearby clubs (such as Boston and NY) in
hopes of increasing attendance. <Sounds good> Well you may have
guessed who the source is, it is Anthony Calfo. I should
also let you know I am employed by Marine Depot and am an administrator
(username argi) on the Marine Depot Forums,
where Anthony has his own forum. I lived in SoCal for 7
years, where I was employed by Marine Depot for the last 2 years before
moving to CT. Luckily Ben allowed me to continue to work
from Marine Depot from home. <Sounds good. BenR is a fine fellow>
While in SoCal I was also a very active member of SCMAS (
<Oh yeah, MarcT and many other good people> where I was able to
hear you speak a couple of times (most notably at our holiday party at
the Long Beach Aquarium). If this is something that might be of
interest to you and you are available, please let me know and we can
start working out the details. If it is something that is
not possible at this time but maybe in the future or simply isn't
going to be feasible at all please let me know and it is fully
understandable. Hopefully you might be able to make the trek to
Connecticut, but if not I am looking forward to seeing you at MACNA in
Pittsburgh. <Mmm, probably won't be attending... I only go to
these pitches if I'm presenting... usually folks can only stand me
every other year or so...> Thank you for your time, Keith MacNeil
<Mmm, thank you for the invite... Please do write me back a few
months closer to the prospective dates. Don't know at all well what
I'll be doing travel-wise during this time frame. Bob
Here's a pic of Bob, Chris and Sabrina
getting ready to dive last mo. in Hawai'i'. Pic by Jorie
Johnson... 5/06 |
RMF Speaking Schedule 12/27/06 Hey
Bob, Would you be interested in coming back to Houston to talk to our
group? <Oh! Was just in your airport last night... transiting back
from FLA> I am not sure what you would like to talk
about to a smaller crowd, but your presence has been requested so I
wanted to check. What are your thoughts? Kim <Will, would gladly
come out... don't have much planned for 07 thus far... but am going
to be out for some longer times... the month of Jan. in HI for
instance... When did you have in mind? BobF>
Re: Speaking Schedule 12/27/06 Hiya Bob!
<Kim-ster> That is crazy, if I would have known you were in
Houston at the airport, I would have bought you a beer if your layover
was long enough. <Man!> Oh well, maybe next
time. I am not sure when you would want to speak to our
group, but we are pretty open for next year since we don't have any
solid plans of yet, except for a few things... Feb has a Coral ID
workshop <Mmm... could do this... but... there are others that are
more popular> Mar frag swap and garage sale April 21st we are doing
a crawfish boil and collection, then we are planning a dive trip to the
Flower Gardens that leaves on the 22nd for the Hammerhead migration and
comes back on the 25th. <Sphyrna lewini solamente? If so, nah>
You could always come in and talk for that Friday or
Saturday morning. Too bad I can't just fly you out here
to hang out since everyone seems to enjoy your company. <Can,
could... don't have a day job... Just need fast Net access> May
and June we have member tank tours <Always like these> July we
have a Port A collection trip and weekend hangout event, which involves
all three TX clubs. You could even be a part of that if you
wanted. <Sounds like a blast...> The rest of the year has nothing
planned. <Mostly me neither> I guess it really
doesn't matter to us. We are pretty flexible since there
is not too much set in stone as of yet. Let me know what your thoughts
are or when you would like to be in TX, and I can try to work around
that. Once I know when you are available I will let my BOD
know so we can decide who and when. Talk with you soon! Kim <Mmm,
let's keep chatting... maybe you can/should fill in the rest,
majority of your calendar... then make it known where I might fit in...
Can/will chat re most any topic. Cheers, Bob F> Re: Speaking
Schedule 12/28/06 Hello Bob, <Kim-o-vitch!> Yes
I do have a day job. My email is up, so I am constantly
checking it when I am not in the lab. ;) I guess I forgot to
mention, Eric is doing the Coral ID workshop in Feb, so don't worry
about that. Too bad you don't want to swim with the
sharks, I am sure it will be fun. I hear there is an
occasional whale shark that comes thru about that time of year too.
<Mmm, have pix of all these... but still want to dive the
"gardens" there> The Port A trip is always a good
time. Friday night we do a beach bon fire and just hang out
with everyone. Saturday in the morning and afternoon, people
do whatever, but usually it includes searching the Sargassum and
jetties for critters. <Oh!> Last year one of our members found a
seahorse, of which he is still doing well from what I
hear. Later Saturday we do a BBQ and then head to the end of
the jetties just before sunset for a peppermint shrimp
collection. 100s of peps are caught, let alone the many
other fun critters. <Sounds great> The tank tours are cool too,
especially since we have to split it up into two different regions
because Houston is big enough. You are more than welcome to
join us on that excursion. I am sure the members would love
it. <I know I would> Well anyway. We will keep in
touch about next year's schedule. Talk with you soon!
Kim <Real good hon. BobF> Re: Can we schedule Mr. Fenner in
2007? Hi Bob, There are four Saturdays in August 2007: the 4th,
11th, 18th, and 25th. Would the 25th work well for you? <Mmm.. the
18th would/will likely be better It fits the bill as being near the
23rd. We could also go with Sunday the 26th if that would better for
you. I'm CC'ing Greg Hiller on this message. Can/would you
please send us your phone number so we can make arrangements with you
for travel & lodging? <Ah, yes. 858 XXXX> That would be most
excellent. Thanks for your time, Moe <Let's make this a
tentative date... and touch base re May or June of next year.
Re: Hi from Caracas 9/22/06 Hi Bob
<Claudio> I am working on ³OUR PROJECT² for
your visit to Caracas <Ah, good> I am trying to ³sign
up ³ up to 6 no more than 8 persons to share the expense I
already have 4, so far so good... <Half way there...> The Plan is
coordinating the ³House VISITS² so you can
evaluate how are we doing here, what is out ³LIVE
STOCK², some of us are starting small fragging projects
because imported coral are extraordinarily expensive ( we pay as much
as 4 times US retail price) <Yikes... Macanudo!> and we have some
local corals zoanthids that are ³legally
protected² so it ends up expensive because is not completely
legal to obtain (sort of a grey area depending where, when and who
collects them... Latin America style) <I see> In this
visit the idea is to discuss on a case by case basis and at the end of
each day (1,2 or 3 days) have a meeting, may be with some
digital pictures to openly discus strategies en special topics. Think
as a Club in formation. <Good> I am trying also to figure out
expenses, your plane ticket, your hotel, meals and trying to set up a
ice dive if there is any thing else please do not hesitate to contact
me... About timing, we are still thinking end of November because early
December (Dec, 3) is the Presidential election and We really do not
know if it is going to be any trouble... Any other thought?? Regards
Claudio <I do... there is a young/er friend, Anthony Calfo, who
might actually be a better visitor here... He is the author of
"The Book of Coral Propagation" and knows much more than I re
this field. I am going to cc him here for your introduction. I will
gladly come visit you if he can't make it, but his background is
much more current in what it appears you're looking for. Bob
Fenner> Can we schedule Mr. Fenner in 2007? 9/20/06 Hi
Bob, <Hey Moe! Sorry, am sure you've heard this before...>
Shall we try scheduling a speaking visit for 2007? I know from past
experience you don't like the cold. <Brrrrr!> I also remember
that in the past you've preferred leaf season - autumn. Do you want
to try for September or October of 2007? Would an earlier month in 2007
work for you? You pick the month, we'll arrange things. :) We'd
love to have you out here - I'm hoping we can work something out
soon. Thank you, sir. Warm regards, Moe Boston Reefers Society <Am
wondering if I might come out in August of next year... in conjunction
with visiting my mum in law in NJ. BobF> Hello from Caracas
9/19/06 Hi Mr. Fenner <Salud Claudio> I was talking
with some friend here in Caracas (Venezuela) all aquarium enthusiast
about how we were doing things here, I thought about the possibility of
having a very qualified expert, like yourself, visit us, review our
tanks and have something like an open class. <A possibility> Our
situation in the reef aquarium hobby is very
³empirical² , mostly trial and error (very
expensive btw..) and our local stores really are no help. Internet is
our main way of learning and importing books... <Thank goodness for
the Net> There is really nobody with enough experience to jump to a
better level in the hobby. Of course we would arrange for expenses and
possible some nice diving!!! <Ahh! Muy bueno... me gusto bucear>
I really do not your availability and I really would like your input
about this IDEA Regards Claudio Dioguardi Caracas, Venezuela <Please
make known your time frame/s... My wife would like to come along for
the diving adventure, and I'll gladly pay for her travel. Bob
Fenner> Post MACNA Dive Trip Hotel Options
Hello all,
I just wanted to get you a list of hotels
that are near by the Bush International Airport and Hobby Airport
so you can decide where you are going to stay. I have
attached a couple sites with various listings, of which most have
complimentary shuttles.
Bush -
Hobby -
I am going to help get you guys to the
hotel after the dive trip, but let me know if you need my
assistance, otherwise I will assume you have figure other
Also, for all who haven't figure
out their dive equipment, if you aren't bringing your
own, there is a dive shop across from the Gulf Diving ( for convenience called
Aquatic Excursions (979-233-8800). You can contact
them for help in regards to this. Remember, there
will be some weights available for your use, but feel free
to bring your own if you can manage the additional weight
on the plane. 80" tanks will be provided by the
dive company, so don't worry about bringing those
If there is anything you need,
please email me or call me ASAP. Sharon at Gulf
Diving would be happy to answer you questions about the
dive, or you can email me about it.
We still have several spots
available on the boat, so please make sure you let all
your buddies know.
See you all in a few
Kim Lowe Vice President, MARSH
Re: MACNA Post Dive Trip Hotel
Options - 09/02/06 <Thank you
Kim. Done. BobF> Oops... I am a
goof. Here is the link for the info on
the MACNA site... It
includes the link for PayPal. Kim Lowe
Re: Post-MACNA dive
trip 9/2/06 Date: Thu,
31 Aug 2006 21:28:15 -0500 Hello all, I just wanted
to get you a list of hotels that are near by the
Bush International Airport and Hobby Airport so you
can decide where you are going to
stay. I have attached a couple sites
with various listings, of which most have
complimentary shuttles. Bush -
Hobby -
I amgoing to help get you guys to the hotel after
the dive trip, but let me know if you need my
assistance, otherwise I will assume you have figure
other transportation. Also, for all who haven't
figure out their dive equipment, if you aren't
bringing your own, there is a dive shop across from
the Gulf Diving ( for
convenience called Aquatic Excursions
(979-233-8800). You can contact them for
help in regards to this. Remember, there
will be some weights available for your use, but
feel free to bring your own if you can manage the
additional weight on the plane. 80"
tanks will be provided by the dive company, so
don't worry about bringing those either. If
there is anything you need, please email me or call
me ASAP. Sharon at Gulf Diving would be
happy to answer you questions about the dive, or
you can email me about it. We still have several
spots available on the boat, so please make sure
you let all your buddies know. See you all in a few
weeks!! Kim Lowe Vice President, MARSH <Kim! I
should have made up my mind by now... and with the
list of other folks going... Am convinced. Please
make it known how I should get you the 450 for this
go... I'll haul my BC, reg... BobF>
<Kim-ster, I do need a ride... to and fro. Am
hoping to stay in the same hotel as John Dawe and
co. He's emailing re what/where this might be.
Danke, BobF> Re: Post MACNA Dive Trip
8/23/06 Hi Bob, We definitely have a
few spots open if you two would like to go. Let me
know. Regards, Kim Lowe Vice President, MARSH <Am still
cogitating furiously re... who might give/share
transport to/from the MACNA do to the port? Is it
really a hundred miles away? Could I make a flight
back on the 24th at 9:00... Weds. or? BobF>
Bob Fenner in the GWN!
7/31/06 Mr. Fenner, Can
we pencil you in for the summer of 2007? We would
like you to be in town for the weekend of
8-18/19-07. Hopefully this wouldn't be to close
to your birthday and we can make this happen.
<This time should work fine> Could you send
us a list of items you would need for your trip up
here, <Mmm, just a laptop projector and
screen> like what you would need to have for
your speech/lecture and what we would need to
reimburse you for, ( flight and so on ). <Just
this... and a place to stay please. Can/could be
(preferably) someone's place rather than a
hotel, but this would work> Really hoping that
this time frame will work for you and not cause any
problems with your birthday plans. Please let us
know if we can plan on having you as our guest next
year. Thanks for your time and patience, Mike
Wilson - PNWMAS Public Relations Officer and member
<And did mention to my other "Mike
Wilson" friend, fellow-hasher in San Diego re
your commonality of nomens! Cheers, Bob Fenner,
still out in HI>
Re: NJ Visit
7/11/06 I'd like to shoot for the 27th of
August if that works for you. Let me know if you
can plan to be here and what you need from us.
Thanks, Phyllis <Will come out, visit you folks,
give a pitch... Need the addy, time frame, a laptop
projector and screen, the topic or choice of topics
you'd like to hear. BobF> Re: NJ
Visit 7/13/06 Already have the
projector lined up, working on the screen and the
exact location. Hopefully I'll have the
location details all firmed up by the end of the
day today. I'll let you know as soon as
I've got the place booked. <Real good> Do
you have a list of your favorite topics? I'd
love to pick from topics that are near and dear to
you. <Mmm, many travelogues... disease/health
issues... On my laptop... a pres. on "Algae
Can Be Your Friend" and Marine Livestock
Selection... BobF> Thanks!
Re: NJ Visit
7/15/06 Bob, <Phyllis> We've
confirmed the place and time. We'll be
gathering at the Jenkinson's Aquarium meeting
room, in Point Pleasant, NJ at 1:00 pm on Sunday,
August 27th. We are very excited to have this venue
and have you to speak for us. On last check with
the MASNA database of speakers you do not require a
fee, is that still correct? <Correct> Are
there any expenses we can pick up for you? <Mmm,
no, thank you> We would love to have your
company for dinner after the meeting if you're
inclined. <Certainly> We would also like to
gather some frags from our local tanks for you to
take home with you, if you'd be able to take
them. Is there anything in particular you'd
like for your collection? Regards, Phyllis
<Thank you for your considerate offer/s... but
no also to the livestock please. Bob
RMF giving a pitch in
Portland 7/10/06 Hello Bob,
Would the summer of
2007 be open for you to speak to us? August would
be great as that is our BBQ, (big fiesta), if not
we would like to try and set up a date to work on
and start to get the ball rolling. <This sounds
great. If possible, not involving a date too close
to 8/23... is my bday...> Let me know what works
best for you. We are working with a club in
Seattle, WA. <Oh! I think I've been to
this> to try and bring speakers to the
Northwest. We are trying to get speakers to speak
at both clubs meetings in one weekend (1 Sat. and 1
Sun.). Are you interested in this also? Please let
me know what will work for you. Thanks Mike Wilson
- Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium Society Public
Relations Officer and member <Man! That's a
long title! Bob Fenner>
Invite to MAST -
Toronto 7/1/06 Hi Bob:
<Bob> I am writing to see if you have any
interest in speaking to the Marine Aquarium Society
of Toronto (MAST) in Toronto, Canada. <Mmm,
sure> I was in touch with you a couple of years
ago, but you were pretty well fully booked at the
time You recommended Anthony Calfo, and we did
manage to get him up here last April. We much
enjoyed his talk, and generally had a great time.
<Ah good... a fine person, asset to our
interest> We realize it is a significant trip
for you but, in our program planning, your name
inevitably arises as a 'must have' speaker.
So here I am trying again. <"Must
have...?" That's something I rarely hear,
'cept if I'm late serving dinner, or
vacuuming on Sundays> We have arranged for a
U.S. speaker for this fall, so would like to see if
spring or fall of 2007 might interest you. (MAST
takes a summer break in July and August.) For
out-of-town speakers, we usually have a special
event on a Saturday afternoon. We have found a
great lecture hall (banked seating and first-class
audio-visual facilities). We also have a good
reputation for making sure our guests are well
cared for. <How nice> Looking forward to
hearing if this might fit your schedule and be of
interest. Regards, Bob
James (President, MAST) <Thank
you for the invite. Am totally open for 2007 thus
far... please make it known what time frame, topics
will fit your group. Bob Fenner>
Re: Invite to MAST -
Toronto 7/2/06 Hi Bob: <Bob>
I have just been in touch with Charles Delbeek (an
ex-Torontonian) at the Waikiki Aquarium. Charles
was encouraging me to visit - and quite out of the
blue - he mentioned some of the prominent reef
types who now live on the 'Big Island' -
including yourself. The MASNA speakers database has
you listed as being in San Diego. I have no idea
what the airfare from HI to Toronto is likely to
be, but obviously a fair bit more than from San
Diego. <Mmm, do live in San Diego about half the
year. Am in HI a couple months per> I will
investigate the airfare and discuss the budget with
the rest of the MAST Exec. In the meantime, I
thought I should let you know right away that it
may be a bit of a problem. I don't suppose you
might be over on the mainland sometime for other
purposes, so that we might share the cost with
another sponsor? Regards, Bob. <No worries. Will
wait for cheap airfares from S. Cal. BobF>
Re: Invite to MAST -
Toronto 7/2/06 Hi Bob: <Bob>
Thanks for such a quick and positive reply.
<Welcome!> Spring 2007 works best for us - we
are flexible, but a Saturday in April would
probably be best - the bad weather is over, and no
scheduling complications with school spring break.
<Should work out fine> We could contact you
in the fall to establish details or, if you prefer
to establish an exact date right away, would you
like to suggest one? <We can wait...> Are you
OK with staying in a home? My wife, Debbie, and I
have a comfortable place and would be pleased to
entertain you, feed you well, show you the city, or
just leave you to do your own thing - if any of
that was of interest, and you had time to stay an
extra day or so. <Ah, I do appreciate this. I
vastly prefer to stay with you than a hotel, thank
you> MAST (as name implies) is an all-marine
club - all of us have reef tanks, rather than
fish-only - and we would prefer your presentation
to be pitched to a reasonably knowledgeable
audience - as against newcomers. There would likely
be less interest in the business side, more on
husbandry techniques and/or a bit of science thrown
in. I dare say that if you have standard
presentations prepared that would be fine, because
not too many of our members will have heard it
before. Regards, Bob. <Please make it known what
topics you're interested in, or have not heard
much re in recent history. I have many pitches...
BobF> Are you guys not going diving on the
field trip after MACNA? <Mmm... not as
yet...> It would be nice to have you guys
along, especially since some people would
benefit from your expertise on
species. We are 8 short
right now, and would so much rather
have MACNA people along than having to fill
the spaces with strangers from the area dive shops.
Thanks Eric <Thank you for the reminder though.
Re: Flower Garden trip Bob,
please! We need your
humor. We need your company. We need
to go diving already. E <Mmm... how much is
this go? Have already bought the ding dang plane
tickets... Why not come out with us where the water
is a bit clearer? Not so dang ding hard to get to
the dive sites? BobF, crankier than usual>
Re: Flower Garden trip Uh, the water is
clearer at the FG than just about anywhere I
have ever been. Because the fish life is
better than anywhere in the Caribbean.
Because its a MACNA event and a first field
trip. Because you'll have fun
and there are drinks on board. Because I am
begging. Because I don't want to
disappoint the attendees who have signed
up and are stoked to go out - especially to go
diving with the likes of Bob Fenner and
Eric Borneman. E <Thanks for the prodding Eric.
Will check with Di (schedules tickets) re time
frame, poss. Eric... don't see the info. for
this dive trip associated with the MACNA XVIII
site. Do you have the URL? BobF> Re: Flower
Garden trip <Thanks Eric. Di, what would be
involved in changing, extending my time (and yours
if you want to haul out) to include the days below?
BobF> We are happy to announce that the dive
trip to the Flower Gardens is scheduled and
ready to accept reservation for a spot on the
boat. The dive trip is scheduled for
following MACNA. The boat will
begin loading at 8pm in Freeport, Sunday, Sept
24th. Our charter is with Gulf
Giving out of Freeport, TX, you can see more info
about them at their website The boat we are
scheduled to go out on is the
Fling. There will be approximately 25
divers plus 3 divemasters. The cost of the
trip will be $450 for the entire weekend, of
which food will be provided, as well as your
80" tanks. You are required to
bring your own dive equipment. If you
are an out-of-towner and don't want to lug
around your equipment, you can rent equipment
at any local dive shop here in Houston, or you
can contact Aquatic Excursions (979-233-8800),
which is across the street from Gulf-
Diving. Weight belts can be provided by
Gulf Diving for those flying in with their
equipment, otherwise they ask if you local to
bring your own weight belts since there are a
limited amount. If you would like
to dive with Nitrox, there is a $75 charge for the
three days in addition to the $450, which is a
total of $525 for the weekend. Payments
can me made via PayPal thru our MACNA site at this
. If you would prefer to mail your
deposit or full payment, please contact me
when you payment is sent so I can reserve your
spot until the check
is received. Final payment MUST be
received by August 1st. If
you would like to bring a bottle of wine on
the trip, you can, but it must stay in the
galley. Beers and sodas will be sold for
those who would like one after they are done
diving for the day, they are strict about your
first (alcoholic) drink is your last dive of the
day. The trip will be a total of 11 dives starting
Monday. There will be 5 dives
Monday, 4 dives Tuesday and the remaining 2 dives
on Wednesday morning. Also, from
what I understand, there should be a night
dive in there as well. We will return to
the dock around 5-6pm that Wednesday for those
that need to schedule overnight stay
and flights. We are also in need of a few dive
masters, so if you would like to be a part of
this trip, please contact me. You must
be certified and insured at the time of
the trip. If you have any questions about the trip,
please feel free to contact me or
Sharon at Gulf Diving. Kim Kim Price Vice
President, MARSH MACNA Houston 2006 Committee
Charlotte, NC
6/22/06 Mr. Fenner, <Greg> My name is
Greg Smith and I am Treasurer of a newer reef club
located in Charlotte, NC. Although we
have only officially been a club since January
2005, we already have nearly 100 dues paying club
members, <Wowzah!> and of course, many
non-member website guests on our website <>
<Oh yes, looked at your site/URL recently. Very
nice> We have held raffles and fund raisers so
we can afford speakers to help us further educate
our members and fellow Charlotte-area
reefers. We would be honored if you
would consider a visit to Charlotte and lecture.
<Mmm, will visit, give a pitch... Don't know
enough to actually "lecture"> We had
Sanjay Joshi speak on lighting (coordinated event
with CMAC in Columbia, SC) <Oh yes... a fine
Fellow... from PA.> and had a great turn out for
that. That has been our first and only
experience with national speakers and it was a real
hit. That was October of last year and
people are still talking about it. Of course, we
would be happy to pay travel expenses and an
honorarium. <Don't require or want
stipends...> We normally meet the
third Saturday of each month, but would be happy to
accommodate your schedule. I have been
an avid reader of your insightful articles and
posts, as have many in our
membership. Your website
was one of the first that I added as a valuable
resource link on our website. You and
your crew helped me through my first SW setup
before our club existed and you saved me a lot of
money, time and frustration by giving solid,
no-nonsense advise when I was inclined to try to
just fix the "problems" of a new system
with more unnecessary products and
money. Your website is a true service to
the reefing community. Our membership
includes everyone from the folks just starting
tanks to the very experienced, and everywhere in
between. Please let me know if you are interested
and if so, when. Thank you very much for your time
and consideration. Best regards, Greg Smith
<Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. Am
cc'ing EricR here re when his club gets tog. to
see if this time can coincide (we live most of the
time in S. Cal.), otherwise am out on the East
coast every now and then to visit (mainly NJ and
FLA)... but will gladly come out and chat... I see
your "handle" is "Homebrew"...
even better! Bob Fenner>
Re: Charlotte,
NC 6/24/06 I don't know what
happened to my reply. Sorry about that.
I'm traveling and using my web-based mail
account (yuck). <Am growing more and less
enamored of these devices...> Anyway, I
wrote that it sounded GREAT and I would get with
CMAC (great bunch of hobbyists!) and see what we
could work out. I'll get back to you as
soon as I get back in town and contact them.
I'm at a conference in Destin... great
weather! Then headed to Knoxville and then
back home on Tuesday. <Ah, good> Thank you so
much for your willingness to come to
Charlotte. Are you ever interested in seeing
a couple nice tanks? <Oh yes. A fave
activity while out and about> We have a few
beauties here (NOT mine... but I do have good
beer). <Now you're talking!> Cheers, Greg
<BobF> OR marine pitch
6/8/06 Hello Mr. Bob Fenner,
My name is Mike Wilson
I'm the Public Relations Officer for a growing
club in Portland, OR.. We are a smaller club but
growing rapidly and we are lucky enough to have
some very knowledgeable LFS and some great
reefkeepers. <Ah, good>
I'm calling on
you to see if there is any possibility that you
might be able to squeeze us in for a speaking
appearance later this year. If this is something
you are willing to consider please let me know as
soon as possible. <Mmm, do try to get out, give
a free pitch every month or so... Am all "full
up" for 06... perhaps in 07? What month?>
We would need you on the
third Sunday of the month and the speech would be
at one of the clubs meetings. So we would need you
to be in town Saturday night (maybe Sunday morning)
and then you could leave Sunday night or Monday
morning whichever you prefer. The speech we would
like it to be about an hour in length and it is up
to you how you want to set it up and what the exact
topic would be. Just let me know if this is
possible and what you would need from us in
monetary reimbursement and projectors or slide
machine to use with the speech. Please let me know
if I can help you out or if you would need more
information. <This time frame can/will work
out... Am retired so to speak... so have no time of
my own!> Thanks for your
time and patience, Mike Wilson - PNWMAS Public
Relations Officer and member <Be chatting,
seeing you. Bob Fenner>