Related FAQs: Seahorses
& their Relatives, Seahorses & their Relatives 2, Seahorse Identification, Seahorse Behavior, Seahorse Compatibility, Seahorse Selection, Seahorse Systems, Seahorse Feeding, Seahorse Disease, Seahorse Reproduction,
Related Articles: Seahorse Care Guide, Fresh to Brackish Water
Pipefishes, Solenostomidae
(Ghost Pipefishes),
/The Conscientious Aquarist
Tube-mouthed Fishes: Pipefishes, Seahorses; Family
Syngnathidae, and Ghost Pipefish, Family
Hippocampus kuda NSUL
Tube-Snout Fishes,
Pipefishes & Seahorses, Family Syngnathidae:
Some splitting-type classifiers break the family Syngnathidae itself
into two or more sub-units; for Nelson, the subfamilies Syngnathinae
(Pipefishes) and Hippocampinae (Seahorses and Seadragons, see below).
Whichever way you splice them they are unmistakable; elongate bodies
encased in hard bony ring series, small gill openings, a lack of pelvic
fins and caudals, anals, dorsals and/or pectorals in some. The
seahorses utilize their modified lower-body "tails" for
"hitching up" as it were; and some pipes are so modified the
virtually crawl along the bottom rather than swim.
Syngnathids are celebratedly "libbers" with
the males rearing their eggs in a ventral brood area or pouch.
This diverse assemblage of two subfamilies includes 52
genera and about 215 described species.
Horsing Around in Indo. There are eight
species... and counting, of Seahorses find here
Hippocampus pontohi, the Pontohi's
Seahorse. N. Sulawesi images. |

"I'll Take The Pipes" Pipefishes: Subfamily Syngnathinae. Fifty
one genera, about 190 species.
Corythoichthys schultzi Herald 1953,
Schultz's Pipefish. Indo-West Pacific; East Africa to Japan,
Australia. To 16 cm. in length. Indistinctly banded but variable in
color, markings. N. Sulawesi images. |
Corythoichthys waitei (Ramsay 1881),
Scribbled Pipefish. Western Central Pacific; Samoa, Micronesia,
Noumea, Malaysia. Here in N. Sulawesi (Lembeh Strait). To about six
inches in length. Found on rubble zones and seaward
reefs. |
Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus (Bleeker 1853),
Ringed Pipefish. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, east Africa to Samoa. To 7
3/4" in length. A common offering in the pet-fish interest. Do
buy tank bred specimens. Wild ones fare poorly. N. Sulawesi
images. |
Halicampus macrorhynchus Bamber 1915, the
Ornate Pipefish. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to the Solomons, Indonesia.
To 18 cm. in length. N. Sulawesi photos. |

Siokunichthys nigrolineatus Dawson 1983, the
Mushroom-coral Pipefish. Indonesia, Philippines. To 80 mm in
length, but very thin. Found in close association (within
tentacles) of Heliofungia corals. N. Sulawesi photos. |

Bigger PIX: Trachyrhamphus
longirostris Sipadan 08. The double ended/headed pipefish.
Uses its tail to wedge into sand to keep put during high
currents... Likely related to caudal fin loss. The images in this
table are linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on
"framed" images to go to the larger size. |
Trumpetfish, Family Aulostomidae: One Pacific
Aulostomus chinensis (Linnaeus 1766), the
Chinese Trumpetfish. Indo-pan-Pacific; eastern Africa to Panama. To
thirty two inches in length. Brown, green, mottled... to
yellow. |

Flutemouths, Family Fistulariidae:
Fistularia commersonii Ruppell 1838, the
Smooth Flutemouth. To 160 cm. From the entire tropical
Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, Africa to Mexico. Shown: small (one foot
long) individual in shallow water at night in Fiji. |
Shrimpfishes, Family Centriscidae:
Aeoliscus strigatus (Gunther
1860), the Coral Shrimpfish. Indo-Pacific. To 14 cm. in
height/length, longest dimension. N. Sulawesi images. |

Centriscus scutatus Linnaeus 1758, the Rigid
Shrimpfish. Indo-Pacific. To six inches in height. N. Sulawesi
picture. |

Seamoths, Family Pegasidae:
Eurypegasus draconis (Linnaeus 1766), the
Little Dragonfish. Indo-Pacific. To 8 cm. N. Sulawesi pix.

Ghost Pipefishes, Family Solenostomidae:
According to Nelson (1994) the syngnathids form a
larger group, the Superfamily Syngnathoidea with the another family
sometimes labeled as seahorses as well as Ghost Pipefishes, the
otherworldly family Solenostomidae
(whose five species have the females brooding their young in
Solenostomus armatus (Weber 1913), the
Halimeda or Armored Pipefish. West Pacific; Arufura Sea, Indonesia
to Kyushu, Japan. To 5.7 cm. in length. Looking like algae, this
species hangs around in such, camouflaging itself from predators.
N. Sulawesi images. |

Solenostomus paradoxus (Pallas 1770), the
Ornate Ghost Pipefish. Indo-West Pacific; Red Sea, East Africa to
Marshalls, Australia. To five inches in length. A beauty, if found,
generally amongst crinoids, gorgonians, sponges of similar color,
markings. Below, N. Sulawesi images, last from Mabul,
Malaysia. |
