FAQs about Fishes and Invertebrates, aka FOWLR
Marine System Livestocking 5
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FAQs: FOWLR Livestocking,
FOWLR Livestocking 2, FOWLR Livestocking 3, FOWLR Livestocking 4, FOWLR Livestocking 6, FOWLR Livestocking 7, & FOWLR
1, FOWLR 2, FOWLR 3, FOWLR Set-Ups, FOWLR Lighting, FOWLR Filtration, FOWLR Skimmers, FOWLR Maintenance, FOWLR Disease, LR Lighting, Fish-Only Marine Set-ups, Reef Systems, Coldwater
Systems, Small Systems, Large Systems, Marine System Plumbing, Biotopic
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 2: Fishes
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eBook on Amazon: by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums Book 3: Systems
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
FOWLR Stocking
Question -- 11/19/2009
Hi there, Thank you for helping me out so I don't make a
beginner's mistake.
<Is what we hope to achieve here!>
I'm going to get a new fish tank that's hopefully either 125 or
135 gallons.
<A good size -- I tend to preference towards longer and lower tanks
myself, such as both these typically are.>
I currently have a 90 gallon tank with a bird wrasse, porcupine puffer,
and a zebra moray.
My question is would I be able to add a Niger triggerfish, a Koran
angelfish, or both without problems along with the other fish I
<Hm... I would fear aggression from the Niger trigger, though these
are typically some of the more easy-going triggerfish -- though
easy-going for a trigger fish is a very relative term. Both these
fishes have ultimate
sizes over 12" in length -- combined with your current stock (all
of which will easily breach 12" as well)... I would not,
personally, though you may be able to get away with the Koran Angel
I was also thinking of adding a tang, either yellow or Sailfin.
<This would likely be a bit better than either of the other choices
-- I would bypass the trigger altogether, and look more into the
Tang/Angel possibilities.. your chances, in my humble opinion, are
better this way.>
Thank you so much for your help, you guys have saved me numerous times
in the past.
Sincerely, Alex.
<Glad to hear we've helped! Do let us know if you have any
further questions! -JustinN>
Question, New tank
stocking/Setup, FOWLR 11/18/09
Good morning,
I've had a few questions building up and I've been looking at
your website for some answers but can't find the specifics I'm
looking for. I've found partial answers and tons of useful
information but anyways here's my questions. I've been taking
care of my sisters saltwater tank while she's been away the last
couple of weeks and I've also been wanting to set one up for
myself. My question comes from her tank though as after all my research
I think she's pretty overstocked. She has a Longnose butterfly,
blue tang, scopas tang, Foxface fish all about 3-3.5". Then she
also has 3 blue/green Chromis (small), Coris gaimard (juvenile) and
Sixline wrasse in a 40 gallon tank with 2 HOB filters (Aquaclear
50's), Coralife 65 protein skimmer, 2 Koralia Nano power heads, 35
lbs liverock and a couple inches of crushed coral substrate.
<Would agree she is overstocked and has inappropriate fish for that
sized tank.>
She's had these fish for a few months at least but I'm
concerned they're overcrowded. Can they live for awhile in this
<For a while, may start to see aggression before long, or strange
behavior, especially from the tangs.>
I'm trying to push her to get a bigger tank but she said she'll
probably just exchange them when they get too big.
<Hopefully they will let her, often stores don't want the fish
So I'm considering setting up a bigger tank myself and taking some
from her as they get bigger. What size tank would suit these fish?
<For multiple tangs, with the other large fish, I would think you
are probably looking at least at a 120G tank, but bigger the
Also I've read conflicting information about hob filters for
saltwater. Should she have the foam/carbon in them or just let them run
for water flow?
<I run mine without foam and carbon, but can be done as long as the
filters are cleaned often, ideally weekly.>
She has them both running carbon and foam. When I went to clean them
out there were little bugs/shrimp creatures all over the carbon is this
<Yes normal crustaceans that found a nice safe place to
Sorry if I've asked too many questions or if this information was
on your site.
<No problems>
Thanks for the help,
Re: Ick Guard by
Jungle Labs 10/22/09
Thanks Neale for the helpful information.
<You are most welcome.>
In case I lose this fish (I will do my best to save it).
<Good luck.>
Once I sterilize the QT and all of the components used in it, are there
some tough, hearty, beginner fish under $50.00 that you recommend that
I can try that will get along with my Yellow Tang and my one
clownfish in my 55 gallon fish/invertebrates main tank?
<I'm not an expert marine fishkeeper, so Bob may want to offer
some advice and/or direct you to the appropriate part of WWM. But in
the meantime, I'd suggest you look at some my particular favourites
for "easy care" marine
aquaria -- Hawkfish, especially the lovely Oxycirrhites typus; the
Basslets, particularly Gramma loreto; and the "watchman"
gobies such as Ctenogobiops tangaroai and Cryptocentrus cinctus. These
are species I've found do consistently well in those marine aquaria
I've helped people put together.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Doomed?/Stocking Level 10/16/09
Hey Gang,
<Hi Rodney>
Love the website!
<Thank you, glad you enjoy.>
Got a 45 gallon (36" wide) tank. Good skimmer, good filter,
good circulation, 35ish lbs of rock, 3+ <?> sand base,
average light, Aquaclear 110, HOB refugium. It's about 3
months old, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate are always at delicious
levels. Rock's starting to get darker with some purple coming
through. Feeding many types of good food, lots of soaking in
garlic, started Selcon 1x week, 30% water changes every other
week. First time saltwater, 10+ year freshwater, not a moron.
Even modded my Superskimmer 220 so there isn't a single micro
bubble; Nothing to sniffle at (two weeks of cursing finally paid
2 ocellaris clowns (1.5 each)
1 scooter dragonet (2.5) (target fed)
1 small Blue Tang (2.5}
Neon Goby
cleaner shrimp
Pencil Urchin
some crabs (less than 8, two are emerald).
Added them in gradually (if over 3 months even counts as
Everyone in the tank gets along FAMOUSLY. No one looks stressed.
The Blue Tang had a tiny bit of ich and nervousness initially
(normal) but is all good since. Sometimes I'll find everyone
hanging out within a few inches of each other which seems
<Not necessarily.>
I am guilty of over feeding, but have stopped as of last week.
Some brown spots on the back of the tank, easily wiped every so
often. Seems to be worse where the powerheads are aimed. Also
have one unit <?> of Aiptasia that is resistant to my
sucking it out- but I'm on it once it stops hiding.
I realize that Blue Tangs should only be kept in large tanks (125
gal minimum). I was told it could be fine for the next few months
Question: Am I doomed for failure?
1) Can I keep the Blue Tang for another few months if I remain
vigilant, before upgrading to a 60+ wide 125-150 gallon tank?
<Yes, but I wouldn't add anymore fish to the system and
would change the filter media in the Hagen on a weekly basis.
Would also be a good idea to add a few more pieces of live rock
creating more caves/crevices and would increase your biological
filtration capacity.>
2) Has the overfeeding and slight overstocking set the foundation
for massive algae/other problems over the next 6 months? If so,
should I panic?
<Easily controlled by prevention methods. Read here.
3) Is the fact that everyone gets along so well completely
irrelevant and am I a complete doofus? Be honest
<Mmm, let me see....Doofus - Someone who hasn't got a
They live in blissful ignorance of the world, fashion, personal
hygiene and social skills.
Nah, I don't think you are one of these. You just chose
compatible tankmates.>
Sorry for the long email and thanks in advance!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
PS Do you know what the f <the "f" isn't
necessary> that ¼" tall red with white thing is in my
attachment? It hides in one of those small white tubular pieces
in the live rock. Feather duster maybe? Looks healthy despite the
weak pic.
<Tubeworm/Polychaete of some type, desirable.>
Rodney Engelberg
Tank and stocking
questions, NO3, and lg. SW sys. stkg. f's 9/6/09
Hello. Here is the info I sent to Mr. Fenner last week. I thought it
might be helpful:
<Morning John>
Hey Mister Fenner thanks so much for your help. It is most appreciated
as always. I have another question for you, or whomever is there if you
have the time. I read all your sites posts on Nitrates but I am still
confused at why I keep having this problem. My 450 is stocked with
about 500 pounds of liverock. 300 pounds originally and another 200 of
lace rock
<Very often a source of too much ortho phosphate... See Marco's
added gradually to be seeded by the live rock. about 5 to 6" of
live sand, added more as time passed. I am running a dual refugium 2
twenty gallon ones connected in the sump one with crushed live rock
rubble and the other with green algae. I run a timed florescent light
at night and natural sunlight during the day. The tank takes up the
entire wall between 2 windows of my den and has great sunlight from all
sides of the room. I have a top of the line skimmer rated for my system
and electronic heating system. I run 8 powerheads front, side and back
to create cross currents.
I do a 20% water change faithfully every 2 weeks. The system is
terminally stocked and holds one 8" queen angel, one 8" clown
trigger ( I watch him closely as advised by you years ago), one 8"
niger trigger, one 6" Bluechin trigger, one 6" Aussie
harlequin tusk, one 12" Atlantic blue tang, one 7" princess
parrot, one 10" orange toadfish (fed once a week), one 8"
Lunare wrasse, and two golden morays, 15" each (fed once a week or
once every 2 weeks). I feed the fish sushi Nori in the a.m., a small
amount of spectrum large fish formula at noon and a small amount of
chopped frozen octopus, squid, clam, shrimp, crab, scallop, (one of
these) at night. My entire home is run on a r/o system and their are
zero nitrates present in the water. I
use instant ocean as my mix and arm and hammer baking soda for the ph.
My main issue is that after 4 years I just can't get my nitrates
down to anywhere near zero. They normally run in the 40 to 80 range and
are as high as 160. I am extremely frustrated as I put a lot of love,
time and money into this hobby. I treat my fish like a dog or a cat. I
read about a DIY coil denitrator as a possible help and have asked my
LFS for advice but I seem to only get mixed opinions, none of which
have worked. They did tell me I am overfeeding the fish so I am going
to cut that back if you advise me to do so. I am exhausted spending 10
hours the last 2 days trying to lower the nitrates with massive water
changes and cleanings. I would greatly appreciate anything you could do
to help me. Not much saltwater help here in Michigan. Thanks again
Mister Fenner or whomever answers this.
<We're glad to share>
My new questions are as follows: I am converting the other half of my
refugium to algae as well so I will have 40 gallons of it for nitrate
the live rock rubble (40 pounds or so) is left now. I was wondering if
it would be ok to put it into the holding tank for return water.
This is the only place in the sump I have room. Please advise me on
My high nitrates have been going on for 4 years now. I work so hard
through big water changes once every 2 weeks and cleaning of the
tank/aggressive skimming, but I cant keep them below 80 to 100. I
started dosing with vodka with a formula I found on reefkepers.com last
week. I just lost my 4 year old queen angel due to a mouth infection
caused by the nitrates. When the tank gets where I want it through
water changes, vodka dosing and the algae I want to replace the queen
with another queen or other large angel.
<Start with whatever species at about 4 inches in length
With the fish I have listed I would appreciate any advice you have as
to which would be the best fit.
<See WWM re large/r Pomacanthids...>
if not a large angel I would like to add a good sized Indian ocean
Sailfin if you think the Atlantic blue would not kill it.
<Start with one about half the length of the Acanthurus
Lastly my Aiptasia are out of control and I want to add a large raccoon
butterfly to get them under control.
There is one at my LFS that they will save for me for up to a month. I
witnessed him tearing up Aiptasia and any foods they added. I would
like any advice you have as far as adding him to the tank and his
<During a day when you can be present, early in the AM so the lights
are on... should be able to be introduced directly with what you list,
have and the fact that the LFS has had on hand for a while>
I have heard they usually get along with other fish and vise versa.
<This is so>
I know this is a lot of questions but I am majorly stressed out about
this entire thing. I treat my fish like dogs and cats and have had them
and this 450 acrylic for 4 years now. As always I appreciate any help
you guys give me. you have been a great resource for me for years now.
Thank you.
<Mmm, I do want to say a bit more re the NO3 issue... is there space
in your main display or room elsewhere to add another sump, tied in, to
run a large DSB? Bob Fenner>
Re: Tank and stocking
questions, NO3 9/6/09
Hi Mister Fenner. Thanks so much as always for your helpful and quick
<Welcome John>
I had the liverock rubble in a saltwater filled container with a heater
on it and since you have given me the go I will put it in my holding
tank. I read the article on rock you sent the link to. This is not the
type I have.
I have actually 300 pounds of Fiji liverock and I have been
supplementing it with the Texas holey rock used in cichlid tanks. It is
thoroughly cleaned/soaked when put into the tank. I do not have an
algae problem believe it or not. (one good thing going for me:). After
removing the liverock rubble and vacuuming about 3 inches of detritus
off the bottom my nitrates are now 20 this morning!.
<Wow! Great!>
My tank is so huge and the sump area is laced with 2x4 cross beams to
help support the massive weight so I could not get to this area in the
past. I could not siphon it as a hose was not able to run under the
sump housing.
I knocked a panel off the back corner and finally was able to remove
the rock and vacuum this muck out. Now that I have access I will keep
an eye on it. The algae I have in the 40 gallon area now has 5
different kinds including the thick red type. I am running brand new
fluorescent bulbs 24/7 until I get good growth.
<Mmm, I would leave these lights off for 4-8 hours or so during the
tank "light period" (when the main system lights are on).
Most photosynthetic systems need a dark period... can't function
being lit continuously>
I really wish I had the room for another sump but unfortunately mine is
full to the max.
<Could you add a good deal of fine sand to the main/display tank?
Make the DSB there?>
To the right of the 40 gallon algae refugium is a 40 gallon connected
sump that houses a very large reef octopus skimmer and my electronic
titanium heater. The reef octopus pulls about 2 full quart containers
of skimmate per day when I am wet skimming which I am doing now.
To the right of that is a 50 gallon holding tank. My sump is very
This tank is the centerpiece of my ground level den with the home
entertainment center and sectional sofa. I think my wife would blow a
fuse if I tried to connect anything outside of this lol.
<Good point>
I also started taking one of my 8 powerheads last night and blowing the
detritus off of the rock last night. Huge clouds blew off of it. I was
using a turkey baster before but this power jet seems to be the ticket.
The powerheads I have running at multiple levels front, side and back
have a total of about 8,000 gph water movement. Please let me know if
this is good for a 96x36x30 tank.
<It is indeed>
I researched large angels per your article and found my LFS has access
to large queens and French's in the 5 to 6 " range. I have
seen both of these many times diving in the Cayman Islands and all over
the Caribbean and simply love them!. As far as the Indian ocean Sailfin
(I think he is called a Desjardini, sic) the colorful one, my LFS has
had one that was brought in by an owner because he was a terror. He is
about 5" long and my Atlantic blue is about 10" long.
They will also hold him for me for a month if I want him. Do you think
a bully like him would be a good fit for my tank?.
<They may well "joust" for a while, but I give you good
odds that they will learn to live together here>
I spend hours and hours surfing your site and really enjoy your
articles and those of all of your contributors. I really love how you
push conservation and are an avid diver.
I am retired from the U.S. Marines as of a few years ago and have
travelled the world as well. My favorite place to dive is the Great
Barrier Reef by far!.
<A beautiful area.>
I have dear friends in Sydney and Perth and I visit when I can and we
always dive:). I will let you know about the long term success or not
of the vodka dosing in several months. Thanks again Mister Fenner for
all you and your staff do for our hobby. You are life savers as far as
I am concerned.
<Thank you for your kind, encouraging words John. Much appreciated.
Re: Tank and stocking
questions 09/14/09
Hi there Mister Fenner. I hope all is well with you. I am giving you an
update on my tank. My nitrates have been between 5 and 10 for a week
I really think the combination of the vodka dosing, extra algae in
refugium and regular power-jetting of the live rock is working in
combination nicely. I introduced the raccoon butterfly yesterday and
all went very well at first. Then the huge Atlantic blue tang saw him
and chased him mercilessly around the tank. He has been a bully for
some time to other fish as well. It took me 90 minutes to catch him and
I put him in the 40 gallon return tank for now.
How long do you think I should keep him there, or should I simply take
him to the LFS and let them find a new home for him.
<Give him a few days of "time out" and see how s/he
My next problem was a heart breaker. As soon as the clown trigger
realized the only other fish his size was gone he began to take on the
behavior you warned me about for years.
<Oh oh>
He chased every fish non stop all over the entire tank without
Everyone was getting stressed to the max. I tearfully removed him and
took him to the LFS to find a suitable home. Many shop there who have
1,000 gallon and up systems with sharks and the like so I know they
will find him a good home.
I would like to know before I have to go through this heart break again
if you think I could try another baby clown trigger or if he would
probably just grow up and do the same.
<Ultimately... likely the same, with growth/age>
The fish in the tank are all at total peace for the first time in 4
years and I want to try and keep it that way. The raccoon is working on
my Aiptasia which is very nice. I do still want to add another queen or
angel to replace the one I lost and am looking for one in the 4-5 inch
range. I think if I do not get another clown and if the Atlantic blue
goes back to the LFS I will consider my tank terminally stocked after
adding the angel. Thanks again for all your help and advice mister
Fenner. It is priceless to me.
<Am glad to aid your efforts John>
The fact that a man such as yourself takes the time to assemble a staff
and help us all the time just blows me away. You are the unsung
hero's in the fish keepers world and I salute you all!!!!.
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Re: Tank and stocking
questions, NO3 and ? f' 9/20/09
Greetings mister Fenner. My nitrates have been ZERO for the past 5 days
<And should remain so going forward... unless/until
"something" changes>
I am so excited. No ammonia, no nitrite, 8.2 ph and 1.023 salinity. The
water clarity is magnificent and the fish have never looked better. The
raccoon butterfly is getting along marvelously with everyone and will
even tail slap the bullies if they get too close. I had to put the
Atlantic blue back into return tank as he wanted to be a bully still.
It is odd but he seems to really love being in the 40 gallon return
where he guards the live rock rubble the same way he does in the
<Ah yes... like a large, perhaps mean dog... Is fine being
"king of its kingdom">
He eats great in there as well. Do you think I could keep him there a
month or more as long as he thrives then try him in the display
<Worth trying... but I suspect the one trial you've done will
likely prove to be a permanent characteristic>
I joined the reef and FOWLR site where I learned of the vodka dosing
because I wanted to thank them for the information and share my story.
I have ended up keeping a running log there letting them know my
<Ah, good>
I have also been able to help numerous beginners with they're
questions as I have had 10 years under my belt now. I do not even
remotely know what you and your staff do but it is nice to give back to
others what I can just as you have done.
<Our efforts are confluent in intent and execution>
I have stopped increasing the vodka and my maintenance dose is 8.0 ml
until I see I can lower it.
<Do keep a look out for the beginnings of "green hair
algae"... often a result of such carbon addition; sign to diminish
I monitor the nitrates daily. Lastly I would like your opinion on a
wrasse question. I was wondering if you thought I could keep a red
Coris with my Lunare and Aussie harlequin in a system my size?.
<Likely so... Start with one of juvenile coloration... 3-4"
overall likely... and it will likely get along, develop through female
to terminal/male in a year or so>
If so how large should I buy the red Coris?.
<Ahh! I should read ahead of responding>
I will wait to hear back from you before making a move. The suggestion
you gave on the 8 hours of darkness is helping greatly with my algae
growth as well. Thanks again for everything. You truly make a huge
difference in the hobby and the lowering of my stress level. I will
keep you updated as time goes by.
<Thank you John. Bob Fenner>
Tank stocking
First let me say that you guys have a great sight and I have read a lot
of it. So much info that has helped me make a lot of decisions. I have
two FOWLR tanks, a 125-gallon and a 55-gallon. I have picked out a list
of fish that I would like to have in these tanks. I already have some
of them, but would like some advice on my lists and how many would be
best for each tank. As well as get along for the long term. I have all
the normal equipment for these tanks including Remora-Pro Skimmers. A
pair of them on the 125g and they are both over filtered. The 125g
filtration system rated for 340-gallons. If there is a fish or two that
you would advise not to have in the tanks, please let me know. I value
your opinion as I get most of my information from your site when making
my decisions.
Bi-color Angel
Solar Fairy Wrasse
Ocellaris Clownfish
Flame Hawk
Royal Gramma
Purple Firefish, Scissortail Dartfish
<I'd leave out the single Firefishes, just have the Gramma...
they often don't get along>
Canary Blenny
2 Fire Shrimp
Harlequin Tusk (Australia)
Majestic Angel
<Gets too big for this setting>
Coris Gaimard Wrasse
Picasso Trigger
Hippo Tang
Foxface Lo
Lemonpeel Angel
Banggai Cardinal
<Social species>
Engineer Goby
Both tanks have about a three inch fine sand bed.
Thanks for the info and this great site.
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Foxface Rabbitfish /
125 FOWLR/Puffers/Feeding 9/1/09
Hello again Crew,
<Hi Jill>
I finally have my 125 gallon FOWLR set up and cycled, 60 lbs. of live
rock, 2 wet/dry filter systems and
a protein skimmer big enough for a 300 gallon. Not sure the system but
it's the same system my LFS uses. I need to investigate that more.
Anyway, my question is this. I currently have a Dog Face Puffer and a
Porcupine Puffer, each about 4-5 inches in length. I'd like to add
a Foxface Rabbitfish and a Harlequin Tuskfish into the mix. That would
be it as far as fish go for this setup. My LFS has recently received a
Foxface Rabbitfish. How long should I wait before bringing him home? I
do not want to stress him out anymore then needed. I was also thinking
of adding a phosphate remover to my filter system as I am now
getting brown algae along with hair algae.
I think I fed the puffers too much in the beginning. (oops) I also know
the Rabbitfish needs algae so I'm wondering if I should just leave
it be and work on my feeding regime instead.
<The two puffers you have will tax your tank pretty good in regards
to waste, and since these fish can grow to a foot or more in nature,
adding more waste producers will eventually lead to water quality
problems in the near future.>
My LFS also sells small hermit crabs by the 1/2 dozen or dozen for
feeders. Would these be okay for my puffers?
<Do read here and related articles/FAQ's. Will give you all the
you seek.
They were given live fresh water feeder fish at the store and I am
trying to get them over to a healthier diet.
Thank you very much for your time.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Best Regards.
Stocking Advice SW 75
gallon. 8/25/2009
Hello WWM Crew,
<Hi Carrie.>
I have used your site to keep my sanity in the year my saltwater tank
has been up and running. It has been very helpful in calming the
'mom' instinct that kicks in with every bump or bruise a fish
received during the hierarchy battles. I was even able to save a clown
that had gone almost completely white because of the picking done by
his now-partner. The down side is I have to be creative in draining
pasta, since the colander is now a part of my quarantine setup.
My concern is in overstocking my tank. It seems so empty now, but
it's inhabitants will get much bigger.
<A key point to remember, one that many forget.>
My tank:
75 gallon
Remora Pro Skimmer
a hang on filter that I am considering removing.
90 lbs. Fiji live rock
4 inch sand bed.
79 degrees Fahrenheit. It has been running a few degrees too warm.
We are having the hottest summer on record, day 50 of 100+ temps.
The only issue is slime algae. The water was tested by my home kit, and
my LFS. No issue with the chemistry. I was told that it was most likely
from having the lights on too long. I have changed my lighting
to 7 hours on a timer.
<This is good. It can also be caused by an excess of nutrients.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bluegralgae.htm >
My current stocking is:
1 Foxface Lo
2 Aquacultured False Percula Clownfish
3 Green Chromis - I bought five for schooling, but the other two
didn't make it.
<Not uncommon, particularly in a smaller tank such as yours.>
1 Fuse goby - Fusigobius neophytus - my favorite - he is a neurotic
little thing. He picks up every shell in the tank (occupied or not) and
moves it to one corner. The few hermits that haven't killed each
other get rightfully upset about this.
5 jade hermits
I was considering adding a Canthigaster papua and a Bicolor Angelfish,
but I am concerned with both the compatibility of the Toby with the
Chromis, and the bioload that would be added to my tank. If I
the Toby, the hermits would be moved to a friend's tank.
I appreciate any advise you can offer me.
<Have a read here about Toby compatibility:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tobycompfaqs.htm One would fit in this tank,
but as to it getting along with everyone, only time would tell. As to a
Bicolor Angel, I would advise you to avoid them. They generally do not
do well, mostly due to collection.>
Thank you,
<My pleasure.>
New tank, new tank
mates 7/23/09
Hi WWM Crew,
I love the site, it has given me great knowledge in the world of marine
aquariums. I have been cycling my new 300 gallon UniQuarium tank
(Dimensions: 24" x 96" x 30") for a couple weeks now.
The water
conditions couldn't be any better. This will be a
FOWLR tank. I have a great setup with plenty of hiding
places. I have heavy filtration for the heavy eaters I would like to
I have three main fish on my wish list which are a 3.5in Blue Jaw
Triggerfish (Xanthichthys auromarginatus), a 3in Dogface puffer
(Arothron nigropunctatus) - (I really want a Long-spined Porcupine
puffer (Diodon holacanthus) but I realize the difference between the
two in max size is seven inches ), and finally a 6in snowflake eel.
Through research I know there are no guarantees (especially between the
trigger and puffer)
but these three fish should be able to "get along." I have
two questions, first, do you think I have any chance of housing a
Long-spined Porcupine puffer?
<Yes you do>
The second is do you think there is room for any other tankmates? and
if so, what fish(s) would you recommend?
<There is room for other fishes here... and too many choices to
list... My usual suggestion here to peruse aquarium books, your LFS
dealers, and the Web for enjoyment along with learning. Bob
Addition. 7/11/09
Have a 98 gallon FOWLR half circle with 125 lbs of live
15 gallon sump - MSX-200 Skimmer
Water - Salinity - 1.023 , ph 8.2 , Calcium 460, a/n/n all o.
Tank was set up and running on Feb. 10 this year, unfortunately was
told to cycle with damsels, and all 6 of them made it but were taken
out in April to add the live rock.
Late May 20 hermit crabs were added.
Mid June 4 Clownfish were added and are doing great at this time.
Now I want to eventually add a yellow tang and a flame angel and I will
be set.
I have read that these fish require a mature and stable set-up before
<Quite so>
I'm in no hurry and realize it will be a while before, but I need a
decent timeline and which of these fish should be added next and then
how long before the last one is added. Thanks so much!
<You are very likely fine to add these fishes now. Bob
55 Gallon FOWLR
Stocking? 7/9/09
Hi Crew,
<Hello Josh>
Well this is my problem. Every LFS tells me a different story or
suggestion on livestock so I come to the experts. I've got a 55
gallon FOWLR tank with 2 Red Legged Crabs and a Maroon Clownfish. The
tank setup consists of
20lbs live rock ( I know still not enough yet) 30lbs reef sand, Emperor
400 bio-wheel, 2 Aquaclear 50 powerheads, and a 200 watt heater (
skimmer is on the way Skilter 250).
The tank has been setup for 2 months and my tests read like this:
pH 8.1
Ammonia .25
<Should be 0 here.>
Nitrate 0
Temp 77deg
Specific Gravity 1.025
Salinity 34ppt
I'm planning on a peaceful tank. I was looking into getting a Royal
Gramma, Pajama Cardinal (maybe 3 of them) and a engineer goby.
Is this a acceptable amount of fish for my tank?
And what order would you go about adding them? I know that the Gramma
belongs to the Basslet family and I wasn't sure if I should add
<You may have problems with the Maroon Clownfish. As they grow, they
can become nasty toward other tank mates.
Time will tell here. I'd add the Pajama Cardinal's first, and
do provide plenty of cover for them. You are correct in adding the
gramma last although they are rather peaceful toward
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Compatibility, FI
SW 7/7/09
I just found this site today and I love it. So much information!
<Great to hear, thank you.>
I am new to the hobby and decided to go aggressive. I am embarrassed to
say that instead of doing research I took the word of the LFS. I now
have a 75 gallon tank that I am just realizing is overstocked. I have a
14 inch Snowflake Eel, a 5 inch Panther Grouper, a 3 inch Niger
Trigger, a Yellow Tang, a Chocolate Chip Star, a nice size Green
Brittle Star, and what I thought was a Zebra Eel-until today. He's
about 12 inches long;
<Yikes, in a 75 gallon tank?>
I bought him as a zebra. I thought he looked a little different, but I
assumed it was b/c <because> he was a juvenile. But according to
WWM he is a juvenile Echidna polyzona. I plan on trading him for a true
Zebra Eel.
I want to upgrade to a 300 gallon to give my fish more room. My
question is, is that enough room for what I've got?
Also, will everyone continue to live together peacefully as they get
bigger, or will I have to split them up? I would like to be able to add
a Tesselata Eel to the tank too, if possible.
<For starters, the Yellow Tang really doesn't belong in that
group, entirely different feeding habits and behavior.
The Niger Trigger can grow to about a foot and will pick on
invertebrates such as your starfish. I'd probably keep the Barred
Moral Eel (Echidna polyzona) as they only reach about two feet in
length where the Zebra will grow to nearly five feet, but likely less
under captive conditions. The grouper grows to about 1 1/2 feet and
will eat anything it can swallow.
This guy will require a minimum of a 300 gallon tank and will lose the
polka dot pattern as it grows into an adult. Both the Tesselata and
Snowflake Eels are fish ambushers, so care must be taken that no
smaller fish are in your tank.
The Tesselata can exceed
four feet in length where the Snowflake, somewhere near two feet. A 300
gallon tank isn't going to be large enough to keep all these fish
as they are huge waste makers and require space. I suggest you browse
our site for further information on keeping these fish. I'll
provide an index here.
Thanks so much for your help.
<You're welcome. In future queries, please capitalize names of
fish, saves me time in doing so before posting
on the dailies. James (Salty Dog)>
Restocking Following
Bluechin Trigger Death 07/02/09
I recently had a Bluechin trigger die suddenly in a 125g FOWLR that for
over the past 16 months has also peaceably (no real
aggression/predation) housed a 4 purple tang, 2 melanopus clown, 2.75
flame angel, 4.5 Foxface, Longnose hawk, neon Dottyback, pistol shrimp
and a coral banded shrimp. Basic water param.s post-mortem checked out
okay (8.3 pH, 1.022 SG, nitrate at 10, everything else at 0) and the
other 6 fishes are still fine and eating a variety of
frozen/flake/pellet food, although theyve been a little skittish on a
couple occasions lately.
<<This may or may not be related>>
This is the second Bluechin Ive lost (first one died 12/28/08).
<<Perhaps the source of these fish is at issue here. By far, the
best specimens for aquarium use will come from Hawaii>>
Both had a similar demise acting normally for many months, then
suddenly one day hiding in the rocks and not eating.
<<I have seen this before, with this and other speciesand suspect
an internal parasite to be the cause. Unfortunately, by the time the
symptoms manifest there is really nothing you can do at that
However, the first one took 2+ weeks to succumb, while this one was
dead in only 2 days.
<<Perhaps the one had a weaker constitution>>
I actually wrote to WWM in January about the first trigger death and I
believe Bob said it couldve been a parasite or something else
In your opinion, does the current amount of livestock allow for adding
another fish?
<<That depends on what you have in mind but, yes, I think
And if so, what species would work, without killing/being killed?
<<There are probably quite a few possibilities if you think about
it. Why dont you work up a short-list of what you think you would like
to add and then we can discuss>>
I decided against getting another Bluechin out of concern that Im
either not caring for them properly or my tank conditions just arent
conducive to their survival.
<<If the Triggerfish had a place to retreat (this species can be
quite shy and requires a place where it can feel safe), it wasnt being
harassed, and if it was eating wellthe problem could well be the
source/shipping/handling process these fish endured before you acquired
them. Perhaps you merely need to look for this species elsewhere
(and/or special order one from Hawaii). Though changing vendors/the
source for obtaining this fish is certainly no guarantee of successbut
is worth a try>>
Conventional wisdom says that the fishes Ive got now do poorly with
conspecifics, right?
<<Very often this is the case, yes>>
For instance, avoid other tangs/surgeons because of the purple
<<Im not 100% with you on this. Being established for so long may
be problematic, but you might get away with adding a Tang of a
different genus. If you were to try this, my suggestion would be either
Acanthurus japonicus or Ctenochaetus strigosusboth are hardy aquarium
species that wont get too large for your system>>
No other dwarf angels because of the flame.
<< I have kept multiple species of these fishes in similarly
sized systems. I think there is a small chance you could introduce
another dwarf of a different species here>>
Same goes for other Pseudochromis, Siganids, clowns and Hawkfish.
<<These are probably best left alone, yes>>
And the fact that these guys are all well settled surely makes it even
more difficult.
Would the 125g tank size (plus approx. 100lbs live rock) make a
difference, pro or con?
<<Tank size and amount/quality of available cover always make a
Also, I enjoy the coral bandeds antics, so I wouldnt want it to become
a meal to a wrasse, hogfish or harlequin tusk, either.
Im curious what fish (or invert) might be a good risk hereor should I
just stick with what I have? I guess Id be fine with that, too.
<<I have no real idea what you might be wanting here. Do a little
research in to what you think you would like to add to the tank, and
then come back with a list and lets discuss the merits re>>
On another note, my light fixture is a 72 Coralife compact florescent
with 2 96W 10,000Ks and 2 96W actinics. Is this adequate lighting for
an anemone (specifically, a rose bubble tip)?
<<It is marginal in my opinion. Metal Halide lighting would be my
choice/suggestionbut I think you could get by just replacing the
Actinics with two more 10,000K bulbswill be far better for an
<<Regards EricR>>
Re: Restocking
Following Bluechin Trigger Death - 07/03/09
Thank you for your prompt reply, Eric.
<<Quite welcome Chris>>
The first Bluechin trigger was from LiveAquaria. I don't remember
if it was of Hawaiian origin, but they seem to have decent quality
livestock (my tang, angel, Siganus, and Dottyback were also purchased
from LiveAquaria).
<<Ah yes, I do agreeone of the better vendors re>>
The second trigger was purchased at my LFS, and I admit their quality
is inconsistent.
<<Likely taking what they can get-where they can get
I did notice this trigger had slightly cloudy eyes when I first bought
it, but since it was very active and eating well, I wasnt concerned at
the time.
As to adding another fish: The purple tang and the flame angel are
definitely the "alpha dogs" of the tank.
<<I would think so>>
However, there are adequate caves/hiding places within the rockwork (2
structures on opposite ends of the tank) to prevent any serious
<<Does helpas does keeping everyone well fed>>
I'm also thinking of adding another 75+ lbs of live rock.
<<Do be careful not to overly restrict swimming/growing
Your suggestion of the C. strigosus was one I considered before (also
C. truncatus), but Id read they were peaceful,
<<Mmm, relatively speaking maybedont know that Id class any tang
as peaceful>>
and therefore might not be able to hold its own against the purple
<<The purple Tang would likely take-out any other tang it had a
mind to, regardless of the new additions aggressive naturebut Im
thinking a specimen of a smaller size and a different genus may have a
chance. After the Purple lets it know whos boss, of course>>
Alternatively, the A. japonicus you suggested would appeal to me,
<<A superb aquarium species>>
By the way, I looked on LiveAquaria and they identify A. japonicas as
powder brown tang and A. nigricans as white cheek tang. At WWM, its the
<<Just goes to show the problem with common namesand why I try to
not use them, at least not exclusively, when recommending
I know Bobs book says the white cheek is hardier, no?
<<A. japonicus, yesnot A. nigricans>>
With regards to angels, would another Centropyge say, acanthops, eibli,
argi, or flavissimus be incompatible with the flame?
<<I have kept C. loricula and C. flavissimus in the same tank
(and do consider the latter the best choice of those listed)thats no
guarantee, but I think you would have a good chance for success re in
your 6-ft tank>>
When you say small chance of introducing another dwarf, are we talking,
like, 10% chance of success?
<<Mmmupon reflection, I think I would give you a 50-50 chance
Are there any Thalassoma sp. wrasses that wouldnt be a direct threat to
the coral banded shrimp?
<<Not in my opinionat least eventually>>
In lieu of an anemone, I was contemplating soft and/or LPS corals in
this tank down the
road as well, possibly as a test,
<<Would be better suited to your existing lighting>>
I could frag a couple from my coral tank and place it in the 125 to see
if they get chewed by the Foxface or flame angel. Your thoughts?
<<Theres always the exception, but I have always found both
fishes to be fairly well behaved re. Againthat well fed
<<Keep me posted EricR>>
Going Bigger, FOWLR
stkg. 07/01/09
Thanks so much for your earlier thoughts on fish selection. As I've
been stocking up, I've come to believe that some of my fish
selections were too small for the size/location/viewing distances of my
tank. To recap, it's a 220g FOWLR, island display, with T5
lighting, 35g refugium (reverse light cycle, growing Chaeto), 40g sump,
64g Rubbermaid overflow sump, Aqua-C EV240 skimmer, 300lbs LR, poly
filter, carbon, RO/DI, auto-water top-off. The refugium, sumps,
skimmer, etc. are in the basement under the display tank. Circulation
in the display is about 6000gph, including the overflow returns and
four Koralia 4's. I've removed and found homes for most of the
smaller fish I already had, so here's my upsized stocking plan:
-- 1 Emperor Angel
<Will eventually outgrow this system>
-- 1 Yellowtail Coris Wrasse
-- 1 Dwarf Zebra Lion
<Will need to be directly fed>
-- 1 Bluejaw Trigger (male)
-- 3 Tangs: Purple, White-faced (a. japonicas), Kole
-- 2 Butterflies: Latticed, Spotband
-- 3 Dwarf Angels: Flame, Bicolor, Coral Beauty
-- 1 Longnose Hawk
-- 1 Blue Spot Puffer
-- 2 False Percula Clowns
-- 2 Small Wrasses: Mystery and Sixline
-- 5 Serpent Stars
-- Various snails
<The above two likely will be consumed by the Coris gaimard>
Some questions:
-- How big would the Emperor Angel get in my 220g?
<About a foot overall... in three years of so>
-- How big would the Yellowtail Coris Wrasse get in my 220g?
<About the same as the Pomacanthus>
-- I know that large angels are not usually great with lionfish,
especially in smaller tanks. If I got the lion first and added a
juvenile emperor a month later, would the two likely get along OK in
the long run in my size tank?
<The Lion will likely starve ultimately>
-- Would the yellowtail Coris wrasse be OK with the emperor and not
pick on the lion?
<Too individualistic to tell, predict>
-- I know that the clowns are risky with the lion, but they are a good
sized, full grown pair already (over 3.5" each). Assuming I start
the lion small, how soon would I need to remove the clowns?
<Not likely ever>
What kind of
odds do you give them for being lionfish food if I don't remove
<4-5 to one>
-- I realize that the Sixline is a potential meal for the lion, but I
just couldn't catch him... The mystery wrasse is a big one, so
I'm hoping that both of these smaller wrasses don't get
<Also not likely>
-- Is this too many fish?
<About the limit>
My estimate is that it's probably about as much as I could do in
terms of bio load. However, it's hard for me to gauge how crowded
it will feel for the fish...?
<Physiologically you'll be fine... Psychologically, only time,
experience will tell>
Thanks again for your guidance.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Going Bigger,
FOWLR stkg. 7/1/09
Thanks again for all the insight. Sounds like I should leave out the
Emperor and Coris.
<Mmm, unless you're planning on a larger system for the angel in
a year or two, yes>
Might get a comet and some more of the smaller butterflies instead.
Maybe one of the smaller filefishes. Any concerns about the comet in
this setup?
<No... Plesiopsids are very shy, retiring>
I'm expecting that I will need to feed it directly along with the
lion (as well as the puffer when I give him
shelled food like krill on occasion).
<A good plan/thought. BobF>
Stocking 55G tank.
<Good afternoon.>
Have a quick question for you guys. I have a 55 gallon tank with 70lbs
of live rock and 40lbs of live sand that is currently inhabited by a
pair of False Percula Clownfish. We are about to start adding
additional fish as these two have been in the tank for three weeks now
and the parameters have remained steady.
The additional fish that we are looking to add over time (at least 2-3
weeks between each addition) are: 1 Tomini Tang, 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse
and 1 Flame Hawkfish.
<I think these fish can all get along. The wrasse and the Hawkfish
will be the most aggressive inhabitants most likely. As far as the tang
in a 55 gallon tank... you picked one of the smaller tangs, that
happens to do
better than some of the more popular tangs in a smaller tank. But
regardless think about how happy the Tomini tang will be long term in a
tank this size when you get him... or when he reaches adult
I know with the hawk there can be no shrimp in the tank and that's
fine with me but I was trying to be sure that:
A: These 5 fish can live together peacefully
<There is always variability with the personality of specific fish,
but overall it should work.>
B: That these 5 fish can all live in this size tank together long
<My only concern is the tang at adult size. Would he live yes, but
would he be happy space wise, that is debatable. Personally I would
avoid the tang.>
The tang would be our next purchase and he is at our LFS where he has
been for the last 12 weeks and is about 3 inches, then the wrasse
followed by the smallest hawk we can find, going to be looking for one
about 1-1 1/2 inches.
Thanks for the help!
<Your welcome.
Josh Solomon>
Re: Stocking 55G tank.
Hello Again,
<Hello Jami.>
Thank you very much for your reply about the compatibility of these
We have taken into account the long term happiness of this tang and
have come to the decision that when he outgrows our tank we will either
do an upgrade, as we have caught saltwater fish fever, or we will do
what is best for him and return him to the local fish store for a
different fish. I appreciate your response and more important
appreciate the genuine concern for the long term welfare of the fish!
The Tomini is one that we are on the fence about, if we can give him a
good home then we'll go for it but if he will not be happy in the
tank we will either pick another fish or be very prepared to return him
to the store when he "grows up". Again thank you for your
<Glad to hear your thinking about the welfare of the fish. Continue
enjoying the hobby and researching your livestock.
Josh Solomon>
Final Touches120 FOWLR
Stocking 05/24/09
First off, I have to thank you for your advice over the years.
<<Ah! Is quite the collective effortand youre
I bought a new house 3 years ago that I decided to buy my dream tank
for the dinning room and utilizing discipline and technique over
spending hundreds of hours on your website I have been quite
<<Great to know>>
I have a 120 Gallon, FOWLR system.
100 Lbs live rock.
Dual overflows/returns in additional to a Maxi-Jet aerator creating
great water movement.
<<Hmmyou dont fine the aerator to create excessive salt
Sump underneath with NO bio-balls, but some activated carbon and
general water filter pads.
<<And cleaned every couple days (at least), I hope>>
AquaC EV120 (great upgrade over my 30 gallon that had the AquaC
Remora). Also a less than 1 sand bed that has never had a algae problem
(kudos for the less than an inch or a DSB rule).
I have never really had a casualty in this tank as I am very picky on
the fish I will put into it.
<<Mmm, yesstocking selections and levels can make a huge
difference in the success vs. difficulty of a system>>
Right now my stocking is:
1 - 6 inch Kole (Yellow Eye) Tang
1 - 7 inch Copper-Band Butterfly (this thing eats anything and
everything like a shark.....pretty rare for the species.)
<<Much agreed here I find they are generally quite
selective/picky feedersoften even favoring one brand over
2 - Firefish
1 - 4 inch juvenile Emperor Angelfish.
<<Mmm Likely fine for nowbut you will ultimately need twice the
space currently afforded to this fish. Have you read here and among the
associated links?
Cleaner Shrimp and a few snails/clean-up crew hermits.
I added them slowly over the 3 years and just recently added the
angelfish. My tank relatively looks pretty empty with only the 4 fish
until I added the emperor. I want to keep the fish long term,
<<Do research this fish moreand consider your feasibility of a
larger system>>
really favor peaceful tanks,
<<Though hardly a peaceful fishI think this mix will allow the
Angel to easily establish its dominance without too much harmanddo keep
all well fed to further reduce aggressions>>
low maintenance that accommodates a relatively under-stocked status
than a pushing the limit status. So I am basically done adding fish....
The last thing I want to add is a little school of Blue Chromis.
<<I see>>
I am thinking 4-5 of these little guys to have a little neat school in
the aquarium yet keep the under-stocked status. What would you
recommend for the limit?
<<5 7 should be fine here, for now I dont really consider your
system under stocked for the long-term with the Emperor Angel present.
I also want to make mention that in the interest of a peaceful tank do
consider a better-tempered Cardinalfish species over the Chromis.
Perhaps Sphaeramia nematoptera (Pajama Cardinal) or Apogon leptacanthus
(Longspine Cardinal)>>
I would love to add a Naso-tang or a powder blue tang.... but I know
how hard it is to keep 2 of them in the same tank alone with wanting to
keep a peaceful and under-stocked status I have decided against
it.............But what is your take on that? Risky move?
<<It can be donewith caveats. I have five tangs from four genera
(including these two you just mentioned) that do quite well togetherbut
they are in a display some three-times the volume of yours (96x30x30).
Im thinking your system is probably undersized already in the long-term
with the Angel present. I wouldnt exacerbate this by adding either the
Naso or the Powder Bluemuch less both>>
Please advise and thanks for helping me be a successful aquarist!
<<Happy to share my opinions Adam. Cheers
Re: Final Touches120
FOWLR Stocking - 05/25/09
In response:
1. With the Emperor Angel currently a juvenile, I have been told they
tend to grow slowly and when it outgrows the tank it will be re-housed
or sold.
<<Mmm, you stated in your first exchange that you wanted to keep
the fish long term. Have you ever considered the effects on such a fish
from just growing up in a too-small environment? Yes, the fish is
likely fine for nowbut at what point does the size of the tank become a
factor re physiological and sociological development and health? Do you
know? Will you know? More food for thought.>>
2. With the current total setup, including the juvenile emperor do you
think I could add another fish besides the 4-7 cardinals or
<<Not if you wish to stay within the guidelines you yourself
established earlier (peaceful tank, low maintenance, under stockedand
not pushing the limits)>>
3. When you say you dont consider my tank under stocked for the long
term, Im assuming your saying it is relatively under stocked for now,
but the angelfish growing almost to a foot in length
<<Or moresome 18 in the wild
(http://fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=6504 )>>
could present a challenge to the under stocked status?
<<is my opinion it will challenge this system, especially if/as
more fishes are added>>
Please advise and thanks.
<<Happy to share EricR>>
First Time Setup:
Stocking + Selection. Several Incompatible Species.
Hi Guys,
<Hi Reggie>
I have been reading question after question that has been submitted to
you and I must say those are some of the best and most informative
answers I've seen online.
<Thank You.>
My question to you guys is I'm currently cycling a 110gal tall
FOWLR with 80lbs of liverock and I have my heart set
on the Blue Hippo Tang and
Foxface. From everything I've read they will be fine together.
<Should be.>
So my wife and I have comprised a wish list of other possible fish but
being inexperienced we would like to know which would be the best
combination(s) to use to give us a beautiful peaceful tank. And also in
which order should we introduce them to the tank?
<Fair enough>
Black and white false Clownfish,
<One or two would be fine.>
Maroon Clown, <Not recommended, too aggressive, inadvisable to mix
clown species in one tank>
Pajama Cardinal, <Could add two or three of these>
Picasso, <No Triggers>
Niger Trigger, <No Triggers>
Naso, <Naso Tangs need hundreds of gallons, this tank is too small.
Do read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/naso.htm >
Powder Brown,
<You could have this, or the Hippo, but both would not be
recommended in a 110 gal. Also, there are two "Powder Brown
Tangs" Make sure you get the correct one. Read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/GoldRimSs.htm >
Orange Shoulder Tang,
<Too large and aggressive for this setup Do read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/badacanthurusaq.htm >
Flameback, Blueface, or Annularis Angel
<Go with the smaller Flameback Angel, the other two historically
fail to do very well in captivity>
or any other fish that you may see fit)
<Hmm.... you could add a couple of small peaceful fish such as
bottom dwelling gobies, Firefish, grammas, etc
We would love to get off to a good start for our first time.
<Do read here for articles on stocking
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stocking1.htm >
We would greatly appreciate any advice that you can give us.
Thanks Guys,
<My pleasure.>
wheel" tank: Interesting approach. 5/16/2009
Hello WWM Crew!
<Hi Doug>
Along with seemingly everyone else on the planet, I want to
congratulate you on your work here; along with my copy of CMA, it's
my aquarium bible.
<Thank you for the kind words.>
I'm in the process of setting up my first FOWLR
aquarium and wanted your input on my choice of livestock. The tank is
51l x 12w x 20h, which I think is essentially a 55-gallon tank with a
few extra inches added on to the end.
<52 gallons actually.>
I plan on having a skimmer and sump, but due to space limitations under
the stand, I may have to either tie two 15 gallon sumps together or
build my own. I hope to have 60-100 lbs of live rock and will use the
free water that
I hear can be obtained at Scripps Pier here in San Diego.
<Do heed the warnings about using "real" sea water:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seawater.htm >
The cleanup crew will consist of various snails, hermit crabs and maybe
one or two Sally Lightfoots and/or one or two peppermint shrimp.
<Sounds good, but do keep an eye on the crabs.>
At a high level, the goal is to have a reasonably peaceful tank with a
diverse range of colors and shapes. I thought it might be kind of neat
to have a 'color wheel' theme, where each of 6 species
represent a different spoke on the wheel. So I've put together a
short list sorted by color and would like your input. I'm a little
concerned that the tank may not be big enough for this many fish, but
we'll start with what we want, and then work
with what's practical. So without further ado, here goes:
--Yellow: long-nosed butterfly, Lemonpeel angel, or yellow tang (I
know, the tank isn't big enough for a tang)
<Of the three, the Lemonpeel, the tank is too small for any
--Orange: 1 or 2 percula clowns (I need help here; I'm not
super-enamored with the clowns, but I'm not seeing another orange
fish that seems both size-appropriate and compatible--and besides, my
kids would probably go and name it Nemo)
<Flame angel is really more orange than anything else. My
clown's name is 'George' One clown in a tank of this
--Red: flame angel, 1 or 2 tomato clownfish (how necessary is an
anemone with either of these clowns?), or Cuban hogfish
<None of these would work with the above - Regular Firefish would
work well: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dartfish.htm , or the
"red" scooter blennies">
--purple: orchid Dottyback or blacktop gramma (how many?)
<Either would work, the Dottyback, or purple (elegant)
--blue: 3 yellow-tailed damsels or neon goby
<Neon Goby, Damsels would be terrors in a tank of this size. Another
option would be the Cherub Angel
--green: Klunzinger's wrasse, belted wrasse, 3 blue-green Chromis
(incompatible with the yellow-tails?) or maybe even an emerald crab
(although I understand these tend to hide in the daytime)
<Hmm..... would go with a green-banded goby
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/neongobidfaqs.htm or a few Chromis>
So tell me, what do you think? Please feel free to add suggestions to
my list; there are so many I haven't seen. Thanks in advance for
your guidance.
<My pleasure>
Re: "Color
wheel" tank: Interesting approach. 5/16/2009
Thanks for the suggestions, Mike.
<Hi Doug, my pleasure.>
52 gallons didn't sound right, so after reading your reply I
measured the tank--it's 14" wide, not 12, but that's what
I get for relying on my memory. I assume that doesn't change my
choices of fish much.
<Not at all.>
I'm a little disappointed that the Butterflyfish is too big; is
there another yellow butterfly that might work?
<None that I am aware of, Long nosed butterflies are the
'easiest' but they just need more space than a 55.>
Assuming the answer is no, here's my revised list and a couple of
more questions:
Yellow: 1 Lemonpeel angel
Orange: 1 Percula clown (sans anemone)
Red: Firefish (will this guy build a hole, and if so, how deep will my
sandbed need to be? One or more than one in this tank?)
<You can add two or three, all at the same time. They will need a
couple of inches to really be happy.>
Purple: Orchid Dottyback (more than one?)
<Just one Dottyback>
Blue: Neon goby (more than one?) The cherub angel looks beautiful, but
I assume it wouldn't get along with the Lemonpeel--do you think
that is correct?
<You can add a few neon gobies. You are correct, two angels would
likely fight in a 55.>
Green: Blue-green Chromis (three?)
<Three is fine.>
Finally, can you give me some advice as to what order these should be
<Go from most peaceful to most aggressive. Firefish, then Chromis,
Neon Gobies, Angel, Clown, then Dottyback.>
Thanks again for all your help,
<You're welcome.>
Stocking a 50 Gallon
(UK) system A bit more planning required. 5/16/2009
Hi guys and girls,
<Hi Jo,>
I just wondered if you could help me?
I'm new to the whole marine thing and have long been contemplating
a tank.
<You've come to the right place.>
I have four freshwater tanks, which already drives my partner mad! But,
I would like to peruse my options for marine. I would really like a
FOWLR (little scared of corals etc at present) and I am in particular
fond of the following fish:
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
Valentini Puffer
Scarlet Hawkfish
Blennies in general (love the scooter, but afraid he is too small?)
Would this be a practical combination of fish or should I drop
<Puffers and Lionfish do not mix well together. Further, both would
be a bit large for a 50 gallon tank, so I would say the puffer over the
<Do read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tobycompfaqs.htm >
<A scooter should be fine, but should only be added after the tank
is established..>
What size of tank would you recommend? I was looking into a 50 UK
gallon tank.
<Bigger is always better, realizing that space is a consideration,
you would be better off with a 75.>
I really would love some big fish but don't have the space and
these are my 'small' favourites. I would have liked a flame
angel but I am aware this might push the limit. If 50gal is too small,
what do you recommend for the above combo?
<An angel and a puffer may work well together, as the angel is
fairly quick and can hold its own.>
There is the possibility of a 60l tank at present to keep me going
until the possibility of a bigger one becomes available; in this could
I keep a pair of Greenbanded gobies (e. multifasciatum), sexy shrimp
and a boxing crab?
<Green Banded gobies are best kept singly do read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/neongobies.htm >
<My pleasure>
180 FOWLR Overstocking
Hello dare Crew. Thanks for all the great advice.
I have a 180 gallon FOWLR system, with 275 pounds of life rock
<Where do this many fish live with all this rock in the
and a Octopus Skimmer Model 300 rated for a 300 gallon tank. I am also
running an Eheim Pro 3e canister filter rated for 185 gallons.
Additionally there is a UV filter that bypasses the skimmer, and lastly
I have filter socks.
<If you are going to use filter socks and canister filters, be sure
to clean them several times a week, in your case daily would be
With all of this, I still have a Nitrite problem, consistently .2.
I'm doing water changes, 50 gallons 3 days ago, and 20 gallons 2
day ago and will do 20 gallons tonight.
<Keep this up, and continue the sock and filter cleaning.>
My Livestock is a 8" Mappa Puffer, 5" Huma Trigger, 5"
Sargassum Trigger, 7.5"
Spectacled Parrot, 5.5" Australian Harlequin Tusk, 6" Crowned
Squirrel, 6"
Fox Face Rabbit, 3 Singapore Angel, 2.5 Keyhole Angel, 2 Cardinal,
Chromis, 3 Tomato Clown, 2- 3.5 Catfish.
<Wow! This is a lot of fish for a 180 gallon tank. This overstocking
is likely your problem. Please either consider a major tank upgrade to
a tank maybe in the 300 gallon range, or consider donating some of
these fish to other hobbyists with more room in their tanks. Not only
is this tank overstocked with respect to the bio load, but it is also
overstocked from the sheer size of these fish and the amount of live
rock in the tank.>
What to do?
<Josh Solomon>
Re: Proposed (240gal
display + 160gal sump) FOWLR 4/19/09
Good Day WWM Crew/Scott V,
<Hello Adriel, sorry about the previous email. A cat ran across the
keyboard, typing an interesting response and sending the thing!>
Thanks your advice!
<Very welcome.>
In any case, I think I'll go with a 84l"x20w"12h"
sump+refugium with a DSB.
Should reduce about 80gal weight right there. The LFS here has
mentioned that they've installed 260gal tanks in similar
apartments. My building is just 2 years old, newly constructed, but
nevertheless I will be contacting the construction company for their
I would like your opinion on skimmers for the setup. I have an Octopus
200NW and a Deltec APF 600. Was thinking about using these together in
the sump. Would this be enough? Could they be placed side by side?
<I think this will be fine for skimming, sure place them
I currently have the following to be shifted to the proposed tank, Blue
girdle angel 4" Blue Face angel 3" (but they aren't
fighting at all:-)
Moon beam dwarf angel 1 1/2Anthias (don't know which one) Leopard
Ornate Wrasse 2"Anampses Lineatus 2"False Percula 2"
I plan to add a Flame Angel, Orange Shoulder Tang, Orchid Dottyback,
and not much else, maybe a few gobies.
<Sounds fine, but will put you at or near your stocking
Would like to keep smaller fish in this one. Really want to keep a
Regal Angel too. (I know, I have the book :-) ......)
<Highly dependent on collection, how/where.>
Any further suggestions that you may have for the setup would be
greatly appreciated!
Thanks again, and I really appreciate the effort you've taken!
<Welcome, Scott V.>
FOWLR Cleaning Crew
Hi again
Another couple of questions for you incredibly knowledgeable
< Jeez , two lines in and I'm already down in the count.>
My first saltwater tank (a 29 gallon) is in the cycling process, and I
was wondering when I should add a cleaning crew?
< I like to wait until the cycle is over , but anytime after algae
becomes present should be fine.>
I'm assuming after I get a few fish, so there's some waste to
clean, but how long should I wait?
<If you are going through a full cycle you should start seeing algae
soon. Should be good anytime after this point.>
Also, there seems to be a lot of different opinions out there as to
which species make the best cleaners. I had in mind 2 or 3 blue leg
hermits, either a peppermint shrimp or a cleaner shrimp, 1 or 2 brittle
stars, and a handful of snails, probably turbo. Does this sound like a
good selection?
<The hermit count sound good. Always be mindful when adding any kind
of crab. They have been known to cross the line between scavenger and
predator. The brittle star I would leave at the store. They have also
been known to go after napping fish. Turbos are good additions but I
think the best clean up crew is a mixed one.
Instead of all Turbos maybe add a few Nassarius or Cerith. I don't
really consider the decorative shrimp to be part of the CUC , but
either one will make interesting additions. If you are looking into the
Peppermint shrimp for their Aiptasia removing be sure to purchase a
true Peppermint. The Camelback shrimp is often sold as a Peppermint
Fish species would be 1 or two clown fish, 1 royal gramma, 1 green
goby, and possibly a trio of mollies from my brackish tank. And live
rock of course. If my research is accurate, none of these fish will
harm the cleaning crew, right?
<All sounds good except for the Mollies, of which I have no personal
knowledge. I will forward your email along to one of the other crew
members to get their opinions on them. >
<<Mollies can be kept in marine environments. You will want to
acclimate the fish slowly to the salinity...a drip acclimation can
work, but I would raise the salinity slowly over a period of days.
Scott V.>>
And I have one question that may be laughable to anyone who's not a
newbie like myself. I understand the difference between a reef tank and
a non-reef tank. But if I'm setting up a FOWLR tank, and then buy
some invertebrates for cleaning purposes, not to mention the cute
little feather dusters I've spotted on my new live rock,
wouldn't my tank then cease to be a "fish only with live
rock" tank, emphasis on the "fish only" part? Is there
are term for a tank that has fish and non-coral and/or anemone
invertebrates? Thanks.
<The FOWLR aquarium would also includes a clean up crew. If you add
any sort of invert besides the CUC I would consider it
"reef". Inverts of all shapes ,sizes, and colors inhabit the
reef. So I see no reason why corals must be present to earn that
Adam Jenkins>
Livestocking Advice,
46 gal. SW LR... 4/5/09
Hello Crew!
Thanks for a great site. I rarely miss the daily FAQ. I am looking for
some help in completing my tank livestocking. Would like to add
movement and color, possibly yellow and pink. My system is a 1 1/2 year
old 46 bow front marine tank. Equipment includes:
4 in. DSB
BakPak 2 Skimmer with Chaeto in return chamber in place of media
HOB Whisper Filter with Polyfilter
60-70 lbs. of cultured live rock
Open top with 250 MH light sitting on tank, 8 in. above surface
(2) Koralia 1 powerheads
(1) Koralia 2 powerhead
Livestock includes:
2 mated Tomato Clowns hosting in BTA (mama bites!)
<Oh yes...>
Coral Beauty
Green Mandarin - 1 yr. old, eats Mysis and bloodworms
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Serpent Starfish
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Hermits and Turbos
Food includes frozen Mysis, bloodworms, Marine Cuisine, Emerald Entree
(all thawed and rinsed before feeding) and Spectrum Pellets on a
rotating basis. Nori is offered in clip and BTA and CC Starfish are fed
silversides 1-2x per week.
<Good thus far...>
Any suggestions for possibly 2 additional fish to provide movement and
color (pink and yellow?) would be great. I have built this system
slowly and livestock are all 9 months or longer in tank.
<Mmm, maybe a Hamlet (Hypoplectrus sp.), Gramma (sp.), Jawfish,
Sifter Goby (Valenciennea sp.). Bob Fenner>
180 - 200 Gallon
stocking\selection 3/27/2009
Hey Guys,
<Well hello there.>
Greetings from the frozen north!
<Greetings from sunny and not in the least bit frozen
I hope things are well where you all are. I currently have a quaint
little 29 Gallon tank mostly soft corals and leathers with frogspawn
and candy cane coral, that has been going about a year now.
<Very good.>
I am eventually planning to upgrade to a 175-200 Gallon Bowfront tank
(there's a company here that does custom tanks, for very reasonable
rates...insert appropriate squeal of delight here!). It'll probably
be a year or two before I can get this thing going.... I'm a
medical student, and don't know where I'll end up for my
residency, so it'll have to wait until I'm more permanently
settled. I don't relish the idea of moving a 175 Gallon+ Sump,
livestock and rock across Canada.
<I would not relish the idea of moving it across the
But, on the upside, my little tank is maturing nicely (awesome stress
relief there), and it gives me tons of time to plan the perfect system
:). I'm still drawing up plumbing designs, flow patterns, creating
surge, various skimmers/calcium reactors/chillers and whatnot, and will
probably ask for some opinions on all of that at a later date. Still
much reading to do....
<Well said, planning and researching now will save you lots
potential pain down the road.>
I have come up with a tentative stocking list for the fish. I'd
like the tank to be primarily an SPS tank, with some LPS, Clams, and a
couple leathers/softies perhaps at the periphery. Well, here's what
I came up with so far, please feel free to criticize/suggest
The big fish in the tank will be a Blue Tang ( Or clown or Sohal
Tang... or other... really love the tangs!) and a Yellow Tang (maybe
two of these ?), probably introducing the Blue Tang last, and a smaller
one at that.
<Would go with the Blue over the Clown or the Sohal myself, but that
is a matter of personal opinion, The tank will not be large enough to
support more than one Tang comfortably>
A mated pair of Picasso clownfish (I've seen these on the web, they
look really cool, never seen them for sale though).
<It is a marketing term, they are Percula Clownfish.>
A Coral Beauty Angel <Good>
A Green Mandarinfish, or a Sixline Wrasse (Or both, not sure if they
could share the pod population though)
<I would go with one or the other, With a tank of this size, you
should have no problems with a Mandarin once the tank is
A Purple Pseudochromis <See Below>
A Firefish <Would add a few of these.>
A Zebra Barred Dartfish <Again, would add a few of these.>
5-7 Green Chromis <Good>
A Royal Gramma Basslet <May have problems with the Pseudochromis -
They look too much alike - I would pick either the Gramma or the
Pseudochromis. If you like purple fish, a Royal Gramma and a Blackcap
Gramma can co-exist if introduced at the same time.>
2-4 Cleaner Shrimp <Fine>
A Tuxedo Urchin <I would be careful here: may munch on things you
don't want it to munch on.>
A Green Moray Eel.....haha just kidding. Those things are
Cool, but terrifying. And would eat everything, possibly even me.
<Heee... agreed.>
That's about it. Do you think I'm over quota?
<With the exception of only having one Tang, I think you are
I've never stocked anything this size before (tank for more than
2-3 fish that is, or anything with a sump and plumbing... but
that's another adventure, for later study. I would prefer to keep
it on the light to moderate stocked level for the tank, to avoid excess
nutrient export, though I do plan to run a good skimmer, and have a DSB
in both the tank and the sump, along with Live rock and some algae in
the sump. Also carbon, maybe even nitrate sponge or something.
<Sounds good.>
Anyways, more on the tank specs later, what do you think of the fish
list? I tried to pick mostly peaceful tankmates, that don't get too
nasty to each other. Also, tried to find a variety of colour, whilst
keeping it within the realm of reality/simplicity. I am by no stretch
of the imagination an expert here, so all those fish labeled
'expert only and even then don't' are generally off limits
in my mind (that's right Mr. Moorish Idol, I'm talking about
YOU!). I briefly entertained the idea of a Clown Tang instead of a Blue
Tang, but I understand they are a lot more tetchy than the Blue Guys,
though they look pretty darn cool. Thanks again in advance for
you're help!
<My Pleasure>
Cycling /
180 Gal System Setup\Cycling\Stocking FOWLR
Hi Marine type Guru's
<Hello Jon>
I'm very new to the Marine hobby, so please bear with me if I'm
asking silly questions.
<No such thing as a silly question.>
I did do some searching but could not find exactly what I was looking
for, so I apologize if these questions have been asked many times
I am in the process of setting up my first attempt at a Marine FOWLR
<Welcome to the hobby\insanity!>
I have a 180g tank with a 40g homemade sump; I have a Mag 12 main
circulation pump and a Mag 9.5 running an AquaC EV150 skimmer. I have 2
Hydor Koralia 4 powerheads. Lighting is Current USA SunPaq 36 inch 96
watt X 2.
<Sounds like a nice setup, though you may find that you need more
light down the road.>
When I get the tank stable and ready for livestock I was hoping to have
the stock list below.
2 Volitans Lions
1 Dwarf Fuzzy Lion
2 Moray Eels (Snowflake and Zebra or similar)
1 Porcupine Puffer <I am not wild about the idea of mixing puffers
with Lionfish, as the Lions usually get beaten up. Please read
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/puffercompfaqs.htm >
1 Cow fish <Not a fan of these, have been known to take out entire
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/boxfishes.htm >
1 Cherry Grouper <Variola sp.? >
In late Feb this year I filled the tank with water to check out the
plumbing was watertight, then added salt and left it running. On March
2nd I put in 60lbs of live rock, and then about a week later added 3
salt waterized Mollies, then on the 14th I added another 80lbs of live
rock. I've ordered another 50lbs of GARF Aragocrete, so as soon as
that shows up I'll add it to my tank, so I should end up with a
little less than 200lbs of Live Rock.
I've been checking my Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH levels since
the 7th Mar. All the levels other than PH appear to be reading 0 (PH is
at 8.4)....My questions are, is this normal for the cycling to take
this long to start detecting some Ammonia?
<With all of the live rock, it is likely that the tank is cycled
Does the set up as I have it seem OK for my intended stock levels or
would you recommend more filtration? If so what would you
<Setup sounds fine. Although with such large fish, more water
movement couldn't hurt. I do encourage you to re-examine your
stocking plan.>
Thanks in advance
WWM seems like a great source of advice
<On behalf of Bob and the rest of us, Thank You.>
Thanks again
<My Pleasure.>
Re: 180 Gal System
Setup\Cycling\Stocking 3/17/2009
Thanks for the input Mike
<Hi Jon, my pleasure.>
Bit of a bummer about the computability issues with Puffers and
My home made live rock from GARF came yesterday, so I added that to my
tank, I now have just a little over 180lbs in there, about 135lbs of it
was ready cured from mature setups. Strangely enough the tank still
looks like it could use another 30 - 40 lbs!
< I know the feeling, but do remember that the fish will still need
some swimming room.>
The reason for my note is, I checked my levels last night just after
adding the GARF rock, and I have a 0.25 Ammonia reading!!
<So it did take a little while. It will be interesting to see what
it is later this evening.>
Nitrite and Nitrate still at zero but PH is now gone from 8.4 to 8.2,
is this the beginning of my ammonia spike?
<Indeed it is, the pH drop is a little extreme. What is your
alkalinity reading?>
Or do you think, as you said in your reply, that as I have used
established Live Rock that the tank has all ready cycled?
<With cured rock, it should take no time at all to cycle; but since
you are getting an ammonia spike, it is not completely cycled
What should my PH levels be doing? With Ammonia present should they be
going up, down or staying static?
<The general trend is gradually decreasing pH, but with enough
alkalinity, it should remain very stable.>
When my tank is completely cycled and stable, what are acceptable
<Ph 8.2 - 8.4, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate < 20ppm, Alk: 6 -
8 deg dKH.>
At what test readings should I do water changes at?
<Ahh, Once everything is nice and stable, 10 - 15% water changes
every week. Lots to read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/maintenance/maintindex.htm >
Thanks in advance.
<You're welcome>
Question about my 55
gal tankmates... SW FO mis stocking... 03/06/09 Dear
Ocean Masters, I have a 55 gal aquarium in my office. I set it up in
early January. It is very stable now but I had a bit of a spike a
couple of weeks ago. I lost a clown tang and a lunar wrasse. <Oh
gee, I wonder why... ?!> I raced my wrasse and Humu Humu back to the
store but the wrasse didn't make it. They tested my water and it
turns out my test kit was defective. Now I have a good (and expensive!)
one and my water has been great. Nothing measurable. I bought a
lionfish about 1-1/2 weeks ago and he's doing awesome and is so
friendly. Last night, added a large yellow tang and they seem to be
doing okay. My question is about their future buddies. I get very
attached to my fish and want to make sure I don't lose anymore.
<Then stop killing them! Listen... you really need to get a book,
start reading... none of the fish you've chosen belong in a 55g
tank! ...not even in 75g!> I would really like to have a lunar
wrasse (I love their personality) and I'd also like to have a Humu
Humu (the state fish of Hawaii, another love of mine). Will a lunar
wrasse and Humu Humu be good tankmates for my lion and tang? <F***
no!!><<Sara... potty mouth... RMF>> My aquarium store
salesmen have differing opinions. One thinks they'll be okay and
the other thinks the trigger will nip off the lionfish's fins.
<Is this a joke? Do you know how big these fish get? How aggressive
they are?> What would you suggest to add? I don't plan to add
more than two additional. <Please, please, just stop and take the
time to read and learn... get one of Scott Michael's books and/or
Mr. Fenner's... or just start reading more on WWM... please.>
Thank you so much for your expertise. I appreciate it! Tammy
<I'm sorry if your LFS misled you in anyway... if they were more
concerned about a sale than the welfare of your fish. But ultimately,
it's your own responsibility to learn, research about these animals
before you buy them. Cheers, Sara M.>
Re: Question about my
55 gal tankmates 03/06/09 Okay, guess I didn't go into
enough detail.... My tank had already cycled BEFORE I added the clown
tang and lunar wrasse. The reason I didn't realize my water spiked
the second time was due to my test kit showing that my water was fine.
<I understand that you are new to all this, so let me explain...
even if your tank was past the initial cycle, that doesn't mean you
can start putting any/all fish in the tank. You have to start out
slowly, adding one fish (since this is a 55g, relatively small fish) at
a time. You should always leave at least one or two weeks in between
fish additions.> It was only when I took a water sample to the store
along with the sick wrasse and trigger that they tested it and it
showed high. <Again, why are you putting these kinds of fish in a
55g tank? They're too big, too aggressive for such a small tank. I
understand that you had a bad test kit, but I could have told you, even
without a test kit, that your water parameters would not be good/safe.
You added way too much too quickly.> (And yes, I had the fish bagged
separately and took a water sample in a separate bag.) Then I purchased
another test kit that is more accurate. AFTER getting my water levels
good, I purchased the lionfish and then the tang. <Again... why? It
might be ok to keep a lion fish, by itself, in a 55g tank... but with a
tang? No way.> I have read a great deal and one of the problems is
that every expert has a different opinion and every salesman has a
different opinion. <I'm not sure who you are calling an
"expert"... but no one here on WWM, nor do I imagine Scott
Michael or anyone I know with any kind of recognition in our hobby
would recommend the choices you've made with this tank. As for
sales people, well, they are sales people.> I have read books and I
have researched on the web. I have been looking for this website since
October! It finally came up on a search and I have gotten good advice
from you in the past so I plan on continuing to ask you for advice if
you can be civil and not treat me like a moron! <I do apologize if
you found my last response less than civil... I'm a little shocked
at the choices you've made thus far.> I'm NOT and I care
very much about having healthy fish. The problem is that every website
says something totally different. <Fair enough... the information
does vary. However, I can't imagine there's any respectable
site or book out there that says you can safely add a clown tang and a
lunar wrasse into a newly cycled 55g tank...absurd!> About 15 years
ago, I had a 55 gal tank for several years and only lost 1 fish
initially. After having the tank for about three years with the same
fish (a yellow tang, lunar wrasse and damsel) the tang and damsel got
sick and died. I sold the tank with the wrasse to someone who had a lot
of experience with marine fish because I was heartsick about losing the
tang and damsel. <ok> So I'm really not a just a moron trying
to have fun with a little hobby. <I don't think you're a
moron... but I'm sorry, I don't believe you when you say
you've done your research here. If you're having trouble
sorting through the different web and in-print sources... please seek
out a "mentor" in your town/community. Find someone local who
has successfully kept marine aquariums for at least several years. If
you have a marine aquarium club in your area, please join it.> I
want to have healthy, happy fish. And since I have read a lot about all
of these fish and talked to salesmen, who according to you must also be
morons, <LFS employees are often... well... let's just say they
sometimes leave a lot to be desired... and don't always give you
accurate information. Some of them are very knowledgeable and helpful
while others will just say anything they think you want to hear. Once
you find your mentor, ask him/her who he/she trusts in LFSs in your
area.> maybe instead of just going off on me you could explain what
I need to do. That would actually be helpful! <Firstly, you need to
stop adding fish to your aquarium right now. Secondly, you need to get
a *good* book on marine fish (again, I recommend one of Scott
Michael's and Bob Fenner's). Thirdly, I think you should find
someone you can trust to give you good advice (preferably someone
outside of a LFS).> I already have the tang and lionfish. Like I
mentioned before, I have had a tang and lunar wrasse in a 55 gal tank
before and they did well for a long time. <When these fish can live
decades, 3 years is not a "long time."> So, what should I
do? <For right now... I would find another home for the tang. You
might be able to make things work with the lion fish if you do adequate
water changes and don't add anymore fish for awhile. What do you
have for filtration on this tank?> Thank you so much, Tammy <De
nada, Sara M.>
Re: Question about my
55 gal tankmates 03/06/09 Thank you so much for your quick
response. Okay, let me explain my entire situation. I am a counselor at
a church and have the 55 gal tank in my office. In our nursery, we have
a 55 gal and a 75 gal tank (completely enclosed in cabinetry and
inaccessible to children). I live in Texas, about an hour from San
Antonio, which is the closest place that has marine fish. <San
Antonio has a very nice aquarium club I've had the pleasure of
meeting/visiting. Please see here:
http://www.maast.org/modules/Jig/index.php> We went to every marine
store in San Antonio until we found the place we use now. The first
place we chose, while recommended by a lot of people, was very short on
advice and was definitely just in it for the money. The place we use
now is owned by a guy who has had marine aquariums well over 20 years
and loves it. But even the salesman at this store differ in their
opinions. <When this happens, I would go with the more conservative
advice... better safe than sorry.> I have Scott Michaels book on
Marine Fish and love it. He states that the lionfish and Humu Humu
should be kept in 55 gal minimum <Ok, but that doesn't mean you
can keep them *both* in a 55g tank. As mentioned in my last email. I
think you could keep the lion fish alone in your 55g. If you want the
tank to have more fish, you would have/be better off with smaller fish
(like maybe a pair of clown fish-- but not with the lion fish!). And
the minimums in ScottM's books are truly absolute minimums-- not
ideals.> the lunar wrasse and yellow tang should be kept in a 75 gal
minimum. So I definitely messed up with the tang. <And the wrasse,
yes.> We have a 75 gal I can move him to but let me tell you what is
in there currently: A golden-headed goby, a lawnmower blenny, a 3-inch
Longnosed Hawkfish, a 2-1/2 inch six-line wrasse, a medium Foxface, a
chocolate chip star, and a sea hare. <ok> By the way, I put a
small blue tang in there two days ago and it completely disappeared
overnight. <Likely dead...> (I sent an email to ya'll on that
also and someone else is responding.) Would the yellow tang be okay
with those fish? <Theoretically, yes... but, I can't tell you if
this 75g tank has the biological filtration capacity for an additional
fish. How long has the tank been set up? What are you using for
filtration? Any live rock in the tank? It would help me help you if I
knew more about these systems.> What can I put with my lion? <For
right now... nothing. If you want to keep this animal, keep it alone
for awhile. Perhaps in time, once the tank has matured more, you might
be able to find an appropriate tank mate for it. But for right now,
please let the animal have the whole tank.> I thought you were
supposed to put aggressive fish with aggressive fish. <Generally,
yes, but again, a 55g is considered a "small" marine tank...
and most aggressive marine fish need large tanks.> I will try to
locate someone in my community that is experienced and can help. But
until then, any advice is appreciated and will certainly be acted on.
<Patience my friend... patience. You are making mistakes most all
new aquarists make... adding too many fish too fast.> Thank you,
Tammy <De nada, Sara M.>
Re: Question about my
55 gal tankmates 03/07/09 The 75 gallon tank has two canister
filters. In addition, next week we are adding a sump. <Good that
you're adding a sump... the canister filters alone are not
enough.> The two canister filters came with the tank when we bought
it from the previous owner and we don't know how great they are so
we're adding the sump. The water has tested fine but we want to go
ahead and update the filtration anyway. <You will also need a
protein skimmer.> There is live rock with sand substrate and we do
partial water changes once a month. We test the water once or twice a
week. It was set up for several years with the previous owner and we
have had it since October. The live rock and substrate came with the
tank. <good> These are the tanks in our nursery. The one on the
left is the 55 gal and the one on the right is the 75 gal. Close up of
55 gallon nursery tank Close up of 75 gallon tank. Close up of my 55
gallon before I put a blue background on it. Hope the pics and
filtration info helps. <Yes, you need protein skimmers for both
these tanks.> What do you think about the tang moving to the 75
gallon tank? <I think this is a good idea.> Will it get along
with all the others in there? <I think so, yes.> Thanks
Re: Question about my
55 gal tankmates 03/07/09 Another question: should we switch
the fish in the 75 gal tank to the 55 gal and vice-versa? <I would
move the tang to the 75g, but leave the lion fish in the 55g.> I
just want to make sure that all the fish are in a safe environment so
please give me your best advice. <Again, I strongly encourage you to
get skimmers for these tanks. You might also consider using activated
carbon in the canisters. Cheers, Sara M.>
FOWLR Stocking
question 2/26/2009 Bob and crew <Hi Joel, Mike here>
Please offer your advice. Current stock: - 4" Yellow-bellied Hippo
Tang - 3" mated pair Purple Firefish - 3" Skunk Cleaner
shrimp who molts regularly - 6 turbo snails, a few Astrea and Ceriths,
and 3 awesome Nassarius - 12 blue and red legged hermit crabs less than
1" in size. One 2" electric blue hermit. - 1 large anchor
coral - 5 Ricordea mushrooms - 1 fantastic and roaming pulsing Xenia -
More green and brown star polyps than I actually want. - ¾ sand bed
The main tank is over a year old 55 gal with ~100 lbs of live rock. I
have a 20 gallon refugium with Chaeto (alternating light cycle) with an
external Aqua-C EV-180 skimmer driven by a Mag-7. <Sounds good so
far.> I've been reading and paying attention to your advice
since the beginning. Thank you for your guidance. I try to donate every
time I ask a question, and this will not be an exception. <On behalf
of Bob and the rest of us, thank you!.> So, I'm considering the
following (of course with quarantine - I quarantine everything all will
be ordered from liveaquaria.com): <Excellent!> - 1x 2"
Lawnmower Blenny - 3x 1.5" B/G Chromis - 1x 2" Bartlett's
Anthias - 1x 3� Diamond Watchman goby Is this too much for this
tank (as I suspect) despite the natural filtration a quality foam
fractionation? If you were to eliminate or recommend any of the
entries, what would you suggest, assuming I'm a mindful and capable
hobbyist who makes weekly 10% water RO changes? <Adding either the
Blenny or the Goby should be fine. I would not recommend adding the
Anthias, I would add the Chromis with caution, with a keen eye on
sudden behavioral changes.> Thanks, <My Pleasure> Joel
Re: FOWLR Stocking
question 2/26/2009 Thank you for your reply. Would you mind
elaborating a bit? <Sure> Why not the Anthias, and why might the
Chromis upset the tank? I know a school would move around a lot, but I
thought they were fairly docile and would not disturb the other fish
(except maybe get them out and about more). <My main reason for
being conservative is the size of your tank. Anthias can be challenging
to keep, and based upon personal experience\observations, I don't
feel they do as well in tanks less than 75 - 100 gallons. With the
Chromis, my statement to keep an eye out for behavioral issues is that
given the size of your tank, your Tang may have adopted a "this
whole tank is mine" mentality and may be aggressive towards the
Chromis. Lastly, my inquiry was in hopes of adding all of these fish
over time - would adding the 1 Blenny and the 1 Goby and the 3 Chromis
be too much as a final tally of fish in the tank? <My apologies,
re-reading what I wrote in the first email, I made a typo (The hazards
of editing on the fly) - it should have said: Adding the Blenny AND the
Goby should be fine. I would not recommend adding the Anthias, I would
add the Chromis with caution, with a keen eye on sudden behavioral
changes. Thanks again, <My Pleasure> Joel <Mike>
Bioload: How many fish
is too many? 2/21/2009 Hi, <Hi Garrett> I was wondering
how do you figure out the bio-load for a salt water FOWLR? I know there
is a rule of thumb inch rule (2 gallons of water for every inch of
fish), but it never seems to work perfectly. <That "rule"
is pretty out of date and horribly inaccurate.> Is the only way to
figure this out through experience or is there a method to the madness?
Your expertise is well appreciated! <Experience really counts, as
there are too many variables, type of fish (peaceful\aggressive\active
swimmer\etc, size and shape of tank to have one clear cut formula, but
as a rule, under stocking your tank is always the smartest. For salt
water tanks, the formula I use with peaceful fish is 1 - 1.25 fish per
square foot of surface area. As some marine fish get large, I use the
following values for fish: A fish 2" - 4" when fully grown
counts as 1 fish A fish 4" - 8" when fully grown counts as 3
fish A fish greater than 8" when fully grown counts as 6 fish. For
larger fish, a more accurate formula is five gallons of water per cubic
inch of fish.> You can also read related articles and FAQs here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stocking1.htm > Garrett
Flow Question And
Stocking Level, 20 gal. FOWLR 2/16/09 > Good evening
crew! <Hello Keith> > I have a 20 gal long tank. It has been a
FOWLR tank for over a year. It has 30 lbs. of Aragamax sand and
20 lbs. of Fiji LR. > Current flow/filtration is a 200GPH Penguin
BioWheel with an extra media basket with LR rubble (which is
actually better than a basket as it separates the rubble into
"grids" for better circulation/flow) and the standard
pad/carbon cartridge for the Penguin models. I also have a SeaClone
protein skimmer with a MaxiJet 1200. >> So I have 3 questions: I
recently added a pulsing Xenia stalk and a small button mushroom. The
Xenia is towards the top and the mushroom towards the bottom. Both look
great, but it has only been a day or two. With a tank as shallow as a
20 gal long (12") do I have adequate flow already? <Very close
as the Penguin has a guaranteed flow rate of 200gph.> I have my LR
set up in a way that is at least 2 inches away from any of the tank
sides and have it split into two cavernous islands with lots of ways in
and out even for my 2 False Percula Clownfish. The HOB and the HOB
skimmer are on opposite sides of the tank and the feather dusters seem
to get quite a bit of movement at the bottom of the tank. I
experimented with a Koralia Nano and then again with a Aquaclear 201
powerhead (not at the same time) in the skimmer corner but it seemed
the flow was a bit of a whirlpool even with the Powerhead adjusted very
low. ><How to things look with just using the Penguin for water
movement?> > 2nd question: Would you recommend continuing the use
of the stock filter cartridge or would a second media basket be better
for just running carbon? ><In smaller tanks such as yours,
I'd opt to use Purigen, Chemi Pure, or Chem Sorb in the media
basket and just use the stock cartridge as a mechanical filter. Will be
much better at nutrient removal than carbon alone. I do not know how
large the media basket is, so you will need to see what would fit in
there.> > And last but not least: I have the 2 False Perculas,
but I also have a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 2 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs, 3
Nassarius snails, 4 Astrea snails and a Emerald Crab that actually came
with the LR. > Is there anything else I should have (more snails of
some kind for example). <I'd put 5 or 6 more Blue Leg Hermit
Crabs in there. Keep that Emerald Crab well fed or your shrimp may
become a meal.> Can a Neon Goby or a Dottyback be added or would you
stick to just the 2 Percs? <A Neon Goby or similar small size fish
could be added. I would go with nothing larger.> I do plan on adding
other corals slowly as I watch how the tank matures even more. <Do
research here before adding as there are not too many corals that will
do well with your lighting.> > I am sorry if all of this info is
already available. I did search quite awhile...I am here for days
before I add/change anything in any of my tanks LOL. ><Good,
reading will be your best teacher.> > Oh and tank param.s are ph
8.2, calc 400, Alk 9, temp 77F, 65 watt PC 50/50 bulb, ammonia and
nitrite 0, nitrate less than .5, and SG is 1.023. ><Sounds good.
James (Salty Dog)> > Keith
Stocking questions... FOWLR...
2/4/09 I have been an avid reader of your site for many
months now. I had 65 gallon setup with about 100-150 lbs of live
rock and plenty of inhabitants. I got the tank in a trade and
never bothered to notice the top brace was broken out, sadly the
tank started to bow and after talking with several fish stores
decided I needed to replace it with something else. <Or...
perhaps add a bracing mechanism... Have you read re, considered a
"Euro-brace" install/repair here? Please search on WWM
re> Having little cash and not wanting to go with a different
length due to wanting to keep my current light fixtures, I have
three, two 36" power compacts 96 watts x 4, and one t5, 42
watts. After searching for a week for a tank that was adequate
and affordable, I wasn't finding anything. I finally went
with a 40 breeder for the meantime until I can save some money.
It downsized my set up by 25 gallons. I am running a sump/fuge
with dead corals, live rock and live sand, lit by a current
fixture from a BioCube I am no longer using. I still have all the
rock in there, <Wow! Not much room for water. It might well be
better to remove some of the rock> a few small mushrooms, tons
of zoo frags, yellow button polyps, xenia, white star polyps,
green star polyps, blue anthelia, pagoda, flower pot, clove
polyps, small Kenya tree frag, small colt coral, anemone, I
believe is a short tentacle anemone, a flower anemone with
it's porcelain crab, and emerald crab, several hermits,
several snails, several small feather dusters, a coral banded
shrimp, a sand sifting starfish, a red Fromia starfish (very
small, baby), a mated pair of Perculas, a small green Chromis. Is
my bio load too much? <Possibly... you should be able to
"tell" from your livestock's' behavior...
nutrient accumulation measure> I am also running an emperor
bio wheel filter with activated carbon and a poly filter, also
have skimmer rated for the 65 gallon, so sump/fuge, 100-150lbs of
live rock, 430+ watts of lighting, three powerheads plus the
pump, all in a 40 gallon breeder, its going to be a couple months
before I can buy another tank, am I going to be alright with
this? <I would repair the 65...> Thanks in advance for any
advice or help. I am currently saving money to have a custom
built acrylic tank made for me. Essentially I want a diply tank
that is very much like a frag tank. Low stand, and Tank will be
36" by 36" by 14"?, something like that. "I
like squares not rectangles and very big squares at that!"
<Can be spectacular in appearance. Please read here re the
repair: http://wetwebmedia.com/glstkbraces.htm Not hard to do,
nor expensive. Bob Fenner>
Re: Stocking questions 2/4/09
Here are some pictures, mind you I just did the transfer tonight
to the 40 breeder, I have been at it for 6 hours and I was well
prepared. I am thinking of removing one of the power heads,
it's possible that there may be too much flow for this tank,
obviously not done yet, just wondering if this will work for the
mean time, which will obviously be a while. <Mmm, I'd
definitely remove about half the rock... and get going on the 65
repair. Bob Fenner>
FO tank or FOWLR?,
Stocking/Set-up 2/2/09 Good evening. <Hello> I have a 20
gallon Long aquarium that is home to a pair of false Perculas, a royal
gramma and a scooter blenny, as well as a few snails, 2 blue leg
hermits and a peppermint shrimp. <The blenny will most likely starve
in this sized tank, it needs a new home.> Currently I have a
SeaClone 100 skimmer (which actually has been pretty good even though I
have read mostly bad) and a BioWheel 200 with an extra media basket
containing live rock rubble. The tank has 5 lbs of live rock and 5 lbs
of coral base rock. The substrate is Aragamax. <Ok> I have a few
questions: 1) Am I over stocked? Not that I want to add anything, but I
am afraid I might be over. <The blenny will not be able to be
sustained in this sized tank for long, it needs a larger tank.> 2)
Do I need more live rock if I keep the current filtration, and if I do,
do I need to be in the 1 lb per gallon area or is that for reef tanks
mostly? <1 to 1.5 pounds per gallon is ideal, but you will most
likely be ok at your current levels.> 3) If I wanted a few easy
corals with a lighting upgrade, would I need more live rock or lower
fish stocking or a combination of both? <More rock may help you
control nitrates easier, which is important for corals, and definitely
no more fish.> 4) Does the 5 lbs of base rock count as lbs when
mentioning lbs of LR? <Mostly yes, it becomes live with time and
exposure to standard live rock.> System has been up for 12 months or
so with no problems or ammonia present, Nitrate below 10. Doing 1% WCs
weekly. It was a gradual process that started as a brackish tank, then
high brackish, then skimmer then LR then marine animals. <Nice>
Re: FO tank or FOWLR?,
Stocking/Set-up 2/5/09 Thanks for the reply. <Welcome>
Originally when I bought the scooter I was told he would be ok in a 20
long, and he does accept frozen brine and bloodworms, but I too thought
he was looking a bit thin so I took him to a very good LFS (Something
Fishy) who have some rather large reef tanks for display (250 Gallon)
where I am sure he will be happier. <I'm sure he will do much
better there.> I do have a couple of questions about my false Percs
though. <Ok> First off, they are very active and eat well, no
signs of excess mucus, spots, labored respiration...nothing that would
look like a problem, but at times they will flash off the glass in the
day in the places where they sleep at night. <A fairly common
behavior.> No other flashing on other rocks, sand, decor...just in
their corners they hang out in at night. sometimes they will go all the
way from one side of the tank to do it too. There really isn't
anything special about the places where they do it, one uses the bare
glass in the back corner about midway up with a bit of algae on it and
the other on the cleaner magnet it "hosts". <I would not
worry about it unless you see more signs of illness.> Wouldn't
there be a sign of heavy breathing or something if it was an unseen
gill fluke or parasite. <Could be.> I tried the flashlight at
night trick and have seen no signs of a dusting or anything either.
<Good> The water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, less than~5
nitrates, SG 1.023, ph 8.2 temp 77F. This has been ongoing since I
placed them out of QT and it has been several weeks now. <I would
not be overly concerned at this point, most likely just normal clown
antics.> Secondly, is it normal for clowns to sleep sideways at the
top of the aquarium treading water? <Normal and clowns generally do
not go together, but one of mine does the same thing, no worries
here.> Is their respiration usually the same at night or is it a bit
heavier? <May be a little heavier at night.>
Level/Selection, FOWLR 1/12/09 Hello crew, <Hi
Bernie> I have been a long time reader, but I don't really ask
questions as you guys do an excellent job of running this magnificent
site. The reason I'm troubling you now is because I have a few
questions that I am looking for specific answers, that I have been
unable to find, I trust you guys can help me. <Hopefully we can.>
I have a 92 gallon corner tank, all my rocks are centered and do not
touch any of the glass walls of the tank, it makes for a kind of track
with a field in the center for the fish, they can swim in circles
endlessly and do so. There is also plenty of open space up top and in
front. My rock work also has plenty of nooks and crannies, caves,
overpasses, bridges, etc. I have about a 2" fine aragonite sand
for substrate and am contemplating adding another inch of sand. All my
rock was transferred over from a previous tank and there is about 100
lbs of LR. My Livestock is as follows: 1 Moorish Idol, 3-4" 2
Ocellaris clowns, 2-3" each 1 Potters Angel, 3" 2 Lyretail
Anthias, 2-3" each 1 Orange Spotted Blenny, 2" (He is
awesome) Now to my questions (Sorry for all the details, I'm trying
to paint a picture here, sorry). I have had the Idol for about a month
and a couple of weeks, there is no denying he is the King of the tank,
as I intended it to be. He eats dried seaweed (Green, brown & red)
all day every day, I have also placed a few different types of sponges
in the tank for him to pick at, they are there, specifically for his
consumption and he does pick at them. My issue or concern is that he
WILL NOT touch NLS pellets, no matter how hard I try, from everything I
read, that is the key to long term success. I also feed the tank two
times a week a mix of angel formulas containing sponge, a Spirulina
formula, blood worms, Cyclop-eeze, brine and Mysid shrimps. The Idol
doesn't really seem to care to eat things in the water column, he
eats some of the Spirulina but for the most part ignores everything,
except for his dried seaweed and his sponges. Should I be concerned,
can I trick or train him into eating these other things? <It's
not unusual that the idol will not eat the New Life Spectrum pellets. I
know on the site, the video clearly shows this but is no guarantee that
all idols are going to relish this food. The long term survivability
rate is very low for just this reason...finding a nutritious food that
they will accept and eat. You may want to read the FAQ's on this
subject, see what others have tried.
My next question is can I keep a Golden Head Sleeper Goby in my tank? I
love it's color and he would provide a vital function in my tank. I
know they usually starve to death, so I wonder is a 92 gallon tank
sufficient to keep it from starving? <Yes, providing it is teeming
with pods and other shrimp like critters.> As stated earlier, I have
2" sand bed & want to make it a 3" sand bed. Even though
I used established rock, my tank is only 2 months old, so my sand bed
is young. How long should I wait to add the sleeper goby if I can add
one. I really want one to stir the sand. Also do I need a fuge, I can
add one if needed, but how would the pods get from the sump to the
display to benefit the goby? <Your first step would be to setting up
a fuge and populate it with live pods. The pods will get into the main
display by way of the fuge pump, but I would also add some of the live
pods to the main display, and do it in the evening after the lights are
out. We do not want the fish eating them before they have a chance to
breed. You will also have to feed the pods, at night also when they are
out. A great food for this is Isochrysis galbana, sold under the name
of Phyto 2, and is available from Premium Aquatics as are the live
pods.> I know I have bombarded you with questions, so just one more.
I want a tang for my tank, I like the Hippo Tangs, Powder Blue Tang and
the White Cheek Tang (Acanthurus nigricans), not the Powder Brown.
Which of these would be the best fitted for my system? <The Hippo
Tang would be the only one that would work out. Acanthurus nigricans
rarely live more than a few months in captivity and both the Powder
Blue and the nigricans require more space than you presently have.>
I would get whichever one relatively small & watch it grow,
however, I would like to avoid having to move it in the future. I know
that the two Acanthurus tend to stay relatively smaller than the hippo,
but then again I know the powder blue would probably need more swimming
space. Would my track styled set up help, it gives fish about 6-7 feet
of circular swimming space. <No, it's more about size than laps.
A six foot tank would be the smallest size I would use for these fish,
and a minimum of 120 gallons. Some sites/etailers will recommend a
minimum of 100 gallons, but being this fish is not easily kept, I'd
go with a 120 to help increase my chances of success. Do read here.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/powdbluetg.htm> Thank you so much in
advance for your help and for the great site. I hope to hear from you
soon. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Bernie
Compatability and
Overstocking 1/11/09 Hey Crew, great site. I
currently have a 120 gallon. All of my parameters check out fine other
than nitrates. They are around 80 ppm. <! Toxic> It is a FOWLR
tank. In my tank I have a yellow tang and a clown tang which actually
get along. I also have a niger, a Humu, a dogface puffer, maroon clown,
and a coral beauty. I am concerned that my tank is overcrowded <It
is or will be...> and that all of my fish are not compatible.
<The triggers might "go wild" at some point... the Maroon
become a terror> My favorite is the dogface and do not want to get
rid of him. I also like the clown tang a lot and would hope to keep him
also. My question is, which of these fish can I safely keep in my 120
with these two, or in your opinion what is the best scenario? I thank
you guys for your insight. Aaron <... You could just wait and see if
one of these fishes becomes "too mean", or you could be
pro-active (pre-emptive like the U.S. and invade w/o provocation)...
and remove the most likely to be/come "terrorists"... Oooh,
feel the power... not! Oh, and remove the Niger, possibly the Clown.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Compatability and
Overstocking 1/11/09 So you think the niger and the
maroon will pose the biggest threat? <Mmm, yep> I have noticed
that my Humu, yellow tang, and clown tang have all established
territory and the rest seem to rest at the top of the tank with the
lights off, stressed I am sure. <Yes... very unnatural> Do you
think my nitrates are high because I have it overstocked? Under
filtered? Maybe a combination? <Yes, uh huh, you betcha> I have
about 150 pounds of live rock with live sand about a two inch thick
sandbed. I do water changes every two weeks around 15 gallons each
time. As far as filtration I have a Rena xp3, magnum 350 with bio wheel
and an emperor 400. <... please... see WWM re NO3...> I also have
a uv sterilizer 24 watt. I had a 35 gallon at first then converted to a
120. I had a small skimmer on the 35, I planned on having a reef tank
but the fish I like obviously are not reef safe. My LFS told me I do
not need a skimmer on a fo tank <Define "need"... I
consider them wrong> but I put this little skimmer on it because I
have it might as well use it. Hope you guys can steer me in the right
direction, I have alot <No such word> invested and don't want
to fail my fish. <Good> It seems every pet shop has something
different to say which is why I turn to you guys.{ people you can trust
and are not just trying to take your money} Thank you guys for all of
your expert information. Aaron <Welcome Aaron. BobF>
Final Stocking Order
(and a Who Dunnit Mystery) 1/2/08 Dear
Crew, <Sean> Happy New Year and thanks for all the valuable
guidance you've provided as I've been upgrading to my 220g. The
move of my fish from my 120g went well, and they have been LOVING the
new tank. My current stocking, including the fish I currently have in
QT, is as follows: * Red Sea Golden B/F Pair * Saddleback B/F *
Pearlscale B/F * Lyretail Anthias Male * Bartlett's Anthias Pair
(was a trio, but one jumped ship -- new tank is fully covered) * False
Percula Clown Pair * Mystery Wrasse (awesome fish!) * Orangetail Blue
Damsel * Blue Green Chromis <The Anthias and Chromis need more
conspecifics to be happy> The next (and last) fish to join the mix
are the following angels and tangs: * Rock Beauty Angel * Potters Angel
* Flame Angel * Purple Tang * Whitefaced Tang (a. japonicas) OR
Achilles Tang * Kole Tang OR Tomini Tang <Mmm, the two angels and
the Achilles are not easily kept> I have two 20g QT tanks and will
also use my old 120g as an additional QT until the 220g is fully
stocked. With these three QTs, I have a lot of options for quarantining
order. I know I should add the most aggressive and most territorial
fish last and that I should add only one species at a time, but with 3
tangs and 3 angels, I'm not sure what the best way to proceed would
be, since they all fall in the aggressive/territorial category. I could
add them all at the same time by spreading them out across the 3 QTs,
but would 6 fish at the same time be too much of a jolt to the bio load
of my 220g? If not, which combination of fish would you recommend in
the various QTs? If it would be too much of a jolt to add all 6 to the
display at one time, in what order should I introduce them? To recap
prior postings... To handle the large bio load, I have 300lb of LR, an
AquaC EV240 skimmer with Mag 18 pump, a 65g sump and a 35g fuge (and
will probably be adding another). Cleanup crew includes 1 fire shrimp,
3 skunk cleaner shrimp (though I'm thinking of adding a few more
later), 4 small emerald crabs, <Do keep an eye on these... as
Mithraculus get bigger, they become more opportunistic and broader in
their feeding habits> 11 Nassarius snails, 1 fighting conch, 5
serpent stars, Nerite snails and an assortment of critters I got from
IPSF.com (sand bed clams, micro hermits, various worms, mini-stars,
gastropod snails). Tank is set up as an island display with swim lanes
on all fours sides of the LR. One other question for you: Until today,
I had 2 fire shrimp, but I found one this morning that literally had
its tail chopped or ripped off. It was the largest (though not fully
grown) and least shy shrimp in the tank, so I'm assuming that the
other shrimp didn't do it, and the emerald crabs are likely too
small (1 inch or less). Other than the wrasse or possibly the serpent
stars, I can't think of anything else that would have done this.
<Might be a Mantis that hitchhiked in with your live rock...> The
wrasse sleeps at the opposite end of the tank, and most of the meat of
the shrimp's body was still intact, <Oh! Maybe some other
cause... a Stomatopod, other predator would have dismembered...> so
it doesn't sound like the wrasse did it, unless he was just
trolling for sport in the middle of the night. I had the wrasse, 2 of
the emerald crabs, 2 of the serpent stars and 2 of the skunk cleaner
shrimp long before the move to the new tank, and I've had no
previous issues. The rest of the crabs, shrimps and stars were added a
couple of weeks ago after everything stabilized following the move to
the new tank. Any idea who Dunnit? <Mmm, of what you list, no...
maybe no one, as stated> I'm worried that I've got some
masked killer lurking in the new rocks that were added during the move
to the new tank... I've been testing the water parameters regularly
since the move, and everything has been fine (pH 8.4, Spg 1.024, temp
80, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 2.5). As always, thank you so much
for all the help. Even my wife, who (probably correctly) thought I went
off the deep end with such a large tank, thinks the new setup is coming
along beautifully. Sean <Thank you for sharing. Bob
Re: Final Stocking
Order (and a Who Dunnit Mystery) 1/3/09 Thanks! Do you
have any thoughts on my original questions regarding the stocking order
for the Tangs and Angels? Here were those questions: Would the 6 angels
and tangs at the same time be too much of a jolt to the bio load of my
220g? <Mmm, I don' think it will prove problematical... due to
the size/volume of this system and the hundreds of pounds of LR... and
there is much to be gained by simultaneously adding these fishes
here.> If not, which combination of these fish would you recommend
in the 3 QTs? If it would be too much of a jolt to add all 6 to the
display at one time, in what order should I introduce them? <I'd
place all at once... or all the Angels at once, with the Tangs
following weeks later> Also, a follow-up on your comments re the
Anthias and Chromis... Although I have heard that the Chromis do better
in groups, I've also heard that there's a good chance of one
killing the rest and leaving you with just one anyway. <Mmm...>
Would you recommend adding more now, given that this one is already
established? <In a sufficiently big system... not much dominance
issue...> He seems happy enough, seemingly schooling with the
Anthias or Clowns some of the time... For the Bartlett's Anthias,
could I add more at this time? <Yes> I always thought that they
needed to come as a group (as they were before the suicide) and that
you couldn't add more later. They seem to be happy as a pair. For
the Lyretail male, I thought from your website that these were OK as
individuals. He's actually still in the LFS QT with several
females, and I was going to move him to my QT this weekend. I don't
think I have room for the whole group, so I was just going to take the
male so that one of the females could step up and wear the pants in the
group for someone else who has room. Would you not recommend this?
Thanks again! Sean <The male won't be as colorful, active...
happy as it would be if kept in a haremic circumstance. Bob Fenner>
Thanks again for all the helpful guidance! <Welcome Sean!
Re: Final Stocking
Order 1/5/09 As I think about how to implement your
recommendations, I have a few follow-up questions... I'm thinking
about downsizing my B/F, angel, tang and Anthias selections to make
room for more Anthias and Chromis fishes, as you suggest. Here's
what I'm thinking: B/Fs: 1 Latticed, 1 Pakistan, 1 Pearlscale and 1
Bluestriped Dwarf angels: 1 Bicolor, 1 Flame and 1 Coral Beauty. Will 3
dwarfs likely get along in a 220g if added at the same time? <Likely
so> Tangs: 1 Kole and 1 Tomini. The Kole article on WWM suggests
that 2 Kole Tangs would likely get along in this size tank, but I'd
prefer a little diversity. Would the Kole and Tomini likely get along?
<Ditto> Anthias: 4 Bartlett's (the male and female I have
now, plus 2 more female) and 3 flame Anthias. Should I add the 2
Bartlett's and 3 flame at the same time, or should I complete the
Bartlett's group before introducing the Flame group? <Six of
one...> Generally, I also realize that the B/Fs, angels and tangs
are all similarly sized/shaped. Should I be concerned, or is this
enough diversity for this sized tank? <... Is, IMO> One last
unrelated question... IPSF.com lists micro hermits as no threat to the
snails, but I'm having my suspicions after seeing one trying to
prior open one of my sandbed clams. <I'd believe my own
first-hand experiences... "We're bringing freedom to
Iraq"... No, we invaded a sovereign nation and have murdered
hundreds of thousands of their citizens> Seems to me they may still
decide that they would prefer one of my snail's shells more than
its own <Mmm, with all Hermits, one needs to be providing a mix of
shells for "upgrading"... otherwise they will improvise>
or may just want to take one apart for the fun of it. Are micro hermits
really safer, or should I be almost as concerned about them as for the
bigger hermits? <Less concerned, but still so> With two
Bristletooth tangs and the rest of my clean-up crew, I'm thinking
about evicting the micro-hermits. <I would as well> Thanks again!
<Welcome! BobF>
Re: Final Stocking
Order 1/5/09 You are too funny... I think I'm
finally set on my final selections and stocking order. Thank you for
all the valuable insight to help me nail all this down. Cheers! Sean
<Happy to conspire with you Sean... Anticipation is a huge part of
fun in this hobby... even more so when shared with others who are
intelligent, sensitive and open to possibilities. BobF> I agree
Stocklist for 120
Gallon Marine Tank ~ 12/27/08 Hi Guys, <<Dean>>
Late 2009-early 2010, I am going to be starting a 120 gallon Marine
tank. <<Neat!>> I am unsure if I will have a reef or FOWLR
but I will make my decision. <<Ok>> The tank is going to be
4'x24"x24", <<Indeed, a standard 120 And a great
choice for a medium sized tank, with the added inches of the
front-to-back dimension over other standard tanks of similar
size>> with separate sump filter and protein skimmer. My fish
Wish List is as follows- *Majestic Angelfish <<Will ultimately
require more space>> *Bicolor Angelfish *Foxface Lo *Yellow Tang
*Sailfin Tang <<Will also require more space>> *T. Percula
clownfish pair Would I be able to drop the 2 Tangs (Yellow and Sailfin)
and add a Lipstick (Naso) Tang or would the tank be too small for one
of these? <<If you are considering the long-term health of these
fish, then I think this is simply replacing one poor choice (the
Sailfin) with another>> If I was to keep the 2 tangs and not
replace them with a Naso would I be able to add a Flame Angel or would
this cause a fight between the Majestic or Bicolor. <<The
Majestic likely wouldn't be much of a problem re, but an
*established* Bicolor would certainly have issues with the Flame.
Though if two dwarf angels are introduced together they may well
coexist in this size tank. There are many *suitable* fishes available
for this tank And you have the time to do the research>> Thanks
for the help. Dean' <<Happy to share.
Stocklist for 120
Gallon Marine Tank Pt2 ~ 12/27/08 Hi WWM, <<Howdy
Dean>> I have recently sent you an email about stocking my Marine
Tank around this year. <<Ah yes I think I just replied to
it>> I was talking about something like a Majestic Angelfish and
a Naso Tang. <<Yes>> After further research I realized that
a 120 was 2 small for these both as individuals, <<Ah!>>
and at the end of the day it's all about providing the Marine life
we keep with the best environment possible. <<Indeed Is our
responsibility as petfish keepers>> I thought that keeping one of
these fishes in that aquarium would not be meeting their needs and I
wouldn't like to give a Fish a not-so-good life that it
shouldn't have had. Anyway, I currently have a Nano reef and am
going to upgrade. I have decided to have a FOWLR and my fish list is as
follows. Could you please point out any compatibility and/or tank size
specifications? <<Happy to proffer my opinion>> I have done
research on these fishes and according to my research they are all okay
but I always feel confident getting your opinion as I find your advice
very knowledgeable and helpful. 1 Foxface Lo 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Bicolor
Angel 1 Flame Angel 2 T. Percula clowns 1 Double Saddle Butterflyfish
Thanks heaps once again. Dean' <<I still consider the Sailfin
Tang a marginal choice for the 120 (I've seen pairs of these fish
off the Big Island of Hawai'i that were *bigger* than dinner
plates). I think a smaller species would be a better choice for the
long-term. Otherwise, this looks like a fine selection for this tank.
Do closely watch the Centropyge angels when introduced, but I think
there is a good chance they will coexist in this tank. Regards,
Re: Stocklist for 120
Gallon Marine Tank Pt2 ~ 12/28/08 Thanks once again for your
help. <<I hope it has been of use>> I would have dropped
the Sailfin Tang from my list but I had sent the second email, before
you replied to the first. <<Ah, okay Though it would seem a small
(2-3 inch) specimen would do fine in this tank; and it might for a
time, one should also consider the possible sociological/psychological
effects on such a fish as this from growing up in a too small
environment. Are there any Tangs that I can keep in this tank without
compatibility issues? <<Certainly I think it would be possible to
keep one of the smaller Zebrasoma species with a like sized
Ctenochaetus or Acanthurus species. For instance, a Yellow Tang (Z.
flavescens) and a Kole Tang (C. strigosus), or a Kole Tang and a White
Cheek Tang (A. japonicus)>> If not, can Foxface Lo be kept as
pairs? <<I have heard of rare instances where multiples of
differing species have been kept together. But unless you can obtain a
natural *pair* I wouldn't suggest this here>> Could you
please mention some other choices of fish? <<I think your earlier
listing provides an interesting mix of color and size. My only other
suggestion might be to add a few small fishes from a schooling species
like Cardinal fishes. Perhaps a grouping of five Longspine Cardinals,
or Pajama Cardinals>> I am mainly wondering if I could have a
yellow tang or purple tang? <<Sure As previously outlined>>
Would one of these be compatible with the other tankmates? <<It
would The issue (in my opinion) is not that you have a Tang on your
wish list, but rather the species chosen. And there are those no doubt
that would say my advice concerning the Sailfin is too conservative.
The onus is upon you to derive information from *multiple* sources and
then use your own good judgment to come to a decision>> Thanks,
Dean' <<Happy to assist. EricR>>
R2: Stocklist for 120
Gallon Marine Tank Pt2 ~ 12/30/08 Hey guys, Would just a
yellow tang be fine with the other tankmates? Thanks <<Hmm,
isn't that what I said before [grin]? Sure... A Yellow Tang will be
fine with your other choices. EricR>>
240 Gallon FOWLR
Compatibility Big Tank/Big Plans/Big Tradeoffs (Stocking a 240
FOWLR) 12/4/08 Hey Ya'll! <Hiya! Scott F. in
today!> I am in the early stages of planning a Fish-Only/Live-Rock
tank probably shooting for 240 gallons. I normally wouldn't want to
waste your time, but some of the stocking possibilities will play a big
role in the amount of money I want to put into the project.
<I'll bet!> Besides that, I have seen a lot of information
about compatibility and requirements of space for the fish I am
considering, but I have had a hard time finding anything that gives me
a comprehensive answer about the big picture. One thing about the
aquarium shape/size itself: I have this crazy notion that somehow a
deeper, more square tank gives fish a greater feeling of freedom when
swimming. For example, is there any reason to think a 48x48x24 240
gallon as opposed to a 96x24x24 240 gallon would allow creatures like a
Koran Angel, Lunare Wrasse or Zebra Moray Eel to feel like they have
more open space in which to roam? Or, am I just crazy? It seems like
the longer, narrower tank would be more cost effective so that's
where I would probably lean if it doesn't change things much.
<Good thought. I'm all about wide, low aquariums, but in the
case of fishes that "range" over large territories in the
wild, I would prefer a longer aquarium.> My biggest question is
about the compatibility of fish but even more so about a sequence of
introduction. The fish I am most desiring to house are the following
ordered from most wanted to least: Koran Angelfish, Dragon Wrasse,
Harlequin Tuskfish, Zebra Moray Eel, Lunare Wrasse, Dogface Puffer,
Naso Tang, Niger Trigger, Antennata Lionfish. I am guessing that the
Lunare Wrasse is the most likely to be incompatible with something else
on the list even if added last. I also feel like the Lionfish and the
Trigger could be particularly aggressive towards some of the others
especially if they are still small, right? <Oh, yes!> A loose
plan I had would be to add the Koran and Dragon as juveniles because I
would love to be able to watch them change. I figured the Harlequin
Tuskfish, Naso, and Dogface would probably be next. Would they be
dangerous to add while the first two are still juvies? After some time
I thought adding the Trigger and the Lionfish. I definitely figured if
it's compatible at all, the Lunare would have to be last and I
really wasn't sure about the best time to add the Zebra Moray Eel.
So the big questions are, of course, are there any glaring
compatibility issues in the list? Would you make any specific
alterations to my basic sequence of introduction? Is this too much
fish(&eel) for 240 gallons? <To be honest, I'd avoid keeping
Naso Tangs in aquariums. They just get so large and require large
amounts of physical space to live anything close to a natural life
span. In my opinion, too many of these magnificent Tangs die needlessly
in aquariums that are too small to sustain them. Other thoughts: I
would pass on keeping both a Trigger and a Lionfish together in the
same aquarium. For that matter, do consider the Puffer as a potential
problem for your Lionfish. I would also consider choosing either the
Lunare Wrasse or the Harlequin Tusk Fish-but not both. They could get
pretty aggressive towards each other.. I would get the Moray Eel in the
aquarium as soon as possible and get it eating before any of the other
fishes are introduced. I would probably avoid small juveniles of the
other fishes, so that they don't become snacks for the Moray.
Stocking involves lots of trade offs, huh? Also, take into account the
amount of metabolic wastes that the fishes you are considering
will generate!> I had considered a glith upgrade to 300 (96x24x30)
but don't know even how much difference that would make at this
level. <You'd be surprised what a difference it can make. If
you're gonna do a big aquarium, the extra 60 gallons is well worth
the additional expense, IMO.> Again, I don't think there's
anybody out there who I've seen give better advice so I would
greatly appreciate your thoughts! Scott <You're too kind. Thanks
for the compliment! Best of luck to you. Regards, Scott
Re: Identification
help? And a whole lot more! Little Fish For Little Aquariums!
12/4/08 Scott, in no way did I think you were being
insensitive! I actually got a really great laugh out of your responses!
I was afraid I was looking at too many/big fish for each of the new
tanks. <I'm glad that you saw the humor! Really makes sense to
review the stocking requirements of these fishes.> Ok, if I may
(again), ask some probably redundant/stupid questions.... #1 Can a
lionfish & a puffer exist together in a 55 if that is all the
livestock that is in there? Assuming here that I go with the Fu Manchu
lionfish and a Blackspotted puffer or spiny puffer. Of all the more
aggressive fish, these are the two that I really, really want. <Umm,
I really would not mix a Puffer with a Lionfish. The Lion is apt to
become a chew toy for the Puffer! Besides the active Puffer may
intimidate the rather shy, reclusive Lionfish.> #2 I want as many
fish as possible in the peaceful 30 gallon. What would you recommend
getting to make the tank look really "full" without it
exceeding it's limitations for it's size? <Seriously?
I'd opt for really tiny fishes, like small gobies- Stonogobiops,
Coryphopterus, Eviota, Discordipinna, etc.> #3 The Ricordea Yuma--I
found one online that looks similar and is very, very expensive per
polyp. How would I determine what color/kind mine is? <You may have
to go online and look at some user groups for Ricordea enthusiasts.>
#4 Lighting--you mentioned that you thought T-5's would work well
for most corals. Is there a certain type (SPS or LPS or leather) that
they would work with? Is there a certain type of coral that absolutely
needs the intensity of the metal halides? With a T-5 setup, could I get
one small hang-on or clip-on metal halide to focus on a specific set of
corals if they needed the higher intensity? <Hmm...really a general
question that is hard to answer. I'd get a lighting system that
provides flexibility- T5 or Halides work well for a wide variety of
demanding corals.> Okay that last one was really like four questions
all in one! Sorry about that! <No problem!> I would like to thank
you for the link to the information on the Banggai Cardinalfish. I
think for the time being--until someone figures out for sure if they
are endangered--that I will just stay away from those fish! They are
beautiful though! <Good call! Until tank-raised specimens are more
commonplace, I'd pass.> Well I suppose this is it for now! I
look forward to hearing from you guys! And, many thanks again for all
your help! Angela <Glad to be here for you! Good luck! Regards,
Scott F.>
Seeking second opinion
on FOWLR stocking. 11/23/08 Stocking Up (Fish selection) Hello
Crew, I sent this in a few days ago, but I think it got lost in space.
<Scott F. here...Checked in space but found it in the inbox right
here!> I'm seeking a second opinion on stocking a 150 Gal (568
liter) FOWLR. <Ok...> Here are my specifics: 150 gallon tank (568
liter) - 48" x 24" x 30" (122cm x 60cm x 76cm) 200 lbs
(91kg) live sand + 40 lbs (18kg) crushed coral 170 lbs (77kg) live rock
For filtration\water movement, I have a Rena XP4, three powerheads, a
Coralife 220 super skimmer. The turnover rate is approximately 10x the
tank volume. I do not have a sump at the moment, however, will be added
during the holidays. Water parameters are: Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0,
Nitrate: 0, Phosphate: 0\undetectable, dKH: 11, pH: 8.3, SG: 1.025. My
current inhabitants are 1 x juvenile Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)
<A neat fish, but it can/will reach an ENORMOUS size (up to
15"!). You should re-think this one for the long-term.> 1 x
Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) 1 x Royal Gramma (Gramma
loreto) 1 x Blackcap Gramma (Gramma melacara) <Unusual to have both
of these species in the same system..> 1 x Cherub Angelfish
(Centropyge argi) 1 x Yellow head Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons) 2 x
Blue-Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) 2 x Redlegged Hermit Crabs 4 x
Bluelegged hermit Crabs 1 x Peppermint Shrimp Multiple Turbo Snails
(Started with six, they are breeding). <A nice stocking list. You
seem to have a well-thought-out plan, although I do encourage you to
fins a larger long-term home for the Sailfin Tang> I would like to
add 2 - 3 Firefish, either Nemateleotris decora or Nemateleotris
magnifica and 2 - 3 Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni). <I
think a group of the N. decora would be interesting, but the odds for
success are really dependent upon the individual specimens'
personalities. These fish are surprisingly tough to keep in groups in
captivity, with territorial disputes often slowly diminishing the
population. Better to obtain individuals or mated pairs, if possible.
Aggregations of these fishes almost always seem to end up with only one
fish left, in my experience.> My thought is, I am close to full
capacity, but am seeking a second opinion. Would it be smart\safe to
add either the Firefish or the cardinals, or on the outside chance,
both? <Hmmm. It's my opinion that both of these species are a
bit too passive to add last to an established community without the
better than average chance of bloodshed or death. I'm thinking that
a more "solid" fish, such as a small-medium Halichoeres
species of wrasse, should fit the bill nicely. There are many to choose
from, so do do some research here on the WWM site under the genius
Halichoeres. There are many hardy, colorful fishes in this genus!>
Many thanks, Mike <My pleasure, Mike. Do keep in touch. Regards,
Scott F.>
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
Print and
eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 2: Fishes
Print and
eBook on Amazon: by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums Book 3: Systems
Print and
eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |