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Six-Line Wrasse beh. toward Paired A.
Percula -- 2/3/10 Six Line Wrasse acting very
sluggish 8/12/09 Re: Six Line Wrasse acting very
sluggish 8/12/09 Wacky Sixline 01/23/09 Hi guys. I've had a 30 gal FOWLR up and running a little over a year now with three inhabitants: one Sixline wrasse, one ocellaris clown and a hermit crab... among the copepods and few Bristleworms. Everything seems fine.. my clown tends to hang out at the top of the tank kind of bobbing by the filter. That's his spot. It worried me a bit in the beginning and I had wondered if the wrasse terrorized him up there but that's just his thing. <Yes, this is normal (for clown fish to pick a spot and stay there).> Water parameters are great, everyone is healthy. Recently (or so I've recently noticed) my Sixline is presenting some funny behavior in falling in a curled position with spikes displayed then flipping over kind of violently. He does it over and over, then swims away and does it some more. I think he may be seeing his reflection and it seems like some sort of mating ritual or aggressive behavior. <Possibly... or maybe he has some kind of "psychological" problem... a disease or parasite. Though, if he was ill, I think you'd notice (i.e. he'd probably stop eating and show some other signs of illness).> He has also recently started swimming with the clownfish. they normally avoid each other but there doesn't seem to be any aggression toward each other. There is some synchronized swimming going on in my tank! Can you explain this? I've read other posts on your site with strange Sixline behavior similar but no real explanations. <This is because we hardly understand all of fish behavior in the wild, much less in an artificial environment that is wholly unlike their natural habitat. The truth is that we just don't know why captive fish do some of the things they do. Sometimes they act weird because they're sick. But when they're not sick, and just acting weird even though they're healthy, we're often clueless. Maybe he is reacting to his reflection or maybe he's just getting a little "stir crazy" being in a 30g tank after being in the ocean. Who knows? Why is he being friendly with the clown fish? I have no idea... in the wild, it's highly unlikely that a Sixline wrasse would be perpetually in the company of the same clown fish, day after day. Maybe he's just curious... or confused? It would fun if such things could be studied and understood, but unfortunately, captive fish behavior is still mostly a mystery to us. We know when things are fighting because that's obvious. It's much more dubious when they're getting along.> As I've said, everyone seems really healthy otherwise. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!! <Cheers, Sara M.> Re: Wacky Sixline 01/23/09 Thanks for your thoughts. I am upgrading to a 55 in the next few months so we'll see how things go. He is definitively not showing signs of illness. <Cool> Eats great, swims great, goes to "bed" like clockwork. I appreciate your input! Melissa <De nada, Sara M.> Fish behavior, Six Line Wrasse 12/26/08 Hi Crew, <Hello> Just wanted to share some interesting behavior between my neon goby and a Sixline wrasse. I have them about 3 years in a small tank (I know the Sixline should be in a bigger tank but he adds so much life to the tank). <Hopefully not to his detriment.> I am not sure where the wrasse sleeps but the goby has a cave like overhang with a slim hole in the roof and he slides into it. During the day the goby spends a lot of time sitting upside down on the roof of the cave. The wrasse is always on the move going over every inch of the tank. Every once in a while, while both are swimming around, the wrasse will dash at the goby. The goby makes a mad dash to his cave with the wrasse right behind him. They both then spend a few seconds just sitting there and then the goby leaves as if nothing happened and they both go back to swimming around. I guess it is there version of tag. Happy Holidays, Sam <Most likely a dominance/aggression display, as long as no damage is done to the goby then it should be no big deal, but be aware that as the fish mature this may become worse, especially in a small tank.> <Chris> Six Line Wrasse, Mucus, 12/6/08 My Sixline wrasse forms this kind off white web looking substance. What is it? Is it bad? It seems to have got some on his fins, and it's not itch. <The six line wrasse creates a mucus cocoon to sleep in at night. You are probably seeing the remnants of this.> <Chris> Wrasse thinks he's a clownfish 6/17/08 Hi again. <Hello> I just wrote about Percula metamorphosis, and I really don't want to be a pest. But I have to share this. Watching my main tank this afternoon, I saw a behavior which is alternately charming and alarming. Several months ago, after a plumbing problem, I sent one fish to another hobbyist and lost one old fish during the transfers. My population (125g with 45g sump) is down to three fish, 2 Perculas and a six-line wrasse. Previously the wrasse would interact harmlessly with an aged sunrise Dottyback. Now it has the tank almost to itself. For the past few days - and dramatically today - it has started hanging around the clownfish and their adjacent cloned rose-tipped anemones. It has never hung around there, other than passing by, in five years. But lately it had been hovering nearby - sometimes flashing its side at the female clown. She is barely interested, and the male has been oblivious. Today the wrasse was actually swimming, albeit carefully, among the waving tentacles of the anemone! It did not seem bothered at all the several times it made contact. It hung around there for about five minutes (some videotaped) and then switched to rapid passes above the anemone. So. Is it lonely? <Perhaps> Is cross-species marriage now legal in California? <Heehee> Should I worry? <Well, dancing around an anemone does not seem like a good idea to me, but I'll assume it knows what it is doing.> Should I get it a new friend? <Adding other fish may end this behavior, but can't say for sure, who knows what is going on in a fish's brain. Most likely this is being driven by the lack of other small fish, which tend to group together and watch each other for signs of danger. It is rare to see a fish like a six-lined wrasse alone on a patch of reef in the wild, and I'm guessing he is just staying close to the neighbors for self-protection, safety in numbers and all that. But then again who knows what goes on in their heads.> Thanks, Malcolm Young <Welcome> <Chris> Six-line Wrasse using its environment
1/29/08 Our Six-line Wrasse has an interesting behavior I would
like to share with the community. When presented with a large piece of
food too large to swallow whole (such as a ghost shrimp, or a shed
hermit crab claw), he carries it in his mouth to a hard surface and
tries to break it up by rubbing or hitting it against the surface. If
his first attempts fail, he swims about looking very determined and/or
pathetic with the mouthful of food. It's very amusing to watch.
<Cool! Thanks for sharing with us.> -Amanda <Best,
Mystery Wrasse tail regrowth, color -- 10/18/07 Hi, I have a 3 inches Mystery Wrasse that got bitten on the tail by a saddleback clown fish which I have released to the sea (I'm located in Indonesia). <A relief...> In a week period of time, the tail which is originally 1/2" grew back about 3/4, however, it does not have any color to it except a clear white see through tail where the original was purple red color. Do you know if the tail will eventually grow with color? How long will it be? Thank you. Best Regards, Ferdinand. <The color will likely resume as time goes by... Have seen situations like this... with the color and tail itself growing back more fully, quickly if not much chewed away. I urge patience, good care here. Bob Fenner> Six line wrasse behaviour 7/31/07 I just bought a six line 5 days ago, I didn't notice any wacky behaviour at first but now it is acting weird (or is it just like a wrasse?) It seems to like to swim/float around the tank like driftwood. <Is an oft time seen behavior... Some speculate that this "drifting" helps disguise such animals as "non-food" items> I can see it looking all over as it floats, when it sees a bit of food it rights itself, darts over and eats then starts floating again. When startled it rights itself and darts into hiding only to come out and resume the wacky behaviour. Is this normal? or is it sick with.....? <Likely normal> I read in another message that glancing off the bottom or decorations may be a hunting method? Or do these two things mean sickness? Thanks! <I would not be overly concerned here. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Silly Sixline Wrasse Behavior! 1/3/07 Hi... we've have had our Sixline Wrasse for about a year now, we've never had a problem with it before. We're not sure if it's a male or female. We have a 30 gallon bio cube with a decent size piece of live rock, a Spotted Puffer, a "Nemo", a couple Sally Lightfoot crabs, Sun Polyps, which have spread beautifully onto the live rock, a Condylactis, some Zebra Hermits, and a Mandarin Goby. We were told everything would be ok together and they have been great, but all of a sudden this evening our wrasse has been coming to the front of the tank flipping on it's sides and putting it's spikes up (constantly). We've never seen him do this before. The water is perfect..... ammonia, ph, nitrate, nitrite, all levels of everything are on the dot. Salinity is great, and temp. is great. Should we be concerned with the wrasse's behavior? Thanks a lot; Jess <Well, Jess- I think it's great that you are a careful observer of the activity in your tank. This way, you are immediately aware when something seems out of whack. Nonetheless, in a situation like this, where a fish appears otherwise healthy and the environmental parameters are unchanged and steady, I'd be more apt to think that he/she is simply acting differently because of some social issues or something. Fish, like people, do have unique behaviors, and can vary from individual to individual. In the absence of signs of illness or injury, I'd simply continue to observe the fish and be prepared to take action if disease manifests itself. Chances are, this is just a passing behavior, and not a cause for too much concern. Best of luck! Regards, Scott F.> Cocoon Swallowing Wrasse 3/28/06 I have a problem with my Six-Line Wrasse. For the two weeks that I have had him he has being doing fine in my 50 gallon tank with his Engineer and Clown Goby pals. This morning I got up and was surprised to see that my wrasse was still hanging out in his sleeping cocoon. <Late sleeper?> After breakfast I saw him spit out and then suck back in a small wad of his cocoon material. <Not uncommon... some consume this...> He kept on doing this and it looked like he was choking on it because his breathing seemed a little labored. That was a few hours ago and I can no longer see the wad of cocoon that was in his mouth. He keeps his mouth partially open and swims kind of funny. He will not eat now when just yesterday he had a huge appetite for the Mysis that I feed him. <Perhaps it just over-ate?> sometimes he shakes and twitches and I think the wad of cocoon is still in his throat or something. Is there anything that I can do to help him? <Mmm, just good care, maintenance> It is now the next day and he has disappeared. All day yesterday he was acting as I described above. In the evening he returned to the hole where he likes to sleep and just sat there breathing heavily. At this point I could see more cocoon material hanging out of his mouth. I would have guessed that he spits out mucus to create the cocoon but I seems to cause him so much trouble. Around ten thirty I could not find him anywhere and have not seen him since. I just don't know what to do. He didn't look very happy at all when I saw him last. Sorry that my original query was not written well. I didn't realize that was a requirement. <Ah, yes... all is posted... I wouldn't worry here. If your other livestock and water quality are fine... Bob Fenner> Twisted Lip Hey Bob, it's me again. You know, the 14 year old who asked that stocking question. I got a really pretty four line wrasse the other day, and now it's lip is twisted or bent a bit. <Yikes. Wonder what happened> I thought the Pseudocheilinus wrasses don't bury in the sand like other wrasses. Is this true? <Yes, they hide in rocks, coral, caves...> I have a coarser substrate than sand. If they don't bury, what could be causing this? Banging into a rock? <Maybe just a bump in the night...> An emerald crab? Do you think it will heal? <Yes> What do you think? Thanks for your help. <No worries my friend. Wish we were diving, collecting these right now! Bob Fenner> Fourline Wrasse I'd say definitely from the injury. When I came home from school my mom said she hadn't seen the wrasse. I found him dead under a rock. Although yesterday he ate fine, he was a little lethargic. I thought that was just from the injury, but it must have been more serious than I thought. It probably isn't a bacterial thing, as I've had a Foxface that after a week with having a gill infection. One day he was eating fine, then he stopped eating for about 3-4, than he died. My LFS identified it as a gill infection it had before I got it. This wrasse, though, more quickly. Of my 5 saltwater fish deaths, they have all been stupid causes, like aggression, sudden Kalkwasser pH changes (don't use that junk anymore), and hidden bacterial infections that were on the fish from rough handling, but not noticed at the store. Sometimes it gets really discouraging, but I suppose it is a part of fishkeeping right? <Hmm, not necessarily.... Your attitude and recollection/study are laudable.> Oh well, that is enough rambling on and on. I'm planning on getting a juvenile Foxface this weekend to help with algae. <Be chatting my friend. Bob Fenner> My Wrasse Oh I'm glad you think he will be fine! Thanks for the quick reply. I think it's so cool how you have the time to answer other's questions about aquariums so quickly! <It is an honor and privilege to be able to choose ones time thus. Bob Fenner> 6 Line Wrasse question Hello again Mr. Fenner, <Howdy> After 2 weeks of qt, I just introduced a 6line wrasse & scooter blenny into my 50g tank. My Red Sea Sailfin & flame angel have been giving the little wrasse a hard time by chasing & nipping @ him. I hope it is just a territoriality thing & the attacks are getting a little more half hearted as time goes by. <Yes, should be so... hope you have plenty of cover for this newcomer> I read about the 6lines & couldn't find anything regarding their "cleaner" abilities. Are the flame & sf "biting the mouth that cleans them"? <Hmm, don't know that I've heard that Pseudocheilinus wrasses are cleaners... never observed this in the wild or captivity myself> Will the cleaner clean parasites off of the 2 fish. The fish have been visiting my 2 cleaner shrimp regularly. Thanx in advance again for your knowledge. Craig <Be chatting my friend. Bob Fenner> Mysterious disappearance Hello again Mr. Fenner, Hope you've been eating lotsa sushi lately. <About once, twice a month... a big budget, treat item for us...> I have. I have a doozy of a question for you. Will my 4-5" dia. bubble tip anemone be able to catch an eat a 1.5" six line wrasse? <Oh yes> I fed my 4 fish @ 10am today, ran out for a meeting, came back @ 11:30, sat down to enjoy my tank for a bit, & noticed that something was missing. The wrasse is nowhere to be found. I even dropped a tiny bit of food in the tank to try to entice him out. The anemone does look a little different. His tentacles are a bit longer and there are white marks-(like stretch marks) by his mouth. Do you think the anemone is the culprit or could the wrasse possibly be hiding out in a rock or tanking a nap. <Maybe hiding, possibly jumped out (they're good at this)... or an expensive meal...> The 3 remaining fish in the tank are a 3.5" Red Sea Sailfin, 2.5" flame angel & a 1" tank raised clown. Water quality is excellent. Thanx in advance for you opinion. Craig <Hope it shows up! Bob Fenner> Re: Mysterious disappearance Mr. Fenner, The 6 line wrasse was not eaten by the anemone, but after searching behind my tank, I found him on the floor. <Ah... sorry to read of this loss> I feel terrible. Now that the weather is cooling down in Las Vegas, I will definitely put the glass covers back on my tank. In the summer, the glass covers kept the heat in & it was impossible to keep my tank below 80. Time to buy a chiller I guess. <Maybe... there are other strategies...> I will be back in SoCal, Newport Beach, on the first of November to help my brother w/ his new state of the art 180 gal. setup. As before, you are invited to join us for a sushi dinner-my treat!. <Mmm, maybe I can go see the dentist... and get that free haircut from Sascha!...> Let us know, San Diego is not a bad drive to Newport & I'm sure you would have a great time. Thanx again Craig <Thank you my friend. My mother's birthday is Nov. 1, but do let me know about when you will be about. One never knows. Bob Fenner> Are All Six-Lines Jumpers? Hi I enjoy your website and book very much. I was considering getting a Sixline wrasse for my 150 gal. The clams are getting more and more snails on them. <Definitely not good!> I know that they can jump but I wasn't sure if it is rare or frequent. I'd rather not cover the tank with some coming up but I just might have to try it. <Much safer to cover the tank with these fish. All wrasses are known to jump from tanks.> Thanks, Jeff <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> 6 line wrasse I have a question........ I have a 6 line wrasse that puts some type of mucus surrounding around him at night. I am not sure what this is but I have seen it repeatedly. I have asked friends of mine and also looked for information regarding this and have found nothing, most people barely ever see theirs. Can you please help, thank you. Tracey Hough <Interesting observation. There are a few genera of the closely related (same suborder) Parrotfishes that build/sleep in mucus cocoons at nighttime. Please see here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parrotfi.htm Bob Fenner Re: 6 line wrasse That is what it is, a mucus cocoon type surrounding, the thing is most people never see theirs. I did all my hiding spaces (openings in the live rock and so on) towards the front of the tank, so I would still be able to enjoy my hiders and them feel safe at the same time. Thank you very much. Hope this also gives you something you would like to look more into, considering, I do not think this is known by many. Thanks again, Tracey Hough <Thank you. Bob Fenner> 6 line wrasse I have recently purchased a six line wrasse. On the second day he was in the tank, he started to swim head down. He still has lots of energy, eats, and has spats with the other tankmates periodically. Is this normal behavior? I was trying to wade through the FAQs on wrasses, but was unable to find specifically. Thanks <It may be that this fish is "adjusting" from the effects of capture, specifically that it has suffered internal damage from too-rapid ascent or being "poked" by its collector in the wild. Could be symptomatic of a "gut" blockage possibly... At any length, not "natural" or desirable. All one can do is hope and watch at any length. I'm rootin' for your wrasses recovery! Bob Fenner> Six Line Wrasse - MIA? >Hi, I bought a six line wrasse 5 days ago. It was doing great, very active. I heard they bury themselves but for how long?? >>Nightly, they tuck themselves in. >I haven't seen it in 2 days. Should I be concerned? Kris >>I would definitely start searching for it, you may have a crispy critter somewhere. You might also want to keep the lights off for a day, see if he's hiding because he's feeling a bit shy. Marina Where'd it go? >I swept through the sand gently, nothing. I only have a "Nemo", humbug damsel, domino damsel, feather duster, 1 decent size live rock, 1 live rock with little mushrooms on it (which I bought 5 days ago and they still haven't opened). >>Uh oh, it's quite possible that either ONE of those damsels (you've got two of the more, nay, MOST, aggressive species I've ever worked with) may very well have driven the wrasse right out of the tank. Care MUST be taken when establishing and stocking these systems, least aggressive fish must be established first, and some fish simply cannot be housed together at all. >And one dying black spiny urchin. >>I have a feeling you're going far too quickly with your stocking of this system. >Almost all of its spines are down but haven't fallen off, I've had it also 5 days. >>You are DEFINITELY pushing things too fast. You've got to test your water (with GOOD test kits) for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and salinity. You've got to wait at least a month between adding fish (and I still have no idea of the size of this tank), and that's AFTER a 30 day quarantine to avoid diseases. There's much to go over, so I'm going to point you towards the bulk of our site. >Should I assume it's dead?? >>No, only if the spines are falling off. I have a feeling you should do a very large water change here. You may also benefit the animals by adding some Bio-Spira according to directions. Then, STOP adding fish until everything's settled down, and NO more inverts. >It's got about 15 long spines still standing. But, has not moved. Kris >>They do this, but it doesn't sound good. There's too much information I don't have to help you any further. For an idea on what we need, follow the "tips on asking questions" or "tips on FAQs" link on site. Marina Stirring the.. SUBSTRATE! Watch your Wrasse >I was looking through the articles on your site trying to find out if six-line wrasses tend to dig a lot or otherwise excessively stir the substrate. >>Not really. Like many wrasses, they do bury themselves, but they wouldn't be as taxing on something like a DSB as, say a C. gaimard. >I would like to add one to my 120gal tank with DSB but I would like to make sure that they are not going cause any problems. >>You really shouldn't, especially in such a generously sized tank. >I had problems in the past with a maroon clown digging holes as deep as 5 inches and causing some heavy sedimentation on the corals in my tank. >>NOT at all surprising with the clown, though it's often not mentioned that they'll move large quantities of substrate. >Please let me know if you have heard about these guys digging too much. Thanks, Petr >>No worries, Petr, you should have a six-line wrasse in that tank. Or maybe some neon gobies (though not as colorful or active)? Sorry, it's just too easy to stock other people's tanks. Marina - Sixline Cocoon - Hi, thanks for the great website. Today I woke to observe something very strange to me. A 6-line wrasse I just added to the tank has a jelly like bubble surrounding it. The fish has his nose pointing out. The bubble has consistency and small whitish specs on it (these may be stuff from the water caught) in it. Any idea? <Yes, it's a mucus cocoon, similar to those made by many wrasses and Parrotfishes when they sleep. Is normal and nothing to worry about.> I don't know what to do. <Nothing to do except not worry about it - is normal.> It is almost egg shape in size. |
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