FAQs about Balistoides (Clown, Titan)
Triggerfish Identification
Related FAQs: Clown
Trigger Identification, Balistoides
Triggers 1, Balistoides
Triggers 2, Balistoides
Behavior, Balistoides
Compatibility, Balistoides
Selection, Balistoides
Systems, Balistoides Feeding,
Balistoides Disease, Balistoides Reproduction, Triggerfishes
in General, Triggerfish: Identification,
Selection, Selection 2,
Behavior, Systems,
Triggerfish Health
2, Reproduction,
Related Articles: Triggerfish, Balistoides
Species, Red Sea
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
- Titan Triggers - <Good morning, JasonC here...> Hey
guys it is Kim again (most recently sent ya a email about Zebra Moray
eel), anyway my addiction in the saltwater world is Triggers.
<Can't blame you there, triggers are very interesting fish.>
I absolutely love them and currently have 4 different species and 5
triggers (1 Clown, 1 Queen, 2 Nigers, and a Huma Rectangle), but have
had experience with most others (Undulated, Humas, Lei-Sufflamen bursa,
Bursas, etc.). Today I walked into a fish store that I
haven't been in, in a while and low and behold they had a 2"
Titan Trigger for sale and on sale for $30. I looked into
the other trigger that is commonly sold as Titans (Balistoides (or
Pse.) flavimarginatus) and looks nothing like it so I do believe it is
a juvie Titan. Do you have any pictures of a juvie Titan (it
looked in a way like a juvie Queen without coloration- has the little
bushy things protruding from scales and has the eyes like the Queen and
Blue Line). <Sorry, no pictures of a juvenile Titan Trigger.> I
have read on your site how aggressive they are, and know via Queens and
Undulateds. <Well - in addition, and as the name implies - these
trigger get big! I've only seen a medium sized one in the wild and
was worried enough then... similar to Queen Triggers, wiser divers stay
clear of these triggers - they will come after you and bite you.> I
am probably going to go up on Thurs and buy him cause I currently have
a 75 gallon with a 5" Arothron manilensis puffer. This
should work short term but what is an ideal tank size long term. I
would assume like a 180 or 200 (am I close?) and will it be able to
live with the Arothron for life (I know all triggers are different and
have different personalities but from your experience what do you
think?). <Not the safest of bets, these triggers define the word
mean and top out around two feet. 180-200g would be too small.>
Thanks and thanks for the great help you have helped me with thus
far. Kim <Cheers, J -- >
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner