Archive Year Five
Volume 5 Number 1, Spring
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Conscientious Aquarist has been away
for a little while, but behind
the scenes we’ve been discussing how to move the magazine
forward. We hope you approve of the changes we’ve done to make
the magazine easier to read. |
Safeguarding their future:
Alloparental care in Clownfishes
Binu Varghese
Parental care in Clownfishes is well known, mouthing and
fanning are the important behaviours apart from defending eggs
from predators. They
fan the egg mass using pectoral and caudal fins and thus provide
necessary water movement to the densely packed clutch and thus
help in faster
removal of metabolic wastes.... |
Some swampy plants for lazy gardeners by
Daniela Rizzo
Having a pond is a dream for a lot of people, a corner of
aquatic wilderness at how
where you can enjoy plants, fishes, frogs, birds—the whole
amazing show of
nature.... |
Mbu for
you? by Stuart Morse
I am very fortunate to have such a great fish. Only another
puffer owner can really
appreciate the relationship that these fish can provide. There
is something about their
face that makes you feel they are studying you as you look at
them.... |
Valley Cichlids: Talking Tanganyikan by
Neale Monks
The cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika have become
among the most popular of all the fishes in the aquarium hobby
thanks to their
brilliant colours and dazzling variety. While some are demanding fish best suited to advanced hobbyists, others are
hardy enough to do well
even when kept by relatively inexperienced or casual
hobbyists.... |
Freshwater livestock selection by
Bob Fenner
The appropriate selection of freshwater livestock, both as
species and individual specimens determines from the outset
whether you will have a
low/no trouble arrangement or ongoing troubles, perhaps even
deaths. Utmost care should be exercised in “putting together
your livestock
assortment” — carefully make working lists of what you might
have.... |
A Selection of questions and Answers from the WetWebMedia
FAQ page's.
If you fancy writing for Conscientious Aquarist, then read
our instructions for authors. The aim of the
magazine is to publish articles that explain and extend the
hobby in a responsible, ethical manner. |
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Volume 5 Number 2, Summer
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Conscientious Aquarist has been away
for a little while, but behind the scenes we’ve been discussing
how to move the magazine forward. We hope you approve of the
changes we’ve done to make the magazine easier to read. |
Haplochromis burtoni:
New From The Past
by Daniela Rizzo
Every year many new cichlid species arrive on the market,
with cichlid enthusiasts willing to pay high prices to obtain a
few specimens for their collections or breeding programmes.
Sometimes the fabulous, astonishing, new Callochromis.... |
Malawian Cichlids: The Mbuna
and their Allies by Neale Monks
Although Lake Malawi is a little smaller than Lake
Tanganyika, it is home to several times more cichlids species of
cichlid, with current estimates putting the number of Malawian
cichlids at around 650 species compared with around 200 for Lake
Tanganyika.... |
Moray eels bite – But are they
poisonous? by Marco Lichtenberger
Moray eels without a doubt are among those fish you’d call
oddballs if they were from freshwater. Most specimens usually
hide their long bodies in narrow gaps and holes all day, but if
they leave them for food or explorative purposes..... |
Copepod Mania! The
Pros and Cons of Copepods for the Home Hobbyist
by Dr. Adelaide Rhodes
I have just returned from the last International Marine
Aquarium Conference and I thought it would be a good time to
review the status of copepod products which are available to
home hobbyists. |
Saltwater Ray Husbandry
by Adam Blundell M.S.
Elasmobranches are fascinating creatures. They have stirred
the interest of man for literally thousands of years, and are
well documented for hundreds of years in cultural foods,
paintings, dances, superstitions, reverence, folklore, fear,
respect, and many other forms... |
Advice With A Pinch Of Salt:
The Local Fish Shop Guy Versus Hard-Earned Experience!
by Alison Pride
A lot of newcomers to the hobby rely on advice from the guy in
their “local fish shop”. They often report back that their LFS
guy said that they could have this fish or that invertebrate, or
that they needed to buy this gizmo or use that medication. |
Another Perspective on Your
Pond by J. Maxwell Smith
Would you like to get pictures like these of your own pond?
Record your pets’ markings for posterity? Or just visit their
world?... |
A Selection of questions and Answers from the WetWebMedia
FAQ page's. |
If you fancy writing for Conscientious Aquarist, then read
our instructions for authors. The aim of the
magazine is to publish articles that explain and extend the
hobby in a responsible, ethical manner. |
Volume 5 Number 3, Winter
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Every day the WWM crew receives around 30 queries from
fishkeepers around the world, covering topics from every
conceivable branch of the hobby. A sizeable proportion of those
queries have one thing in common: too many fish in too small an
aquarium...Editorial by Neale Monks |
Betta Behavior and Husbandry: Linking Betta
splendens Aggression with Community Tank Preservation
Bright colors, elegant finnage, and a feisty attitude to
boot….these are the traits that have attracted young and old
alike to the remarkable world of the Betta fish. An article
by Lonnie Lindberg |
Crayfish Basics
Many people associate crayfish with their youth. Mention the
word “crayfish” and people respond with something like “oh ya, I
used to catch them down at the creek when I was a kid”...An
article by Justin Pierce |
First Steps in Marine Fishkeeping
I’ve been in the aquarium hobby off and on for more than
twenty-five years. During my twelve years in the military, I’d
stuck to small freshwater tanks due to frequent moves, growing
kids, etc. Now that my life has settled down somewhat I decided
it was time to get back into saltwater. An article by Michael
Van Bibber |
Phosphates in Marine Aquarium
When talking about phosphate in aquariums, usually so called
orthophosphates are referred to. These are (mostly) negatively
charged ions containing phosphorus, oxygen and at least some of
them hydrogen. An article by Marco Lichtenberger
Stocking 5, 10 and 20 gallon freshwater aquaria
“The bigger the aquarium, the easier maintaining it will be.”
This is probably the single most important rule in the hobby,
and for someone setting up their first aquarium, it is an
absolutely essential fact of life. An article by Neale Monks |
Surviving extended power outages: how to keep your
aquarium alive!
Recently, many citizens of the southern United States were
mildly to severely affected by the hurricane activity that took
place there this summer, including ourselves. An article by Mike
Maddox and Merritt Adkins |
A Selection of questions and Answers from the WetWebMedia
FAQ page's, selected by Andrew Nixon |
If you fancy writing for Conscientious Aquarist, then read
our instructions for authors. The aim of the
magazine is to publish articles that explain and extend the
hobby in a responsible, ethical manner. |