Is “advanced fishkeeping” the same thing as
“marine fishkeeping”? ...Editorial by Neale Monks |
How to make a simple Algae Turf Scrubber
by Simon Trippick
My rationale for incorporating an algal turf scrubber (ATS), into a reef
aquarium is two-fold. Firstly, I wanted to provide a habitat for
micro-crustaceans, worms and the like to live (see Raabe 2008) |
Central American cichlids
by Neale Monks
Central American cichlids are adaptable, often quite
aggressive fish that require moderately hard and alkaline water
conditions. |
Experimenting with Kreisel Construction
by Sara Mavinkurve
With more and more aquarists thinking about captive breeding, we
are beginning to face challenges usually reserved for academics
and public aquariums. I found myself facing one such challenge
after setting out to raise the zoea released by my emerald and
ruby crabs. |
Surviving Brooklynellosis
by Mike Maddox
What is brooklynellosis, you ask? Brooklynellosis is caused by a
ciliate protozoan called Brooklynella hostilis, closely
related to the ciliate parasites Ichthyophthirius
multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans that cause
ick (or whitespot) in freshwater and marine fish respectively. |
The Blue Followers: the Placidochromis of
Lake Malawi by Daniela Rizzo
Among hobbyists there are many fans of Malawi cichlids
captured by their amazing colours and their vivacious behavior. |
Thiaminase and its role in predatory pet fish (and
other piscivores) nutrition
by Marco Lichtenberger
The seafood we offer to predatory pets like large fishes,
axolotls and predatory turtles cannot always compete with their
natural diet in terms of variation and freshness. |
A Selection of questions and Answers from the WetWebMedia
FAQ page's, selected by Andrew Nixon |
If you fancy writing for Conscientious Aquarist, then read
our instructions for authors. The aim of the
magazine is to publish articles that explain and extend the
hobby in a responsible, ethical manner. |